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S11.E16: More than a Feelin'

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8 minutes ago, tranquilidade said:

I think this is a very important piece to why Lu Anne is so determined to have the women at her show. 

I'm fine with everyone getting at least one lights, camera, action moment with their 'job'.  But Luann has gone once to many times to that well.  Imagine if we were treated to 3 visits to Bethenny's jeans showroom?  People would be freaking out.

Next week we do get a visit to Ramona's skincare facility.  Anyone following Bethenny's insta knows that Bethenny has her beauty product line back in production.  The reunion was probably fun.

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27 minutes ago, dosodog said:

Sooooo.  Death related post....Ramona and Sonja are the last people anybody should call for comfort because they are callous and have no clue.

We cremated my dad.  He didn't want any services, so just me and mom for a final viewing.

When I went to say goodbye to him, I touched his hand.  And silently freaked out because he was cold.

Frozen cold.  Which I was not prepared for.  And I felt my body starting to shut down.  So I turned to the most important part of my mental coping arsenal: Humor.

They turned my dad into a......POPsicle.

I hate that my last touch with my dad was ice cold.  I do love that the final face I saw from my dad was his happy smirk.  Somehow that's the expression his face relaxed into.

Practically, you have to keep a dead body cold before services or cremation.  While defrosting sounds weird, touching a solid frozen loved one, is weirder.

And a lot of us feel a need to have one last physical contact with a loved one.  Even a dog.

Not a great subject, but, I kissed my Mother’s forehead and can’t get it out of my head since then many years ago.  I know how you feel.  I don’t want my kids to go through that whole scenario AT ALL.

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5 minutes ago, QuinnM said:

Next week we do get a visit to Ramona's skincare facility.  Anyone following Bethenny's insta knows that Bethenny has her beauty product line back in production.  The reunion was probably fun.

Agree. At the end of the day I believe Ramona uses her skin care line and I do not believe Bethenny uses hers.  Maybe neither of them do.

Also, Ramona’s skin is beautiful far surpassing Beth and Ro is a few years older ! 

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2 minutes ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

Agree. At the end of the day I believe Ramona uses her skin care line and I do not believe Bethenny uses hers.  Maybe neither of them do.

Also, Ramona’s skin is beautiful far surpassing Beth and Ro is a few years older ! 

B does use it on insta.  I know that there was a cleanser(?) that people freaked out when she lost her manufacturing facility the last time she had a line.  Not sure what Ramona's line includes since I've only seen the moisturizer.  Bethenny's is kinda health wellness, goop light.  Shampoo, facial spray, etc.  They are different but the same.

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9 hours ago, izabella said:

Barbara and Sonja wanted to go, or at least felt they should.  Barbara pushed back on Ramona and told her she would not be going to her party but would go see Lu.  Sonja suggested doing both once she understood it was the same time as Lu's show.  Then Bethy said they should do both, and they changed plans. 

I am 100% sure none of them wanted to see Lu in another cabaret.  But I think Ramona decided all on her own to plan her party the same day as Lu's and blamed it on everyone.

That seems to be typical of Ramona this season - making plans that may offend someone, and then, blaming it on someone else!  She did the same thing with Dorinda and the charity dinner (changing her table seating) and her birthday party (excluding Sonja).  There was also something about Ramona extending her stay in Florida and not including Sonja.

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12 hours ago, Straycat80 said:

My neighbor did but she’s not the sharpest tool in the shed if you catch my drift. 

12 hours ago, Neurochick said:

You can call, but it doesn't mean anyone will come.

I guess I was confused as to where this took place. NY or Palm Beach.

In NY, if you call 911 for a dog in distress they will tell you to bring the dog to the closest animal hospital. Most likely they will tell you to call 311 and hang up on you.

I don't know if I believe they sent paramedics/fire department unless they couldn't understand Tinsley and sent someone over to check Tinsley out.

I had never heard of the freezing either until MJ from Shahs made room in her freezer to store her dog until she made arrangements for a doggy funeral.

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12 hours ago, SweetieDarling said:

Ramona defrosting dogs in the microwave?

I was still laughing from Sonja telling Tins to rethink the Bambi naming, I thought she was talking about Tinsley's eggs. my bad

Bambi the dog was a boy, so if Tinsley has a son will she truly name him Bambi?

