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S10.E04: Internet Marketing Video

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Today's Food Network Stars must have a multiplatform presence. In the Mentor Challenge, Bobby Flay tests the social-media acumen of the finalists by having them each create a behind-the-scenes video selfie in the Food Star Kitchen. For the Star Challenge, the finalists are teamed up to make an Internet marketing video for a Hershey's candy product. The videos are shot at YouTube's soundstages and judged by two YouTube executives. Whose video will have the judges wanting to hit "forward," and whose will have them "deleted" from the competition?


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Today's Food Network Stars must have a multiplatform presence. In the Mentor Challenge, Bobby Flay tests the social-media acumen of the finalists by having them each create a behind-the-scenes video selfie in the Food Star Kitchen. For the Star Challenge, the finalists are teamed up to make an Internet marketing video for a Hershey's candy product. The videos are shot at YouTube's soundstages and judged by two YouTube executives. Whose video will have the judges wanting to hit "forward," and whose will have them "deleted" from the competition?


Oh, for the love of...

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YouTube is now owned by Google with revenues in the billions. So my headscratcher is why such a forward thinking company like Google would get involved in this mess of a show.

Edited by xaxat
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This was the stupidest show. Ever.

I don't give a rat's ass for any of these people now, because it's a game show. Not a contest to find the best cook/TV show host.

Orion went home, good, because she wasn't that great of a cook. But Christopher being in the basement with her? The guy may be a douche at times but he can cook.

This entire challenge thing from beginning to end was stupid.

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I tried a PayDay not long ago. It doesn't taste like it used to. The peanuts used to be really crispy and salty. Not now, they taste stale. My mom loved Almond Joys and Mounds. I still love Reece's. Not one of them did anything to make me want to buy any of them.

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The one thing I feel safe saying about this episode: props to the YouTube execs for their thankless task of sitting through the videos and yet being polite audience members. I wouldn't have been able to do it! That said, I thought the challenge itself was a weak one that was only tangentially related to being a FN host.


Oddly enough, I had expected Christopher to be a possible winning contestant; while that is technically possible now, the committee was so negative about him that he has almost no chance. (Which makes it so odd that they eliminated Aryen instead.)


EDIT: Ok, are the "viral" videos even available on YouTube? If the contestants are actually going to go through that, along with the YouTube cross-promotion, wouldn't it make sense to actually have them available? I'll check back later this week, since it may just be due to a delay after the episode airing, but who knows what will happen.

Edited by Rusty Skywater
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What did any of this tell me about who can COOK? Was there any cooking at all this episode?

I don't watch personalities. I don't care for back stories of cooking at grandma's knees. Clearly I'm not who this show is after.

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That show was a damn car fire.


Two consecutive episodes where I've had a completely negative visceral reaction toward people whom the network are trying to convince me I should watch.  You're doing it wrong, FN.


On the plus side, at least I know my mute function on my TV works, because I used it for 3/4 of that fustercluck.

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I think I have watched every previous season of this show, but this season I've not been inspired to watch a single episode. It's the time of year my husband and I like to sit out on the back porch and talk, not watch TV. I recorded a few episodes, and after reading comments here, I deleted them without watching.


Many thanks to all of you who have taken a bullet for me.

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Thank you for alerting me to the fact I can skip this and FF through most of it on my DVR later. And the snark here should be award-winning.

I wish I had known beforehand, I wouldn't have bothered DVR-ing it. I want to see cooking, not acting like morons.

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That show was a damn car fire.

You took the words right out of my mouth, and made me laugh like a hyena.

Good thing about this episode, they are getting hammered to hell on their FB page so maybe Medusa and Kermit will either wake up out of the comas they are in and do something, or have to start hitting the pavement looking for a job.

