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S03 E05: Unknown Caller

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Did I miss some subtle moment with Luke at the bodega when the call was coming in? Seemed like there was something happening....like Luke WASN'T buying beer for a change? Or that he was using the "refugee stipend" just mentioned? Could just be wishful thinking on my part, that taking care of Holly has helped give him focus. Last season I thought showing Moira and Luke being depressed/slightly destructive was a realistic touch. 

Edited by JasonCC
  • Love 2
10 minutes ago, JasonCC said:

Did I miss some subtle moment with Luke at the bodega when the call was coming in? Seemed like there was something happening....like Luke WASN'T buying beer for a change? Or that he was using the "refugee stipend" just mentioned? Could just be wishful thinking on my part, that taking care of Holly has helped give him focus. Last season I thought showing Moira and Luke being depressed/slightly destructive was a realistic touch. 

I wondered if it was baby formula, since the guy behind the counter said there wasn't much call for it anymore.

  • Love 5

I don't have a problem with Serena deciding to stay in Gilead. She knows what the perception of her in Canada is and that she's universally despised. And realistically, her life would be in danger. There must be lots of people in Canada who've lost their loved ones that would LOVE to lay hands on her and let her taste her own medicine. She'd have to change her identity and spend the rest of her life hiding. That wouldn't be much of a life, really. 

And also, while she may hate the hell Gilead has become, she also hates the Western-style liberal democracy, which is why she helped overthrow it in the first place. I don't think she regrets her role in removing the previous government - rather that the new government isn't more to her liking.

However, what does annoy me is that her storyline has become so incredibly static. It's the same over and over again. She loathes the world she helped to create and she's obsessed with having a child, which was established in S1 already. And that's it. We really need something to move her story forward. Let's see her actively try to change something in her life. Or have her commit suicide if she's no longer able to cope. Or if they don't want to have her die but aren't willing to let her actually do anything, just write her out, FFS. This has become so boring. 

Edited by Joana
  • Love 8

This show seems to be in a real creative rut, which is more obvious than ever this season. Fred is either evil or a loser, June is snarky and glares at the camera, Serena is conflicted but still committed to Gilead and is obsessed with babies, Gilead is awful and Extra about how weirdly awful it is while not actually showing real consequences to any of the main characters, rinse and repeat. Its not unsettling or creepy anymore, its just the same shit different day. 

I dont think its any coincidence that the parts that are working for me are the parts that are actually new, like Emily in Canada and the Josephs. Those are actually new dynamics and ideas, and when the show goes into those it shows that they still have the ability to do some decent writing, but they seem to be afraid of doing anything to hurt the status quo. Its the only possible reason for June not going to Canada, the writers are afraid of changing the show up too much or having to get more creative, so they have to twist and turn the story and characters to keep them in the same places, even when it makes no sense in universe. They are deathly afraid of change, so we never GET any change now, which basically kills the life or death stakes that made the show so compelling in the first place.

  • Love 10

I do think that part of the problem is that even with the introduction of new characters, June's scope has become too narrow.  What the book and season 1 did so well was set up intrigue.  How did Luke get out?  Well, they showed us that (not in the book, if memory serves).  Was this society as pious as they seemed?  No, they brought us to Jezebel's.  How did Gilead come into existence?  They showed us the cracks in society and the rise in the warped religious fundamentalism - from little touches, like the Praise Be from the nurse in the hospital when Hannah was born, to the slow but meticulous collection of data on women.  How did the world feel about Gilead?  They gave us Mexico.  Who were the other victims?  We met Jeannine, Alma, Emily.  How did people try to escape, and how and when did they succeed?  We saw Moira.  June was the main character of the show, sure, but through her all these other aspects of Gilead came to life.  And they were able to weave in elements that were not in the book and make them work.  

The story is supposed to be TOLD through June.  Not just about about June.  

My favorite part of this episode, and again, I thought this one was fairly strong, was the simple shot of Mrs. and Commander Lawrence listening to music together.  They gave us so much in those 20 seconds.  

I'm at work while I type this.  And I'm listening to You Make Me Feel Like Dancing.  What can I say?  I kind of like the Commander's taste in music.  

  • Love 11
7 hours ago, Armchair Critic said:

June is looking rough lately and to me she looks older than the other handmaids. I know they have to keep her in the mix for the storyline, but it would be more realistic that she would be sent to the colonies by now.

She JUST had a baby.  It's not about "looks" it's about being able to have a child.

7 hours ago, ChattyCathyLA said:

And, when did Serena slip Luke that mix tape anyway?  I didn’t see her give it to him, unless it was in the box that held the locket??  Anyone see how he got that?  I didn’t even see Serena open that parcel that said something like “if you need me”. I must have blinked and missed it.

It seems Serena left the tape marked "Luke" in the dressing room with her change of clothes.  Spy guy obviously found it (as intended) and gave it to Luke, probably after listening to it himself.

1 hour ago, Riplet68 said:

@greekmom, in Serena’s flashback episode last season, Serena was shot in the stomach and told she couldn’t have children.  She thinks Fred is shooting blanks because June is their 3rd handmaid and no babies yet

As stated by Lord Of Lotion, no, that, though incredibly stupid by the writers, had nothing to do with her not having a child.  The writers specifically had to address that in interviews and proclaimed themselves "shocked" that anyone thought that.  Idiots.


That said, I was a huge critic of this show in season two (check that thread for proof, ha.)

THIS season though, several of the issues I've had have been addressed, and I've noticed them.  For one?  Continuity.  Last season one episode had almost nothing to do with the previous or subsequent episode, it was as if the writers never even watched the others.  This season?  Wow!  What a change!  They have almost completely corrected that. 

Aunt Lydia's changing physical state is the only slightly problematic area, and frankly, the actress should be paying attention to that as well.  Also an issue, why is Charlotte smaller than Holly?  Still, babies are always an issue on shows...

