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S21.E12: Head of Household #4; Nominations #4

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See, you guys! I told you the “Biiiiiiiig Brrrrrrother!!!” guy was awesome!  I love how everyone involved in making this show is clearly over the Jackholes.

WTF with the cucumber?! There were so many things wrong with that segment. Who eats a cucumber like that? Who shares a cucumber being eaten like that? Who takes a cucumber to the bathroom with them? Did he take it in there to compare? Did he purposely takes big bites so it would be short enough to match him? Did Jack even question any of that? I have so many questions that I probably don’t want to know the answers to.

Who would have thought Cliff would be the one to flip the script? Way to go, Token Old Guy! I’m sorry I doubted you.

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Hah, way to go Cliff. Funny how much info can fall in your lap as HoH huh? They thought they were being so slick with their plan and then POW Jack and Jack'sSon go up on  the block. The uniting of the marginalized was a thing to watch but Cliff's right, he doesn't break up the six he's back in trouble next week.

I'm a little peeved that Bella doesn't get hers this week since she sooo deserves it but I'll happily wait a week!

  • Love 7
36 minutes ago, helpmerhonda said:

Damn it! CBS and DirecTV need to get their shit together.

I found out yesterday that money grubbing CBS is gone from our DirecTV Now lineup.  This, following NBC and the local affiliate being blocked back on July 3rd.  So, I think... "well, this is baby Jesus telling me to stop watching this season's BB.  He's cosmically telling me that "this is the worst waste of my time and this season is shite." 

I signed up for CBS Streaming today because I'm weak and backslidin'.

That being said, I'm kind of giving baby Jesus the side eye now, because this episode of "How Cliff Hogg Got His Groove Back" was pretty entertaining.  I mean, c'mon!  There were sound effects galore, assholes in peril, 2 men sharing a cucumber (no homo), toilet trips with said cucumber, Boss Hogg dancing, alliance implosions, and our friendly BB announcer being a marvelous smartass!

However, I still refuse to watch "Batchlewhores in Paradise"  AKA Syphilis Island.

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39 minutes ago, Rachel RSL said:

WTF with the cucumber?! There were so many things wrong with that segment. Who eats a cucumber like that? Who shares a cucumber being eaten like that? Who takes a cucumber to the bathroom with them?

Who likes sharing a cucumber like that?  Yeah there's a dirty joke or three or four there, but the whole thing was gross.

One thing that really got on my nerves the whole episode was Jackson trying to act so innocent with regard to how Nicole was treated.  Sure, Nick and Bella are bullies and mean kids, but you were right in that too, fella. I also seem to recall that is was YOU who kept trying to frame her with your rogue vote.  So shut up already.

Still can't stand Tommy.  The more I see him, the more he has a punchable face. 

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It's all pretty bittersweet.

I know I should be happy as I've longed to see those two smug faces up on the nomination board, but there's just too many Lawon-style "Super Powers" floating around out there that in all actuality could lead to neither one of the neanderthals going home. I'm seeing a likely retread of Jeff's Cooty-Taw foiling things for Chima and her crew resulting in a negated HOH. I feel that's what's coming. The only difference is Boss Hogg is at least aware of one of the powers. Before Christie spilled it herself, I was wondering if Nick and Bella would tip Cliff off that she had that power. I think that would have gone a long way to solidifying trust between those three.

Not happy how the four "outsiders" really don't trust each other. With that kind of attitude, they are going to seal their own fate. They need to pull it together and stay strong.

Couldn't we at least get a black and white flashback to give legs to this hitherto unknown tight relationship between David and Kat? What kind of editing is this that they produce this whole storyline out of nowhere with nothing to support it?

Cucumber clip was so random and didn't belong that it felt like a Family Guy cutaway.

The best part of the night was early one when caught in his lies. Jack couldn't take being called out by a woman and an Asian one at that, so he had to flee to go brood somewhere.

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Scorecard time!  As noted in other threads, I've already been accidentally spoiled for the HoH result, which sucks, but at least allows me the luxury of Zaprudering the pre-comp scenes without feeling compelled to see the HoH action.  Because, you know, the problem with my posts is they're not long enough.  (Oh, eyeroll!)

