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S06.E10: Rocky Mountain High Part 1

Message added by PrincessPurrsALot

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10 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

So did Kathryn know that Whitney was going to deny hooking up with her before she walked in to the restaurant with the camera's in tow? How embarrassing for her. Whitney is a strange bird. He is also a total snob. Have to agree with Craig on that.

Speaking of Craig, what is going on with him? It has to be drugs, right?  

Whitney is one of the producers - why would he include this scene that makes him look like an ass and embarrasses her, unless they are united in using this storyline?

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Each and every one of the men on this franchise make me feel bad for the females living in Charleston. They are all lazy, entitled and growing less attractive with each passing year.  Craig, get some help, and don’t lie to your therapist this time.

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9 hours ago, Shmoopaloop said:

I can’t imagine marrying and having kids with a man like Metul. Every decision you made as a parent would be picked apart by him every single day. I couldn’t handle the stress. It was awful enough when she was trying to make him a nice Indian meal and he kept asking if he needed to order sushi. Ugh. 

Really. Is she so desperate to marry a doctor that she’d put up with it? Pathetic.

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I did laugh about Chelsea's nonchalant attitude about the whole weed thing and Shep gigling like a little kid in the dispensary.

I am glad Michigan made it legal as I have a brother in the Upper Peninsula with a Traumatic Brain Injury and found marijuana to be a help to prevent seizures without stomach upset.  Before it was recreational legal Medicaid would not provide any of his other prescriptions if he opted to use medical marijuana. 

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Unless Whitney has cataracts, he needs to stop wearing sunglasses inside.  Such a pretentious asshole. 

I really want to like Craig, but he makes it so hard. 

Is this show circling the drain yet?  Please say yes.

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2 hours ago, Irritable said:

I wonder if during the time of the hookup with Kathryn he was dating someone, and was trying to prevent that person from finding out? Or maybe he thinks sex with glasses on doesn’t count as actual sex?

I thought Metul was humorless and controlling the first time we saw him when he was telling Naomi what to do at the gym like he was her hired trainer more than her boyfriend. She’s been shown trying to adapt to his life, even joking about trying to become more Indian. What does he do to adapt to her? I’m guessing nothing because they both consider him perfect. Bleh.  Also, the back of his head is flat, do you want flat headed babies, Naomi? 

In a small way, this validates what Craig was saying at Cam’s House, he just said it badly and mistakenly believes Naomi was happier with him. I think Naomi probably had a lot more fun with Craig...the first year that they dated, but ultimately his complete lack of drive or self discipline overtook the fun and she became miserable.  Now she’s with someone who has plenty of drive and self control, but lacks in fun and wants to dictate what she does. So Craig is right that she is not having the same kind of good times with Metul that they had, but wrong that she’s wistful about dating Craig.  Right now she insists she’s happy as can be because Metul has a good career and a tightly scheduled and regimented life, but their vibe together does not say relaxed best friends in love.

Craig needs to smoke weed more than anyone I’ve ever seen, good lord.  Yes, Whitney is spoiled and whiny, but there’s no reason to lose his mind over it. Did Craig put this trip together himself? He’s acting personally offended as if the others are shitting on “his” trip, but if the man can’t figure out that to be able to fill pillow orders he has to actually make the pillows, then I doubt he could pull together a trip for a crowd on his own.

Kathryn can stop wearing those faux black leather pants any time now, that would be great. I can see that she’s very self conscious about her weight, but there are plenty of casual styles that would look great on her besides pleather leggings or heavy, clunky formalwear.  She’s not fat, she’s just thicker than she’s comfortable with, and doesn’t seem to know how to dress a size or two up from her previous size.  That tight swim dress bathing suit was not the right choice, either. And her job is stylist? I would love to help her pick out a new wardrobe. She’s struggling.

Lil Craig in his taco bed bundle was precious. As much as I wish Shep had rescued a mutt instead, I can’t fight how cute I think Lil Craig is, he makes my heart swell.

Sometimes I think Chelsea’s dick is a little too big.  She’s wasting her time swinging it around with this group, none of these guys are interested in “manning up”.

This Whitney/Kathryn jiggy accusation is a mystery.

