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S02.E09: Crossing The Line

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26 minutes ago, shouldbedancing said:

I'm thinking more about Jihoon's mom. Deaven came with the baby... Jihoon's mom didn't even make a move toward the baby. Didn't seem to look at him. Aren't they still at a grandparents stage where they want to fuss over him? Jihoon's dad rushed over to help Deaven. I think Jihoon's mom really doesn't care and she was serious when she said she didn't want Deaven for a daughter in law.

I don’t think she doesn’t care about her grandchild, she just is not happy about sourpuss Deavon and an additional grandkid moving into her tiny home. I don’t think Deacon has smiled once or made an attempt  to be gracious to his family.!



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33 minutes ago, shouldbedancing said:

I'm thinking more about Jihoon's mom. Deaven came with the baby... Jihoon's mom didn't even make a move toward the baby. Didn't seem to look at him. Aren't they still at a grandparents stage where they want to fuss over him? Jihoon's dad rushed over to help Deaven. I think Jihoon's mom really doesn't care and she was serious when she said she didn't want Deaven for a daughter in law.

I call editing shenanigans. There have been other scenes where Mother Jihoon has gushed over him. 

I think I'm understanding why Melyza agreed to see Tim after his infidelity...she wanted her cat back. 

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Mando is thinking when the cameras are gone and his neighbors who do not need to know that they are gay and who may be verbally abusive of them in front of or to Hannah.

Cranky Gramps needs to think about the big picture instead of getting into a snit because he can't  walk around fingers entwined with his bf like middle schoolers...

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20 hours ago, Kiss my mutt said:

Does Bini’s kid live in the US? Is he helping to support him? He seems a sympathetic sort but I would have questions for him. 

I am assuming Bini just wants to have sex, gets married to continue doing so, and when the girl gets fed up and goes home, it would be difficult to charge him to support the kid from USA. He's probably got quite the hero reputation among his friends as these girls are so dumb.

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8 minutes ago, Ucross said:

I am ssuming Bini just wants to have sex, gets married to continue doing so, and when the girl gets fed up and goes home, it would be difficult to charge him to support the kid from USA

I was wondering if the child support issue has anything to do with him not trying to come to America for this baby’s birth. Like, could he be arrested at the airport? 

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34 minutes ago, Ucross said:

I am assuming Bini just wants to have sex, gets married to continue doing so, and when the girl gets fed up and goes home, it would be difficult to charge him to support the kid from USA. He's probably got quite the hero reputation among his friends as these girls are so dumb.

He’s going to be unhappy with a baby around interfering with his days of dancing (?), playing Rocky in the alleys, what with the punching at invisible opponents and running up doing back flips off the trees. How long is his career in MMA going to last anyway? His face is getting heavily scarred especially near his eyes. 

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4 hours ago, KateHearts said:

I agree... however, as a grandmother I can see where Ari’s mother is coming from. There’s a strong desire of grandparents- especially those who have the means to help-to want to ensure the security of the child. She’s understandably concerned about the welfare of the baby once she leaves Ethiopia - and rightfully so. Ari is as dumb as a post and ill-prepared to care for herself, much less her new family. 

Most of us with adult children are capable of letting them figure out their lives and make their own mistakes. But knowing there is a tiny innocent many miles away in possibly concerning or dangerous conditions would make me get more involved.

Three red flags that you are enabling your adult child.  1.  Your adult child does not take life on  but you do.  2.  Your adult child borrows money from you.  3. Your designed to disrespect when you say no.

At some point you have to say enough.  At some point you have to let them choose .

Ari and Baby made a baby without mom's help.  They are adults.  She's almost 30.  Time to let them sink or swim.  Their baby, their life, their consequences!

Some parents can't and that's enabling.

Edited by Jeanne222
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21 hours ago, renatae said:

Brittani still acting as though she can just do as she pleases, just let's get Dad to allow us to wait. Still scamming everyone by not revealing she's still married.

