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S08.E19: Dottie & Cynthia LIVE CHAT

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She went from wearing a duvet (and I am being nice about that, a cheap ass bedspread actually) to a 1980s couch.  A stylist is in order, as well as an attitude adjuster.  I am sick of her.

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Even if Dr Now accepted her reasoning, where would that get her? You can't exercise & you're still eating. OK. Fine. What do you want from me? I can't make you magically lose weight when you come in the office.

I hope she doesn't call Lola.

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I know that these patients are tiresome with their antics, but Dr. Now isn't exactly a Saint, either.  His "bedside manner" needs some tightening up.

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I remember being annoyed with Cynthia during her first episide for this same snotty attitude. Yes Dr. Now can wave a magic wand and make you skinny. 

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8 minutes ago, Jeeves said:


I can't judge Landon based on that short scene. My first thought is like @Snarkastikate said - he may have been tired, intimidated by going to the airport and the camera and all of it. I don't think it's abnormal for a little kid to be withdrawn when a parent returns from a long absence. He needs time to readjust to her being home and may have abandonment issues from (a) her recent absence and (b) how she IMO neglected him to care for his older disabled brother.


When my son was one, I changed his day care. When we picked him up the first day, he was so mad at us he barely interacted with us. ONE DAY. (he adjusted very quickly but that was tough). Dottie's over the top howling over Landon's reaction was cringeworthy. Does she not know anything about child development? Her "he needs his momma" posturing is making it all about her, not her son. 

6 minutes ago, Wanda said:

I’ve thought from the start that Landon is on the spectrum (as the mother of a 25 yr old autistic son I have radar). And I think Dottie is happiest with a child with issues so she can be a martyr. She’s trying to turn him into a mini Daniel with the Over the shoulder sling and taking him from his toys just to plop him down in a dark room in front of the TV with her. And in her mind she’s the only one who can keep up with his schedule so he doesn’t regress. He must have been flinging feces with just Chris if he regressed from what he does with her. Poor little boy doesn’t have a chance.

Sadly, I agree. 

3 minutes ago, Giant Misfit said:

What did she say about the husband? Did he start smoking in the house? Drinking? 

He committed the unpardonable sin of not being his momma.

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Just now, Lillith said:

I remember being annoyed with Cynthia during her first episide for this same snotty attitude. Yes Dr. Now can wave a magic wand and make you skinny. 

She can get around easier, and that makes everything AOK in her book.

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10 minutes ago, FormeryHeavyJ said:

It was finally nice this past weekend so I didn't have to run in a cold mist for the first time in weeks.  But now we are back to cold in the AM.  Lovely.

It was rainy and chilly today. My heat ran this evening for the first time in several days.

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6 minutes ago, Snarkastikate said:

I'm no Lola, but even I can see that Dottie's going to smother Landon to try to turn him into a child who needs his momma as much as her handicapped child did.  That's going to be her grief counseling.  And that ain't right.  

She is certainly a perfect candidate for Münchausen syndrome isn’t she???  

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1 minute ago, babyhouseman said:

She can get around easier, and that makes everything AOK in her book.

She can get around easier for the next 6 months then wham, she's back to waddling around like a weeble.

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"I've already wasted too much time on this. I can't wait to start my life anymore."

Your life is going. There's no 'starting.' Live in the moment, and appreciate what you have. Stop waiting to start, and 'the big moment.' You'll miss everything else along the way.

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6 minutes ago, Kid said:

I don’t understand why Dr Now is having an argument with Cynthia. Just dump her substantial ass!!

Because an extended argument is a part of the standard script for this season. Has to be at least one in every episode. 

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ugh, Cynthia's  narration is hurting my ears.

I love Dr Now's sputtering at her.  And when he said "be my guest" I wanted him to start singing the song from "Beauty and the Beast" and doing a little dance.   Oh, well......

At the end of her episode Cynthia seemed content with her initial weight loss and decided not to continue.  I think she expected she could go back and he would just give her skin surgery and she would lose weight that way. 

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3 minutes ago, MsVixen said:

I know that these patients are tiresome with their antics, but Dr. Now isn't exactly a Saint, either.  His "bedside manner" needs some tightening up.

And his reconstructive surgery techniques!

Note to self:  If I ever require his services, save up enough or have insurance for a real plastic surgeon who cares about post-surgery scarring/contouring. 

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1 minute ago, Chicklet said:

I've had the pleasure of firing a few patients with attitudes like Cynthia, what a relief.

Every once in awhile I get a student who does not know better than to get that snarky attitude with me. Yes, I’m comparing Fast Food Cynthia to a 16 year old. Anyway, I love responding with a line stolen from Dr. Now. 
STUDENT: blah blah! Blah BLAH BLAH blah BLAH!!!!

ME: Are you done? 

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9 minutes ago, ams1001 said:

I meant the soup but I'll take banana bread, too. I'll see which is better. (I forgot that the prescribed baking time in my oven makes it slightly well-done.)

I've never actually made soup.

Happy to share after the show. 🙂 I make soups all the time - especially chicken noodle, split pea, loaded potato soup, lentil, beef or vegetarian chili...   There are two secrets to a good soup:  don't skimp on meat (to quote my grandmother and great-grandmother, those city people always pour far too much water over far too little meat!) and let it cook for a good long while while.  

To me soups are the perfect meals as they are the most efficient thing ever in terms of active time investment (throw it all in and let it cook), clean-up (many are truly one-pot meals, though not all), calories (half the volume is water, unless you go all in with heavy cream in something like clam chowder or loaded potato soup), and money (again, water!  a pound of beef can feed two adults if grilled, but 4-6 if used for a soup). 

Edited by Hellga
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I curse this show for introducing the phrase "weight loss journey" in our collective consciousness. 

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1 minute ago, CringeWatcher said:

Every once in awhile I get a student who does not know better than to get that snarky attitude with me. Yes, I’m comparing Fast Food Cynthia to a 16 year old. Anyway, I love responding with a line stolen from Dr. Now. 
STUDENT: blah blah! Blah BLAH BLAH blah BLAH!!!!

ME: Are you done? 

Are you me??? I've actually said that on the phone last week after getting screamed at incoherently.

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Just now, Jeeves said:

Ah. Lola's calling Cynthia on the "but my kids!" bullshit. Telling her to involve the kids with the decisions about eating etc. 

That won’t happen.  She won’t give up her drive thru fast food!

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