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S10.E08: Mind Your P's and BBQ's

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Erika's kid was in his 20s and wasnt even named by name  and Erika still flipped out

Regardless, he has never been on the show before. Or ever.

Edited by Hiyo
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You're saying that, not me. I'm just pointing out Ericka's kid has never been on the show. Denise and other HW's kids have been (and many still are).

Ericka's husband being on this show has absolutely nothing to do with her son not ever being on this show.

Edited by Hiyo
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3 minutes ago, Hiyo said:

You're saying that, not me. I'm just pointing out Ericka's kid has never been on the show. Denise and other HW's kids have been.

the difference is they are still kids ... a 45 year old attacking a 13 and 15yo is tacky ....I feel  Elaine talking about an adult 20+ year old and in passing was not ...

Edited by Keywestclubkid
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21 hours ago, whydoievencare said:

I rewatched it too.  Nope to you.  She spoke quietly to the person sitting right next to her - she didn't address the whole table.

I never said she spoke to the whole table - in fact I specifically said in a previous post that she was speaking to the person beside her. What I said was that she did not lean into the person and speak in a lower tone. She used the same conversational tone as she was using when speaking to the table just before, and did not lean into the person beside her.  She was not at all trying to keep the comment quiet. 

Edited by UsernameFatigue
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4 minutes ago, bravofan27 said:

I think Ericka is being a huge hypocrite. I remember the first season (I think) she was on, she came on as Yolanda's friend. In any case, she had people at her house for dinner, and Tom was at the dinner with Ken and LVP. I can't remember cuz it was a long time ago, but Tom didn't feel like he was being respected by Ken and LVP who weren't impressed by him and were certainly not giving him their undivided attention. In any case, their cheeky comments got Tom really made, and Ericka even said that it was difficult night for her and that Tom was furious and that is not the way they do things in their home and there are consequences for breaking rules. It was very much like Ericka got grounded for what Ken and LVP did/said.

So if people are not allowed to interrupt or joke with Tom at her house, because those are the rules, then respect others rules, not because they make sense to you, but because they are the rules.


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I think the only storyline they had this year was the Brandi/Denise one, so anything with Denise in it is being dragged out until the timing's right for the season's climax.  

I think Lisa and Kyle are really jealous of their friend and already know just where this storyline is headed.  I think Denise has been suspicious of where the storyline is going and I don't think she's fully recovered from her surgery yet and she started back a little too early, too.  She's handling it all pretty well, considering.  

Ohhh! I get it, now... Denise is being made to work hard for her money this season because, as it's been said here, she gets paid very well to be on this show and she's had it pretty easy so far. 

Also, I think Denise and Aaron dressed like a couple'a bums to her shitty party as a fuck you Kyle!

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18 minutes ago, HadleyFields said:

Also, I think Denise and Aaron dressed like a couple'a bums to her shitty party as a fuck you Kyle!

I didn't get that at all.  Denise and Aaron are not Beverly Hills people.  When they heard BBQ, family event, and bouncy houses, they dressed casually.  Even Garcelle and Teddi were in sundresses with sensible shoes.  I honestly don't know why Kyle called it a BBQ when she meant something more akin to a garden party.  

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Kyle seems really wacky this season. I can't put my finger on it, but her behavior is sometimes "off" and inappropriate at certain times--like she's on some sort of happy pill one minute and bossy or crying the next. It's as if she's trying to morph herself into something she's very uncomfortable becoming. 

I'm not sure what to think of Denise's reactions this episode. It's likely Denise's kids are exposed to the show and also the stuff she expressed last season (the "happy ending", etc). So when she says she doesn't want her kids around the other women, I don't understand why. Everything she said last season is out there for those kids to hear and see. Besides, her daughter said she and her friends were laughing at the threesome conversation so Denise doesn't have a leg to stand on there. What's. Her. Deal. 

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1 hour ago, Keywestclubkid said:

Erika's kid was in his 20s and wasnt even named by name  and Erika still flipped out




So many rules, I can't keep up, but I think it's understandable that people want to protect who/what is important to them. So leave Denise's kids out of this mess even if they are part of the show.