Speaking of culturally insensitive, here comes Kenny trying to force Armando into PDA, regardless of the culture. If I am understanding him correctly, Armando is not concerned so much about being called names or shunned, he is afraid of an actual physical attack. So is that what it will take to get the surprisingly immature and unreasonable Kenny to cool it? Since he is far older, I would think he'd get a clue and be able to act on it instead of constantly brushing off Armando's concerns. He's coming close to Brittany territory with his state of denial.

Thanks to a recent post in the 90-day realm, I just watched Psychology in Seattle on YouTube. The doctor was analyzing Nicole and Azan's relationship. Kenny is starting to remind me of Nicole grabbing, hugging and kissing, or trying to. And I'm expecting Kenny to say at any moment, "How ARE you going to show me off?" Lol, are we looking at another case of arrested development?

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15 hours ago, poeticlicensed said:

Mom Areola, look at how great the life of privilege worked with Aerola. Good job

Helicopter parents.  Janice is supposedly so tough and together but she was an abject failure at raising a functioning adult.

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1 hour ago, Jeanne222 said:

At some point you have to say enough.  At some point you have to let them choose .

Ari and Baby made a baby without mom's help.  They are adults.  She's almost 30.  Time to let them sink or swim.  Their baby, their life, their consequences!

Some parents can't and that's enabling.

Again, one’s own innocent grandchild does not have the ability to decide to sink or swim. I would not stand idly by while my grandchild was in peril to allow my grown kid to self destruct and bring the child with him/her.  It’s not about enabling the stupid adult kids, it’s about protecting the baby. 
IN ari’s case who knows how much coddling she had... appears quite clueless and even mentions “having to rely on my parents,” which should never be.

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On 7/27/2020 at 10:46 PM, Jeanne222 said:

How old is Ari?  Mom needs to cut the cord!!!  Geez

I've got to sympathize a little with mom.  Until her mother started asking questions about Bin's ability to earn enough money to support a family, Ari said she hadn't given any thought to how they were going to afford life.

Ari said she "supports herself" by freelance writing and editing.  I get paid for writing (it's contracted for, not freelance) and editing, and I have a friend whose full-time job is freelance writing.  I could not support myself with what I earn, and my friend is a trust-fund baby who gets paid to write articles for glossy magazines.  It's hard for me to believe that Ari is supporting herself with her freelance work.  It seems she lives with her parents; I wonder if she pays them rent or any other living expenses, or if her freelance money is her own to spend on extras.


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9 hours ago, shouldbedancing said:

I'm thinking more about Jihoon's mom. Deaven came with the baby... Jihoon's mom didn't even make a move toward the baby. Didn't seem to look at him. Aren't they still at a grandparents stage where they want to fuss over him? Jihoon's dad rushed over to help Deaven. 

IDK what to think about parents Jihoon.  Mother Jihoon is detached & strange. Father Jihoon has an empathy bone which is good but seems checked out on home life.  Jihoon has not launched as an adult. Deavan is strange too. Mess. Use birth control ppl!!!!!


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22 hours ago, Rt66vintage said:

Thanks to a recent post in the 90-day realm, I just watched Psychology in Seattle on YouTube. The doctor was analyzing Nicole and Azan's relationship. Kenny is starting to remind me of Nicole grabbing, hugging and kissing, or trying to. And I'm expecting Kenny to say at any moment, "How ARE you going to show me off?" Lol, are we looking at another case of arrested development?

IF Kenny's really doing this and he's not amping up the theatrics then I'd be very disappointed in him. However, I'm having trouble believing it's 💯 real. For starters, they're already making their new village seem like Santa Ana's last stand. Like it's out in the middle of nowhere, the only restaurants tiny holes in the wall with questionable hygiene practices. It's not. It's a pretty built-up area. A lot more than the handful of little shacks that serve as businesses that they keep showing us.

