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Episode Discussion II: The TFGH


Culture Check: How can we discuss a character's or actor's appearance without objectifying them? How can we express likes or dislikes and still respect an individual's humanity or be mindful that a character represents a person someone else might relate to or identify with?

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Today's episode seemed really boring. There wasn't any story I'm invested in, particularly now that Nina has lost.

Did we know before that the Quartermaines have horses and a stable?

"Does  that  mean you have experience in managing and grooming horses?" I got a vision of horses sitting at a desk and Cody coming in as a manager and giving them work assignments.

I went to a riding camp as a teen. There were CITs but I was one of the Stable Hands in Training.  Yes, those were the initials.

Ava seems to have lost her brain letting Esme stay. Nik has already lost his brain with the idea that if Spencer moves out that's the end of their relationship. Many kids get on better with their parents when they don't live in the same house.

No 19 year old should have $10,000 a week to blow. That's just bad parenting.

Nina gets in a cab and tells the driver to take her to the international terminal Does she carry her passport around with her all the time? Or does she think that being American she can go anywhere she wants?

2 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

So apparently Josh Kelly texted Frank and asked him how he wasn't on the show and Frank replied with a contract?

Oh, that explains sooo much.

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LOL at Ava's snark to Esmé: "I'm sure you'll find another family to terrorize; preferably not mine." And Ava sucking down her martini when she has to accept that Esmé will be sticking around Wyndemere. MW does a great job making business not look like business.

"Ava and Spence never have to find out." Nik actually believes Esmé will keep her side of the bargain. Oh, Nik, you stupid, stupid man.

3 minutes ago, Daisy said:

Carly and Dipsticks do not deserve to "win" on the front that they "made Nina run off."  - not going to say that was in Sonny's head either, but that's why im glad he stopped her.

No, they don't deserve to "win," but let Nina grieve in a way that's her choice. Let her go to Milan for a week or two, eat a lot of divine food, then return with squared shoulders and a renewed will to fight for access to stupid Wiley, i.e., appeal the damn opinion. You know Carly and the dolts are going to double down on their snotty treatment of Nina, so why not proactively get better emotionally prepared for it? 

I want Wiley to see Nina somewhere and run to her yelling, "Grandma! Here I am!" and Willow and Michael have to suck it up because it's in public and they don't want to make a scene.

Ugh, CD is back on Monday.

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9 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Nina gets in a cab and tells the driver to take her to the international terminal Does she carry her passport around with her all the time? Or does she think that being American she can go anywhere she wants?

she made at a stop at her office to get her passport because she forgot it. 

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8 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Nina gets in a cab and tells the driver to take her to the international terminal Does she carry her passport around with her all the time? Or does she think that being American she can go anywhere she wants?

She stopped by her office to pick up her passport. Then she realized she had lost her necklace, so the driver took her to the cemetery.

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4 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Ugh, CD is back on Monday.

this made me so sad

4 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

I want Wiley to see Nina somewhere and run to her yelling, "Grandma! Here I am!" and Willow and Michael have to suck it up because it's in public and they don't want to make a scene.

this made me happy. honestly i'm expecting a LOT of these. all this crap of "Wiley doesn't know you." when we see the kid DOES know her/love her is stupid

5 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

No, they don't deserve to "win," but let Nina grieve in a way that's her choice. Let her go to Milan for a week or two, eat a lot of divine food, then return with squared shoulders and a renewed will to fight for access to stupid Wiley, i.e., appeal the damn opinion. You know Carly and the dolts are going to double down on their snotty treatment of Nina, so why not proactively get better emotionally prepared for it? 

yeah i agree. but it felt like she was running away for good.  that's all. 
(but i guess i do agree with you too). LOL equally good points :)

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5 hours ago, YaddaYadda said:

the whole thing was intended as cute coming from Wylie since children his age don't really understand this stuff,

When my nephew was little he used to say he wanted to marry his mom.  We like to tease him about that now (he’s in high school). It was so cute though.

2 hours ago, CeChase said:

I think soap needs dirt.  But come on.  Ick. 

Yeah, I’m also pro smut on soaps.  But that’s a bit much even for me.

Sonny and Nina were sweet.  I’m still not used to typing that.