• Cliff, the Camp Segregation evictees were not "more than half [your] age", they were "less than" half of your 54 years.  (Kemi is 25, Ovi is 22).  Except for David, who's 29.  So really, either way, this "half" concept doesn't work.  

If all petroleum engineers have as weak a grasp of math as Cliff does, suddenly the Deepwater Horizon disaster makes a bit more sense.

• "It's the old guy."  Tommy, your mother called.  She'd like me to tell you that 54 is not "old", it's middle-aged.  (56 is the new 36, jerk!)

"Older" would have been okay.  "Old"…not so much.  Maybe you'll understand once you're a little older.

•  "I really feel…betrayed. Disgusted, really."  Amusing to see Nick struggle to process his emotions while the "Nick:  Therapist" title is on the screen.  How does it feel to be on the other side of the [DR] couch, Dr. Fraud?

•  "I could have tried to flip the vote last week!"  Er, Doc…you did, remember?  You/Bella/Sam/Cliff/Nicole all wanted to keep Kemi; you just abandoned the idea once you couldn't find a 6th vote.  (Kathryn being loyal to Jessica, as further shown by her use of the veto in Week 3, and the 5 "Shooters" who were eligible to vote wanted to help HoH Jack eliminate the "threat" to his game.)  The fact that you were invested in trying is probably where Jackson got the idea to impugn you by casting the hinky vote in the first place.  Nice retcon…don't you know that altering medical records is a felony?  (Thanks, Law & Order ep 1.01, "Prescription for Death")

•  Poor Kat.  Her possible new showmance got the Golden Toe, and her "pump-and-dump" ex is still around, probably looking for Round Two once Holly finds what's left of her self-respect.  (I can only dream…did she check the Storage Room?)  Icky, as in "mICHIE".

• No, wait, it looks as though Jackson's lining up Nicole as Bachelorette #3.  Oh, joy.

I mean if he wasn't an utter dick and…problematic in so many ways, I'd probably be happy for her.  She's never even written the equivalent of "Michie & Niccie" in her [non-existent] trapper-keeper before, I'm sure.  I think one of his legs has more muscle than her whole body, honestly.

But…he is what he is.  Careful, girl.  Seriously.



JACKSON:  [The blindside plan] was why we haven't been comforting you and consoling you…we couldn't.

NICOLE:  I just thought you guys were being douches!

Hey, Nicole, they have to play to their strengths, you know?  You can't say they weren't convincing in the part, can you?  "[Act] what you know" and all that.

•  "That doesn't happen to me a lot in my life."  Eek!  She's just sitting on the plate, ready for him to scoop her up, isn't she?  If they're banging before the middle of the episode, I wouldn't be that shocked, honestly.  No, no, Nicole!  

And here I thought that my knowing the comp result would kill all the anxiety-making suspense…

• Trashabella calls the people who just blindsided her "stupid".  Yeah, that'll help.  Keep digging that grave, babe.

• "There's not an alliance."  Says the man who's in at least three alliances (6 Shitters, H8ful, Nasty9), not to mention a showmance and a bromance.  Right, that's gonna fly.  Good one, Jackson.


NICK:  I feel that if one of you guys win [HoH], I'm gonna see my face on the board

JACK/JACKSON/HOLLY/ANAL/TOMMY:  (awkward silence, not even an attempt to deny that)

CHRISTIE:  Well, I hate that you feel that way.

Which is also not a denial.  Well, at least you can't say they weren't honest with you…this week.  So there's that.

•  Trashabella says "unde9able" so loudly that Jessica [apparently] overhears it through the door.  Even when Trashabella's not outing alliances on purpose, she still does it.  Know your role, I guess.

•  Jack keeps smacking his fist right in front of Bella.  Aww, and here we thought he'd be lost without Kemi and Ovi to intimidate!  As long as there's even one PoC left in House, the "hits" will keep on coming, I suppose.

• "It's like they all had some final eight or something!"  

Boy, nobody's putting anything past you, huh, Jessica?  And it's only Day 30!  Girl Power!

(Except for the part where she can't count how many people are actually in the room, or notice that the alliance name she just heard has the number "9" in it.  But hey, by Week 18 or so, she should be totally up to speed!)