And while Kenny may have been out for 40 years, I highly doubt he can't remember what it was like. Homophobia is not a long ago memory for our country. Doesn't he live in Orlando? As in where the gay club tragedy unfolded not too long ago? And if he and Armando have been talking for years there's no way he doesn't know or understand the cultural ramifications that can come with being in Mexico.

I live in a VERY small town in the mountains and things are pretty closed minded. I would say, by and large, my community is VERY anti-immigration. Not just illegal immigration, but immigrants in general. It's also not a place where people casually date same sex partners. Frankly, it sucks. However, our town's most popular restaurant is a Mexican place owned by gay,  illegal immigrants. They came up from their small town our way out of fear for their lives. Despite how backwards my town can be, these men are beloved and I'd say anyone here would stand up and defend them*. If MY town can understand the fear that drove this couple to break away then there's no way Kenny doesn't.

I hope this is just the men and TLC thinking, "We need to show the audience how difficult it is to be gay here... pretend to argue over PDAs do people will get it."


TL/DR: I don't believe Kenny's that ignorant; I think Sharp is encouraging these things so that the men can have on-camera conversations to give the audience an idea of the various challenges they face. Or to give us the anti-Ericaphanie couple.


* More than 3 dozen people here wrote letters on behalf of the guys when they applied for citizenship. 

Edited by mamadrama
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2 hours ago, Mothra said:

I've got to sympathize a little with mom.  Until her mother started asking questions about Bin's ability to earn enough money to support a family, Ari said she hadn't given any thought to how they were going to afford life.

Ari said she "supports herself" by freelance writing and editing.  I get paid for writing (it's contracted for, not freelance) and editing, and I have a friend whose full-time job is freelance writing.  I could not support myself with what I earn, and my friend is a trust-fund baby who gets paid to write articles for glossy magazines.  It's hard for me to believe that Ari is supporting herself with her freelance work.  It seems she lives with her parents; I wonder if she pays them rent or any other living expenses, or if her freelance money is her own to spend on extras.


Until my own novels took off and started bringing in more income than my freelancing, I supported my family of 4 on that money. We weren't rich, but we did very well-and this was during the recession. I was a ghost writer for true crime and health books, but I also did web content, blogging, white papers, etc. Most people think of magazine articles and ghostwriting NYT bestselling celebrity cook books when they hear "freelance writer", but the majority of us who earned a living from it didn't have projects that exciting. I usually had around 5 big-budget projects a year. They were PLRs or ebooks that the client wanted written as a freebie or funnel. These ranged from $3,500 to $8,000. But I also got a ton of little $100-500 projects that filled in the gaps. Most people just wanted website content. The pay was low, but I could often get those jobs done in just a few days. One year I was the ghost writer for this woman who ran a Wiccan company. I posted one "Wiccan centered" blog post per week. Took all of an hour to write them, and they covered my car payments. Most of my clients came through Elance (now Upwork). The cost of living is low here, but if Ari didn't have housing costs I think she could have been supporting herself. If she was committed I think she could do it in Ethiopia, too. She would probably earn more than Usman 2.0 with his dancing and rap career.

Edited by mamadrama
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14 hours ago, KateHearts said:

I agree... however, as a grandmother I can see where Ari’s mother is coming from. There’s a strong desire of grandparents- especially those who have the means to help-to want to ensure the security of the child. She’s understandably concerned about the welfare of the baby once she leaves Ethiopia - and rightfully so. Ari is as dumb as a post and ill-prepared to care for herself, much less her new family. 

Most of us with adult children are capable of letting them figure out their lives and make their own mistakes. But knowing there is a tiny innocent many miles away in possibly concerning or dangerous conditions would make me get more involved.

And who wants their kids living in squalor? Everyone wants a better life for their kids than they had.  That being said, if  the living conditions were decent, I don’t think her mother would be so concerned.  And yes, Ari Is an adult, and should be able to make her own decisions.    And she should be asking the same questions that the mother is asking.

3 hours ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

Use birth control ppl!!!!!

