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S04.E08: Stranger In A Strange Land

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3 hours ago, Kyanight said:

"I won't be able to sleep tonight".  Seven years that they could NEVER speak on the phone?  She has a computer but no cell phone.  Um... yeah.  Lana's TOTALLY a hairy dude or a grandma.

and he couldn't BUY her a cellphone? 

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1 minute ago, sasha206 said:

I honestly don't think she wants to move from Russia unless it's to NYC.  She lives in Moscow, not Siberia and has a radio job.  I think she, like a lot of others, just want to be on TV.  

She actually lives in Ryazan, not Moscow. Beggars can't be choosers. Derek Jeter's not going to propose to her, and she knows that. She can move to Knoxville, do her two year marriage stint, and then she's free to move to New York if she wants. 

What are her other options? Many successful Russian men don't want an opinionated  woman over 30. Many Russian men are alcoholics, and don't earn very much, and die around age 65. 

Actually, didn't she tell Geoffrey she could have married online American guy #1 but turned him down? I wonder if that's true and what was wrong with that guy. He must have been older/creepier or less attractive than Geoffrey.


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6 minutes ago, Barbara Please said:

Geoffrey makes my skin crawl. I would never have met him in person. He's like a Ted Bundy with bad tattoos. 

Think Ted Bundy would find Geoffrey's tititoos creepy and wrong....

Interesting that no one posting finds his red ink tats appealing, provocative and worth imitating...Nipple piercing with hoops and bars seems more mainstream and not as off putting as his areolar  Christmas wreaths...

Edited by humbleopinion
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2 minutes ago, Barbara Please said:

I've known men like Tom. "Thomas" if you're nasty. It gives them life to erode a woman's sense of worth. The quickest cut is to make a snarky comment about weight. Even worse for a woman like Darcey who is beauty obsessed and superficial. That comment will stick with her for a long time to come. She'll starve herself, get liposuction, and survive on vodka enemas and martini smoothies because she'll believe what Tom says of her whether she's at a healthy weight or not. Darcey will on repeat the cycle and continue to date emotional abusers until she truly learns to love herself, instead of crying in bed speaking new age platitudes found on a Pinterest self-help board. 

Face it, Ed is in the driver's seat at the moment. He can help Rose and her son get out of poverty. He knows it. He's spoke of it. "Does she love me for me?"  Who would? Let's put physical looks aside, Ed has done nothing but complain the entire trip to the Philippines. He's screeched like a little girl whenever he's encountered an experience different from the pampered life he has in the USA. He's not humbled by it, instead he's changed from "She's the love of my life" and "I want to marry Rose" to "She wants me for my money" or "I just wanna date her and see what happens."   Let's face it, Ed wanted to pop his cherry, so to speak with a very young girl. Guys like him do this all the time. They go to 'sex vacations'  It's an ugly disgusting reality. 

BGL is a lot like Ed. She does't want to marry Usman because she respects him, or sees him as an equal. What she wants is a young sex boi toy to control. She wants to go back to the States with him, smirk and show him off to her friends, brag that she's having lots of sex. 

Stephanie isn't bi. She wants attention. She's been treated like a glass princess all her life. Erika isn't having it, and I'm glad she's calling out Stephanie. 

David is like a repeat of Ceasar all over again. I didn't think there were people out there that naive or stupid. I was wrong. If Lana is indeed real, I'll give her top marks for draining this guy out of over $100,000 and 7 wasted years of life. 

Geoffrey makes my skin crawl. I would never have met him in person. He's like a Ted Bundy with bad tattoos. 

I completely agree with your entire post.  ::::::Standing applesauce::::::

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3 hours ago, readheaded said:

Because of a lack of access to the means to clean their clothes regularly; much like the kids who go to schools in the US where there are washers and dryers to wash their clothes. 

We saw Rosemarie and her sister washing clothes in tubs outside their house when they discussed Ed's upcoming visit. 

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4 minutes ago, sasha206 said:

I honestly don't think she wants to move from Russia unless it's to NYC.  She lives in Moscow, not Siberia and has a radio job.  I think she, like a lot of others, just want to be on TV.  

