Lady Calypso July 2, 2019 Share July 2, 2019 Quote Power of Veto #1 Link to comment
sunshine23 July 3, 2019 Share July 3, 2019 OMG, stop crying! Get over yourself. 8 Link to comment
Caseysgirl July 3, 2019 Share July 3, 2019 Everybody is a hot shot till they have to evict! Sam is obnoxious in the DR but he’s playing fairly well. And he now knows there is an alliance. 10 Link to comment
sphoebus31 July 3, 2019 Share July 3, 2019 (edited) Christie's crying may be obnoxious, but...dang...Jack lost me tonight. When he said Christie better not pull another 'stunt' like that (i.e. putting up Ovi instead of Kemi)? I'm like...Who does he think he is?? It's Christie's HOH and even if she's in your alliance, she gets to the call the shots and you have to roll with it. Also, Sam pleasantly surprised me with his gameplay tonight. Now keep working on being a little less shouty in the DR (which also showed a little improvement this week), and I could be interested in watching you play. Edited July 3, 2019 by sphoebus31 The fingers, they are fat 18 Link to comment
Callaphera July 3, 2019 Share July 3, 2019 Christie at the Veto meeting, italics mine for emphasis: "So Ovi, I'm going to go with you for now." For... for now? That's not how this works. There's no takesie-backsies. You don't get a mulligan. You can't change your mind a few hours later and ask the DR to change your renom. You're stuck with it now, Christie. Go cry some more to someone who cares. Also: Fuck you, Jack. God, I want to punch you in your smarmy face. 3 18 Link to comment
TroopinFairy July 3, 2019 Share July 3, 2019 (edited) Jack and Jackson need to go. I hate “mansplaining” guys. If Jack wanted HOH he should’ve tried harder to get it in the first place. But, then he wouldn’t have been able to get others to do his dirty work for him. Christie should’ve put Jack up just to see what would’ve happened. I feel bad for Ovi because he’s unknowingly caught in the middle and can’t use his nightmare power to save himself. I just hope that Christie convinces the other houseguests that Kat should be the one to go. Edited July 3, 2019 by TroopinFairy 8 Link to comment
Katesus7 July 3, 2019 Share July 3, 2019 I can’t with Sam’s voice. I just can’t. And it’s not just his yelling in the DR. It’s his.....voice. Other than that, I got nothing other than this stupid alliance needs to fracture, and the sooner the better. 1 6 Link to comment
Melina22 July 3, 2019 Share July 3, 2019 Jack: Christie! Follow your heart and do what I told you! 18 5 Link to comment
ByaNose July 3, 2019 Share July 3, 2019 (edited) Well, the racist list is working. How embarrassing for this show. Which says a lot. So we’ll switch out Kemi for a Ovi and no one will notice, right? Then we will do Jessica because she’s a minority and not skinny. We already got David out, right? Yeah, the list is doing gang busters. The HATEFUL 8 is really a thing which isn’t how I wanted spend my summer. Edited July 3, 2019 by ByaNose 6 Link to comment
Melina22 July 3, 2019 Share July 3, 2019 (edited) At this point Production is in a horrible position. On the one hand, people go berserk if they suspect Production interference. On the other hand, I'm positive they don't want another Summer of Racism. It seems like a no-win situation for them, given Jack's agenda. I hope they can figure something out, because I love this show and watch it with my family. Sure, it's a guilty pleasure, but I don't want to feel THAT guilty. Overall, I enjoyed tonight, but hate that Kemi narrowly escaped the block, to be replaced by Ovi. Another disgusting food comp, BTW. This could be the Summer of Disgust, in more ways than one. Eta... To clarify, I'm not sorry Kemi escaped the block, I'm relieved. But sad Ovi took her place. Edited July 3, 2019 by Melina22 5 Link to comment
vb68 July 3, 2019 Share July 3, 2019 Jack's "Hello My Name is" tattoo may be the dumbest thing I've ever seen. I only got a good look at it tonight. Why would someone put that on their body? It was surprisingly nice to see Kaycee again, but that veto comp was super embarrassing for everyone else. I felt bad for Cliff that he got brunt of it. I did chuckle though when he got "Let's go!" confused with "let's roll". Both Jacks think they are God's gift and have apparently never heard the word "No!" before. I hope Jackson's Mom is appalled at the way he's acting, and lays him into him something fierce. 7 Link to comment
