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2019 Auditions, Finals, and Training Camp Spoilers

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16 hours ago, Tootie said:

Just adding a visual aid! lol

On a side note.... I wonder if VK is watching this season and thinking..

"Ohhhhh!! So THAT'S what I looked like last year!!!!"


I’m sorry how did she make the squad, nothing about her impresses me. 

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11 hours ago, sleepyjean said:

Thanks for the intel, I had no idea. SDW comes across as a "big sister" to so many of the AAIA, they seem to love her. It's surprising to see those kinds of cuts.

I agree. I don't think there's anything wrong with singing as part of your solo. The women already get to demonstrate their power pom and high kick skills in other parts of the audition process. The solo is a chance to show what makes a girl different/special and give the judges a reason to choose her over someone else.

Back when show group did the variety show, the team needed singers, and demonstrating that you could sing during your solo, could definitely give you an edge in getting picked for TC. If you waited until SG auditions to show that talent, you might not even get on the team. They don't need singers the way they used to, but I expect the judges think it's a nice change of pace from the 75 jazz/lyrical solos. (I think this is also why tap/hip-hop solos are so appreciated.)

I don't think the judges are annoyed by singers. They're annoyed by women who try to sing and are bad at it. 

When I was tempted to fly over and audition myself, I would've done tap as my solo if I got to finals. I know it's not always really popular but it's always been my best style.

Amy's tap was always a little cheesy to me; I prefer either classic Gene Kelly/Fred Aistaire tap or try to modernise it. Maybe it's just Amy I'm not that keen on.

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16 hours ago, Tootie said:

Just adding a visual aid! lol

On a side note.... I wonder if VK is watching this season and thinking..

"Ohhhhh!! So THAT'S what I looked like last year!!!!"


How old is this woman ??? 

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1 hour ago, ThreaLevelMidnight said:

Who is the feeble older lady that comes out with kitty for the 2nd half? Is it actually a former DCC or just someone’s grandma that wanted to get in on the action? They looked like they were about to break an ankle or a hip.. 

Pretty sure that's the one and only Tina Kalina (VK's Mama). 

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48 minutes ago, kacesq said:

wait I think I missed something...Kitty is not going to be on the show this year? she's upset about how she looked last season?

Loosely translated, someone said that she said that the CMT editing made it appear she was a horrible bully who said only mean things to the girls.  As for her comment she made about giving VK respect and time to lose the weight with only 11 days left of TC, I do believe that could have been said at any point in TC and CMT just decided to insert it wherever they liked in the series.  

It appears that this season Kat is going to be portrayed as the TC idiot who can barely walk and chew gum much less kick and take life seriously.

Personally I think CMT is snickering all the way to the bank.

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6 hours ago, Lona said:

I finally got around to watching the finals episode, and guys... Gabby :(. I think I've made it pretty clear that she was one of my favorite rookies from last year, if not my No. 1 favorite. So this is a totally biased answer. I really really REALLY do not think she should've been cut. Not over Victoria, not over Chrstina. I mean, come on! I get that the weight was a problem, but if Victoria can be "given the respect," why can't, ya know, AN ACTUAL VETERAN be given it. UGH...so frustrated.

Kristin posted a video of her practicing her solo, and I was shocked how thick her midsection was.  Not to sound like a broken record, but for me it’s just the hypocrisy of it all.  If you’re going to not only call some people out but cut them allegedly for THIS reason, then you can’t simply overlook it for others.  

Edited by ClosetDCCFan
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9 hours ago, loveanddcc said:

meaning she has overdone Botox, but I can tell she follows her dermatologist’s instructions better than Kelli and Judy... who I just want to remind not to forget their décolletage. It’s a dead giveaway when your face looks young and your chest doesn’t. A quick laser treatment should fix the problem...   

honestly the DCC need beauty consultants to tell them these simple things like... I see sun spots, get IPL. You lost too much fat under your eyes, time for restalyne. I know they have a sponsorship with Setty plastic surgery but it’s beyond obvious that no one is sitting them down and telling them what exactly will improve their appearance the most. They’re probably just giving them money to use for facials, laser hair removal, or whatever they chose. They need real consults. But I understand why they don’t get them bc real consults cost real $$$

.... and setty isn’t even the plastic surgeon I’d choose in Dallas if I wanted the best. They should be consulting on the girl’s skincare routines and procedures in the exact same way that they have Marshall consult with hair. 

My gosh, that all sounds massively depressing. I'm so glad to live in the middle of nowhere where I can just turn into a nice old lady without having to worry about fat under my eyes or getting my chest lasered. 

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1 hour ago, BullInChina said:

My gosh, that all sounds massively depressing. I'm so glad to live in the middle of nowhere where I can just turn into a nice old lady without having to worry about fat under my eyes or getting my chest lasered. 

