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S11.E08: You Can Get Out of This!

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57 minutes ago, OnTime said:

I missed it, why is Christina "ChristinA" capital A? 

A field producer off camera made the mistake of Pronouncing her name as ChristinE and she sharply corrected that person with a loud “It’s ChristinA” 

I reviewed the scene and she actually said in rebuke “ It’s Christine-NA”
So we must clown her every time we type her pretentious name....

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Bennett’s friend Miranda hates, really hates that Amelia has changed him so quickly.

She is hurt and confused by his willingness to abandon and leave their friend group, Forsake their performing group, up rooting his established personal and professional life for a stranger...a person Miranda, one of Benny’s closest friends doesn’t know...if Miranda is such a good friend then why wasn’t she at the wedding?
Miranda was in on the original plan...that Bennett would walk away from MAFS at the end of the 8 weeks because this was going to be an Outrageous absurdist performance for him...

So why is Bennett making noises that he has real feelings for his teevee bride?

Miranda’s genuine concern tells me that Bennett did not expect to have actual connection with his match.

She also takes a swipe at the part of town he is living because of free MAFS housing...Super snotty "I don't get over to this part of town" which mean that area must be repellent to the creative, arty farty types....even Bennett was wary of living in a button down area but the granite countertops (bragging to his mom a milestone ), indoor plumbing and kitchen rendered him giddily delerious.

Amelia is in awe that Bennett exceeded her wildest dreams.
Her face softens and her eyes twinkle when she talks about him.


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OK, I haven't read any of the comments b/c I had to get to the grocery store before the wine curfew.  So forgive me if I say the same thing somebody(s) has said before.  ChristinA's friends--age -wise--surprised me.  Henry's friend Kristin is just a straight up bitch.  She's the person who comes to the party but is inflexible and kind of ungiving (if that's a word) in a social situation where she doesn't relax and go with the flow.  After seeing Henry in this episode, if I were, well, (much) younger, I would go after him like a heat seeking missile.  His friend Kristin is a B but I think she spoke straight when she said how much Henry had helped her get through the death of her sister.  Still waters run deep is all I'll say.  But I can't see, ever,  in this lifetime, Henry and ChristinA lasting. Prove me wrong, you two.  Karen is beautiful. Amani is so wise.  Woody seems so nurturing towards Amani.  Miles seems really kind to and patient with Karen. Was it his sister who told Karen, essentially, that if he came into this experiment, so to speak, and was told that they had found him a match, he would be all in and do everything he could to make it work?  I hope he doesn't get his heart broken.  If things keep going like they have so far, A and B could be the most successful match this show has ever made.  But I'm not giving Show any of the credit.  They just got lucky matching two people who (fingers crossed) are perfect for each other.  I like both Brett (what a shock considering how much I disliked hiim at first) and Olivia but I have no idea how they'll end up.


Edited by rebel2u
Punctuation and spelling are hard once the wine is opened.
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2 hours ago, absolutelyido said:

I get what you are saying, but Henry is really losing me. In the Briggs Meyers personality test I score 10 out of 10 on the introvert scale, so I get people who are better listeners than talkers, but I just can't with him. He can barely put a sentence together when interacting with Christina. It's painful to watch and probably worse to deal with in real life. Maybe it is that he just really doesn't like her, but so far I haven't seen anything from him that resembles a personality. Christina isn't a patient person, but Henry isn't giving her anything to work with, IMO.

Thank you, I was going to say almost exactly this.  I too am all the way over on the MBTI introvert scale and Henry is losing me too.  He is way too painful - I don't like Christina one bit but she had a point about feeling like everything was all on her.  He's a poor soul that should never have gone on this show if he couldn't at least put a few words together while the cameras are rolling - whether or not he likes the woman he was matched with.  That is the very least he should be doing to fulfill his responsibility to this marriage.  Since the season began he's left Christina hanging with dead air so many times that I don't really blame her for her reaction - I actually think she was being somewhat restrained and in her own way thinks she's being kind (which is obviously not coming off as kind nor is it working).  I wouldn't want to be matched with a guy like that - He is too much work, needs therapy or something to help him with his anxiety.  It's really not fair to match him with anyone except someone who needs a wounded bird to nurse back to health. 

And while I don't like Christina I don't blame her for not being that person he needs.  She didn't sign on to be someone's nurse or therapist.  I also think she HAS been patient with him in her own way.  And I always liked shy guys and never had a problem being the one to help a shy guy come out of his shell.  He is trying to make it look like it's her fault that he can't deal with the situation at all.  What exactly has he contributed to this marriage so far?  At least she is making an attempt to fill up the dead air from his lack of communication, although she finally got so frustrated at his lack of interaction that she threw her hands up.  He wants everything to come to him without seeing that he has a 50% responsibility to nurture this relationship himself.  But I think the problem is that he is incapable of that and expects a woman to put up with that until "one day" when he might actually start to feel comfortable with her.  Who would want to wait several months just to find out if he ever will start to open up to them?  I don't have any faith that that will ever happen, at least not with Christina.  It looked like an attempt to deflect responsibility to me. 