North of Eden July 3, 2019 Share July 3, 2019 (edited) Now that was a good happy to see the huge alliance already beginning to fracture. Wow, Aqua-Jack's boot order sounded like it was scripted by David Duke himself. If I were Alison Grodner I would be sweating bullets right now because in this day and age "optics," are everything and that's a bad look having this guy making plans to systematically target people of color and his "reasoning" isn't going to overcome the optics. Speaking of many times can a twist blow up in her face? The recipient of her special power can't use it! So it's worth the sum total of zero. I feel like there is a piece of the puzzle missing in the sudden switch from Kat to Kemi...I can only deduce that Jackson is playing a largely unseen hand in that switch because he wants to bang Kat. Bella is so beautiful...only in a BB house would her showmance partner have a chance with someone like her. Fast forward button got a good workout tonight when Kaycee was in the house. People forget that for most of her season she was literally an invisible piece of furniture who would either disappear for whole episodes or make a cameo non-speaking appearance. It was only at the end of the game when the field was narrowed to next to nothing that she dominated. I could win the Boston Marathon if I managed to slip in unseen a quarter mile from the finish line. That the way I look at the Kaycee win. Not popular opinion I know, but I'm sticking to it. Edited July 3, 2019 by North of Eden 14 Link to comment
leocadia July 3, 2019 Share July 3, 2019 (edited) 40 minutes ago, Melina22 said: Jack: Christie! Follow your heart and do what I told you! This is what I heard: Christie: My heart is telling me not to put up Kemi... Jack: Follow your heart, put up Kemi. I know he was trying to say, "go with your original gut feeling" but he really was not reading her cues. It's pretty clear that he is used to people doing what he says without question. Between him and Kat's "I'm not a pawn, I should be running this thing", it looks like some fragile egos are getting stomped on and I'm here for it! Not a Christie fan yet, but I'm glad that she was able to subvert the Jack influence at least a little. Now if she'd had the balls to put him up, I'd be 100% in her corner even if it was a little damp from all the tears. Edited July 3, 2019 by leocadia 1 11 Link to comment
Melina22 July 3, 2019 Share July 3, 2019 4 minutes ago, leocadia said: Between him and Kat's "I'm not a pawn, I should be running this thing", it looks like some fragile egos are getting stomped on and I'm here for it! Kat wasn't very likeable tonight. I can't tell if it was the edit, or if she just isn't that nice. I enjoyed the segment showing Kemi and Bella laughing and having fun together, because up till now, where Bella has come across as snarky but funny, Kemi has seemed sort of mean. She was easier to root for tonight. 8 Link to comment
lb60 July 3, 2019 Share July 3, 2019 Dear Sam, I'm going to need you off my tv, asap! Signed, My Bleeding Eardrums 31 minutes ago, Katesus7 said: I can’t with Sam’s voice. I just can’t. And it’s not just his yelling in the DR. It’s his.....voice. Cosign. 1 3 Link to comment
North of Eden July 3, 2019 Share July 3, 2019 4 minutes ago, Melina22 said: Kat wasn't very likeable tonight. I can't tell if it was the edit, or if she just isn't that nice. I enjoyed the segment showing Kemi and Bella laughing and having fun together, because up till now, where Bella has come across as snarky but funny, Kemi has seemed sort of mean. She was easier to root for tonight. And you can just bet that Bella would be the first of his alliance that Jack would target if he successfully executes his boot agenda and will try and use Bella having been friends with Kemi as his excuse. "Dude! We can't trust her!" yada,yada yada. 7 Link to comment
