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Episode Discussion II: The TFGH


Culture Check: How can we discuss a character's or actor's appearance without objectifying them? How can we express likes or dislikes and still respect an individual's humanity or be mindful that a character represents a person someone else might relate to or identify with?

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11 hours ago, driver18 said:

When Brooklyn made that HUGE, horrible blunder and Ned and Oliva were rightfully mad at her, I was disgusted by Michael's response. He just looked at her with his wry, Eeyore-dumb-face and said with a smile, 'It's OK, Brooklyn, everyone makes mistakes.' And I know that this was the show once again signalling what a gee, golly, swell, great guy that Michael Corinthos is, but my first legit thought was... wait, no, I actually said this aloud: "My God, he is *such* a terrible character!"

Because he is. That is NOT the freaking reaction that a real human being--who was recently the CEO of this supposedly major, multi-million-dollar company and is now only on "temporary" leave from--would have. It simply is not. No way, no how. Not at all. No, no, no!

The only time that Michael gets "angry" is when Nelle pulls some supposedly "evil" stunt. (Although, her "evil" stunts pale, for the most part, in comparison to what his beloved parents have done in the past on the regular and do often still.) Oh, yeah, and that one time he got mad at Morgan for like thirty seconds and Carly and Sonny for about five seconds because, oh, noes!, Sonny gone and went and shot his biological father--the one that SONNY STOLE HIM FROM!--to death.

Other than that, Michael is just so blah, so just.... ugh. "Everyone makes mistakes." Really?! Ugh, he's such a ridiculous, no-nothing nonsense joke of a character. That line, that moment, yeah, I think, it made me move the character into my 'Official Loathe' status joining his parents.

 I wrote this back in 2016 but never posted it. Strangely (or maybe proving the "talents" of the show runners),  not much has changed with regards to Michael and his ambition...

There is nothing unique nor special about Michael’s upbringing that would somehow warrant him to have superior, innovative business abilities above the millions of people out there, running businesses, unless he started breaking laws left and right. Now genetically, he might have the vain of sociopathy that runs on both sides of his family tree that enables him to read people (like Jason) and manipulate people (Carly), and not give a shit about feelings, which helps people, with no deserniable talents, make huge fortunes, over and over again, have. To pull from real life, he neither had to hustle from near poverty  like someone like (GirlBoss) or grew up in the business like Donald Trump and his children, who also went high ranking business schools.  Even the owner of the fancy resort I used to work at, worked as a pool boy when his father was in charge of hotel for a few summers. Michael never came up with new cutting edge technology like the founders of Facebook (albeit, MySpace came first), Google, and Apple Computers did in their youth. He never started his own successful companies and yes they are people 40 and younger where that is plural, and decided that he wanted to whip ELQ into similar shape. He seems to lacks the drive of both AJ and Tracy, who wanted to do well in business, the materialistic hunger of Carly and Sonny, Maxie’s genuine interest in her field or the high flying education that Ned probably received. He doesn’t come across as particular creative. While his childhood was shitty, it was affluent, sheltered kind where Carly made sure that kid!Michael had little to  no contact with the Qs to be schooled in the huge corporation that he could inherit one day or even Sonny’s business with Sonny’s vain attempt to protect him and his siblings.  He didn’t grow up poor. He didn’t work his way up through any type of company like Kate Howard (who also had an Ivy League education)did before FV got his hands on her. Until Michael was gifted the CEO position, he might have been able to “read” the other person, once, but not only did his entitled ass whine about being placed in a boring department into something more exciting, while the Harvard educated black guy fetched him coffee like a servant, he seemed to leave after a short time. It was just JFP/Guza, then FV/RC wanted Michael to be the special snowflake like stupid Jason and have everything come easily to him, just like Nina and this Crimson nonsense or Jason and his ability to kill people and not get caught. It isn’t even the natural part, he doesn’t even seem to going through any sort of learning curve, where even the most talented business people go through when they start a business. Unfortunely, it also makes Michael even duller than his dullard uncle Jason, since Jason kills and maims people.  Michael is also always presented as morally superior to everyone around him and completely justified in all of actions or words, even if they really are as petty as heck in reality. All of Michael’s challenges are external, and they have been for a long time, as he as presented as the second coming of Jasus. He never lost a girl to anyone, the show made him this genius business person and the CEO of a major, decades old corporation, even though he is still in his twenties and it is pretty much his first job with ELQ. He is probably the one person that Edward went easy on, while giving Tracy, Ned and AJ crap and forcing them to fight it out amongst themselves for his approval. Even his siblings Morgan and Kristina  struggled with their own behavioral shortcomings and insecurities.

