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Season 22 Live Feed Discussion

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14 minutes ago, Growsonwalls said:

Dick was an absentee dad for much of Dani's childhood. Sounds like he tried to overcompensate the way many absentee parents do -- by buying her shit. And sounds like she reacted the way many teens do -- by using a parent as an ATM. The thing is as people grow up relationships evolve. Sounds like Dani and Dick got stuck on that gear and when the money ran dry Dani cut Dick off.

A lot of things Dani has said gives me red flags. For one she said she didn't want to have another child other than Tennessee because she's not sure she could love the second child as much as Tennessee. Why can't she love all her children? Maternal love shouldn't be a zero sum game where one child is more loved than the other child. Another thing she said is how worried she was Tennessee would react to Dom caring for her becuase she's never allowed Tennessee to be out of her sight for more than an hour. Why wouldn't she trust her husband and Tennessee's father to care for the child they have TOGETHER? It's like she feels Tennessee is exclusively her possession.

And what she's said about ghosting Porsche after she felt like Porsche was hitting on Dom and also ghosting another woman for the same reason makes me think that she doesn't know how to handle relationships in a healthy way -- she just ghosts people and that's that. Porsche fyi has tweeted back and forth at Dom and they seem on friendly enough terms so apparently Dom doesn't feel uncomfortable around Porsche. Also the way she behaves with Cody sometimes is hypocritical if she ghosts people if she even suspects they flirt with Dom.

In other words I think Dani is just a very negative person and sees the shade in all situations instead of the light. It affects her ability to have positive relationships with people. Evel Dick is very much the same way. 

The Porsche thing gave me the vibe Dom exaggerated it to Dani especially seeing Dom's reaction on twitter. 

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1 minute ago, DakotaLavender said:

I think not having Big Brother After Dark has really impacted my enjoyment of the show. The specific air time worked well for me. And I enjoyed BBAD more than these 24/7 feeds. 

And BBAD didn't cut to trivia or what would be stars, I guess now. I don't remember what they did, but they definitely weren't as annoying as the feeds when they cut them.

8 minutes ago, HartofDixie said:

If it gets boring tonight watch this instead


I have been rewatching BB10 and this was hilarious.


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54 minutes ago, HartofDixie said:

If it gets boring tonight watch this instead


I distinctly remember the night this occurred live on BBAD. It was a Saturday night in summer 2008. It was hilarious. The first thing I did was pop on to the TWOP discussion thread to have peeps to process the complete circus that night. I remember posting that I could NOT believe these women were all 30 years old. It seemed so old at the time. Old enough to not be screaming about “you disrespected my HOH”... Those were good times back when feeds were so fun and HGs forgot about the cameras and played the game and also hated each other at times and fought like cats and dogs living in a small box 😂 “Who wants cake?” will never not be funny. 

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15 minutes ago, Luckylondon said:

I distinctly remember the night this occurred live on BBAD. It was a Saturday night in summer 2008. It was hilarious. The first thing I did was pop on to the TWOP discussion thread to have peeps to process the complete circus that night. I remember posting that I could NOT believe these women were all 30 years old. It seemed so old at the time. Old enough to not be screaming about “you disrespected my HOH”... Those were good times back when feeds were so fun and HGs forgot about the cameras and played the game and also hated each other at times and fought like cats and dogs living in a small box 😂 “Who wants cake?” will never not be funny. 

God, I miss BBAD.  

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4 hours ago, Brian Cronin said:

They could just have them wander the streets of Los Angeles and they could see how, for an "All-Stars" season, there will be NO ONE who will recognize them. 

They've been reduced to a bunch of toxic zombies wandering the streets of an apathetic. LA.  That's pretty much the entertainment value of this season in a nutshell.   It's so 2020.

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I was watching RHAP and Melissa sort of summed it up for me. At this point, I don’t really care. I’m just going through the motions. I don’t really have a vested interested in anyone. I don’t even have an interest in the so called underdogs in David & Kevin. I wouldn’t be upset if Enzo won. Give the old guy the money. He could use it. Each week I kept thinking this would be “the week” but it never happened. I’ll continue watching but overall I don’t really care. Glutton for punishment I guess. 

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56 minutes ago, Luckylondon said:

 I remember posting that I could NOT believe these women were all 30 years old. It seemed so old at the time.