Wandering Snark July 3, 2019 Share July 3, 2019 Jack is totally deaf to what Christie was trying to say. His planning out the next four weeks was some of the more idiotic "strategery" we've been privy to. He is terrible. "Stick to (my) plan woman!!" *eye roll* I feel bad though that it was Ovi because "everyone will be, like, ehh it just Ovi" and yes it's hard NOT to think that part of his so-called expendibility was because he "counts less" than other contestants who happen to have a lighter skin tone. Christie didn't seem to contemplate at all that she claimed to be in an alliance with him straight to his face. A fake alliance, yes, but not to him. So, he was also as bad a choice gamewise as if she had put Kemi up. Also, way to sing like a canary and lay out your whole game to a guy NOT in your alliance, as well as breaking down about things with other non-alliance members! You could have just said "Yeah it would be a nice thought to take Cliff off the block but that puts me in a situation I don't really want to be in and I'd really love it if you could just not use it. I promise Cliff would be safe." Instead she says she doesn't want to go against her group, and Jack is telling her what she should do and she doesn't want to send Kemi home, and also the password she uses everywhere is just her name in alternating upper and lower case letters with a 69 after it... 9 Link to comment
SHD July 3, 2019 Share July 3, 2019 1 hour ago, lb60 said: Dear Sam, I'm going to need you off my tv, asap! Signed, My Bleeding Eardrums Cosign. He’s like a David Arquette character. 1 6 Link to comment
green July 3, 2019 Share July 3, 2019 (edited) 1 hour ago, North of Eden said: Wow, Aqua-Jack's boot order sounded like it was scripted by David Duke himself. If I were Alison Grodner I would be sweating bullets right now because in this day and age "optics," are everything and that's a bad look having this guy making plans to systematically target people of color and his "reasoning" isn't going to overcome the optics. And his "reasoning" was basically that they aren't in his alliance that just "happened" to be totally white. Yep, Jack cannot get booted fast enough for me. The one hapy note was seeing Kaycee again. Man last season was so good and full of colorful but not hateful people. Not feeling this season at all. Edited July 3, 2019 by green 6 Link to comment
DEL901 July 3, 2019 Share July 3, 2019 Kind of amusing that the man Fauxmoa styles himself after is mixed race and would be high up on the boot list if he were not famous and on the show. 1 4 Link to comment
Kris117 July 3, 2019 Share July 3, 2019 2 hours ago, Callaphera said: Christie at the Veto meeting, italics mine for emphasis: "So Ovi, I'm going to go with you for now." For... for now? That's not how this works. There's no takesie-backsies. You don't get a mulligan. You can't change your mind a few hours later and ask the DR to change your renom. You're stuck with it now, Christie. Go cry some more to someone who cares. Also: Fuck you, Jack. God, I want to punch you in your smarmy face. If I tilt my head and squint I can sorta read Christie’s “for now” statement as meaning he wasn’t her target for eviction. But still, it was weird. 2 hours ago, TroopinFairy said: Jack and Jackson need to go. I hate “mansplaining” guys. If Jack wanted HOH he should’ve tried harder to get it in the first place. But, then he wouldn’t have been able to get others to do his dirty work for him. Christie should’ve put Jack up just to see what would’ve happened. I feel bad for Ovi because he’s unknowingly caught in the middle and can’t use his nightmare power to save himself. I just hope that Christie convinces the other houseguests that Kat should be the one to go. I was really, really hoping that Christie would nominate Jack. He is just going to get more controlling and annoying as he goes on. Seeing him taken by surprise would have made for a fun Veto nomination ceremony. His arrogance knows no bounds. Part of the fun of all the twists each season is watching them fail. Here we have Ovi, up on the block and holding a power he can’t use, and that he only won a few days ago. Big Brother’s Twist Curse strikes again. I laughed at Christie’s efforts to get the Eight all together up in the HoH room for a strategy session. A couple of the Eight just wouldn’t take the hint. It’s just as well, because the others might have noticed half of the cast disappearing, especially because so many of the houseguests were in the room with the Eight. Kat’s refrain of, “I’m not a pawn I’m not a pawn,” was amusing. Kat, your plans might not have included being a pawn, but when you’re sent home this week (I hope) you’re going to wish you’d been a pawn. 3 Link to comment
