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All Episodes Talk: Let’s Talk About Dr Phil the Show


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You know, maybe if Dr. Phil had his staff sitting down working instead of rushing around pretending to handle important crises, they wouldn’t make a mistake like this. The daughter who died was the middle one. We saw the youngest daughter on part 1 Andes are supposed to see the oldest daughter In her 30’s, very much alive and is the addict/hoarder in part 2. The daughter who OD’d was in her 20’s and definitely not the oldest. But wait a minute-did I miss part 2 or did they not air it? Or did I not DVR it? 

Anyway, I felt the need to point out that mistake! 


Edited by hookedontv

Why should I believe that the young woman who lied 10 times about being pregnant was sexually abused, and isn't lying about that, too?

Why should I believe she didn't resell all the baby shower gifts, given that she rushed to get her grandmother to buy an urn she liked off the internet for her imaginary dead baby?

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Coach Mike visits Grey Gardens and makes jokes about Amazon "delivery service" that fall completely flat. He is so useless. He has all the insights of  6 year old.

Homely sister was portrayed as somewhat of a faker, and it may well be true, but the show didn't make a convincing case for it one way or another. It was disappointing in that regard.

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41 minutes ago, Burning Rubber said:

Why should I believe she didn't resell all the baby shower gifts, given that she rushed to get her grandmother to buy an urn she liked off the internet for her imaginary dead baby?

I assumed she took them all back to the store(s).  If they wouldn't give cash refunds, she would have happily taken store credits.  I suspect she had gift registries at department stores, rather than a baby store.

Basement dwelling sister who lives in the Messy Mansion / Tacky Taj Mahal / Clutter Castle is not necessarily faking her issues, but I think she’s a product of her environment and has learned how to capitalize on whatever illness or condition she has. Her manner of speaking reminds me too much of how Elizabeth Warren speaks, and it annoys me to no end.  That breathless, weary, put upon fragile whispery voice sets me on edge because it just sounds so fake and overly dramatic.

The mom is a hoot, but me thinks she is a hoarder of (perceived) expensive tchotchkes.  Poor Kim had better have 1-800-GOT JUNK on speed dial for when her mom passes away. 

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I didn't think Basement Sister was faking but she has been massively enabled by Lots of Hats Mom and is a professional victim.  Coach Mike was no match for her.

2 hours ago, Burning Rubber said:

Coach Mike visits Grey Gardens and makes jokes about Amazon "delivery service" that fall completely flat. He is so useless. He has all the insights of  6 year old.

Homely sister was portrayed as somewhat of a faker, and it may well be true, but the show didn't make a convincing case for it one way or another. It was disappointing in that regard.

Grey Gardens...love it!!

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Next week: another catfish, another fake pregnancy and another angry son.


2/10: A Monster in the Media?

A video of Darnell went viral, showing him brutally attacking his girlfriend and dragging her back to his vehicle; his mom says that is not the son she raised; Darnell says he wants to apologize to the world; his girlfriend's sister says he beat her.

2/11: My Ex-Husband Blew Our Million-Dollar Retirement on Scammers

Retired Robert says he has five online girlfriends, but admits he's never met any of them in person; ex-wife Jeremi says he has lost all of their $1 million savings on day trading and giving money away to these women, who she insists are catfish.

2/12: The Truth About Robert's Top 5 Women Is Finally Revealed

Dr. Phil continues the search to help unravel what's really going on with Robert and the women he thinks he's dating online; the investigation goes across the country to track down and verify information Robert says he's gotten from his girlfriends.

2/13: The Adoption Imposter: Catch Me if You Can

As many as 300 couples across America are believed to have been targeted by an adoption imposter who finds them online and tricks them into believing she has a baby for them, only to disappear days or weeks down the line with no explanation.

2/14: The Adoption Imposter Faces Her Victims

Dr. Phil meets Gabby, the woman who has victimized as many as 300 couples across America by promising them a baby who does not exist; Gabby comes face to face with some of her victims.


Edited by iHateAmpersands
On 2/6/2020 at 6:50 PM, Burning Rubber said:

Why should I believe that the young woman who lied 10 times about being pregnant was sexually abused, and isn't lying about that, too?

Perhaps this disgusting cow should check out a diet plan instead of wasting time with such stupidity. Does she not know/care how dangerous obesity is, especially at her age?!!!