  I wonder if he denies it happened, because, he's afraid that Kathryn will then wound him by making comments about his size or performance. If she got angry, she might come out with anything, even if not true just to embarrass him,  OR,

he instigated the whole thing and she's in on it.  OR,

she made it up to stay relevant, hoping that Whit would consider it a compliment, as it gives him a little storyline as well.........I'm just not sure about this. 


(Craig and Austen said on WWHL last night that is was DEFINITELY true, but, coming from them......IDK.  They aren't good truth mongers. 

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I generally don't fall for producer-driven storylines, and I get that almost all of this is set up and fake to some degree, but ...I don't know about this Whitney/Kathryn thing. I think it DID happen, and the included diner scene was Whitney-as-producer's way to shut Kathryn down and somehow look like it was a kindness. "I'm flattered." "We have different recollections." He looked like a gentleman, and that's some good manipulating! I bet it happened and he asked her to keep it off the show. Plenty of reasons for that - one being I'm not sure he's completely dropped Thomas in his personal life. And he keeps his private business off the show. AND AND I do think she's awful. Of course not sleeping with her is the obvious choice, but he's a piece of work, too. Anyway, if there hadn't been an agreement not to talk about it, she would have pressed the issue or stormed out instead of awkwardly sitting there, sipping her drink. You call me a liar, it would be a fight. She seemed like she was resigned to it. 

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During the scene with Whitney and Kathryn in the restaurant, I could have sworn that was Craig's former "life coach" sitting in the booth behind Whitney - the woman with the short blonde hair.

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Kathryn claims that she has a text from Whit asking her to come over......IDK.  It's just so hard for me to envision.  Why her? Plus, wasn't she dating those other men during this time and dealing with the T-Rav stuff?  And there's the custody battle, with her being prepared for court, taking drug tests, open for court depositions where Thomas's lawyers can ask her anything about her recreational time and lovers.....WHIT would involve himself in that?  I can't see it. Whit must not be as bright as I had thought. 

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1 hour ago, nexxie said:

Love Chelsea, but it’s high time she stop equating strength and courage with male genitalia - and embrace female strength and courage.

So much this. I love her too but her little attack was not impressive. I did crack up at Craig saying “that’s weird” when she said her dick was bigger than his. 

Craig is so jealous of the moneyed men on this show, and how Cameran always takes Whit’s side even when he is being rude or a downer. She’s a social climber and always wants to be on Pat’s good side.

That scene with Jerry and the roommate was hilarious Craig couldn’t stop talking about how amped he was for his pillow venture and the roommate was like “just shut up and do it” which were basically my exact thoughts. 

Edited by chewycandy
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2 hours ago, dosodog said:

Dear Chelsea,

     You?  Are one of the grossest people on television.  And keep your self hatred to yourself.  You don't have a dick, but you ARE a dick.



Proud owner of a pussy.  Rolls eyes in disgust over the idea that  having a pussy makes you weaker than having a dick.  

THANK YOU!  It is disgusting and pathetic to use having a vaginal as an insult.  Is she that backwards and stupid?

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Not that it applies to any of these boneheads, but lots of people can't partake of weed in states that it's legal.  I'm one of them.  The company I work for (one of the biggest in the world) won't allow it, and also, holding a DoD security clearance makes it a big no-no.  We are all subject to random drug testing at any time.  That said, in 23 years I've never gotten popped for one.  LOL.

I have NO idea WTAF is wrong with Craig.  That outburst at the airport was unbelievable.  Those who said it's some kind of depression manifesting as anger, I definitely think you're right.  Crazy behavior right there.

Metul was horrible.  Been there, done that.  No thanks.  I sure hope she wises up quickly, because the longer they are together, the harder it will be for her to break away.  Ugh.

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A few pet peeves displayed by the guys not this show: 

Gentleman are supposed to take off their hats when entering a home or especially at a restaurant. Whitney left his on at the lunch with Kat. Is he so afraid of what might happen that he is always fully dressed and ready to run? Even Kat had a snarky comment on his wearing the jacket...”Are you practicing for Colorado?” 

Then the hats were on the boys as they ate dinner in Colorado too. Ok. I think that I was much too distracted to be mad at that because of how horribly Austin eats and chews with his mouth open. Like a cement mixer. There are few to no manners in the males of this bunch. 

