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S18.E16: On with the Show: Grand Finale

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The top 5 each perform a song that celebrates their Idol journey and a previously performed song. America’s real-time vote determines the winner. Special performances from music legends, including a performance of “We Are the World.”


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Oh, my god. The two I most wanted in the final two were there! Wow. Not often that happens. 

Congratulations to JustSam! Her grandma must be going NUTS right now :D. And congrats to Arthur, too, for making it to the final two. I wish them both luck with their music careers going forward. 

And congrats to the others who made it this far as well. I'm sorry for them that the season got all messed up as it did, but I think they handled it about as well as they could've, and I wish the other contestants luck with whatever they do next as well. 

See everyone again next season, then-here's hoping it'll be a lot easier and smoother next go round. 🙂

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So happy!!  As was said above, it's not often that my choice wins.   Maybe Just Sam's victory can once and for all erase my bitterness of Kris Allen beating out Adam Lambert.

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The single most underwhelming winner in the history of AI. Nick Fradiani or Jena Irene can breathe easy now...

Every online poll I saw leading up to tonight had Dillon and Arthur 1 and 2 or vice versa (and running away w/ it over the other 5 finalists)....

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I was beyond thrilled with Just Sam’s win. I’m really bummed for her that she had no one there with her to help celebrate.  I was brought to tears with the graphics during We Are the World.  Just seeing the empty streets and locations was such a harsh, stark reality of what’s happening in our world right now.  The guy who sang the Rascal Flatts song gets my vote for most improved - both in appearance and his voice.  

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I watched AI off and on this season. It was not because of the virus, but because of what this show has become. I miss when the judges were honest about the contestants performances. I miss Simon Cowell's critiques. I miss when the contestants were treated as contestants and not celebrities! I didn't see this season enough to really say whether Sam deserved to win or not. I did see others that were better in my opinion. Sam was good and I thought she was better than the other contestant in the final. One thing I liked was the stripped down version of their performances. No stage. No lights or glittery stuff. Just them! But....wouldn't you know it, we were left with one of the worst trio of judges this show has ever seen. Anyway, be safe everyone and hope nest season is better.   

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What a shame Sam had to be all alone. I wish they would do an Idol special once people can be together again, and give at least the top 11 their big Hollywood moment to sing on stage.  Call it 'An Idol Celebration'.

It was a convoluted and cheap way to get to a final two. At least Arthur can say he was the runner up, and it's often not the winner that has the better career. I didn't mind either of them. Would have been cool to have a camera in Katmandu and get reaction shots. Congrats Sam, may you never have to sing on the subway again.

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35 minutes ago, Vermicious Knid said:

What a shame Sam had to be all alone. I wish they would do an Idol special once people can be together again, and give at least the top 11 their big Hollywood moment to sing on stage.  Call it 'An Idol Celebration'.

It was a convoluted and cheap way to get to a final two. At least Arthur can say he was the runner up, and it's often not the winner that has the better career. I didn't mind either of them. Would have been cool to have a camera in Katmandu and get reaction shots. Congrats Sam, may you never have to sing on the subway again.

I really like the idea of an "Idol Celebration" .....maybe if they do it around the holidays.....but even then.....unless a miracle happens and the virus somehow loses it's might and subsides over the summer months or a unlikely vaccine being ready .....I still think it probably isn't likely to see things like live concerts, sports, tv tapings, held in front of audiences for some time.   I don't care for the at home format and hope if it comes to this again next season....It just go on hiatus.   In the meantime.....Just Sam can celebrate by selling lots of records.  Maybe the highlight for me was "One Margarita, Two Margarita"…... Luke's new song.     

"We Are the World"...….I was one who bought the record on March 7, 1985 and loved it.  And tonight's rendition by Idol All Stars was very well done and tugged at the heartstrings of all of us I'm sure.

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I'm happy for Sam. Although Jonny West would've been my overall preference, I can't NOT be happy to see a woman win this show, seeing as it happens so seldom.

