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S04.E03: Mistrials Of Marriage

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5 minutes ago, Kiss my mutt said:

In a pinch I’ve asked the neighbor’s teenager to do it for $20. 

Many people don't have a teenage neighbor  or the kid doesn't want to do it.  Or possibly the kid knows how much it costs and will charge a lot more.  Lawn service is expensive - pay it once or twice and you've pretty much bought a lawn mower.

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47 minutes ago, LGGirl said:

I find it funny that some of these spouses that come to America insist their American significant other leave their good job and home so they can peruse some pipe dream.   I don’t care if the foreign spouse left their country and their family.   That was their choice.   They are being selfish.  

If my husband got a better job with advancement in another state, I’d say “When are we leaving.”

No doubt.  The job opportunities are few and far between here, and it's only getting worse.  A factory that made stuff for the housing industry just closed putting over 1000 people out of work.  My husband is looking for work, and his prospects just got a lot slimmer, with 1000 new people needing jobs in an already strapped area.  We may have to move.  I told him that he should just get any job he can at this point so we can save money, and start looking to move.

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11 hours ago, SallySarue said:

With a shitty-ass "friend" who doesn't have respect for me or my time...no thanks. I'd rather cook my own food and have my own get-together. I'm a damn good cook.

I was invited to a relative's birthday party a few years ago. I didn't go as I didn't have most of my weekend to devote to my relative. The party was in 2 parts - there would be a surprise for the birthday girl at X time and then half or more of the guests would leave to attend a football game and come back 4-5 hours later. I simply did not have the time or energy to waste an entire day. I'd rather come at 8 pm or whatever for the cake and not have to spend 5 hours with people with whom I don't socialize. Maybe I missed out but I also just wasn't up to attending and having to stay until probably well past 11 pm (8 or 9 hours of my time), plus another 4-6 hours at a barbecue for the same relative the next day. Enough was enough.

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1 hour ago, DaphneCat said:

Many people don't have a teenage neighbor  or the kid doesn't want to do it.  Or possibly the kid knows how much it costs and will charge a lot more.  Lawn service is expensive - pay it once or twice and you've pretty much bought a lawn mower.

It was just an idea. 

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I get this feeling like Kalani thinks Asuelo is slow and incompetent.   But, I am thinking she is the problem, what a strange woman?   What makes her think she is better than him, or even a better parent?  and why is she still calling the child "her baby"

I don't get why David cannot call or get online and find out why Annie's papers haven't gone thru yet??   He needs to follow through with that.   She sure is funny during the pillowtalk episodes.

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Maybe Andrei has never mowed a lawn and doesn’t know how? I have never mowed a lawn, I’m not even sure if we own a mower, we have a landscaping company mowing our lawns.

Chantel doesn’t think it’s fair that she would have to pay if Pedro used public assistance? What does she think sponsoring a foreign spouse means? Does she think it would be fair for the taxpayers to support her imported spouse? I think Chantel is a very attractive woman, but she is starting to look too fake for my taste. Too much hair extensions, lash extensions, makeup and body-con clothing. She was prettier in her first season.

How is Nicole planning to pay for her and Azan’s Grenada trip? Was that mentioned?

I know I’m probably alone with this, but I kind of like Father Kalani’s beard. Father Nicole’s beard is a different matter. 

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11 minutes ago, Cini said:

Maybe Andrei has never mowed a lawn and doesn’t know how? I have never mowed a lawn, I’m not even sure if we own a mower, we have a landscaping company mowing our lawns.

He can learn how to operate a truck but not a lawnmower?

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1 minute ago, brillia79 said:

He can learn how to operate a truck but not a lawnmower?

Good point!

Do we know how long they have lived in that house? If they have only recently moved there, maybe lawn care simply hasn’t been a priority yet.

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1 minute ago, Cini said:

Good point!

Do we know how long they have lived in that house? If they have only recently moved there, maybe lawn care simply hasn’t been a priority yet.

If someone was providing me with a nice home RENT FREE, my highest priority would be mowing the lawn so the benefactor could see when they drive by that I appreciate their generosity.

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6 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

If someone was providing me with a nice home RENT FREE, my highest priority would be mowing the lawn so the benefactor could see when they drive by that I appreciate their generosity.

Elizabeth is used to being taken care of by her father. She worked for him part-time and lived in one of his apartments (I think) even before Andrei. Now with a baby on the way, she probably thinks it’s perfectly normal for her father to provide a house. I’m not saying I’m agreeing with her, but I don’t think that she feels any huge amount of gratitude but rather that it is her due as daddy’s little girl.

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17 minutes ago, Cini said:

Elizabeth is used to being taken care of by her father. She worked for him part-time and lived in one of his apartments (I think) even before Andrei. Now with a baby on the way, she probably thinks it’s perfectly normal for her father to provide a house. I’m not saying I’m agreeing with her, but I don’t think that she feels any huge amount of gratitude but rather that it is her due as daddy’s little girl.

Now that you mention the previous apartment: Did Libby (and Andrei) have to pay rent? If not, it would explain a lot. Libby's general attitude, her complete lack of concern with housing expenses, both of them not working full time. 