Edited by Mindthinkr
Forgot to proofread.
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9 hours ago, biakbiak said:

Craig is the worst!! Like when he was bitching about Eliza’s phonecall her boyfriend was bringing her food to go, she was just telling him she was going to go to sleep because she was tired she didn’t tell him to come home or give him shit. 

Also, Whitney brought up the plane to Cameron because she mentioned she didn’t like mountain driving so putting it out there as an option over a 3 plus hour trip on a bus. I don’t mind driving but I would have jumped on it just to avoid having to deal with Craig.

I know! I thought the drive was longer than that, based on when they arrived at the houses.  Didn't they land around 11:30? They had arrived at airport in SC before 6:00 a.m. And, they arrived at the houses at 10:30 p.m.?( Adjust time for time difference. ) But, it is Sooo exhausting to get off flight and then travel for hours by bus....omg.  I won't do it again.  I get where Whit and Cameron were coming from on that. 

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4 hours ago, Irritable said:

In a small way, this validates what Craig was saying at Cam’s House, he just said it badly and mistakenly believes Naomi was happier with him. I think Naomi probably had a lot more fun with Craig...

I disagree, Craig called her stupid, a child and belittled her on camera and apparently worse off camera. Just because Metul might be an asshole, doesn’t mean that Craig was a good partner.

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3 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

I disagree, Craig called her stupid, a child and belittled her on camera and apparently worse off camera. Just because Metul might be an asshole, doesn’t mean that Craig was a good partner.

Naomi sure knows how to pick um!

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11 hours ago, Shmoopaloop said:

I can’t imagine marrying and having kids with a man like Metul. Every decision you made as a parent would be picked apart by him every single day. I couldn’t handle the stress. It was awful enough when she was trying to make him a nice Indian meal and he kept asking if he needed to order sushi. Ugh. 

EXACTLY!  I hope she sees what she is dealing with with this man before she's really into it, like engaged or married. These people are very destructive and they start out making you happy, but, then, they lower it on you.  I had an AWESOME man (not really) that so many think is great, tell me that I, (a grown asp professional woman) didn't know how to make a bed, didn't know how to cook, didn't know how to pop microwave popcorn, didn't know how to drive a car, didn't know how to treat my man right!!!!!!!  Yeah, that's done. lol   It was shocking to realize that there are people out there like that.  I hope Naomi doesn't fall prey. 

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1 hour ago, SunnyBeBe said:

This Whitney/Kathryn jiggy accusation is a mystery.

  I wonder if he denies it happened, because, he's afraid that Kathryn will then wound him by making comments about his size or performance. If she got angry, she might come out with anything, even if not true just to embarrass him,  OR,

he instigated the whole thing and she's in on it.  OR,

she made it up to stay relevant, hoping that Whit would consider it a compliment, as it gives him a little storyline as well.........I'm just not sure about this. 

  Reveal spoiler

(Craig and Austen said on WWHL last night that is was DEFINITELY true, but, coming from them......IDK.  They aren't good truth mongers. 

I agree these are all plausible.  What kills me is Craig and Austen, mostly Craig, are SO HELL BENT on gossiping about it and trying to get people to believe it.  And so what if they did hook up?  Shep was right, it's absolutely none of their business.  Bitchy Craig just can't let it go.  I think he hates/resents Whitney as much as he hates Chelsea.  I mean he gossips worse than I do and I love dirt.  Love it.  (I've toned it down in my old age).  Anyhow my stance is Kathryn went after Whitney and they were probably partying and having fun and they've already slept together before so it's kind of like hey why not, and I honestly do believe Whitney was trying to protect Kathryn by denying it.  But those two brats can't see the forest for the trees (that is, protecting Kathryn) and just want to embarrass Whitney because they're so insanely jealous of him.

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3 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

EXACTLY!  I hope she sees what she is dealing with with this man before she's really into it, like engaged or married. These people are very destructive and they start out making you happy, but, then, they lower it on you.  I had an AWESOME man (not really) that so many think is great, tell me that I, (a grown asp professional woman) didn't know how to make a bed, didn't know how to cook, didn't know how to pop microwave popcorn, didn't know how to drive a car, didn't know how to treat my man right!!!!!!!  Yeah, that's done. lol   It was shocking to realize that there are people out there like that.  I hope Naomi doesn't fall prey. 