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I don't understand the horror these ladies have for Aaron's nuttiness.  This is LA!  Isn't this style of flakiness not uncommon in these parts?  It's the land of Scientologists!  I love an eccentric, even if they are not hot, so his jibber jabber doesn't bother me a bit.  And I stan Denise Richards, always have.  Team Denise! And Aaron can be on the team as a treat.

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2 minutes ago, AuntDahlia said:

I don't understand the horror these ladies have for Aaron's nuttiness.  This is LA!  Isn't this style of flakiness not uncommon in these parts?  It's the land of Scientologists!  I love an eccentric, even if they are not hot, so his jibber jabber doesn't bother me a bit.  And I stan Denise Richards, always have.  Team Denise! And Aaron can be on the team as a treat.

Kyle loves her psychics and mediums so her reaction to Aaron's gift made me scratch my head.  Erika's astrologer=good; Aaron's crystals=bad, I don't get it.

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I thought it was interesting that Sutton looked really panicky & embarrassed, and it appeared she was trying to say something in Denise's defense. She was the one in Santa Barbara who quite snottily said "maybe you shouldn't have parties that include your kids", and the rest of the ladies all seemed to agree. Message received. No kids accompanied them at Kyle's. I kept waiting for the editors to flash back to that scene.

I think they still would have found something to say even if Denise had brought her kids. There is simply no winning with these women.

Still on TeamDenise, even though I don't think she necessarily did herself favours on this episode, especially with dropping f-bombs everywhere. I get that she was frustrated, but the only way to win with those twits is to not take the bait, and mute your reactions.

Aaron is koo koo for cocoa puffs, and really loves to hear himself talk. He should not talk, because he quickly descends into nonsensical rambling woo-speak, which just gives the hyenas more ammo. I think it would have been fine for him to show support by briefly interject and say: we didn't see a problem, why are you all still harping on this? end of story. Instead he stood up and got rather aggressive with the man-splaining. He was also slurring quite noticeably.

As they exited, on my close captioning (in Canada) it definitely had him saying he would crush Denise's hand, and the audio matched. I'm not going to make the leap that he's abusive based on ambiguous muffled dialogue, but I found it disturbing. 

As usual, Dorit looked ridiculous. I don't care what the designer label was, it looked like a diaphanous cover-up from Frederick's of Hollywood.

Oh, and shut up, Teddi!



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2 minutes ago, Cheezwiz said:

I thought it was interesting that Sutton looked really panicky & embarrassed, and it appeared she was trying to say something in Denise's defense. She was the one in Santa Barbara who quite snottily said "maybe you shouldn't have parties that include your kids", and the rest of the ladies all seemed to agree. Message received. No kids accompanied them at Kyle's. I kept waiting for the editors to flash back to that scene.

I thought that moment was interesting last week because Sutton did say that and Denise said something in return about how it was her house or her party (something to that effect) and Sutton very quickly agreed with her like she knew what she had said was out of line but it was kind of missed when Erika and Rinna went back on the attack. I wasn't surprised that she seemed like she was taking up for Denise at the un-barbecue at that moment - I think she may have been embarrassed or a little ashamed that she fell into the groupthink about the kids so quickly. But I'm also not surprised that she wasn't like Garcelle with her obvious WTF-is-wrong-with-y'all reaction because her footing is still unsure in the group and doesn't have the history of friendship that Denise and Garcelle have. 

I'm really really curious to see where Sutton is going to stand with the cast at the end of the season. 

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15 minutes ago, TurtlePower said:

Kyle seems really wacky this season. I can't put my finger on it, but her behavior is sometimes "off" and inappropriate at certain times--like she's on some sort of happy pill one minute and bossy or crying the next. It's as if she's trying to morph herself into something she's very uncomfortable becoming. 

There does seem to be something "unbalanced" about Kyle currently, not just on the show, but on her twitter. She goes from emotional mode to defense mode to victim mode to blame mode. 

