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S07.E14: Tell All Part 1

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The couples of 90 Day Fiancé meet for the first time in a dramatic Tell All showdown in New York City. Host Shaun Robinson gets answers to your burning questions as shocking reveals and juicy details are uncovered from this season.

Airs February 16, 2020.

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Geeze .. was dying to find out about Mike and Natalie and Angela, but have to wait until tomorrow?  Too much about the Russian guy Sasha and Tanya.  Boy, are they milking this.  Does anyone like “ Pillow Talk” ?   It’s just a repeat of the show we already saw.

Edited by Silver Bells
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6 minutes ago, Kangatush said:

I haven't watched yet, but I already have two comments.  I love that Angela is wearing bell bottoms and a crochet vest.  And since she has never, and will never, get a K1, I vote that we never have to see her again.  She doesn't need to be rewarded for her horrible behavior any more.


I read somewhere Angela and Darcy from Connecticut are the highest paid.

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I think if Mursel’s parents saw pictures of Anna, they’d have no trouble believing she was pregnant. 

After the last Tell All I posted here that if Angela was back for another season, I would boycott the show. Well, I lied. While I think it’s all fake, it just wouldn’t be a Tell All without Angela making a scene. First time, she argued with Michael, threw his ring on the table and stormed out. Last year she fought with Rebecca and Avery in the green room and left the studio. Looks like tomorrow’s finale will feature an even bigger blow up, but to quote Debbie, “I’m DONE!” (And I mean it this time, read my lips, no more Angela!) 

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1 hour ago, Silver Bells said:

I read somewhere Angela and Darcy from Connecticut are the highest paid.

So they get 2000 per episode where the others get 1850. No one gets paid that much, but Darcy and Angela do bring the drama and put all their issues on the table. They couldn't stick to a script if they tried. 

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I continue to dislike Tania but I felt a little sorry for Sasha. What Sister Emily was hearing was "Sasha is fat shaming Emily and forcing her to lose weight". What I heard was "Emily is feeling badly about herself and wants to get in shape and Sasha is trying to support her by helping." He replies to a lot of Reddit stuff and my opinion of him has warmed. 

I guess we'll have to wait for Mike and Natalie to bring the crazy. Rats.

And ho hum.   Angela gets into a fight at the Tell All. That's new... 

NAnny has become my surprise favorite. My husband, who has never seen the show, was passing through the room and when I said, "People think she's a gold digger", he paused and asked, "Well, was she promised gold?" I fully believe Robert promised her a bunch of shit and now he's bullying her out of wanting it. 

My favorite part was when Son Michael came onto the set and paused to shake Mursel's hand.

 @Suzywriter said in the live chat that she couldn't find any pictures online that proved Juliana is a legit model:

She is signed with PRM London, a legit agency (as in, you don't pay to sign up)  https://www.prm-agency.com/women-direct/juliana-custodio/portfolio/women-direct

Also with Modelwerk (Germany) https://www.modelwerk.de/page/model-5831/Juliana_Custodio.html

Catalog work for BooHoo: https://www.boohoo.com/maternity--2-pack-oversized-t-shirt/BZZ48399.html?color=144

She walked for several designers for London Fashion Week in 2017 and 2018. Some of the videos are still online. She's done print work for Elle and New Look, among others. It is possible to be a working model without everyone knowing your name. Many models do online and printwork for small-time designers and catalogues, or runways and salons for people who aren't household names. Models are often brought on for pretty faces at parties, conventions, etc (in a non-escort way). All of her modeling was done abroad and, from what I remember, she was only over there for 2 years (maybe 3 if you count Japan). It's not like we're looking at a complete lifetime of work that spans decades. There is enough mid-level modeling work (especially abroad) available that it's entirely possible to sustain your livelihood without raking in big bucks or becoming famous. Or to get regular work without making a lot of money. Sometimes the benefits (subsidized housing from the agency, comped travel and meals, clothing, etc) are a lot more enticing than the pay. As a child I made decent money (for a kid) for a few years just from doing catalogue work for Hills, Penneys, and Sears and for doing fashion shows for small boutiques in shopping malls. It can be steady, though exhausting, work. And who knows, maybe she got by by being a professional escort. I've known a few who followed that path and when asked what made them do it, "desperation" has almost always been the answer. Michael's kids seem to love her, and they seem to be pretty with it. It's hard to fake it with kids because they'll see through the bull shit pretty quickly. 





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Porn Star Grandma probably couldn't offer to 'open the door'  for Bryson after the fire because they're shooting too much porn at their house.