Amen!!  A simple thing and all of this could’ve been avoided.

Edited by Kid
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11 hours ago, mamadrama said:

I call editing shenanigans. There have been other scenes where Mother Jihoon has gushed over him.  

Mother Jihoon is over it. I don't blame her. She was very supportive in the beginning and welcomed whiny sad sack Deavan into her home. 

9 hours ago, Rt66vintage said:

Thanks to a recent post in the 90-day realm, I just watched Psychology in Seattle on YouTube. The doctor was analyzing Nicole and Azan's relationship. Kenny is starting to remind me of Nicole grabbing, hugging and kissing, or trying to. And I'm expecting Kenny to say at any moment, "How ARE you going to show me off?" Lol, are we looking at another case of arrested development?

This! He's insecure and needy. There will be crying within the next two episodes, count on it. 

2 hours ago, mamadrama said:

IF Kenny's really doing this and he's not amping up the theatrics then I'd be very disappointed in him. However, I'm having trouble believing it's 💯 real. For starters, they're already making their new village seem like Santa Ana's last stand. Like it's out in the middle of nowhere, the only restaurants tiny holes in the wall with questionable hygiene practices. It's not. It's a pretty built-up area. A lot more than the handful of little shacks that serve as businesses that they keep showing us.

Exactly. Chapter one in the Sharp playbook. "Ew, foreign country! Backward and dirty!" Kenny and Armando chose the community where they would live together. While it may be a smaller town, I'm sure its not a collection of mud huts.  I'm expecting that we'll see chickens in the streets, and mangy dogs, and open air markets awash with flies and skinny, ragged children next. 


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6 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

Areola is playing her mother like a fiddle.

This is not the first rodeo with these two but now a baby’s well being and her daughter’s health is at stake.

Areola’s a manipulator and Mom’s an enabler.

And that gives Areola the trump card. If she was playing mom before, just add a baby. Mom, do you want your grandchild to live in squallor? Fork over the cash. And the ultimate playing card, withholding the children. If Mom doesn't do exactly what Areola wants, she can threaten to not let her see the kid. Areola has everyone exactly where she wants them. 

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1 hour ago, poeticlicensed said:

And that gives Areola the trump card. If she was playing mom before, just add a baby. Mom, do you want your grandchild to live in squallor? Fork over the cash. And the ultimate playing card, withholding the children. If Mom doesn't do exactly what Areola wants, she can threaten to not let her see the kid. Areola has everyone exactly where she wants them. 

Add to that the situation of Areola and the baby living on an entirely different continent in a country that may not even have a Child Protective Services agency.  If Mama is worried about the grandbaby's welfare, who can she call?  NOBODY.

If history repeats itself, Areola and Bini will split up and she and the REAL baby will be back in the states, living with her parent$.  But I doubt her parents will ever allow themselves to be free from the physical and/or financial reality of taking care of their daughter and her offspring.  

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4 hours ago, mamadrama said:

Until my own novels took off and started bringing in more income than my freelancing, I supported my family of 4 on that money. We weren't rich, but we did very well-and this was during the recession. I was a ghost writer for true crime and health books, but I also did web content, blogging, white papers, etc. Most people think of magazine articles and ghostwriting NYT bestselling celebrity cook books when they hear "freelance writer", but the majority of us who earned a living from it didn't have projects that exciting. I usually had around 5 big-budget projects a year. They were PLRs or ebooks that the client wanted written as a freebie or funnel. These ranged from $3,500 to $8,000. But I also got a ton of little $100-500 projects that filled in the gaps. Most people just wanted website content. The pay was low, but I could often get those jobs done in just a few days. One year I was the ghost writer for this woman who ran a Wiccan company. I posted one "Wiccan centered" blog post per week. Took all of an hour to write them, and they covered my car payments. Most of my clients came through Elance (now Upwork). The cost of living is low here, but if Ari didn't have housing costs I think she could have been supporting herself. If she was committed I think she could do it in Ethiopia, too. She would probably earn more than Usman 2.0 with his dancing and rap career.