I can't imagine what her reaction would have been if someone had actually commented on her carrying Portia, bringing her breakfast in bed, putting socks and shoes on for her. No one would have DARED to insinuate that Portia is a lazy little brat. 

But it's ok to insinuate that Denise's girls have had threesomes.

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Rinna leaving the table was a master class in stealth. Not only did she avoid eating (as always) she very loudly and proudly played with Teddy’s kids. No one can say their kids should not be around her!!!

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24 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

I'm really really curious to see where Sutton is going to stand with the cast at the end of the season. 

I really hated her antics at the beginning of the season, but her reactions are not always what I expect in the group gatherings, which is making her more interesting to watch than some of the other cast members.

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1 minute ago, Cheezwiz said:

I really hated her antics at the beginning of the season, but her reactions are not always what I expect in the group gatherings, which is making her more interesting to watch than some of the other cast members.

I didn't think I'd like her at first either. She said in an interview she thought she looked like an asshole too. lol I think Sutton was being a combination of honest and delivering what she thought was the expected shade from a Real Housewife. So far she hasn't been cruel to anyone and is a kinder, gentler person than Rinna, Kyle, Erika. She's probably too anxious and decent to last on this show. 

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51 minutes ago, AuntDahlia said:

I don't understand the horror these ladies have for Aaron's nuttiness.  This is LA!  Isn't this style of flakiness not uncommon in these parts?  It's the land of Scientologists!  I love an eccentric, even if they are not hot, so his jibber jabber doesn't bother me a bit.  And I stan Denise Richards, always have.  Team Denise! And Aaron can be on the team as a treat.

I think it may have not so much been his nuttiness (alternative health practitioners are a dime a dozen in Southern California), but the way he was aggressively speaking. Initially it was fine, he was supporting his wife. But it devolved pretty quickly into him standing up, looming over everyone, pointing pretty aggressively, and going into man-splain mode. Plus he the more he spoke the more shit-faced he sounded. These twats don't have a leg to stand on, but his comportment just gave them more fuel.

I was almost yelling at my screen "Dude, shut up! You're not helping"

I came away deciding I didn't like him - not even as eye candy.


4 minutes ago, RealHousewife said:

She's probably too anxious and decent to last on this show. 

I was very surprised at how anxious she seemed. After seeing a few more episodes, it sounded like she was trying to play a role initially, and way over-shot things.

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7 minutes ago, Cheezwiz said:

I was very surprised at how anxious she seemed. After seeing a few more episodes, it sounded like she was trying to play a role initially, and way over-shot things.

Yeah unlike some people who pretend to be much nicer than they are on camera, Sutton seemed like she'd play up her snarky side. Maybe she thought it would be good TV. 

Kyle talks about her anxiety constantly, but it's never stopped her from going off on people. I don't know how bad she'd be if she didn't have her anxiety. When I watch Sutton, the poor thing seems so nervous and quickly backs down. I'm a fan of hers and think the show could use some nice ladies in the mix, but then I also want to rescue her.

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31 minutes ago, Cheezwiz said:

I was very surprised at how anxious she seemed. After seeing a few more episodes, it sounded like she was trying to play a role initially, and way over-shot things.

I wonder if it wasn't the editing helping things along in trying to make Sutton a "character" rather than just let her be herself. I mean, I didn't mind the nutty yacht rock/yacht wear bits because I thought they were funny but I feel like they let go of that too rich and out of touch character as soon as "Let. The mouse. Go." happened. That's such an amazing line.

Edited by Callaphera
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Another thing that got lost in the ridiculousness of this "BBQ", Garcelle's commentary about women eating their placentas.  I'd kill to see more of that type of banter and less of the painful dissection of whether or not Denise is still upset and "mom-shaming" everyone.  

2 hours ago, nightmeri said:

Rinna leaving the table was a master class in stealth. Not only did she avoid eating (as always) she very loudly and proudly played with Teddy’s kids. No one can say their kids should not be around her!!!

