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S04.E12: King Of Wishful Thinking

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20 hours ago, InternetToughGuy said:

If I sound annoyed or disinterested, it’s because I am writing this with a headache and since I am not American, I don’t have the balm of being prescribed 50 Hydrocodone pills for a stubbed toe. If only I could find a sympathetic doctor who understands the mental anguish of finding out anime isn’t real.


It’s frightening how I don’t consider the idea of proposing after what looks like a few hours together to be a wrong idea. Did they say how long Geoffrey had been there? It’s weird how accumulating a freakish physique doesn’t dissuade oneself from acts of mental instability - then again, when there is a weak brain and weak body, you get something like David.

Geoffrey is the perfect social slave if he’s begging the government to get involved in their relationship. The only thing that could have possibly relieved some of the tension of this situation is if one of Geoffrey’s sons emerged from the woods wearing girls clothes - due to my own Father moved out of the house out of shame, I know a quaint little boutique that I highly recommend.


Ash appears to be mentally damaged - the very fact that someone like David can exist makes the theory that there are chemicals in the drinking water is a sound theory. Avery might even prefer me, who is so socially stunted, that I would be reciting my wedding vows through text to speech.

After so many unprovoked spats, one may be convinced that the full name on his birth certificate is Ashhole. The look on Ash’s face about Avery having her own room says it all - if I could get in the radius of her fart zone, only to be denied occupancy, I’m sure I would have a meltdown too.


For real, I was looking at my smut folder today and found a picture I had saved that looked exactly like Stephanie and Erika; I’d post it if I knew I wouldn’t get instantly banned, but since the photo was of their naked asses taking up half of the shot, one could be thoroughly convinced it was Stephanie and Erika’s Christmas card. Seeing as how Stephanie has an Only Fans account, where she sells lewd photos to weirdos, I doubt her Mom would be surprised at anything else.

Why doesn’t Stephanie’s Mom still look like she’s 20 years old? I am sad that I am the only person in this world who never ages, even though I’ve tin foiled all my mirrors so I’m not reminded of my rotten teeth and silver chest hair pouring out of my Hawaiian button up shirt. I don’t know if I’m just not in the mood to watch this show, but it seems like there’s nothing happening so far.


David’s man boobs look like they’re getting bigger - maybe if he massages them and tells them nice things, they’ll get big enough to provide enough entertainment that he doesn’t have to pursue women anymore. If “Lana” was absent for weeks, she must have had a huge mountain of money to count. There’s no saving this goof. He “knows in his heart” that she’s not scamming him - well since he hasn’t had any love in decades, his heart is covered in cobwebs and is thus an unreliable source.

He’d be less pathetic if he believed the women in porn videos had real feelings for him; at least they’re real people. I’d like to thank David for greasing the wheels with that female receptionist, as I could walk in with nothing but a diaper on and still manage to look more masculine.


Rose should know better than to question a pathetic man’s love for another man’s son - he probably already has a World’s Greatest Stepfather mug on his desk, which is the closest thing to being voluntarily castrated. Maybe the end of this relationship would mean something if Rosebot were programmed to express any real emotion.

Even as terrible as Ed is, I’m sure when she returns to the slums, she’ll realize he was just sticking his neck out for her, which is very difficult considering his appearance. Ed’s gut looks like me puffing my chest out after working my pecs - of course they differ due to those are made of muscle and not Big Mac sauce.


That kid looks really strong - if he can lift a 5 pound dumbbell without a crying spell, I’m going to have to show myself the door. This interaction reminds me of every awkward conversation I’ve had with adults when I was a kid, so damn painful. The “Cat-ibalism” joke single handedly destroyed my faith in ever becoming a comic - he’s funnier than me, and embarrassingly enough, taller than me as well.


Geoffrey must be really nervous if he can tense up so much that it looks like he’s in shape - either that or he actually cares enough about his appearance to do something about it. You’d think he’d have the common sense to not say awkward passive aggressive remarks that are only going to make it worse.