BK1978 July 3, 2019 Share July 3, 2019 2 hours ago, Melina22 said: I enjoyed the segment showing Kemi and Bella laughing and having fun together, because up till now, where Bella has come across as snarky but funny, Kemi has seemed sort of mean. She was easier to root for tonight. I do not have the live feeds so all I can go on is what people write in that section and what is shown on television. Prior to tonight Kemi did not leave much of an impression on me, but that segment with Bella made me really like Kemi. Their conversation reminds me a lot about how my sister talks about people and it made me laugh. I also enjoyed the Rush Hour comment, that made me crack up. 6 Link to comment
Brian Cronin July 3, 2019 Share July 3, 2019 I adore Kaycee, but lady, come on, a giant tattoo of your achievements on your season of Big Brother? That's a major "ooph" right there. Fast-forward 60 years, Kaycee's adorable grandkids (there's no way Kaycee's not having kids, right? She seems totally like someone who would settle down and get some sperm donors for her and her wife to have some kids), "Grandma, what's this weird faded tattoo about 'winning the hacker competition?'" 8 3 Link to comment
Brian Cronin July 3, 2019 Share July 3, 2019 Also, Nicole, if you're, what, two weeks into the game and you just got a HINT of what was going on in the game, then guess what? You're pretty much fucked. "Wow, this is such great information!" That's not the reaction you should be having, Nicole. It should be, "Wow, I am SO out of the loop. This is terrible for me." Nicole's a sweetheart, but she's not the brightest bulb in the drawer, that's for sure. 2 10 Link to comment
Wandering Snark July 3, 2019 Share July 3, 2019 (edited) 1 hour ago, Brian Cronin said: I adore Kaycee, but lady, come on, a giant tattoo of your achievements on your season of Big Brother? Yeah... that one's rough for me too, I thought the same things when I saw it soon after she got it and posted pictures. It's... unfortunate. At best. And on the forearm where it's virtually impossible to cover at any time? Yikes. I also agree about Nicole, she doesn't exactly have her finger on the pulse of the game that's for sure. Edited July 3, 2019 by Wandering Snark 5 Link to comment
sunshine23 July 3, 2019 Share July 3, 2019 8 hours ago, green said: And his "reasoning" was basically that they aren't in his alliance that just "happened" to be totally white. Yep, Jack cannot get booted fast enough for me. The one hapy note was seeing Kaycee again. Man last season was so good and full of colorful but not hateful people. Not feeling this season at all. I think the alliance was a case of those who considder themselves "prett/ypopular people" vs. those THEY consider not pretty or popular (ie; old, nerds, overweight, obnoxious, etc.). Let's face it, BB is high school with adult ages. Its nothing but cliques and drama. Basically everyone on this show thinks they walk on water, are God's gift to mankind, and have deemed the viewing public as needing to be subjected to them, their beauty, and wisdom. Not everything is about race, but if you try hard enough you can make it seem that way. With BB its about obnoxious behavior, although with Aryan's season she was obviously racist and should have been booted from the show immediately. 9 hours ago, Melina22 said: I enjoyed the segment showing Kemi and Bella laughing and having fun together, because up till now, where Bella has come across as snarky but funny, Kemi has seemed sort of mean. She was easier to root for tonight. Based on Kemi's original edit I was original in agreement with Jack; boot Kemi. I'm glad they showed another side of her. I don't have any favorites, but at least now I don't dislike her due to a few minutes of airtime. Jack and Jackson are definitely on my list of less likables based on their overinflated egos and behavior. Can I get a giant EWWWWWW for Jackson and Kat's hookup? I threw up in my mouth a little with that one. Blech! 4 Link to comment
IndyMischa July 3, 2019 Share July 3, 2019 Not to explain something that really should be simple and you should already understand, but that's not what mansplaining is, Christie. You: Wahhhhhhh, I don't know what to do!! 😭 😭 Him: You should follow the plan and do what you said you were going to do. You again: I don't need your mansplaining!! He's a control freak and a pretty aggressive one, but still. Also, turn off the damn faucet. I cannot stand the crying, over such highly traumatizing decisions as "I'm the first HOH and actually have to roll the dice? There are dice in this game?? Wahhhhhhh." In other news, the near-literal Brown Chicken Brown Cow music slayed me, and I'm not generally into slapstick but the comp edit had me cackling. Poor Cliff! 2 5 Link to comment
