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S12.E05: Not So Model Behavior

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Oh Dorinda the educated, sophisticated globally traveled woman referring to Chairman Mao as General Mao while trying to be so clever. What whould Richard say? Regarding Dorinda's treatment of John, Dorinda is the proverbial dog in the manger. She does not want anyone else to have what she has no use for. I hope he tells her don't bother to come around Madam Paulette as she might be offensive to his paying customers. 

  • Love 10
1 hour ago, Vanderboom said:

Was it my imagination,  or did someone originally think Beyonce was on Leah's dress?

Yes, someone asked if it was Beyonce!  I can't remember who said it though.

1 hour ago, Vanderboom said:

Oh, Luann. Her baffling sense of entitlement is stunning. I wonder what it's like to go through life assuming that everyone I meet has time for my bullshit.

I'm glad that the editors made sure to caption the fact that the hairdressers were there for the models, otherwise I might've just given it a passing glance and not thought much about it, but this way, I could see what an asshole LuAnn was.  She could've at least given him some cash for the touchup, but no, everybody is supposed to cater to her.  

  • Love 17
10 hours ago, Silver Bells said:

I just now realized Ramoaner is a pain in the ass.  Not only is she not all there in the head, but she’s a lousy hostess, leaves her friends to go on a secret date, orders oysters for herself,and makes them clean up in her house when she disappears.  I seriously believe she thinks she’s above them all, and they are beneath her.  Delusional.  Also, I doubt those wealthy  so called “friends” would let her in their circle.


Ramona has always acted like she has somewhere better to be. That is who Ramona is, superficial (they all are to some extent) she's more interested in being seen, than being with "friends". I can't stand her and never have, but I felt pity for her as she praddled on about having to be seen at fashion shows.  I'm sure she thinks her life is fab, and might be to some but she seems like a sad lonely woman. 

Ramona eating oysters 🤢 only less disgusting then Dorinda describing Ramona eating oysters 🤮

Omg, Lu sauntering over to get her hair did at the fashion show lol, wtf. Another housewife that never changes 😄. Entitlement thy name is Luann. 

Sonja is so crazy.  She does my head in. You crazy bat calm down. No one is taking your fashion show that seriously 😄

Are Tinsley and her mom making the crying together a thing? Because I'll pass on that if they are.

Edited by Coffeewinewater
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1 hour ago, Vanderboom said:

Was it my imagination,  or did someone originally think Beyonce was on Leah's dress? That says a lot about this crowd.

I couldn't figure out what was worse: that or Leah acting like Baby Phat and Kimora Lee Simmons wasn't there before Married to the Mob was a thing. Gee, Leah - which one of those has more brand recognition? I'll be petty: half of the tops from Leah's company look like Etsy offerings from someone who just bought their first Cricut and some Gildan tops on a Michaels BOGO sale. 

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Sonja said “is that Bayonce”?  😂 possibly combining “Bae” and Beyoncé  lol

when dorinda was talking w her make up guy, was she alluding to John doing too much coke?

my 19yo girl who sits with me during housewives, peeped up from her laptop and asked “why does she (Sonja) have idiots working for her”?  My girl is in college to be a corporate event planner...  I told her “watch them and do the opposite when you get a job”. 

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10 hours ago, ChitChat said:

It was when Leah came in and everybody was commenting on her dress.  It was idiocy in full display on Dorinda's part, and with a smile on her face. 

Leah is a Wild Child and always was.  The husband, who looks decent, and her Mother are still keeping eyes on her.  I don’t blame them being she has a daughter to grow up.  So far, I don’t see anything extrodinary about her, except daring.

  • Love 5
56 minutes ago, ChitChat said:

I'm glad that the editors made sure to caption the fact that the hairdressers were there for the models, otherwise I might've just given it a passing glance and not thought much about it, but this way, I could see what an asshole LuAnn was.  She could've at least given him some cash for the touchup, but no, everybody is supposed to cater to her.

I know! I was watching for her to slip him a few bucks, even if she rationalized it as a tip, give him something! (other than your compliments, gratitude, and possibly an STD).


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11 hours ago, ShawnaLanne said:

"If I don't go to a party I don't see John." Dorinda. I can see that from her and John's perspective. Why would he want to be with her, and it backs up his attention seeking thing.

Isn't it in John's best interest, as a businessman, to go to parties and schmooze and make contacts, while reeling in customers with his knowledge of how to remove the stain from whatever it was they just dropped/spilled on themselves? 