I also don't think it's just that he doesn't like her (although it's obvious that he doesn't).  I think he has major issues with relationships that make it difficult for him to enter into the kind of give and take necessary for a marriage to succeed.  Of course he's not going to like someone that expects him to put a little effort into the relationship.  If there are women out there that don't expect this or would miraculously make him feel more comfortable about doing so, maybe he should have been matched with one of THEM and not Christina.  That said I don't like it that she is digging her heels in about needing a man to take the lead with sexual advances.  Who does she think she is, some prim, proper Victorian woman that must have traditional roles?  This is the 21st century.  I don't think she should have to be the aggressor all the time but why insist that he has to be?  I think she is somewhat responsible for sabotaging any hope that might have existed between them.  She's digging her heels in about it because she is pissed off that he isn't what she needs him to be.

Sorry, I just needed to get that off my chest!

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3 hours ago, CSunshine76 said:

I think it’s selfish of Amelia to try out for this show knowing she most likely has to relocate weeks after the wedding. That’s completely unfair to anyone! Did she assume her mate would follow her or they’d do long distance? 

I think she assumed that she wouldn't get matched. I mean as crazy and wacky as she is, would she really think they would find a match for her? I think a lot of people would be quite pleased to have the opportunity to relocate with a young doctor. Don't you think most young ladies would've been delighted that their husband was a doctor and they would leave their poorly paid job to go off and see what their new life might be?

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3 hours ago, absolutelyido said:

I get what you are saying, but Henry is really losing me. In the Briggs Meyers personality test I score 10 out of 10 on the introvert scale, so I get people who are better listeners than talkers, but I just can't with him. He can barely put a sentence together when interacting with Christina. It's painful to watch and probably worse to deal with in real life. Maybe it is that he just really doesn't like her, but so far I haven't seen anything from him that resembles a personality. Christina isn't a patient person, but Henry isn't giving her anything to work with, IMO.

It's his reaction to Christina.   He really has trouble communicating with her but it's not a general communication issue. He was fine with the guys in this episode. And I just happened to review his communication in the unfiltered episode he was in.  He had good eye contact and communicated without tics or any big problems on the unfiltered episode.  UNFortunately he didn't like her from the very beginning, probably as he saw this big girl coming down the aisle and the communication was horrible from the beginning. And she's been hating that he hasn't been showing a sexual appetite for her; it's a big rejection.  Henry's trying to be a polite southern gentleman but it's not working well for either of them.

Edited by Kira53
I don't remember to proofread.
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ChristinA, if Henry were to make a move on you, it would be creepy and wrong.  He doesn’t like you.  Your behavior repels him.  I’m glad Henry finally spoke up, but I agree he needs to use more words like “rude.” I think we’re getting more glimpses into his personality. Who are the older people who are ChristinA’s friends? Retired flight attendants?

Everybody is acting like Bennett and Amelia can never return to New Orleans or that they can’t be distant for a little while.  Using Amani’s words, it’s not that deep.  Also, he built a shed. A nice one, but It doesn’t have a bathroom or running water.

I wonder what a Meeka Miles pairing would’ve been like...

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Miles is Reaching out that he emotionally needs more but Karen doesn’t want to give too many compliments lest he gets his motor running hot...
Christin-NA goads Henry. Ugly to watch.

The old people at Henry’s party look like a couple XTinA met at the grocery store when she was buying party supplies and needed some warm bodies willing to sign the teevee release form to be filmed.

17 minutes ago, Kira53 said:

I think she assumed that she wouldn't get matched. I mean as crazy and wacky as she is, would she really think they would find a match for her? I think a lot of people would be quite pleased to have the opportunity to relocate with a young doctor. Don't you think most young ladies would've been delighted that their husband was a doctor and they would leave their poorly paid job to go off and see what their new life might be?

Agreed. Amelia went through the application never thinking she would be cast.

When Bennett was recruited, the producers would  either cast a boho free spirit like Dr. Amelia or for maximum drama a corporate type who expects clean feet, combed hair and preppy J Crew clothes.

Luckily for production and the audience Amelia rode her unicycle into the scene.

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2 hours ago, gonecrackers said:

ChristinA is just too intense. She needs to dial it back 10 notches & just try to have fun with him. I don't blame Henry -I'd be running far & fast too.

I think she would if it were possible, only he is not making it possible.  I gave him several chances for producer created "narrative", but it's really looking like he has a lot of hang ups with just letting his hair down enough to do that with her.  Even if he didn't like her or she wasn't his type he DOES have a responsibility to not just shut down and not participate in this, and stomp out like yet another immature person on this show.  I haven't really seen her do anything that bad that would warrant his total shut down with her.  She is not a Sam criticizing Neil or being in his face or anything like that, until this episode when she FINALLY addressed the situation with him.  And I think it was beyond the point of when she should have done that, too.  She was actually being more patient with him than a lot of women would be by this time.  I feel like this is shades of Meka with Michael where Meka got criticism for a while for her in his face attitude until it was completely obvious that Michael was really the pathological liar she was seeing him to be.  

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Christina might enjoy the experience better if she just accepts that Henry is who he is. She got a vacation, gets to hang out with the other women, and has somewhere to live for a few weeks. Olivia probably would have appreciated that meal at the Michelin restaurant more than Christina did.


Edited by RaeSpellman
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3 hours ago, Straycat80 said:

ChristinA seems to have a problem with the producers. I think the dislike between her and Henry is real tho. 


3 hours ago, gonecrackers said:

ChristinA really has a bad attitude & seems to have a lot of bad behavior behind the scenes, but she keeps turning everything back on Henry & is so condescending toward him, then somehow can't figure out why he's not intensely turned on. I was glad to see him give some push back.


