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S11.E16: More than a Feelin'

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14 hours ago, izabella said:

Barbara and Sonja wanted to go, or at least felt they should.  Barbara pushed back on Ramona and told her she would not be going to her party but would go see Lu.  Sonja suggested doing both once she understood it was the same time as Lu's show.  Then Bethy said they should do both, and they changed plans. 

I am 100% sure none of them wanted to see Lu in another cabaret.  But I think Ramona decided all on her own to plan her party the same day as Lu's and blamed it on everyone.

Tinsley, Bethenny and Ramona didn't want to go.

Bethenny was very slick about it, we'll come to you before you go on stage to wish you luck, then you go do your thing while we go to a bar and have drinks and you come over after the show.

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Something has been bothering me since last season. The start of the rift between Lu and Dorinda is simple. Dorinda arranged for Lu to go to the Jovani showroom and (I assume) borrow the outfits used in her cabaret. All she wanted was acknowledgement that she helped in Lu’s costuming for the  abated.  This could all have been avoided if Lu had mentioned during her performance thanks to Dorinda for hooking her up with Jovani.  Never happened, and relationship broken. Dorinda will hold that grudge forever!

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8 minutes ago, TV Diva Queen said:

I think James is part of production....no?  

Could be, but I just got a "countess-y" vibe from the comment - kind of like that old, corny quote "Once around the park, James" that people use when they get in a limo.  

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Just now, PradaKitty said:

Something has been bothering me since last season. The start of the rift between Lu and Dorinda is simple. Dorinda arranged for Lu to go to the Jovani showroom and (I assume) borrow the outfits used in her cabaret. All she wanted was acknowledgement that she helped in Lu’s costuming for the  abated.  This could all have been avoided if Lu had mentioned during her performance thanks to Dorinda for hooking her up with Jovani.  Never happened, and relationship broken. Dorinda will hold that grudge forever!

Lu seems to only live in the moment and I'm sure she thanked Dorinda, but Dorinda demands repeated thanks. Just like her cocktails, one is never enough. It's annoying. Remember the stupid nutcracker? Bethenny thanked her repeatedly for connecting her with that guy, but when he delivered it Bethenny didn't thank Dorinda again and she flipped out at the reunion show. Dorinda's got a weird thing.

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13 hours ago, Callaphera said:

I could empathize more with Tinsley if it all didn't seem like bad performance theater on her part. I mean, I have no doubt that she was heartbroken and I believe Bambi is biting ankles in the Great Beyond but she allowed all of this to be filmed while discussing how she called 911 (for a fucking dog?! Sorry that your grandpa died, Little Timmy, we were too busy responding to a dead chihuahua) and how they're freezing and defrosting Bambi for her sister to cuddle him and then the tears are gone the second Scott and his shoe delivery comes up in the conversation? I dunno. I was kinda with Sonja and Ramona, making the hilarious facial expressions but then I totally cracked up (inappropriately! I know it was inappropriate but I'm already going to Hell so in for a penny...) when Tinsley was describing how she picked up Bambi and how his head fell to the side... and Tinsley started to do the same head tilt. I was half waiting for her to cross her eyes and stick out her tongue while she did it - see, this line is the part that makes me a horrible person.

Again, it's horrible losing a pet, I've been there, buuut maybe you want to usher the cameras out during the worst of it? I thought that scene was every bit as genuine as Lu's "Did you tell me that 'don't lose your mind' line? Oh, I must have made it up! Right off the top of my head! Ho ho! I'm so wonderful!" recording scene. And I like Tinsley! She's been my favourite through the back-end of this season.  

I love Tinsley for the show too.

Am I the only person here who has become de-sensitized to Tinsley crying? Girl cries over frozen eggs. She threw herself to the ground when Scott appeared (allegedly she had no idea) but we all know, production is not going to film you fully made up, packing for Chicago and eating food from room service by yourself.

How does Tinsley know about the dog freezing? Thank goodness Ramona didn't ask for a drink cause you know she would have requested a separate glass filled with ice.

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2 hours ago, NoWhammies said:

I feel for Tinsley. Losing a pet is a difficult thing; we loved those dogs. And now we're down from four dogs and a cat (who went to live with our college-aged son in his apartment and is now dutifully employed as his girlfriend's "emotional support animal" - we're still waiting for the cat to send us a little $$ from her employment checks...) to two Brussels Griffons.

ITA.  I DO NOT want to start any sort of commotion but Tins doesn't have any children.  Her dog was her baby.  We had a dog before we had a child and that dog was EVERTHING.  Once we had a child, our dog became more of a dog.  We still loved our dog to death but she wan't our child anymore.

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Best underrated line of the episode was Barbara saying to Bethenny, "Try not to talk right now, please." LOL. Sage words, Bam Bam. If only. Almost makes up for the bronzed crime scene.

