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S01.E10: The Weddings

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I don't know what to think about Jessica being forced to stay.  It's possible considering there was no one from her side there.  I still don't like her.  Even the way she kept telling Mark she loved him during the ceremony and was relieved he said I do.  Could have been editing but I'm not a fan either way.

Now that I'm thinking about it, there's another problem I have with her behavior. Of course, anything could be staged or anyone could be lying. But if we assume that Mark is genuine (and didn't hatch a plan with Jessica to tough it out and look like a good guy) and if we assume that they told the truth and they did start a sexual relationship towards the end of their engagement (instead of lying to save face or build up more drama that they might actually get married), then it was shitty of her to lead Mark along by having sex with him if she knew she was going to reject him in the end. 

If they get a bigger budget and enough couples who get to the engagement stage, I would love to see at least one couple see each other for the first time and say, nah, not interested. I would have rather seen Kelly or Jessica reject their partners immediately and then followed Rory and his partner as another one of the couples. Maybe I just thought the "is love blind" thing would be more like The Voice and less of a dragged out march to the altar. 

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40 minutes ago, aradia22 said:

If they get a bigger budget and enough couples who get to the engagement stage, I would love to see at least one couple see each other for the first time and say, nah, not interested. I would have rather seen Kelly or Jessica reject their partners immediately and then followed Rory and his partner as another one of the couples. Maybe I just thought the "is love blind" thing would be more like The Voice and less of a dragged out march to the altar. 

I would love to see it but I’ll be shocked if it ever happens. Can you imagine how hard that person would get dragged on social media?


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7 hours ago, ally862 said:

Obviously they could have been lying but I read an article with the showrunner or creator, and he said there was nothing in their contract that said they had to wait til they got to the altar.  Seems unlikely but who knows.

I don't know what to think about Jessica being forced to stay.  It's possible considering there was no one from her side there.  I still don't like her.  Even the way she kept telling Mark she loved him during the ceremony and was relieved he said I do.  Could have been editing but I'm not a fan either way.

I agree.  She was such an asshole no matter what.  So many lies told throughout the whole show.  She fed her dog wine. And she was a total dick to Mark even though he had done nothing to deserve it.

And I agree with you about Lauren too, I loved her.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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Something from way back when they were in the pods, that still cracks me up, is that near the end of the pod time, when Jessica was talking with Barnett the next day after he had told her the night before that he could envision getting engaged to her....she suggested that they play Truth or Dare, so she said, "Is it true that you still want to get engaged to me?"  Girl, that is NOT how you play Truth or Dare!  

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On 2/27/2020 at 3:52 PM, ehr1006 said:

Am I seriously the only one who gets major Jason Dohring vibes from Cameron? (which helps to explain my otherwise inexplicable attraction to him) 

You are not the only one but I couldn't figure it out until you posted this.  Thank you!

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On 2/27/2020 at 5:40 AM, bonbonba said:

Glad weird Damian said no, Gigi deserves better. The fact that his parents never shown up reveals that he's never serious about this.

Serious about marriage, or about GiGi? 

There's an Entertainment Tonight interview with the two of them that implies

he was/is pretty serious about her. Still. They're not married, but still together, and the body language in it supports that too.


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I feel like this show was Lauren and Cameron’s love story, the way it bookended with them being the first couple featured falling in love and ending with their wedding. They were the one couple I really hoped would make it, so I’m glad that Lauren didn’t let her nerves get the best of her. They have a genuine connection.

i was pretty shocked that Barnett actually married Amber! Their connection seemed to be mainly physical and he wasn’t really looking her in the eye when he was about to say I do.

contrast that with Jessica, who was all smiles to dump Mark! Though, I knew she was going to say no because she waltzed in with no bouquet and her parents weren’t there. Well, that and she probably just showed up hoping Barnett would change his mind in the suite next door and marry her.

Kelly’s whole family seemed upset that she didn’t marry Kenny. Her mom and sister really seemed all about him. Sounds like she has poor taste in “bad boys” and turned down a decent guy that she had a real connection with.

Damian made the right choice saying no to Gigi, but, yikes, he really did not handle that well! He could have expressed that they fight a lot, which is true, but he just went straight to insulting her. I thought it was kind of funny how she ripped off a piece of her dress to give her his “bow” back after his odd proposal with the bow tie on his wrist. They’re both so strangely serious or seriously strange that they probably were meant for each other if they didn’t fight so much!