Trina looked so pretty today.  And Taggert is always a welcome addition to any episode.

I don’t care about this new guy friend of Dante at all.  I can’t even remember his name.

Edited by mostlylurking
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Part of me wants Nina to show up and the have Wylie  run to her but the dipsticks would probably have her arrested. There is nothing you can do to fight blind hate like that.

1 hour ago, Cheetara1986 said:

Im sorry to any fans of Rory, but boy that man is a snooze. Hes basically just abs, soda, and following the rules of the land. I need that fire

I liked Trina getting blushy over him when he left and Rory had potential when we first saw him but as a character right now he's pretty flat and boring. The chemistry is only being generated by her.

1 hour ago, YaddaYadda said:

So Cody moved out west to work with horses. Are they finally about to birth that mob storyline they've been hinting at for the past 100 years, or still no dice?

I think no dice. The mob story via Cyrus and Jennifer Smith was from the northwest. Cody moved out west to do stunt work with horses, a different world.

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12 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

I think no dice. The mob story via Cyrus and Jennifer Smith was from the northwest. Cody moved out west to do stunt work with horses, a different world.

ah, wild, not Pacific 

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58 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

I think no dice. The mob story via Cyrus and Jennifer Smith was from the northwest. Cody moved out west to do stunt work with horses, a different world.

OMG - I completely forgot about that story. Victor’s back now, they should really get back to it. I hate how they spread the best plots over what feels like years.

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On 6/1/2022 at 4:36 PM, dubbel zout said:

The problem with replacement shows is there is an enormous upfront cost to launch them, like $20 million. And there's no guarantee the show will be any kind of success.

That’s probably the one thing that keeps ABC at bay.  

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On 6/1/2022 at 8:08 PM, ciarra said:

I want Nina to refuse. 

Why did the test say "paternity" when it was Nina and Willow's DNA? 

Drew hangs out at the party, then shows up at the courthouse.  Where is a whack-a-mole hammer when I could really use one?

I’ll bet they milk this for awhile.  Carly doesn’t say anything until it’s too late, this denying Nina of her other daughter.  Although it would be logical for everyone to hate Carly, they k stead blame Nina, because of reason (bad writing).  All of this further enflaming the hatred between SheBeast (who will claim to be the victim) and Nina.

of course they will have Carly win, asl always.  With The whole town, except maybe Scott and Liesl, cheering her.

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On 6/2/2022 at 11:36 AM, 30 Helens said:

The set was always supposed to be a rooftop pool. I complained about this last summer, because I thought it was stupid to have walls up around the perimeter instead of guard rails that would let the patrons enjoy the presumably beautiful view. I know it’s a set and there is no view, but couldn’t they pretend with some painted backdrops or something?

My first impression of TempMichael was that he must have been given character continuity notes of “wooden cadence; maintains vacant look on face” and was following them very well. My second impression was that’s he’s still better than CD, and can stay. (Anyone know why Chad is out, and for how long?)

I saw that squicky Nik and Esme scene coming from miles away and should have run when I had the chance. <shudder>

Yes, he’s out for something COVID related for probably a week.  Sadly, this is not as long as forever.

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On 6/2/2022 at 11:58 AM, Daisy said:

Days Carly has actually known that Nina is Willow's mother and hasn't said anything: 2

We have temp Michael again. yay. The dipsticks are crowing how Nina can never stake claim to their family again. until the spawn is 18 dumbos

Michael and Willow. just shut up. "Nina saw the spawn under false pretences because we gave her a second chance" You only gave her a second chance because YOU WERE HAVING AN AFFAIR and you didn't want Chase to find out.

I am so tired of this crap. you poop on everyone and expect them to take it. Scott brings up facts that you know. Michael has done horrid things too and it's "Omg. that bitch."  Nina before the trial says "let's compromise" you say no, then you are like "how fake she is that she's crying  because she lost." 

And now after Willow finishes lambasting Nina, Carly decides it's great that she's not in their lives and hides the DNA results. Yes, Drew. she is doing the right thing. 

Michael: I'm a better business man than Sonny. 
Me: how? you're never at work!

