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2020 Auditions, Finals, and Training Camp


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I'm curious as to who you all think will retire after this season? 

My list of possibilities is: 


Gina - probably not but who knows.. she already has had SG and been a GL... it's not likely she'll get point or pro-bowl so she might as well give it up


Cianna - cut from SG .. signals issues

Jalyn - didn't make it back on SG and potentially humiliated over it on the show.. constantly punished for unknown reasons

Kristen - Talked about negatively.. made to "dance for her life"

Briana - Talked about negatively.. made to "dance for her life"



Rachel A

Alanna - maybe not, but she is really close with Lily.. so i'm sure that upset her. K&J never give her anything too special. 

I know its a super weird season to end on.. but it probably has been even more stress than usual and who knows if 2021 will end up being any better. I wouldn't be surprised if we had some shocker retirements too that I didn't consider.

Edited by NC-CFD09
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Also.. am I crazy or does Rachel's hair look different... in a bad way? I always loved her hair but now it looks blonder..? All one color & no low lights?? what the heck happened?!

I also saw a few posts back that someone noticed Rachel W's instagram is private, wonder if she doesn't want negativity over something related to the show? Or her position as point? Or her new hair? 

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36 minutes ago, NC-CFD09 said:


Also.. am I crazy or does Rachel's hair look different... in a bad way? I always loved her hair but now it looks blonder..? All one color & no low lights?? what the heck happened?!

I also saw a few posts back that someone noticed Rachel W's instagram is private, wonder if she doesn't want negativity over something related to the show? Or her position as point? Or her new hair? 

I agree about her hair.  They made it more blonde.  

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1 hour ago, NC-CFD09 said:

I'm curious as to who you all think will retire after this season? 

My list of possibilities is: 


Gina - probably not but who knows.. she already has had SG and been a GL... it's not likely she'll get point or pro-bowl so she might as well give it up


Cianna - cut from SG .. signals issues

Jalyn - didn't make it back on SG and potentially humiliated over it on the show.. constantly punished for unknown reasons

Kristen - Talked about negatively.. made to "dance for her life"

Briana - Talked about negatively.. made to "dance for her life"



Rachel A

Alanna - maybe not, but she is really close with Lily.. so i'm sure that upset her. K&J never give her anything too special. 

I know its a super weird season to end on.. but it probably has been even more stress than usual and who knows if 2021 will end up being any better. I wouldn't be surprised if we had some shocker retirements too that I didn't consider.

My list of potential retirees would be Rachel A, Briana, Kristin, Tess, Savannah, Daphne, Taylor J, Cianna, Gina, Maddie, Erin, Jalyn, Alanna, Madeline, possibly Alora-Rose (don't know the new girls enough to know who looks like a one and done). It'll either be a handful or lots of retirements in 2021 I think. Depends if they want to get another full season or they've just had enough. 2-3 years seems to be enough for many, especially if they've been on other squads/college teams.

If they were at risk this year, I think they'll retire after this season. I think Lexie will stay another year so she can try and get point but Rachel W pretty much has that sewn up now. 

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14 hours ago, forumborum said:

Entire thing leaves a bad taste.  I have not brought myself to watch the show.  The team picture should be an embarrassment to the organization.  I cannot get over H&B and they leave the likes of Savannah, Lisa, Maddie and on and on 

Exactly how I feel. I'm recording this season on my DVR, but I'm not sure I'll ever watch it.

  • Love 1
17 minutes ago, Teriyaki Terror said:

Lexie to me is a blender. She does not need to be point. 

Lexie won't be point if Rachel W stays as point. If they do two points next season it'll be a blonde and a brunette. They won't pick Rachel W and Lexie because it's two blondes. I'm betting if they do two points it'll be Rachel W and either Ashlee or Caroline. 

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, Teriyaki Terror said:

She stated before the season started it would be her last year. She called it her senior year. Also, The season Kash said that, Victoria was cut. 

KaShara, bless her heart, suffers from the same "mouth-y" issues, but has a better control of what comes out of it...sort of a 'takes one to know one' deal...it all spoke to VK's immaturity. 