Edited by JenE4
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They’re both so strangely serious or seriously strange that they probably were meant for each other if they didn’t fight so much!

They're both terrible actors trying to improvise a soap opera. Giannina is pulling pages from the Real Housewives playbook and Damian seems to think he's Colin Firth (earnest, good guy with a stiff upper lip) but he's just coming across like a condescending ass. 

Assuming they're getting a season 2, I hope it's a mix of right reasons and wrong reasons. I was sold on Amber/Barnett and Lauren/Cameron by the end but if they can tell the other couples won't work out, I prefer a messy bench like Jessica to the boredom of Kelly and Kenny. I don't want to watch endless hours of it but in a short format like this, mixed with the other couples, a few dramatic nonsense people is fine. Also, I get the sense that the Lachey's may have been more involved in the show/the contestants' experience but they didn't make a lot of the final edit. GOOD. Keep it that way. 

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They're both terrible actors trying to improvise a soap opera. Giannina is pulling pages from the Real Housewives playbook and Damian seems to think he's Colin Firth (earnest, good guy with a stiff upper lip) but he's just coming across like a condescending ass. 

They may have both been acting weird because of the cameras - like exaggerated versions of themselves.  Gigi reminds me a lot of a woman I dated when I was in my 20's who was also Latin American of Italian descent (and just as attractive).  When we first met, she had this tendency to put on this act when in front of people or feeling insecure (what I came to think of as the telenovela version of herself).  But when things were good, they were very very good.  She could give more of herself than any woman I dated in those years.  It was almost worth all the drama.  Fortunately once she gained more confidence in the relationship, she acted up much less often.  I've sometimes wondered what might have happened if our career and educational goals hadn't taken us in different directions.

In any case, I always sensed a real connection between GiGi and Damien and after watching that ET interview, I wouldn't be surprised if they end up together over the long-term.  Perhaps they just needed more time to work things out.


Kelly's sister was very pretty when she was fully made up as a bridesmaid

She was very pretty without any makeup.  She was stunningly gorgeous when all fixed up for the wedding.

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Ok, so the bronzer/foundation  on these women is like the gold wine cups.  It is the same for all of them (except Lauren obvs).

Damian/Gia - Oh man, her acting is terrible.  His acting was terrible.  They just screamed fake.  Also it legit took me like 10 minutes to realize her middle name was actually Milady.  And he wasn't just calling her 'Milady' as an affectionate pet name.  I wonder if his parents knew it was fake and wanted no part of that shit?

Amber & Barnett - I will say she looks pretty.  I love her stepfather (?) complaining about sitting there so long.  Also did they get her bridesmaid from central casting?  Barnett looked liked he was about to cast up his cookies.  Someone on Buzzfeed called him, a 'John Deere hat come to life'  I die.  I am surprised he went through it, tbh. Also I wasn't feeling their rickety milk crate wedding decor.  It would look fine in a more rustic venue e.g. a barn wedding but so not right in that super bright rent-a-room. Also why the drawn out dramatic pause or the long as speech before just saying I do?

Kelly & Kenny - They were like watching a 1500 meter race.  Kinda boring for the first 1100 meters, nothing happens.  Then in the last 400 meters, they start kicking and clawing toward he finish.  Gack!  Her poor (but awesome) sister must've known something was up because she  was metaphorically burning sage in her pep talk before he wedding (I am convinced she dances sky clad under a rowan tree during the solstice).   And poor Kenny made an apologetic speech.  And only got to take out his frustration on cameraman Jimmy.

Jessica & Mark - Did they get the Premium package?  Cuz they looked like they got the champagne room of the venue.  Also, Jessica  is an entire bitch.  She got dressed up, talked about loving him, laughed as she walked up the aisle,  smiled as she walked away, and said sorry-not-sorry after she dumped him.  Seriously, that is the happiest she's looked since she thought Barnett was going to propose to her.  Damn. Mark is dumb, but I still feel bad for him.  He looked the most genuinely heartbroken.   His mom knew what was up.  She tried to get him to do a runner and then she kept sending murderous looks.  I am on team Mark's Mom.

