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S09.E20 Reunion Part 2


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1 hour ago, FairyDusted said:

Ya know @Rebecca I had the same thought BUT I'm holding out hope that with the wording of her final season that MTV re-edited the entire thing to slam that bitch. 

A fairy can dream!

I think your dream has a very good chance of coming true. They probably don't have to do much editing (if any at all) to make her look bad. She is her own worst enemy. I will never forget the one reunion where she stormed off stage, refusing to film the group segment, because MTV leaves her out of everything. Ummm, bitch, you just left yourself out of filming, ya moron!

  • Love 14

Oh, for God’s sake, this is an absolutely pathetic display.  It reminds me of my daughter’s early high school years.  “She won’t stop talking about me!”  “They don’t like me!”  “She won’t sit with me at the lunch table!”  The big difference is that my daughter was 14-years-old.  I don’t think you could pay me enough money to participate in this.  MTV is just predatory at this point.  They created these monsters and they’re going to milk every last drop of drama out of them until they’re not longer useful, then drop-kick their asses back to the podunk towns they came from.  Within two years, 90% of these girls grown women will have none of their Teen Mom money left.  The worst part of it is that they’ll have no one to blame but themselves.

(Shut up, Nessa.)

Edited by Suzy Rhapsody
And shut up, Kail. I think I’ll enjoy your demise most of all.
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Of course Jenelle immediately starts citing medical issues. 

I gotta say - I've no problem with Nessa calling out Jenelle's hypocrisy; but stop with the "hurt" comments. You guys weren't friends. You weren't HURT by her dumb posts. 

Is it just me or does Javi not seem that jazzed by Lauren and his new baby?

I think something is really wrong with me, because I was loving Kail and Vee together. 

Let's just call him Devoid and make it easier on everyone.

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9 hours ago, guilfoyleatpp said:

Also, Chelsea calling Drew out on "dads don't babysit" was perfect and raised her in my estimation about 5 points. Good one, Chels. 

I wanted to stand and cheer for Chelsea at that moment. And the look on Drew's face--consternation, chagrin, and a dollop of outrage that little Chelsea has the audacity to correct him--was worth the price of admission. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

10 hours ago, Linny said:

Jenelle: "[This season has been hard] because there's so many good things happening at my house. And everyone's getting along. And it really sucks that no one can see it." Oh, don't worry, girl, we're all getting a clear look into your home life and how good things truly are. Watching this in the context of the turmoil of Jenelle's current problems makes everything seem more pathetic. She can admit David's done things that upset her but because he's her husband, she feels obligated to defend him no matter the cost. Her tears are so performative, like she and David are just ordinary folk being unfairly targeted, and sadly I think that she may really believe that. I think abusive, toxic relationships are her normal, and she knows no other way of living. I think she's only marginally less cruel than David, and doesn't view his actions as vile as everyone else does. I think she's loyal to David not just because he's her husband, but because she thrives in misery and playing the victim. Her life is an out of control bonfire of dysfunction at this point, and after years of MTV stoking the flames, it's a relief to know that this part, this glimpse of depravity masked as entertainment, will finally be extinguished from our TV screens.

"Everyone's getting along" means no one has set David off lately. Jesus, Jenelle. And seriously? "David is a wonderful father"?? That you can say that with a straight face speaks volumes.

Her tears and cries of being "attacked" had my eyes rolling so hard I saw my own brain. Girl. You were not attacked. You were asked a question, in all seriousness, by someone who bears you no ill will. Enough with the crocodile tears.

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Is there any hope for a woman cannot/ will not admit she did anything wrong despite being confronted with the cold hard evidence and believes that people are just being mean to her?  Did anyone in the WORLD fall for her boo-hooing about medical conditions?  Like that had anything to do with her Instagram rant. Jennelle, your time in my house is DONE. 

LOVED Chelsea calling out Dr. Drew about dad's "babysitting".  It made him look like the clueless fool that he is.

