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S03.E13: Against All Odds/S03.E14: Tell All

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The Tell Alls are most interesting for the behind the scenes stuff for me - the interactions between the people. Who become allies, etc. I went to a taping of the show Fashion Star once, and that was the most interesting thing to me from the experience - how well Nicole Richie came off in person, when the cameras weren't rolling.

Rebecca came off very well. She's likable. Flawed, but likable. 

I like the Teri/Avery duo. Especially when I factor in her age, experiences (doing gymnastics seriously requires a very strong person, mentally and physically, so I know she's got that in her, then it appears what followed was a wild period following her loss of gymnastics, further damaging her, then a reactionary swing to another extreme), and she has made some comments on social media that show self-reflection - and on the show, they showed her getting upset at the clip of her making her mother upset. So I figure there is a lot of Teri in Avery that will come out and I respect her continued efforts to parent her. And Rebecca aligning with Avery reflected well in Avery.

Angela - I'm clearly not the demographic that finds her entertaining.

Maria/Caesar - Neither is likable. I missed the reference to a whip, but geez. Caesar is the type of guy I would try to screen out when online dating. I can hardly fault her for not meeting up with him, that seems like the right call. And I think the truth was revealed when she said he just has to make more money.  Also her comment to her friends about how a manicurist couldn't make that much money to send her. Sounds like they met on Anastasia Date and they continued their "relationship" off of the dating site. 5 years vs 2 years is probably the difference between meeting on Anastasia Date and taking the relationship off site. Maria's perspective was crystal clear - she was entertaining all offers until one presented itself that was good enough for her to accept and forgo her other revenue sources (and experiences, she probably gets some personal enjoyment from the travel). The US Citizenship gives Caesar a boost. But not enough to overcome his low income. And she's right. I would have to see far more evidence of her leading him on /misrepresenting her intentions to put the blame on her for him not figuring that out. And we saw how he responded - both during a previously aired episode and during the tell all - to her telling him directly "it's over, move on", and he didn't get the picture then. I'm sure he'd love to find true love, but finding a good partner and companionship is not what's driving him. He wants something he can't afford, literally and figuratively. Maria's looking for a good life, not love - and Caesar offers her neither. Neither are feel good stories. If the while thing was scripted, they wrote a reasonable, believable script, so good for them. But I think the answer is right that they had the real Maria's contact info to sign off on her photo and videos, and when it came time to the tell all, TLC/Sharp made a better offer than Caesar ever made. 


My understanding from rumors on Reddit and observations people made about his apartment that he indeed has a child, which, if true, makes his priorities/intentions even worse.

Ben and Akinyi - ugh, cringe. Curious to see how far this goes, in a watching a train wreck sort of way. 

Darcy - I just can't relate to her. But I have seen people comment that she's generally nice towards people, and even if those comments come off as fake and insincere sometimes, the underlying intent to make others feel better rather than intentionally being mean is definitely something I can respect. 

Jesse - I haven't watched their seasons, but I've read enough to have a good idea what happened. It was a shady move by TLC. As I mentioned above, I think TPTB realized that they'd be crossing the line in manipulating someone's life and causing someone unnecessary harm by putting him on stage with Darcy after witnessing (/recording footage that would be available for discovery in a legal proceeding) the other cast members' reactions to him there. They're obviously not going to air any footage of anger directed at producers, so Jesse gets it. And Avery had already judged him based on past actions he agreed to have aired on TV, and that's not unreasonable. He made the decision to go on the show for money and/or to stretch out his 15 minutes of fame. I get that. But, even if the producers approached him, I also get the criticism that he could have declined, and it's fair to judge his decision not to.

Dying to know the behind the scenes decisions of producers during this episode - where they draw the line, etc. I was trying to figure out their questioning style. They will ask some difficult questions, but then drop the subject quickly. I gather they are directed to not actually interfere in the relationships - ie, drive them to break up. So when Maria says "move on," that's fair for Shaun to follow up on because it came from Maria, but when Shaun gets a response that if you really ran with it,  you could foresee being able to lead to a break-up with a question or two, then she'll drop it and change topics. If that's the reasoning, I get it.

Re the psych evaluations and how some of these people "passed," my understanding is there are two ways to "fail" a reality show psych evaluation - by being too insane or by being too sane. And on that spectrum, they want them closer to the "too insane" line, without going over. They need to make sure the participants are just sane enough to understand what they're getting into, to not kill someone, to not kill themselves, and to be relied on to follow through on what's expected of them. Obviously, some mistakes can be made when deciding what side of the line these people are one.