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It's probably killing these women that they can't say what they really think about Lu's cabaret act, and her singing.  Bravo would not be pleased.  Ramona saying "We just don't want to see you work" was brilliant.  Too bad Sonja screwed it up. 

Now they not only have to go, they have to pretend they like what they see.  I hope the previews are accurate, that Deb is the only one of the HW's to attend.

I'd watch Dorinda in a cabaret show though -- she could make it fun (as well as nice)  The gal can radiate good humor and energy when she's on. 

Do we know why Dorinda thinks Tinsley is getting money from Scott?  Isn't Tinsley a trust fund kid?

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6 hours ago, dosodog said:

Practically, you have to keep a dead body cold before services or cremation.  While defrosting sounds weird, touching a solid frozen loved one, is weirder.

Just to clarify--when a body is going to be viewed, it is usually embalmed (because it gives a more lifelike appearance for people to remember).  An embalmed body doesn't have to be refrigerated.  Refrigeration and embalming are the two alternatives for preserving a body until disposition.

As for the show, I had a Jazzercise teacher in the early days of thong leotards.  She once wore red tights with a thong leotard and when she turned around and wiggled, she looked like one of those monkeys with the red butts.  Most unfortunate.

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38 minutes ago, izabella said:

As someone who has had to euthanize beloved pets who have been with me for years and years, Tinsley's tears felt very, very real.  If I start to think about my 19 year old cat that died two years ago, I still ugly cry like that.

And Bethenny put her "bereavement" over Cookie on Twitter blast...

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6 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

If first responders were called for a non responsive dog with terminal cancer and then a call came in for a non responsive 65 year old human I would hope that there would be some one making the call on which emergency to attend to.  Tins might have said my 12 year old is non responsive but did not mention it was a dog, I really hope not.

I lost my cat (see profile pic) in December, my first pet ever, it was unbelievably sad and I went a little nuts, I hired an artist to do an oil painting, that's normal right?  I never asked the vet to try to revive him, he was terminal, it would have been cruel for Tins to do that only to have that dog suffer longer.  

Dance aerobics was fun in the 80's, I'd do it today.  

Lu will never change, none of them will, they are who they are and need to just accept that some people are not the go to person when things get rough.  

Ramona has a new skin care line, what happened to that TrU ReNeWAL line she came up with seasons ago?  Also, it seems to me that Ro has to feel like she is always the object of someones affection, even if that person lied to and cheated on her, in her mind Mario is still lusting after her.

Have we gotten a good look of Dorinda's new apartment?  I would like to see it, the closets, kitchen, bathroom, you know all the rooms we would love to have endless amonts of money to redo in our houses. I did reno my master bath, I spent more than I planned and I really love it but it would probably not hold a candle to a NYC UES bathroom.   

Ageless is TruRenewal just put in a new bottle. She should just call it TruRe-Packaged

As for Mario, I think Ramona is still in love with him but he wounded her to her core. Cheating with a girl a little older than Avery just about killed her. I think Ramona thought she had the BEST marriage of the group - she thought she would spend the rest of her life with Mario, she was 1000% secure, she didn't think anything odd of her husband looking at other women because she never believed he would cheat. When he did all of that and then the ensuing divorce where she had to buy him out of 2 properties it just about did her head in. This is when Ramona fitness queen - got the boob job and started drinking more - she gained so much weight and is out of shape. She, on camera goes on lots of dates, has men after her - because for appearance sake she needs validation that she is a sexy desirable woman - Mario killed her self esteem. I don't think Ramona has as much sex as she alludes to or dates as many men as she alludes to. I can see Ramona eventually in a long term committed relationship but I don't see my turtle ever marrying again - she won't take the risk emotionally or financially.

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36 minutes ago, njbchlover said:

Could be, but I just got a "countess-y" vibe from the comment - kind of like that old, corny quote "Once around the park, James" that people use when they get in a limo.  

I agree 100%, but it wouldn't make sense for her to ask that of the valet.  It was someone she knew and it was countess-y (minus the "o") move.  I love your analogy...."home James" is another one.  

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6 hours ago, AuntiePam said:

It's probably killing these women that they can't say what they really think about Lu's cabaret act, and her singing.  Bravo would not be pleased.  Ramona saying "We just don't want to see you work" was brilliant.  Too bad Sonja screwed it up. 

Now they not only have to go, they have to pretend they like what they see.  I hope the previews are accurate, that Deb is the only one of the HW's to attend.

I'd watch Dorinda in a cabaret show though -- she could make it fun (as well as nice)  The gal can radiate good humor and energy when she's on. 

Do we know why Dorinda thinks Tinsley is getting money from Scott?  Isn't Tinsley a trust fund kid?