Tinsley kept talking about how it will be great closure for her sister Dabney to hold Bambi one last time. She doesn't mention her mom - can we assume Dale is hiding in the bedroom of that janky hotel suite?

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5 minutes ago, Thumper said:

Could be.  I just assume they have been to several of Lu's shows,  even though we only saw one filmed.

At the Halloween one someone said something about the previous one and when that started.  So that's two.  Then when Bethenny said no one wants to go to 5 cabaret shows Lu didn't bat an eye.  If I had to make a bet I say this is the third show in 3 months of filming.  But I would also bet, like previous posters, that she is guaranteeing cameras and RHONY in the audience.

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5 hours ago, becauseIsaidso said:

No doubt in my mind at all; Luann is complete devoid of any empathy whatsoever and only realizes she should have expressed it after someone gets in her face about it. No wonder her 'recovery' seems so fake - it is. No wonder she puts her interests first - there are no others that concern her. She is the most complete narcissist I have ever seen - including the clinically diagnosed ones to whom I administered neuropsychological testing batteries.

I saw several episodes of season 1 yesterday - the one where Noel is literally begging for some of her attention is doubly heartbreaking now. I've lost touch with this show for a while and wonder how much damage she managed to do to her kids.

Probably about as much damage as my mom did to me. We seem to think that life isn't full of perils. We tend to assign catastrophic results for all life struggles we don't manage to hide from our children when in reality we all know that most people perservere in one way or another. Well at least in my time they did. I cringe at the fact that when my son grows up and becomes an adult and then see's all the studies, and the analysis and the tell all books he's going to come to the conclusion that I was a shitty parent, I damaged and traumatized him because I was less than perfect. There's been some pretty bad shit he witnessed during his young years, and he's still got a front row seat to all my problems even now. Can't hide it from him. Some struggles aren't even justified but it is what it is and I'm doing the best I can. We live in a society where being flawed is unacceptable and if you're not conforming to the standard then you're a nuisance to society and a danger to your children.

Parents come in all shapes and sizes and personalities.  Do I think Lu should win mother of the year no but do I think she abused her children while they were growing up? Of course not. I don't think she neglected them to the degree people like to suggest. Some mothers aren't as warm as others. I personally don't think Lu was an absent parent but I do think she continued having a busy social life and wasn't exactly a soccer mom. So what.  I think it's sad that it's been turned into some horrible life for the kids when I'm pretty sure they are gonna be all right.

The most recent legal issues with the children have more to do with Lu's most recent life struggles and terrible decision making and emotional distress than it has to do with how she feels about them. I'm amazed at how much of a stretch can be made about one woman not managing life changes in life well. I think from the time she divorced the Count things jarred up a bit for Lu but went right back to a good balance when she got with Jacques. That put her right back in her element. Being in a couple. 

Then that break up and the popularity with the show shook things up a bit more for her but for the most part it was positive but then she was back to wanting to be in love and the whole Tom mess was absolutely the wrong move and sent her spiraling. The rest has been her trying to untangle it all and get back to the comfortable place she was in in between Jacques and Tom where she seemed content and at peace.

I think she's trying to get back to that but the women are constantly telling her that "oh no Lu you can't breeze through all unfazed and unbothered, you must cower, feel ashamed, and show that you've been crippled". "You're not allowed to reset and just bounce back" I'm still wondering why she's not allowed to. I'm so confused about what is "the right way" to put something like what she's been through behind her. 

Edited by Yours Truly
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1 minute ago, Gem 10 said:

There is something about Ramona period.  

Oh, that reminds me.  They showed Ramona as a body builder.  That explains her odd thick middle.  There are women that I know, that competed in body building and they all have that thick middle.  Now one of them is 25 and that thickness is a six pack but I wonder if that is the origins of Ramona's unique shape?

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8 minutes ago, Yours Truly said:

I don't think she neglected them to the degree people like to suggest. Some mothers aren't as warm as others. I personally don't think Lu was an absent parent but I do think she continued having a busy social life and wasn't exactly a soccer mom

Here is the thing though.  Kids should see you care for them and their siblings.  Kids should see you care for an aging parent.  LuAnn shouldn't be surprised if the kids have more affection for the nanny than her.  She also shouldn't be surprised if they park her in an institution when she ages.  Parents going to work to put the food on the table and a roof over your head is one thing.  Going out so often that you have never shared taco night is quite another.  There is a disconnect with her kids as we saw during the whole house debacle.