Serena's behavior fits with her character, she's torn, at times able to see Gilead more clearly, at others, still stuck in her fundamentalist ways.  At times, almost decent, at others, completely horrible.  She's believable to me as a character.  I've known people like Serena as far as good/evil moments. She passed the tape to Luke (kept her word to June, she "owed" her that.)  She wants Nicole back, still selfishly wanting what she's always wanted, a baby, over the well being of that child.  Nick's wife's death shocked her into letting Nicole go.  She's justified being over that now.  Oh, and "treason and coconuts" means that if she deserts Gilead, she won't be in Canada, she'll be in Hawaii, or another tropical island, hailed as a hero for breaking free, writing again, etc.

I see a great deal of change in this season already.  I think the table is laid for more change, and a greatly expanded world, which is what I've wanted from the beginning.

  • Canada and the USA are going to be negotiating.  So yay!  Politics finally not just internal politics or that idiotic Mexico story.
  • The resistance is coming into focus.  The local Martha group, the fact that some are not escaping to Canada, but rather, escaping to help the Americans fight Gilead.  Now for the damn actors in Canada to fucking get involved in the world politics, not just Canada, and do something to help their friends left behind Gilead! 
  • Nick is off to the wars, and while the actor was adequate at best, and may have just been written off?  I'm hoping there are at least communications about the actual wars.  Americans are still fighting, maybe Gilead is starting to lose?  Either way, him being in Chicago may enlighten us further.
  • Joseph.  I love him and I love his wife, and I'm so thrilled to be out of Fred and Serena's house!  He's complicated, but he's also fascinating as both one of the creators of Gilead, and someone who, at least at times, recognizes the mess that it is and subverts it.  I'm so much more interested now!
  • Fred and Serena broadcast that plea for Nicole TO THE WORLD, over television.  It wasn't just a tape sent to the Canadian government.  Again?  Progress to opening up the world in this story.  This won't just be Canada's decision now, the WORLD will be pressuring them, and hopefully we will see more WORLD reactions to Gilead.
  • June made a tape, with music on it, telling her tale!  That is directly from the book, and I am so very happy it's finally happened. 

    It is how her story, this whole story, gets out eventually,

    and it's why the show has always included popular music.

This is June's story.  It's The Handmaid's Tale.  It's the story of Gilead. 

Maybe we need a Wish or "If I were writing this" thread for all the "I wish June was dead, and the show would focus on the two gay women, Emily and Moira." posts, because honestly, it's getting tiresome.  It's not going to happen.  They get plenty of screen time, as do others.  They aren't getting rid of June. 

Even the plot armor is less annoying this season (aside from Janine being invited to the visit the christening of the baby she tried to kill.)  Last season was a mess, all "PERIL!" and next episode, "nah, never mind."  This season at least, other than Janine's inclusion at that party, it's all been much more believable to me, as have the explanations, which at least they are bothering with.  Joseph being powerful enough to save June for example. 

He saved Emily too, but no one is complaining about her plot armor.  Killed people, attacked Aunt Lydia, survived radiation, etc. gets a miraculous save by Joseph and she's free!  Honestly though, the plot armor is strong with the entire cast, by rights, because of the horrendous season two?  All should be dead, Fred, Serena, June, Janine, Emily, certainly Moira with her dual escapes and attacking two Aunts, and even Luke, he's shot!  Ambulance crashes!  He escapes!  Nearly everyone in his escape group is killed, but he makes it!

Season two did a lot of damage, but this season is holding up for me.  So far, and the table setting for what may come?  Is looking good.

Edited by Umbelina
  • Applause 1
  • Love 9
5 hours ago, JasonCC said:

Did I miss some subtle moment with Luke at the bodega when the call was coming in? Seemed like there was something happening....like Luke WASN'T buying beer for a change? Or that he was using the "refugee stipend" just mentioned? Could just be wishful thinking on my part, that taking care of Holly has helped give him focus. Last season I thought showing Moira and Luke being depressed/slightly destructive was a realistic touch. 

5 hours ago, Anela said:

I wondered if it was baby formula, since the guy behind the counter said there wasn't much call for it anymore.

He was buying baby supplies, and they definitely implied such goods are at a premium in this world now, especially since the birth rate is so low. 

I really like the show taking the time to show Luke’s growth since Holly’s arrival.

She has saved him from his downward spiral, she’s returned a loss sense of purpose to his life and he is taking it very seriously.

He is likely to be the first, perhaps only, father she’ll ever know. His undying love for June and Hannah can now be placed somewhere, and that’s with Holly. 

He can do for her what he couldn’t do for them. 

4 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

This show seems to be in a real creative rut, which is more obvious than ever this season. Fred is either evil or a loser, June is snarky and glares at the camera, Serena is conflicted but still committed to Gilead and is obsessed with babies, Gilead is awful and Extra about how weirdly awful it is while not actually showing real consequences to any of the main characters, rinse and repeat. Its not unsettling or creepy anymore, its just the same shit different day. 


The lather, rinse, repeat writing cycle for this show has long ago become a tedious process to watch. 

I think that they all got ahead of themselves playing around with the “June escapes” ideas and possibilities and they fucked themselves in season 2.

It’s as if they’re writing backwards now, season 3 contains events that should have occurred in season 2 first, and characters that should have been introduced from the beginning so they’d be well established by now (Commander Lawrence and wife). 

With only their own shortsighted planning to blame the show has been trying to play catch-up with their plots and storylines, and it is not working for me overall. 

2 hours ago, BrindaWalsh said:

The story is supposed to be TOLD through June.  Not just about about June.  


This is the area the writers got so very wrong for me.

I believe that’s why Atwood never officially named the handmaid in the book, it left the story open to details from other voices, other perspectives.

This show wants to revolve around June at all cost and it is proving costly. She does not need to be so front and center it ruins any sense of realism or believability. 

They have just made so many bad choices, and I blame the writers egos. They were so eager to take over Atwood’s design, but they had no clue how to actually do that well. They’ve been fighting an uphill battle since season 2, and it’s only gotten worse.

