Lady Calypso July 3, 2019 Share July 3, 2019 Quote Live Eviction and Head of Household Link to comment
Lamb18 July 4, 2019 Share July 4, 2019 I hope those bitches vote for Kat and kick her out. 3 Link to comment
IndyMischa July 4, 2019 Share July 4, 2019 I am side-eyeing this twist SO HARD. 1 6 Link to comment
zorak July 4, 2019 Share July 4, 2019 Just now, IndyMischa said: I am side-eyeing this twist SO HARD. You wouldn't be a true fan if you weren't! 8 3 Link to comment
Popular Post Lamima July 4, 2019 Popular Post Share July 4, 2019 I HATE those stupid moves they do in the hallway to the diary room. 31 Link to comment
Lamima July 4, 2019 Share July 4, 2019 OMG these people are obnoxious!!!! 8 Link to comment
vb68 July 4, 2019 Share July 4, 2019 (edited) UGH!!!!! Jack is my worst case scenario as HOH. Damn it. This next week is going to be awful. Edited July 4, 2019 by vb68 1 21 Link to comment
IndyMischa July 4, 2019 Share July 4, 2019 I don't hate the twist as much as I thought (so far. for the last nine minutes, I haven't utterly hated it). So there's that. In other news, I laughed my ass off when Jack won HOH. Cocky bastard ftw. 1 Link to comment
Callaphera July 4, 2019 Share July 4, 2019 Big Brother 21: Redemption Island, new this summer only on CBS! 13 5 Link to comment
PaperTree July 4, 2019 Share July 4, 2019 Dammit Jessica! Much ugliness to come. Camp Comeback. Okaaaay. This has potential. Instead of sequester, the comebackers will be around to listen and stir shit, and 1 of the 4 gets back in. I'm happy David is a member. Not likely 0 - 12 Ovi keeps his power. His lovefest is either a TV move, or he really is that clueless. Did they get new, bad editors? 7 Link to comment
Popular Post Katesus7 July 4, 2019 Popular Post Share July 4, 2019 (edited) Let me get this straight. The first four people evicted are basically have nots, have zero power, are completely dependent on being the best at groveling, all for the chance to come back only to be booted right back out, because....that’s how Big Brother works? I would’ve told Julie “Thanks, but these people are mostly assholes so I’m totes cool with just going home”. I mean, was the thinking “that Survivor dude won and was barely in the actual game, which was super popular with fans, so let’s do an even stupider version of that”? And don’t even get me started as Jack as HOH. Edited July 4, 2019 by Katesus7 4 21 Link to comment
Lamima July 4, 2019 Share July 4, 2019 I am guessing dollar store Drogo will be gunning for Kemi and Jessica. 1 12 Link to comment
Melina22 July 4, 2019 Share July 4, 2019 All's fair in love and Big Brother. As someone who really enjoyed Edge of Extinction on Survivor, I'm really looking forward to this new twist. Not thrilled with Jack as HOH, only because I wanted to see a total power shift. Oh well. I was surprised at the end when all the houseguests walked into Camp Comeback. I guess I was confusing it with BB Canada 2, where some extra guests were confined to a secret room where they could only watch. I'm happy to hear the Camp Comebackers won't be imprisoned and are free to interact with the general population. Finally, and I hesitate to even voice this thought, but the first thing I thought seeing David and Ovi in the room was "Oh no. Please don't let all the people in the substandard room end up being minorities." That would be cringeworthy on a whole new level. Smarten up, Jack. David and Ovi were so unbitter and positive. I needed that. 8 Link to comment
retired watcher July 4, 2019 Share July 4, 2019 Does Ovi keep his power? 1 Link to comment
Cherry Cola July 4, 2019 Share July 4, 2019 Did Julie say Settle down Beavis? After David came back in? 15 7 Link to comment
lids July 4, 2019 Share July 4, 2019 5 minutes ago, Melina22 said: Finally, and I hesitate to even voice this thought, but the first thing I thought seeing David and Ovi in the room was "Oh no. Please don't let all the people in the substandard room end up being minorities." That would be cringeworthy on a whole new level. Smarten up, Jack. I came to post the same thing! It’s like Jim Crow season on Big Brother. Now with segregation. The optics are gonna be jarring. The only silver lining is that Kemi is going to be there next and she’ll finally get to spend all that time with David that she wanted to. 11 Link to comment
RedheadZombie July 4, 2019 Share July 4, 2019 Ugh. What a horrible result. The two nominees will fall in one or more of these categories: person of color, overweight, older. I'm bored already. 14 Link to comment
RedheadZombie July 4, 2019 Share July 4, 2019 17 minutes ago, Lamima said: I am guessing dollar store Drogo will be gunning for Kemi and Jessica. Bingo! 5 Link to comment