Angela and Michael doing it 38 times in 2 weeks is a lot of lube and Viagra.

Soulmates : A psychic told me my dogs were my soulmates so it could work alot of different ways.

The only time I liked Sasha was when he told Tania to calm down. 😅


Edited by Leilani
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Well that was relatively boring. A few things worthy of snark.

I actually liked what Max said about the couples learning each other's cultures and languages, but don't think those kids belonged there.

Tania is still an utter asshole and a total flake, but she did look clean and presentable. I don't see this marriage lasting.

I would listen to Sasha 's nutrition advice long before his sister in law's. She looks like she should heed it as well. But he should find himself some shirts that fit.

I think that Shaun might finally  be getting the hang of this gig. She fired off a couple of pretty good questions along with her frequent customary "wow". 

I still am bothered by and question the authenticity of the Anna and Morsel situation, and really do not believe it went down the way we were shown. And he desperately needs to get himself enrolled in an ESL class. Maybe David Poor has room in his class if he is still teaching it.

I too am liking NAnny more every time I see her. Could have done without Grandma Porn though.

Angela looked the best I've ever seen her. Lipstick on a pig, and all. Those makeup folks had their work cut out for them.

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7 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

Mursel and Anna - she could afford three surrogates or one surrogate for three babies? And now manchild Mursel? I did get a bit more of his story. Sure, anyone can regret a decision they made a day or two ago and of course he would do things differently now. Suuuuure. Inquiring hives want to know. He did luck out with the visa thing and coming back just before it expired.

I don't think she needed the surrogate for the first 3.  Probably needs a surrogate now.

The Tell All was boring but at least no one stormed off.  It actually seems that these people tolerate eachother and there isn't any ganging up on one cast member (ala Anfisa).  

I laughed on how TLC tried to edit the commercial to make us believe there was going to be controversy when it was really nothing (for example Sasha and Betsy and the comment about the degree and google).

We are almost in the home stretch people. I commend my fellow snarkers who have stuck around for this snoozefest season.  

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Not sure if I heard correctly cause I was only half watching, but did I hear anny say that she can’t have children? As someone who has dealt with infertility it can be totally triggering when someone asks about birth control or having kids. Still think porn star granny is crazy. 

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I was surprised at how nice Jasmine looked last night, elegant outfit, she actually seemed human.  Reminds me again just how much the editing really does matter.

Tania and Syngin, I give them two years, tops.  They argued before the marriage, they're arguing now, when most couples are in the honeymoon phase.  She takes zero responsibility for any of her bad behaviors, puts herself first always.  I think Syngin is here for the green card, once he has that on lockdown, he'll tell her to kick rocks.  I hope.

this season was a snooze, I am SO ready for the return of Darcy.

Edited by blubld43
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4 hours ago, Leilani said:

Porn Star Grandma probably couldn't offer to 'open the door'  for Bryson after the fire because they're shooting too much porn at their house.

Angela and Michael doing it 38 times in 2 weeks is a lot of lube and Viagra.

Soulmates : A psychic told me my dogs were my soulmates so it could work alot of different ways.

The only time I liked Sasha was when he told Tania to calm down. 😅


And LOT of closing your eyes and thinking of Halle Barry, Eva Green.....you pick, Michael!!!

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9 minutes ago, FrancescaFiore said:

Um.. where's her wedding "tattoo?" #Barnbaited


Its there.  Its not like a ring tattoo...its a little thing.  I forgot what she called it.  I enlarged the picture above and its very faint...so is his.  But its there.  When they remarry other people, a real ring will cover it right up.  lol

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Robert criticizes Tania for leaving Syngin alone for 30 days, she responds well I lived with him in South Africa earlier and you spent only 8 hours with Anny before bringing her here (touché) and he shuts her down with “are you judging me?”  He can judge, she can’t.  I was surprised that she instantly backed down.  Maybe in her woke world judging is the ultimate transgression.

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Angela flicking her cigarette butt into the street, disgusting!!!!!!! Who is going to clean that up Angela ? For real she is TRASH.

So much insecurity.  Emily suddenly thought she has short legs and the wrong shoes after she saw Juliana up close. Juliana is beautiful she radiates such a presence without even having a sense of it. 

Mursel does not know what the word surrogate means or what a surrogate does.

I hate Anna. Her poor kids. Still blaming them for not accepting Mursel. I am not crazy about Mursel either yet I was happy he got to see NYC not just the Midwest. 

Syngin is a star in the making I love him. She cray tho. 