  • Love 8

Coming in late, but gah, enough with the closeups of glaring at the camera.  They don't convey anything new or well, anything, at this point.

I didn't hate this episode because there were some rather interesting ideas at play but at the same time it's aggravating that some it felt sloppy and not entirely thought through.  June started out this episode full of hubris, all but swaggering around the market because she somehow got her baby out and everyone knew it.  She seemed pretty pleased with herself initially right up to the point she was asking Lawrence if "they" might hurt Luke, to which he responded "They?" as a stark reminder that he's a part of that "they" regardless of whatever else he might be dabbling in.   I can't remember which review it was in or I'd link it, but one writer made the observation that this episode is a particularly apt allegory about how just because someone appears to share a common viewpoint or cause that doesn't necessarily make them your ally beyond that.  You see people in political arguments forgetting that all that time and June was forgetting it here.    She's been so convinced that Serena is as pissed off at the system as she is that she's completely on board with overthrowing the system and can use that to her advantage when Serena has never said any such thing.  

O-T Fagbenle and Yvonne Strahovski were terrific in the airport confrontation even if the only possible way it makes sense is if there are plainclothes exiled American and Canadian authorities standing close by in case Gilead gets any ideas about a smash and grab while Gilead's minder also waits nearby in case Serena gets any ideas about doing a walkabout.  I can halfway fanwank that's what American spy guy Mark was doing there.  It was immensely satisfying to see Luke tell Serena to go fuck herself and remind her yet again that June and Holly didn't just happen in a vacuum, that it required destroying an intact family and real lives to get them their broodmare.   While I do like the cassette tape nod to the book, part of me was stuck on how incredibly risky it was for June to commit all that to tape and trust Serena with it, while another part of me could see why she did.  She's already acknowledged to Nick that she thinks she'll die in Gilead and it probably feels that much more important to her to make sure someone knows the truth about Holly's parentage and origins.   I am a little sorry Luke didn't think to ask her what happened to her finger while she was waxing on about wanting the best for the baby.  He absolutely should NOT have offered to let her hold the baby though, especially after Serena tossed out that threat of "you should know I've been protecting your wife" even if she did try to hastily pull it back when he caught it.

Serena is very definitely selfish and self-interested but I did get the sense that she came back to Gilead resigned that it really was a closed case until Fred planted the bug in her ear that it didn't have to be.  That doesn't make her not guilty of going along with the ridiculous dog and pony show of demanding Canada return the baby, but I also don't think it was her idea.  Last season it made all the sense that she rejected American spy guy Mark's offer of treason and coconuts because she was still counting on having her Gilead rape baby.  Now that that's a no-go, her reasoning for rejecting it is a little harder to suss out.  There's no baby, her marriage is in the shitter, and she's lost a finger over a fairly mild request.  I can only guess that without some kind of amnesty and protection, she knows she'd be a target for Gilead to want to shut up and she didn't seem to care for western democracy anyway, so she likely figures the prison she knows is still better than the unknown.

Poor Ofmatthew is cracking around the seams.  It's easier to resolutely stick to the party line to spin what's already been done than to convince yourself of it when you're staring down the barrel of it for the fourth time.

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, Armchair Critic said:

I get that. Is that because some of the other commanders are sterile like Waterford?

Most of the commanders are sterile.  And we learned in Canada last year that they were figuring out that the sterility problem was with the men, not women.  In Gilead, only the women are "barren."  It is never the men.

That said I dont think it matters if June is getting old.  She gave birth to a child of Gilead.  Doesn't that spare her from the colonies so that she can...grow old in the land of successful handmaids?  She would only get shipped off to the colonies if she didn't produce a child after 3 assignments, right?

  • Love 4
On 6/19/2019 at 10:22 PM, greekmom said:

TV Serena can have kids.  That was established last season.  It's Freddie that's shooting blanks. 

Wait, when was it established? I know Fred is sterile, but we've been led to believe that the gunshot wound to the stomach that Serena took way back when messed up her reproductive organs. I say "led to believe" because I still am wondering if Serena will have an affair and get pregnant, That would really turn Gilead upside down if wives started thinking, "Maybe it's him and not me..."

One more quibble: Why was June at that taped plea for Nicole's return? (Other than the fact that she's the protagonist.) Without her, the Waterfords look like a normal couple heartbroken over their kidnapped daughter. But a Handmaid standing by encapsulates everything unnatural about Gilead's "families." 

  • Love 3
14 minutes ago, GreekGeek said:

Wait, when was it established? I know Fred is sterile, but we've been led to believe that the gunshot wound to the stomach that Serena took way back when messed up her reproductive organs. I say "led to believe" because I still am wondering if Serena will have an affair and get pregnant, That would really turn Gilead upside down if wives started thinking, "Maybe it's him and not me..."

One more quibble: Why was June at that taped plea for Nicole's return? (Other than the fact that she's the protagonist.) Without her, the Waterfords look like a normal couple heartbroken over their kidnapped daughter. But a Handmaid standing by encapsulates everything unnatural about Gilead's "families." 

As I stated above, the gunshot did not make her sterile.  The writers had to address that in articles, and were "shocked" that anyone thought that.  Idiots.

With fertility treatments and artificial insemination (both things Serena opposes on religious grounds) she may or may not be able to have a child.  Spy guy said odds are improving.

Gilead is proud of having handmaids, which they portray as willing, and a part of their whole new society.

The biggest WTF about that being broadcast to the world, is that will all of the escapees in Canada now, and those stupid letters that were published, even Gilead should be aware that "the world" thinks they are shitheads, and aren't buying it.

If the Canadian escapees would get off their asses and start writing articles, being interviewed, doing press tours?  Gilead might end sooner.

  • Love 2
On 6/18/2019 at 10:53 PM, Brn2bwild said:

If there's pressure on Luke to turn over Holly/Nichole to Gilead, I hope to hell he demands a DNA test for both Fred and the baby to prove she has zero Waterford DNA.  While Gilead would still claim she belongs to the Waterfords, Canadian officials might be more willing to resist if Holly/Nichole is proven to be not Fred's biological child.

