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S11.E15: Two Moms, Their Daughter, and a Baby

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22 minutes ago, AZChristian said:
  10 hours ago, Chalby said:

As soon as one is told a condition is genetic, the families immediately wonder "who is a carrier" within each parent's  family tree.

FATGO is not considered to be a genetically “carried”. If that were so, it would not be a rare as it is. 

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1 hour ago, Elizzikra said:

That she is...

I guess it depends on how many credits you have remaining to complete. We have online classes here over the summer and most kids use them to get ahead or take courses they don't have room for in their schedules during the regular year but I don't know anyone who graduated a year early.

In NC,  those that I know of who participate, including one niece and one nephew,  took college classes during high school, but, they graduated at the normal time, with a 2 years degree, as well.  That was about 2 years ago, though. 

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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It was not considered a high risk pregnancy nor a high risk birth.  Just because a fetus has a physical abnormality does not automatically equate to medical emergency.  Just because Maddie's prior labor was long does not equate to a difficult or risky birth and is definitely no indicator of how a future labor or birth may be.   FATCO does not automatically elevate the risk to the baby or mother.

Ultra sounds are able to detect FAR more than the gender of the child.  Techs are able to easily determine progress of the baby's development and therefore know if the child is developing as expected.  The information they are able to glean from that "fuzzy" picture is amazing not the least of which is the size of the baby and the progress of the development of all major organs and bones.  Which is how they knew Evie had FATCO prior to her birth (which they did know, despite what some here interpreted Maddie to have said).  If despite the limb differences, all else was developing normally, there may not have been a reason to elevate the risk level of the birth. 

I missed when they said the baby was admitted to the NICU.  One of my babies had difficulty with maintaining oxygen levels, was also a low birth weight baby, and also had trouble with his "suck" (ie trouble nursing and getting enough nutrition), in addition, he developed high bilirubin levels and yet he was never admitted to the NICU instead was cared for mostly in the monitored nursery for the first 48 hours.  And out of an abundance of caution we stayed in the hospital for the magic 3 days.

So with that said, there was no reason Maddie should have been pressured into having a hospital birth.  Giving birth in a less restrictive environment can be very beneficial and far less stressful for both the mother and baby which is always good for all involved.  Having the flexibility to change positions, sit, kneel, or squat in a tub with warm soothing water, walk if one chooses, have a water birth, or using a birthing ball, or any number of other options can offer the mother a more natural and relaxed birthing experience.  And though it shouldn't have to be said, none of that means it is not going to be painful, or there won't be any moaning, screaming, or grunting, or even that the birthing process will be shorter or longer than if they were at a hospital it all just means that the process can potentially be more comfortable and less stressful.

Also it should be mentioned that just because a mother wants to have a drug free labor does not mean she is trying to show how tough she is, or wants to be able to use it club their child over the head with eventually, or wave it as a banner for all to ooh and awe over, it may simply mean she wishes to bring her child into the world as naturally as possible.  Lest we forget, despite their ubiquitousness, there are risks associated with Epidurals and other pain management drugs and therapies to both the mother and baby.

As for Caleb's speeding or not, I distinctly got the impression there was a lot of "wink, wink, nudge, nudge" going on there and other than being stuck in rush hour traffic he probably was leaning a little heavy on the accelerator.

For those that didn't notice, the birthing center did have oxygen and other medical implements to assist with both newborn and mother if needed.  We even saw Evie fitted with a newborn oxygen mask.  They had enough medical equipment to stabilize Maddie despite excessive bleeding so that she too didn't have to be medically transported to the hospital.


6 hours ago, geej said:

I have never seen anything on this show that i can truly appreciate until i watched last night's. The way maddie spoke about how to raise a child with birth defects touched my heart in ways perhaps only someone that has similar birth defects can. I was born with 2 fingers on each hand and no forearms.(my bff told me once, "geej? none of us have 4 arms). I was born many decades(gasp) ago when similar babies were born were left to die(did you see that episode on "Call the Midwife"?.) My poor mother had a terrible time with strangers telling her i was too ugly to be in public, and she should have let me die, other rejections from even close family.(I looked a lot like shirley temple.)

I was lucky to be raised by parents that let me bloom, blossum, be me. Back in the early 60's public schools tried to keep me out, even tho i needed little extra attention and had no issues of brain malfunctions .

As i grew up and started to learn something was 'wrong' with me, it was only the public that gave me hard times. It was only the public that taught me something was "wrong" not different.