Nashville July 3, 2019 Share July 3, 2019 4 hours ago, Brian Cronin said: I adore Kaycee, but lady, come on, a giant tattoo of your achievements on your season of Big Brother? That's a major "ooph" right there. Fast-forward 60 years, Kaycee's adorable grandkids (there's no way Kaycee's not having kids, right? She seems totally like someone who would settle down and get some sperm donors for her and her wife to have some kids), "Grandma, what's this weird faded tattoo about 'winning the hacker competition?'" Well... considering by then the world economy will have collapsed and most of America will be eating government cheese and living in broken-down vans by the river, Kaycee can tell the ignorant little gits whatever she wants. 2 1 3 Link to comment
green July 3, 2019 Share July 3, 2019 41 minutes ago, sunshine23 said: I think the alliance was a case of those who considder themselves "prett/ypopular people" vs. those THEY consider not pretty or popular (ie; old, nerds, overweight, obnoxious, ... ... and minorities. Especially minorities. 6 Link to comment
Samwise979 July 3, 2019 Share July 3, 2019 The segment of Cliff doing the veto was hilarious but I'm glad we didn't have to watch the full segments of the others. That must have been so funny for Kaycee to watch though. Is Kathryn the one that said (in her intro) that she is bad at taking selfies so she hired a photographer to follow her around to take pictures of her for the Gram? I really felt bad for Ovi when he got nominated. You could see the feeling of betrayal on his face. At least give the guy a heads up. 3 Link to comment
retired watcher July 3, 2019 Share July 3, 2019 I wish they would have filled the house with all kinds of diverse people with a few token beautiful white ones. 11 Link to comment
sunshine23 July 3, 2019 Share July 3, 2019 43 minutes ago, green said: ... and minorities. Especially minorities. If it were just based on minorities, wouldn't Jack be in that grouping or is he white? Link to comment
sunshine23 July 3, 2019 Share July 3, 2019 38 minutes ago, Samwise979 said: I really felt bad for Ovi when he got nominated. You could see the feeling of betrayal on his face. At least give the guy a heads up. Me too, but since Christie and the Gr8ful alliance never considered Ovi one of them I'm not surprised they blindsided him. 8 minutes ago, retired watcher said: I wish they would have filled the house with all kinds of diverse people with a few token beautiful white ones. It would be interesting but why would Grodner and company change the forumula that has worked so well for them the past 20 seasons? Also, there have been beautiul/handsome diverse people in the house in the past. Link to comment
Melina22 July 3, 2019 Share July 3, 2019 Well, really, the cast is fairly diverse, if you include, age, weight, race and sexuality. Not that many young, beautiful, straight, white model types compared to a lot of shows. And yet it still didn't work. Casting didn't forsee the power of the 2 Jacks apparently. No doubt they're kicking themselves right now. 3 Link to comment
Gummo July 3, 2019 Share July 3, 2019 Dammit, I was begging Christie to nominate Jack! Such an obvious move, especially when you can stand up there and call him out in front of the whole house for trying to strongarm you and run your HOH. She chickened and it's too fucking bad. So, does Sam fancy himself another Paul with the SCREAMING AT THE TOP OF HIS LUNGS ALL THE TIME?? Hated it from Paul (even BEFORE it was clear what a vile little man he was) and not liking it now. Yes, we know you're a famewhore, you're all famewhores, that's the point of being on the show, you don't have to yell at us to prove it. 5 Link to comment