6 minutes ago, SailorGirl said:

Basically saying, if I go drink, its not my fault, its on you for pushing me to do so. 

Isn't taking responsibility for one's own actions a tenet of AA? (not to mention life in general. . . ) 


We have watched her for years and have read the news accounts too.  She never gave a darn for anyone but herself and her position.

Edited by jumper sage
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4 hours ago, Irritable said:

No one is ripping you a new asshole for going swimming.  It is not self absorbed asshole behavior to go swimming.  Coming home after swimming and admiring yourself on a poster you have no doubt already looked at a thousand times before, and then complaining about being last to get a massage IS THE ASSHOLE BEHAVIOR. Complaining that you didn’t get a blow out because the hair dresser didn’t have time to get to her because she was late IS THE ASSHOLE BEHAVIOR.  So is:

But thing is Lu wasn't late. She got back 2 hours later and it seems that the women took their sweet time to start getting their massages. The women deliberately coordinated that. I thought it was weird that the women, on the way out of the house were annoyed that Lu wasn't ready yet when they themselves deliberately delayed and restricted Lu's access to the glam squad provided to them. The other women were in no hurry to start the getting ready process for the deliberate purpose of hindering Lu's access to those services.  I mean I get it, they wanted to be petty. (Guess being petty harpies is more forgivable) but then to be exasperated with Lu for not being at the door when they were ready to leave was so ridiculous to me. Another made up reason to be annoyed with Lu's "antics". 

Edited by Yours Truly
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37 minutes ago, KungFuBunny said:

Bambi the dog was a boy, so if Tinsley has a son will she truly name him Bambi?

Tinsley kept talking about how it will be great closure for her sister Dabney to hold Bambi one last time. She doesn't mention her mom - can we assume Dale is hiding in the bedroom of that janky hotel suite?

Sort of like that “boy named Sue.”

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Not that both aren't legitimately grieving, but I felt like there was a lot of acting, and not good acting, with both Tinsley and Beth.  The only legit moment I felt with Beth was when Dorinda was telling her Dennis' death was "bad."  Her blow up and subsequent calming down was for the cameras, IMHO.  Tinsley does a lot of covering her eyes every time she does a crying jag -- with or without makeup.  I just felt it was she way over the top and it was for the cameras.  i''m an animal lover with multiple pets, so I get the grief.  I just don't believe she was wailing for that long prior to their arrival and won't go anywhere because of it.

Dorinda FTW last night with the "you bought her a gift after she destroyed you and you froze me out..."  Never change Dorinda!  She's making me love her again.

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1 hour ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Ramona lies to Dorinda in her retelling of what happened, like Ro was the kindly old lady giving sage make up advice but really we all saw Ro taunting her about how she looks young for her age and TIns looks old...high school mean girl stuff and it is not a good look on Ramona. 

Oh, Ramona! She was almost helpful? Her delivery is, as usual, epically awful, but I agree with her; heavy eye makeup tends to make women look older.

The taunting was mean, but also typically Ramona; remember her bragging about her "young eggs" the season she thought she was pregnant?

She can be unintentionally cruel to people, and yet can also be one of the more compassionate HWs. She truly is a Ramonacoaster.

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36 minutes ago, jumper sage said:

Here is the thing though.  Kids should see you care for them and their siblings.  Kids should see you care for an aging parent.  LuAnn shouldn't be surprised if the kids have more affection for the nanny than her.  She also shouldn't be surprised if they park her in an institution when she ages.  Parents going to work to put the food on the table and a roof over your head is one thing.  Going out so often that you have never shared taco night is quite another.  There is a disconnect with her kids as we saw during the whole house debacle.


We have watched her for years and have read the news accounts too.  She never gave a darn for anyone but herself and her position.

I don't have the same philosophy about what "kids should see us do". I'm the same flawed person I was before I had my son and at first the idea that I wasn't following some script took me to the brink. Then everything about my mom finally clicked 100% (I had already been piecing her brand of parenting together and squashed whatever minor resentment I may have had toward her for years) but man did it hit home that I didn't need to "perform". I love my son unconditionally and for all the crazy my mom was it dawned on me that I still loved my mom unconditionally. So I tell myself that the same way I was able to truly love my mom no matter what, my son will probably feel the same about me. That really helped me. Took the edge off.  I remember being a kid and the strong feeling I had for my mom and dad but my mom wasn't a hugger, she wasn't a soccer mom, etc. etc and yet here I am in complete awe of the woman and realized that while I was a child I was for the most part happy with my family. The bad times were just that. Bad memories, bad moments, bad circumstances, bad days NOT a bad existence. I'm praying my son will be able to do the same but it's harder now a days with all these rigid and crucifying attitudes.