My cute 'liddle' arms never held me back.(well if i had wanted to be an acrobat, or bank robber, maybe).

I ended up growing up to be very outgoing, kinda funny,friendly  person. I see that GORGEOUS baby doing wonderfully also. People these days are so accepting, kids are more worldly  in how everyone has differences, and generally speaking it is a far more accepting place  and time to grow up "different". 

There is a HUGE difference in being born a certain way, than loosing a limb, sight, etc later in life.it means i never knew anything different. I learned to tie my shoes at the same time, but in a different way.  I never mourned the loss of fingers or length of arms since i never knew differently.

Only thing i wished my folks would have known to tell me early on is:" people stare at movie stars too". 

This got more personal than the thread normally is used for, but i am SO impressed with maddie and caleb's attitude.

Don't confuse that with my feelings of  their irresponsibility in going to a cut rate birthing center.


BRAVO, I am in full agreement with everything except the last sentence.  I want to highlight the bolded as especially astute.  As the parent of a child with a "difference", I bristle when someone looks at my son and makes an immediate assessment of who he is, what he is capable of, and what he should or should not do - it's INFURIATING!!  And as I've said before, it's equally infuriating when people say things like "oh, I'm sorry this must be so hard", or "you are amazing to be able to handle all of this"  or make other assessments and judgments about me or my family.  Nope, things are just a little different for us than for you but things are just as different for you than for the guy next to you aren't they?

Edited by sharkerbaby
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11 hours ago, Chalby said:

I am very pleased with Maddie and Caleb's decision to share Evie's diagnosis for two reasons. First, it introduced me to FATCO which I had never heard of before and second, Evie's diagnosis is so rare that just by sharing her condition, the couple has brought this congenital diagnosis to the attention of thousands of people and (hopefully) will allow doctors and scientists further study the condition to help future parents.

I researched FATCO and the information is very interesting (and very difficult reading). I actually think Evie may have a milder form of FATCO called Fuhrmann Syndrome (given her fibula was affected along with toes/fingers). I also admit that I have been obsessed with various conditions caused by spontaneous genetic mutation ever since my grandchild was born with OI (Osteo Imperfecta). 

As soon as one is told a condition is genetic, the families immediately wonder "who is a carrier" within each parent's  family tree. Imagine my surprise when we learned no one had the gene, nor had it been evidenced in any generation. For whatever reason, our couple spontaneously mutated a new genetic "code" (for lack of better vocabulary). And our darling little grandchild will need to be aware that there is now a chance of passing this newly created gene/chromosome/ or whatever it's called onto any children they have in the future. 

For Fuhrmann syndrome, it sounds like once it is discovered, there's 25% chance of having Fuhrmann, 50% of carrying the genetic code, and 25% of neither carrying it or developing it.

This is all very fascinating and thanks to Maddie and Caleb for teaching me something interesting enough that I was willing to dig deep through my recollections of biology.

Thank you for this information.  I applaud their decision to raise their daughter as normally as possible and not to consider herself a victim.  I hope that surgery and other treatments will make life easier for that sweet baby.  And I agree that making this known in the show may encourage further research into this rare genetic condition.

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7 minutes ago, sharkerbaby said:

Also it should be mentioned that just because a mother wants to have a drug free labor does not mean she is trying to show how tough she is, or wants to be able to use it club their child over the head with eventually, or wave it as a banner for all to ooh and awe over, it may simply mean she wishes to bring her child into the world as naturally as possible.  Lest we forget, despite their ubiquitousness, there are risks associated with Epidurals and other pain management drugs and therapies to both the mother and baby.

Amen to that.  I chose drug free labor three times-the only people who knew about it were the ones in the delivery room with me.  My mother, on the other hand chose epidurals and a Demerol drip. To each their own.

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I had children naturally and also with epidurals.  Even when I had my kids naturally I didn't scream.  But everyone is different, I get that.    I guess since I'm not a screamer, I get uncomfortable watching it on TV.

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Just wanted to send about a million '❤️' to  sharkerbaby's above post!!!! 

IMO, there was absolutely nothing wrong with Maddie & Caleb's decision to have Evie at a birthing center. They haven't done anything to indicate they aren't very responsible & loving parents. If there had been any indication that this would be a dangerous birth - I'm sure they would have chosen to go to the hospital. 