Thank you for bringing up Dorinda's commentary on Tinsley. Yes, Tinsley is a trust fund kid and has her own money. For Dorinda to start some ugly gossip that Tinsley is being subsidized by Scott post break up is shit stirring at its worst. And Dorinda, who admitted that she stays with her fat slob of a boyfriend for the free dry cleaning, is the last one to be making an observation on someone's else's past or present relationship. I dare say Dorinda's weird daughter is a trust fund kid. Dorinda has turned into the most obnoxious troll since she made her debut on this show. And she should not be making remarks on anyone else's drinking...she would be considered a mean drunk in any other circle of people outside of a Bravo reality show.

Edited by kicksave
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What is crazy to me is how well RAMONA handled the cray cray dinner breakdown scene - somehow managing to both validate and stay calm with BOTH Bethenny and Luann. She was empathizing and feeling compassion for Bethenny's pain. And then when Bethenny is flipping out hyperventilating, she's calmly telling Luann just to not say anything and that that this is all built up with Bethenny, and just let her get it out, and keeping Luann calm too! It always amazes me - she somehow finds these social graces and human moments at the most insane times. She has these times where you can tell she actually "hears" someone. And then three seconds later she's taunting and literally doing a "I look great for my age and you look old for your age" DANCE to Tinsley. The Ramonacoaster at work. I've never seen anything like it!

Luann... you keep waiting for that moment where she's going to hear what the other person is saying or how they were hurt.... or at least hear it from their perspective, even if she doesn't agree with it. And... it just doesn't register. She always has an immediate response that's all about her or how she was hurt too. She goes RIGHT to that instead of saying, "I hear you, I see you, I hear that you were hurt..." She doesn't even go through the motions of pretending to hear what they are saying. It just doesn't even sink it. I've never seen anything quite like that either! I can see why she drives the others crazy. I think that attitude and pattern makes them more crazy than whatever she did that irritated them. And she... just doesn't see it. 

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6 hours ago, bosawks said:

Lu should've just been straight with Dorinda about the difference between Miami and Cartagena.

Beth was having a breakdown, even if caused by an accelerated case of narcissism, a breakdown nonetheless and Dorinda was just being a dick.

I could much more forgive someone for what they said in the midst of emotionally vomiting all over the place even if it was meaner than someone being a drunken douche canoe.

It would have the bonus of putting Dorinda in the place of if she disagreed she would be invalidating Beth's pain.  

At the very least that would be fun to watch, come on Lu, this isn't your first day!

My thought on the Dorinda/Luann fight.

I think Dorinda has been the keeper of Luann's secrets for a long time.

Going back to Luann's relationship with Tom before they married. Dorinda was the only one in the group backing up Luann's lies and not gossiping about Tom cheating. Dorinda was the only one who said no way did Tom cheat, he doesn't have time to cheat, Luann treats him like a toddler, do this, do that, she was with him 24/7. Compare what Barbara said to Carole and the hot mic - Dorinda never said anything like this on camera or in interviews.

Fast forward to Luann's arrest and going into rehab. Dorinda is the one who talked to her multiple times a day. Dorinda took her to church. Dorinda arranged for the getaway with all of them for Luann at the Mayflower. I think Dorinda knew/saw Luann not sober - because they continued to be drinking/partying buddies off camera. I picture Dorinda bringing bottles of wine to Luann's room at the Mayflower.

Fast forward to Cartagena, Luann's "oh there she goes, she's turning" brought attention to Dorinda's drinking and possible issues. That's what set Dorinda off. Luann trying to out Dorinda while Dorinda has kept the secrets this long. But Dorinda isn't going to say anything publicly because bottom line she does care for Luann and doesn't want to do anything that would cause Luann legal issues or jeopardize her freedom.

Fast forward to the Cabaret. I think it was intentional from Luann's side to make sure Dorinda knew John wasn't invited. They weren't on speaking terms, which means between Cartagena and the cabaret night - Dorinda isn't partying with Luann. John is the procurer of the Sniff Sniff, and since Dorinda ain't gonna share - punish Dorinda so she can't get to it easily.

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I actually think that's sort of what's going on this season with Lu and the cast.

They either know or strongly suspect that she has not been keeping sober as it were and having to hear her pontificate about sobriety as part of her story is wearing on them.

I think they're taking their cue on her sobriety from Lu herself and then having to keep up the story for her, especially as it is all wrapped up in a Gordian Knot of story lines and cabaret is fraying already frayed nerves.

And the fact that I give all of this that much time for speculation is why I love NY above all others.

Edited by bosawks
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What was Luann's poster about? If it was a promo for an upcoming event, why did L say something like, "bye Miami, so happy to be leaving." ( wildly paraphrasing)

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6 minutes ago, bosawks said:

I actually think that's sort of what's going on this season with Lu and the cast.

