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S03.E12: Tell All Part 1


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Chloe and her family are about to make me hurl!!!! All that crying!! And I really think Max might be getting close to pulling the plug.  He makes me worried.

Chloe's Mom is making me really mad. How cold can she be??

And old Makayla sure hasn't had much to say... So far...

Weasel Boy(LOVE that moniker!) has MUCH to say but he can't quite speak up.  He's gonna let his sperm do the talking! LOL!

Edited by goofygirl
can I type??? On Sunday night? After wine? Aww... hell to the naw...
  • Love 2
33 minutes ago, Lizzing said:

Maybe it's just me, but I really like Ananda Lewis hosting.  TLC should get her to helm the 90DF tell-alls.  Plus, after learning that she's gotten contractor training prior to hosting While You Were Out, she can legit wield a hammer when it needs to be. 😄

Agreed! She asks intelligent questions, and actually listens and follows up! I like that she’s “present” and not just waiting for people to stop talking, like Shaun on 90DF. 

I have a feeling that horrible McKayla saw herself on tv and is trying to redeem herself, now. But I see from the preview that her M.O. hasn’t changed: When anyone says something she doesn’t like, she walks out. What an ass. 

  • Love 19

Anthony's mom is a responsibility shucking jerk. Anthony stayed at Rilah's for two years and it never entered her mind to send along money for food and toiletries even. Then she acts as though nothing unusual happened and the reason is "I have several other children to take care of."   Can't even say thank you without being shamed into it.

So it doesn't matter that she has effectively shrugged off any responsibility for her man-boy, apparently. On top of that, she feels accusing Rilah of lying about paternity relieves her of any responsibility there, too. She's a leech. Her tears at the revelation that he is the father tell me she is crushed that she can't go on her merry way denying the child is her blood.

  • Love 23

You could tell that Jessica only just managed to shelve her haughty, holier-than-thou attitude during Max's crying fit. She is stone cold, and I don't believe there's anything Max could do to change that. Does she want him to clean up his act? Yes, of course; no one wants their granddaughter's father to be a druggie. But Jessica will never, ever see Max as a viable partner for Chloe, and in her eyes Max will always be the guy who robbed a little old lady. And Jessica's entitled to that opinion, but I have a hard time writing off a 19 year old as hopeless and defining him by something he did in the throes of drug addiction. I think it says a lot about Jessica's character that she's never displayed any meaningful compassion for Max.

I also noticed that when Nate (overly earnest, yes-man Nate) actually said that everyone involved had a share of the blame, Jessica remained silent. If she were honest with herself, I think she'd admit that she disliked Max from the beginning, long before the drug problem reared up, and that she helped create the dissension in her family by never giving Max a fair chance. Jessica says Chloe changed when she got together with Max, but the real issue seems to be that Chloe moved out from under Jessica's thumb, and Jessica can't handle that loss of control.

I would care a lot more about Hailey if she'd show some backbone and and speak up for herself instead of letting her mom lead the charge. Of all the girls, I think she has the most growing to do, and learning to disengage from Matthew and Hailey 2-faced is a hard but necessary first step. I really wish her mom would stop being such an active participant in the drama and instead steer Hailey toward healthier interests. There's a whole world full of things Hailey could occupy herself with that are more important than where some loser is sticking his dick.

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2 hours ago, Linny said:

I would care a lot more about Hailey if she'd show some backbone and and speak up for herself instead of letting her mom lead the charge. Of all the girls, I think she has the most growing to do, and learning to disengage from Matthew and Hailey 2-faced is a hard but necessary first step. I really wish her mom would stop being such an active participant in the drama and instead steer Hailey toward healthier interests. There's a whole world full of things Hailey could occupy herself with that are more important than where some loser is sticking his dick.

I love this!!

  • Love 6
10 hours ago, 7isBlue said:

Agreed! She asks intelligent questions, and actually listens and follows up! I like that she’s “present” and not just waiting for people to stop talking, like Shaun on 90DF. 

I have a feeling that horrible McKayla saw herself on tv and is trying to redeem herself, now. But I see from the preview that her M.O. hasn’t changed: When anyone says something she doesn’t like, she walks out. What an ass. 