The way it's been depicted, I can't imagine Fred's gambit would work.  It would be one thing if they had operatives in Canada, which is how Gilead got all that intelligence, and they used them to kidnap and smuggle her out of the country.

But to try to win diplomatically and in the court of global public opinion?  I thought Gilead was a highly ostracized country, largely subject to embargoes.

Canada and Mexico might have to maintain some semblance of relations, maybe some trade, but I thought Canada still recognized the US govt. in exile and not Gilead diplomatically.

So no extradition treaty (but only criminals are extradited) and no normal diplomatic relations.  Canada should just tell Gilead to sod off.

  • Love 3
15 hours ago, Joana said:

I don't have a problem with Serena deciding to stay in Gilead. She knows what the perception of her in Canada is and that she's universally despised. And realistically, her life would be in danger. There must be lots of people in Canada who've lost their loved ones that would LOVE to lay hands on her and let her taste her own medicine. She'd have to change her identity and spend the rest of her life hiding. That wouldn't be much of a life, really. 

And also, while she may hate the hell Gilead has become, she also hates the Western-style liberal democracy, which is why she helped overthrow it in the first place. I don't think she regrets her role in removing the previous government - rather that the new government isn't more to her liking.

However, what does annoy me is that her storyline has become so incredibly static. It's the same over and over again. She loathes the world she helped to create and she's obsessed with having a child, which was established in S1 already. And that's it. We really need something to move her story forward. Let's see her actively try to change something in her life. Or have her commit suicide if she's no longer able to cope. Or if they don't want to have her die but aren't willing to let her actually do anything, just write her out, FFS. This has become so boring. 

Really, what is there in Gilead for Serena?  If she defected, it would be a big diplomatic and PR coup for all those nations which see Gilead as an outlaw entity.

Maybe Fred and her mother would be in danger, if Gilead is sufficiently humiliated by her defection.

Sure Serena's drunk the Kool Aid.  Hell she made the Kool Aid and served it up to a lot of other women.

But she could have stayed in Canada, had a real wardrobe, probably some kind of visitation with Nicole and the prospect of finding someone else.

Long before June arrived on the scene, Fred and Serena's marriage was dead.  

So what the F does Gilead offer her any more?

Do more rituals with other handmaids?

Lose more fingers or an eye?

Get shipped out to the Colonies?

She's not thinking with her head or her heart -- she might have also found some guy to make her feel alive again, both above and below the waist.

  • Love 3
6 hours ago, Umbelina said:

As I stated above, the gunshot did not make her sterile.  The writers had to address that in articles, and were "shocked" that anyone thought that.  Idiots.

With fertility treatments and artificial insemination (both things Serena opposes on religious grounds) she may or may not be able to have a child.  Spy guy said odds are improving.

Gilead is proud of having handmaids, which they portray as willing, and a part of their whole new society.

I didn't realize that the writers had addressed the matter of Serena's fertility. I've always assumed that if something hasn't been said or shown on the actual show, it didn't happen. Spy guy may not have known about the gunshot.

Yes, Gilead is proud of its handmaid system, but they have to realize that other countries may not see things the same way. Or are they really that stupidly oblivious?

Edited by GreekGeek
  • Love 2
4 hours ago, scrb said:

Canada and Mexico might have to maintain some semblance of relations, maybe some trade, but I thought Canada still recognized the US govt. in exile and not Gilead diplomatically.

So no extradition treaty (but only criminals are extradited) and no normal diplomatic relations.  Canada should just tell Gilead to sod off.

Yeah, it is confusing because the writers never gave us any back story or context. If Canada recognizes the US government, then the logic would be that they condemn Gilead for the coup. I find it hard to see how this mess works in the minds of the writers. They just want us to accept that they might fuck up, but fucked up the story will be.

There should be absolutely no issue with Nic-olly's custody anyway. Babies are in short supply. As soon as Luke got custody of Nic-olly (which would have been a bigger deal than Emily just randomly handing her over to him in a post-office) he would have been encouraged by the US authorities to relocate to Alaska/Hawaii and keep her safe and fully claim her as a US citizen. He and she (and Moira and Erin if they'd wanted) would be kept in a degree of luxury, in a safe place. Even if Luke had turned down the offer, wanting to stay as physically near to June and Hannah as he can, once this whole custody nonsense had started, he'd rethink that and head immediately off to safety. Canada would be more than happy for the four of them to slip off north/west quietly, washing their hands of the issue with Gilead. 'Sorry sad Gilead Commander and Wife, we don't have "your" baby, you'll have to take it up with the US. Good luck now.' And the rest of the world would be able to just shrug it off as an 'internal issue' of sorts.

And regardless of where Luke is, he's not going to have to pay most of his income on baby supplies. The state of whatever country he is in is going to be helping him look after one of the world's few babies. This show often seems to forget that babies are a massive big deal in this world.

  • Love 9
1 hour ago, GreekGeek said:

I didn't realize that the writers had addressed the matter of Serena's fertility. I've always assumed that if something hasn't been said or shown on the actual show, it didn't happen. Spy guy may not have known about the gunshot.

Yes, Gilead is proud of its handmaid system, but they have to realize that other countries may not see things the same way. Or are they really that stupidly oblivious?

Yes, the male showrunner—apparently having never seen an episode of television before—pronounced himself shocked that any viewer would assume a flashback gunshot to the pelvic area would be relevant to a character whose entire, burning desire in life is to have a baby.

Edited by kieyra
  • LOL 11
  • Love 9

I suppose its going be drama when Luke and/or Canada ask Emily to go on TV to describe how she was treated as a handmaid in order to respond to Gilead's plea for Nichole back.  I'm a bit surprised she wasn't already asked to record a message or give an interview.