Bottom part is new:

Say what you will about Brook Lynn and the stupid decisions that landed her with no music career for 5 years, but at least she was trying to move her career forward on her own and it is showing her struggle adjusting to a new life. For the sake of the character and the show, they should have been more subtle about BL's screw ups. Being an assistant or secretary at a major corporation (or even a smaller, busy one company) is a lot of work and you have to remember tons of shit and do everything a certain way. It is more than answering phones. That way if BL decided to revive L& B Records to get some vengeance on her asshole music producer, the audience wouldn't scoff at the idea of her doing so. 

Michael was pretty much handed the company and everyone talks about how awesome he is at his job.  I also want to say, I don't think he has the same love or reverence for ELQ as the rest of the Qs because he wasn't taught that by Carly, Sonny and Jason. The first and second generations of Qs might have been at odds with Edward and strike out their own, but it was alway hammered into them how important the company was to him and Lila didn't take it lightly either. 

But I guess BL couldn't get into random catfights with Lulu once a week. Neither of them have the finesse of Lucy Coe  to pull it off for those kinds of stints.

Edited by Ambrosefolly
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A couple of days ago in this forum I made a list of annoying characters. Miraculously today show managed to feature damn near every one in humongous doses. We got Carly Lulu Jason Lucy Valentin BrookLynn Spinelli plus Anna and Peter. So, writers, are we trying to increase viewers or run the remaining viewers away? What response were we suppose to have to today's ridiculous girl fight? The person responsible for these concepts should be demoted and rehabilitated. This stuff is bad and embarrassing to watch. Especially now when we're forced to exist in close quarters. How do we begin to explain any of these plots to uninitiated viewers who might be sharing a screen? It's not even laughable. 

Do better.


  • Love 7

Excuse me, there was a mention of my beloved Clint Buchanan from OLTL that was also a cute wink to my Clint/Kim ship and nobody told me?!?!

In other news...

Lulu (musing what to do about Brook's Facebook post): What about a good reporter?

Me: I guess you're gonna have to call one and ask them because you certainly can't be referring to yourself.

I dunno if it's the writing or how Emme Rylan is playing, but Lulu came off as such an insufferable bitch in these scenes.  And again, as a a horrible journalist, because as Maxie and Brook pointed out, conflicts of interest abound!

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Girl Reporter only writes stories that is about people she knows. Whether it be family, friends or foes.

Why doesn't she stick her nose into that whole shootout business that her mother, her cousins and her former father-in-law were in the middle of. She tried to get an interview with Brando for saving Carly's life, but of course she hasn't done any investigating reporting to see who targeted Sonny nor the connection to Cyrus and increase of drugs into Port Charles.

Her investigative skills are only limited to cyber stalking Brook Lynn's private Facebook page.


  • Love 5
17 hours ago, YaddaYadda said:
  19 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

For real. Chase walked in when Lulu threw a glass at BL. That should have gotten Lulu in cuffs, too. 

So ridiculous that she didn't get arrested.  She also started the fight.  And BL is a privileged, dumb brat for posting that video, but she's not wrong that Lulu is pathetic for trolling her FB page just to be able to bitch-talk her.  Go away, Girl Reporter.

It's not my imagination that they're totally chem testing/teasing a Chase/BL pairing, though, right?


  • Love 6
33 minutes ago, Cheyanne11 said:

So ridiculous that she didn't get arrested.  She also started the fight.  And BL is a privileged, dumb brat for posting that video, but she's not wrong that Lulu is pathetic for trolling her FB page just to be able to bitch-talk her.  Go away, Girl Reporter.

It's not my imagination that they're totally chem testing/teasing a Chase/BL pairing, though, right?


Oh, as soon as she hit Chase and he hauled her off, I said, "There ya go, it's happening."  I really like him with Willow.  I don't like BL, but she is more lively, so maybe it will end up being a good match.

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, sas616 said:

Oh, as soon as she hit Chase and he hauled her off, I said, "There ya go, it's happening."  I really like him with Willow.  I don't like BL, but she is more lively, so maybe it will end up being a good match.

UGH.  Chase is a genuinely good guy who does his job, behaves like an adult, loves and respects his g.f. He deserves so much better than that childish brat if he and Willow break up.  Jax being smitten with Carly and now Nina was/is bad enough. BL is more likely to want Dustin, to a) take him away from Lulu and b) get a guy she rejected before back, to fawn over her in her love of music.

