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S05.E10: Drawing The Line

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58 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

I got sucked in to watching Darcey and Stacey, I cannot find a page for the snark that is exploding in my head, is there a place where I can type my thoughts? Keeping it inside is killing me!

Their show has its own thread.

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On 8/14/2020 at 11:48 AM, Kayz Opinion said:
  • I will not be sucked in.
  • I will not be sucked in.
  • I will not be sucked in.

I said that very thing. I watched last night. What can I say, I'm weak. It was, as you may have imagined, horrible beyond description. 

On 8/15/2020 at 11:36 PM, Mrs. Hanson said:

Well, I need to go unlock a closet, get my mom out and feed ger stale bread and water.  Then head to my aunt and uncle's house, turn off the A/C on this heat and deprive them of water and food.

Hahaha! My son and I like to say stuff like that to each other when we're in line at Target and stuff, to horrify people. "OK, Mom, that's it, it's back to the basement for you!" 

12 hours ago, Fable said:

I wish they would move on from Angela’s segments.  It’s not even that I find her insufferable, although I do.  It’s more that nothing ever changes.  She berates and belittles him, disrespects the people around him.  She then claims she is DONE and storms off, all while he grovels, cries and wipes sweat off his face.  Next thing, she is back telling him how much she loves him and just needs him to do as he is told, that is until the next time.  Lather, rinse, repeat. 

I have no idea how much of their story arc is true, but if TLC wants to continue to highlight this couple, they really should come up with something new because this is getting old and tired. 

She is actively making me very, very uncomfortable. She treats Michael like dirt, she knows she holds the cards and she delights in dangling the Golden Green Card in front of him, only to snatch it away. That, coupled with her intention to keep him imprisoned in her house, to cook, clean and deliver sexual services on demand, gives me the creeps. She is a walking hate crime.

11 hours ago, Adeejay said:

I didn't like Chuck calling where Andrei's family lives, "the projects".  Say what you want about Andrei, but his family seems kind and decent.  Given the feast his mom prepared for them when they arrived, that was rude and ungrateful.  Not everyone is born with a silver spoon in their mouth or have the means and resources to better their situation.  

Andrei's family probably lives in a Soviet era apartment building, just like lots of folks in former Soviet republics. Libby's family's proud ignorance and bigotry are repellent. 

9 hours ago, ChiMama said:

And next week, her nasty sister Jen arrives and vows to get Andrei drunk to “get the real truth.” Libby would be better off without this ugly crew “in her corner.”  She always sides with her awful family and — like all of them — can never genuinely accept an apology & let something go. It’s always “Yeah, OK, but you didn’t apologize for the right thing, to the right people, at the right time.”

Its the SAME PLOT for several people at this point. Its Chantel and Pedro's plot. Its Kalani and Asuelu's plot. Its Libby and Andrei's plot. 

6 hours ago, Kayz Opinion said:

Eric-ee is hilarious.  Because he's gay and trying to portray what he thinks a straight man acts like, he probably took some acting lessons (in Las Vegas!).  Now he gestures-gestures-gestures...usually both hands match.  How long will we have to watch his pathetic attempts?  Roommate David-ee, some to the rescue; cause some commotion.

Right? I was dying. It reminded me of Robin Williams in "The Birdcage". "How about those Dolphins?"

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Family Libby is "fast forward" for me.  I can't even stand their Ugly-American faces flashing by.

Family Asuelu are greedy parasites. I felt so sorry for him and for Kalani who they are blaming for his not giving in to their outrageous demands.

Pole is a lost cause.  Karine took the time to pause and tell Mama Pole that it wasn't about her and I thought that was sweet.  I feel so sorry for her and Pierre, she left her home and family believing all Pole's lies about how wonderful life in the US would be. Of course none of it has turned out to be true because he has no grasp of reality and thought he'd get Mama Pole to support them.  

Larissa needs to be deported.  Yesterday if possible.  Another "fast forward".

Fat Coltee, MamaWife Debbie and Shoe-Throwing Jess are currently on "fast forward". I still saw his thighs (ugh). 

Syngin is so much happier being home again, he and Tania really need to split up.  She's a shrew and he's not ready to grow up.

Angela is unredeemably nasty. I love Aunt Lydia! There will be no 50/50, if Michael ever got .05% say in any decision I'd be surprised. Angela intends to turn him into her personal servant, and I agree that if the genders were reversed there would be a MAJOR uproar. There is a polite way to let it be understood that you won't be a totally submissive wife, but politeness is something else Angela can't/won't do.

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32 minutes ago, Uncle JUICE said:

This is all true, but no one told Angela she HAD to marry someone whose culture dictated all these significant philosophical differences (also, TLC is paying for the apartment out of production budget, I'm certain of it, as Angela does not likely have the financial or any other sort of wherewithal to secure an international short term rental apartment. How many phone calls would that take? She's caring for her dying mom in home hospice and six grandchildren, NIgeria is at least six time zones different). 

My point is she can also just grin, nod, and say sure, then tell Michael I'm just saying that so we can get this WEDN (ugh!) done and then when we go to America, we will just live an American life, if she wasn't just trying to be dramatic. She can always just say this isn't going to work out and skip the whole charade, too, but now she's on that TLC teat. 

Yes, you may be right about who is paying for the apartment and yes, she should have just nodded and smiled to Aunt Lydia, it would have been easy but Angela has to be right, loud and obnoxious so that would never had happened! 