It was night time when Nina was at the cemetery but it's daytime now at the park with the spawn and Joss? 

lmao Esme ran on the balcony naked. haaaahhaaaahhahahaa. the best thing about this is that you know when Ava finds out she will torch Nik's butt. 

what is he being arrested for? geeze.

lol Brad and Brit both want Bearded Wonder. Spinelli shut up. 

So Bearded Wonder is surprised that Dante is a cop, but they were childhood friends. And Dante wanted to be a cop because of Mr Ponetti since childhood. Come on show. 

CLQ - I sleep.  

Cam i love you. but you should lose Joss anyway

I want this kid to ask for Nina every day. come on. 

Carly lying to Drew.  "Nina has entitlement issues" How IS THIS WOMAN NOT DEAD FROM LIGHTNING STRIKES? the only thing Nina ever wanted was. 

A: to know where her kid was and 
B: see her grandkid. that's it. that's normal human wants

And Drew is a dipstick for not asking to see the results. Drew is just a dipstick period. 

I’m bummed they didn’t keep Avery Pohl in her underwear for the entire episode.  Oh well, it’s summer, and they brought back the pool.  Maybe a week of expositimary pool time in a bikini is in order for her.

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12 hours ago, Katy M said:

People also complain that every baby born is related to pretty much every other baby.  The way to solve this is new characters not related to anybody.

So another bit of cannon fodder, or alternately, a sycophant for the Corinthi.  

On 6/2/2022 at 4:19 PM, Kiki777 said:

If Esme’s mission was to break up Nik&Ava, why didn’t she do more to get caught while waiting outside?

She might be afraid of Ava shooting her, or throwing her off the balcony.

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7 hours ago, YaddaYadda said:

Calls Nina "mommy Nina," lie Avery calls Carly "mommy Carly."

Let's see how much Carly loves that!

My (former) brother in law had a daughter about the same age as mine.  He was divorced, and had split custody.  Most of his time with his daughter was making her watch ball games on tv with him.  When his daughter would come for sleepovers, I would take the girls out to a movie or something else fun if I had to watch them.

one day when I dropped her off, she said gleefully to her father, in front of me, that she wished I was her daddy.  His barely restrained fury was further enflamed because he didn’t like me that much anyway.  I literally did not know where to look.  I then got the hell out of there as fast as I could.

SO yes, played correctly, that would be just delicious.

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52 minutes ago, Suicidy said:

Yes, he’s out for something COVID related for probably a week.  Sadly, this is not as long as forever.

Sometimes it shocks me how much CD’s portrayal makes me dislike Michael. I think the character sucks but I think that of Carly too and can still recognize LW as talented. 

Why does Nik, who for many many months was fine with Spencer not living with him, suddenly feel like the world will end if he moves out? They make him dumber everyday. 

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"Being a birth parent is not a tiebreaker in a custody dispute, the Supreme Court of Canada said on Friday as it explained why it had granted full custody of a young child to his maternal grandmother instead of his father.

A lower-court judge had found that both the father, who lives in Alberta, and the grandmother, who lives on Prince Edward Island, were good, safe, loving parents with whom the boy, who is now eight years old, had strong bonds. The tiebreaker for that judge, PEI Supreme Court Justice Nancy Key, was that the grandmother would foster the boy’s relationship with his father, including by supporting trips out West for the boy to stay with him. The father, on the other hand, was reluctant to encourage a relationship with the grandmother, unless ordered to do so by the court."  https://www.theglobeandmail.com/canada/article-supreme-court-canada-child-custody-ruling/

This could be an interesting "ripped from the headlines".  Willow finds out that Carly hid the DNA info, Willow and Michael split up over it, Nina fights for full custody and court awards it to her since she is willing to let Wiley still see Michael and Michael is still treating Nina like the devil.

But who I am kidding, I am really sick of this Wiley storyline and hope it ends soon.

Esme is playing some long game I guess by not revealing herself to Ava. I guess she figures Nik is stupid enough to blow up his own marriage now.

Edited by Blackie
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Dante makes it sound like they were childhood friends but the story he and Cody tell sounds like they met at summer camp and were friends for a few weeks and then went their separate ways. Did I misunderstand?

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So I guess Cody and Dante have some dark, hidden secret that will find out sometime in 2025 that turns out to be a big nothing burger.  I'll mark my calendar!