I'm more and more confused on why he's with Dorinda. He seems to dote on her (on camera, anyway) and she seems to only want to be with him when it's convenient for her. If she doesn't trust him to go to all these parties without her, she really shouldn't be with him. Imo, she takes him for granted. I think she's going to have a very hard time if/when he leaves her for someone more compatible.


  • Love 18
8 hours ago, Lady of nod said:

I think Dorinda was probably referring to the famous Warhol print of Mao reproduced on a dress. I dont think she was saying that Mao himself was "cool" or comparing him to Lil Kim. Not a Dorinda defender here, just old enough to remember the Warhol days in NY

I see what you’re saying, and I don’t take that as you defending Dorinda.  I see it’s just an explanation as to what might have gone on.  To that, I say, what if an artist, like a really cutting edge artist, put a picture of the Parkland shooter onto a gauzy print?  Would it be fine for someone to wear that, knowing who he is?  

Mao is just a guy like the Parkland shooter who had an additional 45,999,983 deaths to answer for.  

Dorinda knew at least something about who Mao was, because she said wearing him was gangstery.  So she went out and bought the skirt of a genocidal dictator and wore it and talked about it on TV.  If this had just been some mistake down at the flea market where she thought she was getting a cute skirt with a random man’s face printed on it, that would be ignorance.  But she knew who he was.  That part was made clear by her.

I said in an earlier post that I think it comes down to ignorance, but not pure ignorance, because she knew she was doing something subversive in bringing up the “gangstery” appeal of the “fashion.”  There would be nothing remotely “gangstery” if she had just bought a skirt that recreated Andy Warhol’s Campbell’s Soup can. 

I’m not saying Dorinda should get stripped of the show, because I don’t roll that way.  If she wore a skirt or a top with Hitler on it, I would have a similar reaction.  It’s not cool.  If she wants to do it, she should be willing to answer for it.  I’m not asking her to get kicked off the show for wearing Hitler or Mao, if that’s how she dresses and this is reality TV.  Judged, yes.  Booted from reality TV for being real without directly harming anyone?  No, just stay and show your ass and maybe people will refuse to film with that.  

Of course, in real life, she would be fired in a heartbeat for wearing Hitler, even if it came from Warhol, but when it comes to Mao, this network doesn’t say boo.  That’s my other major problem.  All I hear on WWHL is that Dorinda is “iconic, iconic.”  And she held up a picture of herself and Madeline Albright, which is like trying to have it both ways for me.  She can’t hobnob with a former Secretary of State and not know about Mao. Yet Dorinda has this pattern of shoving it in our faces that she’s part of the educated elite.  So, then, yes, Dorinda, you are much more on the hook than, say, Tinsley, who doesn’t profess to know about these things or these people.  

3 hours ago, elsie said:

Vivienne Tam was my first thought also. I remember when her collection came out ( I'm old) when I was in college, and there was this very uncomfortable showdown between the people that were enraged at Mao's image (with pigtails, cross eyed, etc...) being used so flippantly, and those who wore the prints as a way of taking back power (?) Since both sides were of Chinese heritage, it was interesting to see such a strong divergence in opinion.

If I thought there was even a scintilla of evidence that Dorinda bought her skirt and wore it in a demonstration of solidarity against Mao, I would re-think my position, but no such evidence exists.  She brought it up in response to a dress with Lil Kim printed on it, and said she got the mentality behind a Lil Kim dress, as she had a Mao skirt, so she was able to appreciate Leah and her “gangstery” and “fashionable” impulses.  

She had every opportunity to say, “I have a skirt with Mao on it.  He murdered the most people of anyone in the 20th century, so it brings me pleasure to wear it around Manhattan and get it stained and dirty.  It makes me feel like I’m shoving his face in dirt” or anything to that effect, but she didn’t, so there is no basis for me to give her a favorable assumption.

I just don’t think mass murder is cool.  It’s no better to me than wearing Stalin fashion or Hitler fashion.  If she wanted to do that and talk about it on the show, and it was her way of standing against those people, I would be willing to hear her out, but she didn’t give any sort of explanation that would support that, so I think she’s just a fool who has no idea how far out into the ocean she’s waded.  

