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Jeopardy! Season 36 (2019-2020)


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40 minutes ago, suebee12 said:

In the last few games, there were many answers that were not answered...and that didn't happen when James was around. I h

He also frequently missed FJ which didn’t happen nearly at all with James. He seemed to be smart about when to not ring in and also wagering smart on the DD which both helped greatly.

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3 hours ago, PaulaO said:

I liked Jason and will miss him.  He seemed fatigued in the game.  He didn’t ring in on clues I thought were easy.  No idea on FJ!  First I said the John Hancock then changed to Sears/Willis Tower.  Why yes, I’m from Chicago.

I think I mentioned a week ago that it was odd how quiet he was early on in a game and someone suggested that he might be tired from the taping sessions going on all day. So maybe lack of unusual stamina needed for Jeopardy tapings got him in the end.

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14 hours ago, peeayebee said:

I also said ungulate, and like her I didn't know how to pronounce it. 

I did get ruminant since I raised them for a few decades. As I posted here a while back, the cud is horrendously stinky if you ever "catch" one. Doing so is extremely rare, however, and thankfully so. I only "caught" one once during all my years of working with them day in and out. It was a memorable experience.

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17 hours ago, Browncoat said:

I mentally travelled around the world to try to come up with FJ, but didn't make it to Australia in time, so no FJ for me tonight.

I did get ruminants and chitin, though, so there's that.

I went to Sears Tower first, and wasn't sure if it was in the right time period. Then changed it at the last moment to the Seattle Space Needle. Australia never even entered my mind.

I got ruminants and chitin as well - though I clearly have been mispronouncing it all along, as I've only ever read the word before.

I'm sorry Jason is gone, he was kind of a stealth champion - not showy in any way. But on the bright side, I enjoy competition, so I'm looking forward to seeing multiple champs again.

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5 hours ago, saber5055 said:

Looks like I'm the only one who came up with I.M. Pei's Louvre Glass Pyramid for FJ, so good on everyone else for not making that wrong guess. Once that image lodged in my brain, it wouldn't come unstuck.

If I'd have thought of it, I would have said the Pyramid as well (I do have a tendency to go for places I've actually been - and this one was thanks to a business trip)

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1 hour ago, peeayebee said:

I know it's not, but I could have sworn the category was National Landmarks. 

Your brain might have been accessing the FJ category from the previous day, "Natural Geographic Features," which I read as "NATIONAL Geographic Features." I was all, "Oh, boy, I LOVE The National Geographic, best category ever. I'm IN!"

So your transposition is excused. By me, anyhow.

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I finally had a good night. I got Uffizi (which was strange to see in a museum category as it’s properly know as The Uffizi Gallery and Accadmia (spelled as they do at it)  Irish Whiskey, Tigger, shrimp, Tom Berenger (who used to own a bar in my town), flint, dyed in the wool, and lather. I also got the FJ of Oscar Wilde. I saw his grave in the Père Lachaise Cemetery in Paris. Women were putting on their brightest red lipstick and kissing his grave to leave their mark. The thought of germs alone told me not to. 

Edited by Mindthinkr
They not The.
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Another missed FJ for me.  Not surprising that the grad student in creative writing got it, though.  And I'm glad she did! I also said Yeats. 

The first bit was kind of sad, with all the TS, especially those in the Winnie-the-Pooh category.  I managed Uffizi (a surprising TS), brain, Tigger, Stone of Scone, flinty and lather. 

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Shout out to @lb60. I got the TS of Tigger, in your honor.

Stone of Scone was a TS or stumper FJ last season. Geez, players, watch the show.

Got a laugh from the Pliny The Elder clue since we had an extended discussion about Mr. Pliny in the Season 35 thread. That, plus the Stone of Scone TS proves this show is circular.

Thank you Laurel for becoming the new champ. Long may you reign.

Would "Yeates" with two es be wrong if it were right? Trebek sure dwelled on that extra e. Sometimes you need to just let it go, Trebek.

Edited by saber5055
  • Love 7
49 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

I finally had a good night. I got Uffizi (which was strange to see in a museum category as it’s properly know as The Uffizi Gallery and Accadmia (spelled as they do at it)

It's known only as the Uffizi Gallery (Galleria degli Uffizi). The Galleria dell'Accademia di Firenze (Accademia Gallery in English) is a totally different museum. The Accademia houses the original Michelangelo David sculpture. 

I disliked the new champ and I had a strong feeling he was a "one and done".

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30 minutes ago, saber5055 said:

Would "Yeates" with two es be wrong if it were right? Trebek sure dwelled on that extra e. Sometimes you need to just let it go, Trebek.