I laughed a lot at the daggers Taggert was throwing at Rory.  Real Andrews played that great.

Maura was also excellent when she realized Esme would be staying at Wyndemere, too.

Not great?  Eden McCoy and playing those scenes with MB's son (already forgot the character's name) all smirky and like it was a big joke.  She really is the weakest link in the teen set.

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4 hours ago, CharethCutestory said:

Taggert in protective papa mode is a vibe. God I love Taggert. Portia and Trina dancing and squeeing in excitement was cute. Those scenes were a good juxtaposition to the utterly dysfunctional Cassadine household.

THIS to Infinity. I loved when Rory kind of said to Marcus, "you've got the problem, not me," and Portia had to gently hold Taggert back.

I get the vibe - yesterday I semi-jokingly told my God Daughter that if her BF ever made her unhappy, like Lt. Cmdr. Worf, I would happily "kill him where he stands." She got very quiet and I added - "just kidding, kind of."

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So apparently Josh Kelly texted Frank and asked him how he wasn't on the show and Frank replied with a contract?

Yeeeah...I like Kelly and I'm glad he's on a soap of mine again, but I didn't think it was cute when Cameron Mathison and Michael E. Knight told the same story either.

This backstory is also not the best (though I don't think he's mobular).  Couldn't Cody just be a rascally paramedic?

And why is Sam handing out jobs at the Q's?  Girl, just because you avail yourself of Monica's 24/7 daycare center doesn't give you that right.

Edited by TeeVee329
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1 hour ago, TeeVee329 said:

And why is Sam handing out jobs at the Q's?  Girl, just because you avail yourself of Monica's 24/7 daycare center doesn't give you that right.

She just wanted to help out a fellow nonsense-soap-opera-job-employee, you know, garbage scuba boat diver holding out her hand to a horse stuntman parachuter.

Edited by ulkis
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15 hours ago, Blackie said:

I guess [Esmé] figures Nik is stupid enough to blow up his own marriage now.

She's not wrong, LOL.

15 hours ago, Cheyanne11 said:

MB's son

I found his hair very distracting.

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On 6/2/2022 at 3:59 PM, dubbel zout said:

LOL that Esmé's underwear is white instead of, say, harlot red. Hee.

Willow, Nina has been begging to see Wiley since she found out he was her grandson. This isn't new behavior. Good grief.

Can't Nina appeal the ruling? She has a decent case for judicial prejudice, I'd think.

Yes, the judge pretty much said it was about Scott's handling, not the child's best interests.

19 hours ago, statsgirl said:

Part of me wants Nina to show up and the have Wylie  run to her but the dipsticks would probably have her arrested. There is nothing you can do to fight blind hate like that.

Nina did not get an order for visitation, but there is no restraining order.  But then watch Show and Carly treat it as if there is one. 

16 hours ago, Cheyanne11 said:

Not great?  Eden McCoy and playing those scenes with MB's son (already forgot the character's name) all smirky and like it was a big joke.  She really is the weakest link in the teen set.

Now they add nepotism to their sins?  LOL. 

I had to laugh when Sam said, "my kids spend a lot of time with their grandmother."  They sure do! 

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39 minutes ago, Kim0820 said:

Nina did not get an order for visitation, but there is no restraining order.  But then watch Show and Carly treat it as if there is one. 

Nina will be somewhere and Millow and Wiley will come strolling in and they'll usher the kid away and then get in Nina's face about staying away from them.  This scene will happen, it's just a matter of time.

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17 hours ago, DanaK said:

Dante makes it sound like they were childhood friends but the story he and Cody tell sounds like they met at summer camp and were friends for a few weeks and then went their separate ways. Did I misunderstand?

I  think I heard a line near the end of the conversation that indicated they met up at summer camp for several years  before they went their separate ways. But I wasn't paying 100% attention, so I could be wrong. 

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On 6/2/2022 at 3:06 PM, perkie1968 said:

From Wiki:  Punched Valentin Cassadine in the face [Nov 29, 2021; suspended from the P.C.P.D. for six months]

So it should be over by now.  

Maybe they got it confused with the length of time Nina kept Sonny tied up against his will. That was nine months, now six. This was six months, now…twelve, probably.