I did have a thought about Michael, nobody in his family has realized that he pursued Angela, he did not pursue any Nigerian women so instead of finding fault with his choices the pile on has only been on Angela and her empty egg carton, granted she is terrible but it is not like she stormed the shores of Michael's village and swooped in a took Michael hostage, he willingly went there.  It seems to me that Angela not being Nigerian is not an issue with Michael and if Michael was so concerned about what his family thought he would not have been romancing the girl whose bra can double as a gas station convenience store that we call Angela.  

Michael is playing the double agent, trying to keep the peace.  One day in the future he will be sleeping curled at the foot of Angela's bed wishing he had listened to Aunt Lydia (every damn time I type that I think of Handmaids Tale) and not married Angela but there he is, wearing his MAGA hat and Trump underwear waiting for daylight then it will be time to wake the kids, pack lunches and drive that brood to school...


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1 hour ago, Baltimore Betty said:

I got sucked in to watching Darcey and Stacey, I cannot find a page for the snark that is exploding in my head, is there a place where I can type my thoughts? Keeping it inside is killing me!

Yes, ma'am...They have their own thread.  Go the main 90DF page and it's there in the section about "spin offs."  

Enjoy!  😄 

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1 hour ago, Texasmom1970 said:

When Aselu went to see his Mom and sisters whose kids where all those. If those are his sisters do they have husbands sending money back to Samoa?

His Mom and that one bitchy sister do not seem to understand you cannot get blood from a turnip. The act like they are rolling in money and hiding it, they are truly vile.

I still hope that production talked mother asuelo into being this terrible for a TLC paycheck.  

What she seems to think is that kalani's "rich parents" should take care of asuelos wife and kids and any money asuelo earns should be sent to them. It's pretty awful.  Not only does she want to be a charity case, she actively encourages asuelo to be one too by mooching off kalani's parents. 

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Ugh. So much to unpack here.

Asuelu and Kalani: He actually spoke up to his horrible family ("ONLY $100?" "Kalani's family; Kalani's family") and was right. His money is her money is their family's money. And their comment that "you only came here because she got pregnant!!!"- umm, just because he's younger does not absolve him of any responsibility.  He was right to leave.  But not without the parting shot: "We make you food! Don't go! Please stay [after we trash your wife and insult you for not bringing us money]!" complete with tears.  He's right, he can't have both his family and his wife. They won't allow it. That goat farmer didn't seem that open to kids. I thought Oliver chasing them was kind of cute. I see that he's still not out of pajamas.  I applaud Asuelu for telling it like it is. Mama is delusional, and I am totally team Kalani here.  It's as if mama said "just pluck some money out of thin air!"  I don't know how long she's lived in the US, but she and Angry Sisters must know that things cost money here. Like Asuelu said, you can't just pick a spot to build a hut and grow taro to survive here.

Elizabeth and Andrei: Charlie and Chuck, please stop acting like the arrogant assholes you are and let it go. You have decided that you are going to be all Sherlock Holmes and uncover what you are convinced is a scandalous past from Andrei and blow the marriage apart- all for the sake of saying "AHA! We KNEW there was something terrible!" Stop grilling him, stop interrogating his friends and shut the hell up.  Chuck's little speech in the kitchen: "Charlie isn't gonna back down! Did you hear his friend saying he would protect Andrei?? Huh?? I'll just pack my checkbook and my bags... and your brother... and go home" as his giant gut wiggles and Charlie nods and says "I'm not scared of him! Nuh-uh!" was laughable. They are the quintessential bullies with no self-esteem and I would bet that if Andrei put up his fists, Charlie would run sniveling and crying into the corner.  And they feel they deserve and can demand an apology? Elizabeth needs to stand up to them and tell them to STOP. He's her husband, they've been married for a few years and have a child, and they have no say how she as an adult woman handles her marriage. They don't get that THEIR behavior brings out the worst in him.  Perhaps it's time for Libby and Andrei to disengage from the family  business and get out from under Papa Chuck's wing. And I almost screamed at my TV when she said "Andrei needs to make things right with my family and apologize." I just can't. Chuck and Charlie's "conditional" acceptance of Andrei's apology was the pits.  Classic manipulators. They go from "we want an apology" to "we don't like the way you made your apology" to "your wife shouldn't have to tell you to talk to us" to "ok, you can apologize but you have to behave and we'll see if we will accept that apology." It's all horrible. And Charlie has a face I just want to punch. I think Andrei was much more accommodating than I could've been in that situation.

I think all of the dialogue with Coltee and Jess is fake, fake, fake.  He doesn't really seem to have normal emotions (he's driven by "I can get laid! I'm getting sex!! YaY!!!") and says his lines ("I love you. I want to marry you") with a flat voice and seemingly not knowing what he's saying or why. The only person he feels any emotion for is Debbie.  The goodbye scene at the airport made me cringe. I know NO mother who would stand and stare at her grown son having a private moment with his girlfriend. And roll her eyes.  And mutter, "don't propose; don't propose." Why does Debbie talk like she has marbles in her mouth?

Angie has managed to stuff the maximum inventory possible into her decolletage.  I hate when she gets into her "here's what Americans do" speech because, well... Nigerians don't do that. She's in Nigeria. It's like someone coming here and saying "In my country we practice cannibalism, shoot arrows at our neighbors if they trespass on our lawn, and clothing is optional." Um, ok.  Michael's in for a world of hurt if he comes here. She will bully, harass and harangue him endlessly. Watch how she shuts him down: "DON'T talk to me like that in front of your Aunt! DO NOT!!!"

