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Season 36 Final Jeopardy Contest


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WEEK 4 — NO asterisk
16. Symbolic Objects. To complete one of its regular trips, in 1948 it took a boat across the English Channel; in 1952 it took a plane en route to Finland.
17. Mountain Ranges. A chain of volcanoes is named for this mountain range where the continental USA’s deadliest eruption took place.
18. Animal AKAs. It’s also called the czar fish.
19. Phrase Origins. The OED’s first citation for this phrase referring to a region of the U.S. is from a Durant, Oklahoma newspaper in 1936.
20. World Literature. Some parts were translated from a 15th century Syrian manuscript when this work was introduced to Europe around 1700.

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2 hours ago, peeayebee said:

I guess I'm 1/5 if 1001 Arabian Nights is wrong. 😞

If it was referenced that way on Jeopardy previously, I would say take the 2. 

You know, like @saber5055 already said (that will teach me to comment before reading everything. 😆)

Edited by Clanstarling
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13 hours ago, lb60 said:

Things went steadily downhill after Tuesday.

Woe is me!!

“When you are a Bear of Very Little Brain, and you Think of Things, you find sometimes that a Thing which seemed very Thingish inside you is quite different when it gets out into the open and has other people looking at it.”
― A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh


“I don’t feel very much like Pooh today," said Pooh.
"There there," said Piglet. "I’ll bring you tea and honey until you do.”
― A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh


Edited by saber5055
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21 minutes ago, saber5055 said:

It's interesting how some weeks favor some people. While my score doesn't count, this was my best week yet with 2/5. Color me proud that I was able to answer not one but TWO! (Two! Two clues in one!*) last week.

*Ancient Doublemint reference.

Not only do I recognize the reference, I have been known to use it a time or two. 😆

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1 hour ago, saber5055 said:

Those old commercial are golden. They should be a Jeopardy category.

Some of the old commercials were great! And you didn't have to mute them so the kids didn't hear them...you can't say that now!

The other thing I miss are theme songs for TV shows! Heck, sometimes the songs were better than the shows! I think Rob Reiner was the person who used to be on Johnny Carson and could remember so may theme songs it was amazing. Now sadly, not many shows have good songs to go with them!😥

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1 hour ago, Clanstarling said:

That's how I learned to spell "bologna" (and was always confused that we said "baloney" - phonetically it just didn't work. LOL)

I emailed someone last week about being full of baloney, then in the middle of the night I realized it should have been bologna. Then I wondered if what one is full of is indeed baloney. Anyone know the facts on that?

The Flintstones just started reruns here, and I was disappointed that I didn't remember that theme song at all. It's an instrumental while I remembered a song, "Flintstones, meet the Flintstones, they're a modern stone-age fam-il-lee ..." Maybe that came later.

Turns out the local NBC affiliate changed its power/tower direction so I no longer get any NBC shows, so no more Jeopardy or any other NBC shows I like. I'm down to getting only ABC and Fox. At least I can keep up with the contest via TheJeopardyFan.

Edited by saber5055
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14 hours ago, saber5055 said:

I emailed someone last week about being full of baloney, then in the middle of the night I realized it should have been bologna. Then I wondered if what one is full of is indeed baloney. Anyone know the facts on that?

I don't know about the two spellings, but I do know it's what I call my cat, Bosco: "Bosco-roney, full of baloney" and then I get a craving for a fried bologna sandwich.

Edited by Prevailing Wind
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3 hours ago, Prevailing Wind said:

I don't know about the two spellings, but I do know it's what I call my cat, Bosco: "Bosco-roney, full of baloney" and then I get a craving for a fried bologna sandwich.

A while back I had a dog registered as Macaroon but I called him Macaroni. I would bounce him on my knee and sing "Macaroni, ride a pony, full of baloney ..."

Well, he seemed to enjoy it.

  • LOL 5

WEEK 5 — ONE asterisk *
21. Observances. Washington made the very first Presidential proclamation in response to a request for “a day of public” this.
22. Last Words. In 1876 in the Dakotas this American said, “The old duffer broke me on the last hand.”
23. Hit 1980s Albums. This American singer-songwriter briefly landed on the U.N.’s apartheid blacklist for his 1986 multi-platinum album.
24. English History. In 1600 a royal charter authorized it to set forth to “parts of Asia and Africa” in search of “trade and traffic.”
* 25. American Playwrights. In 1963 the Pulitzer Advisory Board vetoed his controversial play & gave no award; he would go on to win 3 Pulitzers.*

Edited by saber5055

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