I agree with you both that the host was good and miles better than that silly Shaun. She asked some tough questions and followed up on others. Well done.

Jessica and her husband surprised me because they were not as mean or dismissive of Max as I anticipated, but he needs to stop dreaming that they'll ever care for him. At all. They also acknowledged that they've not been their best. I wonder why he never speaks about his own mother and what kind of relationship they had.

Yeah to the poster who noted that all of the boys are one big clusterfuck of idiocy. And Matthew is loathsome. I hate Hailey 1's mother because she is teaching her daughter all of the wrong lessons--or worse, no lessons at all.

  • Love 15
12 hours ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

I liked when the girls were asked about how they planned to keep from getting pregnant a second time and the camera was focused on McKayla. She looked very uncomfortable, because she is so friggin’ stupid.

She was absolutely silent and had that look on her face that kids get in class when they didn't read the assignment and don't want to be called on. 

I see you, McKayla. She has no worries about getting pregnant again, since her grandparents will just raise her kids for her. 

8 hours ago, renatae said:

Anthony's mom is a responsibility shucking jerk. Anthony stayed at Rilah's for two years and it never entered her mind to send along money for food and toiletries even. Then she acts as though nothing unusual happened and the reason is "I have several other children to take care of."   Can't even say thank you without being shamed into it.

Yes! It really bothered me how she just shrugged it off. "He's my oldest and I got other kids to tend to." What???? Rosa is a complete bitch, but at least she stepped up and made sure this kid had toothpaste and deodorant, for fuck's sake. 

4 hours ago, Linny said:

You could tell that Jessica only just managed to shelve her haughty, holier-than-thou attitude during Max's crying fit. She is stone cold, and I don't believe there's anything Max could do to change that. Does she want him to clean up his act? Yes, of course; no one wants their granddaughter's father to be a druggie. But Jessica will never, ever see Max as a viable partner for Chloe, and in her eyes Max will always be the guy who robbed a little old lady. And Jessica's entitled to that opinion, but I have a hard time writing off a 19 year old as hopeless and defining him by something he did in the throes of drug addiction. I think it says a lot about Jessica's character that she's never displayed any meaningful compassion for Max.

Max could be an Eagle Scout that volunteers at the soup kitchen and Jessica would hate him. She was loathsome to him BEFORE he became an addict and a thief. The issue is - Jessica wants total control over Chloe and she didn't like Chloe having a serious boyfriend who she cared about and listened to. Jessica was horrible to her daughter in the first season - constantly manipulating her, putting her in the middle, then gaslighting her. She can operate under the guise of "concerned mother", but I've got her number. 

  • Love 13
12 hours ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

I liked when the girls were asked about how they planned to keep from getting pregnant a second time and the camera was focused on McKayla. She looked very uncomfortable, because she is so friggin’ stupid.

11 hours ago, Marisagf said:

I noticed that, too.  They were all talking over each other, so I don't know who is on what.  But Makayla was silent.

Which to me means she is not using anything. Why would she when popping kids keeps her on TV and brings her followers plus she can live her life just like she would if she didn't have any. Free childcare and housing included.

  • Love 14
4 hours ago, Linny said:

I would care a lot more about Hailey if she'd show some backbone and and speak up for herself instead of letting her mom lead the charge. Of all the girls, I think she has the most growing to do, and learning to disengage from Matthew and Hailey 2-faced is a hard but necessary first step. I really wish her mom would stop being such an active participant in the drama and instead steer Hailey toward healthier interests. There's a whole world full of things Hailey could occupy herself with that are more important than where some loser is sticking his dick.

I totally agree that Hailey has to grow a backbone.  It's a sad situation, but, game face girl, game face.  Literally the last emotion she should be showing to Matthew is sadness.  It builds contempt in him (probably because he's a psychopath; what else would explain all that violent shaking?) and the cycle goes downhill.  

I think a big problem with Hailey's situation is that she's got no one in her corner.  Her mom says dumb shit, like the claws are coming out, but then she just sits there slack jawed.  There's no one to remind Hailey that the best revenge is living well, and, yes, life is not all about looks or the pretty people would be happy 24/7, but, post-baby, Hailey is actually kind of beautiful.  If she could get out of that neighborhood and learn proper English, she could go places.  She's significantly more attractive than that rat-faced Hailey-who, and if she would stop crying for two seconds, everyone would be able to see that.

