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S22.E11: Head of Household #4, Nominations #4


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Shut UP, Nicole.  Kaysar really does not give a shit about you, and neither did Janelle.

Daniele is just the WORST.  I mean, it changes hourly who I hate more, but she does a good job keeping the top spot.  And her hair that long is dumb and she looked better with dark hair.

This season is not terribly enjoyable.  Last week we get Janelle and Kaysar clips which was wonderful and I would watch forever.  This week, we get Daniele and Nicole, and I would rather watch season 15 again than that.

Why would you be so hellbent on getting Kaysar out?  He has no one.  They do know once Kaysar and Kevin are gone, they’re going to have to eat each other?  Also Enzo, shut the fuck up.  Have you not realized that Kaysar didn’t talk game with anyone, because no one was talking to him?

  • Love 15

Was Kevin always this annoying? I honestly don't remember. I'm hoping he get kicked out this week. I never got the Nicole Janelle/Kaysar "beef". Can someone remind me what started it? I must of not paid attention haha. These house guests are so stupid and I don't care who wins right now. They haven't figured out who's working with who yet. How nobody's going after the Alpha's in the house is beyond me. Does Enzo think he's included in that group (haha with his first W)? All the rest should be working with each other. Just really stupid.

  • Love 6
9 minutes ago, yanksno1 said:

How nobody's going after the Alpha's in the house is beyond me.

Because all the bros have teamed up. It’s so boring to have one giant alpha male alliance running the whole season. Every time we get so close to a non-alliance member winning HOH, and then all our hopes are dashed when yet another dude-bro wins. 

Kevin is so whiny I am not surprised he has become the perennial pawn.

David, David, David. You should never have come back to this game. Previously you were known as that guy who got shafted before the game even started, now people will realize that was kinder than having you actually “play” Big Brother. Which you suck at. 

I guess they are contractually obligated to stick in one Very Serious After School Special moment complete with stirring emotional music every week. 

  • Love 12

I really dislike Dani. I don't like Frazzled either, but it was Dani who really working my nerves this episode. I know she's playing the game, but good lord she is so smug and such a mean girl. I also don't think she's half the evil genius that she thinks she is in her mind.

I don't know how Kaysar is getting through this with so much grace and empathy. I couldn't do it. 

Edited by vb68
  • Love 20

This season is going down hill faster than a car with no brakes.

I just can't with never getting an HOH who will shake up the status quo. It's early but I swear to god that it FEELS like everyone is playing for Cody because he is in some permutation of an alliance with almost everyone. His season with Derrick I have long labeled the worst (BB1 nonwithstanding as it was a different animal) because Derrick had a stranglehold and was NEVER in danger. I feel we are getting a redo only with Cody.

Then we've got houseguests crying over missing their children....hello-stay home! Nobody made you go. If you had maybe we would have gotten a couple more OG players.

The political segment I don't think belonged there if you can't show a counterbalance to points being made. I will simply say as a minority myself I feel perfectly safe walking down the street because if I am not doing anything wrong nothing is going to happen to me. It's not rocket science.

At the end of ITS A WONDERFUL LIFE Clarence pretty much tells George that one man leaves a big hole...or one woman in this case. Without Janelle BB felt like one of those shows after the star leaves but it still tries to sputter along think THE CONNORS, MAYBERRY RFD and CHICO and MAN with no Chico but a 12 year old boy who was suppose to take Freddie Prinze's place. Anyway its not the same without her.

I am sad to say but Kaysar is better off going home and being free of these people as 99% of them are lame.

Edited by North of Eden
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I'm surprised how much I enjoyed this episode after the boring, cliché-filled beginning. (I need to stop reading spoilers. It leaves me with zero reason to watch competitions.) 

I laughed out loud several times, like at Nicole and Dani's segment, and David's clueless reaction to a simple question. Oh and at Dani's villainous laugh.

Kaysar and D's segment made me tear up. (I wish Kaysar would smile occasionally though.) 

Christmas is annoying me way less than I expected, so that's good. In her segment with Enzo I thought she looked so much like Fergie. 