Arthur and Dillon were both cute, but I didn't really care for their music, tbh. I thought Dillon would win for sure. Overall, I think the revival is much better than the last years on FOX. Loved Maddie Poppe, and like Laine Hardy and Sam. At least I don't dislike any of them, whereas I hated all the winners but Candice from season 9 through 15.

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12 hours ago, DakotaLavender said:

Did Arthur Gunn and his family think he won? 

I wondered that as well. 

7 hours ago, Vermicious Knid said:

I wish they would do an Idol special once people can be together again, and give at least the top 11 their big Hollywood moment to sing on stage.  Call it 'An Idol Celebration'.

I love this idea but it'd probably be like 2021 at the earliest that they'd be able to do it and I feel like no one will care by then lol.

Ryan was acting weird as hell to me in the live portion and his eyes were super wonky. It was freaking me out.

I loved We Are the World but I was extremely irritated by Alejandro not wearing white. Everyone else wore white.

I liked everyone in the Top 5 so I was going to be happy no matter what, which is a very new feeling for me with regards to competitive reality show finals lol. 

I was very surprised that Just Sam won. I thought for sure it'd be Arthur or maybe Francisco/Dillon. I wish she could've had someone there to celebrate with her. At least she was able to get her grandma on video chat or whatever.

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12 hours ago, DakotaLavender said:

Did Arthur Gunn and his family think he won? 

Arthur is going to be on Kelly and Ryan’s show on Tuesday morning so I’m hoping they’ll ask.  Just Sam was on this morning and they showed the reaction shots from last night.  Sam was very sweet and humble during her interview and she sang Rise Up, which was even better than when she sang it last night.

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It'll be interesting to see who a year from now has a better career.  We know it's not always the winner.  The last time Idol produced a successful winner was back in 2012 - 8 years ago.

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Why am I getting a weird feeling that the fix was in for Just Sam? I’m not entirely believing she got the most votes... Her last couple performances were not good. Plus she has a great story, plus a woman, a minority and an engaging personality... hmm. Just a suspicion. 

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I picked Just Sam from the first time I heard her sing in Hollywood week. She tells a story when she sings, and her tone is glorious. I think she'd have benefited immensely from some time on the big Idol stage, but I'm so thrilled to see her win.

What a heartbreak to get  such big news and be all alone. I have to admit, my cold nostalgic heart broke a bit when I realized Ryan wouldn't be saying, "Kieran, dim the lights." No confetti, no group hug, no big ovation... how lonely to experience the biggest moment of your life alone in a 1-bedroom apartment. Thank goodness she had her grandmom on FaceTime.

Happy for Arthur as runner-up and I thought he was going to win. I still think he sounds like Phil Squared and it's no coincidence that was Idol's last successful winner.

Jonny West can have a career as a singer-songwriter or just a songwriter. I think he'll have his pick of post-Idol gigs, and good for him. 

Both Dillon and Francisco showed up with great performances tonight. Big fan of Dillon and I will follow what he does after this. 

Thrilled we finally got rid of Julia and Louis. I might have gone straight to bed if Julia had advanced.

I hope we never have to see this format again, for multiple reasons. But thank you, Idol, for stretching into the unknown to bring us fresh content every weekend. It's made the last few months slightly more bearable. 

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1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

Ryan was acting weird as hell to me in the live portion and his eyes were super wonky.

I was just surprised he didn't at least put on a jacket for the occasion. Otherwise he seemed no different than he has been with the changed format.

I think on the usual big Idol stage, he might wear mascara or eyeliner to make his eyes stand out because they're so pale- he's not doing that for these quarantine shows, and I actually think he's better looking without the embellishment, jmo.

I voted for Sam, but I would have been fine with any of the other 4. 

I guess binge-drinking is just fine in Bro-Country, eh? I thought Luke's song was very catchy, but 'one margarita, two margarita, three margarita, shot' seems a bit much for what used to be a family show. 

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I'm shocked--SHOCKED!-- that Just Sam won.  And while I guess I could be convinced that the fix was in, I don't mind since she was the only finalist that I liked.  Her performance of Rise Up was pretty darn good.