Thank you again, sharkerbaby, for saying what I was thinking & feeling much more clearly than I could have. 

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18 hours ago, Joan of Argh said:

I would like to like Christine but her bullshit looking down her nose at monogamists pisses me off!

So if you don't have sister wives so you wouldn't have another female there to help and share... 🙄... When my niece had the first grandchild, her mom was there, I was there and so were 2 grammas.... and it's been that way for all the others unless they were on the other side of the earth.

She has the nerve to sit there and say their situation is better when we can see with our own eyes what a trainwreck their lives are!

It's unbelievable how dumb she is.


Yep.  My husband was out of the country when our child came too early and my friend came to be with me.  

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23 minutes ago, sharkerbaby said:

So with that said, there was no reason Maddie should have been pressured into having a hospital birth.  Giving birth in a less restrictive environment can be very beneficial and far less stressful for both the mother and baby which is always good for all involved.  Having the flexibility to change positions, sit, kneel, or squat in a tub with warm soothing water, walk if one chooses, have a water birth, or using a birthing ball, or any number of other options can offer the mother a more natural and relaxed birthing experience.  And though it shouldn't have to be said, none of that means it is not going to be painful, or there won't be any moaning, screaming, or grunting, or even that the birthing process will be shorter or longer than if they were at a hospital it all just means that the process can potentially be more comfortable and less stressful.

Also it should be mentioned that just because a mother wants to have a drug free labor does not mean she is trying to show how tough she is, or wants to be able to use it club their child over the head with eventually, or wave it as a banner for all to ooh and awe over, it may simply mean she wishes to bring her child into the world as naturally as possible.  Lest we forget, despite their ubiquitousness, there are risks associated with Epidurals and other pain management drugs and therapies to both the mother and baby.

Thank you Shakerbaby,  I couldn’t agree with you more. The US has an infant mortality rate we cannot be proud of. Being in a hospital and having an MD present is not a guarantee that the baby will be healthier. The threat of infection alone is so much higher. Good for Mattie and her husband for making their birth plan and remaining open to changes as needed. 

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12 hours ago, Just Carol said:

I chose natural births because my midwife explained to me that sometimes an epidural will impair your ability to push.  

Possibly, but let me just say...I had 2 epidurals because my baby was preemie and my ligaments and bones were not prepared at all and it was excruciating.  I could have pushed an adult out by that point, but still...I was able to push.  I gave birth at a well known hospital so I trusted them, but it may have been too much for my baby because he was too drowsy afterwards which I attribute to that.  But maybe that had nothing to do with it.  Anyway, I'm rambling.  LOL.

12 hours ago, Just Carol said:

Minority opinion 2, it is good that Caleb drove safely. 

agree with you.

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3 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

IMHO, the reason for the birthing center rather than a hospital was summed up very succinctly on the screen that came up after they had transferred Evie to the hospital:

"Filming was not allowed in the hospital."

Hospital birth = no extra payment for Maddie and Caleb.

With all due respect...so? And?  They made a decision as a couple with what was best for their family. Good for them.  They are a young ,blue collar family, if there was extra money for them, their family and their future good for them. 

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On 4/12/2020 at 9:19 AM, DakotaJustice said:

Really?  I know at least two couples who were already pregnant when they got new medical coverage because of a new job and the prenatal care and birth expenses were covered.  One of them was Kaiser Permanente which covers pretty much everything as long as you go to their facilities.

I think it's different when you get insurance through your job vs. buying your own.  But I could be wrong.  I would think that a Union job would have pretty good medical coverage.

insurance will not decline a pregnancy if it has already started. I dont know why someone would say that.  I am an insurance agent.

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14 hours ago, NotinKansasanymore said:

So we know Maddie gave birth on August 20 2019. Just curious does anyone follow Meri on Facebook or Instagram? Just curious if Meri was really working so hard that week like Janelle said or if she was just hanging out with friends and wasn’t invited or wanted in NC. 

I can't imagine they would want the black cloud that is Meri there. 

