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Episode Discussion II: The TFGH


Culture Check: How can we discuss a character's or actor's appearance without objectifying them? How can we express likes or dislikes and still respect an individual's humanity or be mindful that a character represents a person someone else might relate to or identify with?

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If they were interested in actually writing for  Michael as an independent character, they could bring up the parallels between his upbringing and Wiley’s and why he was unsure of how to handle this. He was raised by 2 parents who hated his biological father and likely gave Michael a biased opinion of him. He was also mostly kept away from the Qs outside of Jason and Emily aside from the bigger moments until he was an adult. 

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2 hours ago, statsgirl said:

Michael talked about it like they are putting Wylie into therapy because his birth mother is so terrible, when really the problem was taking him away from Lucas.

In reality, for a 2 year old, the actual interactions between child and therapist is minimal because the child had so little autonomy. Most of the therapy is with the parents and the extended family. In this case, the majority of the time would be spent with Michael and Willow. The psychologist may see Nina separately to help her stop talking to Wylie about Nelle in a way that might upset Wylie. Carly, Nina and possibly Joss would be invited in to a larger family session because they would also be seeing Wylie. Carly and Joss would probably be told to stop poisoning Wylie against Nelle to prevent screwing Wylie up.

I'd also hope that the psychologist would have something to say about the effect on Wylie tearing him away from his primary caregiver Lucas so suddenly.

As everyone there was hostile to Nelle. There wasn't a single person who offered to help her understand or addressed her concerns.

Monica threw a bunch of medical journal articles at Nelle, articles which the public don't have access to because they would not be able to understand them. Nelle was a difficult person but that doesn't give Monica the right to repeatedly violate her medical oath when interacting with her.

Nelle wasn't given time to do any research on this elective procedure, everyone insisted that she sign the papers RIGHT NOW or she's a negligent parent. She deserved to have a medical professional explain the procedure to her before she agreed to have her son cut open.

The thing with Nelle is that she was a lot more polarizing that I think FV anticipated. He really thought she would be "a love to hate," with somehow Michael side being the root-able one. Nelle instead uncovered uncomfortable truths about Michael's character, especially in their last scenes together: "You never do anything, but everything always gets done for you, doesn't it"

Michael side isn't good and Wiley isn't much better off with his family.

Edited by Ambrosefolly
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11 hours ago, Ambrosefolly said:

Michael side isn't good and Wiley isn't much better off with his family.

Not even with Willow who seems to have a lot of unresolved issues over the loss of her own child and has glommed on to Wylie. I'm almost expecting her to start dressing Wylie in clothes ro match hers.

The problem with the show these days is that too many characters are written as black without nuance (e.g. Cyrus, Nelle) while others are written as white even though they are a mob hitman, kidnapping sick old ladies, rigged an election, or is in his thirties and still given everything on a silver platter.

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okay. i love Monica and all. but does she have any experience being on the business end of running a hospital? I know she was chief of staff but that's like not the same thing. 

Who is this Terri chick?

I don't know if i am supposed be all ecstatic that Bobbie (who is okay with stealing people from their primary caregivers/facilities)  got her job back. (i'm not) 

Im so over Willow and Micheal. Chase gave you an out. you refused to take it. all your "suffering" doesn't compare to what Chase went through and you could end it easily. so go kick rocks.

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20 hours ago, Ambrosefolly said:

Maybe Nelle was being too stubborn with her own distrust of Michael and his family, but she did have some valid points. 

Carly, again, locked someone on a freezing roof top to get what she wanted and got away with it, again. 

Yes, the stubborn was what really stood out to me.  I don't doubt that she had genuine concerns about the surgery because of projecting about her own childhood trauma, but her attitude (in my opinion) was "I don't trust anything Michael says or does about Wiley because he's Michael who I loathe now because he wants to be Wiley's custodial parent but rejected me. And I don't trust anyone connected to Michael either." She didn't have any concerns about Michael being an unsafe parent'; when she handed newborn Wiley over to Brad she told him why she wasn't doing it and said not one word about the Mob.

20 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

I’ll take your word for that because I don’t remember how Britt got the embryo. I thought it was Obrecht who gave it to her in order to help her trap Patrick, but was unaware that it was Lulu’s.

 she has become one of his biggest apologists, calling him a wonderful person and waxing poetic about how he keeps Port Charles safe, as if he’s the King of the City. It’s gross. Because she is ignoring the many lives he’s destroyed and outright murders they’ve both committed. But hey, he’s a good guy, right? 