As for other conspiracy theories... I agree with the other poster that Ryan was acting weird, especially towards the end of the show.  There were really long and awkward pauses for no reason.  Check out right before the last break, there's like a 10 second pause and then you can see someone or something moving under the desk... WHAT!!!??  lol

I won't go so far as to say that I miss Simon Cowell but this show has become way too positive for my liking.  The judges don't really have anything worthwhile to say to the contestants anymore... granted, most if not all of the top 11 were quite talented but it's all just "YOU ARE A STAR" without actually critiquing the performance.  I fast-forward through all of their comments now because it's a whole lot of nothing.

And finally... I am not the biggest Katy Perry fan but I kind of liked her new single.  Shocker!

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Arthur was on Good Morning America with Just Sam, but did not show up for Live with Kelly and Ryan.  Ryan did not show up, either.

Theories on Ryan that I've read are drunk, stroke, or Bell's Palsy.

Edited by Babalooie
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3 hours ago, ruffy666 said:

I'm shocked--SHOCKED!-- that Just Sam won.  And while I guess I could be convinced that the fix was in, I don't mind since she was the only finalist that I liked.  Her performance of Rise Up was pretty darn good.

As for other conspiracy theories... I agree with the other poster that Ryan was acting weird, especially towards the end of the show.  There were really long and awkward pauses for no reason.  Check out right before the last break, there's like a 10 second pause and then you can see someone or something moving under the desk... WHAT!!!??  lol

Ryan was acting VERY weird by the end of the show. I watched on Hulu without commercials and after what would have been a commercial break, he just stared straight down at his desk for an extra minute before announcing the final 2 in a completely flat tone.

I was pretty shocked by Just Sam's win too. I thought she was a lock for top 5 (though it crossed my mind that it could be an all-male top 5), but I thought the winner would be Arthur once it was down to those 2 and before that, I'd thought Jonny or Dillon could win. 

I was a little surprised Francisco made it into the top 5 and I think he was too, lol.  On the other hand, it looked like Arthur thought he had the win in the bag at final 2. I don't think the family celebration was because they thought he won, I think they expected him to win so they had celebration stuff planned and just rolled on with it anyway. It certainly would have made for a more festive winning moment than poor Just Sam in a room alone with an iPad. 

I don't usually go in for conspiracy theories, but I could see the show massaging the results a bit due to the disparity in the numbers of female winners vs males and maybe to give Just Sam a boost. Of the top 5, she's clearly in the most difficult position financially, so I hope this helps her out. But the reason I think this would be the season to mess with, voting-wise, is that it was such a weird situation overall, I doubt there would be a big outcry. 

I managed to be all over the internet today before watching the show and didn't encounter a single spoiler, so I don't think many people are paying too much attention anymore. I only watched this season because we're locked down and there's nothing else to do. 

I was so glad Louis didn't make the top 5, I don't understand how he even made it this far. He's got such a wannabe One Direction-er vibe and if not for the British accent, I don't think he would have gotten much notice.



I won't go so far as to say that I miss Simon Cowell but this show has become way too positive for my liking.  The judges don't really have anything worthwhile to say to the contestants anymore... granted, most if not all of the top 11 were quite talented but it's all just "YOU ARE A STAR" without actually critiquing the performance.  I fast-forward through all of their comments now because it's a whole lot of nothing.

And finally... I am not the biggest Katy Perry fan but I kind of liked her new single.  Shocker!


It did seem pointless to call EVERYONE a star and declare EVERY performance a triumph. Some of those performances last night were a bit dull. Technically fine and all, but not noteworthy and every "critique" was just nonstop gushing. 

I kinda liked Katy's song too, it seemed like a return to her former musical style after some supremely shitty singles in recent years.

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My two favorites made it to the end. I like Arthur but I voted for Just Sam. I hope they both make it big and are successful down the road. 