Also, Tanya, holy shit, I can't believe I'm saying this, but I believe Matthew when he said you were lying about the living situation.  Just own up and tell the truth that you fucked up.

Production-wise:  I thought the scenes with Max and Chloe and their families seemed heavily edited.  I too loved the host, and I also thought it was weird that the guys all seemed to take each others' sides.  I would have thought someone like Max would have contempt for guys like Anthony, because Max is smarter, and I thought Caelen would be his own guy. I didn't think anyone would be willing to talk to Matthew, or is that just me projecting lol?  (I do think Matthew is a bigger piece of shit than McKalya.  I've made up my mind.  Not that she's not human garbage).

Rosa v. Rebecca:  winner Rosa

Full disclosure--I like Rosa.  I like her confidence.  I think she's beautiful. (I know that's an unpopular opinion).  I like the way she seems to take life by the balls.  Rebecca's unstated position seemed to be--he's 19, he's not my responsibility anymore, nor yours--but she didn't say that, she said she has other kids, which sounds so fucked up.  Rebecca really doesn't give a fuck.  I feel bad for her other kids.

As far as Max and Chloe, et al, I also thought what the fuck when they showed the haircut Max gave Ava over some toothpaste.  I'd be pissed too!  I noticed that Todd doesn't kiss Max's ass completely, and I am glad about that.  Max is still in denial.  Instead of saying that he is addicted to fucking Fentanyl, he said he was "addicted to certain pills."  That doesn't bode well.  Own your shit.  

I am not trying to be mean, but does it seem like Chloe has a nervous system disorder?  Her movements are very jerky and twitchy.  It's not just the jaw and the teeth.  Something is odd.

I don't know how much better Jessica and Nate could have been.  They admitted, more than once, that they all fucked up, and they didn't say "never" to Max, they said it would take time, and it does.  Max has to prove he isn't going to get high or steal.  He seemed to expect to be forgiven on demand, and when that didn't happen, that's when the water works really started.  

I hope they stay broken up.  Max has...a lot of work to do.

  • Love 23

I thought Khloe would get some grief saying she broke up with Max over him cutting Layla's hair...but I honestly think she realized at that point that his thought processes are broken (like somebody said above - toothpaste washes out with water!).  Obviously he was so messed up (shame on letting him keep her alone) that he couldn't process that logical thought.  I think Khloe can be pretty self-absorbed and clueless but she does seem to truly love that baby girl.

  • Love 5
37 minutes ago, LibertarianSlut said:

Also, Tanya, holy shit, I can't believe I'm saying this, but I believe Matthew when he said you were lying about the living situation.  Just own up and tell the truth that you fucked up.

Oh she was 100% lying. She was letting him live there, free range, and turning a blind eye to all that was going on. Now she wants to act all parental, but I'm not buying it. 

  • Love 16
6 minutes ago, LibertarianSlut said:

Also, Tanya, holy shit, I can't believe I'm saying this, but I believe Matthew when he said you were lying about the living situation.  Just own up and tell the truth that you fucked up.

I didn’t even flinch when Matthew said Tanya was lying. Because of course she is. She allowed Max in Hailey’s bedroom because she wanted to be Cool Mom

  • Love 18
2 hours ago, LibertarianSlut said:

Production-wise:  I thought the scenes with Max and Chloe and their families seemed heavily edited.

There was one part where Jessica and Nate and Chloe were talking about something else that Max did that caused them to not accept Max’s apology but it was edited abruptly after that and I didn’t know what they were alluding to. Can someone help me out here? If it’s a spoiler, put it there and I’ll find it. Thanks.

  • Love 1

I think Chloe's parents should be more mature about how they communicate their opinions.  Of course, the people that do that are not on reality tv shows though!!

Jessica just seems very immature in her dealings with Chloe in general. 

I don't think taking this stance toward Max is going to serve anyone in the long run. How is Ava going to feel as she grows up knowing her grandparents hate her dad? These sorts of problems tend to reverberate down through the generations.  That is why I think Chloe's parents should act more mature about it, even if they have valid opinions about Max's shortcomings. 