Obrecht implanted the embryo in Britt. KT's acting would show that Britt would get nervous/uncomfortable around Nik's sister, Lulu.  Britt (once caught) told Nikolas that at the time Maxie was giving Lulu and Dante a baby; the stolen embryo wasn't supposed to be ever be an issue. Then after the baby Georgie secret blew up, Dante and Lulu had an appointment with Britt about trying again for a baby. Britt used her.... ultrasound machine?...and said sorry Lulu, there are no eggs (or maybe it was viable eggs?) for you to have a child. At that point, Lulu was completely devastated.

In this hospital setting, Laura's feelings about Sonny are irrelevant to me. Sonny is not on the board and he is not a healthcare worker, so he is not someone who there's constantly to "taint" the hospital's professionalism. Both Britt and Dr. O's criminal history is a matter of public record.  

Laura's feelings about, Sonny are a negative thing to me, but I understand that it's not a simple situation - he has a history with her entire family, his son married her daughter and they a grandson in common, and his wife is Lulu (and Lucky's) cousin. Because of Rocco and the relationship Lulu and Dante have had, I don't see Laura ever forsaking Sonny.

19 hours ago, mostlylurking said:

Cyrus is scum, but he’s no worse than Sonny, whom everyone defends and respects. I would respect these characters so much more if they would at least acknowledge their hypocrisy, like if someone said “I know what Monica and Bobbie did was wrong but you know what I’ve known them forever and I still love them.” Something like that. But just the blatant disregard and judging has really gotten extreme. 

He's no worse than Sonny, but Sonny's crimes did not go through the hospital and Sonny has not taken any doctors or doctors' kids hostage (as far as I know). That's the difference IMO.  My assumption is that Laura knows that the two incidents we know involving Bobbie weren't legal/were ethics violations, but feels that her decades of dedicated patient care make her valuable to the hospital (since GH didn't end up facing consequences from Bobbie's, or Monica's, actions).  Britt's actions, on the other hand, caused Lulu, a patient, to lose out on being a mother during the first months of Rocco's.  Britt's reaction was to feel sorry for herself when she "lost Ben." 

19 hours ago, driver18 said:

(A) Again, Nelle did NOT have time to do research. Yes, Monica handed her some papers. Medical research that Nelle wouldn't be able to understand in (a) her distraught state over her child, (b) with everyone around her harping on her to DO IT! DO IT NOW! even though she -- and the audience -- we're told repeatedly was ELECTIVE surgery, 

(B) Nelle only decided that AFTER Monica brushed away her questions and concerns as if they didn't matter. Monica can (and should) despise Nelle all she wants, but Nelle is Wiley's mother and should have been given the same full, comforting information that his other parent received. 

(C) Nelle was not hostile from the moment she arrived. Nelle was frantic, worried about Wiley. She was asking questions about the need for surgery on her toddler son... JUST LIKE MICHAEL. And instead of getting understanding for her concern as Michael did and a full explanation, she was told to not be difficult, to just sign the consent form. In fact, I think she was basically just told she had to sign the consent form for this major surgery as soon as arrived with no explanation given to start with.

I think we have different interpretations of Nelle's behavior, and possibly the writing. I don't see Nelle as a regular distraught mother. She spent minimal time with Wiley, and knows pretty much nothing about health concerns involving him. Michael probably overreacted about Wiley's breathing, because it had to do with genetics of his own DNA which tends to bring with it guilt and fear as a parent. So while I understand it didn't have to be done NOW, it makes sense that Michael feeling scared for Wiley would motivate him to push for the surgery.  Nelle IMO acted like Michael wanted the surgery for Wiley to show that he's the decision maker in Wiley's life, and so in reaction she was like "oh hell no you aren't, I'm HIS MOTHER and I've had major surgery in the past and I'll be damned if Wiley goes through what I've gone through all my life." It came off to me like projecting all of her anger and pain about her father putting her through for the stolen kidney, onto Michael.  Her past was not at all comparable to Wiley's. 

Nelle was hostile about Willow and Sasha being at the hospital when she walked in, with her "MOTHER" comment. This is after she had taunted and assaulted Willow, left Michael for dead in a car and then lied to Michael that Wiley was dead in order to stick it to him for not wanting her as well as to make the decision about who got to raise "my son," etc.  Since what she and Brad did wasn't a legal adoption, she got to play the victim and claim she wanted her son and what was best for him.  To me, it's understandable that everyone connected to Wiley didn't  think addressing Nelle's concerns, and giving her comfort, was important - she was a real, loving, invested mother in any sense of the word. 