This was not exactly what you said, but I think I brought this up before in this thread.  The first season I watched was Big Brother 3, the first episode I saw was the Gerry pee fight.  I was like, "Why are these people fighting like this over a dude who doesn't wash his hands?"  Granted if I see someone not washing their hands and then making food I will say something to them, but I never saw an over the top fight like that before.  I was hooked.

At the time I was in my early 20's (If I remember right Jason is a year older than me) and I remember Roddy was in his early 30's.  I remember saying to myself, "Man he's so old."  Now I am in my 40's and I am like, "Man I wish it was 2002 again and I could be young."

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3 hours ago, Ellee said:

Just out of curiosity .... has there ever been a season where you (people with the feeds) have not watched them?   

Since I've had the feeds? This is the longest break I've ever taken from them while still paying. I didn't pay every year - in fact, only the past few years have I been legally obtaining them (and even that isn't strictly legal since I pretend to be American and use a fake address. It's the Space Needle this year!) but even when I would watch through third party sites, I never peaced out before F4. I even sat through BB15, BB16, BB19, and BB21. I think at least with those seasons, I cared enough to hate some of those people and I can't even bring myself to really hate this crop. Oh, they piss me off with their casual microaggressions and sexism and I still don't like Tyler but for the most part, they're all so fucking dull and lifeless that they can't even inspire that burning loathing feeling like I had for Frankie Grande and the Cult of Friendship and... everyone that wasn't Elissa in BB15 except for the amazeballs Amanda/GinaMarie fight. 


1 minute ago, Growsonwalls said:

Well looking at that footage it also kind of reinforces the idea that "sure bets" for All Star casting often aren't. Keesha when she came back was nothing like that birthday party Keesha. She was so quiet and low-key I forgot she was on the feeds until eviction night.

I think people also forget that it was 12 years ago. Keesha from 12 years ago was a sure bet. When I think back to me at 25 and now me at 37... there's a big difference. There's no reason to think - aside from nostalgic hoping - that Keesha would be that same Keesha. But Big Brother fans, for some reason, seem to think that the game exists in a vacuum. I'm guilty of it, too. But really, 12 years is a looong time. It's good that she changed and grew up and... became a keyboard warrior on Twitter? Well, she was almost there. 

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7 minutes ago, Growsonwalls said:

Well looking at that footage it also kind of reinforces the idea that "sure bets" for All Star casting often aren't. Keesha when she came back was nothing like that birthday party Keesha. She was so quiet and low-key I forgot she was on the feeds until eviction night.

I was watching a speed version of season 10 on YouTube the other night (They only showed the real important stuff) and she seemed like an entirely different person.  She did not really show much personality this season at all, but on that she was awesome. 

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3 hours ago, Growsonwalls said:

Dick was an absentee dad for much of Dani's childhood. Sounds like he tried to overcompensate the way many absentee parents do -- by buying her shit. And sounds like she reacted the way many teens do -- by using a parent as an ATM. 

A lot of things Dani has said gives me red flags. For one she said she didn't want to have another child other than Tennessee because she's not sure she could love the second child as much as Tennessee. Why can't she love all her children? Maternal love shouldn't be a zero sum game where one child is more loved than the other child.

Absentee parents do often try to make up for their absence with money and gifts. And when those gifts aren’t sufficiently appreciated (in the parent’s eyes), they dismiss the child as ungrateful and use this as a validation for their absence. Absented children, on the other hand, often view the money and gifts as something they are due, as the very least a neglectful parent could put forth to make up for the neglect. So they don’t feel the need to say thank you.  This is pretty much textbook behavior, and I wouldn’t be surprised if it defines the Donato relationship. I won’t say it does because I don’t know them. I will say that Dick’s willingness to vent his feelings in public says a lot more about him than it does Dani.

I heard a conversation between Dani and Cody on the feeds where she discussed not wanting a second child. I don’t if it’s the same conversation you’re referring to, but I heard her tell Cody that while she would be able to love a second child, she doesn’t WANT to. Because she wants to devote all her time and attention to Tennessee and not have to split her focus. The way she talked about that child, and how she wants to spend every second with her, sounded obsessive almost to the point of stalkerish. Can you stalk your own child? It’s like she wants to be the reverse of Dick but is taking it too far. Again, I’m not going to judge because I don’t know her (I’ll save my judgments for her whiny teenage phrasing and giggliness), but clearly there are some deep seated issues. I actually feel sorry for her, when she’s not annoying me.