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On 4/7/2020 at 10:47 AM, Roslyn said:

When I had my daughter I was having weekly check ups the last three weeks before she was born.  I had my check up appointment and my OB told me I was at 5cm.  I had felt ZERO anything, but obviously things were starting to move along.  That was like 10:30am and he said to me....Well. You can have this baby this afternoon or we can just wait until 4am.  I chose that afternoon 😂 I made some calls, was admitted and had her by 4 pm.  I can't believe she measured a 5 and they sent her home knowing it was a long drive. 🙄

I tnink my co-worker measured at a 4 for almost 2 weeks before she had her baby. she wanted to be induced so bad but they wouldn't let her before her due date because she was having a boy. about a week before she had her membranes thinned (i think that's the term? whatever Maddy was contemplating before she actually did go into active labor). And it didn't do anything!  Hospital refused to let her come early so she had to wait until her due date to be admitted and induced.  

On 4/9/2020 at 5:19 PM, Absolom said:

Or if you do decide to do it "all natural" you don't have to scream and put on a huge show.  I had drug free labors in the hospital as they were high risk so we had oxygen and all the monitors, but I didn't scream or carry on like Maddy did.  If a person wants to labor without pain meds, there are methods to practice to make it all much more tolerable.  Screaming through labor is not the common plan.  Does Maddy do any classes or training before labor and delivery?

My co-worker is a very nice person (although talkative and loud) and hse said with her first child she was cursing up a storm.  I think people just labor differently. 

On 4/12/2020 at 7:56 AM, Pickleinthemiddle said:

He got this job after she was already pregnant.  It would most likely not be covered 

I guess here in Iowa, if you don't have medical insurance due to just starting a job then your entire bill due to being pregnant is covered.  Not sure if it's the same if you just flat out don't work but I would imagine so.

15 hours ago, thesnarkiest said:

I am sad there is no "tell all"- which I use the words lightly. I find it such a wtf moment that Meri wasn't on tonight at all. The way Kodi talked to Meri last episode was so cruel. Contrast that to him and Robyn tonight. With Robyn he said "we" were hesitant to buy, as he didn't want to throw her under the bus. He kept comforting her, when with any other wife, he would have treated them like crap. He threw Christine under the bus recently, when he said not having the one house, was Christine's fault. 


No Meri was very odd. 

8 hours ago, GrannySmith said:

Did the birthing center have a pediatrician on staff?  Who told them she was missing a fibula and had fused ribs?  If Evie did not have breathing difficulty, would they have taken her home without knowing the extent of her FATCO symptoms?  I don’t understand what they were thinking, except for $$$ for filming the birth. 

It was not fused ribs, it was fused FINGERS.

Also their talking-head session about Evie were probably done way after she was born so there was plenty of time for them to learn the appropriate words. 

2 hours ago, Juliegirlj said:

What is wrong with Robyn ? She always looks like she just threw up. This show is really running on fumes. 

She's a total drama queen and worries about everything. 

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3 hours ago, smarty2020 said:

How exactly do you do a whole year of high school in one summer?  My daughter was watching and commented that she wished she could do that.  I have NEVER heard of anyone in our school district being allowed to do that.  Is it a Flagstaff thing?

I wonder if it's a situation where he only needed so many credits to graduate and he could get that many in just the summer?  Most of the kids in my son's high school take more credits than they actually need to graduate or they choose to take classes at the local community college while they're still in high school.  

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55 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

IMHO, the reason for the birthing center rather than a hospital was summed up very succinctly on the screen that came up after they had transferred Evie to the hospital:

"Filming was not allowed in the hospital."

Hospital birth = no extra payment for Maddie and Caleb.

Grifers gotta grift.  These people would sell a kidney if it got their mugs on TV or in the tabloids.  Never mind putting the health of a child at risk.  It's all about the money with the Brown Clowns - screw privacy, self respect, or anything else.  They don't give a crap about those kids, otherwise why would Maddie be posting such horrible things about Axel?  What is that kid going to think when he's old enough to realize how much his mother resented him and said what a terrible kid he is.

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I am going to address a completely different topic:  Both last week and this week they kept referencing how hard Meri is working, she's working constantly, needed time to work instead of packing her stuff to move, etc. 

What is she doing?  Shilling for LulaRoe?  What is the actual "work" she is doing in this regard?

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There's something hard-looking about Christine in the couch sessions I can't put my finger on. I think it's because she is naturally very fair and she's gone more dark on the makeup, which has aged her. In old episodes, she has very light brows/lashes but now they are drawn in darkly and she looks much more aged than she has in the past. 