In fact, Nelle's words to Martin drove home to me the reality that Wiley was, for the most part, a weapon to use against Michael. She wanted the nurses to see what a devoted mother she was by visiting the hospital often, and complained that they weren't grateful she brought them treats.  She told him it showed she was invested in "the kid." He told her not to refer to Wiley as "the kid" when they were in court. 

13 hours ago, Daisy said:

 Monica and everyone were acting like they had zero time for Nelle at all and she was horrible for even thinking about questioning having a surgery.  No one at any point talked to Nelle in a reasonable, calm and collected (and not irritated tone) about everything that was happening and why this was the right choice. As much as I hate Gray's Anatomy, they at least do that with people. Explain why they have to do the things they do. Just snapping "he needs it." isn't good enough. 

They all had reasons to be irritated. She already put on a show for the hospital staff when she brought a deceased infant to the hospital, crying that her son didn't make it, after she had handed her baby to a friend at the side of the road for "sakekeeping."  Why would they trust her judgement or take her words of concern seriously now?  Again, this is not a regular concerned, devoted mother being distraught about his health. She's a sociopath. 

And I say all this as someone who would like to see both Michael and his mother gone forever because i can't stand them.  Speaking of Carly, of course it was wrong for her to lock anyone on a roof during the winter. But I also don't expect Nelle's victims, especially Willow, to feel bad for Nelle that Carly did it. 


Edited by Bringonthedrama
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21 minutes ago, Bringonthedrama said:

They all had reasons to be irritated. She already put on a show for the hospital staff when she brought a deceased infant to the hospital, crying that her son didn't make it, after she had handed her baby to a friend at the side of the road for "sakekeeping."  Why would they trust her judgement or take her words of concern seriously now?  Again, this is not a regular concerned, devoted mother being distraught about his health. She's a sociopath. 

I guess to me that doesn't matter at that moment. Their job is to ensure the best medical care for their patient, and if caregiver doesn't understand, even if you hate them - you swallow your spit, and make them understand in a calm, caring way, so they can make the best decision for the patient. 

Yeah Nelle was projecting all of her anger/fear and what not of surgery onto Wiley just like Micheal was projecting his health issues onto Wiley as well. Like I said. Micheal/Monica went through it so they might have over-reacted, and Nelle has a traumatic surgical history and she was projecting that on the kid too (which is A: Monica shouldn't even be involved in this - but B: take a breath and realize that's where they are coming from, talk them down, explain it to the person as if they were two as they say, and then if Said person is armed with all the information in a calm/reasonable manner and still act like that then you have a leg to stand on). 

like i said i don't really have a horse in the Nelle race here because I didn't really experience any of her storylines - but just based on the clips i've seen - to me personally, she didn't look/act like she was putting Wiley's health in jeopardy because she wanted to 1up Micheal, i saw a person who had bad medical experiences, and didn't want to put a baby through that which from her perspective was an elective procedure that didn't have to be done while he was a baby. No one took the time (again from the clips i've seen) to sit her down and walk through it with her from her point of view of how it would be the best course of action. They treated her like she should have known everything they were saying, and she was being obstinate for obstinate's sake. 

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27 minutes ago, Daisy said:

I guess to me that doesn't matter at that moment. Their job is to ensure the best medical care for their patient, and if caregiver doesn't understand, even if you hate them - you swallow your spit, and make them understand in a calm, caring way, so they can make the best decision for the patient. 

Yeah Nelle was projecting all of her anger/fear and what not of surgery onto Wiley just like Micheal was projecting his health issues onto Wiley as well. Like I said. Micheal/Monica went through it so they might have over-reacted, and Nelle has a traumatic surgical history and she was projecting that on the kid too (which is A: Monica shouldn't even be involved in this - but B: take a breath and realize that's where they are coming from, talk them down, explain it to the person as if they were two as they say, and then if Said person is armed with all the information in a calm/reasonable manner and still act like that then you have a leg to stand on). 

like i said i don't really have a horse in the Nelle race here because I didn't really experience any of her storylines - but just based on the clips i've seen - to me personally, she didn't look/act like she was putting Wiley's health in jeopardy because she wanted to 1up Micheal, i saw a person who had bad medical experiences, and didn't want to put a baby through that which from her perspective was an elective procedure that didn't have to be done while he was a baby. No one took the time (again from the clips i've seen) to sit her down and walk through it with her from her point of view of how it would be the best course of action. They treated her like she should have known everything they were saying, and she was being obstinate for obstinate's sake. 