I’m glad that you are out of that situation, because it never ends well. They stomp on your self esteem until you fall to pieces and then are completely dependent on them. Then you lose your self respect and are no good for anybody including yourself. 

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4 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

EXACTLY!  I hope she sees what she is dealing with with this man before she's really into it, like engaged or married. These people are very destructive and they start out making you happy, but, then, they lower it on you.  I had an AWESOME man (not really) that so many think is great, tell me that I, (a grown asp professional woman) didn't know how to make a bed, didn't know how to cook, didn't know how to pop microwave popcorn, didn't know how to drive a car, didn't know how to treat my man right!!!!!!!  Yeah, that's done. lol   It was shocking to realize that there are people out there like that.  I hope Naomi doesn't fall prey. 

I couldn't pick the right restaurant for my own birthday.  I'm with you girl.

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Well, with Whitney's money, social standing, and pretty good looks, he could be dating, IF he wanted to.  There would be some quality women who would be interested in him, IMO.  So, the fact that he is not....that we know of, gives me reason for pause. I just don't get it. Maybe, he has some kind of infatuation with her......but, he sure doesn't act like it.  I do not understand WHY he would be intimate with Kathryn.  I just can't see it.   I know of 4-5 people in my lifetime who were NOT interested in romance with a lover. I think it's called being asexual.  It was their choice and that's fine.  So, who's to say.......

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5 minutes ago, RedDelicious said:

I couldn't pick the right restaurant for my own birthday.  I'm with you girl.

I knew it wasn't ME, when he accidentally told me that his ex-wife often asked, WHY she couldn't do anything right!  

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1 hour ago, mjstrick said:

That said, in 23 years I've never gotten popped for one.  LOL.

15 years and have had over 35!

I know I'm in the minority, but I really enjoyed Chelsea yelling at Craig.  I have always said that if you want to call people weak, call them a ball sack-they seem very sensitive. However, I told the story in the forums last week, that when someone I know (he was dating my friend) made a very dispparaging comment on a picture of a girl (another friend of mine) he didn't even know and followed "I wouldn't f*ck her with your dick" while looking at me (a woman), I said "Why not?  It is bigger than yours."  Not the best comeback, but he shut right up (and he was a "last word" type) and I was so angry at him insulting someone he doesn't know that I said what came to me first in the heat of the moment.  100% would say it again, even if it made no sense.

Can anyone tell what Craig said the second time he got bleeped?  It seemed to stop people in their tracks.

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2 hours ago, RedInk said:

I think it DID happen, and the included diner scene was Whitney-as-producer's way to shut Kathryn down and somehow look like it was a kindness. "I'm flattered." "We have different recollections."

Different recollections! lol, Whitney. Either you fucked or you didn't. I kind of think maybe Whit and Kat both agreed to make a fake storyline because, well, there is no storyline with this boring bunch. 

Craig's college buddies were pretty much saying that Craig has always been a lazy sloth and they know him very well so I'm not sure there is any hope for him. I wonder what he would be doing if he didn't luck in to this six figure part time job. I also noticed this episode that he is aging rapidly. He is such a good looking guy but his face is looking old and the lines around his eyes and forehead are very prominent. He's only 30. That should not be happening yet. Not that I'm a fan of Austen but he's the same age as Craig and his skin/face is baby smooth. 

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Naomi wanted a successful/career driven boyfriend.  Eeks.  I got a vibe off of Instagram that he was taken with himself.  In fact Naomi's entire social scene, sans her parents seems pretty shallow.  I actually like Naomi and the fact that she is a hard worker and appears fairly intelligent, but I'm afraid she's willing to give up "her" to be married to a doctor.  That being said, this does not mean she had it any better with Craig.  I think Craig is an angry bitter dude because he very much enjoyed the benefits of dating a girl  with some wealthy means....an only child no less.  Remember Craig 2.0 couldn't wait to show off the house they lived in....which was owned by her parents. 

I kind of like spunky Madison.  I like Eliza too.  Katherine, to me is a shell of a person, who is likely highly medicated.  

I really hope that Shep finds his way back to being the Shep that stood up for people when they were left out of things.  I don't like snooty/entitled/judgment Shep.