Geoffery either has a lot more secrets to tell her or she knows he is still married so he could not get a k1 visa for awhile. Plus I remember Paul talking about criminal charges and how they delay the process too. Paul's were over 10 years old but Geofery has some pending.


I wondered why Usman would say Lisa was a doctor. He keeps saying his mom fears for him going to the US because he could be treated like a slave. He is bringing an old woman who he is saying is a doctor, so one would think she works long hours and is rich, so would that not make the mom worry Lisa would be using him like she worries about. Why not say the truth, she is a medical worker like nurse for the dying. Would make her sound more compassionate and less rich and busy?

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3 minutes ago, gavinmac said:

Actually, didn't she tell Geoffrey she could have married online American guy #1 but turned him down? I wonder if that's true and what was wrong with that guy. He must have been older/creepier or less attractive than Geoffrey.

And that is REALLY saying something!!!


3 minutes ago, humbleopinion said:

Think Ted Bundy would find Geoffrey's tititoos creepy and wrong....

100%^^^^^!  I love it!

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Didn’t David say Lana didn’t speak English and that was why the chat site was so expensive....it did the translation?   Clearly, if she was so interested in him and wants to move with him to the US in 7 years, she could have taken some language lessons.  

We also haven’t seen any evidence he can speak her language.   Is she planning on bringing a translator?

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Oh and Ed -- a perpetual whiner. I don't know if he's being encouraged to be as open as possible or if he just lacks tact. I am so tired of this, "does she love me for me" bs. That has to be producer driven because I would like to think that a 53/54 year old man understands transactional relationships. I'd have more respect for him if, after seeing Rose's impoverished surroundings, he invited both Rose AND Prince to a hotel (I can understand not inviting the whole family, but hell, major points if he did that, too), booked a separate room for Rose and Prince, and then gotten to go on excursions together as a family. That would have shown Rose that he is a family man who wants to protect them, and it maybe she wouldn't look lowkey disgusted by him every time he speaks. 

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6 minutes ago, Barbara Please said:


Geoffrey makes my skin crawl. I would never have met him in person. He's like a Ted Bundy with bad tattoos. 

Geoffrey reminds me of this guy physically, emotionally and mentally that used to low key stalk my friend group when we would go out to bars. We typically went out every Saturday to the same couple of bars and he would just stand around us, sometimes talk to us, sometimes stare at us from a short distance away, he would get angry at us if we made plans without him like he was ever included in any of our plans in the first place.

He did this for a while, at one point he got somewhat buff and then got even angrier at everyone because now that he was buff he was owed a boyfriend, one was supposed to just manifest because he decided he was attractive. Instead he just looked scarier with more muscle.

Around the end my now husband and me started a romantic relationship after a number of years in this same friend group, this enraged him, you see, both of us had previous LTRs and thus he was owed a boyfriend before we got another one. He told us he wanted to steal our happiness and made some vague physical threat against me that got him banned from what had become our typical bar hangout (it didn't take much convincing, they were happy to get rid of him).

In the end, he talked his wealthy parents who were still partially supporting him in his 40s despite him having an advanced degree and teaching at a community college in to buying him a Buick. Apparently having a nice car (I mean, a Buick, we aren't talking a Porsche here) was going to solve all his dating problems. He took his own life shortly thereafter and I was just thankful he didn't take me out with him.

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6 minutes ago, DEL901 said:

We also haven’t seen any evidence he can speak her language.   Is she planning on bringing a translator?

In the preview, David is shown using a translation device to order champagne at their meeting place. 

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5 hours ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

is SUPER DUPER SEXUAL and it TOTALLY INTO SEX and then gets there and is the neighborhood prude

Not having had sex in one year is not all that unusual, and not justification for proceeding at a glacial pace.  I have read that those in their 20s are far less promiscuous than Boomers and Gen X.

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36 minutes ago, gavinmac said:


What are her other options? Many successful Russian men don't want an opinionated  woman over 30. Many Russian men are alcoholics, and don't earn very much, and die around age 65


All of these statements are true. In Russia, Varya would have a difficult time getting herself married. Over there, her age would definitely be considered "old maid" territory, plus, there are wayyyy too many gorgeous young women there. I think Varya is cute, but she is a dime a dozen there. Russian men do tend to cheat like its their job, they also tend to die young. Thats why you see all that mail order bride phenomenon from Russia/Ukraine. 

