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S06.E06: Week 3, Part 2

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12 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

To be clear, I've never been a Kristina fan and thought without the Russian accent and sad back story she was just kind of a self-centered whiner.  But up against the Caitlyn person?  I was on her side all the way. First Caitlyn goes to every person there and talks about what an awful, horrible woman Kristina is, then she confronts Kristina to tell her off and starts asking aggressive questions and then immediately interrupts Kristina in mid-sentence while she's trying to answer.  Kristina starts to get frustrated  and Caitlyn tells her to chill.  Kristina gets even more frustrated and Caitlyn -- the same one who was bad mouthing Kristina all day -- gives her a lecture about women respecting women -- and goes off talking about Kristina some more like she's evil incarnate.

Their little spat was the only thing I found interesting in the whole two hours. 

I liked Kristina. That Caitlyn girl, who I have no idea of her existence, is annoying. Wah! I’m interested in your friend! Stop being a friend to him and set me up with him or you’re against all women.

damn I wish these women would stop flocking and cackling like hens all day. I liked it better when it was an individual game with loose friendships. It’s like a bunch of hairtwirling high schoolers. Time to raise the minimum age and get new blood. 

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1 hour ago, Stan39 said:

You’re forgetting two important things:

1) There is a silent majority of fans (maybe they’re on Twitter?) who believe everything these shows put out there. They lack all reason or thought and are completely gullible and easily manipulated. This is who the show caters to now 

They are on Twitter. En masse. I often live tweet all the shows in this franchise and some of my snarkier comments are blasted by the die-hard fans. They also have Twitter handles like mrsbieber and givemearose, which seems appropriate.

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So...how are the rose ceremonies going to work? As a lesbian, I'm going to be a little miffed if they split Demi or GF into the "men," for the rose ceremonies. I'm not usually one to take offense at perceived sleights, but "which one of you is the man" is widely regarded as an offensive (and stupid) thing to ask a lesbian couple.

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1 hour ago, Captain Asshat said:

Eh...I think it's just that the show, in the past, has done a much better job of holding up the pretense of it being about "a second chance at love," while letting it be a drunken, sexual free-for-all that we all watch it for. 

I think that show is over 😢 After Corrine, they won’t let anyone get drunk. And all the “craziness” is going to be producer driven and completely controlled and contained. 

My guess is the show we’re seeing now is more likely to repeat than revert to the old way. With IG, podcasts, and social media these people are all well known. I’m sure producers see how easy it was to film this season by just driving the “Blake/Stagecoach” story and now the “Demi” story. This is way easier than sitting back and letting things happen organically, hope you’re there to film everything, then put it together in edits. 

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3 hours ago, nutty1 said:

I don't think Derek was in on the whole thing. I don't think he is that good of an actor. Maybe after he found out, he was told if he went along with it amicably, they'd consider him for the next lead. But I doubt they had their sights said on Derek from the beginning. He wasn't that popular before.


I do NOT want to see him as next Bachelor, as I think we've seen his full range of personality, and it's either moaning, grinning or sobbing.  And he's too hairy for me, and not attractive in my eyes. 

47th time is the charm, Mr. Grown Ass Man Bukowski!  I like Chris & Katie, but she really needs to get a little less needy.  Chris is a successful businessman, with a very social & high profile lifestyle.  She needs to put on her big girl panties if she wants to compete with the women Chris could snag in his Chicago circles.  

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1 hour ago, Captain Asshat said:

Eh...I think it's just that the show, in the past, has done a much better job of holding up the pretense of it being about "a second chance at love," while letting it be a drunken, sexual free-for-all that we all watch it for. 


I'm good with them changing the rules & shaking things up if they TELL US they're gonna do it, just don't act like we're all idiots & won't notice. 

The original recipe shows have been doing some things differently recently and that's fine.  Just admit it and don't try to pretend it's the status quo.  

Changes are OK, really.  Just don't feed us shit & tell us it's cake. 

Edited by leighdear
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1 hour ago, Stan39 said:

You’re forgetting two important things:

1) There is a silent majority of fans (maybe they’re on Twitter?) who believe everything these shows put out there. They lack all reason or thought and are completely gullible and easily manipulated. This is who the show caters to now 

2) As much as we protest here and just want a silly, summer romp of goofy people making out and making fools of themselves, the show has obviously doubled down on the “love” aspect with the clear goal being to have at least one couple get engaged at the end of the season. To that end, I think contestants have been encouraged that this is the goal and now play along. 