3 hours ago, Kiss my mutt said:

If Henry doesn’t put himself out of his misery, someone else needs to. If Christina were merciful she’d walk out but she looks like she’s too much of a sadist to. She rather seems to be enjoying tormenting him. 

I’m on Christina’s side this time. Why did Henry sign up for this show? It’s not fair that Christina has been matched with an emotional cripple. It’s not fair that she has to initiate EVERY conversation, every activity, and every interaction in their relationship. Why do the producers always give her the questions to ask during their scenes? Why did the producers only send her a list of games to play at the party? I think things have gone way beyond Christina wanting him making a sexual move. She just wants him to act like a adult, not her child.

Maybe the way she spoke to her producer could’ve been worded better—she came across as a diva. But what she said was not wrong. Everyone went outside their comfort zone by getting married at first sight. But why is Christina being asked to continue compromising and changing herself for the sake of the marriage, but Henry is not?

Also, did everyone take a big dose of Valium before filming this week? Henry, Karen, Olivia, and Brett made me want to curl up and take a nice nap. And while Christiana doesn’t seem like the most bubbly person in the world, I think Henry is draining her of every ounce of energy she possesses. Same with Karen and Miles. Why did she get married if she doesn’t even want to hug her husband? If she’s not attracted to Miles, I think it’s very cruel if she doesn’t tell him—or at least bring it up to Pastor Cal or one of the experts.

BTW, aren’t they supposed to be getting ongoing counseling throughout this process? Or was Pastor Carl’s visit the extent of it? 


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3 hours ago, absolutelyido said:

I get what you are saying, but Henry is really losing me. In the Briggs Meyers personality test I score 10 out of 10 on the introvert scale, so I get people who are better listeners than talkers, but I just can't with him. He can barely put a sentence together when interacting with Christina. It's painful to watch and probably worse to deal with in real life. Maybe it is that he just really doesn't like her, but so far I haven't seen anything from him that resembles a personality. Christina isn't a patient person, but Henry isn't giving her anything to work with, IMO.

Well said. I’m super-introverted as well, but I at least make an effort to hold a conversation when I’m forced into a social situation. 

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4 hours ago, gonecrackers said:

ChristinA really has a bad attitude & seems to have a lot of bad behavior behind the scenes, but she keeps turning everything back on Henry & is so condescending toward him, then somehow can't figure out why he's not intensely turned on. I was glad to see him give some push back.

Completely agree, he has asked her for some patience on the past two episodes, his best friend said the same and she appears to get it but then she loses her shit over it, she’s the one with the problem not him.... I so wish ChristinAss was with Brett and Olivia was with Henry.

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Olivia made a solid case for dumping Brett with her friend in the bedroom.

He is too loud and boisterous. (She complains she can hear his laughter from the next room)
He hasn’t taken her out on a date.(Henry took His wife to a Michelin starred  restaurant and a $70 Mexican restaurant meal...Liv must be gnashing her teeth with jealousy.)
 He is content to sit at home after work, playing with their cats...She Wants to go bowling, anything...even cheap fun is better than sitting in their apartment...again.
She doesn’t want to commute 45 min to work and feels pressure to move into Brett’s house. Her chest is turning a blistering red thinking about moving Her antiques into his home in the undesirable zip code.

He is not the final piece of the puzzle missing from her life. She is counting the days until Decision Day and to be dunzo with Brett.

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3 hours ago, Bees52 said:

After what Miles' friend (cousin?) said about him... can we clone and mass produce him? And make sure Karen appreciates that and keeps him.

Karen seemed a lot more relaxed this episode 🤗

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Greetings all,

Olivia and Brett seem to be making some inroads but still seems a bit too much oil and water. I think they may part at the end of this but remain friends.

Woody & Amani, Amelia and Bennett seem like matches made in heaven. 

Karen needs to unload her baggage. The default position in a relationship is trust. Trust but verify...but trust. Miles deserves the benefit of the doubt it's not fair to stick him with your past experience.

Christina and Henry are about the only couple worthy of our collective advice and abuse. I usually have a good feel for personality types but hard to peg either of them. I agree with the consensus that Henry doesn't like her and maybe even dislikes Christina. It does seem like this was a dare for Henry or a challenge of some sort. I don't think the idea of doing this originated in his head. He says she's pretty but not with much conviction. He does sound like a loyal friend. He feels this way about this commitment he's made to the show. At some point there conversation was so non-existent that she felt bad for the production people. Really though they need to ignore them I don't think they're under contract to be talking. I'm sympathetic to both of them I know they had higher expectations.

Any guesses on her secret?
She's engaged to someone else
She doesn't really work
She's homeless
She has a boy friend in every port
She's divorced
I don't think she's a virgin that would be a stretch
She lied on the application

Apparently Henry isn't really done and they give it a go next week. It appears they are only together for the cameras. Its hard to imagine they share a bed anymore. They too may part friends.







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3 hours ago, Jaclyn88 said:

I was thinking that too !! I was shocked he bought steak . 