  • Love 4
2 minutes ago, CrazyMoon said:

KaShara, bless her heart, suffers from the same "mouth-y" issues, but has a better control of what comes out of it...sort of a 'takes one to know one' deal...it all spoke to VK's immaturity. 

Exactly, if anyone could've helped VK, it was Kashara. Kash, although not my fave, was very down-to-earth and funny with her little quirks. VK is just cringey to me when she speaks.

  • Love 7
22 hours ago, Kitkatkitty said:


Yes yes yes make them kick through the door and they are dumb as hell if they e never attempted a jump split before camp

20 hours ago, ClassicPegg said:

Or perhaps, the "weatherman", the "news anchor" and the "boot-maker" aren't the best people to judge "dancers!"

They need $$& sponsors so that’s why they get these random boot people and hair people. Want media coverage so add some anchors etc.

19 hours ago, scorpio1031 said:

I think you need a mix of judges - they are looking at more then just how a gal dances

See my comment above 

  • Love 1
22 hours ago, Kitkatkitty said:


Yes yes yes make them kick through the door and they are dumb as hell if they e never attempted a jump split before camp

20 hours ago, ClassicPegg said:

Or perhaps, the "weatherman", the "news anchor" and the "boot-maker" aren't the best people to judge "dancers!"

They need $$& sponsors so that’s why they get these random boot people and hair people. Want media coverage so add some anchors etc.

19 hours ago, scorpio1031 said:

I think you need a mix of judges - they are looking at more then just how a gal dances

See my comment above 

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I was creeping Claire Wolford's instagram and I noticed that her and Kelcey W had some photos and went to University of Nebraska together. But I also noticed that from her instagram history it looks like Claire was only on the team '17-18 and then transferred to ASU where she finished her career there?

Just curious if anyone knows why!

14 minutes ago, TUOwl84 said:

This was on Twitter today.  This has to be the prettiest I've seen Madeline M look.  


I was just about to post this picture but honestly I think the opposite as you! It's really clear here that she's tweaking with her face in some way and I'm not a fan. Makes her look older and less fresh.

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I think Madeline is very pretty! Glad to see she made the show poster this year, but the picture they chose was not her best or most flattering. She has those gorgeous bright eyes that pop against her dark hair and a killer figure. I also think the picture they chose of Savannah for this season's poster is not her best, and I think she is very pretty too, even if people go on about the size of her teeth. I was glad to see all 4 ladies they chose for the poster this season--nice that they went with ladies who often are overshadowed (Amanda is the exception and I love seeing her as the 2nd year vet they chose as opposed to you know who).

I am really curious to know if we're going to find out why the vets were ranked so low on the audition board from the first episode! The more I look at the board, the more I agree with others who speculate that it is at least somewhat alphabetical--like maybe they put the girls who have the same scores together in alphabetical order, with Alanna through Victoria getting the same score, then Amanda through Marissa getting the next highest scores, Ashlee through Taylor in the next tier, then Cianna through Rachel A. After that, I am less clear on what the groupings would be exactly. Amber gets overlooked a lot on this board with people saying they never remember who she is, but her dancing has caught my eye since she was in training camp and I loved seeing her get to share the point spotlight with our beloved Bridget in different performances last season. She definitely is in the running for future point girl, IMO. I also love seeing Alanna, Chandi, and Amanda ranked so high. I am left wondering who TF did not vote yes for Ashlee, though. I mean, what?? She is gorgeous, a firecracker performer, and has strong leadership qualities. I stan! I really want to see her as a GL and in the triangle next year. Here is my ideal, completely impractical, front triangle for this season, based only somewhat on seniority and mostly on personal preference and performance quality (and photogeneity, and hair color balance, because part of me that loves this show and DCC is superficial like that):


                                                        Amber               Ashlee

                                          Amanda              Kelsey             Rachel W

                           Chandi               Rachel A             Jaylyn               Caroline

Looks like I'm over the other GLs and am less excited about their dancing than some of the other vets. Of the GLs I didn't pick for my favored triangle, I think Lexie is the best performer, and I think Tess is one of the most beautiful cheerleaders on the squad. Y'all may recall I am no Maddie fan and am beyond ready for her to retire. Also, I did not pick Gina for her photogenic qualities but because I think she is the best dancer among the vets and she serves it every time. I want to agree with others that her look may have kept her from point last year, but to be honest and not particularly kind, that reasoning doesn't really make sense when I think about the two people they did pick for point last season. Rachel W definitely glams up their point situation this year considerably.