I tried thinking of anything to say, but I probably care about their relationship the least, so except for an unneeded remark about Varya’s succulent bosom, I got nothing.


Erika in that still picture looks like she should be standing over a bubbling cauldron. Why is it OK for that guy to be drinking in the afternoon? It’s only one drink? And he has a job? Never mind. Jesus, that Australian accent is torture for the ears. The game where you don’t have any privacy? I assume that’s a take on the modern life in the police state.


David needs a translator to convert his mental delusions into English and then into Ukrainian. That girl is such a babe - hopefully David goes for her instead, so his rejection can be filmed for entertainment. This strange dialect is how I hear adults talking to each other; perhaps I will attain semi-fluency after I hand out a few resumes, although they would be indistinguishable from regular blank paper.


Ash lied about the divorce? Usually men only lie online about things that can be quantified with a tape measure; an object that condemns me on nearly every date-able criteria.

If women in their 30s are so desperate that they consider long term relationships with such loose cannons as Ash, it gives me hope that I won’t have to beg the obese grey haired nurse for physical contact on my deathbed.


At least Geoffrey going back with only a broken heart means he won’t have to pay 5 figures in medical bills. It hurts to see Varya sob over that s.o.b. With how much Geoffrey and Ash want to reaffirm how hurt they are, they are serious hypochondriacs. “I wanted Varya to fill the void in my heart” - that sounds like it’ll go well.


They slept in full makeup? How vain. There’s a video on Stephanie’s YouTube channel of her Mom reacting to her Only Fans pictures - I think we can stop pretending there’s some sort of reputation on the line. Also, how does it seem like everyone can just immigrate to the U.S. with no problems? So many celebrities and musicians on Wikipedia say that they moved there with no money and no education (when they were really young, not famous).

How do these people get new relationships every 2 weeks? I guess they view burying their faces in people’s asses as casually as blowing their nose. Uh oh, the fuse has been lit! The tears seem to fall like water from the bath faucet, I don’t think they mean anything now. Maybe they could bicker in the dried up California crops - lord knows they could use hydrating. With all of this drama about exes, this is why I’m only interested in the purest of church girls, whose understanding of sex comes solely from what I’ve told them about it, which based on how much time I spend analyzing a girl’s nostrils is absolutely nothing.

All of my knowledge about relationships come from old issues of Hustler magazine, so I don’t understand how this is unraveling. You’d think after dozens of hours getting punctured with a tattoo needle, Erika would be somewhat immune to pain by now. I don’t get how Stephanie is so jealous when listing all of her own lays would be like the principal announcing the graduating class. Then again, I can’t even hear my brother say the female cashier smiled at him without going into a seething frenzy.


David looking in the mirror and somehow concludes that the only thing wrong with him is his hair; how delusional. Speaking of ironing clothes, it’s pretty iron-ic that he’s unaware he’s being taken to the cleaners. I pray she’s real so the embarrassment can escalate even further. Independent Square? I went there…. with my parents.

I bet David deliberately dragged this “relationship” out longer just so it would outlast the TV show Punk’d. Do you think that David was hallucinating and the cameraman had to pretend someone was there? At least this makes the show entertaining again.


The same relationships ending and starting over again; this shit is getting Lisa (old…very old). Darcey’s daughters’ natural faces compared with the talking Madame Tussauds statue makes me take back every remark about ever being attracted to her - of course put Lisa on the screen and she’d look like a dessert in comparison, assuming I hadn’t completely lost my appetite from seeing Lisa.

I’d say seeing men cry is uncomfortable, but to associate Ed with masculinity is a misplaced idea. Damn, that Usman segment looks juicy (which makes me sound like I work with Perez Hilton).



As stupid as it is to take pride in posts that mostly comprise of me insulting myself, I am annoyed that this post is terrible. I usually just know what to say without any effort, but it wasn’t like that at all today, so I will have to flog myself for punishment.... at least after my daily fetish flogging, but when it becomes pure punishment, it becomes sexual all over again. It never ends.