I simultaneously judge the producers and want to be them. I can't decide where my ethical compass falls on that.

Edited by Evangeline
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16 minutes ago, Zevious Zoquis said:

Please no more EMMA!  OMG I can't stand her!  People suggesting she should be given more time must be nuts...she's awful.

Emma is awful, I agree. So two-faced. Pretending to care about Darcey at the salsa club and speaking supportively of her brother throughout. And dragging Darcey AND her brother on the tell all. Bellowing repeatedly on the tell all that they don't even know each other's favorite colors. All the obnoxious laughter and sanctimony. The peurile floral print clothing! 

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1 hour ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Big Ang said that she talks to Mah-kul all day while she is at work, seriously? She calls him and talks to him all day so he cannot do anything without her knowing? First, I would not have 8 hours of conversation in me, second what about Angela's hospice patient, hearing is the last to go, can you imagine the last thing you hear is Ang's hoarse cackle or gross phone sex with Mah-kul? 

Each patient is praying for sweet death to come.

Big Ange reminds me of my hillbilly neighbors.  When Lynard Skynard is playing all is well but when the banjo music comes on they all start fighting, The "lady" of the house is sooo loud and although I've never met her, I've heard (and the whole neighborhood) from this woman that her daughter is the biggest whore this side of the the Cuyahoga.

Thank you TLC for this shitshow of a season.  I will miss it.

Edited by mytmo
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2 hours ago, sasha206 said:

I don't understand why this idiot is so enthralled by Zied except for she glamorizes sitting in a desert, getting a proposal. from her Arabian knight

There is a song by The Police called Tea in the Sahara that she probably plays on repeat.  So exotic!  So so sexy!

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1 minute ago, Pepper Mostly said:

As if Maria would allow that! If anyone is going to be whipping, Maria will do it.

There was never a chance of it happening anyway.  Maria was never going to be anywhere near Cesar.  But given she'd been interacting with him for years and would likely have taken part in many long and...er...intensely intimate text discussions over that time one can understand the obvious, utter disdain she has for him.  She's a scammer and pretty heartless, but she did sort of work to earn her pay...

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1 hour ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I suspect that Cesar was responding to the producers talking in his earpiece. They probably had discussed how there was going to be a big blowup with the ladies (well, women) and it was in the plan. So, they probably said, Cesar, sit down....it's okay. We got this.  lol 

Nah, they would have loved to see Ceaser attempt to break it up like Pole and Tarik tried.  He looked so out of depth. Maybe he saw security was coming and being relieved sat back down. I don’t care, it was champagne tv

6 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

As if Maria would allow that! If anyone is going to be whipping, Maria will do it.

He definitely brought for her use.

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3 hours ago, calpurnia99 said:

It was like a comedy movie, Jesse being a life coach in a Nursing home. That could not have been real. The show really set him up for laughs. I've seen things like that in comedies.  Like on Best in Show, he does his ventriloquist act to the same crowd Jesse did.  That was fiction.

It was by far the funniest thing I've ever seen on this show, I need to rewatch. He says I inspire people and give lectures, I am on a speaking circuit. Then you see he is blowing hot air about life and relationships and the cameras zoom into these blind, deaf, dead people. 

lol, it totally looked like a scene from a movie like Best In Show!  It was hilarious!  What exactly does Jessie think he's doing there??  🤣

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I still haven't watched the 3 hours yet, but am throroughly enjoying reading about it on my lunch break.

Hearing about Jessie and his captive audience in a retirement home reminds of me The Office. The one where Michael ends up quitting Dunder Mifflin to start his own paper company and he and his new crew go to his grandma's retirement home to look for investors. Classic.

I'm sure I'll be snarking more later once I watch it.

And I am sure y'all are SICK of me talking about how I wish there was a zero tolerance on any sort of physical altercations on this show, and all reality shows. (Yes, I am the one who is always harping back to when The Real World first came out decades ago on MTV. Zero tolerance - no spitting, slapping, shoving, etc. That resulted in the person being automatically removed from the show. Buh-bye.) 

The 90D franchise and Love after Lockup needs that stat. And just because a woman hits a man (or another woman) that should not be tolerated ever. I hate the double standard.