I care so little about Larissa there's nothing to write. There's no "there" there.


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I am pretty much done with 90 day and all its franchises.

I currently run it in the background while I am doing other things and may stop that too. This is getting too staged and scripted for me. I realize that "Reality TV" is always scripted to some extend for drama and interest, but this season seems to have considerably more scripted drama than reality. Apart from Kenny and Armando, there is nobody who I find even remotely likable

Larissa is nasty and should be deported, she will not ever be a productive member of society. Ericee probably learned at a community college acting class, that flailing arms are how you express emotion. Doesn't work. There is no chemistry between the two of them and they are only together to stay on the show.

Colt, Debbie and Jess are all three unlikable. Colt is a gaslighting manipulator who is getting fatter every episode, Debbie needs to get a life of her own and stop clinging to Colt and Jess gets on my last nerve with "Blah, blah, blah, Sex" followed by a open-mouthed roaring laugh. Do Colt and Jess have anything they appreciate in each other, other than sex?

Libby, Andrei and their story is just a repeat of their original season, except that the setting is Moldova instead of Florida and we get a few Moldovan extras. The storyline is the same: Family Libby is suspicious of Andrei, who only wants to marry Libby for a green card and is trying to hide his sinister past. Libby never stands up for Andrei and continues to play both sides. Forget the fact that Libby and Andrei have been married for two years and have a child, this season we are to wonder if they will get married again.

Paul and Karine are in need of psychological counseling. I feel genuinely sorry for Pierre and the dogs and get zero enjoyment out of watching their messed up life and  matching messy house.

Angela and Michael are the same over and over again as well. Now that the "I have One Egg, I can Tote" fairytale has finally been put to rest, we are back to Angela being rude, demanding and "Done" with the relationship and storming out, followed by a groveling Michael trying to appease the beast.

I will not watch Darcey and Stacey. I already know what it will be: a lot of crying, a lot of "I am a strong woman" *sob*, "I deserve the best", "eyes on the prize", wailing "why is this happening?" and so on. 

In the first seasons I felt that the couples were real. Now it seems that at least half of them are on the show to promote their "careers" and Fans-Only sites. Stephanie and her soft-porn site, Ed and his photography business, Brittany's music/modeling career, Binyamin's (?) dancing career, even Eric has a fans-only site. I saw a teaser on Larissa's IG and a photo of Eric with only a towel over his groin was enough to make me unfollow Larissa (who apparently also has a fans-only site)

Unless TLC returns to the roots of 90 day fiancee and starts having a) new couples and more importantly b) "real" couples again, I am done.



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2 hours ago, Uncle JUICE said:

Angela does not likely have the financial or any other sort of wherewithal to secure an international short term rental apartment.

And she will continue to be nasty, outrageous, and controversial as long as TLC will pay her.  Let's see if she can get more lifetime screen time than Darcey (that's gonna be a challenge).


Edited by Kayz Opinion
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20 minutes ago, Cini said:

Ericee probably learned at a community college acting class, that flailing arms are how you express emotion.

Perhaps a Parks and Recreation class, if that.  


Edited by Kayz Opinion
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22 minutes ago, Cini said:

Paul and Karine are in need of psychological counseling. I feel genuinely sorry for Pierre and the dogs and get zero enjoyment out of watching their messed up life and  matching messy house.

And poor Pole...he has to do EVERYTHING around the house (in his neat, efficient, and splendid manner) and with the baby.  I was impressed by those dogs; they look like they have excellent breeding.  WHO PAID for them to stay at some live-in training facility...and for how long?  Are they being handled (and loved) every day?  WHO PAID and BUILT that giant cage they're living in.  Inquiring minds want to know.   It creeps me out when he calls Karine "Sweetie."  Actually everything about him creeps me out.  Wonder what the crew thinks of him.

CINI...I love every word you wrote.  You speak for most of us, I'm sure.


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31 minutes ago, Cini said:

I am pretty much done with 90 day and all its franchises.

I currently run it in the background while I am doing other things and may stop that too. This is getting too staged and scripted for me. I realize that "Reality TV" is always scripted to some extend for drama and interest, but this season seems to have considerably more scripted drama than reality. Apart from Kenny and Armando, there is nobody who I find even remotely likable

Larissa is nasty and should be deported, she will not ever be a productive member of society. Ericee probably learned at a community college acting class, that flailing arms are how you express emotion. Doesn't work. There is no chemistry between the two of them and they are only together to stay on the show.

Colt, Debbie and Jess are all three unlikable. Colt is a gaslighting manipulator who is getting fatter every episode, Debbie needs to get a life of her own and stop clinging to Colt and Jess gets on my last nerve with "Blah, blah, blah, Sex" followed by a open-mouthed roaring laugh. Do Colt and Jess have anything they appreciate in each other, other than sex?

Libby, Andrei and their story is just a repeat of their original season, except that the setting is Moldova instead of Florida and we get a few Moldovan extras. The storyline is the same: Family Libby is suspicious of Andrei, who only wants to marry Libby for a green card and is trying to hide his sinister past. Libby never stands up for Andrei and continues to play both sides. Forget the fact that Libby and Andrei have been married for two years and have a child, this season we are to wonder if they will get married again.

Paul and Karine are in need of psychological counseling. I feel genuinely sorry for Pierre and the dogs and get zero enjoyment out of watching their messed up life and  matching messy house.

Angela and Michael are the same over and over again as well. Now that the "I have One Egg, I can Tote" fairytale has finally been put to rest, we are back to Angela being rude, demanding and "Done" with the relationship and storming out, followed by a groveling Michael trying to appease the beast.

