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  2. Our current family doctor doesn't routinely schedule annual physicals but our previous GP did. I suspect the change in approach may be, at least in part, down to how much busier GPs are now as opposed to even just a few years ago.
  3. Response to the Jax and Scheana spoiler... I LOVED that Andy couldn't understand what he meant about that until said "oh because she is the breadwinner?" and Jax said "yeah." like ok - misogynistic troglodyte!
  4. Lorre is doing much better by this show than Bob Hearts Abishola. The BHA finale earlier this week went out like a whimper.
  5. Yeah, you're right but it seems like they're backsliding. Ava seemed a little more interested in "principal-ing" not scamming and Janine really grew when she was working for the district. And maybe I'm being too harsh, janine's only been back two episodes but it seems like tptb are going back to status quo. Here's hoping I'm wrong😎
  6. I have never been weighed in a doctor's office. I have been asked my weight a few times, for example when my doctor filled in the requisition form for an MRI, it asks the patient's weight so Diagnostic Imaging knows whether to book the bariatric machine. I have also never gone to my doctor "for a check-up". Are those even done any more?
  7. This is my favourite & the final word on the use of the F word.
  8. The last time a did a google search Mimi had sold all of 2 houses, and one of them is the house the Busbys are currently living in. She didn't even sell the house they moved out of. I would hope she has some other source of income.
  9. It doesn't bother me because Li is a one-note character played by a one-note actor. Sheila wasn't the only one giggling.
  10. No, she was living in their old home. No, Sheldon goes to Cal Tech. In the TBBT Georgie lectures Sheldon about how he, Georgie, had to become man of the house and help their mother through all this while Sheldon was off to college. They already dealt with "the affair" and explained it away. Why would they bring that back up in the last two episodes? I believe it is two episodes again like this week. Ghosts last episode was last week so Young Sheldon has that slot these last two weeks of it's run.
  11. I don't remember that fence between the units in the show but well, better than nothing. You'll definitely have to be friends with your neighbors!
  12. Re today's show, not a Sunny fan, but I would have liked to hear more about her observations of the trial since she was there in person all day yesterday. She didn't get to say that much about it.
  13. I really did not see all of that coming, Lucy certainly got a lot of information in thirty seconds. It turns out that Vault-Tech is even more evil than we thought, they didn't just take advantage of the war, they were apparently the ones that started it! And Coopers wife was the person who first suggested it! And now the Ghoul and Lucy (and Dogmeat!) are teaming up! I cant wait for season two! I like how Cooper in the past and Lucy in the present both found out at the same time that the person they love and sacrificed for is actually a horrible person. Barbara was down to destroy the world in a convoluted evil scheme to control the market, even if that meant destroying her own daughters future, and Hank nuked a whole thriving city because he was pissed at his wife for leaving him and to keep up the Vault-Tech party line. Wow. This was a pretty heavy episode, but I'm glad that we still got some of that quirky dark comedy we've come to expect. Bud the Brain was hilariously bizarre, especially as he pathetically chased Norman around with a needle trying to get him to stop moving. Moldaver might be trying to do something good and is certainly more of a "good guy" than Hank, but she did still murder a lot of people in the Vault to get Hank and set her friends daughter up to be murdered on her wedding night in a pretty horrible way, plus she's keeping her friend in a horrible state as her permanent dinner guest. In general the show seems to be going for a vibe where no faction is really "good" or "bad" all the way (except for whoever started this whole mess) you just have to pick the lesser evil. There are a lot of unanswered questions, some of which I am guessing we will find out later, and some of which I am not sure about. What exactly happened in Vault 31? Did they find out what their Vault really was and they all killed themselves in an act of mass hysteria? There are a lot of other questions but I am willing to wait until season two. I know very little about the Fallout games but this has certainly gotten me interested. This show really exceeded expectations, lots of great drama, excitement, dark comedy, world building, and acting, I am really excited to explore more of this world.