I am impressed with most of the Brown sons- especially Janelle's boys. Say what you want about her being a slug; at least she has had legitimate jobs along the way and I think she has instilled a work ethic in them that overall is not a Brown attribute.  I sensed a little bit of panic in Kody as he narrated his "check in" with Gabe ("I run to the houses and count to make sure none of the kids are missing", more like).  He rather nervously explains that he was more of a social/schmoozy guy and "my kids are smart." I think he's seeing that pretty soon they will be putting two and two together and won't be worshiping at the Altar of Kody anymore. A few of them have already gotten there.

I stopped watching as Maddie's water broke because it was late and I just couldn't wrap up my peaceful weekend listening to her scream in labor. I guess that's all they had to put out there for their season finale- in addition to Robyn whinging about how being polygamists makes getting a mortgage so harrrrddd (because, victimization), there was pretty much nothing this episode.

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FWIW I think it's possible that Maddie and Caleb chose the birthing center - 2 hours away from home - because of its association with UNC. The midwives at that center are affiliated with UNC and have a working relationship with this major hospital. While they didn't know abut FATCO, they did know there might be a problem, and therefore they were close to UNC just in case. I think that's a reasonable responsible decision. 

While deliveries at UNC, could also be unmedicated, it makes sense that Maddie felt more comfortable with the center. It's quite important for a woman, who wants a low intervention birth, to be in a comfortable and familiar setting. I didn't see anything wrong with what the midwives did or said - with the exception of them telling Maddie  to go home at 4-5 centimeters. And I'm not sure she was in fact told that? I can't recall - and it might be that editing was involved.

For the midwife that said "sometimes babies wait" - this is actually true due to the fear tension pain cycle. No, moms cannot "hold a baby in." But there is something to be said about a woman who is so stressed, tense and scared, that the labor does slow down. It's not the baby doing it of course - but it is an evolutionary part of the process. Back in the day - you don't give birth with a saber tooth tiger around. You move to safer ground.


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I don't find it strange at all that Meri was not there for Maddie. They don't like each other so I doubt Maddie wanted her there. Isn't it pretty well known that they had a pretty heated twitter war at one time? (posts have since been deleted). Meri was also not invited to Axel's birth, either. She was outside of the closed bedroom door while everybody else was inside. Heh, poor Meri. 

Edited by bichonblitz
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8 minutes ago, KateHearts said:

There's something hard-looking about Christine in the couch sessions I can't put my finger on.

She has dry, thin, uncared for skin that is wrinkling. Her face looks rough close up but she sure does have beautiful hair. Aspyn inherited her hair gene. 

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1 hour ago, readheaded said:

I wonder if it's a situation where he only needed so many credits to graduate and he could get that many in just the summer?  Most of the kids in my son's high school take more credits than they actually need to graduate or they choose to take classes at the local community college while they're still in high school.  

I was a foreign exchange student my senior year from mid August to mid November.  I passed my high school exit exam as an eighth grader.  My principal signed off on any outstanding credits due when I returned and asked if I wanted to walk across the stage in June because that’s when he’d see me next.  It was 1983.

Senior year here in the US public education system is largely irrelevant-it exists because parents can be penalized under the compulsory education/free daycare system, social experiences (Prom,senior trip, etc.), testing requirements (SAT and exit exam) and university visits.  It could easily be done online unless you got pushed through a system like California’s where you could potentially graduate illiterate.


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I don't fault Maddie for screaming or making whatever noises she needed to make to get through that experience.  What I don't understand is why you would want that filmed for the entire world to see.  I know everybody's different, but I'm a private person and to me giving birth is an intensely personal experience.  There's no way I'd ever allow cameras to film that, no way, no how.  The only pictures we have are from after the baby is born 😉

On a petty note, I couldn't stop staring at that hideous top Robyn had on when they were at the mortgage company's office (black and white checked with flounced sleeves).  It was so matronly and unflattering, she dresses like a frumpy 60-year old.  

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What a boring season finale. 

How much did Maddie get paid to bellow & moan on camera? Does she get extra $ to have her water break on camera? How about the gratuitous shot of her squatting in a tub?

I hope this is the end to the  Sister Skank Travelling Peen show.

At this point, they've covered it all. Unless they repeat storylines, like discussing if Meri will get another wet bar, or Janelle will get a jacuzzi tub in case any of her other kids want to plunk a grandchild in it. We've already seen the whole mess of building their cult de sac paradise in LV. 

Edited by Barbara Please
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5 minutes ago, Barbara Please said:

What a boring season finale. 

How much did Maddie get paid to bellow & moan on camera? Does she get extra $ to have her water break on camera? How about the gratuitous shot of her squatting in a tub?