Hides head....I've always been somewhat attracted to Whitney.  I've considered that he is denying any hook-up with Kathryn so as to avoid any future confrontation/allegation/involvement with Thomas.  Thomas has thrown a lot at Kathryn and her lifestyle in the Court and I don't think Whitney wants any part of it; or he was possibly seeing someone at the time.  

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7 minutes ago, AttackTurtle said:

I really hope that Shep finds his way back to being the Shep that stood up for people when they were left out of things.  I don't like snooty/entitled/judgment Shep.

From your mouth to God’s ears. 

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15 hours ago, nexxie said:

Naomie’s man picker is broken.

btw, what is Craig on?

I have no idea but Craig needs to stop taking it.  He has looked awful and he has been a major douchebag.

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1 hour ago, biakbiak said:

I disagree, Craig called her stupid, a child and belittled her on camera and apparently worse off camera. Just because Metul might be an asshole, doesn’t mean that Craig was a good partner.

You cut off the rest of what I said, which was that they had fun in the FIRST YEAR they were together. After that it turned into a shitstorm of them treating each other like shit, on and off camera.  It was evident in the beginning they were extremely happy together, lots of laughing and enjoying each other.  Craig’s flaws became evident and he had no sense of urgency to better himself, so she got sick of him, they imploded. I don’t see the giddy, fun, just happy to be in the same room together vibe with Metul, and if you don’t have that in the first part of a relationship it’s probably not coming later. 

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15 hours ago, rideashire said:

Some of these people are behaving like weed is crack cocaine about to derail their lives.  If anyone needs a little weed on this trip, it's craig.

I had to laugh.  Shep has one of those faces that shows how high he is.  Some folks don't look high and some wear it on their face.  

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2 minutes ago, Irritable said:

ou cut off the rest of what I said, which was that they had fun in the FIRST YEAR they were together.

We didn’t see a lot of them in that first year and I don’t think he suddenly became an asshole. And that first year was also when Naomie had to go on with his lie about graduating law school and studying for the bar so apparently they were both pretty good at showing a false front. 

Edited by biakbiak
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14 hours ago, Shannah Banana said:

Chelsea deserves a medal for telling Craig how the cow ate the cabbage.  Amen, sister.  Honestly, without the appendage, Chelsea does have a bigger dick than he does.  Lord, what a whiny little bitch he becomes.  Loved that scene.

I was glad Madison didn't hook up with Austen.  He needs to burn awhile.  It wasn't cool what he did and he needs to suffer for it.  She has a bigger dick than him too.

What's with these guys on SC that have been neutered? 

I liked her standing up to Craig but I did not like how she used that same old bs about having a vagina = weakness.  Having a vagina does not signal weakness and I am tired of it being perpetuated by those that think it makes them seem cool and one of the guys by saying it.  

There is not one thing sexy about Austin so I want them to cease showing him unclothed.  He bugs me.

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She didn’t suddenly turn mean, either.  They were together something like 6 months before we saw them on the show together, and what we saw was them happy.  When the bloom was off the rose, they both got nasty.  I don’t see how it’s possible to notice Craig was a bad partner for Naomi without also noticing that Naomi was a bad partner for Craig. They enjoyed each other’s company greatly, until it became unavoidable that their life plans and goals didn’t line up.  They had fun, that’s what Craig remembers.  They ended up fighting a lot and had an ugly breakup, that’s what Naomi remembers. 

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13 hours ago, Babyfoot said:

Please, please, Bravo, stop showing that stupid cellphone video of Austen in his baggy BVD’s and please, please, PLEASE, never show him cavorting in a hot tub...shirtless...again. 

I have started thinking this was a setup that Madison was in on as a way to get her on the show.  It seems SO fake.  Looking at their faces on the vid showed how they are really bad actors.  But yeah, I really want them to stop showing it.

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Just now, Irritable said:

don’t see how it’s possible to notice Craig was a bad partner for Naomi without also noticing that Naomi was a bad partner for Craig.

I didn’t say she wasn’t. Even Naomie understands that.

I never found them blissfully happy, I saw him talking a lot about what was being financially provided for them.l and her not saying much. 

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5 hours ago, jumper sage said:

God, he was just awful.  He really is a loser.