  14. I don’t see it either. Rob doesn’t seem like the type to agree to come on the show and not win. If the rules of the game was that someone could come in and sabotage everyone to “steal” the prize, I can see Rob agreeing to that. That way he can still win.
  15. I am pretty much only on here when I am supposed to be working. I have ad block on my desktop, but not on my phone. I know it is possible to put it on my phone, but I have not bothered to do so. I do try to limit my screen time when I am off the clock.
  16. He let it go grey during all the Nixon Falls bullshit and he looked great! I was digging the silver fox look.
  17. I thought about this too. Suits: there will be widespread outrage if Millionaire Rob the Professional Reality TV Star makes it to the end and beats out Jane Average Citizen. Let's cast Rob with the understanding that he can't win at the end in exchange for buckets of cash and plenty of publicity. They may not have realized how endearing Boston Rob would be and how even casual fans are pulling for him. Even moreso, there is no way that they could have anticipated the alchemy of Rob and Aron combined, which ended up alienating fans from any person who had the temerity of to criticize one or the other or both. I can see all of this happening. What I don't see is Rob agreeing to "fake cheat." I think most people who have followed him over the years believe him that he doesn't cheat and this was an honest, if dumb, mistake. But there has to be a segment of people who will forever after be saying, "Boston Rob? Isn't he the guy who cheated on DONDI?"
  18. I don't remember what the appraised values of the final designs were for the houses, but I wonder how that asking price lines up with them. Looking at the pictures of the Bs' house on Zillow, it is very nice, but oh so bland. I guess that'll work for a lot of buyers. They can give the house character.
  19. It’s nice to see Det. Romero again. Seeing him working with Maddie to figure out a clue about the yellow nightgown that leads to an important breakthrough re the perp is quite satisfying. Maddie and Chim’s listening skill does come in handy. At the hospital, MJW introduces himself as Amir to Maddie. But his character’s name in IMDb is listed as “Brad”. Weird. At first glance, he could be a survivor from the St. Paul’s fire incident in 2014. But this is 9-1-1, things are usually more complicated than this. Mara is making a good progress settling in the Wilsons household. She bonds with Denny but still holding back when it comes to Mamas HenRen. The reunion with Tyson is good for her healing process. Hopefully 9-1-1 will leave her alone and not putting her in another traumatic experience. Eddie’s storyline is the least interesting one. Part of me wants Eddie to kick Marisol to the curb after finding Kim. Edy Ganem really cannot act and all her scenes are cringey. Another part of me wants Christopher to be protected at all cost. Meeting with Shannon’s doppelgänger will be triggering for him. Am conflicted about Kim.
  20. Sounds like she really did get the “come clean or you’re fired” ultimatum. It’s going to take more than abandoned dogs and micro aggressions to hold onto that diamond. So the only two housewives to still be living as wives were fired. It’ll be strange not seeing a husbands peanut gallery at the big events next season. I’m hoping Kyle decides not to come back. I really don’t care to see her and Doorit competing over whose separation gets the most airtime. I do hope it’s amicable for Jagger’s and Phoenix’s sake. They’re cute, bubbly kids and I’d hate to see them negatively affected by a messy divorce.
  21. Regarding weight: It's more important to know body fat composition than the actual body mass. You could be classified as overweight, but because you have lots of muscle, you’re actually healthy. You could also be of a healthy weight but be "skinny fat" because you have visceral fat/fat around your organs. Wish they did THAT more at regular checkups.
  22. I don't think they're pre-recorded. There have been slip-ups, i.e. laughing in the middle of a song, jumbled words, etc. I think what you see is what you get.
  23. A couple years ago my gyno asked me if I'm sexual active. I told her no. She asked me why. I said because I don't want to be. I think she felt bad for me but I was like trust me I'm happy with my life.
  24. For me this was a very weak RW. They have changed the format so much that it is no longer what it used to be. Now it all goes to how well the front of the does and that is that. This RW was very dull and had no challenge.
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