I will not watch Darcey and Stacey. I already know what it will be: a lot of crying, a lot of "I am a strong woman" *sob*, "I deserve the best", "eyes on the prize", wailing "why is this happening?" and so on. 

In the first seasons I felt that the couples were real. Now it seems that at least half of them are on the show to promote their "careers" and Fans-Only sites. Stephanie and her soft-porn site, Ed and his photography business, Brittany's music/modeling career, Binyamin's (?) dancing career, even Eric has a fans-only site. I saw a teaser on Larissa's IG and a photo of Eric with only a towel over his groin was enough to make me unfollow Larissa (who apparently also has a fans-only site)

Unless TLC returns to the roots of 90 day fiancee and starts having a) new couples and more importantly b) "real" couples again, I am done.



Hope you flounced out after declaring you were done!!

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13 hours ago, Adeejay said:

didn't like Chuck calling where Andrei's family lives, "the projects"

Family Chuck are white trash.

Idiot tough guy brother has four kids? 

They cannot be performing for the camera.

Trash, all of them.

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1 hour ago, ThereButFor said:

Syngin is so much happier being home again, he and Tania really need to split up.  She's a shrew and he's not ready to grow up.

I LOVE Syngin and want him to stay in his homeland.  He doesn't want children.  He just wants fun.  There are some people who are just better if they don't have to grow up.  I love his friends/old roomies too.

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6 hours ago, antfitz said:

Debbie's the reason he is the way he is. 

Debbie raised a Simpering Son who's too dumb to realize that she has/will sabotage every pathetic relationship he tries.  Debbie (is she really a "Debbie"?) could find a Perfect Partner for him (someone she would love above all else--someone to do all the shopping, cooking, cleaning, and talking to Debbie) and as soon as she feels that she's not The Most Important Person in the Room, she'll take that Perfect Partner down.   While I'm pontificating, TLC...do something about her MOLE.  Trot them off to Dr. Pimple Popper.


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Angela to thine own self be true. If you wanted a younger man to control then I'm sure you could have found one in America or somewhere else. Furthermore being openly dismissive and disrespectful of his culture, and aunt , while constantly degrading and yelling at him is just plain  abusive and racist.  Nigerian men are used to their wives being submissive therefore he's going to expect that from you. 

I once dated a Nigerian man who I met at a church function.  He explained that he loved Caribbean women because we can cook. He then explained that he expected me to stop working and be a housewife once we got married.  I kindly explained to him that while I respect his culture we would not be a good fit because I'm not the submissive type.  We're still friends and he's now married to someone who was okay with being submissive to her husband. 

Asuelu's mother and sister are cold hearted witches. How dare they demand that he neglect his children's needs to give them money.  At this point they're worse than Andrei, Colt and Debbie combined. 

Edited by spunky
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It’s official. Libby’s family are the worst people ever to appear on this franchise. The nerve of Chuck calling Andre’s family home the projects! He acts like he lives on some palatial estate instead of a so-so, quarter acre, cookie cutter house on the west coast of Florida. I’m so happy Andre didn’t hit anyone. That’s all they’d need for ammo. When the hag sisters arrive, Libby needs to sit them all down and tell them to shut the fuck up and at least respect Andre’s family. What a bunch of disgusting, hateful people!!

Larissa looks really rough without a pound of makeup on her distorted face. I thought I would die laughing when she claimed she was sexually inexperienced!  Poor naive Larissa being taken advantage of. She needs to be deported pronto. 

Colt and Debbie - can’t we deport them too? 

I FF through Trashangel and Khalani

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2 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

I said that very thing. I watched last night. What can I say, I'm weak. It was, as you may have imagined, horrible beyond description. 

Me, too. (Kayz, I let you down!) I had absolutely no intention of watching, had even turned off my TV, but I was watching something on Netflix and when I switched back to TV it was on (the late night showing.) So I was on my computer with my back to the television but heard a few minutes. It was an anomaly, as God is my witness, it will never happen again! 

Hangs head in shame...

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I'll say it again. If Chuck wanted to find out the real skinny on Andrei's past, he should have HIRED a private investigator before the FIRST wedding! Did he really expect Andrei's family and loyal friends to rat him out? 

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12 hours ago, Medsed said:

.I just think that while Andrei is not correct it is 100% Libby’s responsibility to tell her family that their rude behavior and the condescending comments stop now.  These people truly believe that no one can be happy or have a good life if they aren’t American....or something...it’s just an awful look formUS citizens to act like that.

I agree. However the fact that Libby's family can dangle money over them makes it so hard for Libby or Andrei to take a stand. Andrei basically said it after the meeting with Chuck and Charlie: (to parapharase) "I need to apologize and keep the peace." Implied: "or they'll cut off the money for the wedding, Libby's job and our housing."

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andre was probably working  at a bar in Ireland to meet a foreign girl.  so big deal. no different than a Ukrainian woman trying to get the hell out of where she is. Moldova doesn't seem like the land of opportunity.  that being said, now that he's in the US...he isn't exactly crushing it. (but I imagine he's being paid well to be on TLC).  

libby's family is horrible, and frankly where they live  way east of Tampa would be hell on earth to me....so its all relative.  