I'm really glad to hear this.  Many--I think most--don't have any idea that much of what they read was not written by the person identified as the author.  When I began doing this work, we were called "editorial assistants," adding insult to injury.  You're a hard worker, mamadrama, and I admire you.  My work is in medical journals and other kinds of scientific materials, including grant proposals, and I have to tell you, the money still isn't that good.  One of the biggest problems for people who do my kind of writing is the proliferation of phony online medical journals. 

I'm a fan of your history as you've revealed it in posts here.  You are an intriguing person.

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11 hours ago, Rt66vintage said:

Thanks to a recent post in the 90-day realm, I just watched Psychology in Seattle on YouTube. The doctor was analyzing Nicole and Azan's relationship. Kenny is starting to remind me of Nicole grabbing, hugging and kissing, or trying to. And I'm expecting Kenny to say at any moment, "How ARE you going to show me off?" Lol, are we looking at another case of arrested development?

All I could envision was Frasier Crane...

Hello, I'm listening...



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5 hours ago, mamadrama said:

Until my own novels took off and started bringing in more income than my freelancing, I supported my family of 4 on that money. We weren't rich, but we did very well-and this was during the recession. I was a ghost writer for true crime and health books, but I also did web content, blogging, white papers, etc. Most people think of magazine articles and ghostwriting NYT bestselling celebrity cook books when they hear "freelance writer", but the majority of us who earned a living from it didn't have projects that exciting. I usually had around 5 big-budget projects a year. They were PLRs or ebooks that the client wanted written as a freebie or funnel. These ranged from $3,500 to $8,000. But I also got a ton of little $100-500 projects that filled in the gaps. Most people just wanted website content. The pay was low, but I could often get those jobs done in just a few days. One year I was the ghost writer for this woman who ran a Wiccan company. I posted one "Wiccan centered" blog post per week. Took all of an hour to write them, and they covered my car payments. Most of my clients came through Elance (now Upwork). The cost of living is low here, but if Ari didn't have housing costs I think she could have been supporting herself. If she was committed I think she could do it in Ethiopia, too. She would probably earn more than Usman 2.0 with his dancing and rap career.

Just wanted to say I remain eternally jealous of your career :). 

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10 hours ago, KateHearts said:

Again, one’s own innocent grandchild does not have the ability to decide to sink or swim. I would not stand idly by while my grandchild was in peril to allow my grown kid to self destruct and bring the child with him/her.  It’s not about enabling the stupid adult kids, it’s about protecting the baby. 

I agree it's a totally different situation when a grandchild is involved. Mama and Papa Areola made that monster and now that monster is having a baby. It's very sad.  I have faith that Areola will not be able to cope in Ethiopia once mama leaves and she will be back in the good ole' USA eventually. Then the parents can continue to enable her and have the grandchild close by to make sure the baby is being taken care of. 

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On 7/28/2020 at 10:10 AM, Dobian said:

I would bet my paycheck that a TLC producer was hiding in the bedroom and remotely overriding what Jihoon's translator was saying!

If that's the case, give that producer a raise. 😄

Edited by MyVelouria
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15 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

I think Jihoon's mom is the reason Jihoon is the way he is. She wears the pants in that family and is not doing a very good job of it. Dad Jihoon seems reasonable and nice 

27 yr. old Armando has  more sense than 57 yr. old Kenneth. I want to continually  slap Kenneth every time he opens his whiny mouth. Yes, Kenneth, there are still homophobic assholes in this world that would like to kick your ass or do much worse to you if they see you and your honey blatantly displaying your PDA in public.  Check  yourself and give Armando a break before you blow this relationship sky high. You're not living in Disneyworld any more. 