I wrote all this while killing time trying to wait for the 2nd episode to be available on the CMT website. I don't even see a preview for episode 2 online anywhere or a thread for it in this forum. Is there even an episode tonight? Or did they drop a premier episode last week and already are skipping a week? 

  • Love 5
18 minutes ago, ClassicPegg said:

The show came on at 9pm and it's now 11:45pm.  I find it sad that no one has created a topic/page for the new episode and no one is really discussing it yet.  Speaks volumes about level of excitement this year...

A lot of people probably haven’t watched it or chose not to watch it ! I’ve watched it 

  • Love 2
3 hours ago, M1977G said:



                                                        Amber               Ashlee

                                          Amanda              Kelsey             Rachel W

                           Chandi               Rachel A             Jaylyn               Caroline

That formation is my dream! Add in Briana, Erin and Alanna and then you’ve got all of my favourites!  

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, ClassicPegg said:

I watched it, too. (Twice)  Last week, people were commenting as the show was happening--this week, nothing!  It just seems odd.

I watched (but fast forwarded through parts). There isn't too much to comment on. Same edited stuff - the camera pans and zooms so much that its hard to tell who is doing what. And I get distracted by that carpet. It's honestly kind of hard to watch - not sure if its the lighting or the confusing mask on mask off business. Kind of a mess TBH.

  • Love 3
7 hours ago, ClassicPegg said:

The show came on at 9pm and it's now 11:45pm.  I find it sad that no one has created a topic/page for the new episode and no one is really discussing it yet.  Speaks volumes about level of excitement this year...

I still look forward to watching! I had to buy the season through Apple because I don’t get CMT anymore. The episodes don’t drop until after they’ve aired on CMT, so I have to watch the next day.

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Turns out there was a new episode last night. iTunes already had the episode available this morning, but it still isn't showing as one of the full episodes available on CMT. Since there is no episode thread, I'm going to post some of my thoughts about last night's episode here. It can be moved if it's in the wrong place. So, please note, spoilers below on episode 2!

Loved seeing Evan Miller and his positive energy again! It was interesting that he favored both Kelly and Ashlinn--and Ashlinn got favorable remarks from Kelli or Judy, too. I am interested because I can't see yet why either got cut. Meanwhile, Alora-Rose is on the struggle bus and she makes it. Are they just into her Rockette status? She has a very bright energy when she performs, so I can see why they gave her more time, but based on the first two episodes, if I were an unspoiled viewer, I would expect her to get cut. Loved that we got an introduction to Armani and Ellie, and I am enjoying the parent interviews as part of the intros for some of these ladies. I like this much better than the stupid scene with MRS and Breelan and Caila where their parents were giving them pep talks and Caila's dad went all in on his football metaphors. These interviews this season with the parents (especially the military daddies) seem more organic and real, with them talking about their daughters and families, as opposed to a more staged "intervention" that I didn't care about. I'm intrigued by the rise of the U of Oregon cheerleaders coming to DCC--Maggie, Molly, and now Ellie. I still have the same favorites from episode 1, though I now like Kelly too now that I've seen her dance more. I still don't understand how Annabelle was the highest ranked rookie. She is cute but not beautiful, and I don't love her dance performance or technique. Her cows really weren't that impressive to me, either, so I'm just mystified by her being such a favorite. I don't know why anyone (ahem, Sydney) would go to DCC rehearsal without having eaten or hydrating properly, especially after poor Bridget passed out last year. Overall, it was an OK episode to me. Very eager for the vets to return next week!