Vixenstud July 3, 2019 Share July 3, 2019 14 hours ago, ByaNose said: Well, the racist list is working. How embarrassing for this show. Which says a lot. So we’ll switch out Kemi for a Ovi and no one will notice, right? Then we will do Jessica because she’s a minority and not skinny. We already got David out, right? Yeah, the list is doing gang busters. The HATEFUL 8 is really a thing which isn’t how I wanted spend my summer. Y'know, I so didn't want to use the race or discriminatory card, but.... Tommy Cantone should be happy that Legohead didn't have 5 people to nominate, or else he'd be jazz-handing his happy ass onto the block along with the 2 African Americans, 1 old guy and 1 fat chick. What in the bluedilly fuck is Legohead and Jackhole's problem with Kemi anyway? What did she ever say (or not say) to them to bring about so much hatred from them? I'm glad that Sam saved Cliff....UO, but I find Cliff very sexy, especially without the glasses. Christine, STFU already with your whining! While I'm happy that she didn't cave into Jackhole's posturing regarding Kemi, as the HOH you know you've got to make moves that'll make you unpopular so put on your big girl thong and just do it! I'd say poor Ovi but I think Kat will be eliminated....that said, I wish he would have gone to others like Kemi/Nicole/Sam/Cliff/Jessica and made some type of alliance, like the Lambda Lambda Lambdas from Revenge of the Nerds. Sheesh! And to think I liked Jackhole at the beginning, what a prick. Only ones I like now are Cliff, Jessica, Nicole and Bella. 5 Link to comment
IndyMischa July 3, 2019 Share July 3, 2019 16 minutes ago, Vixenstud said: I'm glad that Sam saved Cliff....UO, but I find Cliff very sexy, especially without the glasses. I think that crosses over from "UO," and sails right into "the cheese stands alone" territory. 😉 16 minutes ago, Vixenstud said: I'd say poor Ovi but I think Kat will be eliminated....that said, I wish he would have gone to others like Kemi/Nicole/Sam/Cliff/Jessica and made some type of alliance, like the Lambda Lambda Lambdas from Revenge of the Nerds. Dead. Come on Cliff, I know you're old enough to have watched that movie, make it happen for us!! 1 3 Link to comment
Vixenstud July 3, 2019 Share July 3, 2019 (edited) 24 minutes ago, IndyMischa said: I think that crosses over from "UO," and sails right into "the cheese stands alone" territory. 😉 Quote Well....(kicks at rocks)....I was always told that my visual taste in men was weird. As for LLL, they can do the Robert Carradine laugh whenever they need to talk, hee! Edited July 3, 2019 by Vixenstud 1 Link to comment
HighMaintenance July 3, 2019 Share July 3, 2019 14 hours ago, North of Eden said: Fast forward button got a good workout tonight when Kaycee was in the house. People forget that for most of her season she was literally an invisible piece of furniture who would either disappear for whole episodes or make a cameo non-speaking appearance. It was only at the end of the game when the field was narrowed to next to nothing that she dominated. I could win the Boston Marathon if I managed to slip in unseen a quarter mile from the finish line. That the way I look at the Kaycee win. Not popular opinion I know, but I'm sticking to it. Have a seat next to me, Eden! Good Gawt. Kaycee. Why, show, why? How have I offended you?? Couldn't stand her. She won last year because nobody even knew she was a house guest until week 12. I couldn't stand her "Let's Go!" exclamations in her season, and she's still trying to make that phrase happen. And she's continuing to rock the unflattering Lez-B-Bun. That veto comp was stupid last year, and it's still stupid. Production shoots crap in your eyes/face and you're expected to have a fair chance of catching an item. Bah. Please, show...let's get Cry-sties HOH over ASAP. Does she do anything other than bawl all day? Also, CBS, I will not be watching your new show Chlamydia in Paradise AKA "Love Island" 3 2 Link to comment
zorak July 3, 2019 Share July 3, 2019 2 minutes ago, HighMaintenance said: Also, CBS, I will not be watching your new show Chlamydia in Paradise AKA "Love Island" LOL. Touché! Say it ain't so! But it's an international hit. How could you possibly resist? 2 1 Link to comment
Writing Wrongs July 3, 2019 Share July 3, 2019 (edited) They couldn't go 8 days without hooking up? Geez. I like Isabella and Kemi together. I laughed at them calling themselves "Rush Hour". Lots of crying and yelling going on. On the show, not from me. Yet. Edited July 3, 2019 by Writing Wrongs 2 Link to comment