Totally the former.  I knew she wouldn't eat anything after loudly announcing all the food she was putting on her plate,

Edited by snarts
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1 hour ago, Cheezwiz said:

I think it may have not so much been his nuttiness (alternative health practitioners are a dime a dozen in Southern California), but the way he was aggressively speaking. Initially it was fine, he was supporting his wife. But it devolved pretty quickly into him standing up, looming over everyone, pointing pretty aggressively, and going into man-splain mode. Plus he the more he spoke the more shit-faced he sounded. These twats don't have a leg to stand on, but his comportment just gave them more fuel.

I was almost yelling at my screen "Dude, shut up! You're not helping"

I came away deciding I didn't like him - not even as eye candy.


I was very surprised at how anxious she seemed. After seeing a few more episodes, it sounded like she was trying to play a role initially, and way over-shot things.

I agree about Aaron-- watching him reminded me of a time my 20 yr old daughter and I were happily griping away about one of our outrageous relatives in the privacy of my living room when my 18 yr old son walks in from the hall to man-splain how we should be behaving and just wouldn't let it GO.  He knew the relative and her catty ways and why we were upset but he didn't get that we were just venting together about how crazy she drives us.  His face looked just as goofy as Aarons' while trying to school us on how to act.  After we turned on him and he turned tail and ran I know he wished he'd left us to our gossiping! 

I wonder if Mauricio wasn't at the 'bbq' because production knew he'd try to politely handle Aaron and shut him down? Nothing to film then. 

Denise and Aaron looked like they'd been out pulling weeds. I like Denise and her laid back ways but this is Beverly Hills--I expect a lot of glam from them! (I think Kyle and her silk pj's missed the mark, though) Love her house and loved the fancy food!  This is what I tune in for.  This and trips 🙂 

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I don't have closed captioning and I only know what I heard.  Aaron said he would crush Denise's hand. Maybe I misheard what Aaron said. But does anyone think that manly, studly big penis Aaron would accuse his wife of crushing his tiny hand? Come on. 

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9 minutes ago, 65mickey said:

I don't have closed captioning and I only know what I heard.  Aaron said he would crush Denise's hand. Maybe I misheard what Aaron said. But does anyone think that manly, studly big penis Aaron would accuse his wife of crushing his tiny hand? Come on. 

People often think that because you a big guy with muscles you feel no pain and that a smaller person can’t hurt you. There are many cases of football players being abused by their wives. Your hand is not muscle bound. If you grip it in the right way even a small woman can cause a lot of pain. Denise was desperate to get them out of filming and that Aaron stop talking. I don’t think Aaron abuses his wife and I don’t think Denise would stand for it. This is gaslighting by Bravo to set them up. You can see this coming from a mile away.

Edited by The Ringo Kidd
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6 hours ago, Keywestclubkid said:

Erika's kid was in his 20s and wasnt even named by name  and Erika still flipped out

Eileen wasn’t even really talking about her actual son. She was taking Erika to task for not accepting Dorit’s apology she said “it’s not like she killed your child”.

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17 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

Eileen wasn’t even really talking about her actual son. She was taking Erika to task for not accepting Dorit’s apology she said “it’s not like she killed your child”.

Exactly!!!! And Erika flipped and went HAM. But she has no problem now throwing shade at the underage teenage daughters of a costar 

Edited by Keywestclubkid
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21 minutes ago, The Ringo Kidd said:

People often think that because you a big guy with muscles you feel no pain and that a smaller person can’t hurt you. There are many cases of football players being abused by their wives. Your hand is not muscle bound. If you grip it in the right way even a small woman can cause a lot of pain. Denise was desperate to get them out of filming and that Aaron stop talking. I don’t think Aaron abuses his wife and I don’t think Denise would stand for it. This is gaslighting by Bravo to set them up. You can see this coming from a mile away.