She can wear it—free speech—I’m not asking for it to be taken out of stores—but she should also have to answer for it and answer for it hard.  This is the same network who grilled a woman in a chair at length for saying a few phrases like “chirpy Mexican” about an American woman of Mexican descent.  So...that’s a five alarm fire, but promoting someone who killed tens of millions right before Dorinda was born is just another day at the office?  I can’t wrap my mind around it.  I don’t really want to.  It’s backwards, and it upsets me, but I think I made my point, so I’ll leave it there. 

I’m happy to go back to discussing what a drunken pig Sonja is.  

Edited by LibertarianSlut
Sticking to facts
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3 minutes ago, Mar said:

I haven’t read any of the earlier posts yet because I’m still in the middle of watching the show, but why is Dorinda getting so many talking head interviews? Is she supposed to be the new Bethenny?🙄🙄

Ha! Over Ramona's dead body. The competition is fierce!

Why is this group of women so miserable and mean this season when they are supposed to be so happy now because Bethenny is gone? They are all unbearable except for Tinsley who is in her own world. Their constant bitching, lecturing and nit picking is getting old and the season has only just begun. Is it because they are all getting older, are lonely, have no purpose in life? 

  • Love 8
19 minutes ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

Can someone explain the connection between Sonja's website and Ali Express?  I'm sorry I'm not getting it.  One is copying the other, or what?  

The consumer buys the item from Sonja's website, Sonja's team orders the item from AliExpress for a fourth of the price. AliExpress sends it to the consumer. It's called drop shipping. Sonja holds onto no stock herself so she doesn't lose money on the items if they don't sell. She's not the only one to do it but she doesn't admit to it and just slurps the product photos off of AliExpress (and crops off the model's face to show only the chin which makes it even funnier). Basically everything on Sonja's website can be found on AliExpress for under $30 but she sells it for $120. 

Edited by Callaphera
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1 minute ago, Callaphera said:

The consumer buys the item from Sonja's website, Sonja's team orders the item from AliExpess for a fourth of the price. AliExpress sends it to the consumer. It's called drop shipping. Sonja holds onto no stock herself so she doesn't lose money on the items if they don't sell. She's not the only one to do it but she doesn't admit to it. Basically everything on Sonja's website can be found on AliExpress for under $30 but she sells it for $120. 

Ohhhhhhhhhhh my god.  I had no idea.  Wow!  This is so interesting and shocking to me.  Thank you!

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
  • Love 4
13 hours ago, LibertarianSlut said:

Sonja is at the point where she always seems drunk, even when she’s not.  I believe the scientific term for that is wet brain.  Rather than tallying up all of the unpleasant ways she acts, I will just say that it is unpleasant for me to watch her every time she’s on the screen. I really wish she’d go away to dry up somewhere.  I have no idea how anyone can stand being around her, probably more than any other Housewife on any franchise.  

100%. Unfortunately she gets a lot of feedback on social media telling her how funny she is and that she makes the show and that she’s iconic blah blah blah. Therefore I think she is exaggerating her behavior in an attempt to be funny. I find her to be vulgar, cringe worthy,  and embarrassing, to say the least. To top it off, I’ve noticed for the past year or so that I think she had a weird upper lip implant and it is difficult for me to watch her when she is talking. Or not talking.

  • Love 16
7 hours ago, Silver Bells said:

Leah is a Wild Child and always was.  The husband, who looks decent, and her Mother are still keeping eyes on her.  I don’t blame them being she has a daughter to grow up.  So far, I don’t see anything extrodinary about her, except daring.

I dont either. I don't dislike her necessarily,  I just don't like people who always want to be seen as edgy. I don't understand the name of clothing line? How is married to the mob in anyway related to Leah? I don't understand grown people who have to flash the middle finger when having their picture taken. I don't understand why Leah thinks it's rare that she gets along with her ex? 🤷🏽‍♀️

Edited by Coffeewinewater
Wanted my little shrugging lady emoji, it sums up my feelings about the howives lately.
  • Love 17

Did Ramona say she would be "ass-tro-sized" in stead of ostracized if she didn't go to Fashion Week shows? I think she did. That was funny. 

Leah is the new Bethenny. Downtown girl. So different that the UES clique older ladies. Mommy/Daddy teen issues but gets thru it. Divorce, but get thru it amicably. Her ex is a little mini me of Juicy Joe Guidice but articulate and smart with a rough look. I am THERE for IT!

Sonja hot mess.