  • Love 11

Oh, I think that’s happening either way.

The idea of Lulu and Brook continuing to fight, but now over Dustin, is just painful. Throw Joss into the mix and it’s completely cringeworthy.  But then again, I always think it’s thoughtful when the show dumps a bunch of characters I don’t care about into a single storyline. Ignoring them all becomes much more efficient.

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15 hours ago, sugarbaker design said:

Spinelli said Ally was as nocturnal as her namesake.  Who's Ally's namesake?



Well, I hope I didn't keep her up too late. Oh, not at all. My -- my little owl is as nocturnal as her namesake. She's actually reading a book that ellie wrote about polymers and textiles.

So I think Spinelli is referring to Georgie.  Georgie is as nocturnal as her namesake, the original Georgie, Maxie's sister.

  • Love 3

So I zoomed through last week’s episodes on about a couple of hours.


Like all that idiot Bratz Doll has to do was get Heinrik’s say so and “write” the article about the take over. When she didn’t even FUCKING write it, but just, what? Repost BrookLynn’s video on the Invader to pass as an article? And then call ELQ for a comment?! And same Bratz Doll has access to Brooklynn’s FaceBook page? It’s beyond stupid and lazy that she’s stalking BrookLynn. And for what? That whole going after Dante insulting and offensive idiocy was nearly a decade ago. And Brookieeee, is also another idiot. She posts the CONFIDENTIAL contract on social media anyway? Thinking NO ONE would leak it? Her ASS needs to be fired.

And so Amanda gets what’s supposed to be champagne thrown IN HER FACE, but Chloe’s Nelle just gets it in the neck? Alrighty then.

The less said about Sasha’s idiocy, the better. Even if Willow agrees to marry SLS, no judge will be stupid enough to believe it. And of course the baby stealer is swanning around threatening everyone that he better not find out they were involved in Wiley being switched. And OF COURSE that SHEBEAST is willing to break the law to make sure her Spawn gets custody. Her Mooby if a husband stole him from AJ illegally. It’s annoying because everyone is acting like Nelle is some serial killing psycho who has left a path of bodies in her wake. When that’s something MOOBY and Jason have done.

The only parts I enjoyed were Robert (of course!) and how Baby Wiley only smiled and laughed when Chloe was in the scenes. Otherwise, he had an expressionless face with Chad and the person who plays Sasha.

STFU, Jax. And I never thought I’d say that.

It’s ALL STOOPID! Like a supposed international magazine like Crimson is only run by TWO people. The scenes at ELQ I can buy because I’m assuming that was the CEO’s private offices and not the main.

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, dubbel zout said:

Michael needing to get married is a stupid plot point to put him and Willow together without him being a bad guy. Jasus forbid Michael ever have a negative emotion aimed at him. He is truly all that is good and holy. *rme so hard they go into someone else's head*

Good Grief. Like ONLY married folks make the BEST parents? And the mother must be an angel--all pure and good? Single parents are for shit? Whoever is writing this shit needs to be ripped a new one, along with HACK!FRANK!

  • Love 3

Peter:  “That’s awesome Georgie wants to be a doctor!”

Spinelli: “Well, yesterday she wanted to be a wallaby and the day before a rainbow so..” 


Oh my god Lulu is just absolutely insufferable.  I can not believe I am now Team Brooklyn after talking so much shit about her.  Valentin’s reactions to the fight were hilarious.


  • Love 9

I think that scene with Peter was the first time I felt for Spinelli. Torn between wanting to hate on Peter openly and unable to because it would lose him Maxie and oversight over her time with Georgie forever.

On 3/22/2020 at 1:05 PM, ciarra said:

Well, I hope I didn't keep her up too late. Oh, not at all. My -- my little owl is as nocturnal as her namesake. She's actually reading a book that ellie wrote about polymers and textiles.

I know that Georgie is supposed to have inherited her brains from Spinelli (even though its on the X chromosome), that made me roll my eyes so hard.

16 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

I think that scene with Peter was the first time I felt for Spinelli. Torn between wanting to hate on Peter openly and unable to because it would lose him Maxie and oversight over her time with Georgie forever.

I know that Georgie is supposed to have inherited her brains from Spinelli (even though its on the X chromosome), that made me roll my eyes so hard.

Originally Georgie was also a bit of a brain herself. So even if Maxie doesn't have the brains, her sister did. 

Still hate Spinelli and I hate that Anna is totally being thrown under the bus for stupid Jason and Spin. 

