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S07.E09: As I Have Always Been

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A time storm ravages the Zephyr, propelling it toward destruction while simultaneously forcing Daisy and Coulson to relive their failed attempts to save the team over and over, until they find a solution or are swallowed by the storm. Making it to their next destination will take trust, courage and sacrifice from everyone on board, but it will all come down to having enough time.

Airdate: July 22, 2020

Elizabeth Henstridge's directorial debut!


Oh, time loop episodes!  You can be so hilarious most of the time, but you usually end up emotional and sad as well.

I definitely had my suspicions that someone was going to have to make a sacrifice to save the day and I also figured out early on the Enoch was likely the one sabotaging everything, due to his programming being changed.  Still, this was a great send-off for him and I'm sad to see him go.  While Fitz was truly his best friend (glad he at least mentioned him at the end), he really did grow to become a great team member for everyone else, and I think his death will be felt by everyone else.  Fare thee well, Enoch.  Joel Stoffer really did wonders with this role.

I liked that both Daisy and Coulson were the only ones that knew about the time loop, but Coulson was the only one who never lost his memories, because Daisy would end up losing hers if she died instead of just being reset.  It made for some interesting dynamics with Coulson being frustrated and upset over all of the times he had to remind Daisy again about what happened.  And he clearly is still not happy about being an LMD again.  Curious to see what the endgame will end up being for him.

The montage of Enoch apparently taking everyone out off screen was great, even if realistically, I would imagine that Daisy should have been able to find some way to take him out of commission with one well-timed quake.

Looks like Daisy and Sousa might be a thing now!  Lets hope for Sousa's sake that one of her previous boyfriends doesn't suddenly go back in time and change things (again)!

Simmons breakdown after getting her memories back was very troubling.  Clearly something really bad went down with whatever she and Fitz did before all of this.

Elizabeth Henstridge did a great job directing wise.

Team is out of the loop at least, but it looks like they're now going to have to contend with whatever Nathaniel and a power-upped Kora are up to. 

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My 2020 affective disorder left me unprepared for Enoch's passing.  I literally cried from the last wake up through the end.

Not as hard as Jemma cried when she got her memories.  That was beautifully performed by EH.  But Holy Hell, what happened to FritzSimmons in the futurepast? Did I mention I am not at all emotionally strong enough for whatever this show plans for us, guys. 

I really appreciated this episode, trauma notwithstanding. As time loop episodes go, this one was well done.  And yay Daisy and Sousa! I wonder how he's going to react (on the inside) to learning that he and Daisy had a conversation about his feelings about her and their first kiss and he doesn't even get to remember them.  Daisy better tell him.  Unfair for her to get all that.

I'm not really looking forward to the Nathaniel/Kora nonsense.  It seems like a story we don't need or have time to do right in the episodes remaining to make relevant and resolve.  But I guess we'll see. 

Rest in Peace Enoch.   

  • Love 13

Okay, this episode has been the best since inescapable. It had everything. It had a lot of humour, it had some really heartfelt talks, it had suspense all through, it pulled off the "who can we trust" subplot one last time and then they came around and delivering a gut punch. It was like a mini-summary of everything the show is about! Could have done without the end-credit scene. It was a nice call-back to Daisy learning to use her powers, but it really pulled me out of the mood.

What makes me nervous: The episode hints to a theory I had for a while and really hope is wrong...Jemma's reaction when she remembered and Enoch saying that Fitz "was" his best friend...please don't tell me that Fitz already died!!!

  • Love 8

Loved this episode.  I think this was perhaps one of my favourite episodes of the entire series.  So many great scenes, so many great lines.  Daisy saying their lines exactly as they say them.  "Phlebotinum!"  Enoch successively taking out more and more of the team.  "Well, to be fair, you were the one who died, so that kind of eliminates you as a suspect."

I liked the mystery aspect of it, and Coulson and Daisy gradually discovering more and more what happened and what needed to be done.

Sad about Enoch dying.  He was a true friend to the end.  Wish he and Fitz could have gotten reunited though.