Luann "anyone got a hot curling iron". Thank you gorgeous she says to him after she does not even know his name nor did she slip him a $50. She is disgusting. 

I can't help but love Tinsley. She is adorable like a doll and benign. Leave her alone. 

  • Love 19
13 hours ago, LibertarianSlut said:

Dorinda said she had a skirt with “General” Mao on it and it was “gangstery” and “fashionable”?  What’s “fashionable” about a man who killed and tortured and starved millions of people?  Mao was a 20th century totalitarian dictator, right up there with Hitler and Stalin, except I would argue that he was worse.  What is “gangster” or “fashionable” about a man who sent people to prison camps and starved them by the millions?  How can she say that?  He is, according to The Washington Post, “the biggest mass murderer in the history of the world.”  He killed 45 million people between 1958 to 1962.  

Thank you 

  • Love 4
14 hours ago, Straycat80 said:

I’m sure at some point Sonja has had some work done, they all have.

I really think Dorinda is going thru the change that’s one of the reasons she’s being so bitchy.

Hey now - I'm going through the change, and I do my darndest not to be a complete bitch - or even a slight bitch. It's about treating people the way you'd like to be treated.

I swear one of the young people surrounding Sonja at her fashion show was her daughter. She looked just like her, but with brown hair. 

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4 hours ago, 65mickey said:

Oh Dorinda the educated, sophisticated globally traveled woman referring to Chairman Mao as General Mao while trying to be so clever. What whould Richard say? Regarding Dorinda's treatment of John, Dorinda is the proverbial dog in the manger. She does not want anyone else to have what she has no use for. I hope he tells her don't bother to come around Madam Paulette as she might be offensive to his paying

Dorinda should take a walk down the Yellow Brick Road, them maybe the Good Fairy will knock some niceness into her head.  What’s wrong with Tinsley liking Disney?  I’m old, and I love Disney.  I still go on all the rides and love it.  Every year.  She’s such a snob.  Wake up John, and smell the coffee.  Dorinda is making an ass out of you.  While I’m at it, she thinks she’s just as funny as Bethenny.  She is not funny.  In fact, she’s a downer and annoying.








Edited by Silver Bells
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8 hours ago, Irritable said:

Then Ramona had to tell Tinsley she walked down the runway too fast???  Ramona is the last person who can tell anybody the right way to work a runway, I mean come on, the hypocrisy is blinding.

I was hoping to never see Ramona eating an oyster ever again, and then to add in her making sex noises while exercising? There is almost nothing about Ramona that doesn’t make me sick. 

😂😂😂😂😂😂 I agree!

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These miserable hags think they are A-listers. "Oh I MUST have my picture taken NOW with the designer."  "I'm the Interrupter, I interrupt people."  No, Ramona, You're mean, rude and inconsiderate.  And Lu must have the BEST room, men must fall at her feet, and hairdressers must stop everything to fix her mop. Really? They're  awful, delusional, and completely removed from reality. We have Dorinda yelling like a loon from the side-lines with spittle flying as she judges Tinsley and the girl with the tattoos.  Jealousy isn't very becoming, Do.  Calm down. 

I continue to like Tinsley. She may have her moments but she has manners and is always  trying to please others. I have no doubt that she will buy Ramona a new duvet and it will be top of the line. 

Leah tries  hard to be cool. I did like her Lil Kim dress but I wish she'd stop with the "Hey Bitch" every 5 seconds. 

I hate to say this, but I do miss Bethenny. 

Sonja is crackers and delusional too.  but Leah is right. It's hard to stay upset with her because she's so goofy. 


Edited by Barbara Please
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4 hours ago, LibertarianSlut said:

I see what you’re saying, and I don’t take that as you defending Dorinda.  I see it’s just an explanation as to what might have gone on.  To that, I say, what if an artist, like a really cutting edge artist, put a picture of the Parkland shooter onto a gauzy print?  Would it be fine for someone to wear that, knowing who he is?  

Mao is just a guy like the Parkland shooter who had an additional 45,999,983 deaths to answer for.  

Dorinda knew at least something about who Mao was, because she said wearing him was gangstery.  So she went out and bought the skirt of a genocidal dictator and wore it and talked about it on TV.  If this had just been some mistake down at the flea market where she thought she was getting a cute skirt with a random man’s face printed on it, that would be ignorance.  But she knew who he was.  That part was made clear by her.

