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S14.E15: The Orange Doesn’t Fall Far From The Tree

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18 minutes ago, LibertarianSlut said:

Same.  Kelly's shitty apartment with her hideous 1970s decor reminds me of when Johnny Depp and Tuna moved to California in the move Blow.  Nothing to aspire to there.  I don't care about the location.  I don't care if it's considered hip.  I think it's ugly as sin and a far cry from the four story home with the elevator.

Before I go in, I have a question for Kelly:  If Jolie can just brush the haters off, what is all the nonsense that Kelly constantly runs that you can't criticize her because she has a daughter?  I get it that this whole experience is terrible for Jolie, and she's probably been forced to grow up really quickly, but it's the height of hypocrisy for Kelly to share her adult problems with Jolie, but no one better speak ill of Kelly because she has a daughter.  Can't use your daughter as a sword and a shield, sweets.

Speaking of families, I am so uplifted to hear Braunwynn say that her biggest regret is meeting her husband and getting engaged so early aka she wanted to fuck more guys, and now she apparently has to settle on fucking women on special occasions.  Or something.  Look, I get it; we all have regrets, but this is one that is not fodder for TV.  It's humiliating to her husband.

Speaking of "humiliated" and "husband," Gina...you are regurgitating lines to your parents that Matt fed to you.  It could not be more obvious that she is his mouthpiece, just like last season.  Gina thinks she could be with Matt for the long-term, but she has to divorce him first?!?!  Yes, let's divide all the assets and spend our kids' college tuition on lawyers because...oh, nevermind.  He just wants to get divorced and he wants Gina not to fight him. I don't understand what Matt looking for a job in the OC has to do with it either; a couple can't reconcile if one of the partners works the next county over??  Does Matt have a job at this point or does he not?  It's confusing and boring at the same time.

I do have to say that Emily seemed genuine in urging Kelly to speak to her mom, and I was shocked at how direct she was when she told Kelly that she's going to sit down with Tamra, and she's afraid it's going to become "a Kelly bashing session."  I thought this show was where honesty came to die.

About Ryan, I have more questions than answers.  He said his siblings got to leave at 18 and go to college.  Ryan couldn't do the same because...?  I'm sure Simon would have thrown the tuition at him to attend a state school and live on campus in order to get him out of the house.  Also, where is Ava if Ryan is being characterized as this guy who is obsessed with shielding his daughter from the world?  The ex doesn't seem like the type to prevent Ava from filming.

Also, as far as that list of bad traits Ryan feels he has, I would like to see the intake form.  If it read something like, "list the negative ideas you have about yourself," then this all sounds...kinda normal to me.  I feel every single thing about myself that Ryan listed about himself every day.  It's not constant, but do I tell myself I'm worthless a few times a day?  Yes!  And I have a job and a spuse and a home, so I'm not sure it's something to get hysterical about (looking at you, Tamra).  There are also the ten times per day I think I'm more qualified and competent than everyone around me.  I have a feeling Ryan has some of those cognitions too.  Ryan probably has clinical depression and generalized anxiety disorder, which require treatment, but I'm not ready to call in the guys with the white coats because Ryan feels shitty about his life.  Join the club.  And I don't mean that sarcastically.  It's just that a lot of people are depressed.  Maybe he would feel better if he literally joined a club.


Ok, the teeny tiny Tamra tear-down:

First of all, I have no idea why they're taking her on one at a time.  United we stand, divided we fall.  Duh.

I didn't think Shannon did as bad as others are saying.  She didn't lose her cool.  When you lose your cool, you can't make cogent points, which is Tamra's kryptonite.  Maybe this is just the lawyer in me, but I felt like this was phase one, where Shannon gets the info from Tamra, such as did you talk behind my back about 

  1. my weight
  2. my head injury
  3. whether you would freeze me out of a rooming situation 

Now she gets to basically note Tamra's responses without reacting, go back and watch the footage, and really go in for the kill at a later time, like the reunion.  

I think that's a more effective strategy, although maybe Shannon isn't thinking so far ahead.  Staying calm was genius though.

Tamra got physcially ugly in that scene with Shannon.  It looked like her head shrunk significantly somehow.  This was the first time Tamra looked legit old to me.  She looked like Jerri Blank from Strangers With Candy.


And Shannon?  You were 100% right that, had Shannon called Tamra when she was in AZ with Eddie, Eddie would have talked shit about Shannon's dependence on Tamra, because that's what he does.  

I have to take points away from Shannon, though, for not stating the obvious to Tamra, like, "Tamra, how about instead of blaming Kelly for 'flipping' me, can we discuss the merit of the points that Kelly made to me about you (see numbers one, two and three, above)?"  Like, that would have taken all the wind out of Tamra's sails, and we might have had a Bali run, but Shannon was too flustered to drive the point home.

Who is next up?  Braunwynn?  Emily?  I have a lot more interest in Tamra vs Emily.  I'll cut to the chase with Braunwynn:  she will be ugly-crying within seconds, and apologizing to Tamra within a minute, complete with a promise to keep Tamra's name out of her mouth, to be finished off with a talking head, where she tells us through giant veneers that she doesn't know how to navigate these women and she thought she was doing the right thing by talking to Kelly.  I kinda want Braunwynn to lose to Tamra. I hate her.  Let Shannon, Kelly and Emily go after her in sober states of mind.  That is the only hope.