On 6/2/2022 at 3:14 PM, perkie1968 said:

While the actor didn’t go into any further detail regarding whether he tested positive for COVID or if it was just a scare and production was erring on the side of caution, it’s good to know he’s fine and will be back on set soon.

I wanted to give this post a fire reaction, as in “burn this place to the ground”, but I don’t think that’s what it means. 

Temp guy was really starting to pick up steam and I’m sorry to see him go. It was nice to see Michael have a reaction to something that wasn’t either pouting or scowling (conveyed with the same facial expression).

On 6/2/2022 at 3:58 PM, ulkis said:

Cody Bell together to me just sounds very made-up (which it is obviously but you know what I mean). 

Is Cody related to Katherine Bell? If so, maybe we can just toss him off the parapet in a few weeks.

22 hours ago, Winston Wolfe said:

A recast Lucky would have been perfect for Britt. He's been away far too long.

I agree, but I don’t think the show cares about repopulating the Spencers. Lucky has no Corinthos ties, so fully expendable.

22 hours ago, statsgirl said:

went to a riding camp as a teen. There were CITs but I was one of the Stable Hands in Training.  Yes, those were the initials.


17 hours ago, perkie1968 said:

From Marcus Coloma's Twitter:

Just curious, when we got the scripts we weren’t sure what the response would be, what did you guys think on the Nik/Esme scenes?

Oh, Marcus. You really don’t want to know.

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2 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

I agree, but I don’t think the show cares about repopulating the Spencers. Lucky has no Corinthos ties, so fully expendable.

Well, Carly is his cousin, Bobbie his aunt and Rocco his nephew,  so more connections than a stranger off the street but I actually agree with your point. 🙂 Spencers have been absorbed into the other clans, more or less. 

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On 5/21/2022 at 10:06 PM, Winston Wolfe said:

lso, did you see Mikey's patented "Boobies" face when Willow took off her top? He's gotta be doing that on purpose at this point just to troll us.

I didn't notice that  but I definitely thought the temp reccast did a perfectly good jjob.

r.  I'm several days behind so I have o say this::


eta:  Will someone please tell Ava and Nic that bats only come out at night, and don't fly around during the day?

Edited by One Tough Cookie
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31 minutes ago, One Tough Cookie said:

eta:  Will someone please tell Ava and Nic that bats only come out at night, and don't fly around during the day?

Actually bats do come out at dusk🦇...sometimes even late afternoon to scoop up all those tiny flying bugs.  At least where I live. But then again...I have no idea the time of day on GH they were talking.

Of course Wyndemere is a creepy place to begin with...and that story is so disgusting which is why I'm way more focused on the bats than Nik & Esme doing whatever it is they did.🤢

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Isn't the Ava/Nick pre-nup still in effect meaning Ava is now entitled to like 90% of the estate? If they insist on trashing a couple with so much long term potential then Ava better retain possession of that set. Er, I mean the Cassadine fortune. 

Add me to the chorus who would prefer Josh Kelly as Lucky. In my fanfic I will eventually finish, I was planning on putting him with Britt. Imagine Laura and Obrecht have to plan a wedding g shower together? So many fun possibilities. 

Edited by Grinaldi
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1 hour ago, RedRockRosie said:

Actually bats do come out at dusk🦇...sometimes even late afternoon to scoop up all those tiny flying bugs.  At least where I live. But then again...I have no idea the time of day on GH they were talking.

Nik said it was a bat so Ava goes and opens the balcony door and then LEAVES it open???  For the bats to fly inside?????

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5 hours ago, Grinaldi said:

Isn't the Ava/Nick pre-nup still in effect meaning Ava is now entitled to like 90% of the estate? If they insist on trashing a couple with so much long term potential then Ava better retain possession of that set. Er, I mean the Cassadine fortune. 

I thought they both had essentially ripped up the pre-nups after they had tried to get the other to cheat with Franco/Liz and then decided they were in love for real.

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On 6/4/2022 at 2:51 PM, 30 Helens said:

Maybe they got it confused with the length of time Nina kept Sonny tied up against his will. That was nine months, now six. This was six months, now…twelve, probably.

I wanted to give this post a fire reaction, as in “burn this place to the ground”, but I don’t think that’s what it means. 