Yet, clueless fool has one redeeming act up his sleeve, called DEVOIN, LOL!  That right there was golden! 

Edited by suzeecat
  • Love 12
4 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

I loved that. Cole is their DAD. He's not getting paid $9/hour. 

I also kind of loved Kail calling him out about the "half-brother" thing. I know Kail seems to be going for the "baby daddy" record. But I would certainly never call those boys anything other than brothers. I was raised with 3 siblings who only share my mother. But they are not my HALF anything. They're my sisters and best friends. Family is family. We all know they have different dads. Why make the distinction? 

Pretty much, this.  Don't saddle the kids with their mother's propensity to procreate with more than one man.  The kids didn't make that decision.  They are brothers.  They seriously need to get rid of Dr. Drew.  He's coming off as quite the prig.  Time for a younger, less regressive "medical expert.

  • Love 18

My take aways from last night:

Kailyn: a thoroughly unlikeable person. Always on the attack, even from years ago. Always looking for a fight. Her newly minted "friendship" with Vee should be viewed with caution for Vee. One critical comment or perceived critical comment from Vee and it's war for Kail. I frankly, I don't care who she would  allow to sit with her on the couch...Queen Kail thinks sitting next to her is so special...that's why she sits alone. And her spiteful behavior towards Lauren serves no purpose...it all started because Kail went on Javi's phone and read his text messages! Does she have no shame? 

Chelsea: More babies? Did you see yourself on tape in the car with your kids coming back from the pediatrician's office? You were totally unhinged and yelling at Aubree for nothing. And you have panic disorder and general anxiety order...yeah two or three more kids would be a great idea for you. And the stupid audience sat there and applauded.

Brianna:  She's right to be angry with Devoin. He's immature and irresponsible. Getting drunk or even drinking while watching his daughter and her friends at the pool was a serious breech of trust. He seems ambivalent about it and she's right, he just sort of shrugs it off. I guess he didn't see his daughter's face in the car when Brianna picked them up. She was visibly upset. BTW...if anything should be learned from this show it is that girls who get pregnant at as a teen are stuck with having a relationship with the baby daddy until the child is 18...Devoin has made some improvements but this misstep was not good for him or for Nova.

And finally, Jenelle:  Ugh. Where to begin??? The fake crying (no tears, just fake sobbing), the phony illness excuse, the "David is a great father" and everyone is picking on us and then the denial that she put out the tweets on Kaepernick and she didn't even know who he is was the cherry on the cake. It was interesting to watch her lame performance knowing what happened recently and that she was shit canned from the show. Barb was disappointing. Propping up Jenelle at every turn and dismissing her behavior in Atlanta and the "Kill Kail" comment was sad. Dr. Drew should have pushed back on this and argued that as an "elder" she should have not made a comment like that and at the very least she should have apologized. It was wrong and she have owned it. Goodbye to Jenelle, David and Barbara...enough...get some help, get counseling, get a divorce Jenelle and get a real job. 

Edited by kicksave
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On 5/27/2019 at 12:34 PM, Brooklynista said:

Annnnddd she's still not talking about why she was going thru her ex husband's phone. So who exactly needs to grow up Kail?

Exactly! She sits there and passes judgment on everyone! Meanwhile...she cheats on every single guy /gal she's with and does shady stuff like reading Javi's cellphone messages...guess it's OK for Kail to do these things but anyone else that does it gets trashed by her. 

  • Love 16

I’m still against Nessa pushing her own personal gripes with Jenelle, it’s just not the setting. I would give anything to get up there and ask Jenelle the really difficult questions. Not with bad intentions to cause hurt but to really put her on the spot about her marriage etc. no doubt she would still storm off, but keep it relevant to the show at least. Yep they really let Barbara off the hook. 

At least chelsea admitted what has so often been discussed on here, how her “ideal custody situation” would be Cole adopting Aubree and Adam completely disappearing out of the picture. Doesn’t work like that hun.