She's probably dreaming of a scenario where Andrei is best buddies with her dad and she and her husband are working part time for Father Libby while getting a full time salary. 

They need to stop exerting energy on huffing and puffing and instead become self sufficient and move away. It would benefit both of them individually and their relationship tremendously if they weren't dependent on her family - financially or otherwise. 

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23 minutes ago, Morrissey said:

She's probably dreaming of a scenario where Andrei is best buddies with her dad and she and her husband are working part time for Father Libby while getting a full time salary

Papa is overweight and easily irritated so may have high blood pressure and other maladies.  How will the moochers support themselves if he suddenly passes?

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Libby walked into that restaurant with a puss on and barely a civil word to her father. She should have let him speak his peace and then, whether it was sincere or not, apologized for not expressing their appreciation to him, instead of getting on her high horse and acting as if they have some entitlement to his generosity. Why do I suspect she “got knocked up” to stay on the daddy gravy train. She came home and told Andrei that her father was upset about the grass not being mowed. She knew Andrei would take offense. It would have been better to downplay what her dad said and then at a better time, perhaps as they’re outside, she could say something about the grass being overgrown and suggest that they borrow a mower and cut it. She could then say “my dad is really particular about upkeep of the lawn, and since he’s been so generous letting us stay here, I don’t want him to think we aren’t doing right by his home”

Her dad probably does  like to play the macho father much like Kalani’s father but Libby knows how he is and if nothing else, she should have insisted on paying at least a minimum rent. And made sure he got his money every month. Then he can’t complain. 

Men like her father are annoying, they treat the daughters like princesses, spoiling and paying their bills and then when they decide to marry they put the husband at a disadvantage because he may not have the financial chops just yet to foot the lifestyle he’s gotten his daughter accustomed to so he continues to fund her but now with an underlying resentment and in an attempt to prove that he’s a better man than her hubby. It’s an emotional power play. 

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10 hours ago, LGGirl said:

I find it funny that some of these spouses that come to America insist their American significant other leave their good job and home so they can peruse some pipe dream.   I don’t care if the foreign spouse left their country and their family.   That was their choice.   They are being selfish.  

If my husband got a better job with advancement in another state, I’d say “When are we leaving.”

@Chickabiddy love your post and agree 💯 %

Meh, personally I like where I live.  A lot and I wouldn't want to leave.  But I'm single with no children and I have a pretty reasonable job.  Pao is married, with a kid on the way and no real marketable skills.  I am in a better position to by picky about where I live 

10 hours ago, Kiss my mutt said:

In a pinch I’ve asked the neighbor’s teenager to do it for $20. 

Even if you don't have a neighborhood teen, aren't task rabbit and takl good sources for someone to mow a lawn?

I think our gardener charged like $40-50 a month to care for the lawn every other week.  Front and back.  Not a big lawn or a big house.  This seems like a relatively small amount to pay to keep the peace and show gratitude.  I think it's probably close to the amount to care for two large dogs.

4 hours ago, AZChristian said:

If someone was providing me with a nice home RENT FREE, my highest priority would be mowing the lawn so the benefactor could see when they drive by that I appreciate their generosity.

To be fair, it probably wouldn't be my first instinct....but if it was brought up, I'd apologize and get it done.  

I need to watch their season, because any other reaction makes no sense to me and based in what I saw I would have been nearly gleeful if he kicked them out.  Yeah you're pregnant, but I guess you and your husband will have to figure it out.

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It's annoying to be coerced into fathering a baby.   That chick needs to lay off.  Their whole storyline sounds made up.   She said she works later than what's his name and only sees him 2 hours a day.   Who is going to take care of this baby if both of them work?   Have they figured out if they can have a baby on one salary?  Alternate baby care?   I know this is a stretch of a storyline but it annoys me to see either wife or husband nag the other about child bearing.  

It's interesting to me that Pao and Fernanda basically have the same perspective.   They want to go where their people and culture are (in the USA) and become models and actresses.  Russ had to move,  can't remember Fernanda's husband's name but he's supposed to move too.

I wish one of them would get asked if they missed their families so much and their nakedness and beaches were so amazing in their country.....why didn't they just stay in their country???   Pao knew she'd be going to OKC and Fernanda knew she'd be going to the Carolinas.  Not CheeKaGoe.

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I don't understand Ashley at all. She is 32 and Jay is 20. If Jay was 40 and Ashley was 52, the 12-year age difference wouldn't be an issue, but there are worlds between a 20-year old self-proclaimed playboy and a 32-year old mother of two. She needs to make a decision soon, right now it looks as if she is enjoying the power she has over Jay by refusing to apply for his status adjustment. 

Same goes for Jonathan. When he first started dating Fernanda, she was 17 and he was 30!! Now, two years later, he is surprised that his 19-year old wife doesn't just want to be a small town housewife.