What exactly are Kora's powers?  Some kind of plasma blast like Havok or some kind of generic energy blast like Captain Marvel?  Apparently Nathaniel has been telling Kora about her little sister Daisy.  I don't buy the sudden evil turn to Kora.  She had trouble controlling her powers and her mother had been trying to help her and cure her.  So now that Nathaniel has somehow cured her and trained her, she has ascended into supervillainess?  You'd think that she'd be happy having her powers under control and want to go back and live a peaceful life.

I only know Diane Doan from the Cinemax series "Warrior".  She had this little girl voice on that show and I thought it was just for the character.  But apparently that's how she normally sounds because it is the same here.

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Good episode and it was interesting how they changed the repeating scenes. And of course how they learn each loop. There was interesting that they jumped in the middle of the loops. Some stories do this (TNG's cause & effect) while other's we see it start (sg-1's window of opportunity). Though both those examples have lighter scenes that they repeat which make them fun episodes. This one was way more dark and mostly serious the whole time. Which is fine, but I do miss the light hearted shows of the 90's.

Enoch :(. I was sad to see him go but did wonder could they build him a body like they did for Coulson? They seemed to make him a new body real quick. Of course that's also assuming they could download Enoch's memories. Also from what he was saying, I could help but think wait is Fitz dead? He said that he knows what is like to lose a friend. Fitz is the only other "friend" he had that wasn't on the ship. I hope not, as I really want to see Fitz again. 

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When I mentioned Drew Greenburg writing the  episode I forgot to mention Phlebotinum which got mentioned in the episode

According to Joss Whedon, during the DVD commentary for the pilot episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, the term "phlebotinum" originates from Buffy writer (and Angel co-creator) David Greenwalt's sudden outburst: "Don't touch the phlebotinum!" apropos of nothing.

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1 hour ago, Humbugged said:

When I mentioned Drew Greenburg writing the  episode I forgot to mention Phlebotinum which got mentioned in the episode

According to Joss Whedon, during the DVD commentary for the pilot episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, the term "phlebotinum" originates from Buffy writer (and Angel co-creator) David Greenwalt's sudden outburst: "Don't touch the phlebotinum!" apropos of nothing.

Interesting.  "Phlebotinum" reminds me of something Professor Frink from the Simpsons would say.  I think it's become my new favourite fake word.

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11 hours ago, swanpride said:

What makes me nervous: The episode hints to a theory I had for a while and really hope is wrong...Jemma's reaction when she remembered and Enoch saying that Fitz "was" his best friend...please don't tell me that Fitz already died!!!

I'd be surprised if that was the case since in one of the last couple of episodes, Simmons was taping a message for Fitz. Of course they can say that it was cathartic for her, but my guess is that it will come back at the same time Fitz does.


5 hours ago, Humbugged said:

Written by Drew Greenberg who wrote for both Buffy and Firefly

And using the word "phlebotinum" which was what the Buffy writers used as shorthand for whatever magical or mystical mojo was involved in the episode. I see that Humbugged found out the info after the original post. 

My first laugh came when after the first loop, the title card ran again. 

While very dramatic (gonna miss you, Enoch), it had the laughs that many shows have put in their time loop episodes. Besides the ones already mentioned, the most recent one I remember was from Dark Matter

Nice job directing by EH. 

  • Love 8

There is no way Fitz is dead. We got a few ambiguous remarks here designed to make us wonder, but there is no way Fitz is dead. Heck, if he was, there would be no need for Jemma to even have that implant in the first place - we've been told repeatedly that her memories are being suppressed specifically to protect Fitz. We've also been told that Fitz was controlling the time jumps this season, at least until the time drive broke. He is alive somewhere and will hopefully make his return appearance very soon.

  • Love 3
4 hours ago, blueray said:


Enoch :(. I was sad to see him go but did wonder could they build him a body like they did for Coulson? They seemed to make him a new body real quick. Of course that's also assuming they could download Enoch's memories. Also from what he was saying, I could help but think wait is Fitz dead? He said that he knows what is like to lose a friend. Fitz is the only other "friend" he had that wasn't on the ship. I hope not, as I really want to see Fitz again. 