Dewey Decimate July 4, 2019 Share July 4, 2019 9 minutes ago, Melina22 said: Finally, and I hesitate to even voice this thought, but the first thing I thought seeing David and Ovi in the room was "Oh no. Please don't let all the people in the substandard room end up being minorities." That would be cringeworthy on a whole new level. Smarten up, Jack. As soon as Jason Mimosa won, I immediately thought, "cool, seeing all the minorities in the dinky room will be a screaming reminder to the home viewer and the players themselves how fucking rotten this game generally is to PoC." Because of course he'll nominate Jess and Kemi. Have to admit, I cracked up at the "are you bitches conspiring against me?" bit, especially when it ended with Sam "are you lovely ladies conspiring against me?" I'm cool with Sam so far. Was is just me or did Kat seem extremely receptive to David reentering the game? I mean, hey, I totally get it. After coming to realize that Spoiler my eye candy DIet Drogo is an egotistical fuckwad, I am very very happy to be able to watch another scrummy man on the ol' hamster cam. I almost felt bad for Ovi, but he's just hopeless in terms of social IQ and my personal entertainment. Meh, As someone who wears one or more black articles of clothing daily, this may be the first time I actually though, hm, I would actually wear Julie's outfit! Damn it, Jess, Didn't We Almost Have It All? 2 7 Link to comment
Orillia July 4, 2019 Share July 4, 2019 It cracks me up how everyone voted Ovi out , he had to go, but they all acted super excited when he got to stay. 4 9 Link to comment
Lamima July 4, 2019 Share July 4, 2019 Most of these HGs are fake AF. And the ones who aren't, like the little girl and old guy, are super awkward during all this fake social crap (like the dance moves in the diary room hallway or the hugging the evicted HG or when they all faked excitement to hear about camp what'sitcalled island). 10 Link to comment
TroopinFairy July 4, 2019 Share July 4, 2019 I love how everyone was super happy that Ovi got to stay when EVERYONE voted him out. I guess Kemi will be next to go because AquaDude and LegoBro are running this house and she somehow pissed AquaDude off. The Pretty Woman musical that Tommy was in before BB is closing next month. I’m sad because I liked the show. Yes, it wasn’t the best but, it was fun. I want Nicole or someone who’s not in anything to be HOH. It would be fun to see everyone kiss ass. 8 Link to comment
North of Eden July 4, 2019 Share July 4, 2019 Ugh...just ugh.! The WORST possible person wins HOH. Jack is going to be so cocky and full of himself that it might just be unbearable. Kemi or Jess should start packing now. Yeah...that's going to be quite the optic when the Camp Comeback room is full of all the minorities-who needs the back of the bus when you've got that room. I groaned when Jess lost...watching her derail the "8" train would have been a thing of beauty...if only...if only. I don't know how Julie keeps a straight face when she was suggesting that Jackson might actually vote something other than Jack. I wish Ovi hadn't revealed his power to the worst possible people...and you saw how stone cold determined Jack was to get him out that he wouldn't even listen to his co-conspiritor...and apparently he won and got the whole house to go along. I lose a little respect for Cliff for telling Ovi one thing and then voting another way. Not enough Bella tonight. 9 Link to comment
green July 4, 2019 Share July 4, 2019 Just when I thought BB couldn't get worse we have the very worst person since Paul winning HOH. He will definitely be nominating Kemi and no one dares stand up to his wishes in general let alone this week with his power. So ... Kemi, welcome to Camp Minority ... err, Comeback. 10 Link to comment
iMonrey July 4, 2019 Share July 4, 2019 Quote Did Julie say Settle down Beavis? After David came back in? Yes she did! I just realized I can't tell Holly and Analyse apart. Two skinny white girls with long dark hair. Bit of a casting fail putting both of them in the same season. It seems like the 2nd HoH is always the worst possible case scenario. But kind of an eye opener that Jack isn't as dumb as he looks. Not quite. Did Jackson kiss his bracelet before the HoH comp? What a weirdo. And why are we calling him "Michie," exactly? That's dumb. Like we're too stupid to keep Jack and Jackson straight. Well, we are watching this dumb show, so . . . Still. I can't tell Holly and Analyse apart so why does this show think I won't be able to discern between Jack and Jackson who look NOTHING alike? I think the worst takeaway is that aside from Jessica the best people in the house were the worst at the HoH comp and the worst people were the best. Ugh. 2 8 Link to comment
LoveLeigh July 4, 2019 Share July 4, 2019 (edited) Hmmmmmmm, this show really frustrates me. And September 25th seems so far away. I hate this episode on so many levels I do not even have the energy to count the reasons why. Edited July 4, 2019 by DakotaLavender 4 Link to comment
