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  1. My best friend from high school, who was also my maid of honour, started turning into, frankly, a miserable bitch somewhere in her middle 20s and it went downhill from there. For her molehills became mountains and every conversation with her became an ordeal. Eventually we drifted apart. Fast forward to our recent high school reunion. She had not changed a bit with age. If anything she's worse. I didn't give her my email or ph number, I just don't need constant negativity in my life.
  2. I know! I thought a fine and 180 hours of community service was quite the deal in comparison to going to jail but I guess for a woman who did not accept that she had done anything wrong even that was too much.
  3. One of my uncles married in England during WWII and his wife was a war bride who came to Canada aboard the Queen Mary. Apparently a very memorable voyage!
  4. I got a kick out of reading some of the earliest posts for The Connors and how many posting then were so sure the show would tank when they got rid of Roseanne. They posted less and less as the years went by 😁.
  5. Or in an earlier episode when Sheldon says that his mother has always wanted a grandchild? I know they are handwaving a lot of what Sheldon said on BBT as Sheldon being an unreliable narrator but even later when Missy is having her first child it is made clear that this is the first baby in the family. I totally understood how they softened George's character for Young Sheldon but I will never understand why they had to throw in a teen pregnancy storyline (Georgie being the teen of course) and now so they can have a spin off they are backtracking on what Georgie himself claimed on BBT - that he was the one who propped up Mary and Missy after George died.
  6. I didn't know, until recently, that here in Canada married women could not open a bank account in their own name (without hubbie's signature) until 1964 and couldn't apply for a credit card in their own name until 1974. Stuff we just take for granted today.
  7. If Missy isn't in the spin off I think we can be confident that Mary won't be either. Because unless they keep coming up with ways to keep Missy offstage (which may work with a Maris or Mrs. Hofsteder but likely wouldn't with a teenage daughter) I can't see how that would make sense.
  8. And another BBT Georgie complaint was how all the extra money in the family went to fund Sheldon away at school. No longer a valid complaint with the new sitcom as George is either on his own with Mandy or living with her parents. Either way expecting Mary to support him over her two other children is a bit cheeky to say the least!
  9. The novelty song that was big when my kids were small was "This is the song that never ends" (IIRC originally sung by Shari Lewis, but could be wrong on that) and they weren't kidding. I didn't mind it but my husband made a rule that it could not be sung on long car rides after one particularly fraught journey.
  10. I have noticed that Missy doesn't seem to be much used in the last few episodes. I was wondering if anyone is aware of her being involved in filming elsewhere that would make her less available? Or is there some other reason?
  11. I'm not sure I understand your point. The Internet is not free (unless you are using WIFI in a public place and even then someone is paying) but unless you are paying for premium access I'd describe any site I can access as free.
  12. I am envious of people who lived near their grandparents! My parents moved for work and were what was, then, a 3 day drive from their home town. We got to see our grandparents every other summer. One year though my sister closest in age to me and I got to spend the whole summer with them. Magic. So cool to be around two people who dote on you ☺️!
  13. When I wanted to get even with my kids for inflicting their music on me I'd crank up Bob Dylan and let them have it. I'd love to report that this backfired and they grew to appreciate Dylan an similar artists but that would be a big old lie.
  14. I recently read an article that said studies have shown that for most people their musical taste solidifies while they are in their teens and that even into adulthood and middle age this is the music you still prefer. This is certainly true for me. Other studies suggest that people stop listening to new music when they are around 30. Somewhat true for me although a little drastic. Definitely not true of my octagenarian father who loves Queen and Rod Stewart!
  15. We PVR SNL (two acronyms for the price of one!) for our daughter and most of the time I haven't got the slightest idea who the host is let alone the musical guest. On the other hand I have gotten awfully good at going on youtube to find videos and recently looked for the Blues Brothers and stumbled across Steve Martin singing King Tut so there's that πŸ™‚.
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