I think that like with LMD Coulson the  Chronicoms are not just software and Enoch wouldn't want to be brought back either. Perhaps at this point Sibyl is just an anarchist looking for revenge. 

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Enoch... say it isn't so. We all know he's back in some form before the series end, right? Right?

Deke. I was totally annoyed with him when he was first introduced but he's so far, at this season, the MVP. I feel like he's carrying the season.

I'm usually annoyed by this type of time loop episode but I was really enjoying it. One of the best episodes of the series.

Edited by AKA...CJ86
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"Was I a good agent?" "No, Enoch. You were a great agent."

I'm going to miss the snarky son of a Chronicom bitch. At least he got to kick a lot of ass, albeit off-camera. We also got to see a really irritated Coulson, and that was fun. Overall, it was a fun and poignant episode. Time loops are an oft-used trope in genre shows, but it was done well here.

6 hours ago, Quark said:

My only criticism is the Deke-bashing. Please stop.

But it's fun! Especially if you see Jemma die, and expect him to groan "I don't feel good" before dissolving into ash.

  • Love 4

Had to rip my heart out and it isn't even the finale.  Man.  Enoch is one of the best late season characters I've seen added to a show, and now he's managed to have two selfless and moving deaths.  Great character, well performed.

Nice take on the time loop.  This ended up very character driven, and I'm impressed by that.  They made a really tense episode by exploring Daisy and PhiLMD's relationship and fears.  I had to laugh that thing that seemed to annoy Phil most is Daisy's exasperation with the record skipping analogy.  Enoch had great moments as a terminator and as a loyal friend.  And we got confirmation that Daisy and Sousa were headed somewhere.  I feel like I should be bothered by the age difference but can't quite get there.  I like them both and they go well together.  On with the ship.

This reinforced my fear that Fitz is no longer with us.  Jemma may only be aware of that when the implant is removed - perhaps having it in place allows her to believe a lie.  There is a part of me that thinks Fitz is controlling the jumps in that he is now in the ship's computers or the center of the drive.

Other good entries in the time loop genre have already been mentioned, but in tone and intensity I think the best comparison is Eureka's. 

(Aside - If anyone's interested in more time looping there's a movie that came onto Hulu recently called Palm Springs - novel approach, very NSFW).

  • Love 7

 A fantastic episode that I'd easily equate to Season 4's "Self Control". It had all the same energy: a high stakes bottle episode with surprising emotional resonance, that completely changes the game.

  • Chloe Bennett and Clark Gregg were both on fire in this one. I thought both actors did a fantastic job, and I found this a nice cap off on the Daisy-Coulson relationship.
  • Enoch's death scene was beautifully done. I'm sure it left no one with a dry eye.
  • "Deke's dead", "Do we have to be sad about that?" Lmaooooo.
  • The end stinger with Daisy's sister and Nathaniel with the glasses of water is a callback to when Jaiyang trained Daisy the same way and I loved it. Can't wait for both the Sister vs Sister and Quake vs Anti-Quake showdown.
  • Enoch said this would be their final mission together, oh nooooo. I'm really curious how the writers plan to end the show and these characters, and what even becomes of S.H.I.E.L.D by the end of this.

Next week can't get here fast enough.

Edited by teenj12
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7 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

But it's fun! Especially if you see Jemma die, and expect him to groan "I don't feel good" before dissolving into ash.

We already know that won't happen because the show is into multiverse territory rather than causal loops and has been for two seasons now - Deke is living in an entirely different timeline than the one he was born into and his existence does not depend on Fitzsimmons giving birth to his mother; the circumstances of his birth already cannot happen and yet he exists. This was resolved back last season.

I didn't feel there was any real Deke-bashing in this episode. Daisy said they didn't need to be sad about his death because she knew the time loop was about to reset, so his death wouldn't stick. She'd already died a couple of dozen times herself at that point. She was past being able to react to anyone's death.