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15 hours ago, Christina said:

Turned the tv on just in time to see Larissa saying, "Coltee shot me three times but I dodged the bullets to all three!" or something similar to that. Fuck off with that shit. It's great to see that Larissa is still refusing to take responsibility for her own actions. According to HER, she physically assaulted him the first time a week after arriving in the US. When Colt said the fight that lead to him calling the cops was the worse ever, she went apocalyptic on Instagram Live detailing the other fights she saw as much worse. After MONTHS of being physically assaulted, he called the cops, then tried to downplay it when they arrived as her having a severe anxiety attack and he thought she needed help, but Larissa claimed he was beating on her without any marks to support her claims, not even a small red one, and he had bleeding wounds so off to jail she went.

The police were called in what lead to her second arrest after she went on her IG account and posted Colt's phone number along with a message telling people to call him and tell him to give back her phone. In response to questions, she posted that they fought and he took her phone, so she was in the bathroom with her tablet. According to the police report, six people called to say that Colt beat up Larissa, took her phone so she couldn't call for help, and she was locked in the bathroom asking for help on IG. That wasn't specifically said and I certainly thought it was just another bitchfest, but people who were not used to her behaviors called the cops; in hindsight, that was the right call because no one really knew what was going on in the house and Colt could have beat her up. A five man SWAT team arrived, heard Larissa screaming and trashing the house, broke down the door, and Larissa ran past them and threw herself of the ground in hysterics while they handcuffed Colt and put him in the police car. Once again, she claimed abuse without marks, Colt had a busted lip and scratched across his arms, chest and stomach, and Larissa eventually admitted she scratched him because he took her phone and she was trying to get it back. She was arrested again. Colt had no involvement with the police showing up and she admitted her actions, FFS. She says it's his fault that they were fighting, even though he took her phone to keep her from releasing the video of his penis to the internet, not knowing she already had.

Carmen called the last time. She went on IG live with Yates and said Colt was a pedophile who she caught watching kiddie porn and Colt got home from work, told her to get the fuck out, he was filing for divorce, probably with an I'M DOOONE thrown in, and she assaulted him with something that neither one of them will say. Debbie yelled, and Larissa ran to Carmen's where she scratched herself up and Carmen called the cops to say her friend just showed up at her house all beat up by her husband. Larissa thought Colt had called, too, but he didn't and the police report shows it was only Carmen. On the show they said Debbie called because Carmen wouldn't allow them to film her or use her name. Colt had nothing to do with that arrest.

Larissa was arrested for domestic violence three times because those are the times the police showed up. She admits assaulting him many times, and says it is always his fault they were fighting. Three different court cases in three different time periods found that Larissa was violent and unstable and a danger to her children. Her ex-husbands received sole custody of her sons and Larissa's father agreed to take her daughter. Larissa blames her exes, the courts, and even worse, her children, for losing custody of them. Her children were months old, had not even turned one! None were adopted by an aunt, she has had no contact with her sons, in person, by video, phone or letter, and they are ten and eight now. She may have some contact with her daughter since her dad has her, but has refused to do any of the work the courts required for her to regain contact with them.

LARISSA IS NASTY TO THE CORE and needs to take responsibility for her actions. She also really needs to stop the cosmetic procedures. She disgusts me at the level of Leida.

She disgusts me too.  Some people are too loathsome to be featured on these shows and she's one of them.  Another is Andrei.  They are in a league of their own and I don't mean that in a good way.  

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10 hours ago, Kayz Opinion said:

What is your definition of "cuckholding"?   I'm 80 so perhaps something has changed.

I've always known it to be a man caring for another man's child. So yeah that doesn't fit.

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Oh good God, I just remembered this line from Larissa to Eric-ee with regards to her being so pure and virginal and inexperienced sexually:  "I can't help it if I haven't ------  a lot of wee wees."  Complete with subtitles.  Ummmm, whaaaat?  Am I remembering this correctly or did I just imagine it last night in my worst nightmares?  Can anyone else vouch for having seen and heard this?  Really, TLC?  I see your boom booms and raise you some wee wees.  What on fucking earth are we all coming to?  2020 truly is the year from Hell.

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14 hours ago, jacksgirl said:

Agree that Karine needs medical/mental health attention now.  Could be postpartum related. Not up on spoilers, but hope she has been able to go home. She needs the support Pole cannot give her. 

What Karine needs is to get off reality TV and go back to Brazil.  

It's one thing to be poor in your own country where you have family, friends and can speak the language.  It's another thing to be poor in a foreign country where you have no one and can't speak the language.

10 hours ago, Kayz Opinion said:

I  L-O-V-E Syngin's friends.  This shows the us a little of the nice life he had...New Zealand young free spirits.

You mean South African free spirits.

Larissa needs to be deported, maybe she can get someone to fix her bad plastic surgery.

I don't believe AT ALL that big Chuck or little Chuck are paying for this wedding.  If  big Chuck is paying, it's not that much.  I'm sure TLC is really footing the bill.  Chuck's "I'm paying for this" was just a line to get him and his nasty xenophobic family to Moldova.

Edited by Neurochick
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12 hours ago, TrininisaScorp said:

You guys!  America is so divided right now, but I'm so glad we can all agree that Family Libby are gross, ugly Americans (and as I've said previously, Tampa Trash).  There is hope for us to heal!  LOLOLOL

Where to start...I feel like shit was uncomfortable this episode all around.

It is hard to determine where to sart, no?  I have nothing to add to what has been said except:  Libby and Andrei:  GET YOUR OWN JOBS/CAREERS/SOURCE OF INCOME OUTSIDE OF CHUCK.  Please do this for your daughter so she will not have to see this shitshow as her chilhood of Mommy and Daddy and Grandpa sniping and bitching at each other EVERY! SINGLE! DAY!  That is very unhealthy, to say the least. 