I thought Alex was trying to say, if yeats was the right answer, yeates would have been accepted. But hey, it wasn’t, so too bad. Seemed a little unnecessary! Or maybe that’s what you were saying in the first place. 

  • LOL 2
1 hour ago, saber5055 said:

Thank you Laurel for becoming the new champ. Long may you reign.

I agree! She seems calm, cool and collected....well, except when she tried to answer twice in one go!!😏

I missed the seeing the first couple of answer and was taken aback when everything was RED! That had to be one of the slowest starts in a game!

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3 hours ago, saber5055 said:

Your brain might have been accessing the FJ category from the previous day, "Natural Geographic Features," which I read as "NATIONAL Geographic Features." I was all, "Oh, boy, I LOVE The National Geographic, best category ever. I'm IN!"

So your transposition is excused. By me, anyhow.

Thanks. I do appreciate an explanation of what my brain is doing when it makes a boo-boo.

1 hour ago, saber5055 said:

Stone of Scone was a TS or stumper FJ last season. Geez, players, watch the show.

I KNOW! I mean, I couldn't think of it, but I knew I should know it.

I got Irish whiskey and Tigger. Instead of Berenger I said Berenson. Also, I said flint, but the answer was actually flinty. Don't know if I would have gotten a BMS and been able to correct myself.

Why wasn't imp in quotes in the category name?

I guessed George Bernard Shaw for FJ. I really didn't think that was right, but it was all I could come up with.

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I didn't see the game, just read the clues on the archive, and my eyes bugged out a bit at "people on the underground railroad" for the Pullman porters clue!

I know very little of the Winnie the Pooh universe, so the contestants' performance in that category surprised me - that in a group that included someone who knew Heffalump, none of them knew Tigger, and no one knew brain, either.

Stone of Scone surprised me only because it seems to come up with some regularity, and did recently, so rock + Scotland should have led at least one person who has prepped for this show to the answer.

Lather and flinty as TS were mildly surprising, too, but I correctly predicted the underrated Tom Berenger was going to be a TS.

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For the first time since the season started I had a decent game, with answers actually coming out instead of being stuck on tip of tongue.

I got brain, Tigger, Stone of Scone, flinty, and lather.  As already mentioned above, Stone of Scone is such a favourite of the FJ writers so I was surprised no one got it.

I actually pre-called Oscar Wilde for FJ but still guessed Yeats at first, then quickly realized it was, indeed, Oscar Wilde, another FJ writers favourite.

Forgot to say, I like the new champ, hope she sticks around for a while.

Edited by Trey
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9 hours ago, Bastet said:

I know very little of the Winnie the Pooh universe, so the contestants' performance in that category surprised me - that in a group that included someone who knew Heffalump, none of them knew Tigger, and no one knew brain, either.

I know Tigger's reputation, but I had no idea his name had become a noun in the OED.  I suppose he would have been the logical guess, but the clue threw me off.  I had to go back and check how it was worded:  This Pooh pal's name means "an exuberant, energetic, and cheerful person"  Okay, Tigger is the obvious guess, but I've never heard the word used that way.

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13 hours ago, saber5055 said:

Would "Yeates" with two es be wrong if it were right? Trebek sure dwelled on that extra e. Sometimes you need to just let it go, Trebek.

It annoys me when he says, "You picked the right one!"  I always answer back to the TV, "No, I KNEW the right one."

Would Redcap have been accepted for Pullman Porter?

  • Love 6
13 hours ago, saber5055 said:

Shout out to @lb60. I got the TS of Tigger, in your honor.

Stone of Scone was a TS or stumper FJ last season. Geez, players, watch the show.

Every time the Stone of Scone comes up, I'm amused. Not because it's used frequently in Jeopardy, but because I learned about it on an episode of  Highlander with Roger Daltry playing the key Scots character. I pick up information in all sorts of odd places.

12 hours ago, SoMuchTV said:

I thought Alex was trying to say, if yeats was the right answer, yeates would have been accepted. But hey, it wasn’t, so too bad. Seemed a little unnecessary! Or maybe that’s what you were saying in the first place. 

Since Alex doesn't usually go into much detail with a missed answer (other than "you picked the wrong one" and unlike @Prevailing Wind and @Mindthinkr it's often a pick for me 😉 ) we thought it was a funny misdirection. Especially since in this case we actually knew the right answer. We laughed.