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I missed the first half of the show. So, I only saw the Youtube part of it that appeared to have nothing to do with cooking. In any event, I was of a complete opposite mindset to the "judges." I thought the monster video was the most fun as a Youtube video. Goofy and over the top. The "dating/boyfriend" video sucked. I would've called it the worst -- like a very bad Saturday Night Live skit. You know, the pointless ones that aren't funny. Also, of those  contestants *in* the monster video, Orion was the most entertaining and I could understand what she was saying. I was shocked -- based solely on the video -- that she went home. I would've eliminated Christopher, if my choice was up to the three of them in that video. He was definitely the weakest link.

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Flaming car wreck, Titanic, shark jumper, choose your metaphor -- I agree the show has reached the end of its viability. My biggest question is why on earth I keep watching. I think I'm done after today. Thanks, all you who bravely watch and post for the rest of us.

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Also, of those  contestants *in* the monster video, Orion was the most entertaining and I could understand what she was saying. I was shocked -- based solely on the video -- that she went home. I would've eliminated Christopher, if my choice was up to the three of them in that video. He was definitely the weakest link.


Alton said he hadn't "liked a molecule" of her food since she'd been there.  She also screwed the pooch in her "selfie" (which, a) I hate that word and b) they got its definition wrong), which pretty much spelled her doom.

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I hate the phrase "viral video," especially since they were really just making a commercial in a challenge straight from "The Apprentice" in 2005.  But I appreciate that the winning video was one that would be ripped apart on social media for racial insensitivity (not that it takes much to accomplish that).  It was kind of the...cherry on the sundae or irrelevance and ignorance that was this episode.  


Alton actually has a video that's gone viral (the one where he opens champagne with a sabre).  It's simple, reinforces his brand as an expert (while making him less of a douchebag in the process).  And it hit.  Would've been nice to see them mentor the contestants into making something like that...although it'd be much more difficult to accomplish when you're making a commercial.  And now I know Alton probably had the YouTube crew helping him out so his is a lot less impressive- at the very least a viral video should be homegrown, imho.


Really lame episode, I'd hate to be the contestant leaving tonight.  On another note- if they're going to do this type of challenge I think they should air the the show live each week.  Put this crap online, see what happens with it, base the winner off of that. 

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Sounds like I picked a good night to watch the premier episode of another show on another channel tonight.  And after reading the comments here, it sounds like I can save myself the time and headache of watching this clusterfuck later on in the week. 


Sadly, I too remember when the challenges used to actually pertain to skills needed for a Food Network Star and their Food Network cooking show.  Now, the challenges are just there for the sake of perpetuating this sorry excuse of a program and to make for an "interesting" show.  FN doesn't care if the winner actually succeeds with their little prize.  If they do, that's just icing on the cake.  This show is the real bread-winner for FN.

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What I would have liked (well, other than a different main challenge) would have been if Bobby Flay had done his own "Selfie"/"Behind the scenes and a tip" video, so we could have had something with which to compare the contestant videos. Might have been interesting, in a couple of dimensions.


But oh Ghod, watching the "viral" videos reminded me of a line of Alton's from one of the early seasons of the show "can we send this lot home and try again".

When my son was in elementary school, he and a couple of his friends/classmates recorded episodes of a "crime show" on our street; that show was more coherent and better shot than those viral videos.   

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I missed the first part, but was glad to see I hadn't missed the Youtube execs. I thought "It'll be interesting to get their marketing tips and ideas for good videos. I wonder what cooking demonstrations/FNS concepts they'll have to show?"


I was actually speechless to see they were asked to pimp Reeses and Mounds/Almond Joy (if there was another, I already had the mute on ). 30 minutes? Yeah, that showed the level of respect for this task. A good video that goes viral might--just might!!--have to take some time to think of (and not look like a high school freshman TV Production 1 assignment). I was so embarrassed for them.


How far has FN sunk? Youtube? Maybe could have been related.  But Reeces and Almond Joy? WTH?


I can just imagine someone asking, "So what did you cook that got you eliminated from FNS?" "Answer: Cook? Are you kidding? We did comedy skits with candy bars that were FNS sponsors that week." Crazy! (As was Alton trying to "intellect-it-up" with his speech at the end about the "three criteria" for success).  If this was "Next Food Network Writer" I'd get it...maybe. This made no sense--nor did the elimination of Orion.