Can anyone help me off my soap box now? Thanks. 

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This tell all could have been one hour.... With all the silence, they could have edited that out.

Still don't understand why Jesse was there. 

And honestly, I think Maria dodged the bullet. Caesar is the type that you can't get rid of.  You know he is still calling her. And besides... those edible panties are a yeast infection waiting to happen.

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Thank you, Angela, for earning your TLC paycheck and bringing a little excitement to this pitiful “Tell All”.  Avery, trying for best supporting actress, kind of overplayed her hand. Do I care that her 19 year old heart was broken once?  Life sucks, honey, get used to it. I believe truly that Caesar and Maria were in cahoots but she isn’t happy about how she’s being treated on social media and she wants out now. But,if not for continuing their doomed relationship, ,how will Caesar keep getting the camera time, social media recognition and TLC paycheck?  Ben get out now! I don’t know how you annull a shotgun African marriage, but I suspect you better find out. Akinini is one vile woman.  Darcy, dear, please get a life other than reality TV.  Your neediness and tearfulness does not make you look strong or attractive. Your daughters must be so embarrassed for you. I agree with the poster who said that Stacy’s relationship with her fiancée was probably her attempt to get on this show but Darcy got it - so who won? I actually like Tom,if only because he is honest with her without being as hurtful as Jesse was. I think he finds her attractive but she’s a lot!   I have to give Angela’s Michael a thumbs up -he’s playing the long con and doing it well. He has a perfect out for leaving the marriage after getting his GC; she can’t provide him with a baby.  Also, he seems such a sweetheart, if she does dump him before he get to the US,I bet he’ll find lots of American women who would be attracted. 

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25 minutes ago, BallisticNikki said:

I was going to say the same thing - no one can practice w/ just a bachelor's degree. But then I remembered Leida, the rich Filipino beauty queen doctor. I think the decoded and deconstructed her "medical degree" situation to the point absurdity whereupon it became apparent that some of the foreign programs combine a collegiate and a terminal degree into one. So who knows? He may may have just bought a diploma from one of those online diploma mill "universities."

Leida is Malaysian, not Filipino. Just sayin'.

2 hours ago, sasha206 said:

So Maria isn't that good looking to blow a fortune over.

And she doesn't even blow for a fortune.

37 minutes ago, magemaud said:

Maybe it was a licorice whip?

I still haven't learned my lesson about commenting before I read the entire thread. @Gobi beat me to it! 

Great minds snark alike.

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1 hour ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I suspect that Cesar was responding to the producers talking in his earpiece. They probably had discussed how there was going to be a big blowup with the ladies (well, women) and it was in the plan. So, they probably said, Cesar, sit down....it's okay. We got this.  lol 

He was looking around for security and then one guy headed into camera view and then he sat back down.

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33 minutes ago, BallisticNikki said:

Wait, Sumit caught a beat down? (I fell off the Other Way bandwagon midseason.)

There was a really funny scene where Sumit was angered by people in a tavern/pub staring at Jenny.  His beat down was as follows:  "Excuse me, please stop making fun of my granny wife girlfriend.  You are rude and I don't appreciate your tone.  Please stop."  It was the most polite thing I have ever heard!!

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3 minutes ago, Spike said:

He was looking around for security and then one guy headed into camera view and then he sat back down.

yeah that's what  I saw.  Sat back down just as the security guy came on screen.  But it was still funny the way he stood...it was like he knew he should do something, but he didn't really want to do anything...and maybe if he moves slow enough somebody else will do something first!  😂

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Just now, Zevious Zoquis said:

yeah that's what  saw.  Sat back down just as the security guy came on screen.  But it was still funny the way he stood...it was like he new he should do something, but he didn't really want to do anything...and maybe if he moves slow enough somebody else will do something first!  😂

If only he had thought to bring his whip with him to the Tell All.

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21 minutes ago, mytmo said:

Each patient is praying for sweet death to come.

Big Ange reminds me of my hillbilly neighbors.  When Lynard Skynard is playing all is well but when the banjo music comes on they all start fighting, The "lady" of the house is sooo loud and although I've never met her, I've heard (and the whole neighborhood) from this woman that her daughter is the biggest whore this side of the the Cuyahoga.

Thank you TLC for this shitshow of a season.  I will miss it.