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59 minutes ago, cyberfruit said:

Long time lurker, first time poster (in 90 day fiance) just wanting to put in my two centers re: Stephanie & Erika

On Stephanie's sexuality: I'm not going to speculate. As a young, bisexual woman whose sexual identity is constantly being erased and changed to lesbian (I've given up at this point), I don't think it's fair to try to gauge how bisexual or gay (Stephanie isn't gay; she's said so herself) she is. Which leads me to my next point:

Stephanie and Erika just don't have any chemistry. I've done more than my fair share of online dating, and the oft-spoken, but oft-ignored, tenement of online dating is to meet the romantic interest as soon as possible. You can be as flirty, sexual, etc. online as much as you want but there's nothing like meeting that person face to face. Doing all of that online doesn't have nearly as much of an emotional risk. 

I've been on both sides -- I've been on dates after chatting for a few weeks only to sit down to dinner and have...no spark, despite their clear interest in me. I've also sat down to dinner and went away very intrigued by a girl, only for her to wish me luck with meeting someone new. <-- This is Stephanie and Erika, imo, but they're on a reality show so they can't be like, welp, I thought this would work out but I'm actually just not feeling it. And then walk away forever.

Erika likes the Stephanie she talked to and likes the Stephanie who's in front of her, personality not withstanding, but Stephanie liked the idea of Erika she had in her head and it's not translating in person, hence the numerous walls. 

Thank you for this.  And this is good perspective.

It's just that before she met, Stephanie made it sound like they are soulmates.  And she's put up tremendous barriers within the first few hours to any sexual contact; not even actual kissing.  

Have you chatted online to someone as though you are going to spend the rest of your life with that person?  Then got there and zero chemistry? To me, it sounds like you'e had normal convos, then met someone for a typical date, and there's no spark.

They are on a show called 90 Day Fiance.  The premise is you're so sure that this person is the right person you are on the path to marry them and start the process.  That's not to say that all get married or find that spark right away, but Steph was so sure before they met that this was on that path.

She did say she wasn't gay, but she's in a lesbian relationship where she hasn't even explored lesbianism sexually and doesn't seem to even want to.

Maybe she's bisexual.  Or maybe she's someone that was bi-curious and then determines once it starts happening  they just aren't into women.  I have a few friends who did this.  They had a girl crush on someone.  It was exciting to them b/c they had never done anything and wanted to try.  But when it came down to sex, they stopped after kissing bc they discovered they just aren't bisexual even.  

What we do know is that she's video chatted this woman.  They've had enough chemistry that she's flying across the globe and on a 90 day fiance show.  That she couldn't wait to kiss her.  Then she gets there and seems to be repulsed.  That's why most of us are wondering b/c usually when you have that much chemistry with someone that you've talked to, with multiple video chats for a long time, you have so much pent up sexual energy that you'd at least have a few passionate kisses as soon as you meet before you realize that you aren't perfect for each other.  Erika seems to be everything she was on her videos and therefore we are all speculating what could have gone so wrong that almost immediately Erika is putting up walls to stop any sexual activity other than hand holding and a few non-passionate kisses.

That's why some of us, including me, are questioning whether she was curious, then realized this isn't for her at all and maybe she's not bisexual.  She doesn't seem remotely interested in exploring the sexual side that she said she couldn't wait to explore.  

We aren't erasing her sexuality, just speculating that maybe she got there and realized she is what she said -- not gay.  And that she may not be bi even.  

Also, I apologize for this heterosplaining post.  I just read it back and it sounds that way.  I'd go back and edit out what sounds super obnoxious but then I probably wouldn't have much of a post!  Your points are really valid and I appreciated them.  Sometimes there just isn't any chemistry at all and it isn't explainable.  And welcome here! 

Edited by sasha206
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4 hours ago, ethalfrida said:

Omg, why wouldn’t they be clean? 