Yawnin already admitted to an affair!  (Keep up!)  Hahaha!   J/K! She is a college dropout slut!

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7 hours ago, poeticlicensed said:

I recorded the episode and watched it later. Fast forwarded through the parts with kids and most of Ryan's fake ass therapy session. It took me 20 minutes start to finish. Alarm bells should be ringing at Bravo. This isnt real adolescents and loser sons of OC so get em off my tv. Ryan must need money, that's the only reason he would make so many appearances. Normally I would tell Eddie to shut up if he said that guys need to just snap out if shitty childhoods, but I agree with eddie in this case, mainly cuz Ryan is a piece of crap. 

I couldn't agree more. I can't stand Ryan or his nasty mother. I don't know how Eddie puts up with either of them. Tamra's got her orange (unfortunately) so I guess we're stuck with her, but there is no reason we have to be subjected to Ryan at all, much less his therapy sessions. He's an asshole, always has been. I worry about him having alone time with his daughter. His baby mamma, who probably isn't much better, should seriously think about supervised visitation He scares me..

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15 hours ago, ErikaOnline said:

Gina loves that Matt is jealous imo deep down.

I don't think Matt IS jealous. I literally do not believe one thing that comes out of her mouth about him. She says this stuff to make her feel better about the situation - just like she did with all the "amicable divorce" BS last year. 

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16 hours ago, JD5166 said:

Why is Ryan going what he’s going thru? Oh...I don’t know, TV CAMERAS IN HIS FACE? Life on tv ALL THE TIME? Taping his therapy session for TV (Tamara pity session?) Jesus. I don’t care about this, grow up you sack of shit and GET OFF TV!! You are not interesting! 

The list of things that he used to describe himself are things he’s reading on the internet (guilty!) why do we have to see this? He needs real help, kid is a hot mess. 

Thing is he's not a kid...he's grown ass adult. He's been screwed up for a long time. Tamra can't understand why he feels so low on himself? Maybe because you said in front of him and on camera that her other son Spencer is her best "work" and favorite son? Tamra is a shitty mother...her daughter hates her and who knows how close she is to the others. She seems more focused on Eddie and on her looks than being a good mom. Eddie's response to Ryan's depression and problems was disgraceful. No empathy or concern...just buck up, move on and be an "adult". I used to like Eddie when they were first together but he has evolved into a cold, sarcastic, nasty douchebag. I'm not a Ryan fan but I can feel his pain...he's been neglected by Tamra who thinks just throwing money at him and giving him  menial jobs at the gym is good parenting and his father is a trashy tool. There's a lot to work through there and he needs support. Hey Eddie...how about making an effort to reach out to Ryan and go out for a beer or a supper with him and try bonding with him...man to man....a little kindness could go a long way in helping him to feel wanted and loved. 

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31 minutes ago, LibertarianSlut said:

Who is next up?  Braunwynn?  Emily?  I have a lot more interest in Tamra vs Emily

This is what I'm here for. I think Emily is the only who is assertive and articulate enough to be able to take Tamra down. 

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1 minute ago, kicksave said:

Thing is he's not a kid...he's grown ass adult. He's been screwed up for a long time. Tamra can't understand why he feels so low on himself? Maybe because you said in front of him and on camera that her other son Spencer is her best "work" and favorite son? Tamra is a shitty mother...her daughter hates her and who knows how close she is to the others. She seems more focused on Eddie and on her looks than being a good mom. Eddie's response to Ryan's depression and problems was disgraceful. No empathy or concern...just buck up, move on and be an "adult". I used to like Eddie when they were first together but he has evolved into a cold, sarcastic, nasty douchebag. I'm not a Ryan fan but I can feel his pain...he's been neglected by Tamra who thinks just throwing money at him and giving him  menial jobs at the gym is good parenting and his father is a trashy tool. There's a lot to work through there and he needs support. Hey Eddie...how about making an effort to reach out to Ryan and go out for a beer or a supper with him and try bonding with him...man to man....a little kindness could go a long way in helping him to feel wanted and loved. 

I have said before that I have sympathy for young Ryan, but not Ryan-of-now. He did get dealt a raw deal. I think his mother dumped him off on his grandmother, went and made another family, and showed an interest in him when it suited her. 

But he's how old now? He has the ability and the means to get serious therapy and correct these issues, instead of perpetuating the cycle - but, from what we've heard of his relationship with the baby mama, it doesn't appear like that was happening. 

All that aside, I didn't really care for what Eddie said last night. It came across a bit sexist to me - like men should just tamp down their feelings, instead of finding healthy ways to express them. 

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1 hour ago, Lady of nod said:

I couldn't agree more. I can't stand Ryan or his nasty mother. I don't know how Eddie puts up with either of them. Tamra's got her orange (unfortunately) so I guess we're stuck with her, but there is no reason we have to be subjected to Ryan at all, much less his therapy sessions. He's an asshole, always has been. I worry about him having alone time with his daughter. His baby mamma, who probably isn't much better, should seriously think about supervised visitation He scares me..

That whole "isolating himself with his daughter" thing set of little alarm bells for me too, honestly. 

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16 hours ago, Dance4Life said:

Gina....Matt, Matt, Matt...this Matt and that Matt.

In case, you are wondering who is Matt.   This is him! 

