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S18.04: The Ultimate Upcycle

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Guest mentor Karla Welch tasks the designers with dressing her client, Karlie Kloss; the designers must recycle donated clothing from a Goodwill store to create their looks, and they must be both resourceful and fast for this one-day challenge.

Original air date: 1/2/20

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Victoria just doesn’t like small people. Ok then. Isn’t she small? 

I guess it’s like other designers who don’t like size zeros. (Small people are more likely to be a size zero). 

Did this designing thing turn around 180and I didn’t notice? Le sigh. 

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If the editing monkeys hold true, we learned a lot about Victoria so far this week so things aren’t looking great for her.  But maybe they are going to mix things up this time?

Edited to add - I guess it was something different!  And the gasping reaction to Tyler saying “the Kushners” really cracked me up.

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Oh puhleez with the Kushner gasp.  Tyler needed to go home, but not for the comment.

I love Nancy, but that pink top is a mess. Why are the judges loving messy looks this season?

I know it's a failing of mine, but I really dislike the asymmetrical look paired with the hated cutout. but  overall it was the classiest of the three they picked.

Does anyone remember the challenge when the designers had to do horrible retired trends and both cutouts and asymmetry listed?

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So funny — I liked the pink top.  Not because it was pink (not my favorite), but I liked the pleating, and it was a lighter look, as one of the judges mentioned.  The denim skirt was innovative, but looked heavy.

Next week — group challenge!!!  Eeeeek.

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9 minutes ago, Thumper said:

LOL. I had to google that; I’m out of the loop!  I don’t think his outfit “fit” the Paris scene, but it was sort of “ladies who lunch” vibe and I’m not sure what he said was so awful.  Is Karlie trying to hide who she is married t

I read that Josh Kushner and Karlie are Democrats, so it kinda makes it a weird reaction on her part (meaning, Tyler's 'zinger' falls flat). You think she would have developed a better comeback (or any comeback) after 8 years.

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Not a surprise Tyler got the boot and I don’t think it was for that Kushner comment, his design was awful plus his attitude sucked. 
I guess I could see Karlie wearing Victoria’s design, it was the most classy out of the top three, and that’s not much of a compliment. Nancy’s was ok but I pictured it on an older woman. The denim design, no, not for Paris. 
The other two bottom designs were awful, those guys should have been booted too. 
Can’t wait for next week! 80’s and Cindy Lauper! 

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8 minutes ago, BusyOctober said:

I’m still watching...recorded so I can FF thru ads.  I just had to jump on here to say that was the neatest, cleanest, most organized Good Will store I have ever seen!  My guess is some PA’s and junior assistants to the PA’s were sent to a real Good Will to load up a truck with racks of stuff, then set up “the store” <<wink wink>> in some recently vacated retail space.  

I live in a small Midwest town and our Goodwill’s clothing section is nice like that.  Color-coordinated and very organized.  The rest of the store, however, looks like crap.

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4 minutes ago, Marmiarmo said:

I live in a small Midwest town and our Goodwill’s clothing section is nice like that.  Color-coordinated and very organized.  The rest of the store, however, looks like crap.

Ditto. I also live in a small Midwestern town and our Goodwill is the same. The clothing section is  neat, clean, color coordinated. But the other departments look like a pile of junk. 

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3 minutes ago, Nordly Beaumont said:

I don't think Victoria deserved her other top threes, but I'm not mad at her win. The JEANS tho! That was a horrible outfit! Top three? Don't get it. 

I like how polite Geoffrey is, apologizing for messing up the store and telling his model "it was nice to meet you." That reminds me, my mother hates when people say "Sure!" or "Uh huh" when they receive a thank you. She would love Christian, when he gets a thank you he always responds "You're welcome!"

I hate it when I thank people and they respond, "No problem!" (I'm talking about workers just doing their regular jobs). I guess it's better than completely silent transactions though...

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I really didn’t like any of the outfits but I guess Victoria’s was the best of the top three. I also liked the glittery top, I think that was Delvin’s. Why did so many pick jeans? It seemed like a jeans challenge.

I know Tyler probably meant the Kushner comment as a dig but I hate it when the judges act like someone can’t make a comment in their presence. His outfit was bad but I actually thought the enormous jeans pants were worse.

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Really didn't love any of the outfits, still too many designers to get to know them. Liked stylist a lot more than nutjob Marnie. Half the fun is the Mood trip and picking fabrics. So much asymmetry. Disappointed this week.

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That was entertaining but not in a good way. Tyler deserved to go home a few weeks back so this wasn’t a surprise. Not sure what to make of his Kushner comment and the subsequent reactions. I had no idea that Karlie was married to a Kushner but...ugh.

I didn’t like any of the top 3 outfits. I especially don’t understand their love for Nancy’s skirt. There were two “safe” outfits that I liked better. Overall, I was completely underwhelmed by everything that came down the runway.