I guess it pays to have low expectations. 😁


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Ok, I admit that I haven't paid the best attention to all the 'blah-blah' that goes on in the house, so maybe I missed it, but when exactly did Janelle give Nicole the impression that she was 'after' her ( Nicole, that is.) I mean, did Nicole just wind up her hair too tight and squeeze the small part of her brain that actually works ? I just don't remember it happening, other than maybe Nicole's name got mentioned during some strategy session as a possible target. If that's all it was I think her reaction is just a bit over the top. Seems more likely to me that Nicole just wanted Janelle out because of envy. And to that end, I think all the hampsters went overboard where Jan. & Kaysar are concerned. Janelle was a comp beast in the past, but she's kind of lost it, based on what little we saw this season. But I guess once they set their sights, they just stuck to it ?

  • Love 7
2 hours ago, North of Eden said:


The political segment I don't think belonged there if you can't show a counterbalance to points being made. I will simply say as a minority myself I feel perfectly safe walking down the street because if I am not doing anything wrong nothing is going to happen to me. It's not rocket science.

Day actually mentioned Breonna Taylor by name. She was shot eight times by cops, while in bed in her own home. Then she lay dying for twenty minutes before any medical assistance was even called.

On a different note, I am sooooooooooo tired of the dude bros winning every damn week. It’s making this show so boring for me.

  • Love 19

What balance is there to the discussion Davonne and Kaysar were having? What is the other side? 

It's just reality. Of course, not everyone, regardless of their race are worried in the same way they are. But, day by day, it's being shown that you absolutely should. People are getting killed for literally nothing. 

As a black man, I get nervous every single time a cop jumps behind me on the road. I haven't had a traffic violation in over 10 years. I'm not doing anything illegal. That's not why I'm nervous. That's not the point. I don't know what is on the mind of that cop. What me just being a black man means to them. 

Within the show, I will say that my only issue with the discussions so far is that they feel shoehorned in. Not that the discussions aren't genuine. It's just that they keep being slotted into episodes. It's so deliberate. I respect that but a lot of people just can't except things that are force fed to them. 

Edited by Racj82
  • Love 24

The competition was heartbreaking to watch. Kaysar was so far ahead; he really should have had this one. 

I for one really enjoyed the conversation between Day and Kaysar. If there’s one genuine thing reality shows can give us, it’s conversations that illuminate differing life experiences and allow a glimpse into perspectives that are not our own.  I would rather watch 100 moments like this than one second of Franzel’s random blubbering.

Speaking of Franzel, as I understand it, the beef between her and Janelle started when both were on the Amazing Race, along with Rachel Reilly. Franzel made some kind of deal with Rachel then reneged and lied about it, which pissed off Janelle because she and Rachel are friends. As a result, Janelle’s perception of Nicole’s gameplay is that she is a snake and not to be trusted. Which upsets Franzel, because how could anyone not love her and waaaaah.

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Well, if you want to see it that way, none of the recent shootings are race related. They just all *happen* to involve Black people. But I’m not sure it matters what name Day invoked. She was talking about a larger picture, and her personal experience of living in the world as a woman of color. IMO, it was a valuable perspective. But regardless, the whole conversation took about 2 minutes, less time than it takes for David to form a coherent thought, so I don’t really understand why it would bother anyone. 

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11 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

Well, if you want to see it that way, none of the recent shootings are race related. They just all *happen* to involve Black people. But I’m not sure it matters what name Day invoked. She was talking about a larger picture, and her personal experience of living in the world as a woman of color. IMO, it was a valuable perspective. But regardless, the whole conversation took about 2 minutes, less time than it takes for David to form a coherent thought, so I don’t really understand why it would bother anyone. 

Yeah, they were talking about how race and religion has impacted their lives in the US. That's not political; that's daily life. Worrying about ending up like Breonna Taylor? Also their lives.


It's just like it's not Ravenesque to (hypothetically) sit down and discuss whether you should be tested for Huntington's Disease because your grandmother had it but what if the test comes back positive? 

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Very boring.

First, why can't they show the competition live, if not last episode then on the live feed.  Making it near 20 minutes before they go past the competition in the episode, when some will already be spoiled on the result anyway, is just lazy.

The  baby punishment section was ok first time round, but it wasn't needed again.