I just watched the Grey Gardens/Ugly Basement Sister episode. My, my, UBS is definitely a professional level victim/user.  Did they say whatever happened to her husband?  Did he by any chance die of some mysterious cause?  Hmmmm.  Dr. Phil says her life coach will not force her to do anything uncomfortable.  Bad promise, Phil.  This one's got a good gig going and will never do a thing for herself.  Too bad, because as soon as mama kicks the bucket, normal sister is going to put UBS out on her behind. 

Edited by suzeecat
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Oh great.....a stupid dumb ass who got catfished,. Yet another idiotic old man who should know better. Stupid, gullible moron. I can't be bothered watching five minutes of this fool because as much proof as our boy Phil presents to him, he will defend his ridiculous behavior. 

It's like trying to argue religion or politics - just walk away.

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2 hours ago, Sam Spayaid said:

I can't be bothered watching five minutes of this fool because as much proof as our boy Phil presents to him, he will defend his ridiculous behavior.

This was another catfish victim I did not feel a single bit of sympathy for. He came off like a belligerent "my way or the highway" jerkwad who had no problem bullying young (female) producers and getting mouthy with Dr. Phil, who definitely gave it right back to him. I'm expecting to find out that he's still sending money even after finding out the truth.

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He will only stop sending money after every penny is gone, his social security checks go to the scammers the second he gets them, and when no one will give him credit or loans.    He will never stop.  

Tomorrow is part 2, outlining the scams that he's fallen for, which he will never believe.

They had another catfish rerun on OWN this morning, with a woman who had sent almost $200K to a scammer, and she simply refused to believe anything that was shown to her.   She also didn't believe some woman that was another victim of the same scammer.    At the end she said she would stop sending money, but she was lying.    

I wonder how many of the catfish 'victims' are actually not sending that money to their scammer, but hiding it?    I wouldn't be surprised if the fool today was hiding money.   

I remember the rerun from few weeks ago on OWN that had some skank in Mexico that he went, and visited for months at a time.    I'm convinced that he had a house down there, and probably another family or two.  

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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10 minutes ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

He will only stop sending money after every penny is gone, his social security checks go to the scammers the second he gets them, and when no one will give him credit or loans.    He will never stop.  

Tomorrow is part 2, outlining the scams that he's fallen for, which he will never believe.

They had another catfish rerun on OWN this morning, with a woman who had sent almost $200K to a scammer, and she simply refused to believe anything that was shown to her.   She also didn't believe some woman that was another victim of the same scammer.    At the end she said she would stop sending money, but she was lying.    

What a delusional dumbfuck! He deserves to lose every penny he owns, it’s just too bad this has already affected his ex. 

No attractive young woman would want this ugly old yak UNLESS he gave them money.  

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A two part catfish? After weeks of out-of-control teens, finally Dr Phil delivers my dream episodes! Thank you.

In a surprising twist,  I am rooting for the scammers to ruin him.

It's funny how he learned the scammers' life stories by rote, and recited them like they were totally real. What a fool! Great TV.

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I only saw about fifteen minutes of part one of the catfish episode, which was maybe seven minutes of his story and twenty of commercials and advertisements for Dr Phil's podcast, (yes, I know the numbers don't add up, but neither does anything else on the show) and wanted to slap the man silly, shake him around and pour ice water over his head in the hopes he would get some sense.

Then, I decided he wasn't being catfished, he is getting pleasure out of being the big man on campus. Sending money and being looked up to in his mind but not in reality, is giving him a perverse pleasure. His ex and anyone else calling him a fool will never mean anything to him because he is addicted to that feeling of being in power and needed. I don't actually think he is in love with scammers, he just feels powerful. He's really unlikable.

I'm not sure if I'll watch part two, but there really isn't any need to see it to know he won't change. 

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8 hours ago, Christina said:

I only saw about fifteen minutes of part one of the catfish episode, which was maybe seven minutes of his story and twenty of commercials and advertisements for Dr Phil's podcast, (yes, I know the numbers don't add up, but neither does anything else on the show) and wanted to slap the man silly, shake him around and pour ice water over his head in the hopes he would get some sense.