Of course, Gina’s wedding was purple! 🥳


Have to say, she looked like a Princess here.  Beautiful.  Was the gown from Kleinfelds, Say Yes To The Dress?

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While I agree that you don't just "snap out of" a clinical depression, I don't think Eddie was wrong in stating the obvious. Perhaps he should have said "adult" instead of "man", but at a certain point, you don't blame your childhood for the crapfest you have made of your life. Even therapists don't have people wallow around ad nauseum excusing their current terrible life choices based on the poor parenting they experienced. Background is just helpful in explaining and understanding why one might be experiencing stuff in a certain way - obviously I am over simplifying therapy but my point is that nobody lies on a couch talking endlessly about their childhood with most of modern therapeutic treatment plans.

Ryan has had more opportunities than many people to make something of himself at this point. 

In terms of other spawn, I believe that Sophie wound up at Baylor which is some kind of Baptist affiliated college in Texas. With all due respect to Baylor, it doesn't seem as though it would be especially difficult to get into nor would anyone but a wealthy person pay tuition to send a California kid there when one is guaranteed admission to a UC after two years. If sending outside of California, there are certainly more desirable schools - even in the South. No Southern prejudice here as I am a U of Virginia grad :-).

While Tamra might have funded Cut, I believe that Eddie was earning a good living at the law firm. It was enough so that he had bought himself a fairly nice house that Tamra originally moved into. I would imagine that whatever he was doing was not his passion versus being involved in the fitness industry which truly seems to be something that is his dream occupation.

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18 hours ago, Keywestclubkid said:

you're the puppet master I'm not gonna let you flip this around on me.... Tamra girl this is ALL on you... 

To me, Tamra looked like a very bad actor in that scene with Shannon.  I don't know if she and Shannon planned this out but it did not have a feel of authenticity to me at least on Tamra's side.  I think she sees that she can easily be Gunvalsoned and that Kelly fills the role of loud/brash/classless OC woman that she currently holds.  Also, with Braunwyn thirsty and willing to do whatever sexually on film that takes over another role that T filled.  She has nearly run out of usefulness.  I mean, truth be told, she is TOTALLY useless to ME but to the franchise she looks easily replaced by other women willing to go THERE when others haven't really been competition is the no fucks to give category.

I also have no fucks to give re rat faced Ryan.  Yes it sucks to be him but whatevs.

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I think that we can all agree that Ryan is an adult and it's his responsibility to start adulting more effectively. And he had a crap childhood.

Here's where I think we may disagree: the magnitude of the effect of a crap childhood on someone's life.

A kid who grows up feeling safe and loved and supported, who has consistency and encouragement and opportunity vs one who has few or none of those things is like comparing someone who had a third grade education to someone who had a college education. They both have education, but one is so much better than the other. And one instills a valuable, sophisticated skill set that you'll use and rely on for the rest of your life.

A good childhood teaches kids how to persevere, how to cope with success and failure, how to deal when you don't feel confident. How to plan, etc. Lots of good stuff. Those are the skills and awarenesses that Ryan seems to lack.

He does now need to learn them on his own, but there's a reason he doesn't have the success skills for life already, and that reason is probably Tamra. A crap childhood may not be an excuse, but it's also not nothing either. 

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6 hours ago, ridethemaverick said:

If Shannon paid thousands to that vocal-fry abusing college counselor, she needs to get her money back. I could have told her all that shit for free. Or, Shannon could have googled it herself for free.

Or I don't know, go to the schools themselves and talk to one of their advisors.  I did that shit for almost 15 years.  There are admissions counselors, college advisors (as in L&S, Engineering, College of Creative Studies at my school for example), and major advisors.  None of which will cost a dime.

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4 hours ago, thesupremediva1 said:

People like Tamra make me ill. She reminds me of the Trinity Killer from season 4 of Dexter - cloaking herself in religion to hide what an evil person she is. She has no intentions of improving or changing - she'll hurt anyone she can to keep herself relevant and draped in designer clothes under the roof of a big expensive house. I don't know how that cross hasn't burned her.

She's way worse than Alexis ever was. I wonder if she even recognizes what a blasphemer she really has  become. Talking about God, Jesus, etc. every 5 minutes doesn't make you Christian. You know what does? NOT BEING A MEAN ASSHOLE. Not purposely hurting others. She fails so spectacularly in these areas as a human being.

And allow me to offer what I'm sure is an unpopular opinion: I do not dislike Ryan. I think he was dealt a raw hand in life, and I think Simon's discipline would have been good for him. If Tamra had one ounce of real concern for her son, she'd have backed Simon up. Instead, she stoked hatred between them. Why? She was the shiny object in the middle, and she loved the fact that her son and husband competed for her affections. She's a sick woman.

Fuck Eddie. Ryan is not his son, and as far as I can see, he has built no relationship with him and done nothing for him. So guess what, Eddie? You have no business saying or thinking anything about Ryan. Your ideas of "manhood" mean jack shit to anyone. Shut the fuck up, you nasty Munster. You seem to have plenty of compassion for the demon you married, but none for her son. How curious. I wish he'd wise up and realize that Vicks - who he despises - is actually nowhere near as awful as her bestie, Mrs. Tamra Judge. 

Loved Dexter...hate Tamrat! 
hmmm serial killer for good vs evil?..versus good kill or this piece of dirt with zero respect for good?...even when it comes to her children!?!!??