90  Day OG starts next weekend! Come home to the live chat thread. We'll be waiting.

16 minutes ago, Zevious Zoquis said:

There was never a chance of it happening anyway.  Maria was never going to be anywhere near Cesar.  But given she'd been interacting with him for years and would likely have taken part in many long and...er...intensely intimate text discussions over that time one can understand the obvious, utter disdain she has for him.  She's a scammer and pretty heartless, but she did sort of work to earn her pay...

Team Maria here. She had no intention of going to Cancun. I think she's been pretty cagey, all in all. Throwing in the "everyone hates me now. I should never have agreed to do this" was a pretty clever touch.

1 minute ago, Cherrio said:

and break a nail?    No way. 🙂

And his coif might get mussed.

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On 10/28/2019 at 10:27 AM, Jel said:

Maybe the cruelest question I'm ever going to ask in my life --

If you had to HAD TO marry one of them, which one would it be?

Gah...I can't answer

If it was a matter of life or death, I'd marry Tom because I think he could become a decent person and he likes to DO things, and appears to have some semblance of a job.

On 10/28/2019 at 10:14 AM, islandgal140 said:

Speaking of Tim. Both him and Jesse were wearing waistcoats/vests, I am really starting to associate that choice in wardrobe to douchebags. Am I wrong?

I know what you mean, but I think it's a more British way of dressing for men. Tim probably does it for the weirdness and Jesse the AssClown probably does it because in his narcissistic mind he thinks he looks more adult and klassay...I don't think waistcoasts are as bad though, as the ubiquitous pork pie hat, which to me is the international symbol of "Hi, I'm in the Douchebag Club for Men!"

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I saw about 45 minutes of the part 2 and I'm not sure how much more I can sit through.

Stacy is really looking artificial and it's not attractive she needs to cut back on the lip injections and  whatever else she's doing to her face. 

Angela needs some serious anger management therapy, she's out of control.  I didn't find Avery all that innocent either.   Her endless crying and need to repeat the same thing over and over was really getting on my  nerves. 

I couldn't take Jesse at all, I skipped through his segment real fast.  

Michael seems like his programming is working well.  He's going to sit in the house  and wait for further orders. 

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3 hours ago, lasandi said:

AND another thing, Maria thinks everyone loves him...said no one, anywhere ever!  Who told her that lie.  We all think he is an idiot..who btw lied about sending her "about $40,000"....which I also never believed.

Another discrepancy was the length of their relationship. She said 2 years and only then Cesar said he first messaged her then he stopped and came back later again. So pretty much just like Darcey's and Tom's relationship was 4 years but she was still with Jesse in 2018! THEY ALL LIE!

3 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Big Ang wants Mah-kul to basically be on house arrest, she mentioned that she was afraid of him getting in to trouble and that would jeopardize the visa process...does he have a history of getting in to trouble (I mean aside from the BJ)? 

Big Ang said that she talks to Mah-kul all day while she is at work, seriously? She calls him and talks to him all day so he cannot do anything without her knowing? First, I would not have 8 hours of conversation in me, second what about Angela's hospice patient, hearing is the last to go, can you imagine the last thing you hear is Ang's hoarse cackle or gross phone sex with Mah-kul?  

If Mah-kul makes it to the US he will be held prisoner while Big Ang is at work or the market or where ever. 

Also, let's never see Big Ang licking lube off of Mah-kul's body again. 

Did we ever learn how Avery will be paying for Omar's visa?

Yeah he always gets in trouble just for trying to have a normal life. Like being on a boat with male friends while there is a woman in the picture in the background with somebody else.  We always hear about him taking pictures with women but the only picture they ever show is the boat one. If there was more they would show them with heads removed. So I don't believe in any of the shit she accuses him of. It's always something completely stupid. I think Michael just says yes I lied to everything and anything just to keep her from blowing up on him. This way she might yell at him for a bit but then stops because she was proven right and she caught him and he says he will try to do better... She and Nicole must be related. Blonde blobs holding their fiancees prisoners while 3000 miles away, making them stop working so they are always available to be on the phone with them. Assaulting them (not just verbally) on regular basis. All for the low price of 200 USD a month you can get yourself a foreign punching bag. 

2 hours ago, nytonc said:

I just realized Darcy does not contribute one word to the group discussions. She’s so self-absorbed and if it’s not about her, she has nothing to say.  Of course she’s also dumber than a sponge. Her thoughts run about as deep as a puddle. Go read another Victorian romance novel Darcy. 