Please stop with the "wedding" crap - you are already married.  Get married in a courthouse at 2pm in blue jeans?  That is your wedding!  (Not knocking it, that is what what I wanted for each of my weddings!)  Fyi - I have the right to say "my second wedding" as I actually am on my legit second marriage to a DIFFERENT man.  This is a renewal of vows.   Me?  I would not fly anywhere to see a renewal of vows.  Sorry, saw you get married legally and I wish you well, but nope  I actually work for a living and get three PTO days during the school year no, so.  My summers are accounted for, again, sorry.

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3 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

She always sides with her awful family and — like all of them — can never genuinely accept an apology & let something go. It’s always “Yeah, OK, but you didn’t apologize for the right thing, to the right people, at the right time.”

I believe the underlying issue in all of the family squabbling is the "elephant in the room."  Andreiiiiii refuses to work to support his young family and Libby's father is stuck assuming that responsibility.  Because of that fact, Andreiiiii has lost the respect of Libby's family so whatever behavior they display toward Anreiiiii is their passive-aggressive response to him refusing to work.  Families like that express their dominance in these disrespectful ways and it's not healthy.  HOWEVER, it's also not healthy for Andreiiiii to continue to rely on Chuck to pay his bills.  

Does Andreiiiii's family KNOW that he doesn't work to support his young family??? 

Also, I know Libby works for her dad; however, my hunch is that he dad pays her far more for her work than an outside employer would for a similar job AND the issue has already been discussed that the baby is now old enough to have grandma babysit her while Andreiiiii goes to work.

My question is and was:  I believe there's some issue that caused Andreiiii to leave Moldova and go to Ireland.  I believe he was a "bouncer' in Ireland and then he got into the show after he met Libby online.  I understand he wouldn't have received a visa to come into the U.S. if he had a criminal record.

HOWEVER, there are MANY types of situations he may have been involved in prior to going to Ireland (and may have also engaged in while in Ireland) that have never been charged as "crimes" but are questionable nonetheless. 

I believe his work "history" is what he doesn't wish to have explored by future employers.  Even if Andreiii is employed by Chuck (as was offered to him) he would be required to reveal prior work history to fill out the required documents for Chuck's company to issue paychecks to him.

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I like Larissa and find her entertaining, but even I think her storyline is stale and old.  Eric (spelled E-R-I-C for those of you who remember that cringey clip) is a dud and clearly desperate for 15 minutes of fame.  

Larissa's storyline should have involved her getting an interesting job.  Cocktail waitress, doing hair and nails for showgirls, modelling cars for rich dudes, finding a sugar daddy. I think that would bring together the most tawdry and interesting parts of Vegas. 

So far all we've seen of Vegas are colt and Debbie. Colts tract home and 15 year old car without AC and Larissa getting lip injections.  .


The closest we've gotten to a casino is Debbies creepy in home slot machine. The closest we've gotten a a sumptuous buffet is Debbie's beef stew.  

Where is all the decadent Las Vegas glitz and glamour?  That's the world that would be fun to see and I think that Larissa could be the person to show that.  



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2 minutes ago, pdlinda said:

my hunch is that he dad pays her far more for her work than an outside employer would for a similar job AND the issue has already been discussed that the baby is now old enough to have grandma babysit her while Andreiiiii goes to work.

I agree 100% and Lib and Andrei:  Go get FT jobs, pay a licensed day care or in home licensed day care to watch your baby and see how that lands.  Wait, I will tell you:  $$$$.  Are they going to pay Lib's mom to babysit?  Probably not.*  They BOTH need to get off Mommy and Daddy's teats TODAY and be adults.  You are both near thirty, time to grow up.  Or one works FT and the other works PT around those hours.  Listen, something has got to give......time together as a couple, time with your baby, a chunk out of your wallet for daycare, something.  Trust me, I know, I have been there.

*=No way no how would I watch a baby/toddler for 40 hours a week for free.  Sorry.

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18 minutes ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

It is hard to determine where to sart, no?  I have nothing to add to what has been said except:  Libby and Andrei:  GET YOUR OWN JOBS/CAREERS/SOURCE OF INCOME OUTSIDE OF CHUCK.  Please do this for your daughter so she will not have to see this shitshow as her chilhood of Mommy and Daddy and Grandpa sniping and bitching at each other EVERY! SINGLE! DAY!  That is very unhealthy, to say the least. 

Please stop with the "wedding" crap - you are already married.  Get married in a courthouse at 2pm in blue jeans?  That is your wedding!  (Not knocking it, that is what what I wanted for each of my weddings!)  Fyi - I have the right to say "my second wedding" as I actually am on my legit second marriage to a DIFFERENT man.  This is a renewal of vows.   Me?  I would not fly anywhere to see a renewal of vows.  Sorry, saw you get married legally and I wish you well, but nope  I actually work for a living and get three PTO days during the school year no, so.  My summers are accounted for, again, sorry.


17 minutes ago, pdlinda said:

I believe the underlying issue in all of the family squabbling is the "elephant in the room."  Andreiiiiii refuses to work to support his young family and Libby's father is stuck assuming that responsibility.  Because of that fact, Andreiiiii has lost the respect of Libby's family so whatever behavior they display toward Anreiiiii is their passive-aggressive response to him refusing to work.  Families like that express their dominance in these disrespectful ways and it's not healthy.  HOWEVER, it's also not healthy for Andreiiiii to continue to rely on Chuck to pay his bills.  