Drews comments to Kail about half siblings I didn’t have a problem with, he is stating actual facts. The reality is that they are half siblings and not full siblings, regardless of what way Kail wants to portray it. I don’t see it as being particularly insulting. By suggesting there is no difference you are only going to confuse children further and also is she just trying to normalize having multiple baby daddies ? Like there is no distinction between a family of say 3 boys with one father and a family of 3 boys with 3 different fathers? Of course there is a distinction and having multiple children by different men is not something that should be encouraged. Sure, it happens, but nobody sets out with that intention because it’s obv not ideal. 

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Javi is gross!  Why is he there?  Wearing his gym’s t-shirt and all!  He is so cheesy.

I never understood the Devoin situation.  I don’t dislike the guy.  He films well. He is not a showboat (unlike Javi). 

But, I didn’t understand all the gushing and babying from Roxanne.  I mean, Las Brujas standards for men is so low......every time Devoin set foot in their apartment they gave him a trophy.

Look dude! Your kid is 7.  You had 1 sleepover with  her ......your whole life.

Then there was Stella who smiled and gave him a hug once. 

 But, there is Roxanne.....ready to give Devoin a Lifetime Fatherhood Achievement Award.

It is so hard for any guy to take them seriously. 

The new boyfriend.....needs to save his sperm and get a vasectomy.

Trust nobody!  Brianna is so smitten with him.....she doesn’t care if she gets pregnant.

Last thing she needs is another baby daddy or a trip to waste her money at Dr. Miami.

  • Love 6
2 hours ago, Cherry Cola said:

Ha, Janelle never owns up to anything. I don't agree with what Nessa did though. 

I'm not the only one who thinks Randilicious is handsome, am I?

I can't stand Randy. He lost all respect I had for him when he went on Twitter back in the day and acted like a teenager getting into it with people from the show and acting like an teenage ass. I found it totally unbecoming of a parent and someone in a professional field. It just left such a bad taste in my mouth that I have extreme dislike for him. I think Chelsea turned out the best of all the girls simply because she had a support system at home and didn't have to worry about homelessness or a dysfunctional home life. I'll give him that but he seemed to bask in that a little too much, in my view, as if him being a supportive parent is worthy of some type of adoration. And boy did he seek out that adoration on social media. Bleh.

Kail is a pig. A trash pig. Fuck you at the "it pisses me off" about people saying "half brothers." It pisses her off because if it is said that they are "half" siblings, then anyone in earshot knows that she has multiple baby daddies and she wants to present the illusion that all the kids have one father. It's not about the kids, it's about her.


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2 hours ago, configdotsys said:

I can't stand Randy. He lost all respect I had for him when he went on Twitter back in the day and acted like a teenager getting into it with people from the show and acting like an teenage ass. I found it totally unbecoming of a parent and someone in a professional field. It just left such a bad taste in my mouth that I have extreme dislike for him. I think Chelsea turned out the best of all the girls simply because she had a support system at home and didn't have to worry about homelessness or a dysfunctional home life. I'll give him that but he seemed to bask in that a little too much, in my view, as if him being a supportive parent is worthy of some type of adoration. And boy did he seek out that adoration on social media. Bleh.

Kail is a pig. A trash pig. Fuck you at the "it pisses me off" about people saying "half brothers." It pisses her off because if it is said that they are "half" siblings, then anyone in earshot knows that she has multiple baby daddies and she wants to present the illusion that all the kids have one father. It's not about the kids, it's about her.


Some of these parents of the teen moms are really into being semi celebrities. Barbara once bragged about how she gets all kinds of attention everywhere she goes in her town. Randy going on Twitter to exchange putdowns with cast members is just stupid. He’s a dentist and father/grandfather for Pete’s sake. 