I’m similar to Olivia . I save and can be cheap to an extent  , but I want to spend my money on experiences / different outings . I definitely can be a homebody too , but I need a good balance . I feel like going out for some type of entertainment and going on vacations is a big  part of building memories together . I enjoy this show , but it’s a ridiculous concept. The beauty of dating is getting to know each other’s likes and dislikes and seeing if that’ll work for you both long term . Brett and Olivia have already decided to be legally tied to each other without knowing anything about the other , and it’s not working for either of them . 
bretts a huge cheapskate and I feel for Olivia because I could never be married to someone like that . 

I see frugality due to living in his means. I don't see him going to ridiculous ends to save every farthing. If she learns to budget and his earnings rise they will have more discretionary income and save for the future. I agree about the house, sell it and move somewhere central.


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3 hours ago, Empress1 said:

I think “I wish she would brush her hair” at least once an episode. Her hair looks clean to me (it’s shiny) but she looks very unkempt.

In one of her interviews her hair was totally done like she had just come from the hairdresser lol it barely looked like her.

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16 hours ago, Kira53 said:

I think she assumed that she wouldn't get matched. I mean as crazy and wacky as she is, would she really think they would find a match for her? I think a lot of people would be quite pleased to have the opportunity to relocate with a young doctor. Don't you think most young ladies would've been delighted that their husband was a doctor and they would leave their poorly paid job to go off and see what their new life might be?

That's a bunch a hooey. I would expect that casting in this city would be for people staying in this city. This process is already a lot. But, now I got to move away from family for someone I've known weeks. Nah.

And with me personally, my mom had one her legs amputated above the knee. She lives on her own but I'm the only one who's always there making sure she has everything. I would have to uproot her too, which is unfair to her. These are things you should be thinking about when you sign on the show. Not just doing things for funsies.

Edited by Racj82
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Given all the talk about Bennett and Amelia’s amazing chemistry, it suddenly dawned on me that I’ve never seen them being affectionate. She sidles up to him from time to time and gaze into his eyes, but I can’t recall seeing them kiss. Did they consummate their marriage? 

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It's a shame Henry is such a boring dud because he is a great looking guy. His face, hair, everything is perfect. Imagine if he had a great personality. Maybe that's why ChristiNA wants him to jump her. She was turned on by his looks. Oh, well, such a waste. 

My opinion of Brett changes every week. This week not liking him so much. 

Olivia eating her steak dinner: This is really good. 

Brett: I know. 

Couldn't he just say thank you, glad you like it. Dipshit. 


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If Bennett cares for Amelia as much as we think he does, he will go anywhere with her.  He is a free-spirited adventurous guy.   I followed a husband to a foreign country  to live and I bet many of you did too, just for love:))  Her plan has always been to return to New Orleans when her residency is over, so I think they are going to make it.

I can't forget that Christina is a flight attendant, who is too junior to get the good routes or first class assignments.  Maybe her secret is that she has lost her job?  (tries not to trash rude flight attendants)  Henry needs a woman who needs him, like his friend did.  Maybe secretly Christina is really needy?? I feel like the older couple at the party may be her aunt and uncle.  I think it was mentioned somewhere that she stays with them when she is in New Orleans.

Brett and Olivia--NOPE

It's hard for me to imagine that Karen and Miles are just beginning to kiss.  Things have changed since the old days!  By the third hour, I would have been kissing that guy.  Amani and Woody have the right pace as far as I am concerned.





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7 hours ago, Kira53 said:

I think she assumed that she wouldn't get matched. I mean as crazy and wacky as she is, would she really think they would find a match for her? I think a lot of people would be quite pleased to have the opportunity to relocate with a young doctor. Don't you think most young ladies would've been delighted that their husband was a doctor and they would leave their poorly paid job to go off and see what their new life might be?

This just feeds into my "conspiracy theory" that Bennett and Amelia already knew each other well enough before the show, and them making it look like an issue is all acting for the show.  Or they didn't know each other and they're still playing this up as a possible problem when Bennett and even his friends are really fine with it.  I don't know, I smelled producer manipulation when his friend was talking with him.  Sure, she's sad but probably mostly happy for him at the same time, but the show just had to tweak her reaction toward the negative end for drama.

Who knows?  Amelia may have brought it up with the producers beforehand and they told her not to worry about it, and that it was something that she and whoever they matched her with would work out between themselves.  I could honestly see the experts saying that as well.  So I'm not ready to jump on the "she was selfish" train when the show probably OKed it.

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Olivia’s storyline is to go on defensive about her finances in Week 2....she wants to be portrayed as a sympathetic character who is trapped in a marriage held hostage by her husband’s frugality.
Unfortunately, she dug her own hole by making how she spends her money an issue.
Her story line will showcase how she pushes back on Brett how HER money should be spent.

But this is a problem of her own making.

Brett doesn’t want to control her money.
He’s not asking her to hand over her paycheck or deposit it into a joint account.
He wants simply wants Olivia to take responsibility for her money, Know where it goes, for her own sake.
He naively thinks that if she uses one of his magical spreadsheets she will have a fiscal epiphany and have a come to Jesus moment about money.

Brett is walking into a trap...His earnestness about living within his means will be used against him as he will come off as a tight-fisted skinflint Scrooge.
Olivia is using Brett’s penny pinching as a convenient excuse for Failure of their marriage and she is mourning the death of her fairytale ending to her MAFS experience.

Brett is not showing her any heat, no sexual interest....Aunt Olivia, want me to cut your steak into small bites?

They are performing for the cameras and are as fake as Hen and Tina.

2 forks please...2 couples are DONE.