They either know or strongly suspect that she has not been keeping sober as it where and having to hear her pontificate about sobriety as part of her story is wearing on them.

I think they're taking their cue on her sobriety from Lu herself and then having to keep up the story for her, especially as it is all wrapped up in a Gordian Knot of story lines and cabaret is fraying already frayed nerves.

And the fact that I give all of this that much time for speculation is why I love NY above all others.


This is also why Sonja reacted the way she did when Luann brought up I think she's on pills. I think Sonja is another of the the group who actually KNOWS and seen herself Luann drinking/partying. I also think it was INTENTIONAL on Luann's part to bring the pills to light because she said Sonja is very hyper hinting at coke. She did this because Sonja and Dorinda got close and are hanging out - so 2-for-1 Out them and their issues, don't look at me.

I think Bethenny suspects Luann has not been sober because she is seeing an escalation in Luann's frenetic behavior. Instead of I want that 6M house, I want that house, it's Cabaret, Cabaret, Cabaret

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7 hours ago, njbchlover said:

That seems to be typical of Ramona this season - making plans that may offend someone, and then, blaming it on someone else!  She did the same thing with Dorinda and the charity dinner (changing her table seating) and her birthday party (excluding Sonja).  There was also something about Ramona extending her stay in Florida and not including Sonja. 

Yes, it was really shitty of her for the previous events, but not sure if she needed to include her in the Art Basel event.

6 hours ago, QuinnM said:

At the Halloween one someone said something about the previous one and when that started.  So that's two.  Then when Bethenny said no one wants to go to 5 cabaret shows Lu didn't bat an eye.  If I had to make a bet I say this is the third show in 3 months of filming.  But I would also bet, like previous posters, that she is guaranteeing cameras and RHONY in the audience.

One is enough. Also, they have been subjected to her lounge acts when Money Can't Buy You Class was her first "hit".

3 hours ago, LibertarianSlut said:

Oh, something else I noticed in this episode--I'm not going to call Bethenny an "alcoholic" (I've watched enough episodes of Mom to learn that it's a "self-diagnosing disease")--but the way Beth treated alcohol at Barton G made me uncomfortable. She was gulping down the hard drinks right and left, all while professing to be so freaked out by her diatribe against Luann that she couldn't remember what she said ("Did I call her a name?") Bethenny was so upset at Luann that she had to leave the table, but not before grabbing that precious drink. As soon as she returned to the table, there was a different, purple drink in front of her that was practically gone by the next scene. 

I'm from New York, so I know from expensive drinks, but I've also lived in Miami, and the price of their drinks is obscene. A cocktail in NY that would cost $12 might cost $18 in Miami. It's partially because their drinks are super strong. How much does Bethenny weigh? I think she said 111 lbs once. One strong martini should be enough to make her feel herself. I had one strong martini when I first moved to Miami, and my mom had to drive me home!

Again, not saying Bethenny has a drinking problem, but on a scale of Jill (teetotaler) to Luann (threatening to kill cops), the woman is approaching a solid Tinsley. 

Not sue if she has a drinking problem either, but I wonder if she might be trying to calm her anxiety with booze. That's how I crossed over the line from social drinking to dependency. And ironically it ended up making the anxiety worse, which I discovered after getting sober. It's a slippery slope.

1 hour ago, bosawks said:

I definitely get a waterbed, beanbag chair vibe from her....

And macrame plant hangers. Maybe the reason her decor is all brown and orange is to mask the spray tan stains. I was disgusted with what she did to the furniture and floor in that room.

Edited by lizajane
to acknowledge Ramona's prior faux pas.
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7 hours ago, njbchlover said:

Dorinda should not have made an issue out of Luann's gift to Bethenny (and Barbara), but my feeling is that Luann only sent them gifts because she felt guilted into doing that after the trip to Miami and the latest dinner from hell meltdown.

If Bethenny had never gone off the rails like she did, or perhaps had a more quiet one-on-one conversation with Luann about how Bethenny was feeling, I don't think Luann would have sent any gifts at all.

Dorinda missed the point, though.  I think Luann sent the gifts to Bethenny and Barbara as more of a "Thank you for being there for me", and not an apology for her behavior.  

My feeling is that Luann sent them gifts because she doesn't want any more details of her intervention coming out and she may need them again in her future for the next bender she goes on.

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6 hours ago, sasha206 said:

,Not that both aren't legitimately grieving, but I felt like there was a lot of acting, and not good acting, with both Tinsley and Beth.  The only legit moment I felt with Beth was when Dorinda was telling her Dennis' death was "bad."  Her blow up and subsequent calming down was for the cameras, IMHO.  Tinsley does a lot of covering her eyes every time she does a crying jag -- with or without makeup.  I just felt it was she way over the top and it was for the cameras.  i''m an animal lover with multiple pets, so I get the grief.  I just don't believe she was wailing for that long prior to their arrival and won't go anywhere because of it.