If I were to read stuff like "Kids should see....." and not have enough insight to focus on how I truly felt while growing up I may have been convince that there was something about my upbringing I should be resentful about but why would I want to do that to myself? Why does anyone? Like I said, I cringe at what my son is going to ultimately decide when he's older and reflects on his childhood. We are quick to assign damage to any child with a less that June Cleaver mom and reinforce the need for these adult children to be resentful with what they got stuck with. That's how you get the Bethenny Frankels of the world claiming to have been raised by wolves. 

Sometimes it's really not for all that but we have a generation that needs to be validated and seen as something other than being a person who has survived their childhood. Which most of us have done and which isn't remotely unique. 

Edited by Yours Truly
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10 hours ago, Lemons said:

Fuck people who trivialize the death of a dog.  My dog is 19 and has grown up with our family, I can emphasize with tinsley .  Sonya’s comment about how she wasn’t even that upset and she had a funeral.  That “funeral” was all about Sonya putting on a show and had nothing to do with her dog.  The look on her face while she just dumped his ashes said it all. 

Oh, good gawd, I had almost forgotten about this gem!

When that episode you're referring to was about to be aired, one of the Bravo/fan pages posted the preview of those ashes blowing away, and I posted a snarky comment on it about Sonja.  I don't even remember what my comment was, but it wasn't a positive one.

SONJA REPLIED!!!  I was shocked.  Her reply was something like, "I know, wasn't that hilarious?"

I didn't acknowledge her reply to my post but, no, actually I didn't think it was hilarious.  I thought it made Sonja look like a moron and I felt badly for the poor dog and his death being made into such a spectacle for her story line.

I haven't watched this episode yet but I'm sure I'll be snuggling my little 13-year-old chihuahua who looks a lot like Bambi while it's on.  

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25 minutes ago, SailorGirl said:

Yet another reason why Lu is a joke at this whole sobriety thing and why I do not believe she's going to AA meetings, or if she's going to them, its for the performance aspect, not the actual "help manage your problem" aspect:

At least two or three times (that I noticed -- there are probably more), she made a comment about how the way the other HOs were treating her wanted to make her drink. When she went to her room because no one was paying attention to her because they were dealing with a potential HEAD INJURY, and then after the dinner when she was supposedly getting an Uber, she made a comment of "I was going to go drink." and "What do you want me to do Dorinda?" and "Nobody came to check on me to make sure I wasn't drinking." 

Basically saying, if I drink, its not my fault, you pushed me to it, and its on you to make sure I don't, or to stop me. 

Isn't taking responsibility for one's own actions a tenet of AA? (not to mention life in general. . . ) 

There's a lot of shit that happens to everybody, and let me tell ya' I've had FAMILY do some unbelievable shit to me that far exceeds my friends not paying enough attention to me or "celebrating" me enough -- did I stress eat to help deal with it? Hell yeah, I did! Did I blame the people treating me crappy because I went out and bought the damn frozen pepperidge farm german chocolate cake and ate the whole thing? Nope. That was 100% me -- I knew what I was doing while I was doing it, knew I shouldn't have been doing it, but did it anyway because I wanted that freakin' cake and in that moment it made me feel better. And it was 100% on me. I blamed them for the shitty way they treated me, rightfully so, but I didn't blame them for my eating the cake (and it was good and I'd do it again damnit!) 

Oh YES.  I’ve gone thru shit with in laws that were mean people and I was young and dumb.  The shit they put me through, I should have been an alcoholic or a druggy or dead from my nerves.  I got thru it by myself and learned many years after when I found my voice and practically dumped them.  I never turned to alcohol or drugs, but just spoke my mind at last.  Life and marriage takes lots of work and you have to have faith in yourself.  Lu is her own problem and cannot blame anyone by herself.  I’m sure we all have a story.  What’s with all this support shit?  If they all went to Cabaret once, that’s enough.  Lu is expecting too much.  Do your stuff, whatever you call it, and shut up already.  Other people have lives too.  P.s. the new song sucks.  Sorry to vent.