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11 hours ago, KateHearts said:

Again, one’s own innocent grandchild does not have the ability to decide to sink or swim. I would not stand idly by while my grandchild was in peril to allow my grown kid to self destruct and bring the child with him/her.  It’s not about enabling the stupid adult kids, it’s about protecting the baby. 
IN ari’s case who knows how much coddling she had... appears quite clueless and even mentions “having to rely on my parents,” which should never be.

This is understandable.  If Ari's mom wants to step in, then she should wait until the baby is born, go to court and get guardianship for the baby and then she and her husband can raise the child.

However, I have seen parents who do that, who step in because they want to help the baby and many times the daughter goes out and has another baby and then the grandparents want to help THAT baby and on it goes.  

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I think the men who have the background to financially care for a woman with a child are few and far between in the US and probably want someone who is childless.  These men are probably savvy enough to use a condom. 

These men probably want someone who, like them, has some education and class, so Deavan's out of luck there. In Utah, a lot of them want a religious woman. In their eyes, Deavan's a tramp.

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I would totally watch a show that was just a random American in South Korea using that "translator" to get by,

But this was just uncomfortable because there are children involved.  The US and South Korea are both technologically advanced countries.  I know nothing about the Korean language but I find it hard to believe there isn't a free or cheap high quality translator app they could download on their phones.

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35 minutes ago, IvySpice said:

These men probably want someone who, like them, has some education and class, so Deavan's out of luck there. In Utah, a lot of them want a religious woman. In their eyes, Deavan's a tramp.

Say this louder in the back. Deavan is pushing an overinflated version of herself with questionable judgement making children with deadbeats. 

personally I think she wanted an “exotic” baby who she may try to push into showbiz. 

I try not to slut shame but Miss Mopey is a famewhore. 

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9 hours ago, mamadrama said:

And while Kenny may have been out for 40 years, I highly doubt he can't remember what it was like. Homophobia is not a long ago memory for our country. Doesn't he live in Orlando?

St. Pete. But close enough to Orlando. 

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4 hours ago, Persnickety1 said:

Thanks to a recent post in the 90-day realm, I just watched Psychology in Seattle on YouTube. The doctor was analyzing Nicole and Azan's relationship. Kenny is starting to remind me of Nicole grabbing, hugging and kissing, or trying to. And I'm expecting Kenny to say at any moment, "How ARE you going to show me off?" Lol, are we looking at another case of arrested development?

You're talking about Dr. Honda's sessions, right?!  I luv his videos and I wish he would give his comments/observations on the Before the 90 Day Show

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18 hours ago, magemaud said:

I was wondering if the child support issue has anything to do with him not trying to come to America for this baby’s birth. Like, could he be arrested at the airport? 

I think Bini said last night that when his former wife left him she blocked him so he has been unable to speak with her (even to figure out why she left) - of course this is his side of the story that he is relating to his future mother-in-law.  If he hasn't heard from baby mama #1 he probably isn't on the hook for support either (of course BM#1 might be like me and figure she never was going to get support so why bother stressing out over it).

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3 hours ago, futurechemist said:

But this was just uncomfortable because there are children involved.  The US and South Korea are both technologically advanced countries.  I know nothing about the Korean language but I find it hard to believe there isn't a free or cheap high quality translator app they could download on their phones.

Of course there is! But this is Sharp, and TLC. Which ought to be called TXC, The Xenophobes Channel. 

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48 minutes ago, Dirtybubble said:

You're talking about Dr. Honda's sessions, right?!  I luv his videos and I wish he would give his comments/observations on the Before the 90 Day Show

Yes, Dr. Honda. He starts looking fresh at certain couples or people, never having even heard of any of them. He thought Nicole was a "sweet" person during his first encounter.  Each session is about 20 minutes, well-thought-out, maybe a little boring tbh, but enlightening too.


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4 hours ago, futurechemist said:

But this was just uncomfortable because there are children involved.  The US and South Korea are both technologically advanced countries.  I know nothing about the Korean language but I find it hard to believe there isn't a free or cheap high quality translator app they could download on their phones.