Didn’t care for the impatient, dissatisfied tone from the judges tonight. They appear to be bored with the talent this season. IMO, the challenges are not showcasing the best of these designers: four episodes in and we’ve had a team challenge, Christmas decorations and a trip to Goodwill. And next week is another team challenge? Not thrilled.

Edited by Ellaria Sand
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8 minutes ago, Straycat80 said:

Ditto. I also live in a small Midwestern town and our Goodwill is the same. The clothing section is  neat, clean, color coordinated. But the other departments look like a pile of junk. 

It would be funny if we were in the same small Midwestern town!

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5 minutes ago, laprin said:

I think her reaction was based on his tone and intent and not because she is ashamed of her husband Anyone can easily google that. It’s also front and center on her wikipedia page. Tyler meant it as a dig. He knew it.Karlie knew it and by their expressions so did the other designers and judges, Even without the comment, I was over Tyler. He and Sergio are both cocky and dismissive of constructive feedback, but Sergio can somewhat back up his arrogance, Tyler not so much. 

Yes, that's why I think it was a lame insult on Tyler's part - it's not a secret. And I'm sure she's heard worse over the years. So I thought it was weird she just stammered a bit. The other thing to remember is if she'd wanted that edited out, I'm sure it would have been. So good on her for leaving it in bc I'm sure some will say that's what led to Tyler's elimination.

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5 minutes ago, BlackberryJam said:

When a judge says, “I wouldn’t wear your outfit anywhere,” it’s definitely an insulting clap back to say, “Not even to dinner with your in-laws who hate your guts?” Yikes. Just yikes. Did he think that was going to go over well?

Victoria’s was the best of a not so great lot. I love Nancy, but that wasn’t her best work. I need more Nancy on the runway.

I also like Dr. Couture, Delvin. He seems like he’s running as fast as he can from what he perceives as his trashy roots. He also apparently just likes working and being quiet with himself. I wasn’t fond of his look this time, but I like his personality. 

Chelsey’s jean jeans were a hideous monstrosity.


ETA: Maybe I misread, but I didn’t think Karlie as upset at being outed for having married a Kushner, but rather upset that Tyler was bringing up how much his family has very publicly expressed their loathing of her.

Ahh, okay.  My (minor) googling did not turn up the info that the family isn’t enamored of her. Thanks for the info.

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1 hour ago, Straycat80 said:

Somebody needs to tell Sergio he’s not the mentor, Christian is. 

But what if he dies and his knowledge were to disappear!? The horror!

28 minutes ago, Nordly Beaumont said:

I like how polite Geoffrey is, apologizing for messing up the store and telling his model "it was nice to meet you." That reminds me, my mother hates when people say "Sure!" or "Uh huh" when they receive a thank you. She would love Christian, when he gets a thank you he always responds "You're welcome!"

I really agree about "You're welcome" -- your mom is a wise woman. Thank you for pointing that out about Geoffrey. His personal style is a turn-off for me (I can't put my finger on it but it's something about the fact that he seems like he is headed to the club at all times), but I agree that his general demeanor is polite and respectful.

Regarding the Kushner jab--I'm not 100% sure Karlie's reaction as shown was actually a reaction to the comment. The way Tyler's comment was shown, it came across as bitchy and try-hard, so I'm not surprise by the designers' reactions. I loved that they were all cringing from second-hand embarrassment. Not sorry to see him go, although he was quite beautiful. Reminded me of a brunette Twiggy. 

I loved Nancy's look and would have preferred Chelsey's if it had a non-denim top. 

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I noticed some of the designers make and wear outfits to match their models designs for the runway show. I think they should just concentrate on the model designs only  because so far nothing being presented has been that great. 

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I am kind of baffled that the designer who created those first three looks also created what Victoria sent down the runway this week. Those first three looks had a hoochie mama vibe. This week’s was elegant and clever (although I think the shoulders are way too big). I almost wonder if it was a fluke.

Edited by hoodooznoodooz
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I was confused why Tyler kept going on and on about “East Coast, Cape Cod, oMartha’s Vineyard...” I barely know anything about fashion or models, but even I knew Karlie is from the suburbs of St. Louis! I know these contestants don’t have access to social media or Google while they are on the show, but wouldn’t you do a little recon/research on the host and judges before you got to the show?  

 I got a good evil chuckle out of Tyler’s dinner with the Kushner jab (it was oh so definitely meant as a jab).  I am a life long resident of Massachusetts, and spent just about every childhood and teen summer down the Cape and on the Vineyard. As an adult, my family has been going to coastal Maine for 2 weeks every August for 20 years.  In all my time in these summer places, none of us, nor any of  our neighbors, walk around in nautical garb or seersucker 24/7!  (Although, I do have a couple of vintage Lily Pulitzer sundresses that I practically live in, much to the shame and embarrassment of my 12 year old daughter).

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