Vixenstud July 3, 2019 Share July 3, 2019 36 minutes ago, HighMaintenance said: 15 hours ago, North of Eden said: Fast forward button got a good workout tonight when Kaycee was in the house. People forget that for most of her season she was literally an invisible piece of furniture who would either disappear for whole episodes or make a cameo non-speaking appearance. It was only at the end of the game when the field was narrowed to next to nothing that she dominated. I could win the Boston Marathon if I managed to slip in unseen a quarter mile from the finish line. That the way I look at the Kaycee win. Not popular opinion I know, but I'm sticking to it. Have a seat next to me, Eden! Good Gawt. Kaycee. Why, show, why? How have I offended you?? Couldn't stand her. She won last year because nobody even knew she was a house guest until week 12. I couldn't stand her "Let's Go!" exclamations in her season, and she's still trying to make that phrase happen. And she's continuing to rock the unflattering Lez-B-Bun. I'll just sit at the table with you guys.....could..not...STAND Kaycee and rolled my eyes to the heavens when she came on. 3 Link to comment
HurricaneVal July 3, 2019 Share July 3, 2019 Oh dear. Kaycee. That tattoo is......unfortunate. I get it. You won Big Brother. You're understandably proud of that accomplishment. You're also a tattoo person. I get it that you wanted to commemorate that accomplishment with a tattoo. But that tattoo? Really?!? That is fugly, I mean, really, really fugly. Nicole, Nicole, Nicole... You're such a sweet girl. Soooo excited after two weeks in to be finally playing the game. Oh honey. Everyone else is playing the game. They're just not playing with you. Catch a clue, if Christie hadn't forgotten you were even in the room with her, you still wouldn't be playing the game. Fly low under that radar, little swallow. People forgetting you're there is your only successful strategy in the game at this point. (Oh lord, I really, really, really hope she doesn't ever win HOH, or at least not until Jack and Jackson are out. I don't think I could stand it if Jack or Jackson (or Nick) pretended to be attracted to her just so they could take advantage of her HOH powers. She'd be so starry eyed that "Ooooh, one of those boys likes me. Me!" that she'd probably do whatever they wanted because they were snuggling with her and flattering her. A lot of nerdy weird girls profess to despise that type, but secretly they still want that teenage dream of the BMOC falling for them. I'm sorry to say I was one of those girls. Something similar happened to me. It was forty years ago, and I still don't think I'm over the humiliation when I found out.) I think Christie is coming to the conclusion that she doesn't really like her alliance. But now she's stuck with it. She's stuck with Jack and Jackson (Diet Drogo and Legohead), and realizes she's now screwed. I think she's also coming to the conclusion that she's really only in that alliance in the first place because she's HOH and they needed her for the first set of moves. Would Christie really be in H8ful if she wasn't HOH? Is she hot enough (according to King Jack) to be with that crowd? Hard to say. I have a different take on Christie's "for now" comment about putting Ovi up as the veto nomination. We haven't heard the hamsters talking much about it, but there is a secret special power in play after that whacktivity comp. They don't know what it is, and they don't know who out of the group that played has it--but Ovi was in that group, and he could have it. Of course, he did win it but can't actually use it, but nobody other than Ovi knows that for sure. I think Christie's "for now" comment is holding the possibility open that the secret power will come into play and shake things up. Sadly, that won't happen. Link to comment
iMonrey July 3, 2019 Share July 3, 2019 I know the veto comp was designed for maximum hilarity but really it wasn't very well planned for efficacy. The fact that they were being pelted with goo meant their goggles would be instantly covered and they wouldn't be able to see. How are they supposed to catch things? Especially since the show had to use FX to highlight where the stuff was for the viewing audience. Also, those "meatballs" were poorly aimed. I hope Ovi realizes now his so-called alliance was a sham and they were only humoring him, but I strongly suspect he's just gullible enough to believe it's still real and intact and that nominating him was some sort of strategic move. He seems like the type who could be talked into believing that if they decide to sell it that way to him. Quote I think she's also coming to the conclusion that she's really only in that alliance in the first place because she's