Then, I decided he wasn't being catfished, he is getting pleasure out of being the big man on campus. Sending money and being looked up to in his mind but not in reality, is giving him a perverse pleasure. His ex and anyone else calling him a fool will never mean anything to him because he is addicted to that feeling of being in power and needed. I don't actually think he is in love with scammers, he just feels powerful. He's really unlikable.

I'm not sure if I'll watch part two, but there really isn't any need to see it to know he won't change. 

I'm so gonna watch this one (because he's so unlikable). These old men are so stupid--I've seen it many times before as I danced my way through college. Some of them think they have a chance, it's crazy (yeah.....no, dude). I can't wait to watch this old, delusional barnacle get shown by Dr. Phil. 

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3 minutes ago, TurtlePower said:

I'm so gonna watch this one (because he's so unlikable). These old men are so stupid--I've seen it many times before as I danced my way through college. Some of them think they have a chance, it's crazy (yeah.....no, dude). I can't wait to watch this old, delusional barnacle get shown by Dr. Phil. 

I love when Dr. Phil said to him, "If there is a young, beautiful, smart, rich young woman out there searching for love . . . she's NOT looking for you!!"

  • LOL 3


2 hours ago, AZChristian said:

I love when Dr. Phil said to him, "If there is a young, beautiful, smart, rich young woman out there searching for love . . . she's NOT looking for you!!"

Someone should hand Phil a mirror too.   

They already showed that the scammers were phony, and the idiot, Robert, was not believing any of it, and claiming that Dr. Phil was lying.   Actually, he claims everyone is lying, but his imaginary girl friends.     And what's going on with Robert's eyes?   I didn't know which one to focus on, and the ex-wife too.  

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20 hours ago, TurtlePower said:

What a delusional dumbfuck! He deserves to lose every penny he owns, it’s just too bad this has already affected his ex. 

No attractive young woman would want this ugly old yak UNLESS he gave them money.  

I'm just glad she cut her losses and kicked him to the curb.  He needs On star or whatever one of those places is called.  (I think on star is for cars?).  Anyway, he is nuts.

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What's the expression? Oh yeah..."there's no fool like an old fool" and man, is this asshole one of the biggest!!! 

Stupid, rude and arrogant as hell. Buddy? I am SO GLAD this happened to you! I don't know how someone so fucking stupid has made it this far in life and to all of those who have taken advantage of this dipshit I say...WELL DONE!!! The only thing I'm sorry about is the poor wife. She didn't deserve to lose all her money because of this useless POS's monumental stupidity but at least she had the smarts to get out which is more than I can say for this hapless idiot who hopefully will end up on the street. 

Personally I couldn't care less that these dummies get taken but it's when innocent people in their orbit have their lives ruined that really enrages me.

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1 hour ago, Sam Spayaid said:

The only thing I'm sorry about is the poor wife. She didn't deserve to lose all her money because of this useless POS's monumental stupidity but at least she had the smarts to get out which is more than I can say for this hapless idiot who hopefully will end up on the street.

I'm a little surprised she didn't do it a long time ago because there's no way that personality of his appeared out of nowhere.

In the end, out of all the unsympathetic catfish victims we've ever seen on this show, this guy tops them all by far.

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Today's Part 2, is debunking the women that Robert claims are his girlfriends.   They proved that one woman doesn't live where he claims, yesterday.      All five women have dead mothers, what a coincidence.     

Woman number 2, who is doing contract work in Tonga, never lived at the address she claims in Texas.   A neighbor that has lived next door to the address for 37 years never saw girlfriend #2.   The woman who had her picture used for April, girlfriend #2 has been located, lives in Mexico, and is not a scammer.   

 Woman #3 Jane is being held hostage in Texas with her grandmother and daughter by her uncle.   They asked the people in Virginia where she used to live if they've seen the woman, and no one knows her, including a man who has lived on that street for over 65 years.   

Robert's former roommate is going to tell how a man that only has Social Security for income, manages to send so much to the 'girlfriends'.  However, the former roommate really doesn't say much. 

   Ex-wife says that Woman #4 doesn't exist, Robert already checked on the address in Ghana, and it's not real, and she's not real.     They prove that woman #4, and her attorney, and everything is a lie.  They also find the real woman that had her picture used, and she's never talked to Robert either online, or over the phone.    


Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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That old, ugly goat doesn’t give a shit about the well-being of his ex-wife. She sat quiet most of the time and when he tried to talk over her at the end, I wanted to reach through the screen and punch him. 

Pretty sure no woman will want him, ever. As Dr Phil said, he’s a loud mouthed bully. He’s never gonna change. 

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I loved when Phil told him that each one was fake and he of course jumped in and said he knew it was all lies. If he knew, why send money? He suffers from retired professor blowhard syndrome. He spent 40 years terrifying students and being a jackass (believe me he's not alone, I am a faculty member at a university and I see men like this all day). Now professor Jackass has no one to spew at to massage his ego since he retired so he decided to self destruct. 

On a positive note his ex set up a go fund me. I checked a couple of hours ago and she had over 20k in it. Just dont let him get hold of it !

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24 minutes ago, poeticlicensed said:

I loved when Phil told him that each one was fake and he of course jumped in and said he knew it was all lies. If he knew, why send money? He suffers from retired professor blowhard syndrome. He spent 40 years terrifying students and being a jackass (believe me he's not alone, I am a faculty member at a university and I see men like this all day). Now professor Jackass has no one to spew at to massage his ego since he retired so he decided to self destruct. 

On a positive note his ex set up a go fund me. I checked a couple of hours ago and she had over 20k in it. Just dont let him get hold of it !

Oh good for her. Agree, don’t let that old piece of flint get at it! 

1 hour ago, parrotfeathers said:

I think he just believes in the eyes of the female gender he is the best thing since sliced bread was invented.

At one point, didn't he refer to himself as charming?  Maybe he meant to say "women see me as Charmin" . . . because he deserves to be treated like toilet paper.

On the bright side, the gofundme for his wife, Jeremi, is now at almost $45,000.

So people ARE sending HER money . . . just not her husband, because he's sent all he could beg, borrow, or steal to other women.  How's that workin' for ya, Robert?

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10 minutes ago, suzeecat said:

I'm glad that the ex wife is getting something out of this, I felt so sorry for her having to work so hard at this stage of her life.  It would be poetic justice if she found herself a legitimate wealthy older man to keep her company.

Agree!  Hope she doesn't take him back or "help him out."  Unless she buys him a plane ticket to wherever these women (ha) are.

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7 minutes ago, parrotfeathers said:

Agree!  Hope she doesn't take him back or "help him out."  Unless she buys him a plane ticket to wherever these women (ha) are.

I must confess to doing some online looking at both of them.  They are BOTH highly educated professional people.

  1. How could he be so stupid as to be scammed by multiple women?
  2. How could she be so stupid to have stayed with him for 40 years.  Surely he didn't just get stupid after he retired.


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21 hours ago, Keywestclubkid said:

Good God Robert ........ 

Right? I actually think there is something psychologically or cognitively wrong with him. He was arrogant, condescending, sarcastic and smarmy. He seemed a bit narcissistic to boot. He had no sympathy for his ex wife and never apologized for how he ruined her life and blew away their nest egg. My God...he's living on the streets and eating meals at shelters and he's sitting there acting like he's a healthy, normal retiree who happens to have five young women wanting to marry him? He almost seems addicted to these internet trolls who are milking him dry....it must give him some sort of a rush or high to go online and engage these women in romantic fantasies that are dependent on his gifts of money in order to continue their online relationship.

It's very sad for his ex wife to have scrimp and save and work at her age to survive. And he's giving out money to "women" he does not know or has ever met instead of giving her a couple of hundred bucks a month to help with her financial situation...just awful. She must have seen some of this behavior during their marriage before he blew it all on online trading...I tend to think he was probably a pompous ass all of his adult life.

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On 2/12/2020 at 12:48 PM, CrazyInAlabama said:

 And what's going on with Robert's eyes?   I didn't know which one to focus on, and the ex-wife too.  

He reminded me of one of those fish..what do they call them? Wall eyed? He had one eye on Phil and one eye on his wife.....AT THE SAME TIME!!!

Listen..wonky eyes are the LEAST of this idiot's problems! And I agree with other posters - he couldn't have become this obnoxious and stupid overnight so why didn't the wife dump him ages ago, preferably before he cleaned out their money, stupid ass.