Edited by ChristmasJones
  • Love 8
16 hours ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

I liked when the girls were asked about how they planned to keep from getting pregnant a second time and the camera was focused on McKayla. She looked very uncomfortable, because she is so friggin’ stupid.

Notice that all of the girls admitted to being on some form of birth control.....  except McKayla.  She was astoundingly quiet in that part of the discussion.

Edited by b2H
  • Love 12
2 minutes ago, b2H said:

Notice that all of the girls admitted to being on some form of birth control.....  except McKayla.  She was astoundingly quiet in that part of the discussion.

It was very evident that she didn't chime in...although she did say she was done with a capital D.  Hasn't she stated before that birth control messes up her body?  So does pregnancy.

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8 hours ago, Linny said:

I have a hard time writing off a 19 year old as hopeless and defining him by something he did in the throes of drug addiction. I think it says a lot about Jessica's character that she's never displayed any meaningful compassion for Max.

I agree with you, but what has Max done, to date, that would warrant redemption?  We know he's gone to rehab only to avoid jail.  He talks a good story, but what have his actions shown?  He will obviously need some time to come around, but were I Jessica, I'd be very leery for a very long time.

  • Love 19

Let’s not forget that Chloe has a younger sister who is old enough to know everything that is going on. They talk about it all right in front of her. If nothing else, this is a good lesson for Brooklyn?Miami?Minnesota?whatever her name is?to learn: Don’t seek out boys who are addicts or ne’er-do-wells or disrespectful or manipulative. Don’t get pregnant in your teenage years. Don’t date guys with herpes sores on their mouths. The list can go on and on.

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I think Jessica has addict burn out. After a while people get kind of tired of the "gonna change... made mistakes... cry cry" etc. etc., then the same old thing happens again & again. Addicts will take people on a wild ride if they allow it. I hope Chloe is finally over it too.

As much as I feel badly for what Max's father is going through, he needs to allow Max to see the consequences of his behavior. Telling Max Jessica's no in home rule is "stupid" was not helpful. It's not a stupid rule as his kid is a known thief. I wouldn't want him in my house either - 'hide all the valuables my kid's criminal, addict baby daddy is here' - um, no effin' way - stay out. It's one fricken' rule brought on by his own behavior so he needs to deal with it.

I will give Max's father credit for telling Max he at least had to respect the rule, but he really needs to help Max see & face up to the consequences of his own behaviors better.

Max isn't at a 'face the music & really heal' place yet as he's also manipulating Chloe by telling her people stick things out if in love. That BS line does not apply to being involved with someone like him. She has a right, & obligation, to protect herself & her kid from Max given his ongoing, very serious, issues.

On a superficial note Chloe's gained weight. I mean who cares really, except that the outfit she chose was not doing her any favors, & her makeup was awful, but then so was Max's hair.

I cannot stand Hailey1's mother but Matthew is the biggest douchebag on this show next to Shayden.  Who the fuck does he think he is warning them not to disrespect him or his ho baby #2 mama when he's outright disrespecting both of them. This asshole needs to grow up & stop making babies he'll be a horrible example for in life. I hope Hailey1 gets her shit together & stops crying over both of these POS's - her "friend" (hopefully EX-friend) deserves what she's gonna get & it will come around to her for sure.

  • Useful 1
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2 hours ago, gonecrackers said:

I think Jessica has addict burn out. After a while people get kind of tired of the "gonna change... made mistakes... cry cry" etc. etc., then the same old thing happens again & again. Addicts will take people on a wild ride if they allow it. I hope Chloe is finally over it too.

As much as I feel badly for what Max's father is going through, he needs to allow Max to see the consequences of his behavior. Telling Max Jessica's no in home rule is "stupid" was not helpful. It's not a stupid rule as his kid is a known thief. I wouldn't want him in my house either - 'hide all the valuables my kid's criminal, addict baby daddy is here' - um, no effin' way - stay out. It's one fricken' rule brought on by his own behavior so he needs to deal with it.

I will give Max's father credit for telling Max he at least had to respect the rule, but he really needs to help Max see & face up to the consequences of his own behaviors better.