Tamra...”you Squonk....You can try to run but you cannot hide what’s inside of you!....”

any major dude will tell you...

Same goes for Gina..FEFF YOU!!!! ..you whiny kiss ass....two or four faced bitch!!....especially when ThetamRat knows ppl are stacking against her!


Go wash your gas station dark bottom Britney SPEARS/Kristen Doubtie feet....Then try to get the brownish orange off the TOP of your gross hands and feet..and replace your counselor’s ruined couch from all of the above...  In case you didn’t notice I don’t like you… Fuck off Gina 

Edited by Shellbell59
I just could not help myself… Adding on about how much I hate Gina…
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2 hours ago, NYCFree said:

Last week I used my travel agent knowledge to discuss how Canada does indeed ban those with DUI convictions, this week I’m here to comment on Jolie’s England “by herself” trip.  She is not going off to England literally by herself, she is going on an organized youth group European tour. Companies put together these groups and plan a series of cultural activities. Jolie will be “by herself” in that she won’t have her family with her, but she will be with a group of peers and have adult supervision. (I don’t have actual proof of this, but believe that Kelly isn’t insane enough to send a 12 year old off on a plane by herself with a credit card). 

I had forgotten but out of 4 kids...I actually had 3 that “did Europe” under similar circumstances...

then...later...they all got an initial amount of $ for college graduates...and went to Europe again...to go on to Australia Like everyone else...earning all their travel $ plus expenses beyond...then some...(Some covering total final years of tuition! Still haven’t quite figured it out..(travel Europe...ending in Prague.then....meet ppl and go to Australia making 3 times what you’d make in States albeit short term.) 

Ok... I am old… And that was the 90s and early early 2000’s…Just saying… My kids did it..I do know it had zero to do with sex trafficking...I was with the DA at the time...it seemed on the up and up...tax evasion aside of course..which they would be trying to pin on them...🤭🥴... paid it ..couldn’t afford consequences...

Edited by Shellbell59
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18 hours ago, islandgal140 said:

Forget is mild. She is full on back in demon mode. She is vomiting pea soup, levitating and her head rotates 360 degrees. I expect to see her spider walk backwards down her magnificent stairs any minute.


Damn you lol!! This movie scarred me for life and wasn't expecting to see what you posted. And I thought the boards here were safe. F Tamra btw!!

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Never seen Emily speak up or have any other than “resting bitch face (it’s a thing)”...or disposition..

UNTIL the back talk about Tamrat! Emily came to LIFE! We FINALLY see a smile on her sourpuss face!!!
I HATE how much 

I LOVE to hate it...! Gawd help me!!!!

once again I’m dragging my feet...trudging back to my “quiet place”.... 😆

Emily might have more potential than I thought... Or ever gave her credit for...devious...hmmm..perhaps ... but never as bad as tired old Tamrat’s asszzz She’s worse than a rat… She’s a cockroach but I don’t know how to make her name into word cockroach...or I would 

Vicki..Tamra...cockroaches,..........Twinkies....shelf lives that will outlive us all...

UNITE!!!Against them! 
Omg...my mustake...got carried away by my own visuals....

sorry..I suddenly well...thought  I was on Walking Dead forum..

zombies and all....🤣

Edited by Shellbell59
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53 minutes ago, Pretty5Vacant said:

Damn you lol!! This movie scarred me for life and wasn't expecting to see what you posted. And I thought the boards here were safe. F Tamra btw!!

Omg never seen this! Shit! I dontvfeel safe...I can’t even type my response… I’m on my way out the door to see if I can find it Tamra boodoo doll anywhere...

oops! Yup...just shit another Twinkie this Tamra bitch is 666...anti Christian? Is that correct? She claims to be one… But I think she’s the opposite this is the best I could come up with… Correct me if I’m wrong

oh.. And Gina with her pursed up lips and a fake smile? … Kissing Tamra‘s ass whether she’s laughing at a party or sitting across the table from her? Your days are numbered..one can hope for it....Speaking of that...
Fuck both of you (I hope)

Edited by Shellbell59
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9 hours ago, Claire Voyant said:

I'd like to feel more sorry for Ryan, but he's been a spoiled, little prick for too long now.  He also looks and acts too much like his ferret-faced mother to illicit much in the way of pity from me.  

The naked-wasted episode kind of did me in with him a long time ago.   I know it's not really his fault, because his freakazoid mother made him what he is, but it doesn't make me like him any better.   

I also understand where Eddie is coming from.  I can't imagine giving your wife's son a job and having to deal with a lazy, self-centered, moocher who hasn't got the gumption to put away a load of towels at they gym.  

Still, if he is suffering from depression, there's no "snapping out of it", any more than a diabetic can snap out of their need for insulin.  Eddie...just gently lead him to the door and kick his depressed ass out toward a genuine, bona fide psychiatrist.   Let the crazy chips fall where they may. 

FWIW, I think Ryan would benefit greatly if he got as far away from his mother as possible.   She's too toxic for words. 