This show is tedious to watch because of the judges who blather on and don't say anything worthwhile. It would be a better show if the judges left and we voted for the contestants. It would save me FFing the judge part. I liked the singers got to just sing without all the extra distractions of flashing lights and other stuff from a normal season.

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4 hours ago, sempervivum said:

I guess binge-drinking is just fine in Bro-Country, eh? I thought Luke's song was very catchy, but 'one margarita, two margarita, three margarita, shot' seems a bit much for what used to be a family show.

This is the same show that earlier this season had a teenage girl singing Chandelier (1 2 3 Drink, 1 2 3 Drink) and another singing Lady Marmalade (Voulez vous couchez avec moi?) so I guess they figured it was ok for Luke, lol.

17 hours ago, DakotaLavender said:

Did Arthur Gunn and his family think he won? 

Based on the way the show treats Alejandro, they probably were celebrating the #2 spot.  😉

I would have been happy with Arthur, Dillon or Just Sam winning and she probably needed it the most.  I look forward to seeing what they all do in the future and that is not a feeling I've ever had post Idol! 

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36 minutes ago, leocadia said:

Based on the way the show treats Alejandro, they probably were celebrating the #2 spot.  😉


Based upon the way the show treats Alejandro they could be excused for thinking the #2 spot is actually the winner.

17 hours ago, rr2911 said:

I miss Simon Cowell's critiques. I miss when the contestants were treated as contestants and not celebrities!

You mean back when it was an actual talent contest in search of someone who could have an actually successful career in the music business? The percentage of successful winners/contestants dropped significantly since Simon's departure.  I miss it too.

I would be extremely surprised if Sam goes on to achieve much success.  Her only performance that impressed me at all was when she sang on the beach in Hawaii.  The rest was all run of the mill, able to carry a tune.  She was pushed along because she had a back story.  Being a part of a minority and female didn't hurt given the negative backlash the show has received for years about being too heavy on the white guy winners. It's a feel good win. I doubt that the intention is any longer to find a genuine singing star anyway.  

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9 hours ago, Maya said:

Why am I getting a weird feeling that the fix was in for Just Sam? I’m not entirely believing she got the most votes... Her last couple performances were not good. Plus she has a great story, plus a woman, a minority and an engaging personality... hmm. Just a suspicion. 

Well, no doubt she benefitted from all the other guys dividing the WGWG vote between one another. If it had been a 1 on 1 match like in the old days, we would have never seen a woman win the show again post-Candice.

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I thought Dillon was the best last night but I wanted Sam to win.  Although I was disappointed there was some kind of mix up on timing and I didn’t get to vote.  I thought all time zones saw it at the same time and that I would have until closer until the end of the show.  I would have voted for Sam so it didn’t matter all that much.  It seems like they all got cheated, though.  During a usual seasons they re together for weeks, they bond and they form friendships.  This time, they were alone with families, or just alone, like Sam.

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Telling every contestant that they are a star is just wrong. You just need to look back at the trash heap of former contestants. My shining moment of this season was the sweet way they handled Doug Kiker and letting him sing in the finale. He sounded great. I know the lead guy on Rascal Flatts can be a diva but they gave Doug some nice moments.

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19 hours ago, PBnJay said:

This show is tedious to watch because of the judges who blather on and don't say anything worthwhile. It would be a better show if the judges left and we voted for the contestants. It would save me FFing the judge part.

ITA. I am liking imagining the show without judges, just a host, and voting determining who moves on. It's not a competition anymore.

17 hours ago, ichbin said:

I would be extremely surprised if Sam goes on to achieve much success.  Her only performance that impressed me at all was when she sang on the beach in Hawaii.  The rest was all run of the mill, able to carry a tune.  She was pushed along because she had a back story.  Being a part of a minority and female didn't hurt given the negative backlash the show has received for years about being too heavy on the white guy winners. It's a feel good win. I doubt that the intention is any longer to find a genuine singing star anyway.  