Lauren/Cameron - I have been trying to figure out who Cameron looks like.  It finally hit me: Alexis Ohanian (Serena Williams' husband).   I am biased.  I want them to run of happily ever after and making little biracial babies.  Oh hey, Cameron's mom!  She seems as chill as him.  Is it me or did it seem like they got the best edit?  It felt like we spent more time with these two behind the scenes, with their family and friends before the event.  It felt more like a traditional wedding.  They even had a reverend type dude officiating their vows who went into mini-black preacher mode.  Also, they just felt more genuinely emotional.  Or maybe it was all the crying.  Also their vows sounded like real vows, not just reality-show speechifying. and they got a lot of face time at their reception.

Oh, ouch, then they cut back immediately to Mark.  The cruelest cut.

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Even if there was some kind of contractual obligation that forced Jessica to stick around through the wedding day, she wasn’t forced to have sex with Mark, but she did it anyway. If you know you don’t want to be with a guy, don’t have sex with him. It might just possibly mislead him into thinking you like him— along with constantly cooing “I love you” in your best baby voice. At least Kelly was kind enough not to have sex with Kenny when she knew she wasn’t into him. 

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I watched this Thursday night and had to think about it. 

I had heard that Jessica was "forced" to stay on and go through with the wedding.  I call bullshit on that.  All of these folks have their own producers.  Jessica's producer probably convinced her to stay, it's not like anybody held a gun to her head.  However, by UO is that I agreed 100% with what Jessica said at the end, that her parents are divorced, that she's been around the block, that she's a realist.  Mark seemed to have stars in his eyes,  but Jessica knew there was a good chance that reality would hit him. 

Kenny and Kelly:  Kelly seemed immature to me.  She was looking for "the feels" and Kenny wasn't giving it to her.  I think she was right not to marry Kenny because she might never have felt it with him, which would have been bad for both of them.

Damian and Gia:  Gianinna's mother called it, she said her daughter was too immature for marriage, that she shouldn't get married now, but in the future it would work for she and Damian. 

I felt that Amber married Barnett because she wanted someone to take care of her financially.  To me that's very sad.  Amber's family didn't look as well off as Barnett's family.  There was a time when a woman married for financial security and if a woman didn't marry "well" her life would be shit.  To be fair to Amber, she did tell that to Barnett, so it's not like he doesn't know her financial status.

Cameron and Lauren to me, were the adults of this show and will probably work because both of them are on the same page.

In the late 80's there was a book called "Why Love Is Not Enough."  I thought about that book while I watched this series.  Love may be blind, but sometimes it's just not enough.

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On 2/28/2020 at 2:13 AM, aradia22 said:

Cameron is a lot sometimes but since finding out he's a tech guy, I just assume he's like Mark Zuckerberg if he went to the gym and got a better haircut. I've known a lot of nerds. They can be kind of weird. 

That's it!  When I saw Cameron's friends I knew what the deal was.  I work in an engineering school and...yeah, a lot of guys there are like Cameron.  A lot of people might think them "off" but that's just the way they are.  When I think someone is "off" I realize it has more to do with me and my perceptions than it does the other person.

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2 hours ago, Neurochick said:

Cameron and Lauren to me, were the adults of this show and will probably work because both of them are on the same page.

Having watched the show in about two days and am now internet stalking all manner of post show info, I have to agree with this wholeheartedly.  Lauren and Cameron have done several post show interviews and their responses are so thoughtful about their mindset throughout the process.  It feels like what we saw on the show as exactly what they were. 

At first I was a little uncomfortable with how intimate they came off, especially his constant need to touch her.  But in the end they both just won me over and I  just felt good about their romance.

Having read a bit more about them and what was going on inside their heads, I just get the impression, Cameron was just plain old gobsmacked by Lauren.  She is a stunning woman and let's face it, he is a nerd.  A cute nerd with a good body but a nerd nonetheless.  Their story is straight up Hollywood rom-com fantasy.  He got the hot girl.  And I think there were times he just wasn't quite sure it was all real.  Also, given how the show gave them the option of saying 'no' at the altar, and she was expressing some reservations, I think he was constantly trying to reassure her (and himself) that he was all in.  Because all that could have been yanked away from him in an instant.