Then the fake DR scripts.  Enzo saying he's after big targets, then later saying he's shocked at people putting in 'hinky' votes (even though he's done it himself the other week).  Then the urgent debate about who did the pointless votes, even though it doesn't matter whatsoever within the game because they were....pointless.

Then back to the race issue, though I think we've already had it a couple of times this season already.  It does look suspiciously arranged as well, like the producers tip some off in the DR that they need some talk for the next episode so they can look topical.  Of course it isn't a debate (if they are even capable of that) and the producers are definitely aiming for a particular angle, after previous criticism about certain HGs having a tough time in recent seasons.  I think it's more relevant looking at it from that perspective, which is definitely how the producers are looking at it, even if they won't admit that and reference outside events instead.  As with the previous segments it does look very shoehorned in, which makes you feel it's people talking at you rather than naturally talking about the situation in the house now (which would be more like the kind of reality tv that people used to watch).

Edited by amazingracefan
  • Love 5
7 minutes ago, icemiser69 said:

I have a very small sample size, because I only watch the televised episodes.   I don't think David likes talking to a big group of house guests.   He shouldn't have to explain himself to anyone.

One thing that always pissed me off about a big meathead alliance, is that they come off as very entitled, as if the rest of the house guests owe them something.   Really no different than a high school clique that thinks they are the be all and all, and that no one outside the clique matters.

They pretty much are a high school clique. 

  • Love 7
14 hours ago, mojoween said:

Shut UP, Nicole.  Kaysar really does not give a shit about you, and neither did Janelle.

Daniele is just the WORST.  I mean, it changes hourly who I hate more, but she does a good job keeping the top spot.  And her hair that long is dumb and she looked better with dark hair.

For some reason this post made me realize something.  I don't like whining, especially nasal whining, but I have a higher tolerance for it than some; but yes, I don't like Nicole.

But I agree that for me, Daniele is much worse--because she smiles and revels in the meanness so much.  I don't like people delighting in being mean.

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I literally cannot stand the sound of Nicole's voice. It's not just that I dislike her (although that doesn't help). I'm not crazy about Dani or Cody either but I can stand to listen to them talk. But Nicole's whiny little girl voice is like nails on a chalkboard.


One thing that always pissed me off about a big meathead alliance, is that they come off as very entitled, as if the rest of the house guests owe them something. 

Yeah that's the thing. Why all this huffing and puffing over the two "hinky" votes? Since when did it become the rule that everyone has to vote the same? This is dumb. 


Anyone have a screenshot of Kaysar toweling off after his shower?

I mean . . . they're just trolling us, right?

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I forgot to mention, I thought that the most ridiculous part of the episode was when the mean girls, Dani & Frazzled, were lounging on the bathroom couch (still WTF is that??), then found it hilarious at something that they smelled/heard, coming from someone using the bathroom, & had to run away, laughing. Um, that's what it's for. Go lounge in the living room, or the bedrooms, like Nicole usually does, don't go in the bathroom & not expect to hear/smell things that usually happen in a bathroom.

Also, isn't Frazzled a nurse? How are bodily functions so hysterical, when you're chilling out in a bathroom? The mind, it boggles.

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I love the conversation that Day and Kaysar had about race. I will take that over the stupid bidet thing any episode. Kaysar had these convos on his original season about being an Iraqi in America during the Iraq war. Day is someone who likes to have these convos as well. I also don't understand how you can have the other side presented while Kaysar and Day are talking about personal experiences. Do we really need Dani or Nicole's perspective as a white woman right now? As a white woman I don't think so.

Edited by choclatechip45
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3 hours ago, iMonrey said:

And is it just coincidence that only one woman made the final round for HoH? Was this another competition that somehow favored the men? It seemed all about hand-eye coordination to me, do men generally do better at that?

The first HOH being rigged to favor the men had nothing to do with hand-eye coordination or any kind of skill. It was rigged because all of the women had to get targets that were the farthest away, and all of the men had to get targets that were the closest. That's it. They should all have been going for the same targets. The way that competition was run, not all of the players had an even shot at winning. I'm not sure I've ever seen a competition so unevenly and obviously rigged like that before.