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2 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

Absentee parents do often try to make up for their absence with money and gifts. And when those gifts aren’t sufficiently appreciated (in the parent’s eyes), they dismiss the child as ungrateful and use this as a validation for their absence. Absented children, on the other hand, often view the money and gifts as something they are due, as the very least a neglectful parent could put forth to make up for the neglect. So they don’t feel the need to say thank you.  This is pretty much textbook behavior, and I wouldn’t be surprised if it defines the Donato relationship. I won’t say it does because I don’t know them. I will say that Dick’s willingness to vent his feelings in public says a lot more about him than it does Dani.

I heard a conversation between Dani and Cody on the feeds where she discussed not wanting a second child. I don’t if it’s the same conversation you’re referring to, but I heard her tell Cody that while she would be able to love a second child, she doesn’t WANT to. Because she wants to devote all her time and attention to Tennessee and not have to split her focus. The way she talked about that child, and how she wants to spend every second with her, sounded obsessive almost to the point of stalkerish. Can you stalk your own child? It’s like she wants to be the reverse of Dick but is taking it too far. Again, I’m not going to judge because I don’t know her (I’ll save my judgments for her whiny teenage phrasing and giggliness), but clearly there are some deep seated issues. I actually feel sorry for her, when she’s not annoying me.

I think the convo I heard was with Nicole and Christmas. But basically she said she couldn't imagine loving another child as much as Tennessee so why have another kid? It was a very weird thing to say. Also she apparently induced labor so she and Tennessee could share the same birthday. Now I'm sure this had something to do with when Tennessee was due anyway but still ... she also said that while Dom is close to his own family she doesn't let them take care of Tennessee. Which again sounds like boundary issues -- kids developing loving relationships with grandparents is a GOOD thing. Just like how she says that she doesn't let Tennessee out of her sight even if Dom is there. Again. This is the child they have TOGETHER. They're raising her TOGETHER. She shouldn't treat her own husband as basically a sperm donor. 

Maybe her extreme possessiveness about Tennessee has caused some distance in her relationship with Dom, and thus the flirting with Cody. I don't know. It's just a guess. 

The other thing that's always been mysterious is Dani's mother. Did she just take off one day? It seems as if she was completely out of the picture. 

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2 minutes ago, BK1978 said:

What happens when her daughter goes off to school?  Is Dani going to end up like Beverly Goldberg from the Goldbergs?

I have a feeling Dani might be the type of mom that homeschools. Just the vibe I get from her. I mean Tennessee cant possibly eat the non-vegan non-organic school lunches right? 

Another weird thing she said is "My daughter is like my best friend." I'm close to my mom so I feel that sentiment. It's a great thing to be close to your mom. However Tennessee is two years old. She's a toddler learning how to walk, talk, etc. How is that her "best friend"? 

Again, I get the sentiment. You want to be a different parent than your own parents. But tbh Dani reminds me of Prince Harry who said that because of what the paparazzi did to Diana NO ONE CAN SEE PICTURES OF BABY ARCHIE EVER. 

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Dani, Kevin, Enzo and Nicole in the kitchen, talking about favorite TV shows. Dani and Kevin like Dexter. Dani has seen Pretty Little Liars 3x. She highly recommends You. Enzo likes Breaking Bad. Dani refuses to watch it because Dom started it without her, so she’s spite non-watching. Kevin and Nicole like Marvelous Mrs. Maisel. Everybody likes Six Feet Under.

They are all drinking again. I guess production is doing what they can to make something interesting happen.

Feeds moved to the bathroom and all the sinks look clog-free. Hooray for drano.

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50 minutes ago, Growsonwalls said:

Also she apparently induced labor so she and Tennessee could share the same birthday. Now I'm sure this had something to do with when Tennessee was due anyway but still ... she also said that while Dom is close to his own family she doesn't let them take care of Tennessee.

12 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

Dani refuses to watch it because Dom started it without her, so she’s spite non-watching.

Just some random quotes but honestly, everything I'm reading here about Dani, combined with some of her actions on BB recently, scream Personality Disorder to me.

And that's all I'm going to say about that, because the last thing I need to do at 2 a.m. is to start ruminating on what specific type of PD she has (allegedly) and people in my life who have had the same type. 

Oh oh. It might be too late... 

