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S08.E17: David & Benji & Erica LIVE CHAT

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Is this the dullest season ever?  I was glad when we cancelled this semester of rehearsals so I could get to the live chat on time, but these have been some awful shows recently.    Maybe I am just in a bad mood due to this COVID isolation.    Mr TWoPPER mentioned how much he enjoyed being quarantined with me and only me;  I nearly threw something at him.     I am usually a very nice person.

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Just now, Twopper said:

Is this the dullest season ever?  I was glad when we cancelled this semester of rehearsals so I could get to the live chat on time, but these have been some awful shows recently.    Maybe I am just in a bad mood due to this COVID isolation.    Mr TWoPPER mentioned how much he enjoyed being quarantined with me and only me;  I nearly threw something at him.     I am usually a very nice person.

Agreed this season was awful, I've skipped the last few episodes.

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4 minutes ago, Giant Misfit said:

Oh no. She's gonna see Lola. UGH.

"Dear Jimmy, 

I am writing this letter to you today ..."

I swear this is the pathology I imagine wherever I hear an actual adult doing one of those radio song dedication letters.

“ Dear Jimmy. I know things are a little rough between us right now, but I want you to know that I truly love you. You mean everything to me Jimmy. I know someday we’ll be together again.  You are the wind beneath my forearm wings.  And so, I dedicate this song to you Jimmy. “

Edited by Scratches19
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1 minute ago, 7EasyPayments said:

WOW !  I almost felt sorry for Erica when Dr. Now was berating her.

This downmarket beer bees f%&ckin' with me snark mojo !!!! 🤣

I felt kinda sad for hoarder Erica too, incapable of having an adult relationship so she fills her life with food and things. I think being on lockdown is softening me.

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OMG you guys, Erica at the drive through reminded me...I had one of those quarantine eat too much days last week, and that night I dreamed I was a feedee. Some dude, I assume my feeder, was taking pictures of me eating naked. It was one of those dreams where you wake up and go, “thank Christ that wasn’t real!” [shudder] 

as you were. 

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Just now, Pepper Mostly said:

Girl. He's not The One if he's not going out with you any more. That's not how that works. 

And your stomach is stretched out like Silly Putty. Jesus. 

Yeah. Did she say that her stomach isn't as stretched out as Dr. Now thinks? 'Cause she's got a medical degree? Riiiight.

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1 minute ago, Scratches19 said:

I swear this is the pathology I imagine wherever I hear ah actual adult doing one of those radio song dedication letters.

“ Dear Jimmy. I know things are a little rough between us right now, but I want you to know that I truly love you. You mean everything to me Jimmy. You are the wind beneath my forearm wings.  And so, I dedicate this song to you Jimmy. “

xo xo hugs and kisses,


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2 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

That really baffles me. I haven't had fast food in years. The very thought of it repels me now, though I loved me some McDonald's and Burger King back in the day. I wouldn't touch it now, its just gross. 

Popeye's on the other hand.....

Seriously! I had a heart attack and open heart surgery in the last 2 years. So I have dramatically changed my life as a result. I do admittedly still eat fast food seldomly, but now when I do, I am disgusted with it and feel so gross afterwards. 

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4 minutes ago, Twopper said:

Is this the dullest season ever?  I was glad when we cancelled this semester of rehearsals so I could get to the live chat on time, but these have been some awful shows recently.    Maybe I am just in a bad mood due to this COVID isolation.    Mr TWoPPER mentioned how much he enjoyed being quarantined with me and only me;  I nearly threw something at him.     I am usually a very nice person.

No, you are right.  I haven't watched the past few episodes either.  I'm only here tonight because I'm tired from planting my garden and just want to chill with something mindless.

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9 minutes ago, 88Keys said:

Honestly, there are worse things he could be eating.  And wow, steak tacos sound amazing right now...

I don't even like tacos and that looked good.

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18 minutes ago, Scratches19 said:

So I’m setting an appointment for you in a month. 


🤣 LAUGH = she never goes to Houston

 😮WOW = she goes and gains more weight in the month time (410+++)

❤️ HEART = she goes and has lost weight. 

You guys nailed it! WOW all the way. 

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I think Jimmy left because Erica threw a fit over her dog figurines and everything else.  She couldn't keep it together long enough to get a ring.  As my Babci used to say, "They don't buy the cow if the can get the milk for free."  She's quite a heifer so . . . .

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Did she have a walker before?

She wants a therapist to talk about Jimmy. YOU HAVE BIGGER PROBLEMS THAN JIMMY!

Ooh, I kinda like Lola's blond hair, from the back, at least.

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Yes, she's getting back to the life she had, full of dusty 'collectibles', and regaining everything she lost.      Lola has a different wig, and Erica dyed her hair dark for mourning her beloved Jimmy?       Jimmy got sick of her whining, and her junky stuff piled to the ceiling, and her wanting a permanent caretaker.     

I bet she gained a bunch of weight, so she has to use the Harvey Weinstein model walker.    Lola needs to get a trash can so her rug stays clean, and call 911.   

So she stretched her stomach out more than before her surgery?   Now that's an accomplishment, but not a good one.   Why is Dr. Now considering surgery on her again?   She's eaten through WLS twice, and will do it again.  

I hope she doesn't die, but either way she needs to shut up, and stop whining.   

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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