I agree with a lot of this comment.  I also recall things a little differently about Eddie.  He did try to help Ryan with a job, and it could have worked into something for the future, as silly as that may sound.  If nothing else, some responsibility taken by Ryan would have gone a long way.  Also, A few seasons ago, I lose track of time, when Tamara and Eddie had a different very nice home, Ryan was there a lot with his "wife" and at that time, the two of them were going to help Ryan get moved back to wherever because he could not afford to live in SoCal.    I remember a long car ride and packing up, etc.  Over the years, I really think Eddie tried to encourage Ryan and is just fed up.   Unfortunately, he could not break the Tamra/Ryan bond, which is toxic and enabling.  I know he is depressed, but Eddie is not well physically and worried,  and his future is not certain either.  Maybe he would like to have some time with his wife instead of his stepson, who cannot even hold a job.    I also suffer from depression, so I understand that part of it.   I actually though the therapist made some good points, although I am not truly happy with these things being filmed.   I cannot go so far as to feel sorry for  Ryan, plenty of people have overcome worse family situations.  I am just furious at Tamra, who also has a daughter that wants nothing to do with her.    All roads lead to Tamra, as mentioned by other posters. 

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Finally had a chance to see this episode - the Tamra snake photo I posted last week should’ve been far more vicious looking, with giant fangs dripping blood. The evil woman projected her gaslighting and puppet master behavior onto Shannon, who is a fool for falling for it.

Maybe next time, she’ll stay gone.


Edited by nexxie
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8 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

Really, Eddie? You think Tamra is a good mother? It must be exhausting to have to kiss ass in order to keep those big checks of hers rolling in, huh? 

I hate TAMRA! She sure knows how to work Shannon. She had her eating out of the palm of her hand by the time that meeting was over. The lighting at that lunch was really showing how old and haggard Tamra is looking. No lighting in the world can cover up what a truly ugly heart that woman has. 

Speaking of the lighting, was that the section where Tamra's chest was two different colors.   At first I wondered if she was wearing  a little something under her blouse, or perhaps it was a tan line, but it was super annoying and distracting.  I could really care less about all these women and their "natural breasts" twice the size they should be.   

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8 hours ago, islandgal140 said:

Yes, Ryan was cursed with a shit stain for a mom, but yet, my sympathy for him only goes so far. Like his conservative brethren say: "pull yourself up by your bootstraps." I get that he may suffer from depression but once your actions extend to threatening and harming others my well of human kindness runs dry. 

Opportunity after opportunity has been laid at his feet but yet still he fails. His stepdad Simon tried only to be undermined by Tamra and scoffed at by Ryan while he sat under that man's roof not paying rent, eating his food & soaking up his A/C, spending money on ugly ass tattoos and steroids.

I'm also tired of the Simon slander. Is Simon a saint and perfect? Hell no! But I think his main crime was being socially conservative and trying to turn trailer trash into treasure. I think not enough weight has been given to the fact that the person calling Simon so controlling and oh so abusive is fucking Tamra!! How convenient that Tamra started feeling that way as soon as Simon lost his job and was experiencing financial difficulty. Wanting Tamra to NOT act like trash and stop dressing like a corner hooker at the piers to me is a good thing. And really given the fact that since the divorce, Bravo has had to blur her botched titties at least twice per season, was he wrong?

Why have we never been given a proper update on his medical condition? This was Tamra's entire s/l last season and this season I think we got a 'Eddie's good' and that was that. I guess given the fact that he seems back at work and is hiking for miles around Scottsdale means he is back on track but I would still like to know what treatment finally worked for him. 

Simon has always been played by Tamra and I saw that divorce coming as soon as he lost his job.  He seems like a decent human being to me and a don't believe much of what Tamra says anyway.  Another factor for Simon, his kids WANT to live with him.   Also Eddie maybe be freeloading off Tamra, but he did try to help Ryan a few times and "giving him a job" may not be the best description, but Eddie did try to make him responsible.    It seems any man involved with Tamra has issues -- mostly caused by her.  I am sure even her first husband had problems.

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4 hours ago, kicksave said:

Hey Eddie...how about making an effort to reach out to Ryan and go out for a beer or a supper with him and try bonding with him...man to man....

I think Eddie and Ryan spend ALOT of time together in Tamra's house since Eddie is really not able to be involved with Cut Fitness in the physical aspect anymore and Ryan doesn't have a career. 

They both have one big thing in common...they need Tamra to pay the bills and keep them living the good life they've become used to.

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6 hours ago, walnutqueen said:

I was just about to comment about booty shorts, when you reminded me that "hot pants" were a thing, back in the day.

You are inches away from pulling up a rocking chair beside me, Kiddo.

Heh! I'll pull up my rocking chair next to you, walnutqueen!  I still think of them as hot pants.  I'm so out of the loop that I haven't heard them called booty shorts.  I really need to get up to speed with these things!

5 hours ago, Jel said:

Ryan's "envy" about the other kids has, I bet, a lot more to do with the fact that they had a loving dad, stability and in tact family than it does about trips to Disneyworld.

I know that we only got to see a small portion of his life when he lived with his Mom and Simon, but I think that if he would've put aside his attitude and rebellious nature (a tall order for a teenager,) that he would've done a lot better.  It seemed that Simon was trying to help him by giving him much-needed discipline, but unfortunately Ryan didn't respond well to that, and here he is now trying to figure out his life.  It really sucks for kids if they don't get the discipline they need from an early age.   If Tamra didn't instill any discipline in him, then it's no surprise that he's struggling now.  Even at an early age kids need the guiding hand of a parent to make sure that they follow through on even the smallest tasks so that later on in life they can tackle the big stuff.  