Temp guy was really starting to pick up steam and I’m sorry to see him go. It was nice to see Michael have a reaction to something that wasn’t either pouting or scowling (conveyed with the same facial expression).

Is Cody related to Katherine Bell? If so, maybe we can just toss him off the parapet in a few weeks.

I agree, but I don’t think the show cares about repopulating the Spencers. Lucky has no Corinthos ties, so fully expendable.


Oh, Marcus. You really don’t want to know.

So is Marcus C. for or against this sex stuff with Esme? It’s almost like Kelly Thiebaud going to twitter and basically telling people she’s not into her current storyline. I’m assuming her single girl dating app storyline and/or potential hookup with Josh Kelly as Cody Bell?! These young actors aren’t liking what’s going on. As long, as the check clears just go along for the ride. LOL!!!!!

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"Someday, when you're ready, I'll be there." Finn showed up at the hospital despite Liz's clear wishes because he wanted to see her. Is it the show's intent to make him obsessive and creepy, or is this supposed to be romantic?

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7 minutes ago, LexieLily said:

Is it the show's intent to make him obsessive and creepy, or is this supposed to be romantic?

The vast majority of the male characters do this. A woman's desire is always to second to want the man wants and/or how it affects him. Look at Sonny: He's practically browbeating Nina into staying in Port Charles because he thinks that's how she should grieve. Never mind she doesn't want to constantly run into the dolts and their idiot child and get lambasted for having the nerve to be there first.

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Days that Carly knows that Nina is Willow's Mother and intentionally won't say anything: 3 

Ned done bought Leo a horse. Lucky Leo. (and now we have a new set, Q' Stables.  it's also a posh stable lol. Leo wants to talk offers. Do it Ned 

:(  Chad is back. sad.  Willow is graduating next week. the joys of Soap School. And again Willow, shut up. Nina did respect that you said no. Nina actually did everything you asked up until the point you two dipsticks decided you never wanted Wiley to know Nina AND basically said you two were going to poison him against her. that's when she fought back. but yeah. normal people would be a-okay with being cut out of their families life without any kind of quarrel and Nina is an outlier. Shut up cow. 

[and boy. they are sure laying down thick Willow is exhausted. here comes the Convenientitus] 

Willow: weaponizes Nina's past. 
Also Willow: how dare Nina weaponize Michael's past. 
Shut up you dipstick. 

Michael: Ned is only holding out because of Pride. so. Whatever
Me: No. YOU DIPSTICK, Ned - who has been CEO longer than you have, is saying that this doesn't BENEFIT THE COMPANY who takes the most risk from the merger. you and Drew for whatever reason who has the less capital, and less to lose, are acting like you have EVERY right to decide who takes over what positions after said merger (where theoretically it would be the OTHER WAY AROUND). And THEN you insult the man that he can't just be CEO and do what he is good at  - because he has "no media experience." when Sam gifted you the position you equally had no experience and never goes to work. 

lmao Michael: "Ned is taking throwing a tantrum so why should I take anything Ned says seriously."

Also Michael: throws a tantrum that Sonny didn't kill Nina, so once he crushes him, and Sonny knows that it was him then Sonny can be dead to Michael. [because Sonny NOT Killing Nina tumps Sonny ACTUALLY  stealing AJ's rights to Michael, and then murdering him in cold blood. Shut up you eternal dipstick]

Liz looks good - her hair still looks fried. I don't know. I think Becky always had great long hair but i am always partial to it because mine refuses to grow. haha. 

Portia: I have to go to work, i'm running late
Also Portia: Sure I can listen to Curtis whinge about his bad decisions. 

oh yah i forgot about the divorce  hasn't gone though. it's been like what a year. 

Marshall has schizophrenia. mercy me. 

Carly: I'm not that great of a friend 
truer words have never been spoken. 

Also also. if Drew lets Carly take stocks in Aurora to basically let her be in ELQ.... well i'd said he'd be deadtome - but he's already dead to me. 

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2 minutes ago, Daisy said:

Marshall has schizophrenia. mercy me. 

That was a bit unexpected as I was figuring manic depression or something like that. We’ll see if he ends up saying it’s a correct diagnosis or not

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I was expecting schizophrenia for Marshall. It's scarier to ordinary people, especially in the 70s when Marshall was diagnosed.