Only if the novel would have Darcey on the cover. And then she would read only sentences with her name in them. I doubt Darcey ever has time to read anyway. She needs all the time in the day doing make-up and primping herself, trying to find the most ill-fitting clothes plus Botox and fillers and hair extensions. And don't forget the regularly scheduled fights with her twin. All that while texting and calling to similarly self-absorbed, ill-fitting and narcissistic men. I doubt she has enough time to parent her daughters.

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5 hours ago, ava111 said:

Jesse as always can't disappoint with his bulshit. Full of himself telling us how he gives speeches on big stages while talking to handful of his "fans" in retirement home that are "barely there"... Such a grand life he lives. Avery and Tim were correct asking: why was he there? If he was not there to be on stage with Tom and Darcy what was the point of all this? Oh to tell us about his grand life. 

See, I think that scene shows how much TLC hates his assclown ass! That made him look like a parody, which we all know he is. He's like a destitute man's version of Tony Robbins, except he has zero to offer. All these 'motivational' dudes are modern day snake oil salesmen, scheisters, call em what you want, that's what they all amount to. Scamming people out of money with the promise of a better life. Except it's Jesse the Assclown we're talking about here so...yeah, hard no.

As for the waistcoat debate and Teem...waistcoasts are a very British men's fashion item and have never really done out of style. But on Teem it looks poseur-ish, and on Jesse the Assclown it looks like what he thinks a buff motivational speaker should wear. I don't think waistcoats are nearly as bad as the ubiquitous of all douchebaggery accoutrements - the pork pie hat - which is essentially the international calling card of douchebags, douchebag wanna-be's, and hipster doofus's around the world.

Lastly, if I had to, I'd probably marry Tom because I could do fun shit with him I suppose, and he appears to have some semblance of employment...and presents himself - aside from his hair flounce - sort of normally. But it'd have to be a 'you have to marry him or die' situation, right?!?

ETA: It was so fun watching Jesse the Assclown's expression shift as he watched Big Ange 'defend' his little punk ass! At first his expression was smug like, 'see? other people know I am in the right...always...' and then his expression shifted as he realized what a trashy piece of shit she is, and how that's bad for his Assclown Image. Then that little bit on the couch with him saying "Angela is great, she keeps it real you know...' was just to placate her ass on social media so she doesn't come after him. I found that whole thing hilarious from that perspective, though they ought to have shown Big Ange the door right when she got up in Rebecca's face - So much loud, so hangry...

Edited by gingerella
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Just a couple of observations-it seemed to me that Caesar was very nervous when Maria actually showed up as he was afraid she was going to expose his lies.  And she did.  However, Shaun never followed-up her statements.  I believe Maria that he sent far less than $40,000.  I also believe her that Caesar tried to keep the "relationship" going solely so he could continue to get exposure from it, and that he really did try to put blame on her in order to gain sympathy.  What Maria really got wrong was that while initially Caesar did gain sympathy, he completely overdid it and the sympathy disappeared and disdain appeared in its absence.

I do believe Jesse that Darcy is the one who kept in contact.  I did not appreciate it that they allowed Darcey and Stacey to go on and on about Jesse but only gave him a couple of seconds to address the same situation.  I agree with an above poster that they originally planned to have Jesse and Darcey confront each other but changed their minds.  Jesse is full of himself (and the hilarity of the clip about his 'speaking circuit'...), but he wasn't wrong about Darcey's drinking, desperation, etc.  And, we can question his motives for being there, but apparently the producers wanted him enough to make it happen.  Why was Tom there?  He's just as disinterested in a relationship with Darcey as Jesse is (and, yes, I know-Tom was actually ON the show this season, but still...).

On, and Avery sure thinks she knows everything (without any research ever!).  She sure liked to use the "I have a right to share my opinion" about someone else, but not necessarily that others have the same right to share opinions about her life/being on t.v.  They were all pretty quick to "share" their opinions; slow to let others express opinions that are different.  I guess it's related to criticizing someone else in order to make themselves appear better.

I found it interesting that Shaun very clearly conveyed her opinions of some of the participants by crossing her arms to show disdain or even in some of the tone she used while speaking to/about some of the participants.

I also found it interesting that Fidel said that Ben still owed him money when I thought the money was supposed to go to the parents.  It actually wouldn't surprise me if this whole thing is a scam that Akinyi and Fidel have going and that those weren't even their parents.  Akinyi does appear to have a very high opinion of herself-especially in comparison to her opinion of Ben.