So glad that June got the message to Luke that Nichole isn't even biologically connected to the Waterfords in any way.  At least Luke is still technically married to June, which should give him more rights to Nichole than the Waterfords, regardless of what Gilead's laws and culture are.

And I don't know why they had June on the program, unless its some attempt to try and show she's for returning Nichole as well (as the bio-mom).  At least her expression wasn't one of sadness and longing, but hate.

Edited by Hanahope
  • Love 2
5 hours ago, GreekGeek said:

I didn't realize that the writers had addressed the matter of Serena's fertility. I've always assumed that if something hasn't been said or shown on the actual show, it didn't happen. Spy guy may not have known about the gunshot.

Yes, Gilead is proud of its handmaid system, but they have to realize that other countries may not see things the same way. Or are they really that stupidly oblivious?

Gilead still wants the entire world to become Gilead.  Yes, really.  At least on the show.  In the books


we don't know if they expect to have countries embrace Gilead's ways, but we do know they only care about the white race dying out, which is why they killed or sent to the colonies all the POC in the parts of the former USA they control.  In the books, people of color are still having plenty of babies in non industrialized, relatively unpolluted areas of the world, some areas of Africa, India, and the South Seas are mentioned I believe.

5 hours ago, alexvillage said:

Yeah, it is confusing because the writers never gave us any back story or context. If Canada recognizes the US government, then the logic would be that they condemn Gilead for the coup. I find it hard to see how this mess works in the minds of the writers. They just want us to accept that they might fuck up, but fucked up the story will be.

There is a shocking spoiler out about this which contradicts the theory I had about it, so we shall just have to see how it all plays out.

4 hours ago, AllyB said:

There should be absolutely no issue with Nic-olly's custody anyway. Babies are in short supply. As soon as Luke got custody of Nic-olly (which would have been a bigger deal than Emily just randomly handing her over to him in a post-office) he would have been encouraged by the US authorities to relocate to Alaska/Hawaii and keep her safe and fully claim her as a US citizen. He and she (and Moira and Erin if they'd wanted) would be kept in a degree of luxury, in a safe place. Even if Luke had turned down the offer, wanting to stay as physically near to June and Hannah as he can, once this whole custody nonsense had started, he'd rethink that and head immediately off to safety. Canada would be more than happy for the four of them to slip off north/west quietly, washing their hands of the issue with Gilead. 'Sorry sad Gilead Commander and Wife, we don't have "your" baby, you'll have to take it up with the US. Good luck now.' And the rest of the world would be able to just shrug it off as an 'internal issue' of sorts.

And regardless of where Luke is, he's not going to have to pay most of his income on baby supplies. The state of whatever country he is in is going to be helping him look after one of the world's few babies. This show often seems to forget that babies are a massive big deal in this world.

Yes, I think I said this earlier.  Canada may not want trouble with Gilead and it's massive weapon supply, but nothing is stopping them from helping Luke to relocate to his own country, what is left of the USA, or hell, even moving to Europe with Holly. 

4 hours ago, kieyra said:

Yes, the male showrunner—apparently having never seen an episode of television before—pronounced himself shocked that any viewer would assume a flashback gunshot to the pelvic area would be relevant to a character whose entire, burning desire in life is to have a baby.

Ha!  Yes, it was completely bizarre.  For the person who asked, no, it wasn't on the show, but it was in mainstream media.  What a doofus.

32 minutes ago, Hanahope said:

I suppose its going be drama when Luke and/or Canada ask Emily to go on TV to describe how she was treated as a handmaid in order to respond to Gilead's plea for Nichole back.  I'm a bit surprised she wasn't already asked to record a message or give an interview.

So glad that June got the message to Luke that Nichole isn't even biologically connected to the Waterfords in any way.  At least Luke is still technically married to June, which should give him more rights to Nichole than the Waterfords, regardless of what Gilead's laws and culture are.

And I do know why they had June on the program, unless its some attempt to try and show she's for returning Nichole as well (as the bio-mom).  At least her expression wasn't one of sadness and longing, but hate.

Yes, that expression conveyed a lot this time. 

I don't know why the refugees in Canada don't have a YouTube channel up telling their stories to the world.  Why aren't they actually DOING anything?  I'd think the entire world press would be in Canada interviewing them.   At the very least, Moira telling the world about Gilead and especially about Jezebels even if only on social media?  Would immediately go viral.  They could be making money if they just set up their own YouTube channel dedicated to exposing Gilead for what it is.  Even the guys escaping, like that former guard who watch his high school boyfriend hang, just because he was gay.  We heard Oprah on the radio ONCE, I'd imagine she would be broadcasting at least weekly, and interviewing refugees as well.

The biggest failure of the show right now, to me anyway, is that the refugees who are free in Canada aren't interacting with the world now, and telling the tales.  In my wildest dreams, and only dreams, not spoilers, this would finally get Moira off her ass on on the air spreading the truth about that horrible country.


I think, but am not sure, that Gilead when it mentioned the "trade deal" with Canada?  Is still talking about their pipe dream about having a trade deal.  I'd be shocked if Canada was actually breaking a world boycott on Gilead. 

The idiotic Mexico story they pulled out of their asses also made no sense at all.

Edited by Umbelina
typos, added something at the end
  • Love 4

I can’t see how a DNA test could help, because that would make it possible for all the kidnapped children to be returned to their actual parents.

june was there to put her supposed stamp of approval on the plea for return. 

Dont forget, it’s not just fertility that’s an issue, it’s also the ability to have a live birth. A large amount of babies are either stillborn, or with major defects (called shredders).

  • Love 2
6 hours ago, AllyB said:

And regardless of where Luke is, he's not going to have to pay most of his income on baby supplies. The state of whatever country he is in is going to be helping him look after one of the world's few babies. This show often seems to forget that babies are a massive big deal in this world.

I was surprised he was shown buying formula, or whatever it was, in the small shop when June's call came in.  I would have thought the hospital would have loaded him up with everything he needs.  He has no real income, except for whatever welfare was set up for refugees, and I think he commented on the expense of whatever he was buying.  Why would Canada risk a baby's health over a parent having to choose between baby items and other essentials?