Dorinda FTW last night with the "you bought her a gift after she destroyed you and you froze me out..."  Never change Dorinda!  She's making me love her again.

I wouldn't thaw my dog when he passes. I will be a total mess for quite a while, for sure.

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4 hours ago, UsernameFatigue said:

Does anyone else think that the only reason that Lu returned to the table at the dinner was because the guy she was trying to hook up with didn't take her call?


I also think Luann didn't have money for a cab nor does she have the Uber App on her phone. I also think she asked production and they said you can sit in the car but it's not leaving until everyone else leaves.

Did you notice when they got back to the house there is a shot of Barbara and Ramona outside at the Villa about to walk in? Luann was allegedly with them but went off to bed. Why didn't she walk in with them to go to the second floor? Did her "room" change back to the ground floor with the shades down so she could enjoy the rest of her night with Denio and several Coke Cocktails?

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4 hours ago, kicksave said:

Also, her schedule when she's filming would be an issue with finding someone reliable to dog sit a senior dog who recently was diagnosed with cancer..better to leave her with Mom in Florida. I totally understand...I lost my best friend several years ago at the ripe old age of 15 and he was basically immobile due to severe arthritis and doggy dementia. I wasn't able to attend my mother in law's funeral in another state because I had no one to take care of him that I felt comfortable with. I don't fault her for having her Mom watch and love Bambi while she's filming and traveling to destination film shoots.

 BTW...two weeks after my mother in law's funeral my buddy, my best pal, passed. Saddest and worst day of my life...so I get her grief...five years later I still cry when I think of him.

Since Tinsley bought Bambi, there have been many scenes of Dale bringing Bambi to Tinsley from Florida to NY. This was way before they ever knew Bambi had cancer.

I think the reason is because Tinsley lives in Palm Beach with her mother full time, rents the janky hotel room at a significantly reduced rate for the 4 months of filming. Bambi was only bought up for camera time, Tinsley needs to be free to travel with Scott and the ladies during filming so it's easier to leave the dog in Florida where her mother can watch him full time.

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20 hours ago, Lemons said:

I can emphasize empathize with tinsley . 


There are a million things to say about Luann but today I realized, her comeuppance, if you will, is more than likely that her own children are embarrassed and mortified by the behavior she's proudly displayed in TV. To me, that's the worst/best karma we can hope for, because Lu will never change. As others have said before, once this show is over, and her parole/probation is over, I have a strong feeling we'll see drunken and disorderly Luann reappear. And the next judge she goes before needs to do what should have been done before, throw her ass in jail for a good period of time to scare her ass straight and maaaaybe give her some humble pie. Because I'm pretty sure prison bitches have zero fucks to give about Caberet.

As for Bethanny, she is one of, if not THE most hideous person on BravHo TV. She is a pathetic, disgusting excuse of a human being.

Edited by gingerella
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7 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:

Bambi the dog was a boy, so if Tinsley has a son will she truly name him Bambi?

Tinsley kept talking about how it will be great closure for her sister Dabney to hold Bambi one last time. She doesn't mention her mom - can we assume Dale is hiding in the bedroom of that janky hotel suite?

They think it will be closure holding a frozen Bambi? O.k., then they should be prepared to be traumatized the rest of their lives.  Better to put a picture of vibrant Bambi on your nightstand.  Are these people daft or what?

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3 hours ago, PradaKitty said:

Something has been bothering me since last season. The start of the rift between Lu and Dorinda is simple. Dorinda arranged for Lu to go to the Jovani showroom and (I assume) borrow the outfits used in her cabaret. All she wanted was acknowledgement that she helped in Lu’s costuming for the  abated.  This could all have been avoided if Lu had mentioned during her performance thanks to Dorinda for hooking her up with Jovani.  Never happened, and relationship broken. Dorinda will hold that grudge forever!

Yep!  And it was such a simple courteous, gracious thing for Lu to have done.  

That said, Beth thanked her for the nutcrackers and Dorinda still didn't think she was thanked enough.  Dorinda might just be one of those people that expects a 1000 thank yous!  Still, Lu was way in the wrong.

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3 minutes ago, gingerella said:

As others have said before, once this show is over, and her parole/probation is over, I have a strong feeling we'll see drunken and disorderly Luann reappear. And the next judge she goes before needs to do what should have been done before, throw her ass in jail for a good period of time to scare her ass straight and maaaaybe give her some humble pie.

I can almost feel bad for LuAnn.  I think we've seen most of the HW's on all the franchises being drunk, and even disorderly at times.  I don't think it warrants jail time, except when public safety is at risk.  Don't let 'em drive, don't let 'em do anything potentially harmful, to themselves or others.  If law enforcement gets involved, they need to follow instructions, and definitely not get physical with a cop.  