Max isn't at a 'face the music & really heal' place yet as he's also manipulating Chloe by telling her people stick things out if in love. That BS line does not apply to being involved with someone like him. She has a right, & obligation, to protect herself & her kid from Max given his ongoing, very serious, issues.

On a superficial note Chloe's gained weight. I mean who cares really, except that the outfit she chose was not doing her any favors, & her makeup was awful, but then so was Max's hair.

I cannot stand Hailey1's mother but Matthew is the biggest douchebag on this show next to Shayden.  Who the fuck does he think he is warning them not to disrespect him or his ho baby #2 mama when he's outright disrespecting both of them. This asshole needs to grow up & stop making babies he'll be a horrible example for in life. I hope Hailey1 gets her shit together & stops crying over both of these POS's - her "friend" (hopefully EX-friend) deserves what she's gonna get & it will come around to her for sure.

Me, too! I really hope she somehow develops some self esteem and kicks both of those nasty dirtbags to the curb. I predict Matthew will have at least 6 kids by 6 different females by the time he's 25 and will never pay a penny of child support for any of them. He'll find enough work under the table to keep himself in a beater car, a crappy apartment, methamphetamine, pot and Busch light. He'll never see any of the kids because "their mamas are bitches and don't let me because I don't got no money to give 'em".

  • Love 19

I actually teared up at the Max / Chloe segment. I understand all above comments about Max not getting better and if he were in my daughter's life, God forbid, idk what I'd do. I'd probably pull a "Rosa" & move us away- far far away. Regardless, i wish him healing & good vibes. Speaking of Rosa, i actually like Rylah. And Anthony made me laugh..."I move in silence...you never know." I see real love between these three and wish Rosa had some help with sheltering/feeding Anthony.  His "mother" is a p.o.s. Having multiple kids doesn't retire you from caring for the first.  She was so detached and didn't see anything at all wrong in her actions or carelessness.  Rosa was right in just calling it what it is and going separate ways.  

Hayley 1: you don't owe any respect to Matthew or Hayley 2. Leave all alone. Be strong, get an education & a future and leave these losers in the dust. Tanya: get friends your own age. Your daughter & co aren't your buddies. 

  • Love 9
15 hours ago, ChristmasJones said:

How is Ava going to feel as she grows up knowing her grandparents hate her dad? 

It looks like Chloe might hate him now? Watching this show I have not seen one reason to like Max.

Tanya is a liar, but Matthew is just a slouching, mumbling, weasel prick chasing after a skank that he probably has already impregnated.

  • Love 9
19 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Oh she was 100% lying. She was letting him live there, free range, and turning a blind eye to all that was going on. Now she wants to act all parental, but I'm not buying it. 

It's almost criminal what she allowed to go down in her house. And we saw both Hailey and Matthew talk about how Tanya and her boyfriend walked in on them having sex several times. 

19 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Tanya is a goddamn basket case. She made one poor decision after another. And she acts like a teenager herself. Hailey needs her mother, not a teenage bestie.

I think she wants to be the cool mother and so she gave Hailey whatever she wanted.  Matthew is basically homeless and so Tanya lets him move in to help him out and help himself to her daughter. She's a loon. And now she has a granddaughter and her daughter is a single teenage mother at what, 15? 16?

16 hours ago, b2H said:

Notice that all of the girls admitted to being on some form of birth control.....  except McKayla.  She was astoundingly quiet in that part of the discussion.

Baby #3 in 2020. You heard it here first.

13 hours ago, brillia79 said:

We do this thing in society now where we pressure people to forgive the harmful actions of people who have not earned forgiveness and aren’t making any changes. And we further gaslight by telling them it’s for their own good.

I know you were referring to Max and Chloe but this fits with Hailey as well. Matthew treats her like absolute trash and yet she's on the couch telling him she hasn't said or done anything disrespectful towards his precious Hailey 2. How twisted is that??? He's such a big man, calling Tanya a disrespectful bitch but can't look either one of them in the eye. I absolutely believe he probably told her it was all her fault he left her and she better act right and respect his new woman or else. And since H1 has NO sense of self-worth she's falling in line. 