I enjoyed the entire post...hilarious!

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53 minutes ago, LaLaLaLa said:

I enjoyed the entire post...hilarious!

Much appreciated, thanks - I actually spent quite a few hours afterwards worried that my humor left; I tell several dozen jokes a day, so any slight deviation from that is quite concerning. Last night, from about 5 minutes in, I realized my usual effort wasn't going to happen, so for the whole endeavor, I was about as cheery as Ed at a salad bar without mayonnaise. I guess I'll keep posting about the show til it's over, though perhaps the next season will be refreshing, as I think every type of putdown has been made about the current cast.

Edited by InternetToughGuy
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6 hours ago, bravofan27 said:

My mind was blown when I saw Lana at the end. BUT, when I went to watch ON DEMAND, they had edited her out. So they just show David saying, "there she is!" and then it cuts to previews. I was pretty disappointed cuz I wanted to get a good look at this lady. The glimpse of her I saw when the show was airing, did look like her, she looked excited, but also confused. I wanted to rewatch.

Props to 90 day producers for making that happen. Shame for editing it out of the reruns!

Lana looks like her photos are a good ten years old.  IMO she looks like she has fillers, botox, etc, kinda odd for someone so impoverished.

In any case she is no fresh faced, shy young girl.

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I can't feel sorry for David at all. For one thing, he's just too stupid for me to take seriously. For another, under all that smug condescension he's eerily aggressive. I see him as an outdated Geoffrey. 

I'm real life friends with David's sister and was Facebook friends with both before the show filmed (I had no idea he was on it), but last night I unfriended him. He actually disturbed me in ways I can't vocalize. (Plus, he never posted anything interesting anyway.)

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14 hours ago, BallisticNikki said:

Yeah, I did go back and you're right. She said the girl hadn't come out to her mom. That is odd, then, isn't it? Unless Erika was waiting the girlfriend to show some signs of being ready to come out before Erika would come out?

IDK, I think issues of "coming out as gay/bi" are being conflated a lot w/ issues of "as claiming me publicly" w/ this couple.

The other side of it is Erika doubting whether Steph is actually bi?  Or is serious about her.  And of course, we know that Steph is looking for any excuse out of this relationship and found it with the stupid "WHAT! YOU HAD A GF YOU DIDN'T TELL ME ABOUT!!!"

  • Love 6
10 hours ago, Kyanight said:

That very well could be - but what difference would it make?  That whole relationship with Erika and Stephanie is weird - at best.   I think Erika might be bi-sexual, but Stephanie comes across as frigid with both males AND females - possibly due to her inability to deal with past disappointments in relationships like she said - or that might just be her personality.  OR - this was just one big set-up for 15 minutes of fame, as they say.  But if that was the goal, I think Stephanie came across in a much different light than she had envisioned.  The majority of viewers dislike her.

The only difference it makes to me is that Erika's "coming out" story to her parents was faked.  I didn't believe it last episode.   First, I don't believe that someone is going to "come out" to their parents in a reality TV show.  Imagine if her parents hadn't been so lovely.  Some parents might not be homophobic but mourn their kids having a traditional hetero relationship.   I mean, if Steph feels like her mom might be "destroyed" over her daughter coming out, maybe she was right not to come out on a reality show.  

I also find Erika to be way too rational to get upset that Steph didn't come out to her mom if she had only come out to her parents a few days before.  I think she'd be more understanding that hey, it took me this long to come out to MY parents.

So to me, that coming out episode last week was fake.

On Stephanie being a cold fish, yes she is.  I still am going with her falling for Erika in a "this girl is just soooooo cool and I think I'm in love with her..." then went down there and realized she isn't into her at all.  I mean, she really seems to dislike her even.  Like disgusted by her.  

It is funny too b/c her youtube channel is so sexual.

I'm with other poster on this thread  -- she'll end up with a husband.  This will be her last bisexual relationship.  