I agree about Kail. I thought her tone with Dr.Drew in this conversation was rude and disrespectful. She really has become a bombastic blowhard. I’ve known many people who have siblings from different dads/moms and they have always referred to each other as half sisters/brothers...they would say “this is my half sister we have the same mom”...no one cared, because we already knew anyway. Unfortunately, Kail’s sad reality is that she is a single mom with three kids with three different baby daddies and no husband or even extended family in her life. Luckily, her kids get extended family from their fathers and can experience familial love and the joy of grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins. 

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Vee should be nominated for sainthood. She has swallowed so much shit from Kail over the years, way more than I could've handled, and I'm a lot older than Vee. I'm not sure if Vee is truly a forgiving person, or if she's just chosen to do it for Isaac and Jo's sake. But either way, she seems to have kissed Kail's ass enough to have a harmonious relationship. I'm hoping it'll hold steady, even when Kail moves on to her next baby daddy (since she has a nasty pattern of only being able to get along with one baby daddy at a time).

  • Love 17
9 hours ago, kicksave said:

Exactly! She sits there and passes judgment on everyone! Meanwhile...she cheats on every single guy /gal she's with and does shady stuff like reading Javi's cellphone messages...guess it's OK for Kail to do these things but anyone else that does it gets trashed by her. 

Thank you for reminding me of that. 

WHY is she reading his phone...even if they WERE together at the time, which they WEREN’T, reading someone else’s text messages is so fucked up. And she just talks about it like there was nothing wrong with it. 

Bitch, don’t read shit that isn’t yours and you won’t see people calling you c*nt. And stop acting like one. 

  • Love 22
1 hour ago, guilfoyleatpp said:

Thank you for reminding me of that. 

WHY is she reading his phone...even if they WERE together at the time, which they WEREN’T, reading someone else’s text messages is so fucked up. And she just talks about it like there was nothing wrong with it. 

Bitch, don’t read shit that isn’t yours and you won’t see people calling you c*nt. And stop acting like one. 

Plus, it was over a year ago and Lauren and Javi have had a child since then. Kail wants everyone to be so afraid of her wrath that they dare not call her a twat, even in private, lest she somehow find out and punish them forever. It's insane.

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So now we know how Devoin's name is actually pronounced. I think it is really disrespectful of Briana to refuse to do this.  We know she doesn't pronounce Louis correctly and I've often wondered why Stella does not have the soft Spanish ll "Stay-uh" but that's her decision to pronounce it the English version. 

I too laughed during Jenelle's whole segment knowing she got canned. I can't belive what state of denial she is in.  We did have moments filmed at your home and they scared us, the moments filmed outside your home going fishing or your cabin vacation scared us.   She knows damn well she posted those things. She gets notifications when she gets likes or comments on them. I've never one time had anything posted to my account I had no knowledge of.  Come on, liar.  

  • Love 11
9 hours ago, guilfoyleatpp said:

Thank you for reminding me of that. 

WHY is she reading his phone...even if they WERE together at the time, which they WEREN’T, reading someone else’s text messages is so fucked up. And she just talks about it like there was nothing wrong with it. 

Bitch, don’t read shit that isn’t yours and you won’t see people calling you c*nt. And stop acting like one. 

Yup yup ALSO, I think Kailyn is pissed that things are 100% over with Javi. Not that she realized she loved him or anything, but before having Lux there was a chance he would take her back, Javi was “safe”. Now that Chris has kicked her to the curb numerous times, treated her like shit publicly, used her for her pool-somewhere in the bottom of her soul she knows Javi treated her way better than she ever deserved and did actually WANT to be family with her, Issac and any children they had together. 

I don’t think Kailyn will ever find another Javi. Now if she got over Chris, got herself into therapy, worked on her attitude, several YEARS from now I could see her meeting a decent guy and having a “boyfriend/manfriend” who wasn’t toxic, but the chances of a single guy in his 30s with no kids who’s going to step up and raise Lux (because he doesn’t have a consistent father like Lincoln and Issac) is much slimmer. 

