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Season 22 Live Feed Discussion

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2 hours ago, Callaphera said:

[Nicole] almost operates like Andy Herren but without the floating. I don't know if she fits into any of the existing Big Brother archetypes, really. 

Is there a Wallflower archetype? - and no I’m not meaning that as a slam or condescension.  I mean it in the sense Nicole generally does a very good job at blending in to the social “background noise” of the House - and if no background noise exists at the current moment to fade into, she is fairly skilled at creating some (ex. the cornhole game Nicole created out of thin air solely to create a plausible excuse for sticking her head into the HoHR for a quick reconnoiter).  

Nicole’s near-constant crying jags could be considered part and parcel of the same package.  If you’ll recall early in the season everybody was nonplussed at exactly why the Ubly Wonder should be crying All. The. Damn. Time. - as did we, even (remember Crycole?).  By now, though, the other HGs are SO acclimated to a crying Nicole being part of the normal House backdrop that they don’t even comment on it any more - which may mean they’ll say things around Nicole they might not normally say because they assume she’s too wrapped up in some personal drama du jour to be paying attention to them.

Edited by Nashville
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5 hours ago, HartofDixie said:

WTF is Nicole wearing?

That was her pretty pretty pink kitten dress that she picked out special for the nomination ceremony! (But ended up wearing something else for that.) What do you mean? It’s sooo cuuuuuute, you guyyys!

All excellent points above about Nicole. You could also see the wheels spinning in her little hamster brain tonight, when she was contemplating a different course to the end, with Christmas instead of Cody or Enzo. It would probably be her best move, actually.

And now everybody needs to stop making a case for why Nicole might deserve to win, because... <shudder>

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I was thinking about something tonight, is Cody the only one left that can beat Nicole?  I am not sure why I am feeling this way but my gut is telling me it is true.

I don't think she can beat Cody.  I think it would be tough for her to beat Enzo as well but it might be doable. 

I do think she can beat both Memphis and Christmas, that is if there is not an anti-winner bias.  

When she was talking to Christmas, I thought to myself, "This chick might win the show twice. She's going to be the Sandra/Tony of Big Brother."

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That was a good post about Nicole, @Callaphera. I've been noticing her cunning more as the cast dwindles down. I think taking National Cheese Curd Day to the end would be a good move. It's all contingent on National Cheese Curd Day to win HOH tonight. Anyone else wins, she will probably go back up and probably Nicole with her.

Of course Happy Valley, TN (Memphis) would need to go tonight and that's not a sure thing. But I gave Happy Valley a pleasant name today just in case it's his last day. If it's not, it's nonflattering names until the end.

I think I dislike Cody the most. He really is arrogant. During the POV ceremony he was staring at Nicole with his chin tilted up as if to remind her he is the Don and she better not go against his wishes. Also I felt his diary room about his girlfriend was a campaign for sympathy and America's Favorite House Guest. (But I do hope is girlfriend is doing well.)

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20 hours ago, HurricaneVal said:

It's cute that they think "new style" game play doesn't build groups that oppose each other.  That's only because new style puts together a "popular kids" clique alliance inevitably made from the bros and compliant pretty girls and maybe some athletic type girls, and rest of the house are the outcasts.  The bro alliance may include a token weirdo or two, but it is clear to the core bros those weirdos aren't really a part of the alliance and will be the first to go when it comes to eating their own.

This style of game play just reflects a total return to high school dynamics, and I hate what it says about the psycho-sociological makeup of humanity.

You have pretty much nailed why I hate this season. Flashbacks to junior high, where I am the nerdy girl on the math team.

I agree with all the discussion of Nicole. She's good at this game, while pretending to be bad at it. She doesn't win comps until she HAS to, and even then she makes it look like it was just luck.

Edited by tinkerbell
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Kudos to everybody who continues to stick it out. I've been reading along the entire time, although checking in less and less often (this latest break: four days). Not because you guys aren't great as always, but it's 2020 and I have even less patience than usual for Grodner enacting her tedious little fanfics. I looked up my activity and my last BB post was September 4th—when Kaysar was voted out. I didn't even make it to jury before giving up on this season, LOL.

And yet I'm sure I'll be back next year because it'll be all newbies and at least it'll be a different entitled alpha male sauntering to the end...

Oh, and go, finale! Not rooting for anybody left, just finality itself.