Edited by sasha206
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7 hours ago, Kangatush said:

Sometimes it's just about being open and honest.  I've had my parents sit me down and tell me that it would be perfectly fine with them if I were a lesbian.  It was very sweet and loving of them, but alas, I do prefer men.

But I think orientation and other aspects of sexuality are different animals.  I watched an episode of True Life on MTV and this dude had a dramatic dinner with his family where he announced that he was a "chubby chaser".  That was so weird to me.  Like I get how it might be nice if your family had a heads up you were bringing home a romantic partner of the same gender, but I'm sure they'd be super happy not knowing you were into spanking.

Exactly.  Erika doesn't need to tell her parents every time she has a sexual relationship with a woman.  But if she's upset to be a secret for 10 years, seemingly she has actually told her parents that she is in a relationship with a woman.  It's just so stupid to me that she could complain about being a secret if she just actually came out to her parents last episode.

I could better understand her being upset with Steph if she said, "look, we both agreed to come out to our families.  I did that two days ago but you wimped out..."


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17 hours ago, Ucross said:


Also like Varya and hope she can block Geoffrey. People thought her hair color was artificial, but she has the same coloring as "black Irish" with raven hair and blue eyes, plus no sign of roots throughout the filming. I think she really is an Elizabeth Taylor.


At first I thought you were saying Varya looks like Elizabeth Taylor.  But I am thankful you just mean raven hair, blue eyes.  I like Varya, I do not think she is pretty.

I think she dyes her hair.  It has a very unnatural cast to it.

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36 minutes ago, mamadrama said:

I can't feel sorry for David at all. For one thing, he's just too stupid for me to take seriously. For another, under all that smug condescension he's eerily aggressive. I see him as an outdated Geoffrey. 

I'm real life friends with David's sister and was Facebook friends with both before the show filmed (I had no idea he was on it), but last night I unfriended him. He actually disturbed me in ways I can't vocalize. (Plus, he never posted anything interesting anyway.)

He's so smug and arrogant, just unlikable.  I half expected him to get up from that table with the PI and start throwing punches, he doesn't live in the real world.  He really thinks he is all that and of course a beautiful young woman is in love with him.  No fool like an old fool.


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From the fight that Steph and Erika were having, I got the impression that the problem was that Erika's 10 year love interest was actually one of the group of her friends.  Stephanie seemed to be bitching about it being someone that she'd met, or that was still around.  Just wondering if there was more to the blow out, or just another stupid jealous thing.

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1 hour ago, mamadrama said:

I can't feel sorry for David at all. For one thing, he's just too stupid for me to take seriously. For another, under all that smug condescension he's eerily aggressive. I see him as an outdated Geoffrey. 

I'm real life friends with David's sister and was Facebook friends with both before the show filmed (I had no idea he was on it), but last night I unfriended him. He actually disturbed me in ways I can't vocalize. (Plus, he never posted anything interesting anyway.)

He disturbs me as well  - can you imagine if Lana wants to break up and leave him?  Hello?  Investigation Discovery?  We have a new episode of Fatal Vows for you!  He would not take no for an answer.  Ever.

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20 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

The highlight of the episode, and I will brook no argument, was this exchange 

Rose: That's it. Its over

Ed: So, I get it. I'm the bad guy here. I'm a bad person. OK

Rose: Yes.

I laughed and laughed. Ed getting all butt hurt. Huffing "I'm a bad person I guess" and expecting her to go "Oh no, you're not a bad person!" But she called his bluff. GO. ROSE. She is my new hero.

One of the few highlights of this season, IMO. I think that my love for Rose in that moment was how David expected the viewing audience to feel about him firing the PI while wearing a duster somewhere  between Ed and Darcey in length.

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19 minutes ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

He disturbs me as well  - can you imagine if Lana wants to break up and leave him?  Hello?  Investigation Discovery?  We have a new episode of Fatal Vows for you!  He would not take no for an answer.  Ever.