Well, RM does have that leaning tower of crap in her house, the scribbling all over her filthy dirty walls, the holes in the ceilings, the outside is basically inside, just the dirt floor alone would be hard to keep clothes or possessions clean and I do not think ironing is a priority.

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Usman's mom for the win! "NO." Exeunt. Priceless!

Lisa's comment while getting into the van showed why she has no business marrying Usman. "You had two years to get that right." Sorry, Lisa, there is no way to make a silk purse out of your particular sow's ear.

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12 minutes ago, deirdra said:
25 minutes ago, magemaud said:

In the preview, David is shown using a translation device to order champagne at their meeting place. 

There are now smartphone apps for that.

Is that you, Pole? 

Just now, renatae said:

Usman's mom for the win! "NO." Exeunt. Priceless!


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On 4/6/2020 at 4:16 PM, kendi said:

I think he was totally ripping her off and Usman didn't care. Make her pay the full blown non-bartered white American lady price because she's condescending and a terrible person. The way Usman walks with Lisa reminds me of a caretaker instead of a girlfriend.

On Pillow Talk, David looked up the price of goats in Nigeria and the answer was between 10,000 and 25,000.Lisa paid 40,000. That salesman/goatkeeper was dripping with disdain for her.

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2 minutes ago, renatae said:

Usman's mom for the win! "NO." Exeunt. Priceless!

Lisa's comment while getting into the van showed why she has no business marrying Usman. "You had two years to get that right." Sorry, Lisa, there is no way to make a silk purse out of your particular sow's ear.

So to Lisa, it’s Usman’s fault his mother didn’t like her. It was because he hadn’t greased the skids enough! It couldn’t have possibly been that BabyHurl was a steaming pile of goat manure and Mother Sojaboy was smart enough to suss out situation and not want her son to make a huge mistake. Yep, all Usman’s fault.

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My theory is that Steph totally frauded Erika with the idea of them going from online chatting to being in a relationship to being on a reality show. Steph could have pitched it as "We'll be the first Bi couple, I'll risk my life to travel to you, we'd be a shoo-in to be picked!" After exchanging "hundreds of thousands" (as per Steph) of texts, no doubt many of them sexually explicit, and hours of video chatting, Erika agreed to the plan, but the problem is that Erika was actually doing it for love and Stephanie was just doing it to get a trip to Oz, be on TV and boost her You Tube ratings. She's going to break Erika's heart. BITCH

Edited by magemaud
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Full disclosure... I would have been just as miserable and whiny as Ed in that situation.  Here.  In the US.  If I'd flown halfway across the world for the love of my life? I'd keep my misery to myself.  (Not that I would even have a love of my life halfway across the world.  Or anywhere it seems. 😏)

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14 minutes ago, DanaMB said:

Full disclosure... I would have been just as miserable and whiny as Ed in that situation.  Here.  In the US.  If I'd flown halfway across the world for the love of my life? I'd keep my misery to myself.  (Not that I would even have a love of my life halfway across the world.  Or anywhere it seems. 😏)

I would've actually had a hard time concealing it b/c I would've been in a panic attack.  I'm menapausal and have a fan on me in winter!  

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1 hour ago, gavinmac said:

She actually lives in Ryazan, not Moscow. Beggars can't be choosers. Derek Jeter's not going to propose to her, and she knows that. She can move to Knoxville, do her two year marriage stint, and then she's free to move to New York if she wants. 

What are her other options? Many successful Russian men don't want an opinionated  woman over 30. Many Russian men are alcoholics, and don't earn very much, and die around age 65. 

Actually, didn't she tell Geoffrey she could have married online American guy #1 but turned him down? I wonder if that's true and what was wrong with that guy. He must have been older/creepier or less attractive than Geoffrey.


If all she wanted was a ticket out, then Geoffrey should stop being worried that she is going to take off.  Unless he knows that she can do better because he is a special kind of bad. 

I think varya may, like anyone else, want to do the best she can in terms of picking a foreign mate.  She wants to come to the US or Europe or just someplace with access to a season of sunlight and she would like to do so with the best man she can find.  

I agree with you about Russian men, I've watched documentaries about how many women date online because it's hard to find a young, Russian guy who doesn't have an issue with alcohol.  However, on the world stage, depending on what her priorities are, I think varya could do pretty well. 