HOH and they needed her for the first set of moves. Christie was part of the eight before she won HoH. But she's turning out to be a terrible player. She blabbed to Sam about her alliance and told anyone who would listen she was being pressured to backdoor Kemi. Half the house wasn't in on that plan, what the hell was she thinking? I actually don't mind this season too much, so far. There's no clear, pre-destined winner or even general direction like there usually is. I knew Tyler was F2 in week one last year. And of course, need I mention Paul? I thought not. Quote Fast forward button got a good workout tonight when Kaycee was in the house. People forget that for most of her season she was literally an invisible piece of furniture who would either disappear for whole episodes or make a cameo non-speaking appearance. It was only at the end of the game when the field was narrowed to next to nothing that she dominated. I could win the Boston Marathon if I managed to slip in unseen a quarter mile from the finish line. That the way I look at the Kaycee win. Not popular opinion I know, but I'm sticking to it. Thank you North of Eden. 1 Link to comment
sunshine23 July 3, 2019 Share July 3, 2019 4 hours ago, icemiser69 said: I would argue that the formula hasn't worked in a long time. Viewers who become house guests tend to play the same way as house guests in previous seasons. This season is just as predictable as past seasons, going all the way back to the Jeff and Jordan years. I'm sorry, I wasn't clear. The houseguest formula hasn't worked, but people still watch despite the same formula. Until people stop watching, the PTB won't see a reaso for change. 3 Link to comment
Jeanne222 July 3, 2019 Share July 3, 2019 I'm sorry but these food comps are about to do me in. Who is in charge of them. Can you imagine the poor folks that have to clean up those messes. First time since I watched season #1 of BB that I am fast forwarding through the comps. Still even thinking about the smell one makes me sick to my stomach. Why didn't Christie put up Jack? That would been a real power move. Sure she could become a target but all that whining and telling and not doing what she was commanded to do makes her an even bigger one. Go for it girlfriend. At least you tried! 3 Link to comment
green July 3, 2019 Share July 3, 2019 6 hours ago, sunshine23 said: If it were just based on minorities, wouldn't Jack be in that grouping or is he white? Jack is as white as you can get. A tan (he is from Florida) doesn't make you non-white. 1 3 Link to comment
mikewho July 3, 2019 Share July 3, 2019 2 hours ago, Vixenstud said: I'll just sit at the table with you guys.....could..not...STAND Kaycee and rolled my eyes to the heavens when she came on. I thought she at least piped a little enthusiasm into this snoozefest of a season. 2 Link to comment
amazingracefan July 3, 2019 Share July 3, 2019 19 hours ago, vb68 said: I felt bad for Cliff that he got brunt of it. I did chuckle though when he got "Let's go!" confused with "let's roll". It's highly likely that was scripted. --------------------- Otherwise we saw the extremely forgettable Kaycee again. Josh and Kaycee, that's the kind of winners we get now. The trouble is always in the casting, one part plays the game hard and takes control and the other is out of the loop and gets picked off. They need to cast more like Survivor. where all of them are playing from the start. Failed twists do seem regular but aren't good for a show when the gameplay is often one-sided because of the casting. Sam keeping to his word was good, but what can he do about knowing he's completely out of the loop now. Did he ask more questions of Christie? 3 Link to comment
HurricaneVal July 3, 2019 Share July 3, 2019 1 hour ago, Jeanne222 said: I'm sorry but these food comps are about to do me in. Who is in charge of them. Can you imagine the poor folks that have to clean up those messes. Not to mention the fact that there's no way they're able to really get all that crap cleaned up out of the backyard, a little ranch dressing is likely to have spattered somewhere it wasn't supposed to. And then these hamsters walk through it with their bare feet, then walk into the house, aaaaaand..... I think we've learned where some of the legendary BB house funky smell might originate from... 1 2 Link to comment
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