  • Love 7
10 hours ago, M1977G said:

Amber gets overlooked a lot on this board with people saying they never remember who she is, but her dancing has caught my eye since she was in training camp and I loved seeing her get to share the point spotlight with our beloved Bridget in different performances last season. She definitely is in the running for future point girl, IMO.

I think they never feature Amber on the show at all and that is probably why she is coming off as "un-memorable". I'm sure if we could watch entire DCC performances without edits then she would stand out because she is a super talented dancer. 

23 minutes ago, M1977G said:

Meanwhile, Alora-Rose is on the struggle bus and she makes it. Are they just into her Rockette status? She has a very bright energy when she performs, so I can see why they gave her more time, but based on the first two episodes, if I were an unspoiled viewer, I would expect her to get cut.

From the first two episodes, it seems like Alora-Rose will be another Meredith.. 

  • Love 3
41 minutes ago, NC-CFD09 said:

The #1 thing I noticed from last night's episode is that some of these TCC's are WAY thicker than TCC's in past seasons that were cut or called out for weight!

They look good.. don't get me wrong here. I just think it's obvious their weight standards have changed. 

Which ones?

10 minutes ago, vanillagum said:

Which ones?

Several of them, but the ones that jump to mind are Sydney, Claire W, and Mckenzie.

I'd like to re-iterate that I am IN NO WAY saying they are fat or look bad. They are beautiful. I just feel so bad for the girls who have been let go for weight in the past. 

For example.. They criticized Rachel A for being "thick". I would argue that she is less "thick" than several of the TCC's this year.  

Edited by NC-CFD09
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22 minutes ago, NC-CFD09 said:

Several of them, but the ones that jump to mind are Sydney, Claire W, and Mckenzie.

I'd like to re-iterate that I am IN NO WAY saying they are fat or look bad. They are beautiful. I just feel so bad for the girls who have been let go for weight in the past. 

For example.. They criticized Rachel A for being "thick". I would argue that she is less "thick" than several of the TCC's this year.  

Sydney is interesting to me because she is so bottom heavy. I don't think anyone could argue that she is overweight or could slim down her thighs/butt even if she wanted to, thats just the way she is built. It is an interesting choice, because we have seen them turning away girls for having too many arm muscles or a "thutt" in the past, but for some reason Sydney is ok. Don't get me wrong I think her choice of auditioning in white shorts was a good one, because then they can see exactly what they are getting. I'm thinking either they had to change their standards somewhat to account for more typical WOC body shapes, or they really are just enamored with her pro bowl status and her face and it's an exception just for her. 

Claire is thicker than I thought she was based on her instagram and audition, but I really like her shape and I think she would look about 10 years old if she was skinnier. 

These girls may look even bigger because some of the TCC are sooooo tiny in comparison (Dani, Jessica, Jada), they may look more normal when the vets show up.

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28 minutes ago, Kitkatkitty said:

Sydney is interesting to me because she is so bottom heavy. I don't think anyone could argue that she is overweight or could slim down her thighs/butt even if she wanted to, thats just the way she is built. It is an interesting choice, because we have seen them turning away girls for having too many arm muscles or a "thutt" in the past, but for some reason Sydney is ok. Don't get me wrong I think her choice of auditioning in white shorts was a good one, because then they can see exactly what they are getting. I'm thinking either they had to change their standards somewhat to account for more typical WOC body shapes, or they really are just enamored with her pro bowl status and her face and it's an exception just for her. 

These girls may look even bigger because some of the TCC are sooooo tiny in comparison (Dani, Jessica, Jada), they may look more normal when the vets show up.

You make several good points. I think it's clear they are trying to up their level of diversity.. so maybe they want a more diverse range of bodies as well? A lot of the BS they used to say about "thutts" and other ridiculous stuff could never fly in 2020.. so it's possible they are keeping up with the times a little better.

It will definitely be interesting to see them compared to the Vets. 

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