Luckily, she doesn’t have to leave him.  Even if he proposes, he has to go home eventually.   If he ever returns, her nephew’s hockey team can make the playoffs or go on the road.   

Once she finds out the ring isn’t real, she won’t be moving to the US to marry David.   

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6 hours ago, DEL901 said:

Luckily, she doesn’t have to leave him.  Even if he proposes, he has to go home eventually.   If he ever returns, her nephew’s hockey team can make the playoffs or go on the road.   

Once she finds out the ring isn’t real, she won’t be moving to the US to marry David.   

True, I was thinking if she actually came to Nevada, but really......fat chance of that, right?

Edited by Mrs. Hanson
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36 minutes ago, DEL901 said:

Luckily, she doesn’t have to leave him.  Even if he proposes, he has to go home eventually.   If he ever returns, her nephew’s hockey team can make the playoffs or go on the road.   

Once she finds out the ring isn’t real, she won’t be moving to the US to marry David.   

Why are we assuming she only has one nephew?  She probably has a cadre of nieces, nephews and second cousins twice removed. 

Lana protip - make up an entire extended Sims family for multiple excuses. 

3 minutes ago, Pondlass1 said:

The earth is polluted because we are a throw away society. I admire David for hanging onto his leather coat from the 80s. 


David "not so fast" fashion. 

Edited by RealReality
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28 minutes ago, Pondlass1 said:

The earth is polluted because we are a throw away society. I admire David for hanging onto his leather coat from the 80s. 


I have my brushed suede leather jacket from 1990 and dammit - it still fits and I love it.  But it is a more classic look, not like the cast from The Matrix called and wants the coat back.

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22 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

The highlight of the episode, and I will brook no argument, was this exchange 

Rose: That's it. Its over

Ed: So, I get it. I'm the bad guy here. I'm a bad person. OK

Rose: Yes.

I laughed and laughed. Ed getting all butt hurt. Huffing "I'm a bad person I guess" and expecting her to go "Oh no, you're not a bad person!" But she called his bluff. GO. ROSE. She is my new hero. 

That was my highlight, too. I think he sat at the edge of that pool, waiting for Rose to approach him to apologize. What made it sweeter was him returning to the room, thinking she was there. After she needed to calm down. 😄 Finding her gone and again being shocked, the tears fill his eyes. Not because she's gone. Because his feelings are hurt that she said he is a bad guy. And he has a ring!

Wish she would have left that big bottle of mouthwash and teddy in the room's trash bin.

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16 hours ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

I think she will call her mother and breathe a sigh of relief and thank her!

Varya's own gut has been telling her "not now" since the first night with Geoffrey's complaining about her reason for not fixing the drywall and saying a comb with his ex's name on it was no big deal.  Women should learn to listen to their guts. She never wanted to live in Tennessee (or near a penitentiary for visiting hours) anyways.  Certainly there are men from NYC & environs on the foreign online-order brides websites.

Edited by deirdra
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I took a look at one of the web sites that Lana/Svetlana is on.  Oh, and she said she was 32 on this site, not 20 something.  Specifically hotmatch and sifted thru her photos and those of her competing females.  It’s sad to see these women displaying themselves like slabs of meat for random people on the other side of the Internet.  Lana/Svetlana is definitely closer to 40 than to 20.  I wonder if David would have kept up this 7yr game had he known she was lying about her age.  Clearly she is not shy.  She showed up in a very nice coat, looking very cosmopolitan.  She definitely got paid for this appearance.  What will be his excuse for her lying about her age.  

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11 minutes ago, Colfrmb said:

I took a look at one of the web sites that Lana/Svetlana is on.  Oh, and she said she was 32 on this site, not 20 something.  Specifically hotmatch and sifted thru her photos and those of her competing females.  It’s sad to see these women displaying themselves like slabs of meat for random people on the other side of the Internet.  Lana/Svetlana is definitely closer to 40 than to 20.  I wonder if David would have kept up this 7yr game had he known she was lying about her age.  Clearly she is not shy.  She showed up in a very nice coat, looking very cosmopolitan.  She definitely got paid for this appearance.  What will be his excuse for her lying about her age.  