Edited by Llywela
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Enoch's death was very touching.  The Tin Man gave his 'heart' to save everyone without a moment of hesitation. 

No I don't think Fitz is dead.  My theory:   


He is taking care of a FitzSimmons baby, and Jemma's memory device is to block her from the pain of having to leave her child behind.  

I'm worried that when Enoch said before death that he knows already how this all ends, it may mean that Jemma has lost years away from her child.  It mirrors what Deke mentioned about his mother a few seasons ago:  his mother didn't mention her mother (Jemma) much, but was very close with her father (Fitz).

And I need a happy ending for Deke as much as I need one for everyone else.  His story has always been his need to be loved and accepted.  I don't need him to get a romance (women are not prizes), but I need his story to end with him finding that he belongs and is loved.

Edited by IrishJig
  • Love 21

Me neither, and honestly, I don't think that we needed the reminder. Pretty much every reactor was annoyed over the post credit scene and I felt the same way. Here am I, reeling over Enock's fate, and poor Coulson and out of my mind with worry for Fitz, and they shove f... Nathaniel in my face? That is the LAST thing I wanted to see at this point.

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Wow. That was a lot. I loved Coulson and Daisy together and I really liked seeing their two sides of the same death coin. That was emotional for a show that had death jokes the entire time. I actually really hate LMD Coulson so I like that he’s irritated about it as well. My unspoiled guess is that Coulson is done for after this season-which is fitting for the show. It starts bc Fury brought back Coulson, it bookends with everyone letting Coulson go.

I really like Daisy and Sousa. I feel slightly cheated that their emotional conversation is lost to Sousa (and their first kiss?) but I finally feel that Daisy has someone who compliments her. I never liked any of her other relationships, but Sousa is awesome. I really need more Enver Gjokaj on my screen. I hope he just keeps finding gems of shows or movies to be in.

I really miss Fitz. He is going to show up at some point before its over right? RIGHT?!

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16 hours ago, MisterGlass said:

Had to rip my heart out and it isn't even the finale.  Man.  Enoch is one of the best late season characters I've seen added to a show, and now he's managed to have two selfless and moving deaths.  Great character, well performed.

Nice take on the time loop.  This ended up very character driven, and I'm impressed by that.  They made a really tense episode by exploring Daisy and PhiLMD's relationship and fears.  I had to laugh that thing that seemed to annoy Phil most is Daisy's exasperation with the record skipping analogy.  Enoch had great moments as a terminator and as a loyal friend.  And we got confirmation that Daisy and Sousa were headed somewhere.  I feel like I should be bothered by the age difference but can't quite get there.  I like them both and they go well together.  On with the ship.

This reinforced my fear that Fitz is no longer with us.  Jemma may only be aware of that when the implant is removed - perhaps having it in place allows her to believe a lie.  There is a part of me that thinks Fitz is controlling the jumps in that he is now in the ship's computers or the center of the drive.

Other good entries in the time loop genre have already been mentioned, but in tone and intensity I think the best comparison is Eureka's. 

(Aside - If anyone's interested in more time looping there's a movie that came onto Hulu recently called Palm Springs - novel approach, very NSFW).

Yes I can't see why people are freaking out about it .As it is he is in his late 30's before being pinged out of time and she is 31/32 And Daisy's dad married a woman who was 100+ years old in her current life

And some podcasts are complaining that Daisy gets a love interest every year when is has been 4 seasons since Lincoln died and previous to that she nailed Miles in 1.05 and apart from that she had her Hydra stalker who apart from one kiss that was it

  • Love 7
12 hours ago, Llywela said:

Daisy said they didn't need to be sad about his death because she knew the time loop was about to reset, so his death wouldn't stick. She'd already died a couple of dozen times herself at that point. She was past being able to react to anyone's death.

This is a good point. I grrrd out-loud at that exchange especially because of all Deke did for Mack in the 80s. If Mack was just checking because of the time loop, okay. If not, though, they really suck.

If Sousa is around Steve Rogers's age, then he should be in his late 30s, I think? Steve was born in 1918, which would have made him just 37 in 1955 when Sousa made the jump. Daisy's in her late 20s/early 30s, right? The age difference isn't much at all. [or what Humbugged said 🙂] And I am here for this ship. 