There's no way that didn't hurt. She gave her virginity to that boy (in her mother's car) had his child and then within a week of giving birth he left her for her "best friend" and now the friend is (probably) pregnant? 

If Tanya had any sense at all she'd be making sure Hailey got some counseling. Without going into too much detail, this entire situation is triggering. I was once Hailey 1 except my ex left me with three young children. He treated me very similar to how Matthew treats Hailey. Our youngest wasn't a newborn though, thank God. I still refer to that period as the valley of my life. I was beyond depressed. I won't say more but I definitely benefited from counseling. 

  • Love 19

I had to laugh when Ananda mentioned to the kids that they'd all have to become independent someday and move out of their parents' homes and McKayla looked down her nose at her grandmother, announcing that she will be moving out of her grandparents' home when she finishes college whether they like or not.  Right after the grandmother had remarked that she wouldn't mind if McKayla moved out now.  

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I think Hailey 1 is doomed unless she's got some other family members or friends who can steer her towards therapy and help her identify ways to get out of her current situation.   I just don't see her mother being mature enough to be able to do this.

And Matthew repulses, me, too.  I keep thinking if the options were him or no sex at all, the choice wouldn't even be close.  I'd be a virgin forever!!!  There must be VERY slim pickings where they live.

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5 hours ago, jabinlbc said:

At one point I thought I heard someone (Chloe, perhaps?) mention that when Max went to rehab the first time, it was to avoid jail.  Did anyone else catch that or was I mistaken?

You weren't mistaken. I believe Jessica said it. As far as Max goes, it's not his dad, Chloe or Chloe's parent's job to be his support system. They've all (especially his dad) tried to help him and he's shit on all of them repeatedly.  Max has to learn that he has to earn people's trust again and it takes a long, long time. He acts like people should just erase the past because he went to rehab a couple times. It doesn't work that way. And, from what Chloe said, it sounds like he's still using or was when she was living at Max's dad's house. The best thing for both families would be for Max to move into a sober living facility. He would have the support of people who know exactly what he's going through and he would have to be accountable for himself. They would help him learn to live as an adult and he'd have to suffer the consequences if he fucks up. His visits with Ava should be supervised until he's proven to everyone, and most importantly, himself, that he truly wants to get better and live a sober life.

Rebecca (Anthony's mom) is a real piece of work! Her saying she has other kids to think about when Rosa called her out for dumping Anthony on her made my jaw drop open. Run, Anthony! And, don't look back. I bet she winds up with one or two more souvenir kids before she's done. I don't really care for Rosa, but she takes care of her kids and took in someone else's kid when his own mother couldn't be bothered.

Matthew and Hailey 2 disgust me. Him sitting there saying he won't be disrespected made my blood boil. He wouldn't know respect if it bit him on his scrawny, nasty ass. Hailey 2 acting like she's some innocent victim of love makes me laugh my head off. I can't wait until her skinny, pimple faced prince leaves her for another stupid teenage girl. 

  • Love 20
On 11/4/2019 at 3:55 PM, ChristmasJones said:

How is Ava going to feel as she grows up knowing her grandparents hate her dad? . 

If Max were just a regular kid who had knocked up his girlfriend, I would agree. But honestly, by the time Ava is old enough to grasp what is going on, it'll be a miracle of Max isn't

1)Dead from an overdose

2) So brain damaged from drugs he's not able to even take care of himself 

3) A complete addict in downward spiral who has no contact with anyone from his previous live, living on the streets and shooting up with dirty needles

Not saying I wish any of those things on him, but the real issue will probably be helping Ava cope with the death of her father.

  • Love 7
On 11/5/2019 at 12:57 PM, A-Lo said:

I had to laugh when Ananda mentioned to the kids that they'd all have to become independent someday and move out of their parents' homes and McKayla looked down her nose at her grandmother, announcing that she will be moving out of her grandparents' home when she finishes college whether they like or not.  Right after the grandmother had remarked that she wouldn't mind if McKayla moved out now.  

McKayla probably thinks that when she moves out she can leave her kids with her grandparents. She'll promise to visit often though. 

If she ever finishes college I will eat an automobile.

  • LOL 7
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