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I hate the phrase "viral video," especially since they were really just making a commercial in a challenge straight from "The Apprentice" in 2005.   


I couldn't agree more....I've always self-defined a viral video as a (somewhat anyway) unplanned success, not these 'hail corporate' examples of planned spontaneity...ugh this show...cringe-worthy....they've taken a page out of 'Spinal Tap' and dialed the 'fake' this season to 11.  

Edited by AladdinSane
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Did Alton utter "cray cray?" This whole episode was awkward sauteed in pathetic marinated in cringeworthy served with a side of whatdafaaack??

Why were the words "viral video" even uttered on this network? They can barely talk and cook.... they have no need, background, desire or ability to craft a viral video. Stupid hand held cameras. Stupid fakey fake energy. Stupid candy bars. Gah.

FU Food Network!!!!!!

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I don't think I have the words for how bad this episode was. I hated last week, but it never occurred to me that I would hate this week even more. They're just pulling random challenges out of their asses, they have nothing to do with cooking. Is Giada making her own YouTube videos? How about Alton or Bobby? What bullshit. 

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It's stupid that they were expected to come up with their own videos.  That's what producers are for.


YouTube has studios in LA and in London, and I think a couple of other places, so that they can teach YouTube contributors on how to create and edit and produce their own videos.


They pretty much gave it away that Reuben wasn't going anywhere, since they showed clips of him with his beard shaved, and he wouldn't have had time to do that in the middle of this show.

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Stupid, stupid episode.  I agree about "Viral video".   I HATE the way that term is used.  A video that someone makes of their kid, their dog, whatever, and it "going viral"  because so many people link to it is great.  But setting up to MAKE a "viral video" goes against the concept.  You don't CALL a video "viral"  before it's made.


Cowboy Lenny with candy bars taped to his chest was gross, pointless, weird, not funny.  That video was AWFUL. 

the other two videos were just boring.

Edited by backformore
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I don't really like these people except for Emma and Aryean and now she's gone.  I don't understand why either....I understood what she was saying.  Lenny should have gone home for the back fat alone.


For me one of the problems is these people aren't half as good as they think they are. When Chris said something about his star power I thought "buddy you look like Urkel, you have no star power".  I almost hurt myself rolling my eyes at Loreal during the selfie challenge.  She's all sctick and I hate sctick.  


I hate giving up on a cooking show, oh wait..this isnt a cooking show...looks like i can give up after all.

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This episode was a disappointment.  There was no cooking at all.  In the past when they were promoting products, they actually had to cook a dish featuring that product.


And add me to the group that thinks the term viral video is stupid.  It is just as stupid as selfie.  This was perhaps the worst episode of all of the seasons of NFNS.


The losers should have been Chris, Hair Product and Pageant Girl, with either of the women leaving.

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As if we didn't hear enough "pah guy" this and "pah guy" that last year.... are the judges actually encouraging Loreal to incorporate the "I'm a butcher" story into every on-air appearance????  Its getting old and stale very fast!

I can only speculate.... BUT, I think if we all went to Miami, we would not be surrounded by people who ALL have motor-mouth-rapid-fire speech patterns. However, I will say "thanks" for the major beard trim. 

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I think if we all went to Miami, we would not be surrounded by people who ALL have motor-mouth-rapid-fire speech patterns.


Even if they all do speak that rapidly, FN is not looking for someone to speak only to those in Miami who would consider rapid speech normal. The presumed show (or whatever, see: Justin) is for the nationwide network. And that speech pattern isn't going to play in Minnesota. My brother lives in the Florida panhandle, and I'm not sure he'd understand Ruben. The audience does not adapt to the host; the host adapts to the audience.