Edited by bethy
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Sousa was born in 1919. Since they picked him up in 1955 he is currently 36 years old. Daisy was born in 1988. With all the time jumps the show has made lately it is hard to tell correctly, but she should be in her early 30s at this point. The age difference shouldn't be more than 5 years, which isn't much at all once you reach that age. Thing is that the actors have a different age. The one of Sousa is a little bit older than his character and the one of Daisy is one of the rare cases of a female actor playing a character older than she herself is. Add the old-timey clothes Sousa wears and Daisy's modern ones, you could get the impression that the characters are further apart in age but they actually aren't. (Unlike Bruce and Natasha...Bruce is nearly old enough to be her father).

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On 7/23/2020 at 3:32 AM, swanpride said:

Okay, this episode has been the best since inescapable. It had everything. It had a lot of humour, it had some really heartfelt talks, it had suspense all through, it pulled off the "who can we trust" subplot one last time and then they came around and delivering a gut punch. It was like a mini-summary of everything the show is about! Could have done without the end-credit scene. It was a nice call-back to Daisy learning to use her powers, but it really pulled me out of the mood.

What makes me nervous: The episode hints to a theory I had for a while and really hope is wrong...Jemma's reaction when she remembered and Enoch saying that Fitz "was" his best friend...please don't tell me that Fitz already died!!!

I was getting a really bad feeling about Fitz when Jemma started freaking out. I want this e2 crazy kids to get back together, soon. 

On 7/23/2020 at 3:00 PM, Loandbehold said:

I'd be surprised if that was the case since in one of the last couple of episodes, Simmons was taping a message for Fitz. Of course they can say that it was cathartic for her, but my guess is that it will come back at the same time Fitz does.

I don’t think it’s cathartic, she simply doesn’t remember. 

On 7/23/2020 at 3:12 PM, Llywela said:

There is no way Fitz is dead. We got a few ambiguous remarks here designed to make us wonder, but there is no way Fitz is dead. Heck, if he was, there would be no need for Jemma to even have that implant in the first place - we've been told repeatedly that her memories are being suppressed specifically to protect Fitz. We've also been told that Fitz was controlling the time jumps this season, at least until the time drive broke. He is alive somewhere and will hopefully make his return appearance very soon.

With the implant, she thinks she’s protecting his location, but I think it was implanted to prevent her from melting down and continuing with the mission. I sincerely hope I’m wrong


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I don't think Fitz is dead. I think he and Simmons and Enoch did something extremely drastic to get the mission going. That's why she kept saying, what have I done? I'm so sorry. Maybe once the team finds out, it breaks them up and that's why Enoch knows this is the last mission. 

This is one of the best episodes in a while. The last time I finished an episode with the thought "that was a great episode"! was the one where Fitz/Simmons were under the cronicom's control and they had to face "the ring" Jemma and evil Leopold. 

I literally lol'd at, is Deke dead? Yep. Should we be sad? Nope. But then I came on here and read all your comments and felt bad that I laughed. 

Edited by Samwise979
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On 7/22/2020 at 11:00 PM, AimingforYoko said:


Now that Daisy-Sousa is text, I'm not feeling good about his chances.


I'm not feeling that. I've been getting the feeling since his addition to the show that the showrunners were using this as an opportunity to fix the way Sousa(and the the whole Agent Carter storyline) was totally crapped on by Endgame.  And that Daisy would be a big part of that.

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7 hours ago, swanpride said:

 Add the old-timey clothes Sousa wears and Daisy's modern ones, you could get the impression that the characters are further apart in age but they actually aren't. 

Plus, all the timey-wimey stuff and extended lifespan/slowed aging stuff aside, Sousa's love interest on Dollhouse was Daisy's mom😁

I would love to see some Easter egg hinting at that when Daisy(w/ Sousa along) inevitably encounters Jiaying again.😂


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11 hours ago, Whimsy said:

I was getting a really bad feeling about Fitz when Jemma started freaking out. I want this e2 crazy kids to get back together, soon. 