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Good morning - 6 minutes left of it! Happy Valley, TN (Memphis) is up, finally, was in the bathroom and is now in the kitchen. Coffee pot's in the machine, Happy Valley is digging in the fridge for some breakfast. No hoodie today, black tee-shirt and gray gym shorts. Cams 1 and 2 are on Enzo's bedroom. Enzo is snuggled up under the orange ribbed blanket and the gray Linus blanket. Cam 2 has a special treat for us - you can see Mulan tucked up in the bed next to Enzo's. Mulan is under a gray fuzzy blanket and the swirly purple, blue and white duvet. Cams 3 and 4 have abandoned Happy Valley and instead are showing National Cheese Curd Day under a white duvet, while Cody is sleeping on the floor in between two gray duvets.

STARS - must be the wakeup call at noon.

National Cheese Curd Day is getting up now and Cody was literally shaking a leg under the duvet.

Enzo and Mulan are still sleeping. Cody managed to get up.

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Enzo took his orange ribbed blanket and gray Linus blanket up to the nook by the HOH room and is napping up there. National Cheese Curd Day is wrapped in the white ribbed blanket with tan speckles in the kitchen, snuffling and grabbing a banana. She says the banana is too soft.

BB Chat is guessing a slip and slide comp (cross fingers) or an endurance. 

Edited by Lamb18
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10 hours ago, Summerday said:

Shouldn't they have the small dining/kitchen table by now? Maybe production forgot...more proof that they've stopped caring about this season. Lol

I think they're not doing it because that would require production staff going actually in the house, possibly getting sweaty, and being in there for a significant amount of time, and that is too much of a risk to the BB bubble. I think this is also why there's no Hide & Go Veto this year.

Edited by dvr devotee
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3 hours ago, dvr devotee said:

I think this is also why there's no Hide & Go Veto this year.

Yeah, when I read that interns come in and clean up after they finish trashing the house, I was quite sure they’d be skipping that one. But as someone else noted, why can’t they just clean up their own mess? And why haven’t those pigs ALWAYS been required to clean up after themselves? Spoiled brats.

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4 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

Yeah, when I read that interns come in and clean up after they finish trashing the house, I was quite sure they’d be skipping that one. But as someone else noted, why can’t they just clean up their own mess? And why haven’t those pigs ALWAYS been required to clean up after themselves? Spoiled brats.

The cleaners/cooks/neatfreaks this year were Janelle, Kaysar, Bayleigh and David. When they left the house went to shit. 

It was kind of amazing to see Janelle's transformation from the buxom blonde bombshell 15 years ago to the house mom who cooked and cleaned every night. 

Then you had Dani that bitched nonstop at how dirty the kitchen was and how gross the food was and then .... didn't clean up her own mess when she ate.

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15 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

Yeah, when I read that interns come in and clean up after they finish trashing the house, I was quite sure they’d be skipping that one. But as someone else noted, why can’t they just clean up their own mess? And why haven’t those pigs ALWAYS been required to clean up after themselves? Spoiled brats.

I just posted about that in the episode thread actually. The HGs do clean up the mess from Hide and Go Veto themselves. Production comes in during the Hiding part of the comp to remove Veto cards so the hidees don't accidentally stumble onto someone's during that phase and then they put them all in place again before the game starts. But the cleaning is the HGs job. 

Edited by Callaphera
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50 minutes ago, Growsonwalls said:

It was kind of amazing to see Janelle's transformation from the buxom blonde bombshell 15 years ago to the house mom who cooked and cleaned every night. 

... while remaining a buxom blonde bombshell. 😍 

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5 hours ago, Lamb18 said:

BB Chat is guessing a slip and slide comp (cross fingers) or an endurance. 

If it's BB Chat guessing it then I will assume it is 100% not that lol. I'd love it to be slip and slide though. It will be a real travesty if we don't get to watch these fuckers fall on their asses. 

51 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

I just posted about that in the episode thread actually. The HGs do clean up the mess from Hide and Go Veto themselves. Production comes in during the Hiding part of the comp to remove Veto cards so the hidees don't accidentally stumble onto someone's during that phase and then they put them all in place again before the game starts. But the cleaning is the HGs job. 

That's what I thought. I was so confused when people were talking about the crew cleaning that up. I was like is this the mandela effect lol.

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7 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

That's what I thought. I was so confused when people were talking about the crew cleaning that up. I was like is this the mandela effect lol.

Never forget Scottie on his hands and knees like a little orphan boy wiping up two kinds of milk from the bathroom floor by himself while everyone else tackled Brett's Pile o' Shit and Aunt Sam melted down about a missing hanger and two pipe cleaners. 


Also we're totally not gonna get Slip and Slide. The Crisco ramp on the OTEV comp is the closest we'll come this season. They're probably afraid that if Memphis is still there, he'll die. Christmas could break her foot again. And we might be entertained so we can't have that. 