You can live anywhere and not care. It’s a choice. The thing is, DCC are meant to be standards of beauty and even KJC are in the spotlight. If they took a “beauty doesn’t matter” approach then it wouldn’t. But they don’t. 

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14 hours ago, DCCFanInKy said:

Haha hadn't we better move this to the "Owner's group" forum lol?  BTW I can't believe Charlotte's 53 according to Wiki ....She's the same age as one of my best friends and doesn't look a day over 35

lol To a 35 year old, she definitely doesn't look 35. 

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4 hours ago, DCC-UK said:

When I was tempted to fly over and audition myself, I would've done tap as my solo if I got to finals. I know it's not always really popular but it's always been my best style.

Amy's tap was always a little cheesy to me; I prefer either classic Gene Kelly/Fred Aistaire tap or try to modernise it. Maybe it's just Amy I'm not that keen on.

Amy’s tap looks like it would be adorable for a five year old to do but she’s like closer to 30.

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26 minutes ago, UnicornKicksBack said:

Amy’s tap looks like it would be adorable for a five year old to do but she’s like closer to 30.

She only seems to do cute. The costume, her face in general, her expressions, always cute. Like you say, she's a woman, add a little more mature movement. Doesn't have to be sexy but it's almost like she's nicked an advanced competition solo from a pre-teen at her studio. She's a great tapper, like her technique is strong, I just wish she'd do more with it.

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Regarding solos I thought the whole point is to show off what you do best that that is what Maddie did. Hip Hop is her best style and catches their attention every time.  If that is the standard then Holly's was the same spin spin spin into split pulling herself across the floor.  She basically did that same routine every time.  I think those are her signature moves.  I agree about tap and singing ... those don't hold the judges attention and makes one think their dance is not that strong or not really good at making a solo 😉

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2 hours ago, parrotfeathers said:

As for her comment she made about giving VK respect and time to lose the weight with only 11 days left of TC, I do believe that could have been said at any point in TC and CMT just decided to insert it wherever they liked in the series.  

It appears that this season Kat is going to be portrayed as the TC idiot who can barely walk and chew gum much less kick and take life seriously.

Personally I think CMT is snickering all the way to the bank.

Re: Kitty's "give her the the respect" comment, that comment wouldn't have nearly the impact if given towards any other TCC than Vic.  I may be wrong but I will forever see it as being specifically designed for Vic.

CMT can laugh all they want.  I know many of us are scratching our heads over certain show choices they are making.  IMO, it only makes both the organization and CMT look bad.

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16 hours ago, Dal8las said:

OK so going through his Insta he is either on a permanent runners high, sugar high, high on life, or all of the above. How did he and Emma meet? Also, VK looks so thin here it kind of scares me. I went through a workout til your bones stick out phase.....thats what scares me about the DCC. 

LMAO, EXACTLY! That is why I said he is ALWAYS happy, good for him. If I had his money I would smile all the time too. The fact that he hangs out with minors has always been creepy, lets just hope that the person taking all of these pics of him is Emma and he is not alone with them...ever.  I also know that he is an alumni for Samantha's school. I think I saw a post on her page a few months back and she was getting a college ring of some sort and he presented it to her. 

I know that he is a die hard Dallas Cowboys fan, maybe he met Emma in that circle. 

16 hours ago, ATLGirl said:

This is from at least a year ago, if not more. It was posted here last year during Training Camp as I recall.

The date is August 6th and he mentions that they get together every year for dessert. 

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15 hours ago, Jennv said:

I think she looks like an old hag who is trying way too hard, but I also think she is a bitch on wheels, so maybe I’m biased 

I agree, because she went to all their prep classes and I know they know who she is. 

Seriously? I think she looks 60

Umm, Agreed, Charlotte looks old as hell.. 

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20 minutes ago, Holly85 said:

Opening of training camp at the star 

Ugh.  It looks worse than I anticipated.  Lackluster point with a capital "L".  They could have gone with Bridget or a couple other 2nd years and had tons of sparkle.  It's going to be a long, boring season.  Really feel for Gina as well.  Judy definitely caved.  Sad.

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1 hour ago, Holly85 said:

Opening of training camp at the star 

Aren't both Maddie and Amy doing the exact mouth movements that they tell the girls NOT to do?  Just the crazy open mouth thing?  (Maybe Emma's husband did a class in Facials 101)!

Edited by Opine
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Gina was definitely robbed. She's the one that draws my attention the most because she's the most alive. 

The front triangle is dull. Loving that Caroline is so far forward, she's certainly jumped the queue! 

My eyesight is rubbish. Is that all 18 members? I think I spot Amanda at the back on the right.