I don’t think it’s cathartic, she simply doesn’t remember. 

With the implant, she thinks she’s protecting his location, but I think it was implanted to prevent her from melting down and continuing with the mission. I sincerely hope I’m wrong

Fitz has been a major character on this show since day one and Fitzsimmons have pretty much been endgame since day one. There is no way in the world the PTB are going to kill Fitz off-screen (unless Iain wasn't available for this season at all, which we know isn't the case - we will see him before the end). What we saw in this episode was a typical red herring designed to make us worried. I am confident we will see Fitz again - and that he and Simmons will end the show together.

Simmons's implant malfunctioned before, remember, and when she had her memory back that time she told us that Fitz has been controlling the Zephyr's time jumps all season from a concealed location.

Clearly, something catastrophic happened - but there was a much bigger time gap between S6-7 for Fitzsimmons and Enoch than the rest of the team. Simmons jumped back in time to collect the others. I can think of a million and one potentially devastating things she could have remembered in this moment, quite aside from anything wrong with Fitz.

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Let's hope so. The ONE way they can ruin the show for me is by not giving the team a satisfying end. Even if it means that the team no longer will be a thing - and I think after this episode it is clear that it won't - I want all the members to be happy in their new life.

Until the reunite in Agents of Sword which I will ALWAYS clamour for.

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On 7/22/2020 at 11:37 PM, StarBrand said:

Also, Enoch saying Daisy's friends will survive, but the team will not....that's also rather ominous...

With all the multi verse stuff going on and especially Mack existing as a child with a different background in the timeline they are skipping along, I think that this points to there being nowhere for them to go when the mission is over.  They will be effectively time travelers with no home to return to when the mission is over. 

There is no time or place with a missing S.H.E.I.L.D team made up of Daisy, Jemma, Fitz, Coulson, Mack, Yo-yo, Deke, and May because success means they never had to time travel to defeat the Chronicoms.

I think this is what Jemma was upset about.  Jemma knows what she did to all of them by recruiting them to this mission. I suspect Fitz is somehow parked somewhere out of time so FitzSimmons doesn't suffer permanent separation.

My guess would be that this show ends at the pilot. A version of the this team goes on to have new adventures in the adjusted timeline.  Because that is a classic series ending trope, the show ends but the characters carry on untelevised.  But of the survivors, Souza, Daisy, FitzSimmons, Yoyo, Mack, May, and Deke retire in anonymity.  I'm not sure Deke is capable of anonymity so I'm not sure he'll survive.  I wouldn't be surprised if something happens with Project TAHITI in one of their trips and LMD Coulson steps in to form the "new" team.

4 minutes ago, ParadoxLost said:

With all the multi verse stuff going on and especially Mack existing as a child with a different background in the timeline they are skipping along, I think that this points to there being nowhere for them to go when the mission is over.  They will be effectively time travelers with no home to return to when the mission is over. 

There is no time or place with a missing S.H.E.I.L.D team made up of Daisy, Jemma, Fitz, Coulson, Mack, Yo-yo, Deke, and May because success means they never had to time travel to defeat the Chronicoms.

I think this is what Jemma was upset about.  Jemma knows what she did to all of them by recruiting them to this mission. I suspect Fitz is somehow parked somewhere out of time so FitzSimmons doesn't suffer permanent separation.

My guess would be that this show ends at the pilot. A version of the this team goes on to have new adventures in the adjusted timeline.  Because that is a classic series ending trope, the show ends but the characters carry on untelevised.  But of the survivors, Souza, Daisy, FitzSimmons, Yoyo, Mack, May, and Deke retire in anonymity.  I'm not sure Deke is capable of anonymity so I'm not sure he'll survive.  I wouldn't be surprised if something happens with Project TAHITI in one of their trips and LMD Coulson steps in to form the "new" team.

I'm going the other way that LMD Coulson does its job and the big "welcome to level 7" secret is a coverup for yet another lie Nick Fury told the Avengers 

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