Not to be an advertisement, but something I really liked about the Google Translate app was you could scan a menu with your phone and it would translate it into English. I used it in Morocco at a few restaurants to narrow down my final choices.

While the translator on the show was hilariously wrong, I think part of the problem may have been that Jihoon tends to be very overblown and flowery about what a failure he is and the poor translator couldn't keep up with that nonsense.

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I kind of wonder if Jihoon's parents have had to bail him out throughout his life and that his mom might be the Korean version of Ari's mom to a degree.  Jihoon's mom obviously was keeping secrets from his father in order to bail out Jihoon and hide his spending habits.  The father really seemed to be trying to reach out to Deaven and was surprised that Jihoon had put money in his mother's account (maybe) rather than sending money to Deaven.  I think the vision that Deaven had of getting pregnant by a Korean and marrying him has blown up in her face.  Hard-working successful Koreans probably didn't have the endless time to spend on social media communicating with her and then taking off on a quick vacay to visit her.  Start putting two and two together to try and get the answer and a clear vision of who Jihoon was and is.  However, I still maintain that the best thing for Druscilla would be to stay in Korea as this was the most behaved, engaged, and clean that we have seen her.

Oh, and Tim's girlfriend literally and figuratively let the cat out of the bag when she said it was her cat and she missed it.  Tim put together the "emotional support" story to be able to carry the cat into the passenger section of the plane.  I think she really only wanted Tim to come to Colombia in order to get her cat back.  I think she'll cut him loose very quickly now.

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10 minutes ago, seacliffsal said:

I kind of wonder if Jihoon's parents have had to bail him out throughout his life and that his mom might be the Korean version of Ari's mom to a degree.  Jihoon's mom obviously was keeping secrets from his father in order to bail out Jihoon and hide his spending habits.  The father really seemed to be trying to reach out to Deaven and was surprised that Jihoon had put money in his mother's account (maybe) rather than sending money to Deaven.  I think the vision that Deaven had of getting pregnant by a Korean and marrying him has blown up in her face.  Hard-working successful Koreans probably didn't have the endless time to spend on social media communicating with her and then taking off on a quick vacay to visit her.  Start putting two and two together to try and get the answer and a clear vision of who Jihoon was and is.  However, I still maintain that the best thing for Druscilla would be to stay in Korea as this was the most behaved, engaged, and clean that we have seen her.

Oh, and Tim's girlfriend literally and figuratively let the cat out of the bag when she said it was her cat and she missed it.  Tim put together the "emotional support" story to be able to carry the cat into the passenger section of the plane.  I think she really only wanted Tim to come to Colombia in order to get her cat back.  I think she'll cut him loose very quickly now.

I thought pets are quarantined after international travel but apparently not in Medellin.

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On 7/28/2020 at 9:40 AM, snarkish said:

Deavan & Joony: I did like how happy and behaved Druscilla appeared at the market.

OK, did anyone follow the fish thing? Aren't they staying at a hotel? They didn't talk about cooking the fish, or bringing it to the parents house to cook, they just said Dracilla wanted a decapitated fish and for some reason that request needed to be obliged. 

As for the Ethiopian hospital, it did look well equipped except for the fact that, nobody seemed to be giving birth in the hospital, it looked like the entire OB/GYN wing was completely deserted, which seems unusual for a hospital that is set up to regularly deliver children.

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2 hours ago, MrBuhBye said:

I thought pets are quarantined after international travel but apparently not in Medellin.

I looked it up and CoLOOOMbia only requires that you have proof of current rabies vaccination for cats.  

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1 hour ago, John M said:

OK, did anyone follow the fish thing? Aren't they staying at a hotel? They didn't talk about cooking the fish, or bringing it to the parents house to cook, they just said Dracilla wanted a decapitated fish and for some reason that request needed to be obliged. 

Maybe everyone is afraid of Drascilla because she might have a Stephen King character type reaction if she doesn't get her way, like the kid in "Firestarter" or "Carrie." Drascilla wants a FISH? Quick, get her one! 