As far as the half-brother/brother thing- I understand where Kailyn is coming from. In my personal life the only time people say “half” instead of just brother/sister is for clarification as in, my brother is going to his dad’s house....and if people don’t get it you clarify. OR if there is a very large age gap and the children never grew up in the same house in a sibling like way. “I consider myself an only child but I have two half brothers 18 and 20yrs younger than me.” Or if there are a larger number of kids in the family someone may ask if it’s a blended family. Most people just say “brother or sister”.

There’s no need to point out the half the same way there’s no need to label some kids adopted and others biological (unless you’re talking about biology or medical history), or label some kids “side kids” as in, yes I was cheating on my spouse/partner and these are the kids I had on the side. People will know, yesh.  🥴

The boys are brothers. And Vivi is Issac’s sister (I also wouldn’t be surprised if Lincoln has a sister or close cousin like relationship with Vivi). 

  • Love 10
30 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

Yup yup ALSO, I think Kailyn is pissed that things are 100% over with Javi. Not that she realized she loved him or anything, but before having Lux there was a chance he would take her back, Javi was “safe”. Now that Chris has kicked her to the curb numerous times, treated her like shit publicly, used her for her pool-somewhere in the bottom of her soul she knows Javi treated her way better than she ever deserved and did actually WANT to be family with her, Issac and any children they had together. 

I don’t think Kailyn will ever find another Javi. Now if she got over Chris, got herself into therapy, worked on her attitude, several YEARS from now I could see her meeting a decent guy and having a “boyfriend/manfriend” who wasn’t toxic, but the chances of a single guy in his 30s with no kids who’s going to step up and raise Lux (because he doesn’t have a consistent father like Lincoln and Issac) is much slimmer. 

As far as the half-brother/brother thing- I understand where Kailyn is coming from. In my personal life the only time people say “half” instead of just brother/sister is for clarification as in, my brother is going to his dad’s house....and if people don’t get it you clarify. OR if there is a very large age gap and the children never grew up in the same house in a sibling like way. “I consider myself and only child but I have two half brothers 18 and 20yrs younger than me.” Most people just say “brother or sister”. There’s no need to point out the half the same way there’s no need to label some kids adopted and others biological (unless you’re talking about biology or medical history), or label some kids “side kids” as in, yes I was cheating on my spouse/partner and these are the kids I had on the side. People will know, yesh.  🥴

The boys are brothers. And Vivi is Issac’s sister (I also wouldn’t be surprised if Lincoln has a sister or close cousin like relationship with Vivi). 

I agree with the fact that while  I don't think Kailyn is in love with Javi, (and I think the reason for that is because she only wants people who don't want her), I do think she wants to know that he's still on the back burner and that she can have him if she needs him. Judging from Javi's interview at the reunion, it doesn't look like he and Lauren are too happy together. I sense they're gonna split up sooner than later. And I do think he still has a soft spot for Kail (no idea how). She has a permanent attitude and nastiness about her. She only likes people who kiss her ass 24/7 , which is why she likes Vee and doesn't like 99 % of people. I could never be around someone like her who is so nasty and constantly has an attitude. I love that Chris doesn't want her and it's killing her. 

I agree with the fact that calling someone your "half-sibling" sounds a little ridiculous in conversation, but I think the only reason she was so mad about it was because deep down she knows that having 3 different baby daddies does not make her look good. Especially because she and everyone else knows that there will be more. There are so many half-siblings in that family between all the baby dads and their kids, that it is a little crazy and she knows it. But I did have to laugh when she called Javi out for having babies with people just to keep them. UM....

SHE is the one with 3 kids and 3 baby daddies and she was/is so obsessed with the third baby daddy that she had a kid with him right away. And that wasn't to keep him? and that band-aid baby she spoke about, she was just as much apart of the decision to have that baby as Javi was. I'm not saying Javi is perfect, but his life seems a lot less messy than hers.