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Ultimately I guess it doesn't matter since Dani didn't win hoh but did anyone else notice she was practically laying on the board? And she's pretty tall so once she was leaning over so far her whole body was on the ramp it wasn't too far to those holes. 

Dani to Cody: let's throw a hinky vote!

Cody: No 

*Hinky vote occurs*

Cody to Dani: was it you?

Dani: what?! No!! How dare you suggest this!!


Enzo to audience: I'm going to flip this house upside down! No one is safe! I want so much blood on my hands! I want ALL the blood on my hands!!!

*Nominates Kayser and Kevin*

Edited by Samwise979
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And is it just coincidence that only one woman made the final round for HoH? Was this another competition that somehow favored the men? It seemed all about hand-eye coordination to me, do men generally do better at that?

I am stumped as to why the white frat boys continually win against all opposition.  You're right--by their nature, the competitions should NOT be easier for white guys, yet they win.  In SURVIVOR, it seems more evenly matched although in AMAZING RACE it also seems the all-white male young 20-somethings seem to win most often. 

Maybe it's who the show recruits.  The white guys seem to be filled with undeserved self-confidence, or else their pampered lives leave them in a position to play more games, work out more etc.  

  • Love 4

I have to agree with the majority of posters. I enjoy the real world discussions. Imagine going into the Big Brother situation while 2020 is raging like the dumpster fire we all know. Are the murder hornets back? Maybe. Have aliens come? Possible!

 The conversation last night made me tear up, because these people have no clue about the latest police violence/misconduct and subsequent vigilante murders from an underage teen. As a white woman, I know it weighs on my mind. I hear people saying they are tired of hearing about BLM and police violence... I imagine people of color are tired of experiencing it. And it doesn’t stop with police. Look at the Karen’s Going Wild page on instagram. It’s appalling. In short, more conversations like this on Big Brother, and the same for ones like Ian’s autism. 

On topic of this episode, count me in on disappointment in the Meow Meow. He didn’t even get a paper cut amount of blood on his hands. This is All Stars. Play like it, fools!!

  • Love 14
On 8/30/2020 at 9:08 PM, mojoween said:

Shut UP, Nicole.  Kaysar really does not give a shit about you, and neither did Janelle.

Daniele is just the WORST.  I mean, it changes hourly who I hate more, but she does a good job keeping the top spot.  And her hair that long is dumb and she looked better with dark hair.

This season is not terribly enjoyable.  Last week we get Janelle and Kaysar clips which was wonderful and I would watch forever.  This week, we get Daniele and Nicole, and I would rather watch season 15 again than that.

Why would you be so hellbent on getting Kaysar out?  He has no one.  They do know once Kaysar and Kevin are gone, they’re going to have to eat each other?  Also Enzo, shut the fuck up.  Have you not realized that Kaysar didn’t talk game with anyone, because no one was talking to him?

What I've learned is that Enzo doesn't trust anyone.

38 minutes ago, harleybeanswind said:

This discussion absolutely should be part of it, it falls under the category of “serious conversation”. I also loved the heart to hearts contestants on RuPaul’s Drag Race had while doing their makeup. These conversations humanize the players to me, and add to why I watch this show. I want to hear about their life experiences as much as I want to watch their gameplay.

But to humanize I think the complexity should be shown, that means not just what people would think is good, but also the bad.  The edit is more manipulative than real, less about the individuals and more trying to make a broad point which the producers want.  Debate?  Forget it, won't happen.

Edited by amazingracefan
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As some have said, I really don't know what "other side" or debate people are looking for with these topics. Someone dismissing another's personal opinions about their life and feelings? I just don't get what people are expecting.

Someone should get up and start talking about all lives matter? Let's not make everything about race? I'm good. It's also okay to just let things be. People are dealing with raw emotions and fears they've never had or always had coming to the forefront. I would just let them express it. It's okay to not "well actually" everything.

I think lack of COVID-19 talk is deliberate though. Julie insists on her distant thing with no mask but they don't want to keep reminding the public that they are filiming this during a pandemic.

Also, at a certain point, I really get tired if the show rigging games for men. How in the world was that most recent game rigged towards men? Come on.