One way or the other, Ryan's going to have to come to terms with the fact that his siblings may have had a better upbringing than him, but he needs to quit making himself miserable thinking about it and do something positive with his life.  Surely Tamra would help him (financially) if he wanted to go back to school or learn a trade.   I hope he gets the help he needs so that he can deal with those feelings and his depression.  Maybe he needs to do like Brianna did and move across the country away from his Mom!

Edited by ChitChat
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I am pretty much echoing what some other posters have already said. I think both Simon and Eddie have tried to help Ryan over the years. Isn't Ryan still currently living with Eddie and Tamra? My take on Ryan is that he is basically lazy, has been given jobs by both step dads that he did not take advantage of. I also think that he has seen years of Tamra make easy money by doing the show, and wants an easy way to earn money himself, without putting in a lot of effort. That he is depressed is hardly a surprise, but again he is the only one who can do something about that. I am sure he is getting paid for his appearances on the show, so I guess it is worth it to him to bare his soul on TV. As he has for many years. I actually wanted to give Eddie a standing O for his TH, but I didn't want to disturb the cat on my lap. 

Yes, he didn't have a great childhood, but many kids don't. A friend of mine had a horrific childhood. Both parents alcoholics, her mother left when my friend was 8. She basically raised her two younger brothers from the age of 8 on. Her father stayed, but was pretty much useless as a parent. My friend left home when she could, put herself through college, moved across country and met my husband's best friend. They married, and have raised two sons - one is an endodontist and the other an attorney. She did everything she could not to let her childhood define her. And she succeeded with flying colours. Her mom died the same year as mine, but mine died of cancer and hers was murdered by a drunk boyfriend. I asked my friend if it was hard losing her mother, since she never had a relationship with her. (As compared to me, who was always close to my mom). She said no, she had no feelings for her whatsoever. 

This show is really annoying to watch. Watching Kelly with Jolie is like watching my step daughter with her mother when my SD was Jolie's age. Always the parent in the relationship,. Still is. It isn't entertaining, on TV or in real life. I hope Kelly gets kicked to the curb next year. BTW, what did Brian say after Emily made the comment about the doctor, the lawyer and Kelly? He certainly got the stink eye from Kelly. 

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20 hours ago, njbchlover said:

I watched a rerun of Tamra's "baptism" today and thought - wow....how quickly Tamra has fallen out of grace!  It didn't take long for her to forget all about that baptism of hers!!

IMO, Tamra's baptism was to show Sidney that she was a good person. It was right after Sidney refused to speak to Tamra, saying she cared more about herself than her family. Sidney is a big church girl, and Simon is really into making sure all the kids go to church. So IMO, the baptism was to show Sidney how she was a woman of God/Jesus and how Jesus was her life. It was a storyline. When Sidney wasn't moved by Tamra's baptism and reborn thing, Tamra moved on to something else. 

Given Tamra's hyper-sexuality this season, I'm guessing she's over caring whether Sidney talks to her or not. 

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5 minutes ago, bravofan27 said:

Tamra's baptism was to show Sidney that she was a good person

And it also showed (once again) Tamra's fake boobs/nipples in her see through dress/shirt she was baptized in. I mean, we can't let Tamra miss an opportunity to show us her tits. Gross, lowlife bitch.

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2 hours ago, Jel said:

I think that we can all agree that Ryan is an adult and it's his responsibility to start adulting more effectively. And he had a crap childhood.

Here's where I think we may disagree: the magnitude of the effect of a crap childhood on someone's life.

A kid who grows up feeling safe and loved and supported, who has consistency and encouragement and opportunity vs one who has few or none of those things is like comparing someone who had a third grade education to someone who had a college education. They both have education, but one is so much better than the other. And one instills a valuable, sophisticated skill set that you'll use and rely on for the rest of your life.

A good childhood teaches kids how to persevere, how to cope with success and failure, how to deal when you don't feel confident. How to plan, etc. Lots of good stuff. Those are the skills and awarenesses that Ryan seems to lack.

He does now need to learn them on his own, but there's a reason he doesn't have the success skills for life already, and that reason is probably Tamra. A crap childhood may not be an excuse, but it's also not nothing either. 

And different genetics effects outcomes. 

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I don’t know for sure...but I’ve seen enough on Mother Brownwyn to know she’s not all that ‘into’ her role...what’s her deal other than plan this shot for 14 plus years under Dr Dreblock’s influence...?

we have seen it.... she has acted dismissive to all kids and weirdo hubby at various times as though she is “THE ONE” to make them...whether it be on reality show..thus clothing line..or whatever else they have up their 18 plus 2 of Dr momma Deb equals 20 sleeves...they are a thirsty bunch IMO..... ugh...

then we have...”Anything worth doing is worth doing in heels”… Really?....

They are all late for college applications…silly... “ Getting into college....the Beadors’ above ...oh no.... are NOT or above the law?“… Famous last words of Lori Loughlin…
reminds me of that Manzo kid...

NO..You don’t have to start paying counselors freshman year… But you have to start building their academic/community credits in their junior/middle school years to set them on the path… You stupid fools

Edited by Shellbell59
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7 hours ago, The Ringo Kidd said:

Did you see how Brownstain’s daughter wanted nothing to do with her on their visit to the college? She was holding her Dad's hand and was clinging to him for support. He seems to be the only real parent In this equation.