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21 minutes ago, humbleopinion said:

Olivia’s storyline is to go on defensive about her finances in Week 2....she wants to be portrayed as a sympathetic character who is trapped in a marriage held hostage by her husband’s frugality.
Unfortunately, she dug her own hole by making how she spends her money an issue.
Her story line will showcase how she pushes back on Brett how HER money should be spent.

But this is a problem of her own making.

Brett doesn’t want to control her money.
He’s not asking her to hand over her paycheck or deposit it into a joint account.
He wants simply wants Olivia to take responsibility for her money, Know where it goes, for her own sake.
He naively thinks that if she uses one of his magical spreadsheets she will have a fiscal epiphany and have a come to Jesus moment about money.

Brett is walking into a trap...His earnestness about living within his means will be used against him as he will come off as a tight-fisted skinflint Scrooge.
Olivia is using Brett’s penny pinching as a convenient excuse for Failure of their marriage and she is mourning the death of her fairytale ending to her MAFS experience.

You have a point re: Olivia, but in this episode Brett did himself no favors toward not looking like the cheapskate/tightwad he wants to claim he is not.  At least not in some of his talking heads.

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10 hours ago, gonecrackers said:

I smell production antics with these ridiculous games.

Yes, that came out at the start of the episode when ChristinA snarked at the producer and said "she sent me games".

I've watched enough reality TV for too many years to know that they only break the fourth wall if it's necessary. It's started to happen more on 90DF, and now on MAFS. But it only happens if there's a really good reason for it. It's happened in every episode with ChristinA, where she's been shown being rude to production (even just before her wedding), and I suspect a decision was made to do this because she's probably been much ruder to them than we've seen.

Henry said, when ChristinA was kicking off at the producers about the party games and "do you have a list of questions?" snark, that he knew what he'd signed up for and that it involved having the cameras around. So although it's clear he's a bit of a shrinking violet, he knew this was part of the deal and was prepared to tolerate it. But ChristinA has made it clear she has no time for any of this, now she's realised that a bad match was made for her. And he is a bad match for her, there's no doubt about that. So to some extent I sense her frustration and annoyance that this hasn't worked out for her. But the way she's reacted to people around her does rather suggest that she is a gold-plated bitch and Henry has dodged a bullet.  I bet she's the flight attendant who throws the tiny packet of nuts at the passengers with a smile that can't disguise her sneer.

I love Amelia and Bennett so much. She is head-over-heels for him, and they are such a great match. I loved the scene where Bennett went out onto the balcony with the guys and was talking with real genuine emotion about his feelings and how happy he is with Amelia. I thought the fair-haired bearded guy was one of his close friends, so I was so thrilled to see that he was Amelia's friend and that when he went to talk to her about Bennett, he was almost in tears of joy for her. The collage they all made was a lovely idea. I think the conversation Bennett had with his female friend about moving was producer shenanigans. I think they maybe went into this both thinking that it'd be unlikely they'd be matched, but they are two peas in a pod and perfectly suited.

I can see both sides in the Olivia and Brett scenario. From Brett's standpoint, taking steps in your 30s to make sure you're going to be financially secure in retirement, with your own property that's free and clear and a good pension, is sensible. But I see Olivia's side too, that life is about memories and experiences and if you can afford to travel and buy nice things, then why not? But there has to be compromise - an amount set aside each month for spending, once the bills are taken care of, with no judgment on how that money is spent, and no increasing credit card debt for intangibles. Maybe a joint amount, for them to spend on shared entertainment, and an amount for each of them to spend as they wish (Olivia) or put into savings or towards the mortgage (Brett).  But I think the fact they've been put together when they're at different stages of their financial development means they've not had the chance to work on or develop any strategies that'll work for both of them, and their personalities are such that they both think they're right and are too stubborn to compromise.

I think Karen and Miles will be just fine. I think he is a WYSIWYG person and that there is no hidden side to him. This isn't something Karen's known before, having always chosen cheaters in the past, and she's still waiting for the other shoe to drop. I think when she realises that this is who he is, she'll melt into a puddle of grateful love. I think from what we've seen of them on camera that behind the scenes they've had a lot of honest conversations about their thoughts and feelings. I like them both and I think they're well-matched.

Armani and Woody  are so great, and I love their scenes. They're so playful together, and quite obviously like each other very, very much. She is smart and spunky, and he is smart and cool, and I have high hopes that their marriage will be a big success. They seem to be going from strength to strength.

I'm assuming, given that they are close friends IRL, that Miles and Woody have friends in common, but maybe the producers wanted two different sets of friends at each housewarming, with no overlap from the participants' lives outside of the show.

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The segment showing XTinA directing the pre party by calling  “And scene“ then bitching that the film schedule was to be fifteen minutes means the editors wanted the audience to see she is a nightmare to everyone involved...not just Henry.

Get the feeling that she is huffy, stamps her feet and is openly hostile to the crew. 
The pettiness of having to be lavished with gratitude for grocery shopping, bedspread shopping is Pitiful.

Henry, Venmo her damn money, your half of the party supplies.

Good on Henny for the pushback on how light her gratitude was To him when he paid for her fancy Michelin starred dinner and then opened his wallet for a $70 tab at a Mexican eatery.
Tit meet Tat.