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2 hours ago, divsc said:

Apparently Ramona agrees about too much makeup. But omg that woman is terrible.


I’ve NEVER liked Ramona. Not going to watch because my teeth are ground down enough  as is. 

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7 minutes ago, Persnickety1 said:

Oh, good gawd, I had almost forgotten about this gem!

When that episode you're referring to was about to be aired, one of the Bravo/fan pages posted the preview of those ashes blowing away, and I posted a snarky comment on it about Sonja.  I don't even remember what my comment was, but it wasn't a positive one.

SONJA REPLIED!!!  I was shocked.  Her reply was something like, "I know, wasn't that hilarious?"

I didn't acknowledge her reply to my post but, no, actually I didn't think it was hilarious.  I thought it made Sonja look like a moron and I felt badly for the poor dog and his death being made into such a spectacle for her story line.

I haven't watched this episode yet but I'm sure I'll be snuggling my little 13-year-old chihuahua who looks a lot like Bambi while it's on.  

You mean Sonja actually answered you?  They all read this thread?

Luann has been incredibly self-absorbed (some of which I understand, some is just astonishing), but it seems the other women decided about mid-way through the season that Luann's state of being was going to be their storyline. And truly, otherwise what would they have had? Tinsley's sick dog? Bethenny's dead ex-best friend/fiance/ex-fiance/love of her life? Dorinda's new apartment? Sonja? Ramona? Barbara?

None of the others really had anything going on. So it became all about how Luann was talking about her cabaret too much. They made their big joke about how much she mentions it, but they also made sure to push her into bringing it up even more by picking fights with her about it. 

Yes Luann has been behaving very, very badly - again some I get as I do think she is struggling with attempting sobriety. I think she did attempt to be sober but that is an incredibly hard thing to do even in perfect circumstances and these are far from perfect circumstances. But the thing with being sober when you haven't really been for years? You start to feel all the things you were drinking and dosing to escape and that's just so devastating to a lot of people. You've been muting your feelings with alcohol or drugs and then suddenly you're feeling them all in full. That's why people revert right back to their drug/drinks of choice, they don't want to feel all of that shit. 

What I think Lu did, and I don't think it was intentional, was try to make her new cabaret/show business success her new addiction/obsession. She grabbed onto it with a death grip in order to try and distract herself from all the other noise of being sober. It didn't work, clearly, but I understand the behavior. And I think it's why she ties supporting her cabaret show into supporting her being sober in terms of the other ladies and whether they're there for her or not.

I've digressed into why Lu has been behaving as she has (outside of the self-absorption gene she shares with all the other women) so I'll return to my main point. I'm still on her side a bit because I think the other women have done this gang up for their own self-absorbed, selfish reason - which is to have a "story" for the season.

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15 minutes ago, Yours Truly said:

I don't have the same philosophy about what "kids should see us do".

You don't think kids should see parents care for them and their siblings?  They shouldn't see parents care for their own parents?  Kids live what they learn.  My dad was an alcoholic asshole.  He stole his mother's money, though now they have laws in place, and parked her in a welfare nursing home.  Guess what?  None of us were there when he died and would flip a coin or take turns when he was alive.  Our mother was awesome and we treated her just like she treated us and her own parents.  We literally slept with her during hospice and were there 24 hours a day.  Look at everyone around you.  You will see the better parent, or more caring parent being cared for.

11 minutes ago, Persnickety1 said:

When that episode you're referring to was about to be aired, one of the Bravo/fan pages posted the preview of those ashes blowing away, and I posted a snarky comment on it about Sonja.  I don't even remember what my comment was, but it wasn't a positive one.

SONJA REPLIED!!!  I was shocked.  Her reply was something like, "I know, wasn't that hilarious?"

She is funny and owns her own.  I like her.

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1 minute ago, Gem 10 said:

You mean Sonja actually answered you?  They all read this thread?

No, it was a snarky comment I made on either the Bravo page or a RH fan page.  I was gobsmacked that she replied.  Must have been a slow night at the townhouse.  That being said, I can actually see Sonja, alone in Grey Gardens at night, sitting in bed with her laptop and trolling RH pages to read the comments.  

There were a lot of comments on that preview thread, too, so I'll never understand why she chose to respond to mine.  I think my snarkiness went right over her head and she thought I was complimenting her.  Ugh.  