I suggest finding a new show because this show is no longer what we signed up for. Love Island UK (or any of the versions other than the US) is a good option. Seems much more genuine and has realistic expectations. 

Have you actually read some of the twitter responses for some of the Bachelor shows?  I mean, I thought the same as you until I read the twitter feed on either the finale of the Bachelor or the B'ette of the most recent seasons, and there was some good snarky stuff that mirrored what is said here.  So I was pleasantly surprised to see that most other viewers felt exactly the same way about whatever the drama was at the time.  Noone was falling for what they were trying to deliver to the audience.  

For me personally, I have always known this show wasn't anything I signed up for, but it has gotten increasingly worse the last couple of seasons--esp this one.  I mean there are no excuses this season for how off the rails they are going.

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15 hours ago, leighdear said:


On that note, I would like to welcome everyone to this season's BiP drinking game, in which you take a drink:

• Whenever someone says "clarity,"

• Whenever someone uses "like" or "you know" as a filler,

• Whenever someone uses "literally" in an incorrect context. (You are not LITERALLY being crushed unless your body is being compressed, BiP ding dongs.)

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35 minutes ago, Captain Asshat said:

So...how are the rose ceremonies going to work? As a lesbian, I'm going to be a little miffed if they split Demi or GF into the "men," for the rose ceremonies. I'm not usually one to take offense at perceived sleights, but "which one of you is the man" is widely regarded as an offensive (and stupid) thing to ask a lesbian couple.

I think you just nailed the "twist" that Harrison was talking about.

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Demi and Christian should have had to leave right after their reunion and talk with Derek.  Why is it OK for Demi to have another relationship and go on this show and all the guys that have done that have been banned and been labeled a-holes.  Demi shouldn't have even gone to Paradise if she wasn't single period.  And now the whole show changes format for her.  Total BS.  It's all for ratings and pre-planned with Demi and the producers.

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Demi needs to work harder on her fake crying.  She makes all the right noises and she makes a good show of wiping away non-existent tears but she can't sell it without the real tears.  

She was able to poke at her eyes and irritate them enough to get a single tear going in one of the TH but most of the times when she is "crying" her eyes appear totally dry.  

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27 minutes ago, Palomar said:

Demi and Christian should have had to leave right after their reunion and talk with Derek.  Why is it OK for Demi to have another relationship and go on this show and all the guys that have done that have been banned and been labeled a-holes.  Demi shouldn't have even gone to Paradise if she wasn't single period.  And now the whole show changes format for her.  Total BS.  It's all for ratings and pre-planned with Demi and the producers.

I couldn't agree more ...they should just call it "couples in paradise" if this is what they want to do.  It sounds like a boring setup but whatever.

And demi can miss me with pretending like the only reason people would have a problem with her behavior is because she is in a relationship with another woman. 

Straight, gay, bi or anywhere in between can engage in assholery behavior.  The fact that demi would be okay throwing her committed relationship in Derek's face after she misrepresented the relationship to him on multiple occasions makes her an asshole.

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1 hour ago, Captain Asshat said:

So...how are the rose ceremonies going to work? As a lesbian, I'm going to be a little miffed if they split Demi or GF into the "men," for the rose ceremonies. I'm not usually one to take offense at perceived sleights, but "which one of you is the man" is widely regarded as an offensive (and stupid) thing to ask a lesbian couple.

It's offensive and what would be the point?  They will only ever pick each other.   

Is demi some fan favorite?  I'm not sure why they are bending over backwards to keep her on the show?  There is plenty of drama without her and Kristian seems to have all the personality of a warm vanilla pudding. 

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1 hour ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

I really enjoyed Love Island US actually.  Even better, for this Canadian, there was a Canadian guy on there and Canadians were able to help influence the vote by downloading the app, etc.  Pretty awesome.

For me it's

Temptation Island
Love Island
Bachelor in Paradise
Paradise Hotel

I understand why it's last on the list but i love me some paradise hotel so thanks for giving it an honorable mention. 

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6 hours ago, PhysNerd said:

My thoughts on this episode:

1) When I first saw Kristian, I thought "Aww! How sweet! Demi's mom has arrived to help Demi make a decision!" When they started kissing, then it hit me who she was. Lol.  She seems like a sweet and levelheaded person, so what is she doing with Demi? And how on earth is she only 27?! She looks old enough to be my mother and I'm 7 years older than her!