I hope this is the end to the  Sister Skank Travelling Peen show.

At this point, they've covered it all. Unless they repeat storylines, like discussing if Meri will get another wet bar, or Janelle will get a jacuzzi tub in case any of her other kids want to plunk a grandchild in it. We've seen the whole mess of building their cult de sac paradise in LV. 

Don't forget Mariah's....Princess Pudge Royal Wedding  👸  💒 

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1 hour ago, KateHearts said:

There's something hard-looking about Christine in the couch sessions I can't put my finger on. I think it's because she is naturally very fair and she's gone more dark on the makeup, which has aged her. In old episodes, she has very light brows/lashes but now they are drawn in darkly and she looks much more aged than she has in the past. 

I am impressed with most of the Brown sons- especially Janelle's boys. Say what you want about her being a slug; at least she has had legitimate jobs along the way and I think she has instilled a work ethic in them that overall is not a Brown attribute.  I sensed a little bit of panic in Kody as he narrated his "check in" with Gabe ("I run to the houses and count to make sure none of the kids are missing", more like).  He rather nervously explains that he was more of a social/schmoozy guy and "my kids are smart." I think he's seeing that pretty soon they will be putting two and two together and won't be worshiping at the Altar of Kody anymore. A few of them have already gotten there.

I stopped watching as Maddie's water broke because it was late and I just couldn't wrap up my peaceful weekend listening to her scream in labor. I guess that's all they had to put out there for their season finale- in addition to Robyn whinging about how being polygamists makes getting a mortgage so harrrrddd (because, victimization), there was pretty much nothing this episode.

I always see Christine's dry face and think "THE WOMAN NEEDS TO MOISTURIZE!"  I would be SLATHERING on the moisturizer.  Actually, that's exactly what i do, morning and night. 

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2 hours ago, KateHearts said:

There's something hard-looking about Christine in the couch sessions I can't put my finger on. I think it's because she is naturally very fair and she's gone more dark on the makeup, which has aged her. In old episodes, she has very light brows/lashes but now they are drawn in darkly and she looks much more aged than she has in the past. 

I am impressed with most of the Brown sons- especially Janelle's boys. Say what you want about her being a slug; at least she has had legitimate jobs along the way and I think she has instilled a work ethic in them that overall is not a Brown attribute.  I sensed a little bit of panic in Kody as he narrated his "check in" with Gabe ("I run to the houses and count to make sure none of the kids are missing", more like).  He rather nervously explains that he was more of a social/schmoozy guy and "my kids are smart." I think he's seeing that pretty soon they will be putting two and two together and won't be worshiping at the Altar of Kody anymore. A few of them have already gotten there.

I stopped watching as Maddie's water broke because it was late and I just couldn't wrap up my peaceful weekend listening to her scream in labor. I guess that's all they had to put out there for their season finale- in addition to Robyn whinging about how being polygamists makes getting a mortgage so harrrrddd (because, victimization), there was pretty much nothing this episode.

I think Christine has aged a lot recently too maybe due to the weight loss 🤷‍♀️

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After reading the comments, glad I didn't watch (again). Even though the baby is OK, it would have caused me anxiety to hear Maddie carrying on in labor and to hear the baby had troubles breathing. Also, I just cannot stand Kody anymore.

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18 hours ago, LibertarianSlut said:

Oh my gosh, this birth got me so agitated, and I am so upset with the Browns!  

But before I talk about the epic muck up that was the birth, I need to comment on a few things:

  • Why are Kody and Robyn trying to qualify for a loan now?  They had 60 days.  They’re so stupid.  Their theatrics are so boring.  Where have I gone wrong in my life that every Sunday I eagerly await watching an unattractive couple apply for a personal loan?  
  • Kody, the prince, has to make an effort to look in on his minor children “almost daily” when his wives are away.  What an overachiever.  He was talking to Gabe as if he had positively just met him.  “So, uh, Gabriel, is it?  You’re planning on going to college?  This year?”  Good talk, dad.  

Christine was so ignorant in asking “what do monogamists do?” without any guile with regard to getting a woman through a birth.  She does realize that when Maddie is giving birth, she doesn’t have to be worried that Caleb won’t make it because he’s courting his fourth wife, right?   She doesn’t realize there are literally limitless combinations of friends/family/staff to support a monogamous couple having a baby?  I’m not even sure if she considers Maddie to be “monogamous,” because her mom is polygamous with her dad.  This is how intelligent and worldly I find Christine.  