Does Andreiiiii's family KNOW that he doesn't work to support his young family??? 

Also, I know Libby works for her dad; however, my hunch is that he dad pays her far more for her work than an outside employer would for a similar job AND the issue has already been discussed that the baby is now old enough to have grandma babysit her while Andreiiiii goes to work.

My question is and was:  I believe there's some issue that caused Andreiiii to leave Moldova and go to Ireland.  I believe he was a "bouncer' in Ireland and then he got into the show after he met Libby online.  I understand he wouldn't have received a visa to come into the U.S. if he had a criminal record.

HOWEVER, there are MANY types of situations he may have been involved in prior to going to Ireland (and may have also engaged in while in Ireland) that have never been charged as "crimes" but are questionable nonetheless. 

I believe his work "history" is what he doesn't wish to have explored by future employers.  Even if Andreiii is employed by Chuck (as was offered to him) he would be required to reveal prior work history to fill out the required documents for Chuck's company to issue paychecks to him.

I agree with you both. 

Libby and Andrei need to cut the cord with Chuck.  And I agree that it's a large part of the reason Libby sides with her asshole family.  

If someone is supporting you, you have to follow their rules. My job supports me and i have to follow their rules.  

As you said, I think Libby's "job" with Chuck is probably more for show and she is paid far higher than comparable jobs.  

So, if Libby or Andrei get a job away from chuck it'll be financially uncomfortable.  

But Andrei and Libby will always have to swallow their pride with chuck and he knows it.  

Andrei can pretend all he wants that he is apologizing for Libby.  That's nonsense, he is apologizing because he doesn't want to be kick d.ofd the gravy train.  

I also think that Andrei has likely misrepresented the situation to his family out of pride.  

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Let's play a game! Which of tonight's couples (none of whom are the slightest bit "happy") is the most ill-suited to one another.

Now the contenders:

Asuelu, who prefers the Path of Least Resistance at all times, even when his family is shamelessly money-grubbing & Kalani, who mercifully said very little this episode?

(Honorable mention to Asuelu's mother, who really seems to think that Asuelu has access to a money-printing machine)

Colt, whose mother's eyebrows should require their own passport, and who really, really wants a woman to control his every move & Jess, who thinks throwing shoes is a perfectly valid arguing technique?

Paul, He of No Job Ever, who's an embarrassment to his mother & Karine, who's prone to inexplicable funks that cause her to revert to toddlerhood?

Elizabeth, who REALLY SAID she's NEVER gotten a sincere apology from Andrei & Andrei, who has, somehow, NEVER given a sincere apology (tonight's episode didn't feature one, either)?

Michael, who wants a kind, sweet Nigerian woman of childbearing age, and has, bewilderingly, decided to marry Angela & Angela, who ACTUALLY SAID, WITH A STRAIGHT FACE, that Michael shouldn't raise his voice to her?

Larissa, who should not be in this show anymore & Ericee, who never had any reason to be on this show in the first place?

Tanya, who married Syngin expecting he'd change to her specifications & Syngin, who really, really enjoys being shit-faced?



The "winners" are obviously Paul & Karine. But the other couples are miserable, too.

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15 hours ago, LaLaLaLa said:

Watching the episode now on DVR.

I've gotta say...I dig Syngin's friends. They may be a bit of a mess, but they could be the most likeable (and good TV) amongst any of the main cast members' friends in this show's history.

Yeah, I thought they were funny as hell and hope we get to see them again. They also sounded like they may have studied abroad as their accents seemed more British than SA to my ears. I'm curious about what they do for a living. They don't seem to be deadbeats like their dear friend.

I also was offended when Chuck referred to Andrei's parents home as the projects. They are so fucked up. I hope seeing this will lead him to find a damn job so that he no longer has to depend on Chuck. And I hope he sees how badly he came across as well and it was not just the alcohol speaking. Charlie totally sucks, but he does do a good Andrei impression.

I'm finding it increasingly difficult to feel sorry for Michael. If he does ever make it to the U.S. I hope we get lots of juicy details. He is in for one hell of a surprise. Once he gets that green card, though, he may leave Angela the Abusive's ass in the weeds and find a woman with a functioning reproductive system, What a bloody mess. Gotta admire his determination, though, because it must take a lot to fuck her fat, smoky ass and kiss that loud mouth. 

Assuelo's family is gross. Even if they are faking it for TV they are disgusting for doing it.

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6 minutes ago, TwirlyGirly said:

Animals can become fearful and feel threatened when being chased. You can hope they continue to run away from the threat, but sometimes they don't. Sometimes they decide to defend themselves. 

I agree!  All I could see was a goat feeling threatened and chasing Oliver, head butting him and injuring him.  That said, I hope the goat owner said beforehand - "No chasing, please."  On the upside....Oliver can walk!!  

On the shallow side:  Does Kennedy ever NOT cry?

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22 minutes ago, TwirlyGirly said:

I'm afraid I disagree. 

Animals can become fearful and feel threatened when being chased. You can hope they continue to run away from the threat, but sometimes they don't. Sometimes they decide to defend themselves. 

Did you see the horns on some of those goats?

If any one of them had suddenly turned and run towards Oliver, head down - well, my money is on the goat reaching Oliver before any of the adults could intervene.

And that's why children should always be taught never to chase animals - whether they be pets or wild. 

Because it's the animals that always pay the price when they are simply defending themselves out of fear of an uncontrolled child.

To me, id have discouraged Oliver from playing with the goats at all since chasing goats seems like a natural thing a child his age would do.  