2) Dean seriously needs to shave the mustache and cut his hair.  He looks like he constantly needs a bath.

Right?  If Kristian is 27 she needs to immediately invest in sunscreen.  Also, her hands do not look 27.  But hey, I guess if that's the age she thinks she can get away with more power to her.

Deans mousetache is the only thing I can look at when he is on screen.  I have no idea if he is ugly or handsome.  It looks awful and I can't.understand why anyone is crazy for him. 

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1 hour ago, OnceSane said:

Kristina had every right to have her back up.  She could see Caelynn and Caitlyn talking right before Caitlyn came to give her "you suck, now support women!" speech...and I'm sure they were not subtle in showing that they (C&C) were talking about Kristina.  And I didn't find Kristina defensive at all--she answered the questions posed to her and when SHE didn't allow Caitlyn to fluster her or steer the narrative, Caitlyn became flustered and couldn't get back on track.  Except to say how "awful" Kristina was/is.  IDK if Caitlyn thought they'd be edited differently, but that was just a sad attempt to mix faux girl code, intimidation and her pre-decided narrative to bring Kristina to heel.  I'm glad it didn't work.  Kinda hoping neither of the C's find anything but Ls at Paradise.

Exactly! Kristina not only answered the questions posed to her, Caitlyn displayed the ultimate rude behavior of talking over Kristina's answers to her questions.  Two things that put someone in the wrong in any debate are interruptions and insults and Caitlyn was full of both.  Telling Kristina to chill was the capper.  Has anyone ever become less angry because a bossy bee ordered them to chill?  I'm surprised Kristina didn't go  all Jordan on her.

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To add in to the complaints regarding the Demi situaton - with which I wholeheartedly agree - I think this falls along the lines of the "best laid plans:" I can tell you exactly how some people will interpret this. They'll see it as reinforcing some of the negative stereotypes of bisexuals: "look how indecisive she was, she strung them both along because she doesn't know what she wants," "I guess bisexuals can't have committed relationships or else she wouldn't have been on BiP when dating someone else," etc.

Bachelor franchise thought they were being inclusive, but seem to me to have done it in a bad way. Demi isn't the person to use for this.

Edited by kita
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Why is Derek so hung up on women in their early 20s? Major red flag for me. Dude is my age, and while I saw Taylor as a well-educated woman with potential, she didn't strike me as terribly mature. Actually, she was supercilious at times and tried to use her education as a get-out-of-jail-free card for poor choices and behavior. Having a Masters doesn't make you socially or emotionally aware. Something you can't compensate for in certain situations is time spent on the planet.

Now that Derek has supposedly fallen so hard for Demi, my concerns about him grow. All these great connections to incredibly young women... just makes me think Derek is emotionally stunted. I know everyone sees him getting the Bachelor edit, and I like him a lot, but I dread them making him Bachelor, as I think we will see another group of 22-year-old lemmings who will make Hannah Brown look like a wise old sage by comparison. 

Maybe talk to Jen or even Kristina, Derek. Someone at least approaching your age might mean less heartbreak for you?

Edited by thesupremediva1
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7 hours ago, DEL901 said:

Or maybe they will film at Stagecoach instead of Paradise. 

Stagecoach owes Blake big $$ for all the free publicity he has given them.  I see the dates have already been announced for 2020...make your plans now!

16 hours ago, TiredMe said:

I’m not sure Ive ever been more embarrassed for someone than Nicole with that song. Omg so cringy. 

I really don’t want dudes in my tummy. Lol

Seriously, WTAF was up with that song?  Between the lyrics and her incessant teenage giggling afterward, I question whether she meets even the low-bar standard of emotional maturity required to occupy a BiP beach chair!

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3 minutes ago, thesupremediva1 said:

Now that Derek has supposedly fallen so hard for Demi, my concerns about him grow. All these great connections to incredibly young women... just makes me think Derek is emotionally stunted. I know everyone sees him getting the Bachelor edit, and I like him a lot, but I dread them making him Bachelor, as I think we will see another group of 22-year-old lemmings who will make Hannah Brown look like a wise old sage by comparison. 

There's an article on the Us Magazine site (I linked to it in the Bachelor Media thread) where people are pushing Derek as the next Bachelor.  

And consider the timing... They haven't had their 3rd Rose Ceremony yet.  Plenty of time for him to nurse his broken heart before declaring:  I'm ready to find love again.