Who the hell wears hot pants to visit their daughters prospective college?

I’m am going to say...Brownwinds “mother” MamaDeb, Dr. Deb? 

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5 hours ago, NYCFree said:

Last week I used my travel agent knowledge to discuss how Canada does indeed ban those with DUI convictions, this week I’m here to comment on Jolie’s England “by herself” trip.  She is not going off to England literally by herself, she is going on an organized youth group European tour. Companies put together these groups and plan a series of cultural activities. Jolie will be “by herself” in that she won’t have her family with her, but she will be with a group of peers and have adult supervision. (I don’t have actual proof of this, but believe that Kelly isn’t insane enough to send a 12 year old off on a plane by herself with a credit card). 

Thank you.  I figured she had to be going with a group.

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Tamra's facial expression while meeting with Shannon was downright evil. Looked like she was ready to gut Shannon. I couldn't look away. Don't remember seeing this degree of hate on her before.

Sorry Ryan. No sympathy from me. That fact that you continue to be on this show says everything . . . and now you choose to be on camera for a therapy session! Like your mother, you appear ungrateful and have had a bad attitude. I remember when you were trying to be a cop. Not surprised it didn't work out. Not sure how you rid yourself of depression and victimhood, but cutting the umbilical cord might be a way to start.

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5 hours ago, Lady of nod said:

I couldn't agree more. I can't stand Ryan or his nasty mother. I don't know how Eddie puts up with either of them. Tamra's got her orange (unfortunately) so I guess we're stuck with her, but there is no reason we have to be subjected to Ryan at all, much less his therapy sessions. He's an asshole, always has been. I worry about him having alone time with his daughter. His baby mamma, who probably isn't much better, should seriously think about supervised visitation He scares me..

I'll admit I never thought much of Ava's mother, but since said mother fled from a threatening Ryan with her three eldest, leaving baby Ava alone with him, I feel she's trash.  I thought she was a gun nut with dozens of guns, yet she can't properly defend herself or her children when danger presents itself.

3 hours ago, Natalie68 said:

Or I don't know, go to the schools themselves and talk to one of their advisors.  I did that shit for almost 15 years.  There are admissions counselors, college advisors (as in L&S, Engineering, College of Creative Studies at my school for example), and major advisors.  None of which will cost a dime.

As long as Shannon doesn't spend half a million to get Sophie on a team for a sport she doesn't play, or bribe someone to get Sophie extra time on her SATs, I don't have a problem with her college prep.  People with money spend unnecessarily all the time.

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Guess I didn't listen much to the Shannondaughter college prep scene because I was too busy rolling my eyes about "I'm writing a book about how it feels to be a child of divorced parents."            Really?   Really?   Of course a TV RH kid would be writing a book.  Bet that's a big seller.

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6 hours ago, LibertarianSlut said:

Same.  Kelly's shitty apartment with her hideous 1970s decor reminds me of when Johnny Depp and Tuna moved to California in the move Blow.  Nothing to aspire to there.  I don't care about the location.  I don't care if it's considered hip.  I think it's ugly as sin and a far cry from the four story home with the elevator.

Before I go in, I have a question for Kelly:  If Jolie can just brush the haters off, what is all the nonsense that Kelly constantly runs that you can't criticize her because she has a daughter?  I get it that this whole experience is terrible for Jolie, and she's probably been forced to grow up really quickly, but it's the height of hypocrisy for Kelly to share her adult problems with Jolie, but no one better speak ill of Kelly because she has a daughter.  Can't use your daughter as a sword and a shield, sweets.

Speaking of families, I am so uplifted to hear Braunwynn say that her biggest regret is meeting her husband and getting engaged so early aka she wanted to fuck more guys, and now she apparently has to settle on fucking women on special occasions.  Or something.  Look, I get it; we all have regrets, but this is one that is not fodder for TV.  It's humiliating to her husband.

Speaking of "humiliated" and "husband," Gina...you are regurgitating lines to your parents that Matt fed to you.  It could not be more obvious that she is his mouthpiece, just like last season.  Gina thinks she could be with Matt for the long-term, but she has to divorce him first?!?!  Yes, let's divide all the assets and spend our kids' college tuition on lawyers because...oh, nevermind.  He just wants to get divorced and he wants Gina not to fight him. I don't understand what Matt looking for a job in the OC has to do with it either; a couple can't reconcile if one of the partners works the next county over??  Does Matt have a job at this point or does he not?  It's confusing and boring at the same time.

I do have to say that Emily seemed genuine in urging Kelly to speak to her mom, and I was shocked at how direct she was when she told Kelly that she's going to sit down with Tamra, and she's afraid it's going to become "a Kelly bashing session."  I thought this show was where honesty came to die.

About Ryan, I have more questions than answers.  He said his siblings got to leave at 18 and go to college.  Ryan couldn't do the same because...?  I'm sure Simon would have thrown the tuition at him to attend a state school and live on campus in order to get him out of the house.  Also, where is Ava if Ryan is being characterized as this guy who is obsessed with shielding his daughter from the world?  The ex doesn't seem like the type to prevent Ava from filming.