1 hour ago, Umbelina said:

The biggest failure of the show right now, to me anyway, is that the refugees who are free in Canada aren't interacting with the world now, and telling the tales.  In my wildest dreams, and only dreams, not spoilers, this would finally get Moira off her ass on on the air spreading the truth about that horrible country.

Just because we're not seeing it doesn't mean it's not happening.  I just assume there are multiple projects out there documenting stories of refugees, just like there are in the real world, so that if/when the crisis ends people can be prosecuted for war crimes or whatever.  I just think that type of stuff hasn't made it on screen yet.  It would be great to see - now - but I'm willing to give it more time. 

As for men vs. women being the fertility issue, it would have been great for Truello to have had a doctor in one of the back rooms of the airport, with all the necessary equipment, and for Serena to have been given the opportunity to have a fertility test done.  Just one more way to poke through the lies of Gilead. 

  • Love 3
2 minutes ago, chaifan said:

I was surprised he was shown buying formula, or whatever it was, in the small shop when June's call came in.  I would have thought the hospital would have loaded him up with everything he needs.  He has no real income, except for whatever welfare was set up for refugees, and I think he commented on the expense of whatever he was buying.  Why would Canada risk a baby's health over a parent having to choose between baby items and other essentials?

Just because we're not seeing it doesn't mean it's not happening.  I just assume there are multiple projects out there documenting stories of refugees, just like there are in the real world, so that if/when the crisis ends people can be prosecuted for war crimes or whatever.  I just think that type of stuff hasn't made it on screen yet.  It would be great to see - now - but I'm willing to give it more time. 

As for men vs. women being the fertility issue, it would have been great for Truello to have had a doctor in one of the back rooms of the airport, with all the necessary equipment, and for Serena to have been given the opportunity to have a fertility test done.  Just one more way to poke through the lies of Gilead. 

WHY aren't we seeing it though?  We have long left June's POV. 

If they are doing anything at all, why no mention of it, why no talk between them of what newspapers are saying, why haven't we watched them interviewed?  Why was it such a big deal to get those letters out, but real, live, living victims are right there to tell their stories.

This is set in current times, with the internet, with YouTube and all of the other social media programs.  WHY endless boring dinners and drinking instead of showing them interacting with the world?  Why is Moira not pulling in big bucks doing interviews around the globe.  Why isn't Luke actually doing one damn thing to help Hannah?  Why constantly show them harassing the Canadians, instead of getting the word out to the rest of the world?  Why aren't they trying to  help the captives, or the resistance?

To me, that is the BIGGEST FAILURE of this show.

We, or at least I, was and am watching to hear "the rest of the story" and by all means that includes world reaction.  The show avoids it to the point of nonsense.

Now with Luke struggling to buy baby stuff, and working part time, doesn't he pull himself together to tell the world about his roommates Jezebels time?  Exposing Gilead for real?

It's beyond annoying to me.

I do appreciate that season 3 is better than season 2 by a mile, especially with continuity, but this is not enough.

The book was all June's POV, so she had no way of knowing how the outside world was reacting, or how or even where the resistance fighters are, let alone if they are winning, or have any support. 

The entire value of a show like this, once they have established how terrible Gilead is, which they have?  Is expanding it to the world reaction, to the resistance fighters, to more than just the narrow eye of formerly Boston.

Canada is good, but it's not enough, not by a long shot.

  • Love 9

It would make no sense if Canada caves in any way.

First of all they quickly offered Emily and Nicole, whom she was holding, asylum.

They have no illusions about what Gilead is like.  The fact that the baby's biological mother is a prisoner in Gilead, forced to bear children there, should be enough for them to laugh at that plea.

I don't know if the book went down this path but it would be logically inconsistent.  Why would they so easily offer asylum, through a low-level field operative?

They probably deliberated the asylum policy at the highest levels of the Canadian govt. and decided any escapee -- because we know Gilead is not allowing anyone to leave freely -- would be routinely granted asylum.

In any event, Gilead has its hands full and they're trying to indulge the Waterfords?

They don't give a shit about any of the women, including Commanders' wives.  They take Serena's finger but now wants to go to the wall to get "her" child back?

  • Love 3
17 hours ago, nodorothyparker said:

Coming in late, but gah, enough with the closeups of glaring at the camera.  They don't convey anything new or well, anything, at this point.

I agree. I'm so over those smug face close-ups. How much time has passed since Holly made it to Canada? When she was with Luke and Serena she looked  5 or 6 months old. I haven't read the book but wish they would show more of Canada since we have people there we know, we could follow some of what's going on elsewhere. I wished June told Luke on the tape that she's in a safer place, not being raped. I hate to say it but I am getting a little bored with the show, I want to see more. I wish they would develop something like an underground railroad and we could see the workings of that. I just need more then June walking around asking for favors with that smug look on her face.

  • Love 1
3 hours ago, Umbelina said:

WHY aren't we seeing it though?  We have long left June's POV. 

If they are doing anything at all, why no mention of it, why no talk between them of what newspapers are saying, why haven't we watched them interviewed?  Why was it such a big deal to get those letters out, but real, live, living victims are right there to tell their stories.

This is set in current times, with the internet, with YouTube and all of the other social media programs.  WHY endless boring dinners and drinking instead of showing them interacting with the world?  Why is Moira not pulling in big bucks doing interviews around the globe.  Why isn't Luke actually doing one damn thing to help Hannah?  Why constantly show them harassing the Canadians, instead of getting the word out to the rest of the world?  Why aren't they trying to  help the captives, or the resistance?

To me, that is the BIGGEST FAILURE of this show.

We, or at least I, was and am watching to hear "the rest of the story" and by all means that includes world reaction.  The show avoids it to the point of nonsense.

Now with Luke struggling to buy baby stuff, and working part time, doesn't he pull himself together to tell the world about his roommates Jezebels time?  Exposing Gilead for real?