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1 hour ago, alexa said:

Have you actually read some of the twitter responses for some of the Bachelor shows?  I mean, I thought the same as you until I read the twitter feed on either the finale of the Bachelor or the B'ette of the most recent seasons, and there was some good snarky stuff that mirrored what is said here.  So I was pleasantly surprised to see that most other viewers felt exactly the same way about whatever the drama was at the time.  Noone was falling for what they were trying to deliver to the audience.  

For me personally, I have always known this show wasn't anything I signed up for, but it has gotten increasingly worse the last couple of seasons--esp this one.  I mean there are no excuses this season for how off the rails they are going.

That’s good to know. I don’t use Twitter but was just going off what others were posting. I don’t understand why the show keeps changing the way it is, because it seems to bother people more than they like the changes. But according to Chris Harrison, Hannah’s season of the Bachelorette was the most watched, Colton’s season was popular, and this show probably has good ratings. I don’t get it but others must like the way things are headed. 

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6 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

After years of hopeless, shameful addiction, I did manage to cold turkey "Big Brother," precisely because of too much jerking the viewer around through "twists" that would put hated players back in the house after others had worked hard to get them out.  So expect the unexpected, I might not be back after this mess following so closely behind the horrible Hannah B show.

SAME! I watched religiously for about 10 years, took a 3 year break cold turkey, and then went back for one more season (last season). I had no interest this year - it was bad. I'm wearing thin of the Bachelor franchise as well, and the only thing that really keeps me involved is that I listen to multiple podcasts on the subject, which prove to be more entertaining. Maybe I should just get my bearings with the faces early on, refresh halfway through, and just do the podcasts. I waste too much time.

Edited by Dena0033
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2 hours ago, Stan39 said:

I think that show is over 😢 After Corrine, they won’t let anyone get drunk. And all the “craziness” is going to be producer driven and completely controlled and contained.

Agreed, there has been a huge change in the show ever since the fabled 'shutdown' of the show. Sad.

Also I was hoping Derek would at least reply to one of Demi's 'revelations' with less acceptance and more real feelings. A quick 'You bitch!' would have worked wonders in my estimation of him, instead he not only allowed himself to be steamrolled he then had to support THEM! Good lord man... and the totally unnecessary "Well I have to meet her then!" part? SOOOO awkward... have some integrity/backbone. It's okay to say you're pissed for being played and lied to/strung along.

Edited by Wandering Snark
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I think the show changed for two reasons. Yes, the Corrine/Demario debacle, as mentioned. But also, this has become THE Love Journey jackpot! Every summer gives us at least one couple that ACTUALLY ends up getting married! We have Paradise babies! When was the last time an actual main show couple got married? (not rhetorical—it’s been so long that I honestly don’t know.) They don’t even edit contestants to talk to animals or have all of the stupid jokes about itself anymore. It’s become “too sincere”—which then makes it even more obviously flawed that they’re “leaning in” to Demi’s love journey but breaking 20 freaking years of rules to do so! If it was like the “old show” and they just winked at themselves over it and said, hey, it’s good ratings for us to be inclusive and get with the times! We’d be all, great! Let’s “have a cheers” to Demi and her gal! But if they’re trying to shoehorn this into the rules as a genuine chance at love—she already found her love AT HOME and that’s where her journey should continue. Instead, we’ll get the first gay proposal in Bachelor History—and they’ll congratulate themselves over it. That just makes us all cynical.  Harrison instead should have said, “Hey, Neil Lane said he’d give us a two-fer to help us bump our ratings.”

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16 hours ago, thesupremediva1 said:

I'd like to order one Bukowski, please. This guy is the surprise of the season for me. He's quickly becoming my new Nick Viall.

Why was he considered a villain? Why is he pictured with a walker in the opening credits? Why were those asshats Jordan and Demi denigrating him about his age last week? Inquiring minds want to know, since I think he's the hottest, most genuine guy there.

It's funny how fast things changes in this world. I remember (yes, I'm old too) Chris being painted as too young on Emily's season. Now, seven years later, he's the geriatric alibi.

I do think Derek would make an interesting bachelor. I don't know about the part about him liking 20-somethings, maybe he does. But more importantly I think he's attracted to challenging women with strong personalities - and I for one would like to watch a season with that kind of bachelor and women, rather than the insipid bunch we've gotten with a lot of the other bachelors.

Edited by Cecily
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16 hours ago, leighdear said:

Why do people say "Pit in my stomach?"  It's "In the Pit of my stomach". 