Wandering Snark July 4, 2019 Share July 4, 2019 Wow, welcome to the first BB slum/housing project! What a fabulous idea. I mean this just keeps getting better. You can talk to everyone still, but you have no other 'rights' in the game. And we have Jack with all those said powers. Unreal. 10 minutes ago, iMonrey said: I just realized I can't tell Holly and Analyse apart. Two skinny white girls with long dark hair. Bit of a casting fail putting both of them in the same season. Holly has some curl/body to her hair and it's lighter than Anal's err Analyse's hair which is dark and very straight. JFTR. 7 Link to comment
Wandering Snark July 4, 2019 Share July 4, 2019 1 hour ago, Cherry Cola said: Did Julie say Settle down Beavis? After David came back in? She did, and I believe she was speaking of Tommy who was jumping up and down on the side of the sofa... I've decided most all these people are running about 85-90% fake. Fake fake fakety fake. I'm already tired of this season and it's just begun. 1 12 Link to comment
willco July 4, 2019 Share July 4, 2019 1 hour ago, Cherry Cola said: Did Julie say Settle down Beavis? After David came back in? That's what I heard !! But the CC didn't say it, so I thought I misheard. 1 Link to comment
Lonesome Rhodes July 4, 2019 Share July 4, 2019 Can't spell over without Ovi. Color me affirmed that there are no principled Hamsters and that BB is still all about Middle School. Cliff - you had nothing to lose by keeping your word and potentially an AF bonus by preventing the unanimous shunning of Ovi. Enjoy your life as Mr. Pawn. I hope it did not escape notice that Jessica was right there in the HOH comp. Somebody better ID her as a major threat else she become a genuine power. I am trying to figure out who the best Comeback Kid candidates are. Again, I would never vote Cliff out. I need my pawn and he is a nice person to hang with. Jack, on the surface, is a slam dunk target next week. are going to have to expend the energy and capital to get him out, and he could very well not leave anyway. I think the best approach is to not name the most real/genuine threats for now. No need to tip them off. It would be a super smooth move to tell them up front they are safe, but, as they would understand, one on their side does need to go and that being supportive about it up front would work best for them long-term. BB's Director blew David's return. We did not see his first contact back with the whole group. He was completely out of frame! I would have had Ovi go to pull open the door, but have it locked so he couldn't open it. After a small interlude filled with confusion, THEN I would have made the announcement of the twist. 5 Link to comment
Rachel RSL July 4, 2019 Share July 4, 2019 The hallway shenanigans and annoying shout outs need to die in a fire. How is it everybody’s birthday?! I don’t have a problem with Camp Comeback. The first 4 evictees almost always get a chance to re-enter the game. (At a reasonable time, not when there’s like 60 seconds left in the game. *glares at Survivor*) The only difference from other seasons is that this time they get to live in the house. And since that means we’ll be seeing more of David’s pretty face, I am A-ok with that!👌 3 minutes ago, Lonesome Rhodes said: BB's Director blew David's return. We did not see his first contact back with the whole group. He was completely out of frame! Heh. I think that’s because he zoomed into the house like a bat out of hell. They probably expected him to at least take a beat once he walked in but he just sprinted in and kept sprinting. 3 7 Link to comment
green July 4, 2019 Share July 4, 2019 13 minutes ago, Lonesome Rhodes said: Jack, on the surface, is a slam dunk target next week. Except Jack will probably win the next Whackadoodle Super Secret Power. Plus those HG's are so afraid of him, both inside and outside his alliance, that Paul's whipped cult followers look feisty and rebellious by comparison. 2 7 Link to comment
Wandering Snark July 4, 2019 Share July 4, 2019 13 minutes ago, Lonesome Rhodes said: I would have had Ovi go to pull open the door, but have it locked so he couldn't open it. After a small interlude filled with confusion, THEN I would have made the announcement of the twist. Agreed. I thought for sure that was going to be the way it went down. This way was very chaotic what with everyone deciding they had to act like this was the coolest thing to ever happen. 8 minutes ago, Rachel RSL said: The hallway shenanigans and annoying shout outs need to die in a fire. How is it everybody’s birthday?! So MUCH this... how the hell is it always at least three people's dad's birthdays?? The hell?? And it carries on every week! It would be SO easy to employ a 'no shout outs' policy and that would be the end of it. And tell them to get the hell off my lawn while they are at it! 7 10 Link to comment