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Gabby the adoption scammer on today's (and tomorrow's) show is 24 years old, but she acts like a temperamental 16-year-old and looks like a frumpy, geeky 55-year-old; I'm guessing she resorted to doing all this as a way for her to interact with people without them seeing what she really looks like.

On 2/12/2020 at 9:48 AM, CrazyInAlabama said:


Someone should hand Phil a mirror too.   

They already showed that the scammers were phony, and the idiot, Robert, was not believing any of it, and claiming that Dr. Phil was lying.   Actually, he claims everyone is lying, but his imaginary girl friends.     And what's going on with Robert's eyes?   I didn't know which one to focus on, and the ex-wife too.  

Dr Phil actually did say “she’s not looking for us

20 hours ago, iHateAmpersands said:

Gabby the adoption scammer on today's (and tomorrow's) show is 24 years old, but she acts like a temperamental 16-year-old and looks like a frumpy, geeky 55-year-old; I'm guessing she resorted to doing all this as a way for her to interact with people without them seeing what she really looks like.

Is that the pudgy one who looks like an unmade bed? 

Can't be bothered watching five minutes of this disaster. They deal with very classy people here on the Dr. Phil show!

Edited by Sam Spayaid
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Next week's shows:


2/17: A Parent Accused: Is He a Narcissistic and Abusive Father?

Liz says her husband Jim's parenting philosophy is based on intimidation and abuse, and that is what drove their 16-year-old son to drugs; Jim denies her accusations, saying she is a doormat who helped enable the boy's deadly addictions.

2/18: A Parent Accused: Jim Confronts His Children

Dr. Phil continues to speak with parents Liz and Jim about why each blames the other for their son's drug addiction; Jim faces his daughter, Chloe, and son, Nic.

2/19: Losing 400 Pounds, Gaining It All Back & More

At 26 years old, David was 600 pounds, then lost 400 pounds in two years, but now the 43-year-old weighs 656 pounds; he says something happened to him when he was young that could be the reason he can't keep the weight off.

2/20: A Teen Missing 399 Days: Was She Being Kept Prisoner?

Hailey Burns was 16 years old when she disappeared from her home; after 399 days, she was found, malnourished and confined behind a gate in the bedroom of 31-year-old Michael Wysolovski, whom she met online and went with willingly.

2/21: A Family of Lawyers Embroiled in a Dangerous Dispute

Heather claims to have been raped by her father and says a video was sold on the dark web for millions of dollars; her father, sister and niece all say this is a terrible, damaging lie -- one of many Heather has told over the years.


On 2/13/2020 at 4:07 PM, iHateAmpersands said:

Gabby the adoption scammer on today's (and tomorrow's) show is 24 years old, but she acts like a temperamental 16-year-old and looks like a frumpy, geeky 55-year-old; I'm guessing she resorted to doing all this as a way for her to interact with people without them seeing what she really looks like.

The father acknowledged he knew she had done this more than once.  If she's living in his house and he's paying all her bills, step #1 is to disconnect the wifi and her cell phone.  Don't let her have access to innocent people - even if she's mentally challenged, he has to protect society from her to the best of his ability.

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On 2/13/2020 at 2:48 PM, Sam Spayaid said:

He reminded me of one of those fish..what do they call them? Wall eyed? He had one eye on Phil and one eye on his wife.....AT THE SAME TIME!!!

Listen..wonky eyes are the LEAST of this idiot's problems! And I agree with other posters - he couldn't have become this obnoxious and stupid overnight so why didn't the wife dump him ages ago, preferably before he cleaned out their money, stupid ass.

It amazes me when these people who come on the show have been married for 40 years and just realize their husband / wife is a lunatic . Listen , we’re not talking about a couple of years together , 40 is 4 whole decades together . How are you first realizing your husband is a nut job ? Though I did feel bad for her . That’s terrible that this asshole can’t pay her anything After giving away all their life savings , and is making her work in her 70s , yet gives Random girls he never met thousands . How can you be that horrible of a human ? 

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On 2/13/2020 at 10:31 AM, parrotfeathers said:

Agree!  Hope she doesn't take him back or "help him out."  Unless she buys him a plane ticket to wherever these women (ha) are.

One way only, please.....

On 2/14/2020 at 11:15 AM, Sam Spayaid said:

Is that the pudgy one who looks like an unmade bed? 

Can't be bothered watching five minutes of this disaster. They deal with very classy people here on the Dr. Phil show!

