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"The View": Week of 10/28/2019


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12 minutes ago, Cementhead said:

Someday I would really & truly like to find out how someone who is being paid to be on a talk show to talk, with a group of other women who are there to talk and interact and discuss chosen topics put before them to talk about by their bosses and their network is able to consistently and continually get away with  saying day in and day out, "I don't care about this"  and "I have nothing to say."  This is literally what her job is.  To sit there and talk and discuss things that she is getting paid to talk about and discuss. 

I hope someday we get to find out what was keeping her here all along.  Does she know where the bodies are buried?  Does she have secret files on someone?  Is someone paying ABC to keep her on the air? 

My guess 1: she's an entitled overly privileged brat that has always believed she calls the shots anywhere she is. John McCain is her father you know. 😉

2: she gets her cues from Whoopi herself.  How many times has whoopi just sat there over the years or said I have nothing to say or even mocked a topic. Meghan being Meghan figures if Whoopi Goldberg can do it so can I.  

Apparently she can. I don't see anything changing.  

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6 minutes ago, Coffeewinewater said:

My guess 1: she's an entitled overly privileged brat that has always believed she calls the shots anywhere she is. John McCain is her father you know. 😉

2: she gets her cues from Whoopi herself.  How many times has whoopi just sat there over the years or said I have nothing to say or even mocked a topic. Meghan being Meghan figures if Whoopi Goldberg can do it so can I.  

Apparently she can. I don't see anything changing.  

My first thought is because of her father.

And Whoopi could be a factor too. But she is Whoopi Goldberg, an egot. She is Meghan McCain, a daughter. 

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58 minutes ago, Bronzedog said:

Jeebus.  They come back from the break, after Meghan's latest hissy fit, and they're talking to Corey Booker's girlfriend and Huge Meg says in the background "I don't care about this."  I don't care about you, Meg, but, here we are.

 I can't imagine any other job where anyone could be so incredibly rude to a guest and keep their job.

To be fair to Meghan, she was saying that she doesn't care about Cory Booker being single and running for president. Sunny was saying he's be the first and Meghan was making the point that it shouldn't matter and she doesn't care so no else should.

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22 minutes ago, MeThinkMeNot said:

To be fair to Meghan, she was saying that she doesn't care about Cory Booker being single and running for president. Sunny was saying he's be the first and Meghan was making the point that it shouldn't matter and she doesn't care so no else should.

Why say it at all though? She calls herself a political pundit, but it's hard to take her seriously when she conducts herself like this with politicians, especially the ones whom she disagrees with. It's just very unprofessional, immature and tacky.

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4 minutes ago, GoldenGirl90 said:

Why say it at all though? She calls herself a political pundit, but it's hard to take her seriously when she conducts herself like this with politicians, especially the ones whom she disagrees with. It's just very unprofessional, immature and tacky.

I don't disagree, but on that point she was trying to say that his martial status shouldn't matter and no one should care about it. So I think her 'i don't care' was to contrast those that do and would take issue with Booker as President.

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16 minutes ago, blondiec0332 said:

When it comes to politics she absolutely believes this. She bases that belief on the fact she has been "in politics her whole life". Translation: My daddy was a politician.

Looking at her Wiki bio her degree from Columbia was in Art History.  Interesting how she has had so many opportunities, on different networks, talking about politics instead of art.

Edited by Mldyold
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1 hour ago, MeThinkMeNot said:

To be fair to Meghan, she was saying that she doesn't care about Cory Booker being single and running for president. Sunny was saying he's be the first and Meghan was making the point that it shouldn't matter and she doesn't care so no else should.

We’re going to have to disagree about that because she also said something under her breath about guns. I think she was continuing to make her displeasure known about not being allowed to continue to berate Corey after the break. 

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On 10/28/2019 at 10:04 PM, Marigny said:

 I think she's afraid of getting fired at the end of the season. Based on this new attempt at assertiveness, I'm convinced that she's read what's being said about her online and she's trying and failing miserably at proving us wrong. 

I have found that Abby is spouting the talking points from the WH.  I noticed it the day it was announced that the WH sent the media the talking points but sent it to the Dems as well.  So she must be getting it from Fox.  By the way, I LOVED Whoopi calling out Megan.  Needs to happen more often.  I suspect no one is Meg's life really takes her to task like that.

On 10/28/2019 at 10:33 PM, Rainyhawk said:

I think joys more informed than you might think.

Yes she is.  She is quite informed.  Much more so than Meg or Abby.

On 10/29/2019 at 2:54 AM, Coffeewinewater said:

I was wondering the same thing? Was it NBC? Abby isn't Diane Sawyer, Meridith Viera, Robin Roberts, before the View I never heard of Abby. Why would a top Executive have her number at the ready to butt dial 😃? I'm not saying it's not possible just bizarre. 

Abby and all her callers😁

Useful idiot?