12 hours ago, suebee12 said:

I agree! She seems calm, cool and collected....well, except when she tried to answer twice in one go!!😏

Which is what endeared her to me and had me pulling for her. 🙂

Edited by Clanstarling
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3 minutes ago, Clanstarling said:

Every time the Stone of Scone comes up, I'm amused. Not because it's used frequently in Jeopardy, but because I learned about it on an episode of  Highlander with Roger Daltry playing the key Scots character. I pick up information in all sorts of odd places.

Highlander is more educational than people give it credit for.  One time I was playing some version of trivial pursuit and the answer (which I got) was duende and I got all excited and whoever I was playing with was like, OK?  

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As for "Pullman Porters," the union (the most powerful union of black workers through the 20th century) was The Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters so it could be argued that Gabe was correct. The dominant "brand" of sleeping car was from the Pullman Company but I'm not sure if it was the only brand. Like 'Kleenex' the brand has become the generic name for the item. So disallowing Gabe's answer should only happen if you're hewing to the exact name of the museum's exhibit.

Interesting tidbit: the porters were generally called "George" after George Pullman, the founder of the company. I mean, why bother learning the individual name of the black man who'll be serving you for such a short time?😯

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1 hour ago, Clanstarling said:

Every time the Stone of Scone comes up, I'm amused. Not because it's used frequently in Jeopardy, but because I learned about it on an episode of  Highlander with Roger Daltry playing the key Scots character. I pick up information in all sorts of odd places.

I learned it from being a subscriber to The Scotsman newspaper. The online edition has comments from readers, and there have been several VERY HEATED discussions about the Stone being stolen by the English, people who are not even fractionally popular in Scotland.

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8 minutes ago, saber5055 said:

I would have accepted it. Be sure to get on the show when I become a J! judge!

Me as well. Can you fix the categories to be tack, horse breeds, A rated Horse Shows, scoring jumper classes, potent potables and food? I’d be a winner for sure. 

Well maybe. I’d have competition from @PaulaO

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5 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

Me as well. Can you fix the categories to be tack, horse breeds, A rated Horse Shows, scoring jumper classes, potent potables and food? I’d be a winner for sure. 

Well maybe. I’d have competition from @PaulaO

I know nothing about scoring jumper classes except it’s all about the time. Dressage, that’s my thang.  And then there’s Western pleasure............

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8 hours ago, saber5055 said:

I learned it from being a subscriber to The Scotsman newspaper. The online edition has comments from readers, and there have been several VERY HEATED discussions about the Stone being stolen by the English, people who are not even fractionally popular in Scotland.

In Scotland, it's known as the Stone of Destiny. I wonder if Alex would have accepted that?

<wanders in>

I had to avoid this place until I got caught up on shows.

Wed-I guessed Mauna Loa. I didn't think it was right, but I couldn't remember Kilauea (which I probably would have spelled Killawaya). 

Th-I got the missed DD of ruminants. FJ was an instaget.

Fri-I got brain, Tigger (T-I-double-Guh-Er), and shrimp. My first guess for FJ was James Joyce, then Wilde popped in my head, so I went with him. :-)

I was sad to see Jason go. I didn't like Gabe, but the new champ seems okay.

On 9/27/2019 at 8:42 PM, saber5055 said:

Shout out to @lb60. I got the TS of Tigger, in your honor.

Awww, gfy! I played J!6 before I had a chance to watch the show. When I saw the category, I thought, yay, a category just for me, me, me! Thankfully, I got them all right.

On 9/27/2019 at 8:42 PM, SHD said:

.....I still felt like the game was a dud. The returning champ was making me nervous with his gestures every time he was beaten on the buzzer.

I agree with both points. Slow (boring) game and I kept wondering what was wrong with the champ. Glad he was one and done.

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No idea how I came up with FJ tonight, but it was the first thing I thought of, and I couldn't think of anything else.  I have a cold, and am under the influence of Sudafed -- maybe I should try that more often.

I also managed the TS/missed DD of Pacific Crest Trail, Mont Blanc, Black Dog, and Portugal.  And I love the current champ just for pronouncing "Appalachian" the way we do in these (Appalachian) parts.

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I'm not going to be home for tonight's game, but the archive is already updated, so I read the clues.

I knew Grace Hopper was going to be a TS, and I had a feeling “Black Dog” was going to be, too (I think a lot of people know the song but not its title), but I was surprised by Pacific Crest Trail being one when Jason’s wrong answer was so close.

18 minutes ago, Browncoat said:

No idea how I came up with FJ tonight, but it was the first thing I thought of,

It was the dates that did it for me; four years apart took me immediately to the Olympics, so I knew it had to be the torch.

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