I'm a light-complected little lady myself and this is so true. Look at what's happening in this country to certain men. 😞

I remember people were not happy about Paul's reaction to finding out what Brandi was spreading about his family. Lisa V even made a comment about poor little Brandi being scared of big, bad Paul. It's obviously been awhile since that season, but I remember thinking it sucks to be a man and having to be so careful no matter what a woman is doing to you and your family. Brandi hurt his family more spreading private information than he ever hurt her by getting close, raising his voice, and cursing in broad daylight, lots of people around, and cameras rolling. Did anyone really think Paul would lay a hand on her? And I'm sure Denise has gone through way more hurt by the way these women have treated her than by Aaron even if he did squeeze her hand too tight. I think if he were literally crushing her hand, we'd see some sort of reaction from her. IDK, but I haven't seen enough to feel it's fair to label Aaron as an abuser. That clip was very short and difficult to even hear.

3 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

Exactly!!!! And Erika flipped and went HAM. But she has no problem now throwing shade at the underage teenage daughters of a costar 

Imagine how ham she would go if she were in Denise's shoes where what was said was actually out of line and not just an innocently said bad analogy by a beyond supportive friend who was trying to be a peacemaker and promptly apologized over and over? Rinna would throw some glass and perhaps threaten to f you up via text. Kyle and Teddi would run off crying together, and if you're exceptionally pretty or popular, Kyle might throw in some screaming while she's at it too. 

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On 6/5/2020 at 3:25 PM, Happy Camper said:

There does seem to be something "unbalanced" about Kyle currently, not just on the show, but on her twitter. She goes from emotional mode to defense mode to victim mode to blame mode. 

I can't imagine what her reaction would have been if someone had actually commented on her carrying Portia, bringing her breakfast in bed, putting socks and shoes on for her. No one would have DARED to insinuate that Portia is a lazy little brat. 

But it's ok to insinuate that Denise's girls have had threesomes.

Peri Menopause 

Edited to add:  Just found out she is 51 years old.  It is full on menopause.  

Edited by tinderbox
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Ericka's comment about the Denise's Middle and High School aged girls having threesomes was disgusting and rude. That comment made me think that Ericka looks down on Denise and her kids. Back to her first dinner party-- the first one and last one! where Ericka tried to bring Tom into her reality world and failed, she explained Tom's scolding (she agreed with him while he was speaking, and he told her to be quiet and wait for him to finish) as, "he's a lawyer, and when lawyer's talk you need to shut-up and listen." She went on Andy Cohen's show and said exactly that in defense of Tom at the time.


You can hear him defend him here.

Personally, I think BOTH Tom and Aaron are arrogant fools, but it's okay because Tom is a lawyer, but it's not okay from Aaron because he isn't educated. Or whatever. I don't really get it, but there is definitely a pecking order, and a lot of snobbery going on. Very little critical thought.

Regarding Lisa and eating. She was good for awhile about being more relaxed, but it seems like she is back to her food abstaining again. I think Lisa Rinna, even if she has never got treatment, has disordered eating, and I think she's taking uppers to curb her appetite. I think, given her age, she's still in habit of taking "diet pills" (meth, ahem) to curb hunger.

Lisa R is also acting a super extra this season. Regarding her skeptism with Denise and her story about her daughter asking about the threesome, I think Rinna either asked her then and there if she was okay (because Rinna is nosey and high anxiety and always putting her nose into things) and/or she was watching the teens and saw they were fine/ laughing, and therefore, not buying Denise's story.

Lisa Rinna should just go along with it. IMO.

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Fun drinking game:

Binge the whole season and take a shot of tequila every time someone orders a Casamiga on camera. You'll be passed out under your coffee table in no time!


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Rinna leaving the table was a master class in stealth. Not only did she avoid eating (as always) she very loudly and proudly played with Teddy’s kids.

Well, she was seen eating a bite or 2 of actual food at Garcelle's event...

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I’m sorry, I’m out of all the howives shows. I just can’t. They aren’t believable or real in any way anymore. My list also includes VPR ... I mean Vanderpump rules. 

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This is gaslighting by Bravo to set them up. You can see this coming from a mile away.

Gaslighting for...what? How is it gaslighting when it's on record?


She was taking Erika to task for not accepting Dorit’s apology she said “it’s not like she killed your child”.

Well, once she used the word "your", that would mean she was talking about Ericka's child...

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36 minutes ago, Hiyo said:

once she used the word "your", that would mean she was talking about Ericka's child...