•  You know, if I had been able to watch any of the previous 10 Fast and Furious movies, I might like Hobbs & Shaw.  At least I'm enjoying the ads.

• And the traditional Week 4 endurance comp, which would make perfect sense this week since the CampBack comp already forced the HoH to Sunday's show anyhow, is somehow replaced by…a questions comp.  Gee, I'm sure glad TPTB don't have their thumb on the scales for Cliff, or anything like that.  Nuh-uh!

• "We're going to eliminate two people every round, because we're too lazy to make up enough spare questions."

•  "I.Am.Here.To.Win! It's mine! I feel it."  I'd like to think that even if I wasn't spoiled for the result, I'd know this means Nicole goes out on the first question.  But that might be cheating, I'd admit.

• Yup.  Called it. A little TOO obvious, BB.

(Actually, I think Nicole might have thrown it.  She knows 6 Shitters went out on a limb to blindside Nick…why not let one of them be the one to put him up?  Keep your hands clean. And it's not as if Bella would nominate her when she feels as betrayed as she does now.)

• The bicycle appears SIX times.  Not really "twice", Bella.  Or even twice twice, for that matter.

(Also, "syncing cycles"?? Tacky, BB.)

• AnalFleas is as good at counting as she is at spelling, it seems.  And at least Jessica's consistent in her miscounting.

("Getting Nailed"?  Gee, the comp design team is having way more fun with the season than the editors are, it appears.)

• Man, Tommy barely reaches Jack's shoulder.  Is there a height limit on gay HGs, these days?

• Cliff's victory celebration appears to entail mock-garroting himself.  Alrighty, then.

• Jackson's plan is actually…not horrible.  I mean, I assume there's no way Cliff will "pawn" him against Nick or Bella, but now that he has Christie's commitment to use the Panic Power, even if two of the Six are nommed, all they have to do is win the Veto and backdoor someone whom they could vote out.  With 10 votes (again) in play, they'd need someone besides the five votes they're sure of, and Nicole might feel too loyal to Cliff to vote out even Bella if he said no, but I think they could find somebody Kat would be glad to boot.  I can't see Kat being 100% on Team Cliff, in all circumstances.

• Kat's implants are really looking nice, I must say.  I'm not sure why you would go for the Deluxe Economy Package if you wanted to be a dancer, but I guess her idea of "making the team" was more about off-field activities than on…

• No, don't have Christie reveal the power, dummy!  Keep that in your back pocket, braintrust!  Ugh…

(Sorry, I'm trying to protect my fantasy team, here.  Just keep the girls safe, Jackson.  The last thing I want is Christie/Bella noms.  Let it go, Lego.)

• Jack is both kick-ass and kiss-ass!  He's a true Renaissance Douche, yo!

• Cliff (and by "Cliff", I mean "Production") absolutely sucks at drama.  I have no problem with nominating the Jackholes, but you put Jackson in the first spot!  That way, we get a moment of seeing him thinking that Cliff went for his "pawn" deal…and then you see him collapse when he sees whom he is sitting next to.  You need to contract construct these reveals a bit better, dudes!

• I'm surprised they let Jack shave, as now his nomination picture doesn't match his appearance.  They must not have thought he was a block candidate so soon.  Oops.

• "And will [the Veto] be used to save either Jackson, Jack, or Michie from eviction?" LMAO!  I love it when they give Clayton good lines!  (They've probably been sitting on that one all season.)

Okay, so let's hope that Bella gets picked, wins Veto and locks the noms.  I could live with that. 

(I mean, I still want Trashabella gone before too long, but she could rack up a few pts for me before she heads to Jury, I'm just saying.  And it would be awesome if Jack got tossed before the inevitable Jury Battleback.  Manifest!)

Edited by Halting Hex
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3 hours ago, Wandering Snark said:

Re: The Cucumber; I thought for a second he was going to "wash it off" in the toilet as a prank but then he ate half of it on the way back to Jack so I have no idea now...

If he had put it in the toilet I think production would have stopped it.

In season 2 I think it was( sorry many years ago!) there was a pissed off HG who secretly used another HG toothbrush to clean the toilet, But production called them to the DR And threw the toothbrush away.  