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1 hour ago, BK1978 said:


This was not exactly what you said, but I think I brought this up before in this thread.  The first season I watched was Big Brother 3, the first episode I saw was the Gerry pee fight.  I was like, "Why are these people fighting like this over a dude who doesn't wash his hands?"  Granted if I see someone not washing their hands and then making food I will say something to them, but I never saw an over the top fight like that before.  I was hooked.

At the time I was in my early 20's (If I remember right Jason is a year older than me) and I remember Roddy was in his early 30's.  I remember saying to myself, "Man he's so old."  Now I am in my 40's and I am like, "Man I wish it was 2002 again and I could be young."

Sumbitch - that very same episode was my first exposure to BB as well.  Wife was BB-addicted at the time, but I’d never paid it any mind; happened to walk past the TV right as that folderol erupted, though, and that was all she wrote.

I have about a decade on you, btw....  😁

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Next week is Loyal’s birthday week. Cross your fingers and toes for some “and on my son’s birthday!!” action from Krampus.

Memphis doesn’t understand why, in this season, the two people on the block become inseparable. Bayleigh and Da’vonne, and now Day and Kevin. Kevin told him he wants to spend as much time as he can with Da’vonne this week. “You’re about to spend a whole month with her!”, Memphis chuckles. Hmmm... what would I do in that situation? Spend my preordained final days with a friend, or kissing Memphis’ ass? I can’t decide!

Dani and Nicole talking about Day. Seems Xmas told her she’s going. They’re planning their goodbye messages. Dani is disappointed because she wanted Day to stay, but Day signed her resignation with the veto speech. Nicole’s lie is weighing on her and she wants to let it out. She doesn’t want to shock Day with the truth in a goodbye message. Now they’re talking about somebody not washing his hands after going to the bathroom. WHO LET GERRY IN??

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All the guys + Krampus at the pool table, talking about Day. Turns out it’s her fault she’s on the block! If she hadn’t used that veto last week, she’d have bought herself some time! Silly girl. They’re all grumbling because she keeps approaching them to talk about it, and aaaargh... they don’t waaaaanna.

Day feels empowered because since she’s leaving, she thinks everyone will answer her questions truthfully. Kevin says no they won’t, because they know you’ll tell me. He’s popping her bubbles and she’s annoyed.

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David is trying to figure out how to vote. He asks Kevin, do you think Da’vonne would ever trust me again in this game? Kevin says trust your instincts. David’s instincts say no. Kevin says, there you go. But David wants Kevin’s opinion. Kevin says he won’t answer because he doesn’t want to campaign against Day. David keeps pushing. Kevin repeats he won’t campaign against Day. Apparently, the books David read in sequester did not include “Reading Between the Lines: A Beginner’s Guide”.

Kevin says Day is going to confront Nicole tonight. Oooh... something to stay up for!

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Day asks Dani if she told Nicole to switch her vote (for Ian) at the last minute. Dani: Noooo! Day says she’s thinking about telling David she believes him (she doesn’t), that she knows Nicole set him up, and if he votes for her to stay she’ll go after Nicole for him. Dani is down for this plan.

...and of course notifies Nicole at her first opportunity. Nicole is not down for this plan.

Dani keeps entertaining herself by jumping out at Cody from behind corners and making him scream. 

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Day and Kevin in the hammock. They both still think David is lying. They will continue to work with him because they need him, but he will not manipulate them! They know the truth! So I guess Operation: Confront Nicole is off.

I heard Enzo say something about a megaphone, then cut to stars.  Wall Yeller strikes again?

14 hours ago, Nashville said:

Ummm... depends. Dani knows the truth of Nicole’s vote, and so does Ian via Nicole’s GBM - but other than those two has Nicole directly confessed to anyone of her vote to evict Ian, or is everybody else working off assumptions?  Keep in mind part of Dani and Nicole’s plan was to keep Nicole’s true vote under wraps so as to implicate David - not just to Day and Kevin, but to the other Committee members as well.

First of all Dani will reveal the secret so she wins at least two votes: Day and David's, who will both be angry at Nicole. Second, if Nicole is asked directly by the jury, she must give the truth, how can she lie till the last moment? Third, if David and Kevin are in the jury they have no reason to lie to Day anymore (if we assume that they were lying before, which they weren't). Fourth, the committee members know it, Christmas and tyler were talking about revealing it in the goodbye message.

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Read where there was another yeller.  