If you like them as a couple, I  highly recommend media stalking them.  LOL.

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On 2/27/2020 at 8:45 PM, Toodleoo said:

What a big pile of fakeity fake fake-o-rama. Gigi’s dress stain showed us all we need to know about what an utter pile of poop this all was. Also she is a terrible actress.

What do you mean?

On 2/28/2020 at 9:06 AM, Bobcatkitten said:

Kelly never said why, which was weird. 

She did say why. She wasn't sexually attracted to him. She said something at the bachelorette party to her friends and then she said she doesn't feel like having sex with him.

On 2/28/2020 at 9:37 AM, ally862 said:

Hands down, my favorite part was when Lauren swore during the ceremony.  I find her to be one of the most likable people I've ever seen on tv.  She's adorable and funny.  I also love her relationship with her mom and how they tease each other. 

I would love to see Lauren on Big Brother. 

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Okay so they were required to stick it out until wedding day. Makes sense or there likely wouldn't be much of a show. But someone said it above, Jessica didn't have to sleep with Mark or act all in love with him. 

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On 3/1/2020 at 8:58 AM, himela said:

I would love to see Lauren on Big Brother. 

I could see Lauren and Cameron on the Amazing Race, I think they could work well together.  He'd methodically read all the clues so there'd be no mis-steps and she'd chat up the locals for insider short cuts.

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I binged this in 2 nights. It was part guilty pleasure, part super invested for me.  But, by the end, I just started fast forwarding to the ceremonies. Way too much 'will they/won't they' drama.

Rumor that Jessica didn't want to be there was really evident. She wasn't feeling it, and, I'm shallow, but I can't blame her. She's got a career, a life and her second choice. She's not settling.

Barnett marrying Amber and her debt was unexpected. Beauty fades, interest grows. 

Damien was a model? For what? Halloween masks? Whoever said he looked like a Property Brother dipped in toxic waste was spot on. Maybe he was a foot model? Nasty, controlling man with a vapid phone obsessed actress. Ugh.

Kelly and Kenny.  Yawn. And that book they both loved as a child? Creepy!! "I love you forever". Nice sentiment, but the mom keeps breaking into her son's place as a senior while he sleeps in a twin bed.  Lifetime Movie gone wrong. 

Hi favorite couple.  I love you Lauren and Cam. I hope you're together forever.  The most real couple there.  I want them to make it.

Cheesy set, must have bought supplies at Costco. I can see a 'reality tv show' aisle that they shopped in for those wine glasses and rose petals. 

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1 hour ago, dbell1 said:

Damien was a model? For what? Halloween masks? Whoever said he looked like a Property Brother dipped in toxic waste was spot on. Maybe he was a foot model? Nasty, controlling man with a vapid phone obsessed actress. Ugh.

Kelly and Kenny.  Yawn. And that book they both loved as a child? Creepy!! "I love you forever". Nice sentiment, but the mom keeps breaking into her son's place as a senior while he sleeps in a twin bed.  Lifetime Movie gone wrong. 

Hi favorite couple.  I love you Lauren and Cam. I hope you're together forever.  The most real couple there.  I want them to make it.

Cheesy set, must have bought supplies at Costco. I can see a 'reality tv show' aisle that they shopped in for those wine glasses and rose petals. 

Your entire post is savage!!! +1! I snorted at Damian being dipped in toxic waste, lol.  

I definitely rewound and watched Gigi's runaway antics and falling into the grass multiple times, and also like went back three times to watch Milady throw her flowers into the ground when Damian said he wouldn't marry Gigi.  

I do love Lauren and hope the best for her and Cameron!

Edited by Matteo
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1 hour ago, Matteo said:

I definitely rewound and watched Gigi's runaway antics and falling into the grass multiple times, and also like went back three times to watch Milady throw her flowers into the ground when Damian said he wouldn't marry Gigi.  

I’m trying to get my friend to watch this show (we both like trashy TV - he introduced me to Love After Lockup) and I was texting him as I watched this episode. I gave him a play by play of Giannina: “she just got dumped. She’s on the move! Now she’s in the parking lot. She just fell in the grass! She’s on the side of the road!” He was like, this is an entire mess.