She is young and attractive and fit, but beyond that I think she has a great personality and she seems very intelligent and she has no children.  She is going to be more than a breathing sex doll, so I think she would be a good fit for a guy who is actually looking for a partner.  

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3 hours ago, Pondlass1 said:

That rat looked sick. Ed is delusional if he thinks this is a love story.  If he was a half decent fellow he’d buy a bed for Rose and Prince and maybe look into having a proper roof or the existing one waterproofed instead of complaining. I’m sure he could easily afford it.

Hopefully the family is compensated for allowing filming.

And why not stop being such a selfish lusting toad and book dad and son into the hotel for a treat? It could make Rose like him a wee bit. Because she despises him. She’s paying a high price.
Rose and her family live in poverty but they seem decent, healthy and relatively happy. If you’ve never known luxury you never miss it.

Compare Rose with the mess that is Darcy. Who’s happier?

Beige and yellow are not your colours, Baby Girl Lisa.  It’s interesting that Angela was filmed constantly lighting up cigarettes, but although we know BLG smokes we’ve never ever seen her smoking.



I thought they showed her smoking with her fellow troll back in York.

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32 minutes ago, renatae said:

On Pillow Talk, David looked up the price of goats in Nigeria and the answer was between 10,000 and 25,000.Lisa paid 40,000. That salesman/goatkeeper was dripping with disdain for her.

If you want a deal on a goat you don't show up with your knockoff Michael kors bag and a sour face.  You do like angela and keep your money in your boobs.  

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43 minutes ago, sasha206 said:

Maybe she's bisexual.  Or maybe she's someone that was bi-curious and then determines once it starts happening  they just aren't into women.  I have a few friends who did this.  They had a girl crush on someone.  It was exciting to them b/c they had never done anything and wanted to try.  But when it came down to sex, they stopped after kissing bc they discovered they just aren't bisexual even.  

I want to tread carefully on bi-erasure, I really just don't get the sense that she is even casually perusing the Bissell catalog, she just signed up to mailing list on a whim.

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2 hours ago, deirdra said:

Did Big Ed even shampoo his hair or soap up his body?  I saw RM's father wash his hair & soap up before being bucket-dumped & hosed off. And her father looked fresh and clean at the pig farm.  Ed complains about the heat, then complains about the cold water, which he should have found refreshing.

And the parts that need the most cleaning got no cleaning,

2 hours ago, deirdra said:

Ed complains about the heat, then complains about the cold water

He has greater concerns about shrinkage than the average Joe.


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1 hour ago, magemaud said:

We saw Rosemarie and her sister washing clothes in tubs outside their house when they discussed Ed's upcoming visit. 

My dad, who grew up like 50+ years ago in a poor third world country takes pride in saying that though his family was poor and they didn't have many clothes their clothes were always clean.  Which I respect because I've seen a washing board and I can promise you that if I had to use a washing board my clothes wouldn't be clean and certainly not cleaned on a regular basis.  

It takes a lot of work, but these people have their pride.  At least in my dad's case.  He had to go to a community pump and get water every morning.  For things, including washing clothes.  I think it's part of the reason that Ed's condescension is so annoying to me.  

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17 hours ago, nb360 said:

It surprises me that Lisa is a hospice worker. That kind of job requires that you have compassion and empathy, or at least sensitivity... which I haven't seen so far.

She likes it b/c she works at night and can spend her shift on her phone.  She's a real winner.

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36 minutes ago, RealReality said:

If all she wanted was a ticket out, then Geoffrey should stop being worried that she is going to take off.  Unless he knows that she can do better because he is a special kind of bad. 

I think varya may, like anyone else, want to do the best she can in terms of picking a foreign mate.  She wants to come to the US or Europe or just someplace with access to a season of sunlight and she would like to do so with the best man she can find.  

I agree with you about Russian men, I've watched documentaries about how many women date online because it's hard to find a young, Russian guy who doesn't have an issue with alcohol.  However, on the world stage, depending on what her priorities are, I think varya could do pretty well. 

