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Season 22 Live Feed Discussion

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6 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I hope David wins the veto and then uses it just to piss off Memphis.

I didn’t turn on the feeds once today. It’s beautiful!

I would like that too. I'm thinking Memphis could nominate David and make this big speech about how David shook Ian's hand and promised him a vote but then flipped to keep Tyler. And "so hand shakes mean nothing boy." Of course he knows it was Nicole that flipped but I could see Memphis being an ass and wanting to make this point publicly...

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DaVonne - can't keep her mouth shut, main reason why people don't trust her. People are still saying that she wants to 'fact check' everything she hears. 

David - acts really fucking weird, no one can trust him

Kevin - doesn't even try to play the game, sorry gonna get left out

I think Bay did get a raw deal this time but her and Day decided they all needed to band together and she was the better player of the bunch.

Kaysar - apparently Derrick told the pre-alliance to go after Janelle and Kaysar first




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11 hours ago, Victim Noises said:

Also, I've decided my moniker for Christmas shall be National Victims of Vehicular Violence Day.

A sleigh ride from hell? Lmao.

Is Day giving David the silent treatment? It kind of seems like it which is soooooo cringe. 

They're kind of having a cook off right now and I swear I've never seen Memphis talk to Day, Kevin and Day more. If there was anyone to give the silent treatment to it's Memphis not David.

I love Day, but she's so bad at this game. 😞

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8 minutes ago, Summerday said:

A sleigh ride from hell? Lmao.

Is Day giving David the silent treatment? It kind of seems like it which is soooooo cringe. 

They're kind of having a cook off right now and I swear I've never seen Memphis talk to Day, Kevin and Day more. If there was anyone to give the silent treatment to it's Memphis not David.

I love Day, but she's so bad at this game. 😞

I think she's mad because she thinks David lied about his vote? The one time he was actually truthful to her but he's burned that bridge too many times.

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1 hour ago, keke23 said:

So because 3 white women were voted out first, that means there was absolutely no racial bias in forming "the comittee"? I don't think one of those things automatically negates the other from being true. 

Memphis wanted Bay in the committee. Dani told him if you include Bay you have to include Day since they are a package deal and suggested Xmas.


Edited by choclatechip45
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15 minutes ago, Joan of Argh said:

Sorry Summerland I can't get rid of the quote box.

I don't understand the women this season... do Dani and Nicole think they can comp beast and beat Memphis, Cody, Tyler, Enzo and Christmas?.... What are they thinking?... do they have a plan?... I don't get it. 😮

I don't think Dani thinks she can beat them which is why she which is why she said she wants to bring Day to the final 5 and maybe the final 3. 

Edited by choclatechip45
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4 hours ago, keke23 said:

I'm not quick to dismiss Day because of her feelings about David. 

Especially by calling her a bitch, but go off, I guess. The way David is acting this season, I can see why they don't believe him. He's lied about dumb shit. He's entitled to play his game the way he wants, true enough, but if he wanted Day and Kevin to be his allies, he could have done a better job of sharing his plans/thought process. We have the luxury of watching everything play out and being hip to what's going on. Day and Kevin can only go off his behavior and his actions that they see and we all see that he's been acting like a whack job.


I always side eyed David after his season because he did come off as dismissive of Kemi and have an overzealousNess when it came to saying that wasn't my experience. He never wanted to say anything negative about the racists in all the interviews I saw.


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13 hours ago, PaperTree said:

What was that cryptic inspirational Zen whatever that Julie said when she was signing off?

Oh, and Dani, even the picnic table wouldn't wear that thing.

Wait she's not doing a Deep Thoughts with Jack Handey sort of deal?

That is one of the main reason why I hate Instagram so much, you have people posting that sort of shit wanting you to think they are deep thinkers and all I can think of is, "That's Deep Thoughts with Jack Handey."