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2 hours ago, divsc said:

OMG, I just watched this.  The only thing worse than what Ramona said was her complete and utter lie in the retelling.  Love that they called her a bitch.  Sonja continues to just be fabulous.

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2 hours ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

Also, Ramona’s skin is beautiful far surpassing Beth and Ro is a few years older ! 

15 years older! I swear if I didn't know their ages I would guess there was no more than a couple of years apart. 

Oh, and does Ramona really think Tinsley looks older than her 43 yrs? What is she looking at? 

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25 minutes ago, Yours Truly said:

something about my upbringing I should be resentful about but why would I want to do that to myself?

For me, I can recognize a parent who did not like being a parent and it showed.  I can recognize a bad person who does bad things.  Having a mother who was the complete opposite and got us the hell out of there was a good basis for our own parenting.

7 minutes ago, Persnickety1 said:

I can actually see Sonja, alone in Grey Gardens at night, sitting in bed with her laptop and trolling RH pages to read the comments.  

Girl you are on fire!  Ha ha.

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36 minutes ago, Yours Truly said:

Sometimes it's really not for all that but we have a generation that needs to be validated and seen as something other than being a person who has survived their childhood.

Well I am knocking on 60 so I don't know which generation you mean.  I would hope that everyone improves for the next generation.  I was not encouraged to go to college but I did and now all the kids and grandkids are getting college degrees and all the girls have gone on to post grad degrees.  In that respect I agree with you.  I am not bitter that I had to get to college on my own and pay for it.  My mother was allowed to graduate high school and not pulled out at 5th grade.  But having an intoxicated parent living in the house with kids does a lot of damage.  They will either do a 180 or repeat the problem.

We know that Lu has been an alcoholic for years.  Those of us who have been up on her antics since season 1 saw it all.  The difference is she no longer has money for a driver or a count to carry her, literally, to the car.

Edited by jumper sage
  • Love 15
11 minutes ago, Pop Tart said:

Luann has been incredibly self-absorbed (some of which I understand, some is just astonishing), but it seems the other women decided about mid-way through the season that Luann's state of being was going to be their storyline. And truly, otherwise what would they have had? Tinsley's sick dog? Bethenny's dead ex-best friend/fiance/ex-fiance/love of her life? Dorinda's new apartment? Sonja? Ramona? Barbara?

None of the others really had anything going on. So it became all about how Luann was talking about her cabaret too much. They made their big joke about how much she mentions it, but they also made sure to push her into bringing it up even more by picking fights with her about it. 

Yes Luann has been behaving very, very badly - again some I get as I do think she is struggling with attempting sobriety. I think she did attempt to be sober but that is an incredibly hard thing to do even in perfect circumstances and these are far from perfect circumstances. But the thing with being sober when you haven't really been for years? You start to feel all the things you were drinking and dosing to escape and that's just so devastating to a lot of people. You've been muting your feelings with alcohol or drugs and then suddenly you're feeling them all in full. That's why people revert right back to their drug/drinks of choice, they don't want to feel all of that shit. 

What I think Lu did, and I don't think it was intentional, was try to make her new cabaret/show business success her new addiction/obsession. She grabbed onto it with a death grip in order to try and distract herself from all the other noise of being sober. It didn't work, clearly, but I understand the behavior. And I think it's why she ties supporting her cabaret show into supporting her being sober in terms of the other ladies and whether they're there for her or not.

I've digressed into why Lu has been behaving as she has (outside of the self-absorption gene she shares with all the other women) so I'll return to my main point. I'm still on her side a bit because I think the other women have done this gang up for their own self-absorbed, selfish reason - which is to have a "story" for the season.


Especially the bolded.  So thoughtful and I think spot on!

Add that I think Lu is aware of their motives (because of the show dynamic and the whole point of the show) which is where you see the barely veiled disgust. It's like yeah we are filming and all but hey heifers I'm ACTUALLY going through this. It's not just a storyline. I'm fumbling, I'm stumbling and I'm having a hell of a time. This isn't some reality show fodder to indulge in and kick around for screen time. Which is what I truly think the cast is doing with Lu's SL. 