Also, as far as that list of bad traits Ryan feels he has, I would like to see the intake form.  If it read something like, "list the negative ideas you have about yourself," then this all sounds...kinda normal to me.  I feel every single thing about myself that Ryan listed about himself every day.  It's not constant, but do I tell myself I'm worthless a few times a day?  Yes!  And I have a job and a spuse and a home, so I'm not sure it's something to get hysterical about (looking at you, Tamra).  There are also the ten times per day I think I'm more qualified and competent than everyone around me.  I have a feeling Ryan has some of those cognitions too.  Ryan probably has clinical depression and generalized anxiety disorder, which require treatment, but I'm not ready to call in the guys with the white coats because Ryan feels shitty about his life.  Join the club.  And I don't mean that sarcastically.  It's just that a lot of people are depressed.  Maybe he would feel better if he literally joined a club.


Ok, the teeny tiny Tamra tear-down:

First of all, I have no idea why they're taking her on one at a time.  United we stand, divided we fall.  Duh.

I didn't think Shannon did as bad as others are saying.  She didn't lose her cool.  When you lose your cool, you can't make cogent points, which is Tamra's kryptonite.  Maybe this is just the lawyer in me, but I felt like this was phase one, where Shannon gets the info from Tamra, such as did you talk behind my back about 

  1. my weight
  2. my head injury
  3. whether you would freeze me out of a rooming situation 

Now she gets to basically note Tamra's responses without reacting, go back and watch the footage, and really go in for the kill at a later time, like the reunion.  

I think that's a more effective strategy, although maybe Shannon isn't thinking so far ahead.  Staying calm was genius though.

Tamra got physcially ugly in that scene with Shannon.  It looked like her head shrunk significantly somehow.  This was the first time Tamra looked legit old to me.  She looked like Jerri Blank from Strangers With Candy.


And Shannon?  You were 100% right that, had Shannon called Tamra when she was in AZ with Eddie, Eddie would have talked shit about Shannon's dependence on Tamra, because that's what he does.  

I have to take points away from Shannon, though, for not stating the obvious to Tamra, like, "Tamra, how about instead of blaming Kelly for 'flipping' me, can we discuss the merit of the points that Kelly made to me about you (see numbers one, two and three, above)?"  Like, that would have taken all the wind out of Tamra's sails, and we might have had a Bali run, but Shannon was too flustered to drive the point home.

Who is next up?  Braunwynn?  Emily?  I have a lot more interest in Tamra vs Emily.  I'll cut to the chase with Braunwynn:  she will be ugly-crying within seconds, and apologizing to Tamra within a minute, complete with a promise to keep Tamra's name out of her mouth, to be finished off with a talking head, where she tells us through giant veneers that she doesn't know how to navigate these women and she thought she was doing the right thing by talking to Kelly.  I kinda want Braunwynn to lose to Tamra. I hate her.  Let Shannon, Kelly and Emily go after her in sober states of mind.  That is the only hope.

I live for your posts, this was.....EPIC! 

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Has Eddie had supper and went out for beers with Ryan? Probably, we don’t know. I do know Eddie knows a whole more about Ryan than we’ll ever know and he said what he said last night. By now I’m sure he has been added to Ryan’s list of people who have ruined his life. 🤷🏻‍♂️

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Tamra will NEVER EVER have a moral high ground to ever stand on until she apologizes to Gretchen for trying to get her creepy son to basically date rape Gretchen and get her naked wasted. She is and always will be trash who tries to hide behind religion. 

Edited by Keywestclubkid
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2 hours ago, chenoa333 said:

I think Eddie and Ryan spend ALOT of time together in Tamra's house since Eddie is really not able to be involved with Cut Fitness in the physical aspect anymore and Ryan doesn't have a career. 

They both have one big thing in common...they need Tamra to pay the bills and keep them living the good life they've become used to.

Ryan lives there? I thought he lived somewhere else.

30 minutes ago, Mar said:


Holy crap! How long before she freaks out and shoves him down the stairs..

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I'm sure I'm in the minority but I feel for Ryan. I was the oldest kid is a divorce situation and my half-sibs got the moon.  They still do.  One of them at age 43 has never even paid a mortgage (inherited the grandma's house).  I think the difference for me was that I knew I had to save myself. at age 15.  So I did.  

I do not want to minimize mental health issues but in my layman's opinion, Ryan needs to get really busy.  He'll be too tired to "introspect."  Tamra was a shit mother and HER mom is ignorant.  Ryan's life is very different from his half-sibs. I would encourage him to take up a trade and try to find joy in his life. Chefing is very popular right now.  How does he feel about that?

Where do you see OC going?  BW calmly stating she's had affairs/three-somes has out-Tamra'd Tamra.  I don't think they need Tams anymore. 

I would like to know more about Emily's practice and Shannon's business.  I would like to know more about BW's life with the kids, planning outings, planning life, etc.  I would like to see more of Kelly's humanitarian work.   

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1 hour ago, Mr. Minor said:

Has Eddie had supper and went out for beers with Ryan? Probably, we don’t know. I do know Eddie knows a whole more about Ryan than we’ll ever know and he said what he said last night. By now I’m sure he has been added to Ryan’s list of people who have ruined his life. 🤷🏻‍♂️

Your sarcasm is duly noted...you sound like Eddie....wait! Is “Mr.Minor” Eddie’s pseudonym?

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