IKR?  I have heard this wrong so many times that when I heard it used correctly in a TV show, I actually had to stop and think if it really was used correctly!

3 hours ago, SnarkEnthusiast said:

Well, that was an embarrassing pile of self-congratulatory, virtue-signaling bullshit. 

Fan-damn-tastic wording!

3 hours ago, LBS said:

Derek is 32 so why is Chris getting the old man edit?  LOL

4 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

He is?!!?!?  I can't believe he thinks Demi and Taylor are his types, then.  That's sad.  No wonder things never work out.

1 hour ago, thesupremediva1 said:

Why is Derek so hung up on women in their early 20s? Major red flag for me. Dude is my age, and while I saw Taylor as a well-educated woman with potential, she didn't strike me as terribly mature. Actually, she was supercilious at times and tried to use her education as a get-out-of-jail-free card for poor choices and behavior. 

I had no idea that Derek was the same age as Chris.  So, yes, I see his going after Taylor and Demi in a different light now.  And given what thesupremediva1 wrote in bold, I can see a definite similarity in Taylor and Demi.  They are both smugly opinionated and convinced of their right-ness, which can make them seem mature, but paradoxically they are not very mature.  And they each are very impressed with themselves -- with Taylor it was her education and with Demi it's her supposed clever remarks and her special love situation (she is so very brave...barf)

4 hours ago, ljenkins782 said:

The most annoying part to me though was how much time they devoted to this segment. If this were a regular TV show, I'd assume it was a backdoor pilot with the way that they stopped and focused only on 3 people for a solid 45 minutes with barely a nod back to the rest of the group. 

Great observation!

5 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

I myself was ready to sob on his shoulder and say, "I'm sorry I was just trying to be the cool girl but it broke my heart to see you walk off with Jen! I love you, Chris!"

Yeah, so given Katie's mystifyingly OTT sob-fest when she was turning down Wills, and her massively mis-handled attempt at being something she's not with Chris, I'm not feeling it for Katie anymore, and would prefer to see her get to know herself better before inflicting herself on anyone else.

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3 hours ago, RealReality said:

I understand why it's last on the list but i love me some paradise hotel so thanks for giving it an honorable mention. 

I watched them all, religiously, of course 🤭  I loved every second of it but........... yeah it's in 4th place for me so far.  The real issue with Paradise Hotel is the casting!

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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Oh, Wells, I felt your pain when Demi admitted she had never even heard of Nelson Mandela. (I am willing to bet she'd never heard of apartheid before, either.)

JPJ looks like actor Michael Beck when Michael was younger.

Katie, please just talk to Chris. Talk honestly.

Who the hell names their kid Caelynn? She must spell it out every single time.

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1 hour ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

I watched them all, religiously, of course 🤭  I loved every second of it but........... yeah it's in 4th place for me so far.  The real issue with Paradise Hotel is the casting!

Whaaaaa?  You weren't a fan of papi chazon?  Twinkie lips? The guy who weirdly asked if he was allowed to go to the bathroom?  The others furiously vying for mirror time and then desperately hoping for camera time?  

Or was it the host....cause she was the worst.  I never realized how much skill it took to be Chris Harrison until I saw someone do it so poorly. 

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18 hours ago, tinkerbell said:

yes, it's pandering.  Aren't we progressive?  We have a show where the men choose the women and the women choose the men, but we've found a way to have two women CHOOSE EACH OTHER!   So Brave!  

Gotta say that I think they might even branch out to a same-sex edition.

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1 hour ago, mertensia said:

Who the hell names their kid Caelynn? She must spell it out every single time.


43 minutes ago, RealReality said:

Whaaaaa?  You weren't a fan of papi chazon?  Twinkie lips? The guy who weirdly asked if he was allowed to go to the bathroom?  The others furiously vying for mirror time and then desperately hoping for camera time?  

Or was it the host....cause she was the worst.  I never realized how much skill it took to be Chris Harrison until I saw someone do it so poorly. 

😂 I don't even rEMEMBER the host.  There was a host?  That wonderful part of my life is now a blur.

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I'm kinda okay with the Demi/Kristian thing.  I appear to be in the tiniest minority here.

I don't think BiP has any real sanctity to protect, or even any real rules. This opportunity fell into ABC's lap and they are running with it.  Even if Demi and Kristian give each other roses over and over until the end, it's not like they're really still "playing" -- they are basically Statler and Waldorf.