There is a guy on FB who started his own group called "Catfishing the Catfisher".  He writes to this site and 12 out of 13 of the girls he has talked to so far have DEMANDED (barely asked nicely) for him to send them money - so that they can buy a phone (most of them apparently don't have one -:::eye roll:::) or else in one case buy a passport for $2200.  He has been stringing them along and they get meaner and nastier in their comments each day he doesn't send them money.  Almost all of them asked for $150 to start, in-between saying how much they love him and want to get married.  Sheesh.    I will say though, it's been an interesting read.

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What kills me about Ed (besides everything else) is that he said he was confused  about Rose going after him. He should be sorry and apologizing for the belittling and for not telling her about not telling her about kids. She’s should be leaving him anyway. It’s still shouldn’t matter if he apologized. It’s just that he didn’t see it that way that he should have to apologize. Why would she come back to be belittled more?

What did he think that she was going to be OK with everything? He was confused because she had the nerve to say these things 

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5 minutes ago, Bugfrey Von said:

Watching Jeff get rejected is just the kind of boost I needed during these awful times! Varya should be counting her lucky stars there was a camera crew there, he looked like he was ready to backhand her.

I don’t understand why she is defending him on social media.  She can easily find police report info. Perhaps someone should send her this information.  I wonder if she knows how many times he has been married 

Also is it an a clue that they weren’t included on the Tell All? Should she be asking herself why Should she be asking herself why


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13 hours ago, Kyanight said:

I say neither.  I think Ed TOTALLY thinks HE is the "good guy" and Rose is at fault for having bad breath/hairy legs/leaky roof/hot country/monkeys/ocean water with sand/she wants kids/wonky electricity/20 thread count bed sheets/a son/chickens in the kitchen/sister asking for money/sickly rats in the house/a father who is a cock block/same father who insists on "showering" with him/ - was there anything else he whined about, or does that about cover it?  He doesn't for a MINUTE think he was the bad guy.  He is just trying to make a point that he is understanding what Rose is saying to him - "****I***** am the bad guy?  OK, I'm the bad guy".  And then he stomps off in a huge huff (have you ever seen him move so fast????) because HE was the one who is constantly "wronged".   In his mind he is most certainly NOT the bad guy in this picture.

Ed is one of the legion of "nice guys" who roam the earth these days. The ones who whine that women don't like "nice guys" like them. The ones who instantly turn mean and insulting when a woman turns them down for a date or takes exception to a dick pic. Ed's pathetic fishing for validation, "Oh, I'm a bad person, OK" made me laugh and laugh. He was shocked that Rose didn't immediately take that bait "no no, you're not a bad person!". Then he would have launched into his counter argument. "Tell me what I did wrong! I can change!" but he would have eventually (probably pretty quickly) turned the tables and started in on her. Telling her it was a two way street. That she wasn't so perfect. That he came all this way! Halfway around the world! Brought her lovely presents! (ugh). I hate it when people, when you point out something that they could do better or something they do wrong, get all butthurt and flounce off. "OK, fine, so I'm an asshole! Nothing I do is right!" Trying to make someone else feel guilty is not a good look.

1 hour ago, kendi said:

That was my highlight, too. I think he sat at the edge of that pool, waiting for Rose to approach him to apologize. What made it sweeter was him returning to the room, thinking she was there. After she needed to calm down. 😄 Finding her gone and again being shocked, the tears fill his eyes. Not because she's gone. Because his feelings are hurt that she said he is a bad guy. And he has a ring!

Wish she would have left that big bottle of mouthwash and teddy in the room's trash bin.

That would have been the highlight. That Ed thinks he's such a prize, and that Rose should be weeping with gratitude for his attention, boggles the mind. What a tool.