Interesting point.  Men of a certain age........................

The pot shop looked awesome.  Michigan legalized recreational pot last year.  A lot of cities are bowing out, stupid, and mine is all in.  How fricking long does it take?  Apparently paper work and law outlines.  I WILL BE THE FIRST ONE IN LINE!  Is it wrong to camp out on the sidewalk?

They are.  The 1st time I went into one I was like Augustus Gloop in a candy store.  

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4 hours ago, dosodog said:

Dear Chelsea,

     You?  Are one of the grossest people on television.  And keep your self hatred to yourself.  You don't have a dick, but you ARE a dick.



Proud owner of a pussy.  Rolls eyes in disgust over the idea that  having a pussy makes you weaker than having a dick.  

Sing it sister!

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11 minutes ago, Natalie68 said:

I have no idea but Craig needs to stop taking it.  He has looked awful and he has been a major douchebag.

Remember when Craig damaged his hand and needed surgery - wonder if he used opioids and didn’t stop.

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Just now, nexxie said:

Remember when Craig damaged his hand and needed surgery - wonder if he used opioids and didn’t stop.

Given he needed surgery because he drunkenly decided to do some home improvement with a butter knife I am thinking his issues predate the surgery.he has always had a quick temper and been an asshole who can’t handle it when challenged.

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28 minutes ago, AttackTurtle said:

Naomi wanted a successful/career driven boyfriend.  Eeks.  I got a vibe off of Instagram that he was taken with himself.  In fact Naomi's entire social scene, sans her parents seems pretty shallow.  I actually like Naomi and the fact that she is a hard worker and appears fairly intelligent, but I'm afraid she's willing to give up "her" to be married to a doctor.  That being said, this does not mean she had it any better with Craig.  I think Craig is an angry bitter dude because he very much enjoyed the benefits of dating a girl  with some wealthy means....an only child no less.  Remember Craig 2.0 couldn't wait to show off the house they lived in....which was owned by her parents. 

I kind of like spunky Madison.  I like Eliza too.  Katherine, to me is a shell of a person, who is likely highly medicated.  

I really hope that Shep finds his way back to being the Shep that stood up for people when they were left out of things.  I don't like snooty/entitled/judgment Shep.

Hides head....I've always been somewhat attracted to Whitney.  I've considered that he is denying any hook-up with Kathryn so as to avoid any future confrontation/allegation/involvement with Thomas.  Thomas has thrown a lot at Kathryn and her lifestyle in the Court and I don't think Whitney wants any part of it; or he was possibly seeing someone at the time.  

I think he is cute as well.  Hold that head up high!  It isn't like you said you find Thomas attractive.  HA!

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i liked that Kathryn and Madison brought back the old Marx Brothers or Three Stooges “seltzer water bottle” gag—pummeling Madison with a tsunami of champagne bubbles to the face. It was like a full 5 minutes of Madison sputtering and blinking with Austen trying to get champagne out of her eyes and Kathryn didn’t even seem to notice or care!!

Craig is definitely spiraling this season. I also think he has depression and anxiety—never getting over the heartbreak and losing all motivation/ability to just sew the damn pillows, like his roommate said. The way he’s been flying off the handle with these MAJOR overreactions is just not “normal” behavior. I mean, okay, I get he had some residual anger from his last road trip with Whitney, but wouldn’t most people even if they did have a “reaction” immediately recognize they’re overreacting and being irrational and apologize? I laughed how Cameran used her skills with a toddler’s temper tantrums to know what to do. See, she has the mothering instinct after all.

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4 minutes ago, JenE4 said:

never getting over the heartbreak and losing all motivation/ability to just sew the damn pillows, like his roommate sai

What his roommate and friend from college seem to be saying is that this is what he always has done and has always not finished things he starts since they have known him.

I love that Craig and his roommate think adult living rooms are trash filled with last nights partying.

Edited by biakbiak
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18 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

Given he needed surgery because he drunkenly decided to do some home improvement with a butter knife I am thinking his issues predate the surgery.he has always had a quick temper and been an asshole who can’t handle it when challenged.

Drinking definitely predated the surgery, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t also taking something else - sadly, people far more stable than Craig have fallen into opioid addiction after surgery.

Edited by nexxie
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