13 hours ago, Luckylondon said:

Becky talking about Abercrombie discount sales made ME foam at the mouth. I had a bizarre severe aversion to her that I wanted to throat punch her during her little discussions of how her roommates are all paleo and make their own sunscreen and they had a party and the males invited ranked her 3rd best looking in the house out of the 6 who lived there. Oh and her musings on IPA beer and how she is a “shush-Er” and tends to “manage” men in relationships because she manages young adults at her important job scheduling part timers as a manager at Abercrombie. Becky Becky Train Wrecky drove me nuts and I rarely even have strong feelings for houseguests. Her particular bland of blah bored me to itchy tears. 😭😂

How did she get hit in the face by a TRAIN??? That is the most bizarre story ever. I don’t understand how you can’t hear it coming. I’m still confused, but I do NOT want her or anyone to explain it again. 

ETA: I just saw the above quote from Julie and I am going to hell 🙈

Besides the train bit I never knew any of this about Becky.  I can fully understand why you and Steve disliked her.

She's a damn female hipster.  One of my old jobs was driving cars from dealership to dealership (They were all owned by the same family) and I worked with a hipster and I swear I wanted to strangle the dude.  He would go on and on about pot, IPA beer, the vegan lifestyle, how great electronic music was. 

I could never get a word in edgewise.  Whenever he drove he would blast electronic/techno music (I don't know the difference) and I felt like I was going to go insane.  Shit I am having flashbacks just thinking about it.  My  ex co-worker would probably have been perfect for Becky.

10 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

I love Day, but she does have one habit that drives me up a wall: that mouth-popping noise she makes to emphasize a sentence. My nightmare is being in the middle of a conversation between her and Alyssa Edwards.

I watch a lot of YouTube and I notice a lot of younger people doing this and it drives me insane in the membrane.  Where did it start?  What does it mean?  Is it a Drag Race thing?

I am serious about this, I want to finally know where that annoying mouth-popping thing came from.

4 hours ago, Dmarie019 said:

Must be nomination time. 

back to Cody’s First season. He just got an HOH win taken away from him 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 (hope those laughing emojis show up)

I hated it when Jessie kept popping up but I think I’d love it now. 

I was of the same opinion of Jesse (Or however you spell his name) and I would not want to see him play the actual game again.  But him being a punishment is hilarious and I have to say I did enjoy him as a professional wrestler.  His character was that of a self-absorbed jackass, not much of a stretch I guess.  There is an old saying in wrestling, the best gimmicks are ones that are not far from reality.

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Kevin is telling David how being  on the outside he can see the clique from the big alliance being so carefree this season and he remembers that is how he was on his original season not caring who was nominated each week.

He goes I now know how hard it was for Jordan week to week and how hard it must have been for her to get to the end. Since she was on the losing side. Plus she won for life finding Jeff in the house.

He goes I feel that way about Da'vonne if I lose this game I'll be happy because I found Da'vonne. He talks about how he tweeted during Day's original season that she would be on All-Stars (it's true he did).

He is now telling David be careful about being the goat at the end like Christmas and Memphis were on their original season.

Edited by choclatechip45
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Was Christmas a goat during her first season?  That's tough.  I mean realistically all of the final three should be considered goats, because not one of them was remotely likable.  But I am not sure for that season I saw her as that.

Edited by BK1978
Because there is a t in the word not...
7 minutes ago, BK1978 said:

Was Christmas a goat during her first season?  That's tough.  I mean realistically all of the final three should be considered goats, because no one of them was remotely likable.  But I am not sure for that season I saw her as that.

I would classify her as unlikable and unable to win if in an F2 situation. She wouldn't have beaten Josh and she most likely would have lost to Paul - in fact, I think it might have been the only person in the end stages of the jury phrase that Paul could have taken to F2 to beat (well, and Raven but we all know she was really pulling the strings). Paul was the cultish general, Christmas was just his foot (heh) soldier. She had no argument, no jury management, and nothing that she could really point to and say "I did that" without adding "because Paul told me to". 

Edited by Callaphera
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1 hour ago, grandmabegum said:

feeds are up expect them to go down for a bit, we just had a pretty big quake. Just what we needed.

I'm reading it was 4.6. 

The way things are going, I hope the houseguests have their anti-locust kits ready. Or anti-_____ kits. (Fill in the name of whichever past HG you hate the most, about to move in as the mysterious neighbor.) 