I did watch most of the Nelle stuff live and IA with you on that scene in particular even though she was far from my favorite character. When it originally aired, I recall the online viewer reaction being split in 2- those who favorite characters were feuding with Nelle didn’t see the issue and everyone else thought it was appalling.

I definitely do think that as viewers we were not supposed to side with Nelle at all but they made it hard not to because they made it so obvious that she wasn’t in the wrong by asking questions once she related it to her own history and that it was an elective surgery, not an emergency. However, I tend to find CarSon and crew insufferable in general so their actions weren’t surprising to me. It was the peripheral characters involved- Chase pretending he didn’t see anything as well as Monica, that made it hard to watch. 

Edited by ffwbe
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1 hour ago, Daisy said:

Who is this Terri chick?

From GH fandom wiki:

Terry Randolph.  She is the oldest childhood friend of Elizabeth Webber, nicknamed her "Biz", before she had transitioned (she was born a boy and was friends with Elizabeth before she transitioned).


Show made a big deal about having a trans actor/ess, then promptly forgot about the character, other than being Oscar's doctor when he was dying.

Edited by ciarra
added full name of character
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1 hour ago, ciarra said:


Terry Randolph.  She is the oldest childhood friend of Elizabeth Webber, nicknamed her "Biz", before she had transitioned (she was born a boy and was friends with Elizabeth before she transitioned).


Show made a big deal about having a trans actor/ess, then promptly forgot about the character, other than being Oscar's doctor when he was dying.

Ok so Teri coming out as transgender must have happened during the four months or so I stopped watching the show during my move. HOW did I not know she was transgender??  Was it an actual story or just sort of a comment in passing?  I had no idea. 

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44 minutes ago, mostlylurking said:

Ok so Teri coming out as transgender must have happened during the four months or so I stopped watching the show during my move. HOW did I not know she was transgender??  Was it an actual story or just sort of a comment in passing?  I had no idea. 

No, you didn't miss it.  One day transgender Teri appeared on the Show as an oncologist (never before even mentioned in all the years that Elizabeth has been on the show, that I recall). We found out from Elizabeth and Teri's friends reunited conversation(s) that Teri used to be a guy friend when they were kids, and transitioned at some point in life. Teri started on this Show at the same time or maybe just before, Cameron was SORASed to a teenager with black hair (WL replaced him as Cam after like 2 episodes). The only time I can recall Teri's trans status being any kind of focus was in relating the story of the death of a young trans friend, when expressing empathy to Cam over losing his friend Dev.  

When the show wants Elizabeth to have a friend on screen not named Nikolas, or when an oncologist is needed for storylines like Oscar or Franco's tumor, Teri gets moments of air time. 

Edited by Bringonthedrama
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4 hours ago, Bringonthedrama said:

{A} She spent minimal time with Wiley [...] She wanted the nurses to see what a devoted mother she was by visiting the hospital often [...] She told him it showed she was invested in "the kid."

{B} This is after she had [...] assaulted Willow

{A} I'm sorry, but Nelle spent minimal time with Wiley because that is all that Michael would allow her. When she went to visit him the first time. Michael made sure that Chase -- (a) a police officer, and (b) one already very biased against Nelle -- was standing around hovering over her.  Second, well, you can't really have it both ways. So, she didn't spend time with Wiley AND she visited the hospital often.

So what if she called him "the kid." That's probably what Frank called her all the time.

It's like Nelle can't win for trying. While in prison she made her vision board that included her child. When she got out of prison and was free, every single plan she made for her future included her child. She did everything by the book, got a job, did the court appointed visits -- which Michael didn't play fair, talked to Nina about her dream of having a home for her child with a porch and tree for swing and was working on buying that home. Literally everything she did (even the bad stuff -- getting the passports, etc.), again, included her child. She never, ever forgot Wiley. He was her main drive, heck, her only drive for everything she did.