Edited by humbleopinion
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52 minutes ago, humbleopinion said:

Olivia’s storyline is to go on defensive about her finances in Week 2....she wants to be portrayed as a sympathetic character who is trapped in a marriage held hostage by her husband’s frugality.
Unfortunately, she dug her own hole by making how she spends her money an issue.
Her story line will showcase how she pushes back on Brett how HER money should be spent.

But this is a problem of her own making.

Brett doesn’t want to control her money.
He’s not asking her to hand over her paycheck or deposit it into a joint account.
He wants simply wants Olivia to take responsibility for her money, Know where it goes, for her own sake.
He naively thinks that if she uses one of his magical spreadsheets she will have a fiscal epiphany and have a come to Jesus moment about money.

Brett is walking into a trap...His earnestness about living within his means will be used against him as he will come off as a tight-fisted skinflint Scrooge.
Olivia is using Brett’s penny pinching as a convenient excuse for Failure of their marriage and she is mourning the death of her fairytale ending to her MAFS experience.

Someone posted earlier (last week maybe) that Brett was on Reddit defending himself and how production chose a storyline for him and is portraying him in a certain way. How do we know the same isn’t true for Olivia? Or any of these people? What real choice do any of them have in how they’re portrayed? 

Brett has made no secret of his feelings about budgeting and how it’s something “reasonable people” do. The producers fed him that line? Did he have to practice the condescending tone in which he said it? 

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11 hours ago, Myrtle Urkele said:

They really should have matched him with someone mellow and lowkey like him;

More lowkey than Henry?  I thought the candidates had to have a pulse.

When have we ever seen this much breaking of the 4th wall?  Christina's complaints to the producers should have been edited out.  Don't remember the guy's name last year who kept having a hissy fit with the production team, but that was dramatic.  Not Christina upset over game suggestions from the producers.  

Speaking of editing, I got the distinct impression they wanted us to think Brett drinks too much.  While he did chug at least half of the contents of his beer, and did have another one in his hand later, he spoke very clearly to the camera and didn't seem drunk in the least.  

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My brain may be engaging in wishful-cabin-fever-induced-thinking, but I could swear that during the 'matchmaking' episode, Bennett was specifically asked if he would be willing to relocate, and he indicated if the circumstances warranted it, he would. This struck me because I've never heard/seen it asked of any other potential spouse and it made me wonder at the time if this was a tipoff that potential candidates had been decided upon prior to the interviews - or - that they really to ask that question of everyone and only now have had someone who could be in that exact situation. I really have to re-watch that episode.

This season, more than any other, I've been smelling a rat-of-a-deliberate set-up-plot-device for some, or even all, of the couples, which is grossly unfair to their chances of success.

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3 hours ago, azprimadonna said:

If Bennett cares for Amelia as much as we think he does, he will go anywhere with her.  He is a free-spirited adventurous guy.   I followed a husband to a foreign country  to live and I bet many of you did too, just for love:))  Her plan has always been to return to New Orleans when her residency is over, so I think they are going to make it.

I can't forget that Christina is a flight attendant, who is too junior to get the good routes or first class assignments.  Maybe her secret is that she has lost her job?  (tries not to trash rude flight attendants)  Henry needs a woman who needs him, like his friend did.  Maybe secretly Christina is really needy?? I feel like the older couple at the party may be her aunt and uncle.  I think it was mentioned somewhere that she stays with them when she is in New Orleans.

Brett and Olivia--NOPE

It's hard for me to imagine that Karen and Miles are just beginning to kiss.  Things have changed since the old days!  By the third hour, I would have been kissing that guy.  Amani and Woody have the right pace as far as I am concerned.





Now that you mentioned it...it is crazy that someone like Christina is in a customer service profession. She seems like the type to be nasty to waiters and waitresses just for the hell of it.


6 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

It's a shame Henry is such a boring dud because he is a great looking guy. His face, hair, everything is perfect. Imagine if he had a great personality. Maybe that's why ChristiNA wants him to jump her. She was turned on by his looks. Oh, well, such a waste. 

My opinion of Brett changes every week. This week not liking him so much. 

Olivia eating her steak dinner: This is really good. 

Brett: I know. 

Couldn't he just say thank you, glad you like it. Dipshit. 


I can see Henry pulling a lot of women with his looks and immediately being friend zoned because of his personality. He went out on a date with Trashelle from the Real World, who I hated but every man that came in her path considered insanely hot....she deemed him boring.

My room mate in college had a guy like Henry very into her. He was very good looking but a total zero in the personality department (he was not on the spectrum, but I do not know if Henry is). She ended up marrying a pretty homely guy (by his own admission, I am not trying to be mean) who made her laugh and was brilliant (guy went to med school and got an extremely high score on his MCAT).

i think with guys, sometimes personality matters more than looks. Women will forgive a lot if they love being around a man.


Edited by qtpye
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Olivia’s storyline is her Growing unhappiness with a tightwad spouse who does not see the value in vacations staying in 5 star accommodations, fine dining out as entertainment and the philosophy of “ I work hard and pay my bills so the rest is gravy”

Fundamental difference of how money is to be utilized is the reason this couple was matched...for the drama of each digging in their heels.

Classic tale of the ant and the cricket....one working hard to save and prepare for the winter, the other who plays the fiddle living in the presence.

Olivia betraying Brett on camera by airing the dirty laundry is her second offense of disloyalty, the first was the 7 rating of the marriage.
Brett does not help himself...his sarcasm and righteous smugness is off putting.