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58 minutes ago, Colfrmb said:

I took a look at one of the web sites that Lana/Svetlana is on.  Oh, and she said she was 32 on this site, not 20 something.  Specifically hotmatch and sifted thru her photos and those of her competing females.  It’s sad to see these women displaying themselves like slabs of meat for random people on the other side of the Internet.  Lana/Svetlana is definitely closer to 40 than to 20.  I wonder if David would have kept up this 7yr game had he known she was lying about her age.  Clearly she is not shy.  She showed up in a very nice coat, looking very cosmopolitan.  She definitely got paid for this appearance.  What will be his excuse for her lying about her age.  

But she did have a white purse before Memorial Day, lol. 

Lana has two options, she can keep David on line when he returns to the states and she can make a steady income that way or try to come the states and marry him, financially I bet she would be better off staying in her country, we have seen where/how he lives, this is not what Lana has set her sights on, she can live better on her own using David's money.

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Just now, Baltimore Betty said:

But she did have a white purse before Memorial Day, lol. 

Lana has two options, she can keep David on line when he returns to the states and she can make a steady income that way or try to come the states and marry him, financially I bet she would be better off staying in her country, we have seen where/how he lives, this is not what Lana has set her sights on, she can live better on her own using David's money.

Also, it's not just DAVID sending her money.  She is probably stringing a LOT of guys on, and making a nice amount of income.  She said she likes "nice and expensive things".  The fact that David thinks she's poor and shy is so laughable.

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1 minute ago, Baltimore Betty said:we have seen where/how he lives, this is not what Lana has set her sights on, she can live better on her own using David's money.

But maybe she thinks that living in Vegas she can troll for literal high rollers.  What she doesn’t know is that women like her are a dime a dozen there.  You’re right.  If she stays home, she will make more $$.

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34 minutes ago, Bubbles1967 said:

I don’t understand why she is defending him on social media.  She can easily find police report info. Perhaps someone should send her this information.  I wonder if she knows how many times he has been married 

Also is it an a clue that they weren’t included on the Tell All? Should she be asking herself why Should she be asking herself why


I can understand why they did not have him on the Tell All.  But why exclude Varya?

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TLC HAD to hire an actress to play Lana.  I am not buying she is real.

9 minutes ago, aimlessbird said:

I read online that Varya did not appear on the Tell all as an act of solidarity and unity to Geoff.  

I am sorry to hear that because she made the right decision. She has a great family and she appears to be smart and accomplished.  I hope she comes to realize that that this was the smartest thing she’s ever done.

Edited by Kid
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26 minutes ago, Kyanight said:

Also, it's not just DAVID sending her money.  She is probably stringing a LOT of guys on, and making a nice amount of income.  She said she likes "nice and expensive things".  The fact that David thinks she's poor and shy is so laughable.

She's got a face full of botox and fillers, her lips have been injected, she is not poor.

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13 hours ago, sasha206 said:

The other side of it is Erika doubting whether Steph is actually bi?  Or is serious about her.  And of course, we know that Steph is looking for any excuse out of this relationship and found it with the stupid "WHAT! YOU HAD A GF YOU DIDN'T TELL ME ABOUT!!!"

Why do you think Steph wants out of the relationship? Bc she's not bi? Or some other reason?

I know Erika is being portrayed by the show as the sympathetic hero. But I like her only slightly more than Steph.

  • I think she clearly gave the Steph the impression she was willing to move to the US but back tracked as soon as Steph got there.
  • I thought it was childish and mean for Erika to immediately run to her friends and bash Erika after their argument about fooling around w/ the guy friend. (All that's going to do is poison the friends against her and make Steph feel ganged up on. Plus, some things just need to be worked out privately as a couple.)
  • I felt Erika got quite defensive about deleting the dating app (which may or may not have been a dating app).
  • And I still don't like that Erika didn't offer Steph a ride to the airport or even offer to arrange a ride if she needed.
7 hours ago, aimlessbird said:

I read online that Varya did not appear on the Tell all as an act of solidarity and unity to Geoff.  

Why?? Are they still involved?

Edited by BallisticNikki
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