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16 minutes ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

I agree!  All I could see was a goat feeling threatened and chasing Oliver, head butting him and injuring him.  That said, I hope the goat owner said beforehand - "No chasing, please."  On the upside....Oliver can walk!!  

On the shallow side:  Does Kennedy ever NOT cry?

She did say "The goats are friendly. You can pet them."

But then instead of Kalani or Asuelu taking Oliver into the gated field, and showing him how to approach the goats and what petting is, they just allowed him in to run wild.

Kalani saw what Oliver was doing, but all she did was call his name over and over. Because a two year old who is totally free to run around chasing goats is of course going to just stop when he hears his name. 

Not "Oliver! Stop!" Or "Oliver! Here! NOW!"

Just "Oliver." "Oliver." "Oliver."

It wasn't until the goat owner/caretaker said "If we could minimize the chasing that would be appreciated" did they actually get up and fetch Oliver. 

And STILL neither one of them explained why animals should not be chased nor showed him the right way to interact with the goats.

So Oliver learned nothing from the experience. 

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31 minutes ago, RealReality said:

To me, id have discouraged Oliver from playing with the goats at all since chasing goats seems like a natural thing a child his age would do.  


Oh, I wouldn't have discouraged it (and I raised a child).

Children's receptive language skills develop before their expressive language skills, and a two year old is capable of understanding how to interact with animals.

I would have taken Oliver over to one of the goats, and explained to him that animals can get scared sometimes just like he gets scared. So, you should never scare an animal by chasing them, hitting them, pulling their tails or ears. 

I would tell him he should only touch them if the goat can see him. Then I'd take his hand and show him how to gently pet the goat on its head and neck.

I'd then explain what the goat's horns are for; that the goat uses them to hit other animals or people when he's scared - and that's why he has to be very gentle with the goats and not frighten them.

I did this with my own daughter, from the time she could walk. Kids understand a lot more than we give them credit for, at a much younger age than we think - if we only take the time to explain things to them.

But even after that, I would still keep an eye on him, because that's my job as a parent. And, if he even started to make a run for the goats, I'd swoop him up and take him out immediately - and then tell him why.

Edited by TwirlyGirly
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21 hours ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

Was Paul really going to burn down a house for insurance money?  Did I miss that?  I thought I just read it.  

That's my understanding from what I read and it's for that reason that (in my not so humble opinion after working in the criminal justice system for many, many years on the defense side)  he will never, ever, ever, ever be able to obtain "traditional" employment where a criminal background check is the first thing employer's usually run. 

He may be delusional in the belief that someone will hire him "under the table" or "for cash"; however, in 2020 America I would STRONGLY ADVISE HIM (not that he asked me) not to add to his misery by committing further criminal acts because he would likely be given a prison sentence with his history.

I can possibly understand the 2 adults marrying; however until and unless this employment "piece" of their relationship fell into place, to bring an innocent child into the mix is truly sad and disappointing.

How Karine (who comes from a decent, although poor, family,father a police officer, as I recall) to have fallen for this very weird individual, Pole, is hard to fathom.  I understand she probably thought the streets were paved with gold in the U.S. but that's a very outmoded belief (Brazil is having an economic comeback despite COVID problems that we also have).

Karine (not that she asked me) contact your family and have them start saving for a one-way plane ticket back home with your baby (ticket is expensive) ASAP!!

 I am not a doctor; however, she seemed to show signs of postpartum depression on the episode last night and when I saw the fly swatter working full time, I don't think it is a healthy environment living in that shanty trailer with the baby.

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1 hour ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

It is hard to determine where to sart, no?  I have nothing to add to what has been said except:  Libby and Andrei:  GET YOUR OWN JOBS/CAREERS/SOURCE OF INCOME OUTSIDE OF CHUCK.  Please do this for your daughter so she will not have to see this shitshow as her chilhood of Mommy and Daddy and Grandpa sniping and bitching at each other EVERY! SINGLE! DAY!  That is very unhealthy, to say the least. 

Eleanor and Andrrrrei's parents haven't been seen in the last two episodes, because they were forced to sit out the the endless dinner and fake fight at Medieval Times Moldova in "the projects."  The episode before that, she sat in a locked car with her grandfather while Libby and Andrrrei searched for reception halls that served fried chicken.  When she arrived at the AirBnB, Libby proudly announced that she wasn't on mommy duty and asked for wine, even though she still looked horribly hung over.

This is all just more (unnecessary) evidence of how gross, ungracious and ugly all of Family Libby is.  And, next week, the pile-on continues when Mother Libby and Coven Jen arrive.  

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5 hours ago, spunky said:

I once dated a Nigerian man who I met at a church function.  He explained that he loved Caribbean women because we can cook. He then explained that he expected me to stop working and be a housewife once we got married.  I kindly explained to him that while I respect his culture we would not be a good fit because I'm not the submissive type.  We're still friends and he's now married to someone who was okay with being submissive to her husband. 

I too have had some dating experiences with men from the motherland (Nigeria and Ghana), they were decent men who were always kind and respectful, and the concept of “no house, no wife” was something I appreciated, but I knew I couldn’t be serious about either of them because of my personality type. 

Maybe Michael WANTS a woman who lead the relationship and that’s why he’s attracted to an older American woman. Statistically he would have a harder time finding a woman in his peer group who would be into those relationship dynamics. 

For the record I too am appalled by Angela’s behavior but Michael isn’t being held hostage here. He may get off on it who knows. 

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