North of Eden July 4, 2019 Share July 4, 2019 3 minutes ago, Wandering Snark said: Agreed. I thought for sure that was going to be the way it went down. This way was very chaotic what with everyone deciding they had to act like this was the coolest thing to ever happen. So MUCH this... how the hell is it always at least three people's dad's birthdays?? The hell?? And it carries on every week! It would be SO easy to employ a 'no shout outs' policy and that would be the end of it. And tell them to get the hell off my lawn while they are at it! LOL at how its always someone's birthday in multiple. More than anything its the END to the hallway shenanagins that I would prefer the most. It's just so juvenile. Especially when people are grinding and bumping the people they are actively's all just so fake. 6 Link to comment
woodscommaelle July 4, 2019 Share July 4, 2019 ‘Votes...are locked.’ I don’t know why but the ‘seriousness’ of Julie saying that fucking drives me crazy. Sam for the win simply bc he’s the only one who has made me laugh so far. 4 Link to comment
Lonesome Rhodes July 4, 2019 Share July 4, 2019 2 minutes ago, woodscommaelle said: ‘Votes...are locked.’ I don’t know why but the ‘seriousness’ of Julie saying that fucking drives me crazy. As was demonstrated tonight, the Chenbot OS is a relic from basically the Apollo missions. If an anomalous color appears, we have shutdown. In seriousness, the guy at our far left who refused to pick a color on time should have been DQ'ed right then. 7 3 Link to comment
Kris117 July 4, 2019 Share July 4, 2019 2 hours ago, Lamima said: I am guessing dollar store Drogo will be gunning for Kemi and Jessica. Perfect nickname. I can’t believe that Kat wasn’t voted out. She was obnoxious enough I thought she was trying to go home (except not). It would have been funny if someone asked to go home, only to find they were stuck there. They still could just quit, but I would have been amused. 1 hour ago, North of Eden said: I lose a little respect for Cliff for telling Ovi one thing and then voting another way. Ovi probably already knew. You know how it is. Must. Vote. With. Herd. 1 hour ago, iMonrey said: And why are we calling him "Michie," exactly? That's dumb. Like we're too stupid to keep Jack and Jackson straight. I know! It’s not as if they were named Jack and Jac or something that might actually be confusing. Unless I hear differently, I’m thinking the last name business was for the benefit of the hamsters, rather than those of us watching. 2 Link to comment
Eolivet July 4, 2019 Share July 4, 2019 1 hour ago, iMonrey said: And why are we calling him "Michie," exactly? That's dumb. Like we're too stupid to keep Jack and Jackson straight. Because Jack decreed it on day freaking two. But at the Veto comp, Jackson's name was still Jackson and on the Whacktivity comp board, it was Jackson as well, so I was really hoping CBS was giving Jack the big middle finger, because houseguests cannot dictate what other people are named! But he must rub someone the right way in production, because sure enough in the HoH comp, Jackson had been re-named, as per Jack's decree. No wonder he thinks he can dictate the game -- production is basically letting him. I don't like Big Brother: Edge of Extinction other than it's over by week four, but kudos to the posters who pointed out if it ends up that all the minority contestants end up living in that less desirable room together, with all the white people in the nicer rooms downstairs, that is really, really awful. 6 Link to comment
Samwise979 July 4, 2019 Share July 4, 2019 If the comp to get into the house is with the first 4 evicted and there's already 2 it makes sense that the comp will happen in two more weeks. Now, Ovi's nightmare power is/was valid for 6 weeks, so, if Ovi wins the comp and gets back into the game, is his power still valid for 4 weeks? Or was it voided when he got evicted? Hmmmmm..... 1 Link to comment
green July 4, 2019 Share July 4, 2019 34 minutes ago, Kris117 said: I can’t believe that Kat wasn’t voted out. She was obnoxious enough I thought she was trying to go home (except not). It would have been funny if someone asked to go home, only to find they were stuck there. They still could just quit, but I would have been amused. Did you see last season? One word. Sam. 23 minutes ago, Eolivet said: ... kudos to the posters who pointed out if it ends up that all the minority contestants end up living in that less desirable room together, with all the white people in the nicer rooms downstairs, that is really, really awful. And really, really sad. 5 Link to comment
Lonesome Rhodes July 4, 2019 Share July 4, 2019 25 minutes ago, Samwise979 said: Or was it voided when he got evicted? Hmmmmm..... Chenbot was very clear he's got nothing left, imo. 2 Link to comment
tinkerbell July 4, 2019 Share July 4, 2019 Holly, sis, and especially kat, really take the contouring makeup seriously. 6 1 Link to comment