She is clearly mentally deficient.  Dad wasn’t all that much better.  She really did not have an average intelligence at all.

Dear hubby watched this with me, and his comment was taking away her access at home wouldn’t stop her.  There is always the library.

Edited by b2H
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The woman is nuts and horrible. However, I think Phil was exaggerating by saying people were at the point of picking up the baby. From what Gabbie and the couple/woman on the show said, she talked to people only a few days before getting made them. Still horrible but not exactly how Phil portrayed it.

4 hours ago, Madding crowd said:

The woman is nuts and horrible. However, I think Phil was exaggerating by saying people were at the point of picking up the baby. From what Gabbie and the couple/woman on the show said, she talked to people only a few days before getting made them. Still horrible but not exactly how Phil portrayed it.

this is completely  true.  But honestly, most of these couples have been through years of infertility treatments (which are often not covered by insurance and studies have shown is as stressful as cancer), and then have to pay a lot of money for fees to adoption agencies, fees for background checks and spent a ton of time creating websites or books to try to sell themselves to potential adoptive parents.  So they're pretty traumatized before they met this scammer.  And the agency employee mentioned that some people were so devastated by this experience that they gave up on adoption.   It's pretty easy to understand someone who takes money for living/medical expenses from couples who want to adopt by lying and telling them they want to place the baby, but it's really hard and devastating to understand why anyone would do this and prey upon this incredibly vulnerable and hurt population just for attention.


I went through IVF to have my last child, and got a lot of sympathy for people that I had to do that but after reading the stories of women who went through multiple rounds of IVF without success, and the devastation it wrecked on their lives and their families, I considered myself extremely lucky to have just had two miscarriages and one round of IVF before completing my family.

Edited by kitkat343

Yes I understand this and went through infertility myself. But talking to someone for three or four days on the phone is not the same as the people who do a long scam complete with meeting the couple and taking money. Many couples talk to several different birth mothers before choosing or being chosen so I really hope these couple don’t give up because one person scammed them for a few days.

I have nothing but sympathy for these parents but I do fault Dr Phil for exaggerating the situation for ratings and I hope the woman with the adoption site can make her site harder to find people’s information-that should not be available. 

Edited by Madding crowd
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On 2/16/2020 at 4:40 AM, Madding crowd said:

Yes I understand this and went through infertility myself. But talking to someone for three or four days on the phone is not the same as the people who do a long scam complete with meeting the couple and taking money. Many couples talk to several different birth mothers before choosing or being chosen so I really hope these couple don’t give up because one person scammed them for a few days.

I have nothing but sympathy for these parents but I do fault Dr Phil for exaggerating the situation for ratings and I hope the woman with the adoption site can make her site harder to find people’s information-that should not be available. 

I don't think it is just the adoption site. People looking for a baby put themselves all over the internet in hopes someone will contact them.

Re. Adoption scammer...what Gabby did was absolutely horrible and I feel sympathy for her victims. It seemed like she was very low functioning in addition to whatever other diagnoses Dr. Phil, Gabby and her dad threw out as excuses for her evil actions.  However, she is pretty sly and intelligent enough to figure out this kind of deep level scam.  So, mental illness is a definite, but I don’t know that I’m convinced she’s mentally challenged.

 Am I missing some details on the woman from whom Gabby stole pregnancy  pictures, her ultrasounds and her identity via Facebook. Did  Kendra publicly post her very personal photos?  And her ultrasound pics with her name, DOB, hospital or imaging center, date of ultrasound, etc?  Even if she did only post to her “FB friends”, she really should have redacted all of that info so NO ONE could see it and accidentally share it! She left a gaping hole in the already flimsy “security” of the internet!  I am not blaming the victim, but she has hopefully learned how to use privacy controls on all her SM accounts. And edit or crop personal identifying data from your posted pics, people!

Lately I I’ve been switching over to something else to watch wishing the first 5 mins. I enjoyed the adoption scammer episodes but that’s a rare treat. In addition to everything else I hate about this guy, the intros showing him conferring with staff before going on stage is so contrived. Between the hawking of his podcasts, Life Coach Mike, Robyn’s skin care line, his son Jay and whatever other crap he’s promoting, he barely has time for guests. Robyn looks like she’s wasting away to nothing. 

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