Derek will be fine. He and Demi were an item for, what, eight days? 

So I'm going to kick back and enjoy it for what it is. We're one small step closer to the day when a same-sex couple can be together on one of these properties on prime-time network TV with no one batting an eye.

If nothing else, Survivor comes back in five weeks 🙂

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39 minutes ago, phlebas said:

I'm kinda okay with the Demi/Kristian thing.  I appear to be in the tiniest minority here.

I don't think BiP has any real sanctity to protect, or even any real rules. This opportunity fell into ABC's lap and they are running with it.  Even if Demi and Kristian give each other roses over and over until the end, it's not like they're really still "playing" -- they are basically Statler and Waldorf.

Derek will be fine. He and Demi were an item for, what, eight days? 

So I'm going to kick back and enjoy it for what it is. We're one small step closer to the day when a same-sex couple can be together on one of these properties on prime-time network TV with no one batting an eye.

If nothing else, Survivor comes back in five weeks 🙂

You are right, you’re definitely in the minority 😂😂😂. Just kidding. I think everything you say is correct. Another poster said it best that the way they’re presenting stuff assumes the audience is stupid. Just be honest with us. Tell us you’re changing the format and adapting to what’s going on in the real world. They need to stop being so sanctimonious and pretending this is all about love or some brave journey. It insults our intelligence. I think that’s what people are more upset about 

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12 hours ago, Dittohead said:

I don't understand why tptb wanted Demi on this season of BIP so badly.  I couldn't stand her on Colton's season and she's even more irritating to me now.  Why flip this show over just to please her?  

2 reasons:

1)  to pretend this show is progressive, LGBTQ friendly, welcoming to any and all people who want to "find love."  

2) To have an excuse to have two pretty blonde girls make out on TV for people to watch.  

chris Harrison has posted on twitter how proud he is of the show for this episode.  the replies are mixed, but a lot of people see right through his bullshit. 

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I am totally convinced that Derek was in on this from the beginning as an audition for The Bachelor after seeing this display. He was 100% acting and he wasn’t very good at it. That’s why they couldn’t film him from the front when he was trying to pull a Mesnick. It was all behind the back fake sniffling. We literally lol’d during his TH’s. He tried so hard to care and think sad things so he could muster up a tear. He failed. Meet your next bachelor, Derek, the “amazing guy” who is always dumped for someone else, but is also super supportive and just wants everyone to be happy. 🙄🙄🙄

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I’m highly skeptical of the Demi and Kristian shenanigans.  For starters, I highly doubt they are even a real couple.  Their interactions together seem too fake and unnatural.  Is there any evidence of them being a couple before or after filming, i.e. texts, social media, photos? 

Even if they are, there is no reason for them to continue on with the show.  They found their relationship off of the show, and so they should leave the show to explore it. 

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35 minutes ago, woodscommaelle said:

...and just film at Stagecoach.

If I was being 100% honest with myself, I would watch a StageCoach reality show lol. Music Festivals are MESSY drama-filled places. Obviously not Fyre Festival level drama, but just think about all the T that's at Coachella, StageCoach, etc.

It'd be a great show. 

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1 hour ago, Nowhere said:

I am totally convinced that Derek was in on this from the beginning as an audition for The Bachelor after seeing this display. He was 100% acting and he wasn’t very good at it. That’s why they couldn’t film him from the front when he was trying to pull a Mesnick. It was all behind the back fake sniffling. We literally lol’d during his TH’s. He tried so hard to care and think sad things so he could muster up a tear. He failed. Meet your next bachelor, Derek, the “amazing guy” who is always dumped for someone else, but is also super supportive and just wants everyone to be happy. 🙄🙄🙄

I don't watch the regular show, but I thought he was laying it on the tiniest bit thick with the "I'm always the guy getting rejected" bit.  

I still feel it's shitty for the show to rub a pre-existing relationship in his face....one that he was mislead about. 

I think I last watched this show when they edited people talking to beach creatures.  I loved that!  But maybe I missed a ton.

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1 hour ago, RealReality said:

I don't watch the regular show, but I thought he was laying it on the tiniest bit thick with the "I'm always the guy getting rejected" bit.  

I still feel it's shitty for the show to rub a pre-existing relationship in his face....one that he was mislead about. 

I think I last watched this show when they edited people talking to beach creatures.  I loved that!  But maybe I missed a ton.