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11 minutes ago, humbleopinion said:

Brett does not help himself...his sarcasm and righteous smugness is off putting.

^^ This.  While I don't like Olivia any more than I like Brett, I do agree more with his method of budgeting and financial responsibility, but his "righteous smugness" is horrendous.

Brett will be a millionaire by the time he's 50, at this rate.  And a multi-millionaire by retirement age, plus he'll own his home outright.  But his smugness and arrogance will rob him of memories and fun, as he's so set in his ways, he can only be with someone who thinks exactly like him.  Were he to compromise one iota, he could still retire wealthy, plus have fun.  Compromise is not a one-way street.

Olivia was trying, this episode, to compromise.  When she brought up the zoo, he looked at her like she had 3 heads, until she said it's free.  That perked him up.  Bowling....eating in while Brett cooks.  She even tried to compliment his cooking, yet he only responded "I know".  Arrogant piece of cr*p.

She even asked him to start working her through his spreadsheet.

Not once did he offer to go to a nice dinner, or plan a nice trip, or go to a concert....nada.  The compromise was all one-sided.

This will end with both saying "Divorce" on the couch at 8 weeks.

Edited by Starlight925
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13 hours ago, Straycat80 said:

Bennett’s friend is selfish about him moving away. Amelia is not ‘this person’, she’s his wife. 

I think Bennett's friend has a "thing" for him and is not happy that she missed out.

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13 hours ago, Kiss my mutt said:

If Henry doesn’t put himself out of his misery, someone else needs to. If Christina were merciful she’d walk out but she looks like she’s too much of a sadist to. She rather seems to be enjoying tormenting him. 

Can you blame her? If she honestly wanted to be on the show to find a match and then wound up with Henry (perhaps the poorest casting decision ever on this show...unless it was done on purpose to create conflict)...I don't blame her one bit. 

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2 minutes ago, humbleopinion said:

Olivia’s storyline is her Growing unhappiness with a tightwad spouse who does not see the value in vacations staying in 5 star accommodations, fine dining out as entertainment and the philosophy of “ I work hard and pay my bills so the rest is gravy”

Fundamental difference of how money is to be utilized is the reason this couple was matched...for the drama of each digging in their heels.

Classic tale of the ant and the cricket....one working hard to save and prepare for the winter, the other who plays the fiddle living in the presence.

Olivia betraying Brett on camera by airing the dirty laundry is her second offense of disloyalty, the first was the 7 rating of the marriage.
Brett does not help himself...his sarcasm and righteous smugness is off putting.

I don't think Brett is actually a cheapskate.  I enjoyed their quiet time before dinner entering her financial information into his spreadsheet.  I expected him to wince over every item, but he didn't judge except for her $40/month alarm bill...he seemed pretty surprised at that.  But here's the problem.......she wants to travel and travel a lot, and wants to do it first class.  Nothing wrong with that, but Brett had 4 siblings and his family went camping or something like that once a year, so he's good with continuing in that vein.   Olivia, to her credit, did try to compromise in last night's show, but I think they are just too far apart and even concessions here and there aren't really going to change that.  

On top of that, let's not forget she really doesn't want children, and he does.  That in itself is a marriage killer, and the fact they are so polar opposite on finances is the icing on a very bitter cake.  

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13 hours ago, Empress1 said:

I think she wants him to want her. She hasn’t said anything about being attracted to him; she wants him (and others, probably) to be attracted to her. I suspect she’s the type of person who keeps guys around that she’s not interested in, just for the attention.

Exactly.  I like how she said in the past men fawned over her & said she's the most beautiful woman they've ever seen and thrown themselves at her. To me she is a low rent brunette Britney Spears. A great personality though could make her a 10. Henry is implying she's got a pretty shi**y personality.  Period.


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Olivia try speaking Brett’s love language...

BOGO...twofer...cash rebate...no sales tax...special offer...price cutting

I have a coupon for that....Super saver prices...close out sale...bargain...markdown

Employee Discount tickets...giveaways...gift with purchase...rollback prices...match online price

Free...free, free, free 

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Man, I can never be bothered trying deduce what is real and what is not on a reality show nor to I care about participants whining about edits. I just want to enjoy a show. If Im going to call shenanigans during every segment then why am I watching? At least, that's how I look at it.

And a show can only do so much in terms of an edit. They use what you give them, voluntary or not. Don't give them the fuel. 

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Each week the hatred for Brett increases on this forum. I don't get it. What has he done that is so egregious outside of the two of them being SO different?

Long live Brett (and, no, I'm not a member of Brett's family)

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Christina has a sever case of “I’m better.”  She has distain even for the food she’s served.  Imagine her response if Henry had gone grocery shopping and bedspread buying.  “On my god. This bedspread is awful. Now I have to take it back and get a new one.  And the groceries? He didn’t even buy what we needed.  Now I have to go and do it over.  I’m carrying the whole load. I have to do everything.”

Say what you will about Henry’s lack of communication (take a drink,) Christina doesn’t bother to have civil conversation with him even for the camera.  “That’s what you’re gong to tell me?” Dripping with condescension and distain.   It s seems to me that to carry on the conversation, you say something like, “I know. Sometimes my (sibling, best friend, parent) and I do that, and I don’t even know why. Blah blah”.  Normally that’s how people keep a conversation going.  They toss the subject back softly, and then bring up something else.  Not Christina.  Christina didn’t like Henry’s answer, so she retaliated by giving a non answer to his question.   Why would Henry ever open up to that kind of person?