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Happy Valley (Memphis) is destined for the jury house. I had two signs about it. There are BATS and TURTLES at the jury house, and Memphis was called Bat Harbor and Turtletown. I didn't see any COYOTE on the Tennessee map, but 2 out 3 is OK.

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When I saw how they were both dressed, I figured Christmas was going ! And Memphis sure didn't seem shocked that it was him-- damn, I really wanted a stunned look if it ended up being him ! So much talk and then it boils done to what Nicole wanted. 

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22 hours ago, Growsonwalls said:

Great post, @Callaphera. Another thing about her: she's incredibly businesslike. This is a long game and people start to get way too attached to each other. We saw that happen with Dani about Cody -- she seemed to crave his companionship more than anything. I don't necessarily think she had a physical crush on him. She just needed to attach herself emotionally to someone in the game and chose Cody. She was devastated when Cody evicted her. 

Nicole doesn't do that. She doesn't get sad if people leave. I feel like if Cody is evicted at the F4 because he lost the veto she won't be sad. She wasn't sad when Dani left. She wasn't sad when Ian left. The HG's see a tiny blond girl who cries at the drop of a hat. She's very good at hiding her personality, if that makes sense. She can create a lot of smoke and mirrors. 

Not trying to be snarky but I think Dani is incredibly in love with Cody.  I think she fell incredibly hard. I do understand the point you're making though.  I do think Nicole was sad about Ian.  But definitely not sad enough to do anything about it.

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3 minutes ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

Not trying to be snarky but I think Dani is incredibly in love with Cody.  I think she fell incredibly hard. 

Snark is our love language in this thread. That and cursing in caps lock.

I really do think Dani's attachment to Cody is due to her intense Daddy issues (because her father, Evel Dick, is truly a dick). She craves attention and approval from men because she didn't get that growing up and it's helped to shape her whole self-worth and self-identity. It's also why she's such an intense helicopter parent and claims that her two year old is her bestest friend ever and she is her two year old's bestest friend ever - she's desperate to be better than her dad (because Evel Dick is truly a dick and a shit parent). Dick fucked her up and now that they're absolutely no contact, I think it makes her want that alpha/strong male to pay attention to her and tell her nice things that much more. Did I mention that it's because Evel Dick is truly a dick? Because Evel Dick is truly a dick. I don't think that can be said enough. Fuck Dick. I hope Dani and Dom keep Tennessee away from him for life.

Dani's an interesting case because we've basically seen her grow up, play out her family drama, find her husband, and then come back as a fully realized adult (this season) over a number of years in this fandom. There's a whole wealth of history there. We've kinda done that with Franzel, too, but in a much shorter period of time and judging from her repressed childhood clothing choices this season, she hasn't actually grown up. She's just gotten better at weaponizing her childish, innocent appearance and demeanor. Which is my tidy little segue into...


23 minutes ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

I do think Nicole was sad about Ian.  But definitely not sad enough to do anything about it.

I read that situation more as Franzel being upset that the perfect façade she presents to her fans (or, as Rachel put it on The Amazing Race, "Nicole, your brand is watching.") took a hit there. She played the Ian vote and eviction really messily. It ended up not mattering in the end game-wise but it was the first time that perfect, sweet, innocent Nicole had to do something that didn't fit into her perfect, sweet, innocent Nicole IG personality. It was also around that time that the "scandal" about a bunch of them making fun of and laughing at Ian's autism tics and stimming happened - Franzel was in the room, laughed, and took the majority of the heat for the event even though it was basically Memphis (because misogyny, yo, that's what I'm talkin' about, yo, that's what I'm sayin'). The DR let Franzel and Dani know that maaaybe some of their comments hadn't been accepted that well by the fandom and there was some mea culpaing happening from them but Franzel still doesn't know that she lost a bunch of IG sponsors and Victor stopped doing their podcast. Still, she was very concerned about people thinking that she was meeean, OMG, you guuuys, she's not meeean.

I also think at that time Franzel believed that to win, she had to take another winner to F2 with her and with Ian gone, she was now the only winner in the house. Again, it's going to end up being a non-issue (IMO but it depends on whether she sits next to Cody at F2). But I don't think she was sad that Ian had to go because of their friendship - Franzel had been complaining to others that week that Ian was useless and dead weight and blah blah blah. But she was definitely more concerned about how she was being perceived. It's much like her meltdown last week about Victor's HoH letter seeming impersonal and "But he doesn't say he's proooud of me. Why doesn't he say he's proooud of me?" It has less to do with Nicole the person and more to do with Nicole the brand. 