She is young and attractive and fit, but beyond that I think she has a great personality and she seems very intelligent and she has no children.  She is going to be more than a breathing sex doll, so I think she would be a good fit for a guy who is actually looking for a partner.  

She does seem intelligent, witty, attractive, fit  smart. But I would take a guess that there are a lot of David types on those international dating sites. I recently spoke with a 31 year old friend of mine who works as a cashier at a "boutique" (TJ Maxx), similarly attractive like Varya, her husband is 58 year old college prpfessor

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37 minutes ago, John M said:

I want to tread carefully on bi-erasure, I really just don't get the sense that she is even casually perusing the Bissell catalog, she just signed up to mailing list on a whim.

I agree.

I just think she is bicurious and then decided it wasn't for her.     

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1 hour ago, RealReality said:

if you want a deal on a goat you don't show up with your knockoff Michael kors bag and a sour face.

I wondered if the goat seller had never seen a White American woman in person before (with camera crew in tow) and was totally baffled at what was going on

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1 hour ago, DanaMB said:

Full disclosure... I would have been just as miserable and whiny as Ed in that situation.  Here.  In the US.  If I'd flown halfway across the world for the love of my life? I'd keep my misery to myself.  (Not that I would even have a love of my life halfway across the world.  Or anywhere it seems. 😏)

If he would have done a bit of research or listened to his friends' advice, he could have booked a hotel and just visited her home for a meal or to hang out. Of course, that is beyond Ed's reasoning. It's his own fault for not being prepared. Rose did want him to stay with her but he could have begged off as someone else had posted, saying he needed his space or any other polite excuse. He sends a grill so he can eat whatever he thought they'd prepare for him? Sheets for a bed that doesn't exist? Packs microwave popcorn for when? Zero patience for willful ignorance.

4 minutes ago, magemaud said:

I wondered if the goat seller had never seen a White American woman in person before (with camera crew in tow) and was totally baffled at what was going on

I wonder if he knew English and kept that too himself 😁

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2 hours ago, magemaud said:

In the preview, David is shown using a translation device to order champagne at their meeting place. 

Highlight of this had to be the fact that he needed the translator for the word “please”. He’s been there FOUR TIMES and he still can’t say please in the local language.

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When did we get to the point in our society where "slut shaming" women for promiscuity is never acceptable but "prude shaming" women for showing interest in a mate and then deciding not to have sex is totally acceptable?

If Stephanie had gone to Australia to meet Ash and then decided after meeting him that she wasn't comfortable having sex with him, would anyone be condemning her as a c*cktease? No, everyone would be praising her for being independent, taking control of her body, etc.

But because she was interested in a WOMAN online and then wasn't so horny for her in person, now everyone is jumping all over Stephanie for being a tease and a prude and a fake lesbian.

Isn't it possible that chubby Erika and her ridiculous nose ring and Lucky Charms bowl cut hairdo just look way worse in person than on a computer screen, and there was no "spark" between them, and Stephanie is still gay for women but just doesn't like Erika? Because I like chicks as much as Jodie Foster does but I find Erika pretty unattractive.

Edited by gavinmac
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7 minutes ago, nutella fitzgerald said:

Highlight of this had to be the fact that he needed the translator for the word “please”. He’s been there FOUR TIMES and he still can’t say please in the local language.

Four times just for Lana.  

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52 minutes ago, Lily247 said:

She does seem intelligent, witty, attractive, fit  smart. But I would take a guess that there are a lot of David types on those international dating sites. I recently spoke with a 31 year old friend of mine who works as a cashier at a "boutique" (TJ Maxx), similarly attractive like Varya, her husband is 58 year old college prpfessor

I actually think someone like that might fit for varya.  Someone intelligent who would value an intelligent woman.  I'm sure your friend is smart too.  But cosign on the David types.  Yuck.  All they want is a blonde plaything and they neither seek nor value intelligence, conversation and wit.  

I could totally see varya getting with a us or European guy who was a little older but maybe a nerdy fun loving type.  Who wants a girl he can bring to the dungeons and dragons parties and who will want to dress up like a superhero or a marvel comic.  

Everyone is real, but I feel like she is more authentic then say....a Maria type. 