Natalie is not okay. I think he sees it and is handling her with kid gloves.  Big Mike can do better right here in the USA. Ya think Bojangles believes in God? How’s THAT gonna go when she gets there is a demon living in her barn. 

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1 hour ago, lasandi said:

Its there.  Its not like a ring tattoo...its a little thing.  I forgot what she called it.  I enlarged the picture above and its very faint...so is his.  But its there.  When they remarry other people, a real ring will cover it right up.  lol

I blew it up and did a screen shot.  You're right.  It IS there, but in no way would make anyone else they meet see it is an "I'm married" symbol.  So she could still flirt with guys in bars in Costa Rica and elsewhere.


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2 hours ago, Zevious Zoquis said:

It was really quite shocking to see Robert actually laugh outright early on in the show.  I thought his face was a numb mask of dough. 

It was shocking, wasn't it?

Here he always looks so blank eyed and dull, I assumed he was a little slow on the uptake.

Doesn't he work at night driving Uber?  If so, after seeing an animated and enunciating Robert on the Tell Nothing, I've decided TLC probably filmed him after he'd been up all night working so he'd look like a dullard.  

4 hours ago, lizajane said:

Tania is still an utter asshole and a total flake, but she did look clean and presentable. I don't see this marriage lasting.

I would listen to Sasha 's nutrition advice long before his sister in law's. She looks like she should heed it as well. But he should find himself some shirts that fit.

First thing I said to Mini Persnickety when they showed Tania...

"Oh, holy shit, I think she actually showered and washed her hair!"  

Syngin always looks clean, and his hair always looks shiny and soft.  

Maybe Tania is starting to follow suit.  

1 hour ago, blubld43 said:

this season was a snooze, I am SO ready for the return of Darcy.

That drunken, blubbering, groveling, delusional woman brings me life with this franchise 😄 😄 😄 

Edited by Persnickety1
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This tell all was more watchable than previous ones. There were a couple of tougher questions asked this time around and that was nice for a change, and so was the fact that they didn’t try their hardest to pit everyone against each other on the set. Of course they have to do something next time to put Angela into full T-Rex mode, but I’m all for less petty bickering and more details.  Also the whole soul mate thing was beat to death, it’s such a juvenile argument. The bigger problem is that Tanya doesn’t know or care that her actions and things she says can hurt others. She could have told a white lie and said Syngin was her soul mate because he is the only person she is married to (for now) and it wouldn’t have made a difference to anyone. 

The host should have asked about the wedding instead. The real question on everyone’s mind is how much of a discount did Tanya get on the black draperies, candelabras, etc, left over from the Meatloaf music video “I would do anything for Love..” circa 1993, that she used as wedding decorations.

The more I see Murcel the more childlike he seems to me. He was clinging to Anna’s arm on that couch like a scared and confused three year old. He was totally lost as to what was going on the entire time. His face was the epitome of ignorance is bliss - everyone is laughing? I will laugh too. No matter how much time passes he doesn’t learn any more English. His English “examples” are the first phrases you learn in week one of a foreign language class. They probably don’t put him in an ESL class because he is probably too dumb for that. 

Did anyone notice Blake’s blue contacts? That is all I have about Blake/Jasmin.  

Emily - the best thing you can do when you have self esteem issues is to get with a guy that literally cares about nothing other than physical appearances. I hope Sasha gains 200 pounds. 

The whole “what did Mike do” thing will be nothing I bet. At least I hope so, otherwise it will ruin my opinion on the only person I don’t have a negative impression of in this season. 


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32 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

I blew it up and did a screen shot.  You're right.  It IS there, but in no way would make anyone else they meet see it is an "I'm married" symbol.  So she could still flirt with guys in bars in Costa Rica and elsewhere.


It looks like a smudge of dirt. In other words, it’s completely unremarkable on Tonya’s body.

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Those children should not have been there no matter how cute or precocious.

TLC - no filming of children next season please. I realize it’s mostly contrived drama, but still not the place for kids. I feel kinda bad for Anna’s ‘boys’.  

However out of all of them I think Anna and mursel’s marriage will likely last.  When the green card arrives he won’t even know what it is.  I think Anny, Syngyn, Jasmin, Sasha, etc. will be dust in the wind.

Nigerian Michael has earned his green card a thousand times over. Hope he makes it to America .







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1 hour ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

Ya think Bojangles believes in God? How’s THAT gonna go when she gets there is a demon living in her barn. 

He does have that gleam in his eye like Killer Bob from Twin Peaks.