My point was that it was nothing about her son and she was using a poor analogy that Erika blew completely out of proportion and I didn’t go back and check but several recaps actually said she used “children” not child making it even less of a direct reference.

Edited by biakbiak
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On 6/3/2020 at 7:42 PM, TomGirl said:

I think he was totally obnoxious.

All I could think when he was talking--mansplaining--was, who the hell asked for your opinion?

IIRC, other than Sutton's mailorder date, he was the only XY at the table and he held forth like he was the Sun King.

Aaron, have a seat. In fact, have a whole damn sofa. And shut the hell up.

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What I don't get is why your sex life has to do with how you parent. Why is Gonna and Kyle or anyone having a go at Denise....I love Denise, she's the real one. 

Of course you don't want to expose your young kids to adult talk.

Your sex life and your parenting are not the same things. And even Garcelle agreed with Denise so why doesn't she look explain that to the other women. Sometimes I swear Rinnah just stirs and harps on about things ridiculously. Not everyone parents the same. So respect that,you don't see Denise mouthing off judging them in their parenting. 

And half the stuff they say is hypercritical.

Go Denise....I get it,it's not rocket science!

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I think there is something creepy and off about Aaron. I don't know if it's because he is controlling and abusive in private, or what, but he's off. 

I can't believe the entire season has been about Denise asking the women to keep sex talk down around her snd other people's kids. It's still better than NY's season which has been a masterclass in binge drinking andalcoholic behavior, but this is pathetic.


Edited by ShawnaLanne
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3 hours ago, ShawnaLanne said:

I think there is something creepy and off about Aaron. I don't know if it's because he is controlling and abusive in private, or what, but he's off. 

I can't believe the entire season has been about Denise asking the women to keep sex talk down around her snd other people's kids. It's still better than NY's season which has been a masterclass in binge drinking andalcoholic behavior, but this is pathetic.


Dont forget the seasons long obsession of dorinda with tinsly and who she is dating .... that is getting beyond annoying 😛 ..but yea it seems lately the shit they fight over on both of these shows is so petty and dumb ...i dont know if its because I have been trapped inside for 3 months or if its always been like this but ... Good God the stupid of these fights is mind boggling


I think with everything that is going on in the world ... these shows are coming off more superficial then they seemed to before .. i still watch for the distraction but it is just seeming more petty then it used to....

Edited by Keywestclubkid
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17 hours ago, TurtlePower said:

Kyle seems really wacky this season. I can't put my finger on it, but her behavior is sometimes "off" and inappropriate at certain times--like she's on some sort of happy pill one minute and bossy or crying the next. It's as if she's trying to morph herself into something she's very uncomfortable becoming.

Kyle thought LVP leaving would allow Kyle to ascend to her rightful place as the show's queen bee, but the other gals ain't having it!

Kyle is too easily flustered (as shown by her reaction to Garcelle's sweet dig) and cares too much about other's opinions to rule over this franchise. And while Kyle is good at being catty, she crumbles completely when someone comes for her.

Denise and Erika are better suited for the top dog role precisely because I doubt either one of them would want it. Too much drama. Too much work. The cost-benefit analysis shows few benefits. Denise and Erika are smart enough to leave that soul-sucking mess where it belongs -- with Rinna, Kyle, and Dorit -- the Real Housewives of Try-Hard-Dom.

Another reason for Kyle seeming shaky this year is Mauricio's. . .vibe. Mauricio's not really there, even when he's there, ya know what I'm saying? Pretty soon he'll be off in Canada camping with Harry Hamlin or some shit.

Edited by eXiled
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5 hours ago, Rosebud1970 said:

All I could think when he was talking--mansplaining--was, who the hell asked for your opinion?

IIRC, other than Sutton's mailorder date, he was the only XY at the table and he held forth like he was the Sun King.

Aaron, have a seat. In fact, have a whole damn sofa. And shut the hell up.

That’s a good point. He didn’t want to come and Denise made a mistake bringing him. None of the other husbands were there other than Teddy’s insignificant other. If Denise is truly a strong woman she shouldn’t bring her man to support her. 

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