What do you watch? 

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21 hours ago, DEL901 said:

Or maybe they will film at Stagecoach instead of Paradise. 

Is Stagecoach a bar, a night club, a new version of Plato's Retreat???  I have no idea...and they all talk about it as if we're automatically supposed to know.

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3 hours ago, Nowhere said:

What do you watch? 

I meant I only watch BiP I don't watch bachelor or bachelorette.  Too high faluntin and classy for me.....everyone with all their fancy ballgowns and snazzy suits.  Like the champagne of beers.  

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9 hours ago, Stan39 said:

You are right, you’re definitely in the minority 😂😂😂. Just kidding. I think everything you say is correct. Another poster said it best that the way they’re presenting stuff assumes the audience is stupid. Just be honest with us. Tell us you’re changing the format and adapting to what’s going on in the real world. They need to stop being so sanctimonious and pretending this is all about love or some brave journey. It insults our intelligence. I think that’s what people are more upset about 

Heh 🙂

All that's fair. It just seems to me a lot of the commenters here are trying to have it both ways:  

One: you are going to read the edit and look for production's decisions and speculate on who is being coached -- in which case the whole thing is theater and Demi/Kristian is a construct, but no more so than any other part. (Personally, I was far more bored by the parade of women who had hooked up with Blake at Stagecoach.)

Two: You ignore the edit and let the story wash over you. Oh, Demi is finally in love. Look out, Blake's playa past is coming back to haunt him. Cool, guys are literally fighting over Nicole.

Of course, those stories aren't happening without production putting the pieces in place. If they just turned the cameras on, we're going to be watching home videos of someone's spring break. So I'm just going to shrug and appreciate getting something different.

Now... ABC is being pretty heavy-handed and obvious with all this. Watching how this unfolds just makes me happier they didn't pick Caelynn as the last bachelorette -- I was terrified they were going to try to do some comment about her rape, and that would have been a disaster.

Anyway, I've thought too much about this 🙂 I think Demi and Kristian will be in the periphery for the rest of the season and we can get back to Nicole serenading a clearly embarrassed Clay 🙂

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3 hours ago, RealReality said:

I meant I only watch BiP I don't watch bachelor or bachelorette.  Too high faluntin and classy for me.....everyone with all their fancy ballgowns and snazzy suits. Like the champagne of beers.  

Oh there were no high falutin ballgowns with Hannah -- well maybe that one green one.  Her gowns were mostly thin, slinky numbers with half the front cut out so she could show an entire big healthy leg right up to the high water line and they all squashed her bust into one blobular mass.  She walked in them  hunched forward like an angry line backer and often actually was angry.

The men all wore their much younger brother's snazzy suits and  the most exciting part of the show was when Hannah would mount the guys (every kiss led to a straddle) and we'd wait for seams to rip. Sadly it never happened or else they edited it out.

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9 hours ago, Fable said:

I’m highly skeptical of the Demi and Kristian shenanigans.  For starters, I highly doubt they are even a real couple.  Their interactions together seem too fake and unnatural.  Is there any evidence of them being a couple before or after filming, i.e. texts, social media, photos? 

Even if they are, there is no reason for them to continue on with the show.  They found their relationship off of the show, and so they should leave the show to explore it. 

They are a real couple, many people have commented on seeing their Instagram feeds, along with photos and info about the girlfriend Demi had before Kristian.  

The relationship isn't a sham, just the circumstances that let up to Kristian arriving and Demi's "surprise" at her showing up.  That was all faked, pre-planned and produced for ratings. 

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23 hours ago, SnarkEnthusiast said:

Well, that was an embarrassing pile of self-congratulatory, virtue-signaling bullshit. Since when do you get to just import randoms from home? Although it's an inside joke that lady/lady couples move fast, the over dramatic weeping and constant kissing suggests they've been exclusive 6+ months and were invited to do the show as an LGBT PSA. And then they get to stay and get a date card???? Be more obvious producers. Way to shit on Derek. I hope they told him. It's obvious they're just salivating over the impending publicity of a lesbian proposal. Worse, Twitter is already tripping over itself to fawn over Demi and Kristian. Bleck! Somewhere, Jed's eyes are rolling into the sun. Kristian is weirdly stern and seems much older than 27. She and Demi have a strange mommy/daughter vibe.

Kristian reminds me of child killer, Diane Downs.  She not only looks like her, but the flat affect is the same.  She creeps me out because of this. 

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