I said in an earlier post that I think it comes down to ignorance, but not pure ignorance, because she knew she was doing something subversive in bringing up the “gangstery” appeal of the “fashion.”  There would be nothing remotely “gangstery” if she had just bought a skirt that recreated Andy Warhol’s Campbell’s Soup can. 

I’m not saying Dorinda should get stripped of the show, because I don’t roll that way.  If she wore a skirt or a top with Hitler on it, I would have a similar reaction.  It’s not cool.  If she wants to do it, she should be willing to answer for it.  I’m not asking her to get kicked off the show for wearing Hitler or Mao, if that’s how she dresses and this is reality TV.  Judged, yes.  Booted from reality TV for being real without directly harming anyone?  No, just stay and show your ass and maybe people will refuse to film with that.  

Of course, in real life, she would be fired in a heartbeat for wearing Hitler, even if it came from Warhol, but when it comes to Mao, this network doesn’t say boo.  That’s my other major problem.  All I hear on WWHL is that Dorinda is “iconic, iconic.”  And she held up a picture of herself and Madeline Albright, which is like trying to have it both ways for me.  She can’t hobnob with a former Secretary of State and not know about Mao. Yet Dorinda has this pattern of shoving it in our faces that she’s part of the educated elite.  So, then, yes, Dorinda, you are much more on the hook than, say, Tinsley, who doesn’t profess to know about these things or these people.  

If I thought there was even a scintilla of evidence that Dorinda bought her skirt and wore it in a demonstration of solidarity against Mao, I would re-think my position, but no such evidence exists.  She brought it up in response to a dress with Lil Kim printed on it, and said she got the mentality behind a Lil Kim dress, as she had a Mao skirt, so she was able to appreciate Leah and her “gangstery” and “fashionable” impulses.  

She had every opportunity to say, “I have a skirt with Mao on it.  He murdered the most people of anyone in the 20th century, so it brings me pleasure to wear it around Manhattan and get it stained and dirty.  It makes me feel like I’m shoving his face in dirt” or anything to that effect, but she didn’t, so there is no basis for me to give her a favorable assumption.

I just don’t think mass murder is cool.  It’s no better to me than wearing Stalin fashion or Hitler fashion.  If she wanted to do that and talk about it on the show, and it was her way of standing against those people, I would be willing to hear her out, but she didn’t give any sort of explanation that would support that, so I think she’s just a fool who has no idea how far out into the ocean she’s waded.  

She can wear it—free speech—I’m not asking for it to be taken out of stores—but she should also have to answer for it and answer for it hard.  This is the same network who grilled a woman in a chair at length for saying a few phrases like “chirpy Mexican” about an American woman of Mexican descent.  So...that’s a five alarm fire, but promoting someone who killed tens of millions right before Dorinda was born is just another day at the office?  I can’t wrap my mind around it.  I don’t really want to.  It’s backwards, and it upsets me, but I think I made my point, so I’ll leave it there. 

I’m happy to go back to discussing what a drunken pig Sonja is.  

Dorinda was clearly referencing the Mao clothing collection by Chinese-American designer Vivianne Tam, which was controversial and led to a lot of debate at the time, and which also was viewed by many as a critique of Mao’s regime and the party’s use of cult of personality. I was in school and my Chinese-American roomie got and wore a tee, as did some of the members of the Chinese Student Club. Their feeling was that Tam’s prints  — which riffed on and amplified the ridicule of Mao by Warhol, who added lipstick and earrings to his ubiquitous image — mocked and rendered this cruel and oppressive man as foul and small, and was commentary on him, not his victims. She’s not making fun of mass murder or saying it’s cool.  I’d argue it’s nowhere near repeatedly slurring a castmate for being Mexican. 


ETA: sorry, what Elsie and Film Noire said!!

Edited by Midnight Cheese
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16 hours ago, FlyingEgret said:

Sonja in her "office": I'm 55...

Tiny voice in the back: no you aren't...



I thought Sonja's age was around 55, so was shocked that she was actually stating her real age. Sure enough, Sonja was 55 when this was filmed, she turned 56 in November. 

As much as Sonja can annoy, I loved it when she put on the outfit that she had given Leah to wear. Even Leah admitted that you can't stay mad an Sonja for long.

I had never heard of the woman (but then I am not into "fashion") who had the first fashion show. I did think it was interesting that at the end most of the audience didn't stand up, save for the howives and those close by when Ramona (I think it was) ordered everyone to stand. Don't designers normally getting standing Os just as a matter of course? 