Maddie described herself as “fat and bitchy.”  Who knew she had a crystal ball?!

She is so ignorant—she doesn’t want to have a baby at a hospital, because “hospitals are for emergencies” and “births aren’t emergencies”?  A.). Sometimes births are emergencies, as you will soon find out b.) the emergency room is for emergencies, and the maternity ward is not located in the emergency room, dummy.  I am kind of concerned that Maddie isn’t aware of these basic facts.  Maddie doesn’t want them to “strip her membrane,” which, I’m not even sure what that is, but Maddie says it’s painful, so she doesn’t want to do it, because she doesn’t want any “unnecessary pain”???  Baby girl, you are pretty much begging for pain that is unnecessary by giving birth at a birthing center, hel-lur...

The birthing coach—Lydia?—She was just as bad as the woman from last week.  I am really skeptical about their credentials.  They just leave everything up to the mom-to-be and they’re hesitant and they have no answers or plans other than patting her back and giving her damp cloths.  In other words, their approach to birthing is like Kody’s approach to...everything.  Christine was more useful.  She should have just had her at home.

I felt like Janelle had just as much trouble getting across the birthing center’s parking lot as Maddie did.  

Kody has officially eclipsed Caleb as more useful in an emergency.  Caleb was more concerned about breaking the speed limit than being there.  What a wussy; I cannot stand this man, and any reservation I had about why he got along so well with Kody have been cleared from my mind.  

So...baby didn’t have enough oxygen, and mama was in shock, but they wasted precious time waiting for the dang ambulance, when everything that they needed would have been at the hospital.  Does Maddie still find the hospital unnecessary, or have we learned something today?  

Janelle is just a liar.  They took Evie to the hospital “for a precaution” but she stayed three days?  I file lawsuits on behalf of hospitals, and NICUs are so expensive.  The room alone for the baby is $15k a night for one of my clients.  Doctors do not admit someone for three days for “a precaution”.  Janelle is just trying to cover her daughter’s selfish ego. 

Before the birth, they knew the child was missing bones but they didn’t know it was FATCO until after she was born, was what Maddie said in a talking head.  So they didn’t know that the lack of oxygen wasn’t related to the missing appendages until after she was born; they just knew she was missing bones, which, I’m just a lay person, but I would think if my unborn child was missing bones, she might have other parts of her that were missing or underdeveloped, such as pulmonary function.  Ergo, have your high-risk baby in a hospital next time, jerk.  They got very lucky.

I guess...that’s it?  No Meri for the finale.  How fitting.  I guess I’ll just see these losers again in a bunch of months when they are holding their hands out for some TLC stymie cash.

*It’s Easter, so I managed to go this entire post without one swear word.  Who knew it was possible not to cuss out the Browns on a weekly basis?!?*

I tried to give your post five hearts ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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18 hours ago, NotinKansasanymore said:

So we know Maddie gave birth on August 20 2019. Just curious does anyone follow Meri on Facebook or Instagram? Just curious if Meri was really working so hard that week like Janelle said or if she was just hanging out with friends and wasn’t invited or wanted in NC. 

Interesting too because wasn’t Meri left out at Maddies last babies birth 🤔

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I wonder how much education any of the Brown adults have?

Was Christine home schooled? She's often said she was raised in a polygamous family, and that fact was kept from the outside world.

I get the feeling they're all lacking a few brain cells, and either they feel they need to defend polygamy (Christine saying no one would be there to help, if Janelle didn't have a sister wife) or they were just brainwashed since birth. Or brainwashed but King Kody.

It was nice to see Christine and Janelle connecting, although I was so pissed Maddie chose the birthing center rather than a hospital. Sure, just stay in the tub and hold it in till dad gets there. Not a good idea. 😶

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I guess I watched a different show as I didn’t find Maddie carrying on in labour at all. I found her barely crying or screaming. When I had my daughter so many women in other rooms were screaming like they were being murdered. 

I can see now why Maddie was crying when Caleb wasn’t there if she knew Evie had limb differences. You just want your spouse to be there when you see your baby, especially in those circumstances. My daughter had the breathing thing they were mentioning when she was born (kind of hyperventilating). The doctor said my daughter’s was likely caused because her labour was long but her delivery was very quick so that can cause fetal stress. They took her to observation and the elevator ride triggered her to fix her breathing. They still kept her for at least an hour. We were going to go see her and they said she would be coming back. Not once was I even worried for a second and I am an anxious person. That natural high from birth is so real, my husband thought it was crazy that I was just not worried.