I watched just a few minutes of feeds tonight. Day and Kevin going over season stats in case of a memory comp. Their big plan is to win veto, as always. Dani, Nicole and Elf on a Shelf sitting around a table, laughing and chatting without a care in the world. Cody, Tyler, and the rest of the guys fast asleep because why not, they have no need to strategize or work their social game.

This season makes me sad.

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1 hour ago, grandmabegum said:

Yeah, turns out it wasn't that big, just lasted a little while. Definitely had my windows shaking. Doesn't look like there was any damage. Phew, dodged that bullet.

It felt quite strong to me, and lasted way too long.  I think it all depends on where you are located in proximity to the epicenter, what kind of structure you're in, and how jumpy quakes make you in general.  If someone is not bothered by quakes, then they probably wouldn't think much of this one.  But if someone is very sensitive to quakes and hates them, the one tonight would have made them uneasy.

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3 hours ago, TVFan17 said:

It felt quite strong to me, and lasted way too long.  I think it all depends on where you are located in proximity to the epicenter, what kind of structure you're in, and how jumpy quakes make you in general.  If someone is not bothered by quakes, then they probably wouldn't think much of this one.  But if someone is very sensitive to quakes and hates them, the one tonight would have made them uneasy.

Totally. I'm not really sensitive to them. The last one that freaked me out was last year and mainly because it happened while I was asleep. This one I was up and texting with a friend in Altadena, so he got it worse. I really expected it to be higher (thankfully it wasn't). I'm in Studio City, but even my friends down in Santa Monica and Culver City felt it pretty hard.

I stayed awake for a little while after that just in case it was a foreshock. Helped that I kept getting alerts on my phone. There were a few aftershocks, which I didn't feel, so hopefully that's the last for a bit. We really don't need anymore of this.

I figured they might cut feeds and at least explain to the HG what they need to do if there is another one as not everyone has dealt with an earthquake. I mean I wouldn't know what to do in case of a tornado here. But they're on a sound stage so I'm sure it's pretty well re-enforced.

And while all this stuff sucks. I did enjoy this tweet.

Stay safe everyone!

ETA: Here's the tiniest of clips I found of it in the house. These people definitely do not know what to do in case of an earthquake.


Edited by grandmabegum
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39 minutes ago, Ellee said:

Any chance this can end up being a good week?

Absolutely not.

There's pretty much a 0% chance of any week being good now. I mean, sure, there's a chance whichever 2 outsiders stay could win HOH but it's not a strong chance since they suck at comps and there's 6 others they have to play against plus they're idiots so they'll probably fuck it up even if they manage to win. 

Also, it is literally never as fun to watch the big group have to go against each other as it seems like it would be lol.

I cancelled my series recording but I might record some eps next week if the neighbor is Zingbot. Might be like 5 minutes of entertainment in that, I guess.

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12 hours ago, Dmarie019 said:


DaVonne - can't keep her mouth shut, main reason why people don't trust her. People are still saying that she wants to 'fact check' everything she hears. 

David - acts really fucking weird, no one can trust him

Kevin - doesn't even try to play the game, sorry gonna get left out

I think Bay did get a raw deal this time but her and Day decided they all needed to band together and she was the better player of the bunch.

Kaysar - apparently Derrick told the pre-alliance to go after Janelle and Kaysar first


And Dani has a history of blowing up her Alliances but she still got invited.

I read either on Twitter or another board that Day told the cameras just to chill.  Does anyone think that Day’s putting on an act, just in case she stays, so the others don’t consider her and David to be a “pair”.

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15 minutes ago, Coco88 said:

And Dani has a history of blowing up her Alliances but she still got invited.

I read either on Twitter or another board that Day told the cameras just to chill.  Does anyone think that Day’s putting on an act, just in case she stays, so the others don’t consider her and David to be a “pair”.

I saw her do that. She went into the love room to speak directly to the cameras. She said she's not a b*tch but needed to be mean to David so he would go fix the things he did to ruin her game. She was trying to make him feel extra bad.  She still thinks he did it though and doesn't trust him. If she's wrong, she'll apologize later.  She told us to chill because she's not actually that mean.

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