  • Love 4

It's a strange feeling to be grateful to GH for providing a sense of normalcy re: programming.

The good: Violet showing she hasn't forgotten her mommy/doesn't want Anna to replace her mommy. Lucas showing he is not okay by giving Elizabeth (and Feliz) attitude, and Elizabeth being worried about him. Elizabeth's sad eyes and cold shoulder when Nikolas tried to thank her.

The bad:  Britt slapping Nikolas in front of witnesses in the middle of the hospital when she's just been hesitantly re-instated.  I don't buy that all these years later Spencer would be crying on Britt's shoulder about how Father has broken my heart. Felix saying "Britch" twice in one scene. There's no purpose to him - has he even been on the show since the last Nurse's Ball?  Britt snarking "Nurse Perfect" at Elizabeth made me roll my eyes. She is reminding me of Carly. Anna beaming about Peter being in her home, and then telling Violet that Peter is family. Umm, Peter is not Violet's family until/unless Finn puts a ring on your finger, Anna dear.

The really bad: Sonny and Jason showing up at Curtis and Jordan's home, demanding to know if Cyrus has TJ. 




  • Love 7

I'm glad Britt is back. At least until her delight and adoration of Peter.  That breakfast was utterly revolting. Please let Franco be playing Peter because I don't think I can stand much more of St. Peter.

Did Sam get her top from Hookers R Us? Flesh-tone bra under that red lace really makes her boobs stand out. Also, you promised Molly that you would get TJ back and all  you've done is get Spinelli to hack his phone. Do Better.

What did Britt do to Elizabeth? Interfering on Nik's behalf when Britt had very valid points was too far. Very clumsy set-up to tease Nik/Liz.

I am so sick of Weepy Jordan that even though I hate the idea of Sonny and Jason getting TJ back, I'm ready for this story to end.

12 minutes ago, Bringonthedrama said:

I don't buy that all these years later Spencer would be crying on Britt's shoulder about how Father has broken my heart.

I buy it because they were so close in the past, and because who else is Spencer going to complain to?  Laura is Nik's mother and compromised, he's not so close to Kevin, and no one at his school know Nik. Also, Britt knows what it's like to have a crappy father, and she's got her own reason to be angry at Nik. The enemy of my enemy, so to speak.

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Without seeing all of today's episode (due to the local news providing their daily briefing that Everything is Still Fucking Awful, Yo), all I can say is: what in the name of hell was Sam wearing? Is a sheer top, titties out what passes as appropriate wear for early morning P.I. business? The dressier clothes and more artful hairstyles she's been sporting lately have been a big miss for me, and are the newest in the list of petty grievances I hold against the character. Put on a sweater and stop giving Curtis an eyefull, please.

In total contrast, little Violet's unicorn top with the hair braided down the sleeve was adorable. She's easily the best part of this whole awkward Anna/Peter/Finn mess. Give this girl her mom back, show.

  • Love 3
2 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

 Please let Franco be playing Peter because I don't think I can stand much more of St. Peter.

Did Sam get her top from Hookers R Us? 

What did Britt do to Elizabeth? Interfering on Nik's behalf when Britt had very valid points was too far. Very clumsy set-up to tease Nik/Liz.

I buy it because they were so close in the past, and because who else is Spencer going to complain to?   Also, Britt knows what it's like to have a crappy father, and she's got her own reason to be angry at Nik. The enemy of my enemy, so to speak.

1) I think Franco is suspicious of Peter, judging from their last exchange outside Kelly's after Britt left.

2) Thank you for the laugh! Really need it right now.🤣

3) Britt kept going on, when she had already said enough. She's not a parent, no matter how many times she claimed she really felt like Ben/Rocco's mother.  She just wanted to keep tearing Nikolas down and Elizabeth has way more history with Nikolas, including some empathy parent-to-parent. Britt always felt like she had a good/understandable reason for her own crimes. Nikolas causing Spencer a lot of pain is awful, but that doesn't make Britt's actions okay. 

4) Spencer could call Aunt Elizabeth. (He used to refer to her as Aunt Elizabeth.) She is a parent of three boys, one of whom is a teenager. She has told Nikolas that Spencer is justified in his anger, and she has loved Spencer as a nephew since he was a baby. Also, Elizabeth was in fact abandoned by her father and mother when she was about Spencer's age; she and her sister were sent to live with Grams.  Whereas Britt is essentially an emotionally immature teenager in a woman's body.  