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It was fun to see Jenelle be treated like the petulant child she is. I didn't see anybody kissing her ass, so much as almost stifling their laughter at how fucking pathetic she is. The way Nessa was like "we're on the right track now, right?", I almost expected her to call her "sweetie" & give her a sucker for coming back on the couch. Barb was annoying, but she always annoys me when she's in "appease Jenelle" mode...and how sad. "It's so great to see you getting along with your mom now Jenelle! What brought that on?!" *Jenelle emotionless deadpan* "she gets along with David now". Oof. 

Devoin looked like he was on something, and didn't we already know that she doesn't pronounce his name correctly? That's so odd to me. 

Javi fucked up big time with Lauren. He wasn't looking for a "partner", he was looking for screen time & when knocking her up & moving her to Delaware didn't get her a spot in the opening credits, he had/has major regret. He's taken it too far now though to where he'll look like the famewhoring ass he is if he were to break up with her.

I don't think "siblings/half siblings" is cause for debate, so much as it is how you personally perceive things, but the way that it was being said should NOT have caused that reaction from Kail. If she was talking about the brothers & Dumbass Drew corrected her & said "HALF-brothers", then I wouldn't agree with how she reacted, but even if she feels THAT strongly about it, a simple "brothers, we don't say half in our household" would have been sufficient. 

  • Love 8
3 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

I don’t think Kailyn will ever find another Javi. 

Definitely not. Javi was very young when he hooked up with Kail. She's now 27/28-ish, correct? The chances of her finding a nice, stable, gainfully employed man willing to take on three baby daddies and a foul-tempered, bitter, surgically-deformed woman are slim to none. She's destined to a life of chasing fuck bois and losers. And I think she knows it, which is why she goes to extreme lengths to hang on to Chris.

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20 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

Definitely not. Javi was very young when he hooked up with Kail. She's now 27/28-ish, correct? The chances of her finding a nice, stable, gainfully employed man willing to take on three baby daddies and a foul-tempered, bitter, surgically-deformed woman are slim to none. She's destined to a life of chasing fuck bois and losers. And I think she knows it, which is why she goes to extreme lengths to hang on to Chris.

Sad isn't it? Was she always this nasty? I didn't watch her original show.  Or did money change her? 

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Did anyone notice when Jenelle came back out and they were discussing the Barb going on Live thing how Drew just kind of laughed it off? Also when Jenelle scoffed at burning Kail's hair products, Nessa had a concerned look on her face and she looked at Drew and he just laughed it off again? She was probably hoping he would say something about it. And he didn't and neither did she. I was almost hoping she would because I got the sense she at least realizes that it isn't normal. I'm not the biggest Nessa fan and I don't necessarily agree with her actions from last week, but I think she sees David and Jenelle exactly for what they are. Drew doesn't give a shit at all. 

"There are so many good things happening at my house and they can't film it." Yeah, all the kids are gone from Casa Swamp and are actually safe and being cared for. That is a very good thing!

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1 hour ago, Cherry Cola said:

Sad isn't it? Was she always this nasty? I didn't watch her original show.  Or did money change her? 

Coming from someone that doesn't mind Kail that much, she has always has a bit of an attitude and a 'I'm going to do what I want and when I want" type of personality.   However she didn't really have a dad and her mom was an addict so I don't think she grew up with much guidance or support. 

  • Love 8
4 hours ago, Brooklynista said:

Dollars to donuts says Kail doesn't consider Javi's new baby as a full brother to her boys. Kail considers HER sons "brothers". I doubt she will extend that same theory to the kids outside of her house. 

Oh yeah! Didn't she say she wasn't going to get sweet lil Vivi a gift when Jo found himself on her shit list for the umpteenth time?? That doesn't sound very sibling like to me. 

She's not concerned with Jo's or Javi's kids being considered her children's siblings, she'd made that abundantly clear.  Her sons are brothers.  Their paternity doesn't matter to her and shouldn't matter to Dr. Drew in her opinion.  Her kids shouldn't be made to feel poorly because of things beyond their control.  I get that.  I mean, she's not technically correct, but I get that.   She wasn't raised in a stable, ideal home with both biological parents still married and under the same roof and procreating solely with each other.  