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I don't know why anyone would believe anything the Ukrainian scammer had to say.  She says it wasn't 40k?  So?  She's essentially talking about money she scammed from the guy and she's on the hot seat.  Why not say it was less than he says?  She also said she loved him.  Does anyone believe that?  And why would he lie about it?  If anything, it seems to me he'd give a lower than real number...the more money it is the more of an idiot he is.  

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10 minutes ago, Zevious Zoquis said:

I don't know why anyone would believe anything the Ukrainian scammer had to say.  She says it wasn't 40k?  So?  She's essentially talking about money she scammed from the guy and she's on the hot seat.  Why not say it was less than he says?  She also said she loved him.  Does anyone believe that?  And why would he lie about it?  If anything, it seems to me he'd give a lower than real number...the more money it is the more of an idiot he is.  

So we would pity him and feel sorry for him more and hate her more. He wants to play a victim. It worked at the beginning too.

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I thought Caesar was looking for a way to escape! 

Everyone questioning why Jessie was there,  I  imagine TLC invited him. 

Big Ang should be nice to Avery... she's within egg donor age... Ang  may get desperate! 

Ang outside chain smoking with Tom... now saying she started that fight in defense of Tom.  Her old stand by to excuse her unacceptable behavior..."I apologize for my actions but not for what I said."  

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Jesse sure was right about Darcey being an alcoholic. He's very full of himself but I cannot fault his temperament or judgment.

Angela distracted us from some of the more subtle, interesting drama.

Avery's overreaction puzzled me as much as Teri's ineffectual standing by her constantly. 

Avery's cover story of defending Darcey quickly wore thin as she started to work herself into an emotional frenzy and later a puzzle of tears about her own past relationship which she claimed to be, twice, far worse than Darcey's. That's what it was about, some ill-timed plea for attention wrapped into a dubious claim of sticking up for Darcey, who did not seem to need or care for her so-called support. If anything, Darcey looked embarrassed with the drama and wanting to avoid talking about what was causing Avery to flail like a paid mourner.

Her outburst was bizarre, and made me uncomfortable. 

Avery kept pushing her mother off like one would a gnat. Teri often positions herself as Avery's humble servant, like Avery is her cult leader. I am not explaining it well, but there is a certain surrender in Teri's behavior. Avery seems to have profound issues that we are not privy to, and that aren't helped by her mother's barely tolerated attention.

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1 hour ago, Caseysgirl said:

Ben get out now! I don’t know how you annull a shotgun African marriage, but I suspect you better find out.

I think you just change your phone number, take down your profile, and never go back to Kenya!!

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Pretty sure they If Maria actually met Caesar in Mexico, she would expect the whip and panties.   They were discussed ad nauseam online.  How do you think she weaseled all that money from Caesar?  And others?  She earned every dime. 

I was disappointed that TLC broke up Angela and Rebecca.   My money was on Rebecca wiping the floor with Big Ang.  I was not a fan a Rebecca before but I agree she showed who she was with Avery. 

Avery appears to be truly terrorized by her last relationship.   Her reaction was hard to watch in a young girl.  And explains her current life choices.  

The best thing that could happen to Micheal is he receives citizenship as soon as he lands so he can escape Angela’s clutches.   He’s suffered enough and should be able to apply for asylum.  😁 I’m pretty sure he will find another woman here in the USA pretty quickly if he makes it here, leaving his grandma wife to pay for his life in the US over the next 10 years.  

Don’t really know the value added to have Jessie there other than drama.   Yeah, TLC original plan was to have him on stage with Darcy and the rest of the cast.   Those plans were obviously changed.   But that footage of him talking to seniors was gold and showed how pathetic he really is.  

I know a few Darcy’s.   It’s sad to watch.   Darcy and her sister should divert their funds for extensions, plastic surgery and cosmetic procedures to a good therapist.  Darcy wants a fiancé and really doesn’t care who it as long as they look good next to her.  Unfortunately, anyone up to the task is another fame whore like her so it would never work long term.  Yes Darcy, we all deserve love but you have to love yourself first and be confident in who you are.  Get a job and work on your INNER self.  I don’t find you entertaining.   

Akinyi is pissed at Ben because he hasn’t paid for her ransom bride price yet but her mean comments are not becoming.   Just makes look bad.  She’s worse than Maria.  Ben is really not a bad person and deserves better.   But his choice was Akinyi.  He signed up for this.   Have no pity.  