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21 hours ago, Empress1 said:

 From day one, Cameron has just been like, "I love you, I want to make you happy, I want us to build a great life together. Let's get it." And seeing Lauren be like, "fuck it, I'm in" was so refreshing. Like, y'all go on and love each other, you deserve it. 

Loved this. That was my impression too.  Well said.

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7 hours ago, dbell1 said:

I binged this in 2 nights. It was part guilty pleasure, part super invested for me.  But, by the end, I just started fast forwarding to the ceremonies. Way too much 'will they/won't they' drama.

At what point did you start skipping to the "I do not" part?  I watched contorted face at the beginning and the hysterics that followed. I watched most of Amber and Matt, but that's because I was pretty sure he was going to say yes.* 

Then I started to get annoyed with Kelly and Kenny and probably started looking at my phone while I waited for her to say no.  I literally didn't even wait to see his face before I started FF to the next one. (I did, however stop at the part where it Kenny was standing by himself drinking a bottle of water looking kind of pissed. I could tell that was good stuff.)

* I ended up liking them as a couple once we met their families. All of the "I've got no job and debt" stuff was, in my opinion, just a manufactured television reason for us to think he was going to say no. I think they were actually getting along really well the whole time.  The three loser couples gave the show plenty of real stuff to work with, and I think for sure Lauren was scared.  

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I was thinking Kelly and Kenny were a 'yes', so I watched that. Amber and Barnett annoyed me, so I skipped through everything until the doors opened. Everytime I paused, I swear they were saying the same things, so I didn't seem to be missing anything.  That Mark and Jessica trainwreck - skipped most of it. She reminded me of someone being sprung from prison bolting for the front door.

And I honestly skipped most of Cameron and Lauren because it seemed to drag on for hours.

Post show, I think Cam and Lauren seem to have the most solid foundation to grow from, but B & A were growing on me. Those two might just make it for a few years/decades/lifetimes. 

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Gigi is easily the worst actress I've ever seen on a reality TV show.  She's cute, but she's not nearly as hot and smart as she thinks she is.

The "self-sabotage" stuff does not make someone an interesting, complex person.

This show was easily one of the worst, most non-believable shows I've ever seen.

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On 2/27/2020 at 8:45 PM, Toodleoo said:

What a big pile of fakeity fake fake-o-rama. Gigi’s dress stain showed us all we need to know about what an utter pile of poop this all was. Also she is a terrible actress.

I posted without reading all the responses but I'm so glad to see yours! I liked Jessica far more than that fake ass Gigi.  I couldn't stand her.

On 2/27/2020 at 9:10 PM, rozen said:

I really don't believe that Mark was so blindly oblivious and Kenny is the Right Reasons Bachelor we've always wanted. They were given a great edit for the story bc the women gave better footage.


I don't believe for one minute, Mark was ever in love with Jessica.  I believe he played the role of the "I'm such a great guy!" role.  Look at the love he's getting!  He'll be on other reality TV shows.

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Dude...I was not expecting that from Damian.  Good for him, though.  Poor timing, but the right decision.  That marriage was not going to work.  And Gia is a terrible actress.  Nothing she says or does seems genuine. 

I hope Barnett follows suit.  Well, dang.  Enjoy that $20k debt and all the crazy, Barnett. 

No way Kelly marries Kenny, right?  Oof. I’m sad for Kenny, but that’s the right call.  

Crazy Jessica’s up next.  These two will follow through.  I wish Mark wouldn’t but he’s been so delusional through all of this~~why stop now?  I’m pretty sure I saw Marks mom roll her eyes.  Mama’s not happy.  Yikes, Jessica.  Mama gonna kill you.  

Please Lauren  and Cameron.  This is the only couple I’ve wanted to get married.  Lauren looks amazing. I LOVE her hairpiece.  YAY!!!  

I cannot wait to watch the reunion. 


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On 2/28/2020 at 1:12 AM, aradia22 said:

They didn't work miracles but the professional artists are so much better at putting makeup on Jessica than she is at putting makeup on herself. To me, this proves she's been doing her own makeup while on the show. 

Jessica's makeup at the wedding looked like it was applied by the artist at the local funeral home. Her face was several shades lighter than her neck! And no matter who puts her makeup on, she looks haggard and rough. 