Including {B} She so did not assault Willow. Willow and Nelle were fighting each other. The two of them fought together. At the same time. Nelle fought with Willow. Willow fought with Nelle. Willow hit, attacked, threw things, hit at Nelle with things just as Nelle did the same to her. The only difference is that in the end, Nelle got the last lick in. It was not Nelle just attacking her. And it was not as if Nelle went there to attack Willow. Willow went after Nelle physically first. Both of them were doing the exact same thing in the fight: Trying to protect/be with their child. Willow thought that Wiley was hers at the time and so she was trying to keep him from Nelle and thus was fighting with all of her might. Nelle knew that Wiley was hers and Willow physically attacked Nelle to keep Nelle from *her* child and so Nelle was fighting with all of her might to stop her so she could get to be her child.

So many make it black and white as if Nelle went there to attack Willow and Willow just stood there and Nelle knocked her out. That is NOT what happened. It was a fair fight, Willow gave as good as she got, Nelle just got the last knock in. Both were fighting for the love of their child. The reason that Nelle "got away with it" is because both had bruises, marks, etc. from a physical altercation shared between both women and it was a she said/she said situation. Neither could prove that the other started it. Willow had literally no proof that Nelle did what Willow said she did.

And the truth is that Willow was--despite the fact that she didn't know it--keeping Nelle from her child. If the situation was reversed and Nelle was watching Wiley at that point at Brad's and Willow had come and done the exact same thing as Nelle did, most wouldn't be saying that Willow got away with anything. Instead it would be that Nelle was evil and wrong for keeping Wiley from Willow. And I'd disagree with that too. I'd feel the same as I do now that both were justified. Willow would have been just as justified as Nelle was, and Nelle would have been just as justified as Willow was in fighting back. Because both women were fighting for a child they loved and believed/knew was theirs.

Bottom-line, if Nelle assaulted Willow, then Willow assaulted Nelle and she started it. Nelle was defending herself. Regardless, in that fight between Willow and Nelle, I'm on both their sides. I get where both were coming from. Both were completely justified and both were right. They were both mothers fighting to protect/be with their child.

Phew! Wah! I just want Nelle back now... and for the writers to retcon the stupid Zach (dead fiance thing) to not have really happened. (I mean , come on, she confessed to that under duress!) Give me some Nina/Nelle/Liesl/Britt/Maxie scenes! Let's see how Michael/Carly,et al. deal with Nelle when she actually has family and resources behind her. Hah!

Edited by driver18
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10 minutes ago, driver18 said:

{A} I'm sorry, but Nelle spent minimal time with Wiley because that is all that Michael would allow her. When she went to visit him the first time. Michael made sure that Chase -- (a) a police officer,

So what if she called him "the kid." That's probably what Frank called her all the time.

She never, ever forgot Wiley. He was her main drive, heck, her only drive for everything she did.

Including {B} She so did not assault Willow. Willow and Nelle were fighting each other.  Willow thought that Wiley was hers 

And the truth is that Willow was--despite the fact that she didn't know it--keeping Nelle from her child. If the situation was reversed and Nelle was watching Wiley at that point at Brad's and Willow had come and done the exact same thing as Nelle 

 Nelle was defending herself. 

I don't feel a need to respond to everything, just these bits.

Nelle spent minimal time with Wiley because she was going to prison for her crimes.  I can't stand Michael, but if the other parent of my child had previously left me for dead/tried to kill me and lied about the baby in the past out of revenge, I wouldn't trust her to be unsupervised with the baby or alone in the house, anywhere. She could find a way to poison Michael or someone else, she could find a way to fake the baby's death to get him out of the house, place a tracker which she actually did, etc. 

I don't care what Frank called her. Just because her adoptive father called her that, doesn't make it okay. If she really valued Wiley, she wouldn't think that was acceptable.

Yes, her drive was to play keep away with Wiley because she was mad that Michael wouldn't stand up to Carly and choose her and want a family with her. She flat out told Michael that's why she decided their baby "died," when he found her at the cabin after she kidnapped Wiley.  Her drive was to get the ultimate revenge on Michael and Carly, by them being deprived of a son/grandson. 

Nelle forced her way into Chase and Willow's home; she was not invited over.  They were not friends hanging out, who ended up in a physical fight.  She knocked Willow unconscious in her own residence; that is assault. Yes, Willow thought Wiley was her son because of Nelle and Brad's actions, and Nelle was fine with Willow and everyone thinking Wiley was Willow's, because it protected her con/revenge scheme against Michael. The moment Nelle felt Willow was no longer useful, she told Brad if he didn't get rid of Willow somehow she would (murder implied),  Nelle didn't give a crap that Wiley was attached to Willow. She didn't give a crap that everything and anyone Wiley was attached to, was in Port Charles. My interpretation of the acting, directing and writing for her is that she wanted to keep "the prize" away from Michael and that she intended to use Wiley as a means to con men into getting what she wanted because who wouldn't want to help/take care of a single woman with a baby.