She’s just so mad he’s not overwhelmed by her beauty and puts more stock in kindness and good behavior.

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Just now, LaLaLaLa said:

Each week the hatred for Brett increases on this forum. I don't get it. What has he done that is so egregious outside of the two of them being SO different?

Long live Brett (and, no, I'm not a member of Brett's family)

Everybody Up...scoot over..make room for 4La on the bench...

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30 minutes ago, LaLaLaLa said:

I think Bennett's friend has a "thing" for him and is not happy that she missed out.

He seems by far the handsomest guy in their quirky friend group circle and on top of that he has a great personality. I imagine a lot of the ladies get crushes around Bennett. Heck, it seemed like Amelia had a little bit of a crush when she briefly met him earlier. If you are a free spirit type of gal, who does not care too much about material things or conventional dynamics, Bennett is a catch. Hate his night dress, though.

Speaking of clothes someone really needs to make a meme of the unfiltered couch.

Karen is wearing a pink gown and looks gorgeous

Woody is wearing a pink suit that is something that probably only Woody could pull off. I think pink might be a thing for men this season....I know that Machine Gun Kelly wore hot pink to the VMA's this weekend.

Bennett is wearing something that I would describe as "clown escaping from an abusive circus".

It looks like they are all going to a party and Bennett did not get the dress code memo or he thought it was a costume party.

You all had warned me about Jamie's hair extensions but I did not expect Cousin It to be sitting on her head.


Also, her fillers seemed to make one eye very noticeably smaller than the other. She is an attractive woman and really does not need to do anything to herself like that but to each their own.

Edited by qtpye
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13 hours ago, gonecrackers said:

ChristinA really has a bad attitude & seems to have a lot of bad behavior behind the scenes, but she keeps turning everything back on Henry & is so condescending toward him, then somehow can't figure out why he's not intensely turned on. I was glad to see him give some push back.

To me it looks like the producers come over to film them.  Henry just sits there and doesn't engage, so Christina feels she has to do everything.   I feel that Henry uses his "issues" to push people away, to not engage.  But that might be only on the surface.

If Henry met a woman organically, she'd see how he was and either decide to pass early or go for it.  With a man like Henry, you need patience, it's like coaxing a cat from underneath the bed.  Christina seems too impatient for a man like Henry AND this SHOW isn't for someone like Henry because they only have a short amount of time before decision day.

I think Karen is a woman who believes that all men are dogs.  In order for her to reinforce that belief, she dates men who are dogs and reinforce her theory.  Miles doesn't act doggish and Karen doesn't know what to do with him.  

I wish I was at Woody and Amani's party!

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16 minutes ago, Kdawg82 said:

Exactly.  I like how she said in the past men fawned over her & said she's the most beautiful woman they've ever seen and thrown themselves at her. To me she is a low rent brunette Britney Spears. A great personality though could make her a 10. Henry is implying she's got a pretty shi**y personality.  Period.


Yet, only grand dad sent her flowers...sad violins play in the distance.

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I’m on team Henry.  Yes, he is quiet and very slow to warm up.  But, I wonder how he would've done if he had been paired with Kate (Luke), Meka (Michael), Deonna (Greg), or Stephanie (I forget his name).  All women more outgoing than him and basically kind.  Perhaps he would’ve blossomed and come out of his shell.  Instead he was matched with someone who is more outgoing and rude.  He can’t take the rudeness and it seems to be making him tense and shutdown.  I hope if they are given the opportunity to end it early they do.  This relationship is toxic for both of them.

Edited by Booger666
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3 minutes ago, LaLaLaLa said:
13 hours ago, Kiss my mutt said:

If Henry doesn’t put himself out of his misery, someone else needs to. If Christina were merciful she’d walk out but she looks like she’s too much of a sadist to. She rather seems to be enjoying tormenting him. 

Can you blame her? If she honestly wanted to be on the show to find a match and then wound up with Henry (perhaps the poorest casting decision ever on this show...unless it was done on purpose to create conflict)...I don't blame her one bit. 

I do believe at this point Christina is starting to believe she's been "set up" by the show.  And it's manifesting in the contempt she is now displaying towards the production crew.   

On the honeymoon, she was trying to figure out what the hell was going on with Henry.  She was looking inward...doubting herself and her sexuality.  Now, 2.5 weeks later, she knows there's something different about her new spouse, and it's not that he's just extremely shy or she's a little "impatient".  Christina now realizes nothing she does is going to make a difference.  No one would be a good spouse for Henry (no, not even Olivia...yikes, that would be an awful pairing).  Henry should never have signed up for the show, and Chiristina is soon to become a divorcee because MAFS wanted that reality show friend to appear so they accepted someone that should have had warning signals going off the minute he walked into the room.

11 minutes ago, humbleopinion said:

Olivia try speaking Brett’s love language...

BOGO...twofer...cash rebate...no sales tax...special offer...price cutting

I have a coupon for that....Super saver prices...close out sale...bargain...markdown

Employee Discount tickets...giveaways...gift with purchase...rollback prices...match online price

Free...free, free, free 

Hey, you forgot Goodwill, thrift store, yard sales, clearance rack.  My homes away from home.

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