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4 minutes ago, DCC-UK said:

Gina was definitely robbed. She's the one that draws my attention the most because she's the most alive. 

The front triangle is dull. Loving that Caroline is so far forward, she's certainly jumped the queue! 

My eyesight is rubbish. Is that all 18 members? I think I spot Amanda at the back on the right.

Yeah That’s Amanda back there 

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41 minutes ago, JerseyGirl said:

Gina was robbed.  Why is she so far back!?!?

Looks like Gina and Heather both got bumped back a row, while Tess, Rachel, Caroline, Hannah and Bridget all made prominent moves forward.    

Also, I'm trying to ID the blondes in the last row.  Is this a Show Group performance so we have our three rookies?  If so, my guess is Amanda is the far right corner, and the blond who awkwardly hops to her line near the beginning is likely VK?  

1 minute ago, GeorgiaPeach11 said:

I cant find VK IG anymore either. It's been deleted or she is cleaning house and deleted me...lol

I'm still seeing VK's IG.  It's not private (although she posts next to nothing any more).  

Edited by ClosetDCCFan
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Looks like at the back (R-L) Amanda, Kelcey, Daphne, Hannah, Victoria, Cianna.

Looks like VK is in a line on her own though!

Edited by DCC-UK
Missed off a name
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2 minutes ago, ClosetDCCFan said:

Looks like Gina and Heather both got bumped back a row, while Tess, Rachel, Caroline, Hannah and Bridget all made prominent moves forward.    

Also, I'm trying to ID the blondes in the last row.  Is this a Show Group performance so we have our three rookies?  If so, my guess is Amanda is the far right corner, and the blond who awkwardly hops to her line near the beginning is likely VK?  

I'm still seeing VK's IG.  It's not private (although she posts next to nothing any more).  

Oh ok, can you tell me what her IG is so I can be certain it's gone on my end, please? Yea, she hardly post anymore.

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19 minutes ago, hereforthedrama said:

Glad to see Bridget, Amber, and Caroline are towards the front but Gina was robbed. They probably need to hide her to not out dance Amy and Maddie. 

Yes, Gina was robbed!! Can someone tell me which side in this dance that VK is on, with so many blondes I can't tell.

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1 minute ago, GeorgiaPeach11 said:

Yes, Gina was robbed!! Can someone tell me which side in this dance that VK is on, with so many blondes I can't tell.

She’s is on the back row with ciana and Hannah 

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2 minutes ago, DCC-UK said:

Looks like at the back (R-L) Amanda, Kelcey, Daphne, Hannah, Victoria.

I can't tell if there's 17 or 18, struggling to spot Cianna!

I count 18 with Ciana in the far left back corner when you're looking at the screen.  I would have guessed that was VK next to her, and Amanda the opposite far right back corner.  Is Kelcey short?  Who is the short dark haired girl on that far right side second to the last row? 

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Just now, GeorgiaPeach11 said:

Yes, Gina was robbed!! Can someone tell me which side in this dance that VK is on, with so many blondes I can't tell.

She's towards the back left, looks like she's hidden behind Hannah. I thought she was on the outside back left but that looks like Cianna.

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Just now, ClosetDCCFan said:

I count 18 with Ciana in the far left back corner when you're looking at the screen.  I would have guessed that was VK next to her, and Amanda the opposite far right back corner.  Is Kelcey short?  Who is the short dark haired girl on that far right side second to the last row? 

Ashlee? She diagonally in front of Amanda.

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1 minute ago, DCC-UK said:

She's towards the back left, looks like she's hidden behind Hannah. I thought she was on the outside back left but that looks like Cianna.

That's what I think as well.  She's the one at the very beginning who hops onto her line like she was in the wrong spot.

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Lexie Maddie

Bridget Tess Caroline

Amber Gina Rachel W Heather

Rachel A Hannah Daphne Ashlee

Cianna Victoria Kelcey Amanda

Something along those lines! I can't make the text central for some reason. The last two lines are confusing though.

Edited by DCC-UK
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2 minutes ago, cgloss said:

Charlotte hashtagged the video #performance and #practice. I'd really like to know which one it was (I'm hoping it was just practice because none of them look energized).

It’s open practice for the cowboys training camp probably what she is referring to 

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2 minutes ago, cgloss said:

Charlotte hashtagged the video #performance and #practice. I'd really like to know which one it was (I'm hoping it was just practice because none of them look energized).

DCC performance.  Football team practice.

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4 minutes ago, Holly85 said:

It’s open practice for the cowboys training camp probably what she is referring to 

3 minutes ago, Donna S said:

DCC performance.  Football team practice.

Thanks! That only makes it all worse. 😞

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