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13 hours ago, silverspoons said:

The last few episodes with Ed, my biggest issue is he does not seem to care about Rose and only himself. He wore 3 new pairs of sneakers. They did not look cheap. He complains about the roof, the wiring, her wet mattress the lack of shower, the rat, so many things. His answer was get me out of here. If he really loved her, and cared about his future son, he would have been sitting there finding a way to get the roof fixed, asking how they would get a bed frame (like is it something made in the village or ordered and brought in). Ed could have spent some money employing a few of the locals to fix the roof and help make Rose's place a little more comfortable and livable. It is like he does not care. He can go to a hotel but after he leaves Rose and Prince have to live there for maybe another year till he would get a visa? 

It also made me upset that he did not invite at least Prince , if not her father and sister to a hotel. How much would have another hotel room cost for 3 days , $100 a day? He has plenty of time to get sexy with Rose in America, isn't this time for meeting her family, getting to know his future stepson and learning her life. 

THANK YOU for saying this! There are soooo many things he could have done to make her life better there, but as you said, everything was all about him. He's a fucking asshole. One thing we've not been talking about here - because there are SO MANY things that we can talk about with this turd - is that he keeps saying he's a father but his daughter is so disgusted with him about the Rose situation, that she's not speaking to him. She grudgingly called him at the airport but that's it. And I'd wager that right about now, she's not speaking to him again because of his appallingly gross behavior. I would go so far as to call Egg predatory. He really is the lowest scum we've had on this show in a long time what with him always trying to disguise his self-centered sexual fantasies in some sort of 'Look how caring and respectful I really am' bullshit that's so thin we can see right through the charade.

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I think that Ed is putting on an act for the cameras.  He seems to really be trying to present himself as a "romantic" who is bewildered by everything and therefore is, in reality, a "victim" of love.  Yes, he did it all for love.  His co-worker told him what to expect.  He knew there were so-called problems with mailing items to her.  He had access to the internet...

He is continually appearing to be befuddled "I didn't know...does she truly love me...etc."  They video chatted so he saw her environment.  He may believe that he presents as charming and naive, but, by golly, he is really in love...  He is using this persona to be passive-aggressive to Rose and her family.  "What is that?"  "A mouse" Rosemarie answers and then he immediately responds that he thinks it's a rat.  Well, then why did you ask?  So many of the questions he asks are just nonsense-do you like living in the Philippines.  Really?  You asked that?  You walk into her home and look around, and then already knowing the answer ask if there are windows.  Just stop.  

Geoffrey also annoys me to no end.  If only the Russian government could watch this, realize he lied on his Visa application and then arrest him.  From the show alone (not referencing any spoilers) he has proved to be a liar, drug dealer, and has committed fraud against a foreign government.

If Avery had backbone, she would leave Ash, enjoy the rest of her time on vacation, and go home.  His non-answers are a series of red flags.

I am so super glad that the goat seller upped his price for Lisa.  I can't even spend an ounce of effort on her.

David is very fortunate that he had a producer if not a production crew with him.  And yes, I always think I can find a person I'm looking for in a city of over 100,000 people just by walking around... So realistic!

I wish Darcey would just stay home.  I just stare at her as she just looks so fake/weird/plastic.  And, I am so over her "I deserve love" routine.  Why?  Why do you deserve love?  You're seeking fame, not love, and you have it (well, reality t.v. fame).  Tom needs to go home.

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10 minutes ago, gavinmac said:

When did we get to the point in our society where "slut shaming" women for promiscuity is never acceptable but "prude shaming" women for showing interest in a mate and then deciding not to have sex is totally acceptable?

If Stephanie had gone to Australia to meet Ash and then decided after meeting him that she wasn't comfortable having sex with him, would anyone be condemning her as a c*cktease? No, everyone would be praising her for being independent, taking control of her body, etc.

But because she was interested in a WOMAN online and then wasn't so horny for her in person, now everyone is jumping all over Stephanie for being a tease and a prude and a fake lesbian.

Isn't it possible that chubby Erika and her ridiculous nose ring and Lucky Charms bowl cut hairdo just look way worse in person than on a computer screen, and there was no "spark" between them, and Stephanie is still gay for women but just doesn't like Erika? Because I like chicks as much as Jodie Foster does but I find Erika pretty unattractive.