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10 hours ago, Uncle JUICE said:

Just wanted to say I remain eternally jealous of your career :). 

Thank you. Between the strokes, heart attacks and my son's cancer this past year I'm afraid people are going to forget about me. I haven't written at all. But I DO have an idea for a new horror novel: woman from 3rd world country marries a greasy toad, only to reach the US to find there is a shortage of toilet paper and she can't return home because of the travel ban. I'm thinking of calling it "Mmmmmmm, May I Halik You: A 90 Day Pandemic Love Story."



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20 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

Areola is playing her mother like a fiddle.

This is not the first rodeo with these two but now a baby’s well being and her daughter’s health is at stake.

Areola’s a manipulator and Mom’s an enabler.

Yep and when does it end?  Baby #2?  38 instead of 28?  

Where was mom when Ari was making this baby?  Ho.e where she belonged and that's where she belongs now!  Home not inspecting living quarters and hospital beds while Ari looks on.

Let Ari sit her hiney on the toilet baby provided and let Ari live in the shelter!  Go home mom.  You're not doing your daughter a service!  Your E N A B L I N G her to continue making piss poor choices!

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1 hour ago, mamadrama said:

Thank you. Between the strokes, heart attacks and my son's cancer this past year I'm afraid people are going to forget about me. I haven't written at all. But I DO have an idea for a new horror novel: woman from 3rd world country marries a greasy toad, only to reach the US to find there is a shortage of toilet paper and she can't return home because of the travel ban. I'm thinking of calling it "Mmmmmmm, May I Halik You: A 90 Day Pandemic Love Story."



Does the greasy toad have tittoos? That would be some baked in horror from the get go.

Just now, Jeanne222 said:

Yep and when does it end?  Baby #2?  38 instead of 28?  

Where was mom when Ari was making this baby?  Ho.e where she belonged and that's where she belongs now!  Home not inspecting living quarters and hospital beds while Ari looks on.

Let Ari sit her hiney on the toilet baby provided and let Ari live in the shelter!  Go home mom.  You're not doing your daughter a service!  Your E N A B L I N G her to continue making piss poor choices!

If Areola wants to live in a hovel Newark is much closer to Princeton.

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18 hours ago, Mothra said:

I've got to sympathize a little with mom.  Until her mother started asking questions about Bin's ability to earn enough money to support a family, Ari said she hadn't given any thought to how they were going to afford life.

Ari said she "supports herself" by freelance writing and editing.  I get paid for writing (it's contracted for, not freelance) and editing, and I have a friend whose full-time job is freelance writing.  I could not support myself with what I earn, and my friend is a trust-fund baby who gets paid to write articles for glossy magazines.  It's hard for me to believe that Ari is supporting herself with her freelance work.  It seems she lives with her parents; I wonder if she pays them rent or any other living expenses, or if her freelance money is her own to spend on extras.


I'm going to guess Ari has been sMothered since she was born.  She's never had to be responsible for her terrible choices!

If she forgot...sigh...to ask if he could support them consequences are on her!!!

Go home mom!  You're a pest!

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22 minutes ago, Jeanne222 said:

I'm going to guess Ari has been sMothered since she was born.  She's never had to be responsible for her terrible choices!

If she forgot...sigh...to ask if he could support them consequences are on her!!!

Go home mom!  You're a pest!

I can understand Ari's mom, who is a nurse, wanting to be sure that the hospital Ari will use is up to snuff.  It was, and that should have been the end of her intrusion into their lives.  Like many of these young American women, Ari says she's independent and ready to be married.  It's obvious to us that neither of those things is true.  The idea that she hadn't thought about how they were going to support themselves until her mother brought it up makes me wonder about her relationship to reality.  That's a problem that didn't develop overnight.  I think it's too late now for mom to try to repair this deficit in Ari's upbringing--it's time for Ari to experience the consequences of her choices.  And who knows?  Maybe they'll be just fine.

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