But if Lu wants to drink after her probation is finished, why not?  Maybe she's learned her lesson and can control herself.

And I say this as definitely not a fan of LuAnn.  She's pretentious and boring. 

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20 hours ago, AuntieDiane6 said:

Oh dear God ... Bethenny in that class.  Ribs are showing.... her bolt-ons sagging.  It's like her chest is SIXTY YEARS OLD ...  Too scary.

It was the first time I saw Bath's bod and thought, wow, she looks like a skinny grandmother.  Last week's bikini shot i thought she looked great.

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When Luann began her Cabaret, it was at Feinstein's in NY for several times a week over a few months. This was steady coin for Luann.

I didn't realize until just now, how different Luann's Cabaret "Tour" was/is.

I thought Luann would travel to one town and have her Cabaret for at least 3 days at one location and then off to the next. Only it isn't that at all. She goes to one place - for one night only. She only has 2 performances a month maximum and they are in different towns many on opposite coasts.

Also I thought the venues would be similar to the Feinstein set up which is a cover fee for the show, table seating with patrons encouraged to buy food and drinks. I looked at her website and I only looked at 4 of her upcoming shows - the seating is like that of going to the movies or a Broadway play. No drinks or food.

At least at Feinsteins she could cut back on expenses such as travel and hotel. She may not have gotten a big percentage of the cut from food/drinks bought - but she was getting something.

I think she gets paid a lot less now due to all of the expenses. It's Countess & FRIENDS. The friends are getting a set salary for each performance, additionally their travel expenses, hotel stays and food are paid for. No one would acccept $1000 per performance where they would then have to cover all their expenses - they'd be losing money. People have to be hired to move, pack, wash, iron Luann's costumes. There is probably equipment production has to bring along. People have to put the set together and break the stage up at the end of the night. I would think they have to rehearse so do they arrive a day or 2 before? They have to rent the venue, pay for advertising.

I'm trying to figure out Luann's cut after the expenses.

Edited by KungFuBunny
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19 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

So in the first few seconds of this episode (and the last few seconds of last week’s episode), Frankel is “hysterically sobbing,” “I wanna go home!” Lu approaches her, and Frankel says in her regular voice, “I don’t want you near me. I really don’t. I don’t want you near me. I don’t,” then she switches right back to the “hysterical sobbing.”

I feel like she acted the entire meltdown.  The only time I don't think she was acting is when Dorinda talked to her and she cried softly.   I guess the meltdown got her the press she wanted, just like screaming "whore" at Lu.  

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20 hours ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

Ramona's facial expressions during her talking head about Mario were telling me that Mario and her are hooking up on the regular.   

That's funny b/c I took it as more of an acknowledgment from her that while their relationship is friendly and he may have remorse for what he did, she also realizes he isn't returning into marriage or a relationship.  And because she is still in love with him, it hurts.

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I'm not the type of person who has quickly thrown out the 'jealous' word when I see two or more women on this show not getting along, but I feel pretty confident that Dorinda is jealous of Lu and I think that was revealed through her conversation with Bethenny. Dorinda feels like an accessory in Lu's life because of the attention she's getting and there seems to be some resentment that Lu isn't having to deal with the type of consequences that were expected. She took a great moment for herself and turned into a moment to dig at Lu. And up until dinner, Dorinda took every opportunity to talk down about Lu's lack of consideration for Bethenny despite all that Bethenny had done for her. When Bethenny slaps Lu with the truth of her feelings and Lu makes a concerted effort to repair her relationship with Bethenny, given all that Bethenny has done for her, Dorinda takes offense to it. So what exactly could have Lu done for Dorinda's approval other than go back in time and become apologetic to her friend who threw her mug shot in her face?

I'm glad that Bethenny was able to at least acknowledge that her breakdown included some projection on her own part.

Wait...why is next week already the season finale while Beverly Hills and Atlanta were stretched out so damn long? I feel cheated.

Edited by RHJunkie
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14 minutes ago, sasha206 said:

That's funny b/c I took it as more of an acknowledgment from her that while their relationship is friendly and he may have remorse for what he did, she also realizes he isn't returning into marriage or a relationship.  And because she is still in love with him, it hurts.

I get the impression that while Ramona is going on a lot of dates with different men,  she is not taking any of them upstairs.   Her eyes were really wonky in that talking head.  I think she is trying to keep that part of her life off camera and doing a horrible job of it.   It wouldn't surprise me if Ramona and Mario start up a new relationship just without getting married again.  I do think that she is still in love with him and will never fully get over him.