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1 hour ago, mertensia said:

I really don't understand how Jackson can get so pissy about being nominated when he suggested it.

He wanted to be a pawn against Nick or Bella.  Going up against his bromance was not in the plan.  (Although, as noted, all it takes to save them both is a Veto win for the Six, Christie using the Panic Power, and an agreed-upon backdoor where somebody would be willing to be the sixth vote to save the remaining nominee…most likely Kat voting out Bella or Nick, but there's plenty of room to hunt.)  His inability to influence Cliff frustrated him.

1 hour ago, mertensia said:

Wait, yes I can. He's a dick.

Well, yeah.  That, too.  :)

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7 minutes ago, icemiser69 said:

I thought he should have put up Christie and forced her to use her Diamond Power.

Doesn't Jack have the only other remaining power in the game?  Does anyone remember how his power worked?

Methinks he's hoping to flip Christie at some point; putting her up would scotch that for good.

Speaking of Christie, she's suddenly realizing that if she doesn't use her power and just lets one of the two Jacks walk the plank, the repercussions for her are going to be non-existent (the rest of the house will be glad to see one of them gone, and the remaining Jack isn't going hate her for helping get rid of his strongest competition).

Jack's power is the ability to rejigger the Veto Comp teams after they've been picked. El Lame-o, if you ask me.

Gotta love Jack and Jackschi both threatening Cliff in their DR segments. Uh, what exactly are you going to do? Try to banish him AGAIN?

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1 minute ago, Jeanne222 said:

Anyplace to watch this episode?  Evidently we lost CBS as a channel!!!  Thank you!

If you have a Roku or Xbox One or other streaming device that can get CBS All Access, they have all the episodes and the Live Feeds as well. It's $10 a month, but discounted subscriptions can be found online.

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1 hour ago, icemiser69 said:

Clif with a "Boss Hogg"  reference.  I am surprised it took this long for anyone to bring up  "The Dukes of Hazzard" .   The original television series, not the shitty movie.   I thought about bringing up the "Boss Hogg" reference the other day, but I didn't think anyone else would know who I was talking about.

Don’t worry about it - I didn’t.  😄

1 hour ago, icemiser69 said:

How would they know?  I assume there aren't any cameras in the bathroom.   At least I would hope not.

There are cameras in the WCs, but IIRC they’re not generally activated unless Production is concerned about the possibility of something like a medical emergency.  Only time I recall seeing one in use was when Victrola passed out in the downstairs toilet.

Edited by Nashville
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I can’t even write anything about the actual gameplay, because I’m too distracted and annoyed by two minor and immaterial things.  

1. I didn’t love Jack’s look before, but now that he shaved, yowza, he looks like a turtle to me, ew, he should not have shaved.  And now when he tries to look scary and intimidating it just makes me laugh

2. When during HOH final two Nick said “it’s Jack VERSE Cliff”   And this guy is a doctor?  I hear this frequently.  Why do people say that instead of versus?  It happens so often I wonder if that’s how they’re teaching it in schools now?   

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12 minutes ago, ohcomeon said:

Does anyone know what happens with the votes if Christie uses her power? So if Jackson wins the POV and takes himself down, and then Christie uses her power to allow him to name the new nominee, would Jackson get to vote?

Usually, anyone who isn't a nominee or HOH (who only votes if there's a tie) when the voting starts gets to cast an eviction vote.  Which means Jackson would get to vote for eviction in this SCENARIO.

Of course, BB could always expect-the-unexpected, twisty-twist-twist, and do whatever they want.

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24 minutes ago, ohcomeon said:

Does anyone know what happens with the votes if Christie uses her power? So if Jackson wins the POV and takes himself down, and then Christie uses her power to allow him to name the new nominee, would Jackson get to vote?

In this scenario, how Jackson’s replacement renom is named - by Jackson if Christie uses her Power, or by Cliff if she doesn’t - doesn’t affect Jackson’s eligibility in the eviction vote process; the moment Jackson comes off the Block, he’s eligible to vote.