What are the chances that we have a ‘yeller’ every time BB doesn’t have a button boy to cover a shift?  Or for when one of the ‘stars’ decide he or she needs a break from being on camera?   Or maybe the assistants have changed and they aren’t doing what they ‘used to do’?

Or maybe it’s that it is 2020 and life sucks.

To be honest here, I don’t think TPTB realize that the people that really keep BB going are the feeders, the updaters, podcasters and the people that post in the forums.  Anyway ... thanks to all that answered my post regarding the feeds.  



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Isn't this like the 6th or 7th time they've had a wall yeller?  Can they not beef up security to make it stop?  On average, how long are they confined to the house each time there's a yeller?  Have the other seasons been plagued by yellers as much as this one?

Sorry, that's a lot of questions.  At this point I am voting for the Yeller as AFP because he/she is the most interesting part of this season.

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9 hours ago, BK1978 said:

This was not exactly what you said, but I think I brought this up before in this thread.  The first season I watched was Big Brother 3, the first episode I saw was the Gerry pee fight.  I was like, "Why are these people fighting like this over a dude who doesn't wash his hands?"  Granted if I see someone not washing their hands and then making food I will say something to them, but I never saw an over the top fight like that before.  I was hooked.

At the time I was in my early 20's (If I remember right Jason is a year older than me) and I remember Roddy was in his early 30's.  I remember saying to myself, "Man he's so old."  Now I am in my 40's and I am like, "Man I wish it was 2002 again and I could be young."

Isn’t it wild? I also started watching at BB3 when I was a freshman in high school. If I were on the show now, I would be the senior citizen of the house. Lol. It blows my mind to think that, at 34, I’m now older than Roddy, Danielle, and Marcellas were during that season.

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12 hours ago, Ellee said:

Just out of curiosity .... has there ever been a season where you (people with the feeds) have not watched them?   

Yes the last 3 seasons have been unbearable. I  keep trying again and again with this season but every time I do it's either puppies or I realize within 10 minutes I can't stand these people.

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14 hours ago, keke23 said:

Isn't it Covid test day.

Ah yes, the day they waste everyone's time and make them uncomfortable because theses people are the only people in the world where there is no way in hell they could have gotten Covid being SEQUESTERED from the outside world and all.  Same thing with Julie's "wear a mask when you walk out the door" bullshit.  Let them do the interview without it!  They can put it on at the conclusion, just before they actually get near people.

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13 hours ago, Ellee said:

Just out of curiosity .... has there ever been a season where you (people with the feeds) have not watched them?   

I started getting the feed in BB7 and this season is the earliest I've ever stopped watching. I mean, in the past week I've watched maybe 5 minutes of the feeds. And there's still 10 people left! It's sad. I really think this is the worst season ever. 

8 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

Next week is Loyal’s birthday week.

Oh man, prayer circle that Christmas is nommed next week. 

50 minutes ago, Lamb18 said:

PUPPIES! Why are feeds down this time of day??

That's very strange. Possibly something to do with the next HOH. Seems early for that though.

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Usually all you see at this time of day is people sleeping. Maybe Memphis or David is up by now, but they've been getting up later and later as the season progresses. 11:00 Central Time is the wakeup music time. It makes me wonder if something bad happened.

Unless they are fumigating as someone above suggested and all the house guests were moved to an off-site location. Now feeds are showing the lonely puppy.

10 hours ago, BK1978 said:

Say his name and he will appear.  This is Bear from The Challenge vs. Frankie on U.K. Big Brother...




I've never loved Bear more. And look, I actually agree with Frankie's point: purposely wasting food is tacky and tone deaf. And I have ZERO patience for pranks of any kind. And yet: Team Bear all the way, pussycat. 

In other news, Dani needs to cut the goddamn cord, for fuck's sake. I feel so sorry for that kid. 

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1 hour ago, Slider said:

Ah yes, the day they waste everyone's time and make them uncomfortable because theses people are the only people in the world where there is no way in hell they could have gotten Covid being SEQUESTERED from the outside world and all.  Same thing with Julie's "wear a mask when you walk out the door" bullshit.  Let them do the interview without it!  They can put it on at the conclusion, just before they actually get near people.

I don't understand why they have to be tested so much. I think Da'Vonne said that was their 30th test or something (I hope she was exaggerating). Unless they get exposed to outside people in some way, and I would hope that THOSE people were tested before they came near the HGs, this is a waste of time and money. And yes, Julie should wear a mask but something tells me her vanity is the reason the evicted HGs have to and she doesn't.