I like Jeniffer.  She tells it like it is.  But I don’t think she’s a good match with Tim.  I felt Tim acted like a gentleman on the tell all.  He took the negative comments about him in stride.  

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1 hour ago, MajorNelson said:

But that was right after her very insightful line: Caesar "got what he wanted."

He gets a forever gf, the hunt, and sympathy...or at least people feeling sorry for him,  He good, she bad.

This x1000.  

And he will try to play this shame game to get her in a relationship or to play victim for the rest of his life.  

Least sympathetic victim ever. 

1 hour ago, Pepper Mostly said:

As if Maria would allow that! If anyone is going to be whipping, Maria will do it.

I think Maria would let a man with the right bank account do just about anything.  But some jug eared dork in a jean jacket and candy panties?  I think that's a no. 

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24 minutes ago, Burning Rubber said:

Jesse sure was right about Darcey being an alcoholic. He's very full of himself but I cannot fault his temperament or judgment.

Angela distracted us from some of the more subtle, interesting drama.

Avery's overreaction puzzled me as much as Teri's ineffectual standing by her constantly. 

Avery's cover story of defending Darcey quickly wore thin as she started to work herself into an emotional frenzy and later a puzzle of tears about her own past relationship which she claimed to be, twice, far worse than Darcey's. That's what it was about, some ill-timed plea for attention wrapped into a dubious claim of sticking up for Darcey, who did not seem to need or care for her so-called support. If anything, Darcey looked embarrassed with the drama and wanting to avoid talking about what was causing Avery to flail like a paid mourner.

Her outburst was bizarre, and made me uncomfortable. 

Avery kept pushing her mother off like one would a gnat. Teri often positions herself as Avery's humble servant, like Avery is her cult leader. I am not explaining it well, but there is a certain surrender in Teri's behavior. Avery seems to have profound issues that we are not privy to, and that aren't helped by her mother's barely tolerated attention.

Maybe one of Teri’s exes between dad and stepdad hurt Avery in some way and Teri feels guilty and therefore indulges Avery as an attempt to make amends.

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7 minutes ago, Spike said:

Maybe one of Teri’s exes between dad and stepdad hurt Avery in some way and Teri feels guilty and therefore indulges Avery as an attempt to make amends.

I was thinking a gymnastics coach.  I can see one as emotionally abusive. 

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44 minutes ago, ava111 said:

So we would pity him and feel sorry for him more and hate her more. He wants to play a victim. It worked at the beginning too.

pity him and feel sorry?  lol...I don't think many are doing that.  Not even from the beginning.  Most everyone knew he was being scammed right off the bat.  He's a fool...

Anyway, what does it really matter?  Was it 40k?  20k?  10K?  She said herself, if he wants to be with a woman like her he needs to get more money.  He's an idiot, and she's a scam artist.  

Edited by Zevious Zoquis
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4 hours ago, Dobian said:

"Benjamin owes me...," the distinctive sound of a machete being sharpened on a grindstone somewhere off-camera.

Haha!  Overall, Fidel on remote was pretty good.

Edited by MajorNelson
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1 hour ago, gingerella said:

As for the waistcoat debate and Teem...waistcoasts are a very British men's fashion item and have never really done out of style. But on Teem it looks poseur-ish, and on Jesse the Assclown it looks like what he thinks a buff motivational speaker should wear. I don't think waistcoats are nearly as bad as the ubiquitous of all douchebaggery accoutrements - the pork pie hat - which is essentially the international calling card of douchebags, douchebag wanna-be's, and hipster doofus's around the world.

Lots of young hipster-ish guys around my way were them quite often. I think they look nice on the right person. My handsome son, for example: 119072253_handsomeboy.thumb.jpg.64fd377f23e692ea30c8d28d7227896e.jpg

36 minutes ago, alegtostandon said:

Big Ang should be nice to Avery... she's within egg donor age... Ang  may get desperate!

Something tells me that Angie does not want Avery's Muslim eggs.

21 minutes ago, LGGirl said:

I was disappointed that TLC broke up Angela and Rebecca.   My money was on Rebecca wiping the floor with Big Ang.  I was not a fan a Rebecca before but I agree she showed who she was with Avery.

i was quite pleasantly surprised by Rebecca. She came across as kind and sensible.

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