On 2/28/2020 at 1:43 AM, aradia22 said:

Lauren was showing a LOT of cleavage. But aside from that, it was the prettiest dress. It was probably also kind of cheap but it at least looked more expensive from a distance. I think choosing a dress with more refined lace helped.

Lauren's dad Bill was so sweet. Their moment together before the wedding felt really genuine.

If my breasts were as pretty as Lauren's I'd be showing them off with fervor. I say this as a straight woman. 

I loved (and by "loved" I mean I did not love it at all) the officiant who referred to the bride and groom, and all the guests, as "you guys". I am by no means a formal person but sheesh. 

Lauren and Cameron's officiant, on the other hand, was my favorite. He was just the right mix of jovial and serious. 

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On 2/28/2020 at 5:03 PM, LuvMyShows said:

she suggested that they play Truth or Dare, so she said, "Is it true that you still want to get engaged to me?"  Girl, that is NOT how you play Truth or Dare!  

I loved this too, but mostly because it was such a vanity question and she fully expected him to say "of course" immediately.  Her expression when he paused forever before saying "I'm not sure" was gold.

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On 3/5/2020 at 9:43 AM, sasha206 said:

I don't believe for one minute, Mark was ever in love with Jessica.  I believe he played the role of the "I'm such a great guy!" role.  Look at the love he's getting!  He'll be on other reality TV shows.

Please no! I don't want to see any more of these couples on any other shows, especially spinoffs. The fun is in watching NEW couples.

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I do not understand Kenny's reaction to the camera person. If he and Kelly had a mutual agreement that they weren't even staying engaged, much less getting married, why was he so mad at the camera person? 

I think Kelly was simply not attracted to him, and that's part of why things didn't work. I don't think that means it's a loss on her part or that she has a bad picker per se. Attraction isn't something you can sum up. I do think based on the statements about her past sexual history that she has some deeper intimacy issues that she needs to work through with a good therapist.

 Mark seemed to have stars in his eyes,  but Jessica knew there was a good chance that reality would hit him.

Mark came across to me like he had decided in the pods that Jessica was his trophy, and he could never engage with her on a person to person level. He didn't actually seem emotionally available to me. He seemed fake. When she brought up issues, he never actually engaged with them. He just dismissed them as not important.

What I read in an interview with him is that he did know Jessica planned to say no, but he also thought she wasn't going to be in a wedding dress. So he got caught up in the moment when he saw her in the dress. That's just weird. Damian's reaction of "heck no, I'm not making a legal commitment to you at this point" to Giannina after Giannina ran hot and cold makes so much more sense to me. 

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14 hours ago, Zuleikha said:

I do not understand Kenny's reaction to the camera person. If he and Kelly had a mutual agreement that they weren't even staying engaged, much less getting married, why was he so mad at the camera person? 


I think they were pushing him to say something bad about Kelly so that production would have something more dramatic to add to their storyline. It seems neither Kenny or Kelly played along with that, but Kenny getting mad at the producer on camera was as close as they got. 

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I adore Lauren and Cameron. 

Mark's mom totally knew Jessica wasn't into him. Jessica wanted Mark to say no so she didn't look like a bad person. I thought she was a total bitch in her talking head. 

Based on the reaction of Kelly's family, she clearly picks guys that are bad for her and likely treat her like shit. 

Barnett has really grown on me but Amber hasn't. It seems like she came on here with a goal of finding someone who was financially stable and would take on her debt. 

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I would marry Cameron OR Lauren. I loved these two!

Damien is just fug to me.  It looks like his jaw is wired shut but I’m glad he had the balls not to marry her. Giannina acts like she’s trying out for a telenovela. She’s gorgeous but a terrible actor. 

Kelly is a snooze and a plain Jane. She almost seems asexual to me. Her sister is gorgeous though and seemed pretty emotional at times making me wonder what the underlying emotional current was going on. Kenny is reasonably handsome and seems like a nice guy. Very dateable. 

Jessica is pathetic and though I’m glad they didn’t tie the knot for Mark’s sake I don’t see her as wife material at all and she may be a lonely barfly in a few years. 
I waffle between empathy and apathy for Amber and Mark. I think she will be a source of aggravation for him as she sits around all day watching tv and spending his money. 