Finn, what part of "I asked you not to visit me?" did your "brilliant doctor" (per Chase) brain not understand?

Was that a Trivial Pursuit game behind Liz's shoulder?

LOL at that horse barn. Is it attached to the Quartermaine house? It's clear that the set designer has never been in a real horse barn.  JonathanSwift wrote in Gulliver's Travels that horses are not offended by the smell of their excrement but that doesn't apply to humans. There's a reason that there is straw on the floor to muck out.

DON'T GIVE THE HORSE SUGAR OLIVIA. Give him a carrot or half an apple.

Nice opening Valentin. But that box can hold either a helmet or a pair of boots but I doubt both.

Michael, what Ned is doing isn't being hysterical. What you do is .  And you're still doing it to Sonny and Nina. Like Carly, you never give up if you feel that you have a grudge. (Are there really viewers who think  that Michael's scorched earth policy is justified?)

Drew is an idiot. The end. (What a waste of CM.) I want Valentin to crush those two cretins under the heel of his shoe.

Good for you Curtis. Finally not violating Marshall's privacy.

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I love how just because they are in a stable, Ned and Olivia are dressed for the next hoedown. Also, it's the the weirdest stable ever—the stalls open to a break room–type space?!

Shut up, dolts. Both Willow and Michael are so unbearably hypocritical and smug. And deeply stupid.

Take off the hair shirt, Curtis. You had good reasons to feel the way you did. Portia was right: Marshall didn't give you any answers to your questions. Stop focusing on the past and work on the present and future.

And, given it was government shrinks who diagnosed him, I'd be leery of its accuracy. Get Kevin to test him and give an updated diagnosis.

Finn, back off and give Elizabeth the space she's been asking for. She hasn't broken up with you, she just wants to not have to devote mental energy to you right now.

Carly's dress was fantastic, if a teensy bit too large.

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7 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

(Are there really viewers who think  that Michael's scorched earth policy is justified?)

Sadly, there are! Just go on SoapCentral, Twitter, or GH's FB page! Nina is the devil you know, and Sonny sided w/her so he must go down. Go Michael! 🙄

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4 minutes ago, lala2 said:

Sadly, there are! Just go on SoapCentral, Twitter, or GH's FB page! Nina is the devil you know, and Sonny sided w/her so he must go down. Go Michael! 🙄

I don't see this as much on Twitter, but that could be because of who I follow (and who I don't follow), but Soap central and facebook - they are sideways over it.   I guess it has something to do with over-relating to the scorned wife.  Not that Carly was even scorned, but that's how they see it.  I don't know.   And it's vicious if you even say you like Nina.  Oh you LIKE women who have affairs with married men!  Well, this is a soap, it's not real, it's an escape.  I mean, I'm not rooting for marriages to break up in real life.  Geez. 

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3 minutes ago, CeChase said:

I don't see this as much on Twitter, but that could be because of who I follow (and who I don't follow), but Soap central and facebook - they are sideways over it.   I guess it has something to do with over-relating to the scorned wife.  Not that Carly was even scorned, but that's how they see it.  I don't know.   And it's vicious if you even say you like Nina.  Oh you LIKE women who have affairs with married men!  Well, this is a soap, it's not real, it's an escape.  I mean, I'm not rooting for marriages to break up in real life.  Geez. 

they are very pro Carly/Michael on reddit too. I keep getting screamed at at Twitter when I point out that while Nina was (dead ass) wrong in what she did, Nina apologized, took everyone's vitrol, and was prepared to go jail (for her NON CRIME) to atone for what she did to the family. 

the only time she baulks at any one of them is when they say she has no reason whatsoever to want to see her grandchild, that they'll poison him against her or she rightly points out that Carly kept HER child away from her [and would have done it again/constantly/and has no regrets]. like Nina legit can not win here. iif she lies down and takes it she's villianized. if she defends herself, she's villianized and yet Carly legit doing the same thing [again] is all sunshine and roses. (and MIchael is applauded because "nina sucks.") i mean. be team Carly/Dipstick if you want but at least call them out on the crap they are doing. (not you - the general you)

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