It's beyond annoying to me.

I do appreciate that season 3 is better than season 2 by a mile, especially with continuity, but this is not enough.

The book was all June's POV, so she had no way of knowing how the outside world was reacting, or how or even where the resistance fighters are, let alone if they are winning, or have any support. 

The entire value of a show like this, once they have established how terrible Gilead is, which they have?  Is expanding it to the world reaction, to the resistance fighters, to more than just the narrow eye of formerly Boston.

Canada is good, but it's not enough, not by a long shot.

I don't understand why Luke was buying baby stuff at all. If it's really a crisis I don't know why there isn't some king of program supplying the baby's needs, like someone else already mentioned. 

I think that they're writing this by the seat of their pants with no clear plan or map. They have no idea where they're going with this so they're not laying any groundwork for anything in the future-- in spite of saying they want to go ten years. I can tell because things like the handmaid letters have never been mentioned again. That locket will be forgotten after this season. They're not really setting anything up for a true long haul.

Unfortunately I think the result of this is going to be that when something does finally change, or a character finally does something, it's going to feel like an ass pull or a deux ex machina. Because they're going to mash it up with one of their flashback episodes to make it seem like "see, the thing was there all along," when it really wasn't. 

And speaking of the media that ought to be shown, has anyone else wondered why Oprah was only doing late night radio? Even if she only made it out of the country with just the clothes on her back, at that point she would have had another TV talk show, and she would have had fans watching her on a world stage. She would have done it based on her media connections alone. That was one of the worst wastes of a guest star I've ever seen. I'm sure that might have been based on her availability, but come on. 

I should not have to fill in this many blanks two and a half seasons in, with as much time as they've wasted on other things. It is the show's job, not mine, to imagine things, and then show me. That's why it's a show. Otherwise, I don't know why I'm paying Hulu and watching these commercials. 

  • Love 6
2 hours ago, scrb said:

I don't know if the book went down this path but it would be logically inconsistent.  Why would they so easily offer asylum, through a low-level field operative?

They probably deliberated the asylum policy at the highest levels of the Canadian govt. and decided any escapee -- because we know Gilead is not allowing anyone to leave freely -- would be routinely granted asylum.

In any event, Gilead has its hands full and they're trying to indulge the Waterfords?

They don't give a shit about any of the women, including Commanders' wives.  They take Serena's finger but now wants to go to the wall to get "her" child back?

No, the book is (except for the only slightly informative epilogue) completely first person POV, June's.  She has almost no idea at all what is happening in the outside world, which is the primary reason I was excited for this show. 

I have had those questions for years, I'm a tiny bit encouraged this season because perhaps, we will start seeing what's really happening in the world and with the "wars."  The table is set, hopefully they put a good meal there.

1 hour ago, foxfreakinmulder said:

I agree. I'm so over those smug face close-ups. How much time has passed since Holly made it to Canada? When she was with Luke and Serena she looked  5 or 6 months old. I haven't read the book but wish they would show more of Canada since we have people there we know, we could follow some of what's going on elsewhere. I wished June told Luke on the tape that she's in a safer place, not being raped. I hate to say it but I am getting a little bored with the show, I want to see more. I wish they would develop something like an underground railroad and we could see the workings of that. I just need more then June walking around asking for favors with that smug look on her face.

There is no way June wouldn't have put  more on that tape, unless she was interrupted and hurriedly had to finish it, which we didn't see.  The wife coming downstairs or something.  She had at least a half hour to record on one side only. 

She should have told him who has Hannah.  She definitely should have told him she is in a somewhat better place than the Wallingford's. 

She might have been worried Serena would listen to it though, or hand it over to the Eyes, so that may be the only reason she only talked about stuff Serena certainly would not want the Eye's knowing.

  • Love 2
2 minutes ago, LordOfLotion said:

I don't understand why Luke was buying baby stuff at all. If it's really a crisis I don't know why there isn't some king of program supplying the baby's needs, like someone else already mentioned. 

I think that they're writing this by the seat of their pants with no clear plan or map. They have no idea where they're going with this so they're not laying any groundwork for anything in the future-- in spite of saying they want to go ten years. I can tell because things like the handmaid letters have never been mentioned again. That locket will be forgotten after this season. They're not really setting anything up for a true long haul.

Unfortunately I think the result of this is going to be that when something does finally change, or a character finally does something, it's going to feel like an ass pull or a deux ex machina. Because they're going to mash it up with one of their flashback episodes to make it seem like "see, the thing was there all along," when it really wasn't. 

And speaking of the media that ought to be shown, has anyone else wondered why Oprah was only doing late night radio? Even if she only made it out of the country with just the clothes on her back, at that point she would have had another TV talk show, and she would have had fans watching her on a world stage. She would have done it based on her media connections alone. That was one of the worst wastes of a guest star I've ever seen. I'm sure that might have been based on her availability, but come on. 

I should not have to fill in this many blanks two and a half seasons in, with as much time as they've wasted on other things. It is the show's job, not mine, to imagine things, and then show me. That's why it's a show. Otherwise, I don't know why I'm paying Hulu and watching these commercials. 

I agree with most of this, but I DO think they have (at least) appeared to be setting things up here for a view into the wider world, which honestly, is the thing I care about the most.

1.  That appeal for Nicole/Holly was televised to the whole world.  It wasn't just a tape being sent to the Canadian government.

2.  Nick off to fight the wars COULD and SHOULD be the beginnings of our view into the American fighters, there are wars all over "Gilead" and not much of it as settled as what we've seen in Boston.  That map that was leaked is in the spoiler thread. 

3.  In addition to Nick off to fight the "insurgents" or Americans still fighting Gilead, we had that Martha off to escape TO them, to help make bombs, which to me is another encouraging sign.

4.  We are also seeing much more of the resistance inside Boston, rag tag though it is, it exists and we've watched two operations now.