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29 minutes ago, sasha206 said:

Not that both aren't legitimately grieving, but I felt like there was a lot of acting, and not good acting, with both Tinsley and Beth.  The only legit moment I felt with Beth was when Dorinda was telling her Dennis' death was "bad."  Her blow up and subsequent calming down was for the cameras, IMHO.  Tinsley does a lot of covering her eyes every time she does a crying jag -- with or without makeup.  I just felt it was she way over the top and it was for the cameras.  i''m an animal lover with multiple pets, so I get the grief.  I just don't believe she was wailing for that long prior to their arrival and won't go anywhere because of it.

Dorinda FTW last night with the "you bought her a gift after she destroyed you and you froze me out..."  Never change Dorinda!  She's making me love her again.

I really try to not compare grief after last season  (Death vs. Divorce).

Tinsley's devastation felt real, but I agree, replayed....for cameras.

However, there was a point during the Beth meltdown that I don't remember fully (so help me out with corrections if I'm off) that makes me ponder if the meltdown was about Bethenny's lack of bonding to people.

The moment was when she said, "My ex boyfriend, my boyfriend, my fiance".  She corrected her relationship to Dennis 3 times in one sentence.

And I don't know what that says or if I read too much into it. 

Was it really about what Dennis meant to her?  That she traded his intervention for Lu's?   Did he even want an intervention? Would there have been an intervention for Lu if not for her arrest?

I just.  I'm just really confused by Bethenny. She was engaged, she wasn't engaged, they were friends, he's the love of her life, she's engaged and yet not engaged, she's dating a different guy even though she may or may not be engaged to Dennis.

I subscribe to the Jackie Kennedy method of dealing with grief in public so while I'm trying not to judge by my standard, it does influence me.

I have no doubts about Tinsley that her emotions were completely about Bambi.  

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13 hours ago, SweetieDarling said:

Do you think the hotel charged them for the spray tan shit all over Barbara's room? That was bad. I don't think Ramona would even do something like that.

That was pretty disgusting.

It's like a rogue pottery wheel exploded in that room. She couldn't control herself enough to just spray in the tiled bathroom?

Does she use Clay colored foundation? I'm going to call her Terracotta Barbara from now on.

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36 minutes ago, jumper sage said:

You don't think kids should see parents care for them and their siblings?  They shouldn't see parents care for their own parents?  Kids live what they learn.  My dad was an alcoholic asshole.  He stole his mother's money, though now they have laws in place, and parked her in a welfare nursing home.  Guess what?  None of us were there when he died and would flip a coin or take turns when he was alive.  Our mother was awesome and we treated her just like she treated us and her own parents.  We literally slept with her during hospice and were there 24 hours a day.  Look at everyone around you.  You will see the better parent, or more caring parent being cared for.

She is funny and owns her own.  I like her.

I don't think people should make blanket determinations and specifics and dictate what should be considered the absolute right way to parent. Of course being a good example is a goal but I personally think my mom was a good and a bad example. We always want to focus on what should and shouldn't be done but forget it's bound to happen whether we preach the do's and don'ts til we are blue in the face. We make it more that it needs to be. When we do this we leave all other behaviors to be seen as undesirable or as parenting fails. One persons healthy  teaching moment is another person's clutching pearls shock.  One parents "no big deal" is another parents, "how could you?" What I hear a lot is moments where Lu may have disappointed her children when it could have been avoided. That the fact that she put her own needs first ahead of her kids for a few seens caught on camera. How many shared moments, family memories and laughter filled vacations do you think we haven't seen?

I've disappointed my son before. It's gonna happen. What I don't think needs to be the norm is assigning some constant to the behavior. Just because it's happened on occassion doesn't make me a monster that my son has to survive.  I don't think Lu ignores her children 24 hours a day 7 days a week and I get the feeling that when they were younger and living in Europe (is that right?) that she was probably very hands on. I have no reason to believe she wasn't even when she started the show. Lu had a more active social life than what some moms believe is appropriate but in all honesty people don't get to do that. People create the flow in their homes to reflect the particular dynamic of the people in those homes. While some may think it's pretty cold of Lu to have a nightlife, social life, and not spend time at home baking cupcakes and cookies with her children other people accept it as "to each their own". Her children were safe, cared for not abandoned and alone like some like to interpret it as.

I subscribe to the "whatever works for them works for me and even if it doesn't work for them then hey, I wish them well, I wish them the best and I hope it all works out in the end" philosophy. As long as there's no abuse then what else is there for outsiders to contribute?

Edited by Yours Truly
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