It depends.  If anyone was engaging in hot and heavy internet talk prior to meeting and then, without explanation suddenly changed.... I'd think it was weird and I'd be suspicious.  

And this goes for BGL and Usman too. She references their naughty talks and had Usman refused to have sex with her, I would have found that odd too.  

I'm kinda suspicious of anyone who expressly or implicitly makes promises they don't intend to keep.  And it's not a "well, you showed up in a short skirt you implicity promised me sex!" But "you've said 1500 times you want to do x,y, and z with me and now you suddenly don't even want to do 20% of that"

Also, Stephanie referred to Erika as her girlfriend of like seven months.  So she didn't present it as a "were just gonna meet and see if we like each other" she said Erika was her gf and Erika may have believed that.  So to expect to have sex with a girlfriend isn't an odd expectation to me  

4 minutes ago, Kyanight said:

I'm no expert, but I believe that it's partially genuine and partially set-up.  For example, pouring water over your head and rinsing off with the garden hose is probably how they actually bathe there, but the producers probably told Ed to take a shower while he was visiting Rose.  They probably DO have chickens in their two room shack, but letting the chicken run loose under the table might have been TLC's idea.  That kind of thing.  

Whatever producer found that rat deserves a raise, because that was the most chill rat.  He wasn't running, he wasn't scared, he barely reacted.  He could be a pet hard to say.  He handles his bath better than Ed. 

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5 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I realize, but, I recalled when they first showed him in the morning.  It appeared that he had on a school uniform.  Anyone notice that?  Maybe, it was just his nicest clothes. 

In Dominican Republic some of the poorest kids go to schools that require a uniform 

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15 minutes ago, seacliffsal said:

David is very fortunate that he had a producer if not a production crew with him.  And yes, I always think I can find a person I'm looking for in a city of over 100,000 people just by walking around..

He wouldn’t go directly to her home (likely random) address because that would be creepy.  Yet what if she did shop at that candy store regularly and the clerk was just stonewalling him and then told her the next time some guy was walking around flashing your picture and asking about you?  Not creepy at all.

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I really need to get here earlier to read. Nearly 350 posts to read after I throw my thoughts in here:

Ed is still a disgusting pig. During the back and forth in the morning when he was whining that he didn't sleep, his hair kept changing. 

This "mmmm" guy needs to be shown the door with his plastic hair. Why are they wasting our time with this and the gal being catfished by Wee-yams (and YES to that poster who asked if how she pronounces it drives anyone else crazy)?

If Varya thinks it's bad that Geoffrey sold drugs, wait until she finds out that he beats women and is a violent psycho.

Stephanie and Erika need to go their separate ways. I watched their segments this time and to me, it seems like Erika was sold a bill of goods by the online version of Stephanie and she turned out to be something else entirely once she arrived. I will say that I think Erika gets around and don't get a monogamous vibe from her. 

The only reason I was happy that they showed Darcy crying in bed in a hotel room is because it gave @Lila Fowler more Darcy Cry Face avatars to choose from. Tom is an asshat.

Ash continues to be a scheming weirdo to me. His detached demeanor is creepy. He's like a modern day version of Eliza the AI program that I used to mess with on my Commodore 64. 

Usman's mom ain't having this.

Edited by configdotsys
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16 minutes ago, RealReality said:

So to expect to have sex with a girlfriend isn't an odd expectation to me  

Right and why is she so jealous and controlling if they are not in a romantic/sexual relationship?  If Erika is someone that she is just intrigued by that doesn’t make things monogamous.

3 minutes ago, configdotsys said:

Wee-yams (and YES to that poster who asked if how she pronounces it drives anyone else crazy)?

Someone said it’s a Baltimore accent.

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3 hours ago, sasha206 said:

Am I the only one that thought he has and he was acting and she was acting her response?  She didn't really seem all that upset and shocked like you'd think if you just found out your BF was in prison.


Maybe.  I was thinking during the scene that it was most likely he revealed this earlier to her (but I'd say while he was in Russia, since he's a dirtbag), and so  production is "recreating" and she had her response ready.

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