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Jordan, Jordan, Jordan. Just because you did one thing for Cyrus doesn't me he's going to let TJ go. That's not how it works. That's not how any of this works! 

The stupidity she's showing is SO ANNOYING.

I liked the Britt/Franco scenes. It makes sense she would seek him out. I wish she'd stop apologizing for Liesl's actions, though. Those are all on Liesl.

I get that Elizabeth and Britt have a history, but Elizabeth should be cheering Britt's hatred of Nik for Spencer's sake. At least Elizabeth had second thoughts about it.

44 minutes ago, Bringonthedrama said:

The really bad: Sonny and Jason showing up at Curtis and Jordan's home, demanding to know if Cyrus has TJ. 

It kind of cracked me up (in a rueful way) that Curtis hadn't put two and two together before that. I know he wants to believe Jordan as much as possible, but sheesh.

No preview! I guess that's to give a bit more time to the local news.

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, statsgirl said:

Did Sam get her top from Hookers R Us? Flesh-tone bra under that red lace really makes her boobs stand out.

2 hours ago, Linny said:

all I can say is: what in the name of hell was Sam wearing? Is a sheer top, titties out what passes as appropriate wear for early morning P.I. business?

Krikey! I must be slipping. As a long time admirer of KMo's...assets...I didn't notice that. Must be getting old. 🤣

Loved "the Brittch is back" line, and I've totally missed the actress' crazy eyes, they're really kind of scary.

Guess St. Jasus and the Moobster will rescue TJ by the end of this week and Jordan will be singing their praises forevermore.


Edited by Winston Wolfe
52 minutes ago, Winston Wolfe said:

Guess St. Jasus and the Moobster will rescue TJ by the end of this week and Jordan will be singing their praises forevermore.

And atone for how wrong she was when she refused to work with Sonny when Curtis wanted her to.

2 hours ago, Bringonthedrama said:

4) Spencer could call Aunt Elizabeth. (He used to refer to her as Aunt Elizabeth.) She is a parent of three boys, one of whom is a teenager. She has told Nikolas that Spencer is justified in his anger, and she has loved Spencer as a nephew since he was a baby. Also, Elizabeth was in fact abandoned by her father and mother when she was about Spencer's age; she and her sister were sent to live with Grams.

I'd forgotten about Elizabeth. But as you said, she has three sons, one of whom has just been traumatized again, a husband and a fulltime job. She may care but she's not going to have a lot of time to talk to Spencer to help him process and get over his anger.

At least Spencer hasn't been talking to Uncle Sonny.

1 hour ago, YaddaYadda said:

March 23, 3020. 

Dear Diary,

Jordan is still an abysmal moron.

But a wonderful father!  He told Sam to make sure that Danny does his homework just before he slammed poor Moss.

3 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

Jordan, Jordan, Jordan. Just because you did one thing for Cyrus doesn't me he's going to let TJ go. That's not how it works. That's not how any of this works! 

The stupidity she's showing is SO ANNOYING.

She's worked for the DEA, she's collaborated with the WSB. Why in the world wouldn't she have contacted one of those agencies for help the minute she knew Cyrus had her son? 

And why didn't the writers foresee half the viewing audience asking this question and put in a line that would explain why she didn't? 

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, statsgirl said:

But a wonderful father!  He told Sam to make sure that Danny does his homework just before he slammed poor Moss.

Jordan, not Jason. But they're both abysmal characters, so yeah.

I liked Sam's hair and I appreciate that there seems to some effort in the past few episodes in trying to perhaps move her from the hobo clothes, but those pants and that top were terrible. 

I find wardrobe/hair/makeup to be really unfortunate most of the time. Honestly, I think the nurses and doctors in their scrubs look hella better than almost every other character.

  • Love 6

I must say, that charged little moment between Britt and nuNikolas when they first saw each other was...kinda hot.  Clearly that's not where things are going, but it made me wistful.

Too bad it had to take place in front of the hypocritical morality police.  Shut.  Up.  Liz.  Ditto.  You.  Felix.  Like, hate Britt all you want, but the moral smugness given their own track records is ridiculous.


Edited by TeeVee329
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I just saw the scene where Jason pushed the moss. That was funny. Lol he looked like he was thinking about how ridiculous it is, like we all do. Ha they should totally write in a scene where someone actually says something about it. But the people I could picture doing that would really have no reason to be in that kitchen. 

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Culture Check: How can we discuss a character's or actor's appearance without objectifying them? How can we express likes or dislikes and still respect an individual's humanity or be mindful that a character represents a person someone else might relate to or identify with?

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