Also also this whole idea of the brand being important is why Big Brother now sucks ass and why Memphis, although an asshole, may be the last classic Big Brother villain that we'll ever get and I kinda feel like a piece of old Big Brother just died as he was evicted from the house. 

(Oh, shit, sorry for the novels. Apparently there's still some gas in the tank for this season after all.)

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I haven't bothered to watch since last week's eviction, but was curious who was evicted tonight and who is the new HOH.  So apparently Membrane was evicted and not Happy Holiday?  What's the point?  The level of apathy this season is off the chart.  Whatever became of Will the BB Neighbor and his mega-twist?  He taped a couple of bits, never interacted with the house guests, and that was that?

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So I know that we have to wait for the West Coast viewers to watch the show before the feeds come back so we can find out who won HoH but real talk: how much longer do you think they're going to be off because all of these people are dumb and apparently have never played a chess game in their lives and will probably need the rules read to them nine million times until someone from Production has to come out and physically lead Enzo to the right places because yo, this ain't it, bro. 

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1 hour ago, Nashville said:

Oh, BTW Nicole - nice outfit tonight, dear; looks just like a Honolulu hooker I saw once working the main tourist drag on Kalakaua.

Hey you guyssss, best night of your life for fifty dollars, youuu guyyyssss

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45 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

all of these people are dumb and apparently have never played a chess game in their lives and will probably need the rules read to them nine million times until someone from Production has to come out and physically lead Enzo to the right places because yo, this ain't it, bro. 

Memphis will be dying when he sees this because he actually plays chess. IIRC, he and Christmas were planning to play a game of chess last time I saw them talking. Which means that Christmas also knows how to play chess, and may have an advantage. Enzo might as well sit on the sidelines with Moolan. Unless he gets super lucky, there’s no way in hell, yo.

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Just now, 30 Helens said:

Memphis will be dying when he sees this because he actually plays chess. IIRC, he and Christmas were planning to play a game of chess last time I saw them talking. Which means that Christmas also knows how to play chess, and may have an advantage. Enzo might as well sit on the sidelines with Moolan. Unless he gets super lucky, there’s no way in hell, yo.

I mean, to be fair to the HGs, this year's chess set was both atrocious and probably trippy in a bad way to play with the 3D board.  It's gotta be weird to try and visualize moves on that thing. I'm sure you'd get used to it eventually but still. Although to misquote Jackson, they weren't even playing checkers, never mind chess. (I kinda forgot how often he said the chess/checkers thing, because CONFETTI. ON MY SHOULDERS. was more lulzworthy at the end.)


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7 minutes ago, Callaphera said:




Well here's Enzo's chance to make that big move he keeps talking about....

I'd love it if he'd put Cody on the block 

Edited by Joan of Argh
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Came here to note Enzo with the key. Jeez 2020 really is the worst year. Yo he's gonna bathe in blood yo and take out Christmas, that's what I'm saying.

I will really be praying for a Christmas miracle in the Veto comp. Then I hope she votes out Cody. 🙏


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1 minute ago, Joan of Argh said:

Well here's Enzo's chance to make that big move he keeps talking about....

I'd love it if he'd put Cody on the block 

Yo, that’s what I’m saying. That’s it, that’s it.

but pretty sure Enzo will put Nicole and Christmas on the block.

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This is why Christmas needs to win Veto (and use it, the dumbass). No way Christmas evicts Franzel over Cody and vice versa. This is the only way to stop Cody's reign of terror Derrick-lite ennui. 

Then we're faced with Franzel being the first ever two time winner, Christmas breaking the First In the House curse but being the second felon to win All Stars (considering there have only been two All Stars seasons, that's a huge accomplishment in Big Brother!), or Enzo. He's just Enzo. 

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No but seriously. Picture it: Sicily, 1922. Enzo/Christmas F2. Death is not an option. Who wins? 

Also, shouldn't it be the Days comp for Veto unless they take that comp away from us like the slip and slide. 

Edited by Callaphera
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In a season where we, the loyal fans, have gotten exactly NOTHING of what we really wished for, and have been completely bored for weeks already, I'm not sure we have enough prayer circle energy to muster a Veto win for Post-Columbus/Indigenous Peoples Day *slash* Pre-All Saints Day but I'm willing to try my best.  Which means I need to consciously remember to check in on the feeds here in the morning rather than forgetting all about it until mid-afternoon at the earliest.

Edited by HighQueenEB
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