RedheadZombie July 4, 2019 Share July 4, 2019 3 hours ago, iMonrey said: Yes she did! I just realized I can't tell Holly and Analyse apart. Two skinny white girls with long dark hair. Bit of a casting fail putting both of them in the same season. It seems like the 2nd HoH is always the worst possible case scenario. But kind of an eye opener that Jack isn't as dumb as he looks. Not quite. Did Jackson kiss his bracelet before the HoH comp? What a weirdo. And why are we calling him "Michie," exactly? That's dumb. Like we're too stupid to keep Jack and Jackson straight. Well, we are watching this dumb show, so . . . Still. I can't tell Holly and Analyse apart so why does this show think I won't be able to discern between Jack and Jackson who look NOTHING alike? I think the worst takeaway is that aside from Jessica the best people in the house were the worst at the HoH comp and the worst people were the best. Ugh. Analyze is the one with the 2-head that rivals Teresa Giudice. 4 Link to comment
Wandering Snark July 4, 2019 Share July 4, 2019 So, I guess we actually now have weekly live non-evictions? 4 1 Link to comment
Blissfool July 4, 2019 Share July 4, 2019 (edited) I think I kinda like the idea of keeping evicted houseguests in the house. They get to manipulate goings-on and I'm all for that. I think it would even be a good idea for the jury members to stay living in the house so they get to see what happens first-hand instead of relying on evicted houseguests' biased opinions when deciding on a winner. Who knows...🤷🏻♀️...I might change my mind after watching a few weeks of this. Edited July 4, 2019 by Blissfool 8 Link to comment
amazingracefan July 4, 2019 Share July 4, 2019 5 hours ago, Kris117 said: I can’t believe that Kat wasn’t voted out. She was obnoxious enough I thought she was trying to go home (except not). Ovi probably already knew. You know how it is. Must. Vote. With. Herd. I thought the whole Kat are you conspiring against me was just a joke thing, but they were playing it up in the edit to create more suspense. I never thought she was actually going. Everyone voting with the herd never makes that much sense to me, throwing in a rogue vote could create some paranoia in there 6 Link to comment
amazingracefan July 4, 2019 Share July 4, 2019 6 hours ago, Rachel RSL said: The hallway shenanigans and annoying shout outs need to die in a fire. I've felt this from the start, I'm glad others are finally getting sick of it. 5 Link to comment
LoveLeigh July 4, 2019 Share July 4, 2019 8 hours ago, woodscommaelle said: ‘Votes...are locked.’ I don’t know why but the ‘seriousness’ of Julie saying that fucking drives me crazy. The seriousness with which she takes this show is a joke. 2 hours ago, amazingracefan said: I've felt this from the start, I'm glad others are finally getting sick of it. The hallway shtick is ridiculous. Do they give them time when fish are running to rehearse that? 4 Link to comment
nickp1991 July 4, 2019 Share July 4, 2019 Camp Comeback will give the early evictees a chance to be in the house + more screentime 2 Link to comment
sunshine23 July 4, 2019 Share July 4, 2019 (edited) 10 hours ago, Wandering Snark said: She did, and I believe she was speaking of Tommy who was jumping up and down on the side of the sofa... I've decided most all these people are running about 85-90% fake. Fake fake fakety fake. I'm already tired of this season and it's just begun. So this is your first season of BB? JK, they've been fake from season 1 because they think this is their big shot at fame. Some producer, director or talent agent will see them and say "I need _______________!" Nope, although CBS does love some of them as evidenced by past guest reappearances on BB and AR. 10 hours ago, iMonrey said: I just realized I can't tell Holly and Analyse apart. Two skinny white girls with long dark hair. Bit of a casting fail putting both of them in the same season. Wasn't it last year they had the 2 females that looked the same too? One of them was a showgirl from Las Vegas. Also, if the emphasis on these boards is on the perceived racism this season, isn't it a double standard to refer to Holly and Analyse as "2 skinny WHITE girls"? Why not 2 skinny girls with brown hair? Why did the fish show up momentarily? I'm actually interested in seeing Jack as HOH and how he suddenly handles having to take responsibility for his decisions. Also, being HOH means he's not safe from eviction the following week. As for everyone who has posted about how much they hate this season already, there's a very simple solution. STOP WATCHING! Watching and complaining isn't going to change the show. Posting on these boards isn't going to change the show. The only way CBS will consider making changes is if ratings drop. Edited July 4, 2019 by sunshine23 1 Link to comment
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