Edited by Racj82
  • Love 5

I wouldn't say rigged, but I do think that most of the men in the game are taller and longer-legged with longer reach than the women, so it would take them fewer strides to get from one end of the slanty thing to the other, and would probably be quicker.  Unlike Survivor, BB doesn't tailor individual stations to height/weight/whatever is pertinent.  

In other words, they aren't saying "heh heh heh certainly a guy will win this," but if someone pointed out that it might be somewhat easier for guys for the reasons above, they would shrug and say "meh."


  • Love 3
4 hours ago, Racj82 said:

As some have said, I really don't know what "other side" or debate people are looking for with these topics. Someone dismissing another's personal opinions about their life and feelings? I just don't get what people are expecting.

Someone should get up and start talking about all lives matter? Let's not make everything about race? I'm good. It's also okay to just let things be. People are dealing with raw emotions and fears they've never had or always had coming to the forefront. I would just let them express it. It's okay to not "well actually" everything.

I think lack of COVID-19 talk is deliberate though. Julie insists on her distant thing with no mask but they don't want to keep reminding the public that they are filiming this during a pandemic.

Also, at a certain point, I really get tired if the show rigging games for men. How in the world was that most recent game rigged towards men? Come on.

I guess speaking for myself, the “other side” is absolutely not all lives matter. I have marched in protest with the BLM movement in NYC, and still do.  I would however, like to see how the other houseguests feel about it. And that is just blatant curiosity on my part.

Your points on Julie/CoVid make sense. It irritates me that the houseguests have to mask up. It should be her wearing the mask in my opinion.

Agreed on comps being geared towards men. It infuriates me. I’m surprised an endurance comp hasn’t taken place yet.



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11 hours ago, harleybeanswind said:

That is a very valid point and I completely agree with you. A debate would absolutely be more if what I see in real life for sure.

I think you are correct in placing blame on producers, (hence why that CoVid clip was not shown), but at the same time, the cast is very much aware that their words and actions are being shown to America. Even if they feel a certain way, they may not discuss it for fear of repercussions.

Some people will always be outspoken, but a mainstream network will always be likely to keep things as vanilla and predictable as possible.  They'll blackout the live feed if necessary, script the DRs, cast predictably and structure episodes in a clearly signaled way (comedy section, message part, game part, emotional part) so the audience knows exactly how they are supposed to respond at different times.

Many posts have been hidden. Comments about the discussion Da'Vonne and Kaysar had in this episode are fine, but please keep your comments related to what was shown and do not use it to talk about other posters or to make the discussion political, neither of which are allowed here. Also, remember that any mentions of things from the live feeds is not allowed in the episode threads. 

  • Love 4
23 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

Can you imagine being bed ridden and having her as your nurse?  Yikes, my ears are bleeding just thinking about it. 

She is now listed on the show as a social media influencer.  I wonder if she quit the nursing profession.

If you had responded to your own quote no one would have noticed.   Okay, they may have noticed, but they probably wouldn't have said anything about it.   Well, I probably would have made a smart ass comment.

I can usually get rid of the quote box by getting outside the box past the post and backspacing until it disappears.  That usually works.

When I accidentally double post, I usually try to edit the duplicate post into a different part of a conversation, instead of just typing "double post".

The HOH competition in this episode could have been easily won by anyone.  However, because the meat head alliance is so huge, someone in the alliance was going to most likely win the competition anyway.

Love you Ice!   

On 9/1/2020 at 3:30 PM, icemiser69 said:

Also, isn't Frazzled a nurse? How are bodily functions so hysterical, when you're chilling out in a bathroom? The mind, it boggles.

She explained in an early episode that she quit the nursing profession because she couldn't take the reality of it all, or some such bullshit.  It was too much for her.  So she's stopped nursing to instead do the important work of influencing.  Just like Nicole A. quit being a teacher to join the much-more important ranks of podcasting. 🙄

  • LOL 2
2 hours ago, Genius said:

She explained in an early episode that she quit the nursing profession because she couldn't take the reality of it all, or some such bullshit.  It was too much for her.  So she's stopped nursing to instead do the important work of influencing.  Just like Nicole A. quit being a teacher to join the much-more important ranks of podcasting. 🙄

Can someone do the important work of influencing her to shut the fuck up?

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