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1 hour ago, nokat said:

I have to thank you all for talking about the show, because it's all fire coverage again. I may be able to watch tomorrow.

Right when I decided to wade back in, fires all around here, and I missed her horrible rude attitude. Thought she was told yesterday that they all needed to respect each other's views. 

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On 10/29/2019 at 11:06 AM, Sarah Heart said:

They always talk over one another, they always have. Nice try Whoopi.

I give vets the  benefit of the doubt, so few bad apples in the midst of good.

I wish I could see the show Sunny is on with Kristine, God that angers me, raped and shot! What a hero he is. Ugh.

Unfortunately,  we don't get it.

It's all so junior high, really, they all need to grow up( Joy, Sunny, Meghan) 

@Sarah Heartyou might be able to watch it online, maybe youtube, hulu, even the ID channel itself

2 hours ago, tinkerbell said:

Yes, Sunny made an interesting point, that we have not had an unmarried president in 100 years.  Meghan was replying to that, with her "I don't care."   I SO wanted Sunny to say, "Fuck you, bitch, I don't care about half the crap you read off your blue cards, but I don't say so!"  

But Sunny is so much more polite than I am. It was an interesting point, we tend to elect married white men. 

Booker has never been my favorite, but he went up a few points today.  Dealing with Joy's incessant, "why should people vote for you over Biden?"  trying to get him to say ANYTHING against Biden.  When Booker said he though he was bringing energy to the race, Joy retorts back, asking if he was saying Biden did NOT have energy.  (No, JOy, that's NOT what he said!) 

Then Meghan basically asks him to defend Beto's  views on guns, as if in her mind Booker and Beto  are the same.  Her insistence on "Are you coming for my brother's AR-15?"  was beyond rude.   Booker answered it perfectly, calling it fear-mongering.  

I would have been interested in him saying yes, what is your brother going to do about it?  This military vet who is above reproach.  Will he shoot whoever is trying to take it?  What will he do Meg?

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4 minutes ago, Natalie68 said:

I would have been interested in him saying yes, what is your brother going to do about it?  This military vet who is above reproach.  Will he shoot whoever is trying to take it?  What will he do Meg?

She never actually says what she is implying. But she conjures up that image of Charlton Heston saying they will have to pry it from my cold dead hand.

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36 minutes ago, AdeleDazeem said:

I didn't watch, except for Corey Booker (as much as I hate the show, I'll tune in to hear intelligent people, then I'll switch channels).

BUT, when Abby had her newborns on, Joy was, very lovingly, holding and rocking one of them, if I recall. 

So, I dont I know where you're assessment is coming from.




So cute! Joy is a strong, opinionated woman. But I don’t see her as a cold bitch at all. Also, anytime they discuss babies, kids at the border, who’s feeding them and showing affection, she sounds quite maternal. She so seems like she’d be that love-able auntie. 

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34 minutes ago, AdeleDazeem said:

I didn't watch, except for Corey Booker (as much as I hate the show, I'll tune in to hear intelligent people, then I'll switch channels).

BUT, when Abby had her newborns on, Joy was, very lovingly, holding and rocking one of them, if I recall. 

So, I dont I know where you're assessment is coming from.




Uh, Joy is very much NOT a bitch.  She might just not be a kid person.  Its probably been a veeeeerrrrry long time that shes held a baby.  Im not a baby/kid person either.  I dont know how to hold a baby, i get nervous and go rigid.  Plus i must give off a creep vibe because the toddlers will come say hi because Mom makes them, but they drag their feet and obviously dont want to.  Yeah it hurt at first. But ive never had matenal feelings so i dont know why it bothers me.  Me, me,me this was about Joy. Not a Bitch!  Hee 😎

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I can't stomach Megan McCain, so I haven't been watching the show for two months, but I read all of your comments. It sounds like she continues to be a nasty, ignorant piece of work. I don't miss seeing Captain Obvious Abby Huntsman either, and it's too bad that she is trying to be more strident to attract attention, bless her little privileged heart. 

I look forward to the time when I can watch the View when Meghan McCain is gone. Until then, I'll keep enjoying reading all of your great reviews!

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19 minutes ago, pivot said:

Man, Meghan has been absurd this week. Her nastiness to Booker today and continually interrupting him gave me secondhand embarrassment for her. Not that she seems to have any embarrassment for the way she behaves. Booker really put her in her place. 

At some point, ABC is going to have to step in right?

Only if she affects ratings negatively. So far, she and oh-such-an-ignoramus-how-did-either-of-them-get-into-Ivy-League-schools-don't-answer-that's-rhetorical-($$$)-Abby are ratings gold. Or, at the very least, not ratings poison. 

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35 minutes ago, RealHousewife said:

So cute! Joy is a strong, opinionated woman. But I don’t see her as a cold bitch at all. Also, anytime they discuss babies, kids at the border, who’s feeding them and showing affection, she sounds quite maternal. She so seems like she’d be that love-able auntie. 