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, NoWhammies said:

swear one of the young people surrounding Sonja at her fashion show was her daughter. She looked just like her, but with brown hair. 

I was wondering the same thing!  Lesson from last night's episode?  Anybody can start a clothing line and call it their own.  Who knew that little ole' me with less than desirable fashion sense could become the next fashionista!!   I'll walk around and pretend to talk to people on my cell phone and yell about not lining up the correct models and flowers.  😉

39 minutes ago, MorbidPet said:

Then again after last week's tiki torch festivities I guess it was hard to top/follow.

I was in the grocery store this morning and on one aisle there were all of the summer BBQ-type of outdoor accessories.  Lo and behold, there sat some tiki torches.  I had this strange urge to get naked and start throwing them javelin style.  

In defense of our Noodle, I did think it was rude of Tinsley to take all of that food into her room and not bother to clean it up.  I would expect the host to take care of the kitchen, but as a guest, if I took something in the bedroom, I'd clean it up.  Having said that though, I don't take food into a bedroom, especially not an entire meal!  Food attracts different kind of bugs, so I want to avoid that at all costs!  Plus, I don't want crumbs, etc. on the comforter.  I thought Tinsley had better manners than that.  Of course she was wasted that night, so she probably doesn't remember a thing. 

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11 hours ago, Lady of nod said:

I think Dorinda was probably referring to the famous Warhol print of Mao reproduced on a dress. I dont think she was saying that Mao himself was "cool" or comparing him to Lil Kim. Not a Dorinda defender here, just old enough to remember the Warhol days in NY

ITA. I was just going to add this to the conversation: https://www.artic.edu/artworks/47149/mao

Mao's face as pop art, and with the whole "cult of personality" that happened throughout the 80s (even though Warhol produced these in the early 70s), it's likely that this image found its way to fabric and fashion without any of its original context. I do recall a whole resurgence of Soviet-style graphics in the 80s and early 90s as well -- on watches, t-shirts, etc. 

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6 minutes ago, HeddaGabler said:

ITA. I was just going to add this to the conversation: https://www.artic.edu/artworks/47149/mao

Mao's face as pop art, and with the whole "cult of personality" that happened throughout the 80s (even though Warhol produced these in the early 70s), it's likely that this image found its way to fabric and fashion without any of its original context. I do recall a whole resurgence of Soviet-style graphics in the 80s and early 90s as well -- on watches, t-shirts, etc. 

I remember buying repos of old russian medals and pins on the street in NYC.

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1 hour ago, StevieRocks said:

Are Tom Ford and Valentino at New York Fashion Week? How are two zoo apes like Vyle Richards and Sonja at New York Fashion Week??? Is there like a bowling alley tier of fashion shows that are miles away from REAL fashion week? During the Met Gala, is there a crappy Hometown Buffet event passing itself off as part of the Met Gala? What the heckity heck?

As someone upthread mentioned, one only has to rent space in some off-off Broadway restaurant while NYFW is happening, call it a fashion show, and VOILA!, you're showing at New York Fashion Week.  Delusion is bliss.

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15 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

Not sure how unpopular this will be but I'm around Leah's age and her clothes and her Lil Kim dress was amazing this evening.

You can Google Sonja's pictures when she was really young.  She kind of always had a nose like that.

She's definitely gotten her lips done and fillers.  She's done a lot more this season and looks worse for it.  I've always thought she was really beautiful so it makes me sad.



It looks thinner in the second picture to me. 

Most celebrity nose jobs are subtle. 

I agree with Leah. Sonja sending her that outfit was a passive aggressive move. And it didn’t look good on Sonja either, who looks like she’s put on quite a bit of weight. 

Luann continues to be full of herself. No shame in using that hair dresser. She acted like she was entitled to his services!

I suspect there’s a lot more to Leah’s drinking past than we know about, so I understand her family’s concerns. 

I like Tinsley’s hair wavy. 

Edited by Sweet-tea
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17 hours ago, Keywestclubkid said:

Dorinda get off Tinslys jock for gods sake 

Right? She can't...she's a bitter bitch.

17 hours ago, Straycat80 said:

Garo, the fashion designer from Project Runway. Can’t remember if I liked him or not but I love fashion so I hope this is a good episode. 

He was the one who did a lot corsets...he had a unique style and some of corset creations were stunning.

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