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3 hours ago, kicksave said:

Thank you for bringing up Dorinda's commentary on Tinsley. Yes, Tinsley is a trust fund kid and has her own money. For Dorinda to start some ugly gossip that Tinsley is being subsidized by Scott post break up is shit stirring at its worst

Also, let's not forget Sonja started that shit last season. Talking about Scott "keeping" Tinsley. Sonja is a very jealous, miserable person. She knows she made a mess of her life and she's getting older by the minute. I'm sure Scott was financially generous to Tinsley and why the hell not, he was her boyfriend and very wealthy but Tinsley has money of her own and I don't really give a rat's ass how she got it. Trust fund? Good for her. Wish I had a trust fund. She was married to Topper Mortimer who is filthy rich. She probably got a fine divorce settlement. How does Dorinda have her wealth? STFU Dorinda. And Sonja. 

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7 minutes ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

I get the impression that while Ramona is going on a lot of dates with different men,  she is not taking any of them upstairs.   Her eyes were really wonky in that talking head.  I think she is trying to keep that part of her life off camera and doing a horrible job of it.   It wouldn't surprise me if Ramona and Mario start up a new relationship just without getting married again.  I do think that she is still in love with him and will never fully get over him.

As someone else said above, I think she was hoping that Mario would see the light once she realized how desirable she is to men.  I think she now has the sad realization that they may be friends, and yeah, maybe he'll fuck her every now and then if a 20 year old cant, but he'll never come back to her in the "love of my life" way.

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3 hours ago, AuntiePam said:

It's probably killing these women that they can't say what they really think about Lu's cabaret act, and her singing.  Bravo would not be pleased.  Ramona saying "We just don't want to see you work" was brilliant.  Too bad Sonja screwed it up. 

Now they not only have to go, they have to pretend they like what they see.  I hope the previews are accurate, that Deb is the only one of the HW's to attend.

I'd watch Dorinda in a cabaret show though -- she could make it fun (as well as nice)  The gal can radiate good humor and energy when she's on. 

Do we know why Dorinda thinks Tinsley is getting money from Scott?  Isn't Tinsley a trust fund kid?

I'm trying to figure this out as well.  Scott makes sense to me only if Tinsley is like Sonja type money -- had it, now it's gone and she wants it back.  But maybe Tinsley is someone who has her own money but wants only the wealthy men to approach her.

I can understand wanting to run with the wealthy but if you truly have it, is it really *that* important to find a wealthy man?  Or glom onto one for dear life like Scott?

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18 hours ago, Callaphera said:

I could empathize more with Tinsley if it all didn't seem like bad performance theater on her part. I mean, I have no doubt that she was heartbroken and I believe Bambi is biting ankles in the Great Beyond but she allowed all of this to be filmed while discussing how she called 911 (for a fucking dog?! Sorry that your grandpa died, Little Timmy, we were too busy responding to a dead chihuahua) and how they're freezing and defrosting Bambi for her sister to cuddle him and then the tears are gone the second Scott and his shoe delivery comes up in the conversation? I dunno. I was kinda with Sonja and Ramona, making the hilarious facial expressions but then I totally cracked up (inappropriately! I know it was inappropriate but I'm already going to Hell so in for a penny...) when Tinsley was describing how she picked up Bambi and how his head fell to the side... and Tinsley started to do the same head tilt. I was half waiting for her to cross her eyes and stick out her tongue while she did it - see, this line is the part that makes me a horrible person.

Again, it's horrible losing a pet, I've been there, buuut maybe you want to usher the cameras out during the worst of it? I thought that scene was every bit as genuine as Lu's "Did you tell me that 'don't lose your mind' line? Oh, I must have made it up! Right off the top of my head! Ho ho! I'm so wonderful!" recording scene. And I like Tinsley! She's been my favourite through the back-end of this season.  

That was definitely weird that the fire department responded, especially since the dog was already dead and I didn't really listen to the whole freezing the dog because yeah, over the top.  But her grief was real, cameras or not.  

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10 hours ago, tranquilidade said:

I think this is a very important piece to why Lu Anne is so determined to have the women at her show.  It brings cameras, publicity and it sells tickets.  How long can this go on?  I could be wrong, but I don't see enough of a show or enough talent other than Lu Anne looking pretty in nice clothes to sustain a live show for very long. Without the support of everyone maybe the show would close.  Honestly it's a horrible position for Lu Anne because she claims they are out to destroy her and yet at the same time she needs everyone to survive and realize her dream.  That would make anyone need a drink!  I just don't see a happy ending here  and I am an eternal optimist. 

Absolutely!  If Lu brought her show to a town near me, I might be a little tempted. If I know the rest of the cast would be in the audience, I'd probably get a ticket!  

Am I the only one who hopes Dorinda's aerobic show (which looked equally as stupid to me) becomes her next year plot line where she becomes an even bigger egomaniac and dick than Lu?

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13 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Barbara's tanner all over the bed and chair, yikes.  Makes me wonder what her house looks like, splotchy patches of tanner marking her territory.