5.  Joseph Lawrence, I'm still interested in him, and in whatever his game is.  June encouraging the wife to see the "parts" of him that are still good, helping her, helping Emily seemed to work, and IF the wife's views begin to influence him more?  Who knows what could happen.

I doubt Oprah only does radio, but radio makes sense for the revolutionaries to hear about the world.  They are probably in caves, or on the move constantly, so TVs wouldn't be useful, but radio is the old standby, they can be carried, they can be operated with batteries only.  In addition, I would be shocked if the extremely wealthy Oprah didn't have offshore accounts and homes.

  • Love 4

I haven’t disliked Luke (or loved him either), but this episode was his best yet. All of the conflicting emotions, devotion to Holly, longing for Hannah and June, his reaction to June’s tape. I’m so glad she got the tape to him and he knows Holly isn’t Waterford’s; also that he knows she has had the smallest bit of joy with Nick, and she stayed behind to get Hannah out. Luke has major survivors guilt and maybe this will help him through things. 

  • Love 5

I actually really liked this episode.  June was focused instead of just making crazy faces.  Luke now knows who the baby's father is; so I'm guessing that when the Waterfords make a stink about Fred is the real father Luke can now challenge that.  What's his face can be called in from the front for a paternity test.  I had been thinking that Serena was going to have a grief fling with the Canadian guy and end up pregnant; now wouldn't that be a twist?

  • Love 5

All June has done for five episodes is pull increasingly grotesque crazy rage faces and behave out of character, and dangerously so. I find none of it makes sense, or even links to the episode before, let alone suggests any sort of known or planned storyline. It's as if a group of writers who watched seasons 1 and 2 on fast forward, while hungover and/or drunk, have got together and said, "let's rethink everything!" or "what if June/Serena/Fred/new Commander's motivations were completely different!"

Even something as simple as the baby's name... She handed the kid to the escaping handmaid in the car last season and said, quite unnecessarily given the circumstances, "Her name's Nicole." Really? Her Gilead name, yes. But in this episode she tells Luke that baby's real name is Holly. Wtaf? Surely, she would then have handed over "Holly" to Emily for safekeeping and transfer.

Edited by violet and green
  • Love 7
6 hours ago, violet and green said:

All June has done for five episodes is pull increasingly grotesque crazy rage faces and behave out of character, and dangerously so. I find none of it makes sense, or even links to the episode before, let alone suggests any sort of known or planned storyline. It's as if a group of writers who watched seasons 1 and 2 on fast forward, while hungover and/or drunk, have got together and said, "let's rethink everything!" or "what if June/Serena/Fred/new Commander's motivations were completely different!"

Even something as simple as the baby's name... She handed the kid to the escaping handmaid in the car last season and said, quite unnecessarily given the circumstances, "Her name's Nicole." Really? Her Gilead name, yes. But in this episode she tells Luke that baby's real name is Holly. Wtaf? Surely, she would then have handed over "Holly" to Emily for safekeeping and transfer.

I think she told Emily the baby's name was Nicole out of immense gratitude for Serena letting them go, acting like a "real" mother there.  By the time she sent the tape to Luke, Serena had insisted on them visiting the baby, obviously no longer acting like a real mother, in the interests of the child, but back to being selfish and possessive, so she told Luke her name was Holly.

Last season I agree with you about plotting, this season though?  Seems to have some pretty clear and/or interesting arcs going on. 

  • Love 2
19 hours ago, echo.Echo.ECHO said:
22 hours ago, Umbelina said:

1.  That appeal for Nicole/Holly was televised to the whole world.  It wasn't just a tape being sent to the Canadian government.

How do you know?

I went back to watch this part just to be sure. 

(Also, I just realized while trying to find that part, that Spy Guy most definitely listened to the tape June made for Luke before handing it over, he's a spy after all.  So the USA knows Nick is the father as well.  Not sure if that will be important.)

Starting at 46:29 Fred says "We have taken the extraordinary step of addressing the world directly..."

  • Love 3

Aunt Lydia: “Posture. There will be consequences. (Translation: Keep your eyes on the fucking ground. You’re gonna get it if you act up.)”

June: *looks at Commander Waterford*
June: * looks to stage right at Aunt Lydia*
June: *looks directly into the camera*
June: *will face no consequences*

Treason and Coconuts Guy is gonna show up once a season to throw out that line and then disappear for the rest of the episode. Which is sad, ‘cause he’s kinda cute.

I think the show forgot that we were promised an uprising in the first episode and instead they’ve been giving us June: Marriage Counselor. The Waterfords last week, the Lawrences this week.

  • LOL 3
  • Love 5
On 6/19/2019 at 4:40 AM, AnswersWanted said:

Okay, now I want a heated conversation between Fred and Serena arguing about who has done more for June. 

Kind of like their meltdown argument during season 2. 

Fred: I took her to Jezebel's and gave her drinks! With REAL alcohol too! 

Serena: Yawn! I gave her a cigarette!  

Fred: I let her play scrabble!

Serena: Well I passed her secretly recorded tape to her husband in Canada!

Fred: ...wait...what?

Serena: Nevermind! I also gave her my ballerina music box!

Fred: Ughh, you are always going on about that damn box!

🤣 Oh, please let that happen! It would be hella more interesting than what I watched tonight. I nearly gave up when it opened with lingering close-ups and I feared it would launch immediately into slo-mo. The use slo-mo when someone is merely walking or turning their heads, FFS.

What was a major annoyance was manipulative, blaring, mournful music - I guess to tell us how we should feel - that was so loud and grating I had to turn my sound way down and use CC. 

I just finished this and have forgotten most of it already and am left with an impression of very close and endless shots of eyes full of tears and faces and Meaningful Looks.

Do the Waterfords think they can demand the return of a child who is not related to either of them? Why, sure - you can have her. Let's just do a little DNA testing first.

Are the Waterfords so stupid they think that having June dressed in her red "Rapey Time" outfit behind them with her "If looks could kill" expression during their heartfelt plea would be beneficial for them?

  • Love 3

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