I felt the same way. I thought from the start she would win because she's the total package -- not the package that has what it takes to be a successful entertainer, but the package that makes her the perfect winner of TV show like AI. I liked her, I liked her song in Hawaii the best, but I doubt I'll be hearing her again in my music-listening future.

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I was shocked Ryan wasn't dressed up more for the finale. A button-down shirt for the top 10, but for the finale, he's dressed like a scuba diver?

Dillon was my sentimental favorite (I really liked his Bob Dylan cover), but I knew he wasn't going to win. I was sort of anyone-but-Johnny, so Just Sam is a fine winner. She has a great voice, and the best story, and I think both were necessary in this modified version of Idol.

When Lionel Ritchie said he was going to remake "We are the World," I did not think he meant ... superimposed contestant faces on mountain ranges and skyscrapers and empty beaches?! That was bizarre. How did that song manage to look more polished in the 80s, even with all the dissolves?

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3 hours ago, Quickbeam said:

Telling every contestant that they are a star is just wrong.

It's part of the "self-esteem is everything and let's give everyone a participation trophy no matter how bad you are at whatever you're participating in" generation.

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4 hours ago, SweetSable said:

It's part of the "self-esteem is everything and let's give everyone a participation trophy no matter how bad you are at whatever you're participating in" generation.

Side note, but I've never understood why it's the younger generation that gets mocked for that. I mean, who's the ones who decided to start giving out the trophies and tell them they're good at everything no matter what? It wasn't the kids themselves, and they're certainly not the ones demanding that kind of stuff. In fact, most younger people are pretty well aware of how insincere and unhelpful that mindset is. 

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In what world would anyone believe Sam deserved to win? Can't imagine a single person voting for that boring crap. Not like a remote finale could really have been entertaining in any capacity, but the whole show and series as a whole was extremely underwhelming. Sick of the judges blowing smoke up every contestant's ass at every opportunity; you'd think they'd declare every contestant as co-winner with how much praise they give everybody. It barely even feels like a competition. Also, with how poorly Laine Hardy's career seems to be going, he may have to beg Sam to help him out with singing on the subway. Hard to imagine any of the contestants getting a real break out of this season.

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1. I think the contestants deserved to have the judges wear tuxedos and evening gowns like they would have on a regular finale.

2. how does Bobby Bones telling everybody that they're going to win help anyone?

3. does Dillon's family have money because he looked like he was singing in front of professionally-designed sets

4. I think just Sam sings heartbreakingly well and I'm glad she won.

5. That song Johnny West wrote himself was amazing! I was rewinding to try to catch who it was credited to and realized it was him. Every time I see him though I can't get his idiot girlfriend Margie out of my mind though....





Edited by WhineandCheez
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5 hours ago, WhineandCheez said:

5. That song Johnny West wrote himself was amazing! I was rewinding to try to catch who it was credited to and realized it was him. Every time I see him though I can't get his idiot girlfriend Margie out of my mind though....

He did that same song for his audition, and I was so glad he did it again. I think that's probably my favorite original song anyone has ever done on American Idol. I think it could be a hit tomorrow, it's so good. At the very least I think he has a solid career as a songwriter ahead of him (given a couple other of his original songs I've come across, not to mention that Amazing Grace mashup he did, I don't think this song was a one-off fluke).

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On 5/18/2020 at 10:39 AM, Maya said:

Why am I getting a weird feeling that the fix was in for Just Sam? I’m not entirely believing she got the most votes... Her last couple performances were not good. Plus she has a great story, plus a woman, a minority and an engaging personality... hmm. Just a suspicion. 

I thought the fix was in, formerly known as TCO, for Just Sam---and may I TELL you how much I detest that oh, so precious moniker?---ever since she mentioned the subway bit. 

But whatever. 

Too bad that faces-on-facades WATW didn't include Clay, Adam, Taylor, Archie, etc. 

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Sam benefited with the East Coast voting.  She also got sympathy votes for being alone in LA, while the others were with their families.  But winning Idol these days means very little.  I don't see her doing any better than Candice, Caleb, Nick, Trent, Maddie, Laine.

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