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27 minutes ago, PinkFlamingo said:

This tell all was more watchable than previous ones. There were a couple of tougher questions asked this time around and that was nice for a change, and so was the fact that they didn’t try their hardest to pit everyone against each other on the set. Of course they have to do something next time to put Angela into full T-Rex mode, but I’m all for less petty bickering and more details.  Also the whole soul mate thing was beat to death, it’s such a juvenile argument. The bigger problem is that Tanya doesn’t know or care that her actions and things she says can hurt others. She could have told a white lie and said Syngin was her soul mate because he is the only person she is married to (for now) and it wouldn’t have made a difference to anyone. 

The host should have asked about the wedding instead. The real question on everyone’s mind is how much of a discount did Tanya get on the black draperies, candelabras, etc, left over from the Meatloaf music video “I would do anything for Love..” circa 1993, that she used as wedding decorations.

The more I see Murcel the more childlike he seems to me. He was clinging to Anna’s arm on that couch like a scared and confused three year old. He was totally lost as to what was going on the entire time. His face was the epitome of ignorance is bliss - everyone is laughing? I will laugh too. No matter how much time passes he doesn’t learn any more English. His English “examples” are the first phrases you learn in week one of a foreign language class. They probably don’t put him in an ESL class because he is probably too dumb for that. 

Did anyone notice Blake’s blue contacts? That is all I have about Blake/Jasmin.  

Emily - the best thing you can do when you have self esteem issues is to get with a guy that literally cares about nothing other than physical appearances. I hope Sasha gains 200 pounds. 

The whole “what did Mike do” thing will be nothing I bet. At least I hope so, otherwise it will ruin my opinion on the only person I don’t have a negative impression of in this season. 


I was cringing looking at Murcel holding onto Anna's arm.. I'm sorry, but there is just something wrong with him.. and Anna looked HUGE.  Either she's pregnant or just gained a lot of weight.. I'm not shaming (I have 10 lbs to lose) but OMG didn't anyone see that?  Emily also looks like she could be pregnant.  Still have the gay vibe with Blake (no problem with me, but admit it).  and NATALIE IS A BITCH..lol

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30 minutes ago, PinkFlamingo said:

Also the whole soul mate thing was beat to death,

It’s never been proven that souls exist, much less soulmates.  

31 minutes ago, PinkFlamingo said:

The real question on everyone’s mind is how much of a discount did Tanya get on the black draperies, candelabras, etc, left over from the Meatloaf music video “I would do anything for Love.

Meatloaf is a conservative so she must have got them from Bonnie Tyler’s Total Eclipse of the Heart video.

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People who want a spinoff :  

I would bet $100 that Michael, Sarah and Juliana are looking for their own spinoff.  What a mess.  Move on.  He’s a pig. Sarah is still messed up but maybe she was before they married.  Juliana is sitting on a bunch of bombshells about everybody.  The kids should be watching the Disney channel and not listening to strangers talk about how many times they had sex.  Protect the children.

back to potential spinoffs,
Anna & Morsel, showcasing her struggles with age and health related infertility as she worries whether Mursel will return to Turkey because she might not be able to give him a baby.  (Will she start a go fund me page? ) 

Robert & Anny, also struggling with infertility and all the extra kids whose baby mommas are probably wanting to revisit their child support settlements with Robert because of his seemingly new found wealth from the 90 Day franchise. (Who wouldn’t want more money?)

Uncle Bo, showcasing his reverse twist of a perspective on the 90 Day saga of Big Mike and Natalie.  (I hope you froze some of your eggs, Natalie)

Who I don’t want to see or have compensated any more:  Angela and her potty mouth.  Sasha and his tiny shirts.  Jasmin and her entitled pout.  Blake and his blue contacts.  To their credit, I learned more about Sasha, not enough to absolve him of guilt and I still don’t want him showing off his body on my tv screen.  Jasmin at least acted more human but then Blake had those stupid blue contacts so he ruined it for both of them.  Jasmin&blake are out too.  No more Michael-Sarah-Juliana.  No more Mike&Natalie.  I don’t care what mike did, all the suspense has ruined it and I hate them both.

question:  do you think some people purposely leave their story hanging so they have a story line for upcoming seasons?  


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12 hours ago, Silver Bells said:

I read somewhere Angela and Darcy from Connecticut are the highest paid.

I actually don't mind Angela that much.  lol Seriously, compared to some of the others....IDK.  She actually does make me laugh a lot.  Darcy just makes me feel sorry for her. She seems really out of it and desperate.  I don't get why she would be that valuable to the franchise. 

I can't believe that Angela had on barely any makeup last night. It helped, imo.  lol 

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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