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Strangely, I didn't hate this episode. Nicole, who is my clear favorite right now, made the call at one point that "we are chefs, not actors", which made me okay with the whole thing for some reason. I guess it has to do with the fact that I watch this show assuming that the judges will weed out the ones who can't cook and hoping that they'll find somebody I'll actually want to watch on TV someday. I figured, "what the heck, throw them into a make a crazy video scenario and let's see if any of them make me hate him or her."


And I think I'm also biased towards this group because for the first time in a long time, I don't actively dislike any of them. I sort of don't like Sarah, but I'm not really worried that she'll make it to the end. 



As if we didn't hear enough "pah guy" this and "pah guy" that last year.... are the judges actually encouraging Loreal to incorporate the "I'm a butcher" story into every on-air appearance????  Its getting old and stale very fast!

It would get stale if she said it every time, but I agreed with Bobby 100% this time. If your 10 second tip is going to be how to properly cut up a chicken, telling me you are a butcher by trade gives the tip an enormous amount of weight. She can be as goofy and as crazy as she wants for the rest of the time, because I know that when she told me how to separate the leg from the thigh, I have confidence that she knows what she's talking about.

Edited by JTMacc99
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We made it through Pah Stahl's season with less head scratching and less venom. AS IF it couldn't get worse....

Pah Stahl was featured on an old episode of The Best Thing I Ever Ate, which I watched last night while recording FNS. Duff Goldman picked Pah Guy's Baltimore Bomb pie as his guilty pleasure, saying it was his favorite pie ever. So, as annoying as he was, I guess Pah Stahl can actually cook.

Glad I can delete last night's FNS from my DVR and not waste my time watching it.

Edited by Mrs. P.
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*sigh*   This show is truly testing my "Miracle on 34th Street" concept of faith....


I've made no secret of my dislike of Christopher Lynch, and this episode definitely confirmed it.  Blah, bland and banal.  He smacked Chris for doing his how-to-cut-a-pepper tip, yet HIS tip was to make a cajun spice mix?  Yeah buddy, just keep believing your own press.  


@Bella  I'm in the Florida Panhandle too! My best friend's family is from Cuba, so I've heard the rapid-fire Cuban, from 3-10 people speaking at the same time, for 30+ years, but Reuben's accent was way beyond any comprehension.  


And I'm actually ok with not seeing the stand-and-stir every single episode, though I thought this particular challenge was kind of pathetic.  


It would have been funny if Aryen had nailed her tagline at the end with maybe a hip-hop vibe instead of the Igor-speak... "Girrrrlll, Payday is a monster bite, Yo!   The execs kept harping on the unexpected twist, so I would have looked for something like that.  

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Hated it!


As many wise folk before me said, there was no cooking.  In fact, there was hardly any food!


The YouTube video judging really, really bothered me.  Why didn't they trot in the studio audience to rate the videos?  I think if that had happened, the lowest ranked video would have been candy-bar dates.  Chris, who really didn't wow me with his tip on slicing a pepper, would have been safe and we would have lost one of the two most annoying candidates (Pageant Girl and Butcher Girl) would have gone home.  (Shirtless Lenny horrified, but that group held your attention and subtitles would have helped, but they weren't any worse than Rueben.)


My next complaint with the YouTube challenge was the product selection.  Candy bars are delicious; we are probably in agreement on that (although I can't eat them anymore).  That said, these future Food 'Stars' all preach farm to table or real food. None of them would touch a store-bought candy bar as a solo dessert to their meal.  If they were forced to serve the product, they are taught to transform ingredients, right?  Even SemiHo Sandra Lee would have sliced up the PayDay and stuck them on skewers with marshmallows (or mushed up the Reese's and put them on a salad as croutons or floated the Mounds in a double strength pina colada). These 'stars' just posed with wrappers.  Posed  - key word.  They pose with food a lot, don't they?


Finally, in the hour it took me to watch this I could have learned 3 recipes and 2 actual tips on Cooks Country/ America's Test Kitchen over on PBS.  Sadly, I know nothing about Christopher Kimball's grandmother. 

Edited by MortysCleaningLady
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