I am a real fan of birth more naturally than lying on your back in a bed. I bounced on a ball, went in the shower, etc. In my area you won’t get an epidural until you are at around 5-6cms so there can be a lot of labour before then to manage without medication. Tubs work great for this. If medical professionals didn’t think the birth needed a hospital then I feel that is their call. Maybe in this case a hospital should have been used but in general there is nothing wrong with birth centres. In my area, they are right next door to the hospital anyway.

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4 hours ago, kicotan said:

I was a foreign exchange student my senior year from mid August to mid November.  I passed my high school exit exam as an eighth grader.  My principal signed off on any outstanding credits due when I returned and asked if I wanted to walk across the stage in June because that’s when he’d see me next.  It was 1983.

Senior year here in the US public education system is largely irrelevant-it exists because parents can be penalized under the compulsory education/free daycare system, social experiences (Prom,senior trip, etc.), testing requirements (SAT and exit exam) and university visits.  It could easily be done online unless you got pushed through a system like California’s where you could potentially graduate illiterate.


I can't say that's been our experience.  Where we live, kids with enough credits, do internships, go to community college, and/or participate in career programs where they graduate able to sit for licenses or with certifications or transferable college credits.  

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I'm not fooled by Janelle and Christine just because they are good at hiding their arrogance and disdain with the keeping sweet face they show to the world. 

They tee hee and smile and do a golly gee act but their hearts are cold when it comes to anyone who isn't one of them. 

You see the mask slip if and when you realize you can see it.

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Why are Kody and Robyn trying to qualify for a loan now?  They had 60 days.

Because they're idiots? Or because they needed a storyline to give Robyn something to do in the season finale? The stated reason was that "they" (though Kody was quick to say it was Robyn, but he was being chivalrous with the mortgage guy by saying "we") were resistant to buying and were holding out for a rental.


strip her membrane,” which, I’m not even sure what that is,



I think Janelle and Meri both have a university degree. But don’t quote me. 

Wasn't Meri like, 19, when she married Kody? I'm not sure why but for some reason I don't see her continuing in college after she was married. But maybe...


There's something hard-looking about Christine in the couch sessions I can't put my finger on. 

I think her hair is too brassy - I think she needs a warmer color.

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4 hours ago, endure said:

I think Christine has aged a lot recently too maybe due to the weight loss 🤷‍♀️

Those forehead furrows aren't from weight loss. They're from lack of sunscreen and squinting into the sun. Her skin is so dry, it's crispy. 

Edited by DakotaJustice
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2 hours ago, suomi said:

I'm not fooled by Janelle and Christine just because they are good at hiding their arrogance and disdain with the keeping sweet face they show to the world. 

They tee hee and smile and do a golly gee act but their hearts are cold when it comes to anyone who isn't one of them. 

You see the mask slip if and when you realize you can see it.

Exactly....Also pisses me off because the one time I remember them taking questions from an audience they were pissy and saying things like "polygamy isn't for amateurs"and Robyn got snotty and said something like" don't talk for me SWEETY" in a voice dripping with contempt.... When that lady (a relative of Christine's?) tried to say that polygamy sucked she was told she didn't know what she was talking about by the Brown Clowns.

Christine who is polygamy royalty, never lived a minute with any monogamists and doesn't know anything about it but she feels free to roll her eyes, look down her nose and proclaim that monogamist women have no one to help them during labor, birth etc and that's another reason why polygamy is so awesome!! .. She's a complete moron and doesn't have a clue but hey its OK for them to sit there and talk like they're experts on monogamy...... I wanted to smack her face and tell her to "STFU AND STAY IN YOUR LANE!"  

Ok I feel better now  😂 

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Women have been saying some version of this forever:

"At a certain age a woman must choose between her butt and her face."

With variations, Mae West said it in the 1930s (fanny), Catherine Deneuve said it in the 1970s (bottom) and Jane Fonda said it about 15 years ago (ass).

Off topic: Who remembers Catherine in this 1970s Chanel commercial which was quite racy for its time? (My ex and I used to say it before ordering in restaurants, using our really lousy French accents).

"Ehyouuu don't 'ave to ask for eet, 'ee knows whaat you waant."


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