Would watch a second season, a spin off or whatever they want to do because I actually didn’t feel ashamed of myself for watching this for a change. 

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On 2/28/2020 at 12:38 AM, ProudMary said:

Damien gave me the creeps. I think Giannina dodged a bullet here. He seems very controlling to me. Giannina seems headstrong and independent. IMO, Damien was sublimating a lot of anger that he couldn't dominate her as he wanted to. I think he may be an abuser. She's MUCH better off without him.

I was pretty sure that Amber and Barnett would go through with the wedding. They seem pretty well matched to me. Whether it lasts is another story.

I don't think anyone believed that Jessica would say "I do" to Marc; not even Marc himself. She really fell for Barnett and should have left the show after he rejected her. Instead, she led Marc on just to keep herself in front of the cameras. Not cool.

Kelly is a fool. She had everything that makes for a good, lasting marriage in her relationship with Kenny: A partner who loves and respects her, great communication between them, both of them on good financial footing, seemingly wonderful parents and siblings on both sides who seemed to embrace the partner their child was choosing (it's tough to make a marriage last when in-laws are an issue.)  But, she wanted the "infatuation" that she had with a previous boyfriend. Yeah, that's important early on but that alone can't sustain a strong marriage when the other pieces are missing. She'll be hard pressed to find another relationship seemingly as strong as the one she and Kenny developed over the course of the show.

I figured that Lauren would ultimately go through with the wedding. I'm sure she would have preferred to have a longer engagement, but I think she would have ultimately come to the same decision. Side note: I LOVED her father! Actually, both of her parents seemed very genuine.  Something has seemed just a little "off" with Cameron, but I think it may just be discomfort in front of the cameras. I bet he's different when it's just the two of them. I think they might just make it. I hope so.

Lauren’s dad is so into family culture and black families being together , made. We wonder if the Divorce was his choice ? I’m sorry Amber and my dislike of her increased as the show went on. I agree that she got super lucky that someone is willing to take on her debt . Ugh just the pleading way she looked at him was pathetic . Ugh. I think she makes Barnett feel manly .

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I think the second season will be like other reality shows where people figure out the formula and do what they have to do to stay on camera- so i see people going on there and getting engaged to stay on show 

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Well, this show was a pleasant surprise because I was shocked by a few decisions at the weddings:

Shock number one: I didn’t think Gia and Damian would go through with it, but I thought she would say no and he would say yes. Good for him.

Shock number two: I thought Kelly and Kenny would both say yes. Although not super shocking in hindsight, but I just didn’t care. ZZZ....

Shock number three: I would have bet real money that Barnett, excuse me - Matt was going to say no. She is atrocious. Good luck to him with his unemployed, debt laden white trash bride......

Zero shock that Jessica and Mark didn’t get married. Her TH after the non-ceremony is the happiest and most coherent she has looked since day one in the pod.....

Which brings me to my favorite reality couple of all time: No way were they going to end on such a bummer, but I would have cried tears with Cameron if Lauren had said no. I love them! They are definitely Beauty and the Brains. I hope they stay together!

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Jessica starts by saying "today is my wedding day"  and talks about how happy she is to be marrying Mark.  At the altar she is grinning, practically LAUGHING, as she is asked if she will  marry him, before saying no.  

She knew she wasn't going to marry him, and I get that once engaged, they had to play along until the "wedding day".  But why act like she was so happy to be marrying him, and then changed her mind at the last second?  


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20 hours ago, tinkerbell said:

Jessica starts by saying "today is my wedding day"  and talks about how happy she is to be marrying Mark.  At the altar she is grinning, practically LAUGHING, as she is asked if she will  marry him, before saying no.  

She knew she wasn't going to marry him, and I get that once engaged, they had to play along until the "wedding day".  But why act like she was so happy to be marrying him, and then changed her mind at the last second?  


Yeah, she looked downright giddy. 

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2 hours ago, jabRI said:

I think it was all the wine and g&t's or whatever she was drinking to numb herself

I think she was just happy she had come to a final decision.  Her explanation afterwards was so sound and rational and unapologetic.  Yeah, mark was collateral damage, but she wasn't going to sacrifice herself.  

Secretly, I think that, somewhere under all that weird ass baby voice and desperate need for a man Jessica may be the badass Amber wishes she was. 

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