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90DF Live Chat 2: This Thread is Only 60% Good

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1 minute ago, Armchair Critic said:

Maybe because I am *ahem* in that age range but I usually enjoy the Cougar storylines on this show. I think I was one of the few who got a kick out of Stephanie.

I got a kick out of Stephanie too because she is one of the only older women ever portrayed on television who didn’t have and didn’t want children. I didn’t realize she’d turn out to be such a spaz.

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20 minutes ago, goofygirl said:

I honestly didn't hear Trish call Nutalie a hooker.  Seriously.

On the commercial for Pillow Talk, didn’t Molly and Cynthia think that Trish said she was a cooker.  It did happen when Natalie was at the stove.    

How old is Kalani’s youngest kid?  If she didn’t have the child in bed nursing all night maybe the kid could wean off the breast.  At the least sleep 6-8 hours through the night.

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Just now, charmed1 said:

I got a kick out of Stephanie too because she is one of the only older women ever portrayed on television who didn’t have and didn’t want children

Me too because she was only hurting herself and not dragging children into it. Face it, the guys she was with made out like bandits because she was paying them and giving them gifts.

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2 minutes ago, Hotel Snarker said:

Asuelu trying to talk sexy makes me feel a little ill.

It's like they're trying to do a 180 on his image and make him seem desirable.  

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23 minutes ago, charmed1 said:

Trish kinda does look like she stepped straight out of Cagney & Lacey central casting though.

The hair especially. 

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1 minute ago, Doublemint said:

Now she's going to ruin the vibe of the trip by telling him about the divorce lawyer.  So stupid.   Timing is terrible.

Sometimes it’s useful to say nothing if your only goal is to alleviate your own guilt

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Tell me Kalani isn't so stupid that she'll tell Asuelu that Low's on the hook for financing Asuelu in some conditions?    However, his mother and sister Tammy I'm sure know all about that.   I wish Kalani and Asuelu would shit up about how many times they boinked.  

Tell me that Kalani finally realized birth control is an option?   Or is she already pregnant?  

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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I'm in the kitchen making Keto haddock nuggets and watching on my phone. When Ronald said "I won't allow them to leave", I ran upstairs, got my laptop and logged on. Yikes, yikes, yikes, this dude sounds like a killer.

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Just now, Grifter Lives said:

Product placement at its best: Plexxy birth control following the Asuelo-Kalani sexytime recap.

I got the phexxi vaginal inferno commercial followed by one for Botox. I’m conflicted.

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Just now, Twopper said:

I  can sorta hear the show in the background, but I am at the bfast table eating dessert so I may just follow the chat for a bit.  It has been an exciting day with the birth of our first grandchild--a boy--early this afternoon.  

Congratulations on your new addition!

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1 minute ago, Twopper said:

I  can sorta hear the show in the background, but I am at the bfast table eating dessert so I may just follow the chat for a bit.  It has been an exciting day with the birth of our first grandchild--a boy--early this afternoon.  

Awwwwws! Congratulations 🎉 

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Just now, Twopper said:

I  can sorta hear the show in the background, but I am at the bfast table eating dessert so I may just follow the chat for a bit.  It has been an exciting day with the birth of our first grandchild--a boy--early this afternoon.  


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She has an infection again. Stop smoking! it's not Michael's fault! 

Also that "technology office" looked super shady. The grass was uncut? it was in a random house? 

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