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18 minutes ago, MitaJo said:

I don't understand why they have to be tested so much. I think Da'Vonne said that was their 30th test or something (I hope she was exaggerating).

They get tested every single week. It does seem like overkill but it’s a good thing that they’re being so diligent.

I didn’t realize the feeds have been down basically all night, ever since the wall yeller. Complete bullshit. I’m glad I’m not actually paying for them lol.

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I've read that the reason feeds go down for so long after a wall yeller is that BB is essentially punishing the public (deterrent). Is that true?  Or is it because it's too difficult to filter out all the comments regarding what the yeller said?  I still don't understand why the yellers can't just be part of the game. If the yellers' info. impacts conversations - why can't we hear that? It's not like we don't know its happening.

Edited by Tuxcat
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Well I just submitted a complaint to CBS All Access:

Why have Big Brothers live feeds been down for hours and we are just seeing puppies and kittens? Usually house guests are sleeping/just getting up - what is there to hide from viewers? Does not seem fair to subscribers.
In general, feeds have been cutting out very erratically this season, as though the person in charge is just turning them off at random whenever he or she feels like it. Is the type of service viewers are supposed to be paying for?

Let's see if I get a response. Oh, here's an answer:

Hello! Thanks for your email. 

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1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

They get tested every single week. It does seem like overkill but it’s a good thing that they’re being so diligent.

Diligence is great - but that's the ONLY time they are exposed to someone outside the house, when whatever nurse/doctor/medic is right in front of them sticking a tester up their nose.  

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I actually don’t think we know that. They could be exposed to people in the DR, while they’re doing comps, in the SR, etc. Supposedly every crew member is also living in a bubble at the studio though. But honestly I don’t see the harm in being as safe as they possibly can since this is obviously a very serious issue. The only problem I have is with Julie not wearing a mask while they make the HGs wear one. It literally makes no sense lol.

I’m glad the season is so dead because otherwise it would really irritate me that the feeds have been down for over 10 hours. It’s starting to feel like it really is them trying to punish the viewers because of all the wall yellers.

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1 minute ago, peachmangosteen said:

The only problem I have is with Julie not wearing a mask while they make the HGs wear one. It literally makes no sense lol.

I’m glad the season is so dead because otherwise it would really irritate me that the feeds have been down for over 10 hours. It’s starting to feel like it really is them trying to punish the viewers because of all the wall yelle

Absolutely.  Julie should be wearing a mask, and the fact that she doesn't is complete bullshit. 

And yes to your other point too - I went in to "cancel" the feeds and got a free month, though I doubt I'll be watching anytime soon.  The animals are cute, but they make me sad when they are all lonely and huddled up together.  If I was in California they would all be adopted and at my house!

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Just now, Slider said:

Absolutely.  Julie should be wearing a mask, and the fact that she doesn't is complete bullshit. 

And yes to your other point too - I went in to "cancel" the feeds and got a free month, though I doubt I'll be watching anytime soon.  The animals are cute, but they make me sad when they are all lonely and huddled up together.  If I was in California they would all be adopted and at my house!

I am glad the animals get exposure and hope people adopt them...but I can't watch them either... I get way too sad. 

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3 hours ago, Slider said:

Ah yes, the day they waste everyone's time and make them uncomfortable because theses people are the only people in the world where there is no way in hell they could have gotten Covid being SEQUESTERED from the outside world and all.  Same thing with Julie's "wear a mask when you walk out the door" bullshit.  Let them do the interview without it!  They can put it on at the conclusion, just before they actually get near people.

Well, supplies are brought in from the outside world and production people from the outside world go into the backyard setting up challenges with materials from the outside world, so with all that there is a tiny chance of infection. But it is tiny, and yes the frequent testing is overkill. They just want to cover their ass so no one can say they’re not doing everything they can. The Julie/ mask nonsense is just dumb and sends the wrong message.

17 hours ago, Ellee said:

Just out of curiosity .... has there ever been a season where you (people with the feeds) have not watched them?   

This is my first time watching feeds. It’s also the season I decided to introduce my husband to the show. Massive fail on both counts. (He bailed early on.)

43 minutes ago, Lamb18 said:

How do I cancel my subscription?

See, they are being helpful!

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