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2 hours ago, TVbitch said:

So much concern about what and when Wiley will find out about Nelle and zero concern about what and when Wiley will find out about Sonny and the family business.

Michael probably doesn’t see that as an issue and the show has never made it one strangely enough. He was very aware of what Sonny and Jason did at a young age- same with Morgan, Kristina, Molly, Spencer etc. 

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After scravvling through 2 pages of Nelle talk in the current episode discussion thread, I am thankful for the Terry topic, at least a character that has been on the air recently (this year).

Besides the colossal boredom that is VViley's vvorld and the strange Nixon Fails Alot storylines, I feel like there is actually some interesting stuff going on. I am all for the current baby umbrella storyline, BLQ has become one of my favorate characters surprisingly, same as Britt.

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3 hours ago, IDFfm0870 said:

After scravvling through 2 pages of Nelle talk in the current episode discussion thread, I am thankful for the Terry topic, at least a character that has been on the air recently (this year).

Besides the colossal boredom that is VViley's vvorld and the strange Nixon Fails Alot storylines, I feel like there is actually some interesting stuff going on. I am all for the current baby umbrella storyline, BLQ has become one of my favorate characters surprisingly, same as Britt.


Also i will say while Nelle isn't on the air - she's being mentioned a lot on the show and is driving a lot the story decisions so discussion about her actions is bound to come up. 

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9 hours ago, ciarra said:

From GH fandom wiki:

Terry Randolph.  She is the oldest childhood friend of Elizabeth Webber, nicknamed her "Biz", before she had transitioned (she was born a boy and was friends with Elizabeth before she transitioned).


Show made a big deal about having a trans actor/ess, then promptly forgot about the character, other than being Oscar's doctor when he was dying.

Yep.  That’s called virtue signaling., and it’s also pandering. This is why the current writing staff should stay away from ‘very special episodes’.  Their regular writing is lazy and hamfisted already.

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On today's General Hospital

Brick beats it over everyone's head that JAson needs to push Carly out to stop the weakness.  

Austin works with Anna and Valentin at the scene of the mine shaft to figure out what happened to Chloe and who took the baby.  Anna makes comments how Austin seems familiar, wink wink nudge nudge.  Later Austin meets with Scotty.  How blatent is that.  Austin wants info on JAson.  

Sasha wants to tell Nina about the pregnancy so she's not upset if she finds out about it elsewere.  Why would NIna give a crap either way??  Nina meets with Lucy/Deception for a new campaign.  Maxie's tired of crying on her couch and wants in on the meeting.  MAxie and Nina are shocked, SHOCKED I tell ya, to see Sasha pregnant.  

Ava tells Laura that she and Nik are divorcing to save Avery.  Nik tells Laura that he's putting out a trap for the stalker.  Ava picks up Avery and tells carly and Jason about the divorce and how marriage can be a 'us against the world' type thing, leading to CarJase having a lightbulb moment.  


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3 minutes ago, perkie1968 said:

Ava picks up Avery and tells carly and Jason about the divorce and how marriage can be a 'us against the world' type thing, leading to CarJase having a lightbulb moment.  

If these two assholes do get married to "show" the other Families how "STRONG" the Corinthos Family is, it only proves how WEAK Jason is, that he had to "marry" the Shebeast to prove he was in charge.

And the SheBeast will milk it, because she's never given up on having Jason for her own, and with Mooby gone, this opportunity--as a result of her fuck ups--is finally giving her the chance to do that, and try to get him in bed. After 25 years.

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3 hours ago, MarciNJ said:
On 6/27/2021 at 11:26 AM, Bringonthedrama said:

Sonny has not taken any doctors or doctors' kids hostage (as far as I know)

unless you count AJ on the meat hook.....

No, he didn’t take any doctors’ kids hostage he just killed one (AJ).

Laura was good today with Maxie, Ava, and Nik.  This is the Laura I love to see.

It was funny how Sasha was agonizing over how to tell Nina she was preggo, one look at her and it’s pretty obvious.  No long explanation needed.

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2 minutes ago, rur said:

Moss was noticeably absent from the Corinthos kitchen today. It it in contract negotiations?

It saw the script with the idiotic Carly/Jason dialogue and staged a walkout.