Edited by Nashville
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56 minutes ago, Rbonnie said:

2. When during HOH final two Nick said “it’s Jack VERSE Cliff”   And this guy is a doctor?  I hear this frequently.  Why do people say that instead of versus?  It happens so often I wonder if that’s how they’re teaching it in schools now?   

First - he's not a doctor, he's a therapist, with a masters degree. 

the "verse" thing, I've heard from my kids and their friends playing video games, starting about 10 years ago. . When a game puts on the screen "player A vs Player B"  that's how kids pronounce it.  So much that it has become part of the language.   I hate it as much as you do, but no, it's not learned from school, it's picked up from peers and video games. 

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1 hour ago, Rbonnie said:

When during HOH final two Nick said “it’s Jack VERSE Cliff”   And this guy is a doctor?  I hear this frequently.  Why do people say that instead of versus?  It happens so often I wonder if that’s how they’re teaching it in schools now?   

As a teacher, I can say, a little part of me dies when bad grammar or incorrect words are used. I literally start the year with a lesson on  ax/ask, nuclear/nucular, etc. Ugh!

1 hour ago, icemiser69 said:

Given who is on the block, I am kind of hoping that the Veto Competition will be a Jart catching competition.

..and with real jarts, not the fake rubber ball end kind.

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10 minutes ago, sunshine23 said:

As a teacher, I can say, a little part of me dies when bad grammar or incorrect words are used. I literally start the year with a lesson on  ax/ask, nuclear/nucular, etc. Ugh!

1 hour ago, icemiser69 said:

I could quibble with all three of those usages that I've bolded, just to be a jerk.  But I've found that even though I intend it lightheartedly when I do things such as that, it sometimes annoys the recipients of such "humor", so I won't give the chapters and verses here.

No, I merely wanted to note that I'm old enough to remember that President Carter had a different variation of "nuclear"…he would pronounce it "nukier".  As in the comparative of the adjective "nuky", I suppose.

The irony, of course, was that Carter himself was a "nukier" engineer, having studied the subject in the Navy.

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22 minutes ago, Halting Hex said:

I could quibble with all three of those usages that I've bolded, just to be a jerk.  But I've found that even though I intend it lightheartedly when I do things such as that, it sometimes annoys the recipients of such "humor", so I won't give the chapters and verses here.

No, I merely wanted to note that I'm old enough to remember that President Carter had a different variation of "nuclear"…he would pronounce it "nukier".  As in the comparative of the adjective "nuky", I suppose.

The irony, of course, was that Carter himself was a "nukier" engineer, having studied the subject in the Navy.

What is wrong with those three uses? If she actually does give a lesson on those words then “literally” is being used correctly. 

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I'd be more inclined to be hopeful about this HoH except that everyone Cliff needs to form an effective counter-alliance is a moron. By her own admission, Kat will float whichever way the wind blows, Jessica is totally clueless and Nicole by herself can do very little. You would think by now that Nick and Bella could see the writing on the wall but even they are too stupid to put together an effective counter to the six-shooters. 


Not happy how the four "outsiders" really don't trust each other. With that kind of attitude, they are going to seal their own fate. They need to pull it together and stay strong.

Exactly. Assuming the Veto is used to pull down either Jack or Jackson, and Christie uses her DPOV to force one of the outsiders on the block, another eviction of a non-six-shooter is guaranteed. I'm reasonably certain Nick and Bella are dumb enough to be persuaded they are still allied with the six shooters.

I wonder why they didn't show any footage of Jack shaving his facial hair. He was just drastically different looking all of a sudden.

I really couldn't decide if the announcer guy was being facetious or was just as confused about the whole Jackson/Michey thing as I am. I mean, they've spent the season thus far trying to get us to say Michey instead of Jackson, why would the show itself make a point of calling him Jackson again? The announcer isn't independent of production after all.

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5 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

I really couldn't decide if the announcer guy was being facetious or was just as confused about the whole Jackson/Michey thing as I am. I mean, they've spent the season thus far trying to get us to say Michey instead of Jackson, why would the show itself make a point of calling him Jackson again? The announcer isn't independent of production after all.

And it doesn't help that he insists on spelling it "Michie," which should rightly be pronounced "Mitchy." So every time I see that name written I think it's someone completely different.