She's probably that type of asshole who is a slob at places like hotels and rentals.  After all, she didn't have to leave a deposit on the rental.  

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Dear Barbara, nobody sprays it like that.  You can spray it in your hands and smooth it on or if you do spray then have a barrier like a towel to protect surfaces.   IT'S JUST COMMON SENSE DAMN IT!  HAVE YOU NO RESPECT FOR WHITE HOUSES?  WERE YOU RAISED BY WOLVES? 

I feel so much better now.

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22 minutes ago, sasha206 said:

I'm trying to figure this out as well.  Scott makes sense to me only if Tinsley is like Sonja type money -- had it, now it's gone and she wants it back.  But maybe Tinsley is someone who has her own money but wants only the wealthy men to approach her.

I can understand wanting to run with the wealthy but if you truly have it, is it really *that* important to find a wealthy man?  Or glom onto one for dear life like Scott?

I think most people have a social circle, and Tinsley's is made up of rich people.  So I'm not surprised that's the pool she would select from.  I think Scott isn't old money; maybe that's as far as she's willing to stretch it.

Also, she doesn't seem like a super secure person, and if she matched up with a poor(er) person, she might always wonder if her money had anything to do with it.


1 hour ago, rehoboth said:

I didn't even like her community service segment.  I got a vibe that went deep down to my core that Lu did not respect the workers there, the people being served and her reason for being there.  She was utterly obnoxious when she drank the soup from either the cup of ladle that she then used again - utter disrespect to the people that soup was going to.  I remember thinking I hope that happens to her when she next goes out for a meal.

I watched the episode and saw her taste the soup, but not put the vessel back into the soup after tasting from it.  I also can't imagine she would get away with that.  Did I somehow miss it?

There was talk of "double dipping," but that had to do with the instructions to fill the container with just one scoop of the ladle, and not the Seinfeld version of double dipping.

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13 hours ago, Irritable said:

It frustrates me that the point was continually lost in the hurricanes of yelling and LuAnn flouncing away.  No one is ripping you a new asshole for going swimming.  It is not self absorbed asshole behavior to go swimming.  Coming home after swimming and admiring yourself on a poster you have no doubt already looked at a thousand times before, and then complaining about being last to get a massage IS THE ASSHOLE BEHAVIOR.  Complaining that you didn’t get a blow out because the hair dresser didn’t have time to get to her because she was late IS THE ASSHOLE BEHAVIOR.  So is:

Demanding the best room at Dorinda’s and throwing a fit when you find out Bethenny asked for it first.

Complaining that Bethenny had to leave before her Halloween performance because she went on late, and then saying she wished Bethenny had been there to see her succeed, when Bethenny WAS THERE. 

Acting like the other women being there didn’t even count because Bethenny left.

Saying Bethenny shouldn’t have gone home to relieve the babysitter, because all Bryn was doing was sleeping.

saying, well I’m going to go swim/to a meeting/need some sugar for my coffee while a friend is breaking down in front of her, but she demands constant “what have you done for me lately?” support from them.

Treats AA meetings as another performance and thinks she is there to entertain the group, which makes them happy.  The other stories of pain and enormous REAL loss just roll off of her because she’s not listening when it’s not her turn. She’s the kind of person who is just waiting for other people to stop talking so she can hear the sound of her own voice again.

Defends ignoring what other friends were going through in their lives because she was in a bad place, but can’t be bothered to ask about them when she’s in a better place because she’s a stah, dahling.

LuAnn is completely tone deaf when it comes to her “music” and feeling out a room. Bethenny’s realization that she did so much to help LuAnn when she was legit off the rails and a danger to herself, and then to have Lu act like she deserves a spa day every day because being sober is hard, when the person she relied on so much emotionally needed the same help but didn’t get it, and died? Yeah, I can see that setting of a bit of hysteria.

If LuAnn had not behaved in such an entitled way and complained that the luxuries being handed to her  weren’t luxurious enough, or big enough, or she wasn’t always first in line and getting first pick of everything, Bethenny would not have snapped.

If she still says at the reunion that they were mean to her and attacking her for being self absorbed just because she went swimming, I’m going to pop a blood vessel.

When have we ever seen LuAnn be charitable, truly charitable, or go out of her way to help s friend in need?  I can’t think of a time in ten years.  All the other women can set themselves aside when they are needed, but LuAnn is just a taker, and it’s hard to be friends with someone who operates that way every single day. Even Ramona can manage to show up and comfort her friends when they are struggling.  

There are many narcissists throughout all the RH franchises, but LuAnn is a malignant, toxic narcissist. That’s the difference, and why she IS worse than the others.  She hasn’t even tried to learn how to pretend to feign interest and empathy.  The only times she’s engaged in a conversation about someone else is when it’s ugly gossip.

Thank you, perfection!

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