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25 minutes ago, perkie1968 said:

CarJase having a lightbulb moment.  

I said these two idiots would have to get married in Sonny's absence.  I thought it would be more of a legal circumstance, not testifying against a spouse, than making their mob family look solid.  I wonder if Carly will wear a big, poofy white dress?

Nina will probably attend, then waffle all through the vows, "Should I tell?  Should I not tell?".

Edited by ciarra
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4 minutes ago, ciarra said:

I said these two idiots would have to get married in Sonny's absence.  I thought it would be more of a legal circumstance, not testifying against a spouse, than making their mob family look solid.  I wonder if Carly will wear a big, poofy white dress?

This is as stupid as Michael and Willow having to get married to get custody of Wiley.  

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2 minutes ago, ciarra said:

I wonder if Carly will wear a big, poofy white dress?

You know she will. A big gross marshmallow dress, with poofy sleeves, a long veil carried by doves. The reception will be catered by the MetroCourt, but Carly will make the wedding cake, because we know that she's a regular baker now. 

Then she'll get to play pretend with Jason, bark at any woman who dares come near him. 

The stuff of nightmare. If there ever was a time for Jason to quit the mob, this is it. 

I like that the reason she was so civil to Ava was so that Ava could plant this idea into hers and Jason's heads. 

Of course Austin wants to know everything about Jason Morgan. Google hasn't launched in Port Charles yet. 

Sasha wants to tell Nina about her pregnancy. It's great and thoughtful, but Sasha enters a room belly first these days. Also, does Brando have money that we're not aware of that Gladys would think that Sasha is a gold digger? Projecting much, Gladys?

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33 minutes ago, mostlylurking said:

It was funny how Sasha was agonizing over how to tell Nina she was preggo, one look at her and it’s pretty obvious.

I think what's happening is that because Sofia Mattson waited so long to announce/admit on social media that she was pregnant, it means Sasha is showing further along than she should be (they had sex begin of April).  So instead of hiding the pregnancy they are just letting the actress show as much as she is, but we the viewers are supposed to think that Sasha is only a couple of months and that she isn't as big as the actress who portrays her.  

It will be, "I can't believe your pregnant' rather than "holy crap your ready to pop"

I didn't understand why Lucy was so adamant that Maxie not be at the meeting.  I'm assuming she was thinking that Maxie would be upset to see another woman pregnant when she's without her child, but is Maxie never supposed to see a pregnant woman/new baby forever until Louise is returned?  

22 minutes ago, ciarra said:

Nina will probably attend, then waffle all through the vows, "Should I tell?  Should I not tell?".

Or, Mike/Sonny, who suddenly decided to follow Nina to PC, stumbles into the ceremony.  

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53 minutes ago, perkie1968 said:

Ava picks up Avery and tells carly and Jason about the divorce and how marriage can be a 'us against the world' type thing, leading to CarJase having a lightbulb moment.  

Great, so we have my fave to blame? 🙄

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26 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

Of course Austin wants to know everything about Jason Morgan. Google hasn't launched in Port Charles yet. 

Blast! I had to take a work call. Was there anything more substantive to the Austin/Scotty convo than Austin wants info on Jason?

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18 minutes ago, perkie1968 said:

I didn't understand why Lucy was so adamant that Maxie not be at the meeting.  I'm assuming she was thinking that Maxie would be upset to see another woman pregnant when she's without her child, but is Maxie never supposed to see a pregnant woman/new baby forever until Louise is returned?  


And isn't the whole campaign going to be about the face of pregnancy, or something like that.


Also did they skip a show because Friday was pre-empted or maybe I just missed Thursday but it seemed random that Lucy was at the gym for one scene unless they just wanted to show LH in tights.

Edited by Blackie
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9 minutes ago, epona7 said:

I had to take a work call. Was there anything more substantive to the Austin/Scotty convo than Austin wants info on Jason?

Not that we heard.  They came back from commercial and Scotty was saying something about how that all sounded interesting, whatever Austin told him.  


8 minutes ago, Blackie said:

Lucy was at the gym for one scene unless they just wanted to show LH in tights.

And to show half naked Nik punching out the bag.  

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Scotty daid something to Austin about being with him all the way in this.

I was kind of interested in Austin's story until his only question was about Jason. Too much like the original Franco for me. Who thought that this was a good idea?

Nice of Jason to offer to protect Avery but I suspect that it's only because Avery is Sonny's child.