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3 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

Assuming the Veto is used to pull down either Jack or Jackson, and Christie uses her DPOV to force one of the outsiders on the block, another eviction of a non-six-shooter is guaranteed. I'm reasonably certain Nick and Bella are dumb enough to be persuaded they are still allied with the six shooters.

I'm not sure Christie will do that. She has to see that she's #5 at best in the six-shooter alliance (behind the two Jacks and whoever they're boinking) and if one of the two Jacks leaves, that alliance is done. If she wins Veto and refuses to use it, or one of Cliff's allies wins and refuses to use it, that could be her, Tommy, Cliff, Jessica, and Nicole in a new alliance.

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4 minutes ago, Sir RaiderDuck OMS said:

I'm not sure Christie will do that. She has to see that she's #5 at best in the six-shooter alliance (behind the two Jacks and whoever they're boinking) and if one of the two Jacks leaves, that alliance is done. If she wins Veto and refuses to use it, or one of Cliff's allies wins and refuses to use it, that could be her, Tommy, Cliff, Jessica, and Nicole in a new alliance.

It's possible, but is more likely on a show like Survivor than Big Brother, where people are more ready to switch alliances.

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6 minutes ago, Sir RaiderDuck OMS said:

that could be her, Tommy, Cliff, Jessica, and Nicole in a new alliance.

That would be a horrible idea for Christie, even if it were possible.  (Neither Jessica nor Nicole has shown any particular interest in aligning with Christie/Tommy, no more than the Staten Island Famiglia has wanted to align with them.) 

It would leave her and Tommy outnumbered, 3-2, and with her two comp wins, she would be the primary target.  Aside from her record, she's more of a physical threat than either 54-year-old Cliff or 5'4" (if that) Tommy.  Whereas keeping the Jacks in the game leaves her doubly-guarded by douchemeatshields.  Christie would foolish, IMO, to toss that protection away. 

There will be plenty of bullets to take out Jack & Son down the road, I'd think.  No sense in exposing herself to those, before she needs to.

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3 minutes ago, Halting Hex said:

There will be plenty of bullets to take out Jack & Son down the road, I'd think.  No sense in exposing herself to those, before she needs to.

The problem is that the game is already shrinking and the Jacks want to pick off those outside the alliance one by one. Christie is safe for NOW with them, but they're not picking her to stay over their girlfriends, so she's looking at a Top 5 or 6 finish at best.

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There will be 12 people in the House after this week; even if the 6 survive intact, there will be six others left to take shots at them.   The odds of 6 Sh66ters firing off six consecutive HoH wins to reach the Final 6 unaltered seem daunting.  

(Also, it might actually take seven HoH wins, assuming there's a Jury BattleBack on the schedule, down the road. Even more difficult.)

Whereas if just one of the Jacks gets bounced before then, it will give Christie/Tommy the chance to make a new four-person alliance with whomever remains, where they wouldn't be outnumbered, and still have the edge over the remnants of Jack/Son/Sis/Holly. 

Also, to my knowledge, the Jacks and their Jills do not have a formal alliance, and I wouldn't count on a "widow" staying loyal to the other couple, necessarily.  Should the Final Five reduce to Jackson/Holly/Analyse/Christie/Tommy, for example, I don't know that flipping AnalFleas to take out Jackson as the major "threat" would prove anywhere near impossible.  (Not to mention that HoH and Veto complicate F5 scenarios in ways that the direct votes of Survivor do not entail.)  But JMO.

Edited by Halting Hex
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1 hour ago, Cotypubby said:

And it doesn't help that he insists on spelling it "Michie," which should rightly be pronounced "Mitchy."

Well, I doubt the spelling is his idea, of course.  And plenty of words have the "ch" where the "h" is silent.  Anyone who ever checked their school schedule to see when they were due in Chemistry knows that.

As far as proper names go, S16's Christine Brecht could well be the former houseguest who would dispute the idea that it's a rule that "Ch = tch" in pronunciation, perhaps more than any other.  (No matter what Rachel might say against her.)  The late writer Robert Bloch might even say that insisting on the "tch" pronunciation was Psycho, for that matter.

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