She has always spoken well about her only child, a daughter.  She has been a happy bragging grandmother for as long as her little grandson has been alive ... and living in her building.  

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40 minutes ago, RealHousewife said:

So cute! Joy is a strong, opinionated woman. But I don’t see her as a cold bitch at all. Also, anytime they discuss babies, kids at the border, who’s feeding them and showing affection, she sounds quite maternal. She so seems like she’d be that love-able auntie. 

And Joy always talks fondly of spending time with her Grandson...she seems like a very warm-hearted person, to me.

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On 10/29/2019 at 9:39 AM, BuckeyeLou said:

Meghan lusts after Joy's lasagna, LOL.  They have a bet 🙂

I hope they have a 'LasagnaGate'.  Joy will bring a lasagna, not saying she was gonna do it.  Surprise!  Then it mysteriously  goes missing, never to be seen again.  And LasagnaGate is born!  Look for it soon on Broadway! It will be dinner theater and guess whats for dinner hahha.  MM is the prime suspect as she was seen going into the refrigerator in the break room.  Of course she denies it, but refuses to allow search and seizure, making them delay it by having to get a warrant.  Anyway...it could go on and on.....

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1 hour ago, Bronzedog said:

We’re going to have to disagree about that because she also said something under her breath about guns. I think she was continuing to make her displeasure known about not being allowed to continue to berate Corey after the break. 

Bingo! First, nothing Meghan has ever done on this show makes me lean towards a reasonable explanation to what she mutters just loud enough to be heard. She did mention something about guns. She was pissed, to be made to look like a fool and called out for being completely toxic towards Beto, what did she call him crazy? A lunatic? Whatever, then whined "he was rude to me first". I believe Meghan was again being disrespectful towards CB. She wanted to rant about her brother's gun not chitchat about Corey and Rosario. 

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47 minutes ago, merriebreeze said:

I really don't see that Beto was being "nasty" to Meghan. . .

The Daily Beast has a rundown here

. . . nor that it was appropriate for her to bring it up with Sen Booker

Meghan is delusional.  Did you watch her interview with Seth Meyers? I've never seen a more polite interview on his part and she claims he attacked her🙄

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1 hour ago, blondiec0332 said:

When Meghan was going after Booker for his position on guns she said a lot of people in red states are going to be mad. Does she realize there are people who live in blue states that have guns as well?

No, because Meghan lives in the Land of stereotypes, where she is the only Real One. All Blue-State residents are haughty hypocritical  limousine liberals who wag their heads at Red-Staters, who are all Larry the Cable Guy or church ladies who disapprove of Rootin' Tootin' Tattoed Meghan, the Whiny Badass.

It was painful to hear Sen. Booker (who I don't like) try to slow-walk Meghan into adult behavior. There are ten-year-olds who would be better at this job than Meghan. She feels victimized by Beto because he thought that "We'll shoot them all!" is an unproductive argument? Puh. Leeze.

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5 hours ago, Sarah Heart said:

Abby's sister  looks so much like her. Everyone said something  about her and the baby, Joy sat rigid, she really is a bitch. 

Sunny and her dot dot dot..lol, omg I muted it, finally Meghan said we get it.. gawd Sunny.

I didn't bother with Booker,  I think he's too fond of himself , click to off.

Not sure what you were seeing, but I saw joy smile and said something that we couldn’t hear.  Not bitchiness that I’m saw and perhaps joy had already said something about the baby backstage.  

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2 hours ago, HaaCHOO said:

Meghan went to an exclusive "country day school" for elementary school and then a respected Catholic* girls school for high school...with strict rules and uniforms.  *She is not Catholic.

Emma Stone and Aidy Bryant attended the same high school. I heard Aidy on Marc Maron’s podcast and she explained that her family was neither Catholic nor wealthy, but that many girls in Phoenix went there as an option because the public schools at the time were so terrible — their parents either scraped by or got scholarships. It reminds me of “Ladybird” (set in Sacramento 2001), where the title character’s working-class parents did the same thing.

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5 hours ago, MeThinkMeNot said:

To be fair to Meghan, she was saying that she doesn't care about Cory Booker being single and running for president. Sunny was saying he's be the first and Meghan was making the point that it shouldn't matter and she doesn't care so no else should.

Maybe.  But she didn't say "marital status doesn't matter, I'll vote for the most qualified candidate."   she said, "I don't care about that"  while Sunny was reading a fact off a blue card.  Meghan was interpreting it as marital status being an important consideration when deciding who to vote for, but wasn't the point.   Nobody was saying married people are ore qualified, just that, as a country, we don't elect single people.  Meghan was rudely dismissing Sunny's point, which was rude.  What was even more rude, was that she didn't even wait until Sunny was finished before saying "I don't care." 

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