Poor Maxie. Finn and Liz need to come clean so she can be put out of her misery.

1 hour ago, YaddaYadda said:

Also, does Brando have money that we're not aware of that Gladys would think that Sasha is a gold digger? Projecting much, Gladys?

Gladys is afraid that Sasha will get to the Corinthos money (all derived from coffee importing) before Gladys herself can.

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1 hour ago, ciarra said:

I said these two idiots would have to get married in Sonny's absence.  I thought it would be more of a legal circumstance, not testifying against a spouse, than making their mob family look solid.  I wonder if Carly will wear a big, poofy white dress?

Kudos to those of you who called the impending nuptials. The really sad thing is we're about to get a steady diet of MB for who knows how long. Just when this show was getting to be not-so-horrific. Ugh.

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37 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Gladys is afraid that Sasha will get to the Corinthos money (all derived from coffee importing) before Gladys herself can.

I wonder if she was under the impression that Carly had changed the will or something. Gladys's lies are what's giving us this MOC. Go back to Brooklyn, Gladys!


Nice of Jason to offer to protect Avery but I suspect that it's only because Avery is Sonny's child.

Jason has forgotten who he owes his freedom from the Russian clinic to. 

Also, what Ava did for Jason at the Russian clinic is a very grievous sin in my book. Still haven't forgiven her for that (more like not forgiven SBu for coming back to GH).

Edited by YaddaYadda
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So the MOC of Carly's dreams is actually gonna happen. Hopefully Brit will take the hint and distance herself from the mess that is Jason's life.


Sonny has several kids, a step daughter, and two grandson's, how much money does Gladys think Brando is going to get off the Corinthos money that she's worried about Sasha and the baby? Hell, Spencer is probably higher up on the list than Brando. 

Edited by Gigi43
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5 hours ago, mostlylurking said:

It was funny how Sasha was agonizing over how to tell Nina she was preggo, one look at her and it’s pretty obvious.  No long explanation needed.

Nina's come a long way with her baby rabies. Now that she has Wiley, someone else's kid is irrelevant.

4 hours ago, Cheyanne11 said:

This is as stupid as Michael and Willow having to get married to get custody of Wiley.  

It sure is. I don't understand why the Five Families think that if Jason and Carly are married, there won't be a power struggle between them. Husbands and wives can be rivals, people!

Sasha playing Gladys was pretty funny. Gladys is a complete idiot when it comes to the Corinthos money and who's on the list. She's lucky she got as much as she did, considering how badly she played things.

I had to laugh when Austin didn't offer a last name. If it's Holt, it's not as if Scott would put two and two together, but of course Austin wouldn't know that. LOL that Scott says he holds his clients' secrets sacred when he was just breaking Ava's privilege with Laura. Oh, Scott.

If Spencer is behind this terrorizing of Ava, will everyone just laugh it off as the harmless shenanigans of an impish child?

I did like the dyspeptic look on Jason's face when Carly asked him if he was thinking what she was. Hee.

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12 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

Also, it's no accident that they haul out Terry during Pride. Virtual signaling and pandering, indeed!

That’s very astute.  I didn’t think of that.  Usually I catch that sort of thing.  Which makes Terry’s sudden inclusion am even more contrived choice.  They’ll probably put her on the back burner again when the dust settles.

6 hours ago, perkie1968 said:

On today's General Hospital

Brick beats it over everyone's head that JAson needs to push Carly out to stop the weakness.  

Austin works with Anna and Valentin at the scene of the mine shaft to figure out what happened to Chloe and who took the baby.  Anna makes comments how Austin seems familiar, wink wink nudge nudge.  Later Austin meets with Scotty.  How blatent is that.  Austin wants info on JAson.  

Sasha wants to tell Nina about the pregnancy so she's not upset if she finds out about it elsewere.  Why would NIna give a crap either way??  Nina meets with Lucy/Deception for a new campaign.  Maxie's tired of crying on her couch and wants in on the meeting.  MAxie and Nina are shocked, SHOCKED I tell ya, to see Sasha pregnant.  

Ava tells Laura that she and Nik are divorcing to save Avery.  Nik tells Laura that he's putting out a trap for the stalker.  Ava picks up Avery and tells carly and Jason about the divorce and how marriage can be a 'us against the world' type thing, leading to CarJase having a lightbulb moment.  


Instead of being a Quartermaine, could Austin be a Novak?  Since they’re the featured mob family rival to the Corinthi, it would fit.  

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