  • Love 3
6 minutes ago, Lemur said:

She's not concerned with Jo's or Javi's kids being considered her children's siblings, she'd made that abundantly clear.  Her sons are brothers.  Their paternity doesn't matter to her and shouldn't matter to Dr. Drew in her opinion.  Her kids shouldn't be made to feel poorly because of things beyond their control.  I get that.  I mean, she's not technically correct, but I get that.   She wasn't raised in a stable, ideal home with both biological parents still married and under the same roof and procreating solely with each other.  

And in true Kail fashion, her opinion is the only one that matters.  Hypocritical or not. 

  • Love 10
4 hours ago, Cherry Cola said:

Sad isn't it? Was she always this nasty? I didn't watch her original show.  Or did money change her? 

Kail's mother was an alcoholic. Her absent father-- she visited him on the show-- was a very strange one who had a padlock on his fridge and Kail wanted to head for the hills as soon as she got there. Jo's parents took her in and treated her like their own daughter. Then things went haywire-- in my opinion-- because 16 year old Kail wanted to live as husband and wife with her teen boyfriend in his house. He got sick of her being there and nagging him. She wanted him to spend every waking moment with her and it drove him crazy. It caused lots of friction with his parents. His mother sided more with Kail and took the view that he got her pregnant and has to do the right thing. I'm sure Jo, as a young teenage guy was going crazy inside at being tied down in his own house. They argued and she whined and cried and they broke up. She moved to Jo's basement-- his parents STILL treated her like a daughter even when they broke up-- and had a job at Circuit City or some electronics store. She began a relationship with a co-worker there and Jo and his parents found out by seeing Kail's status on FB change to "in a relationship." This caused all kinds of drama with Jo's parents as she was living in their house and they thought it was wrong for her to do. Jo was furious because I guess he felt that they were just in one of the "mad at each other" periods and didn't think they really broke up. Eventually, she moved out of there. 

The real entitlement, bitch Kail came out when she fucked Jo while (seriously) dating this Circuit City guy. She essentially told him "tough shit, this is what I did, get over it." He left. Kail thought that she'd get back with Jo after that but he had no interest. That pissed her off. Eventually, Javi came along and Kail was all over him about joining the military because she wanted "benefits." She was physically abusive to Javi several times when they were together. She was like a simmering rage pot all the time and every so often would lose it. And here we are today with Kail as she is: an arrogant, entitled bitch who wonders why she can't find happiness. Pssst, Kail, it's because you are a bitch.

I don't care about her shitty childhood. Many of us had them. Most of us did not grow up to rake in the dough on a television program that opened the opportunity to pay for therapy or whatever in order to come to grips with her past. Instead, she chose to adopt the attitude that because her childhood was lousy, the world owes her something and she can act any way she pleases without fault. 

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Viewership of this episode was 799,000.

I was looking for Being Levi (which followed this).  Couldn't find it anywhere.

ETA:  I was informed that the Levi show was a rerun.  Thanks @Druzy.



Edited by Snarky McSnarky
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1 hour ago, Snarky McSnarky said:

I think Being Levi originally aired a month ago.

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16 hours ago, IDreamofJoaquin said:

So now we know how Devoin's name is actually pronounced. I think it is really disrespectful of Briana to refuse to do this.  We know she doesn't pronounce Louis correctly and I've often wondered why Stella does not have the soft Spanish ll "Stay-uh" but that's her decision to pronounce it the English version. 

I too laughed during Jenelle's whole segment knowing she got canned. I can't belive what state of denial she is in.  We did have moments filmed at your home and they scared us, the moments filmed outside your home going fishing or your cabin vacation scared us.   She knows damn well she posted those things. She gets notifications when she gets likes or comments on them. I've never one time had anything posted to my account I had no knowledge of.  Come on, liar.  

Agree, it is INCREDIBLY disrespectful to deliberately mispronounce someone’s name. SMDH.

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