Fernanda is still a teenager and Jay is barely out of his teens. It's not surprising that they are both still immature. Ashley and Johnathan chose their spouses presumably for their firm bodies, high sex-drive, youthful carefree attitudes and optimism...., but expect them to have the mindset and maturity of somebody a decade older than they are. No wonder that didn't work out.

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Is Nicole deep frying the avocados and bananas? 

I didn't read all the comments yet but anyone else felt sorry for May having a birthday party with no other children but only adults? She has no friends? So sad.

Since yesterday (when I watched this episode) I officially 'tv hate' Chantel (even more). A horrible person.

Anyone else who is enjoying this episodes forum more than the actual show. Always when an episode is on the half I cannot wait till the show is over so I can read here. ;))

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Fernanda is such a baby. She cried about missing her mother and how mom was her best friend . Then she calls mommy to cry on her shoulder about mean old Jon and get advice. But mommy doesn’t tell her what she wants to hear. So much for mommy is my best friend. 

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I think our gardener charged like $40-50 a month to care for the lawn every other week.  Front and back.  Not a big lawn or a big house.  This seems like a relatively small amount to pay to keep the peace and show gratitude.  I think it's probably close to the amount to care for two large dogs.

Speaking of dogs and a lawn, nothing is harder on grass than dogs. I don't know if their dogs dig, but even if not, Elizabeth and/or Andrei need to be out there regularly watering the grass and picking up poop or mowing is going to be the least of their lawn troubles. Didn't they get one of those two dogs right after they married? If they were short on cash, why on earth did they do that? Dog upkeep also costs money and apparently having two large dogs was one of the reasons they "needed" a home with a yard (that they can't afford).


Who is going to take care of this baby if both of them work? 

Whether or not Andrei gets a job, I am certain Elizabeth is planning to be a stay-at-home mom. I don't know how much she plans to actually take care of the baby. 


Same goes for Jonathan. When he first started dating Fernanda, she was 17 and he was 30!! Now, two years later, he is surprised that his 19-year old wife doesn't just want to be a small town housewife.

I don't think that Jon necessarily wants her to be a small town housewife. I think he'd be fine with her going to school; getting a job; pursuing a career. He seemed to be hopeful she would develop an interest in real estate and could work with him. What I don't think he anticipated was her wanting to be a model and actress in Chicago and for her to expect him to dump an established career that supports them fairly well to follow her. Whatever else I think about them, Jon is right to want to stay in NC - that's where he is best able to support them.

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3 hours ago, DutchbutnoJesse said:

I didn't read all the comments yet but anyone else felt sorry for May having a birthday party with no other children but only adults? She has no friends? So sad.

I doubt that was her real birthday party.  It was the birthday party TLC through for her so they could film it.  

14 hours ago, iwasish said:

Men like her father are annoying, they treat the daughters like princesses, spoiling and paying their bills and then when they decide to marry they put the husband at a disadvantage because he may not have the financial chops just yet to foot the lifestyle he’s gotten his daughter accustomed to so he continues to fund her but now with an underlying resentment and in an attempt to prove that he’s a better man than her hubby. It’s an emotional power play. 

Libby’s father had it in for Andrei from day one, spouting off that Andrei wouldn’t be able to support his daughter and he would have to help them.  Lo and behold, he was right and Andrei is not working.  Kinda find that hard to believe that since Andrei worked two jobs prior to coming here.  He doesn’t strike me as the type of guy to just sit around and do nothing.   But I guess if he were working and actually supporting his wife, there wouldn’t be a storyline for TLC to film.  I still say. something isn’t ringing true to me.  

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1 hour ago, Elizzikra said:

What I don't think he anticipated was her wanting to be a model and actress in Chicago

While there is some work in Chicago, you would think she would move to L.A. or NYC if serious about these pursuits. Maybe someone in Chicago is letting her live rent free though.

Edited by Spike
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1 hour ago, Elizzikra said:

Speaking of dogs and a lawn, nothing is harder on grass than dogs. I don't know if their dogs dig, but even if not, Elizabeth and/or Andrei need to be out there regularly watering the grass and picking up poop or mowing is going to be the least of their lawn troubles. Didn't they get one of those two dogs right after they married? If they were short on cash, why on earth did they do that? Dog upkeep also costs money and apparently having two large dogs was one of the reasons they "needed" a home with a yard (that they can't afford).

Whether or not Andrei gets a job, I am certain Elizabeth is planning to be a stay-at-home mom. I don't know how much she plans to actually take care of the baby. 

I don't think that Jon necessarily wants her to be a small town housewife. I think he'd be fine with her going to school; getting a job; pursuing a career. He seemed to be hopeful she would develop an interest in real estate and could work with him. What I don't think he anticipated was her wanting to be a model and actress in Chicago and for her to expect him to dump an established career that supports them fairly well to follow her. Whatever else I think about them, Jon is right to want to stay in NC - that's where he is best able to support them.

And the difference between Russ and Jonathan is that when Fernanda insisted he give up his career for her pie-in-the-sky modeling aspirations, Jonathan shipped the remainder of her shit to Chicago and filed for divorce. Russ, on the other hand, is still wondering if Paola intends to carry his balls around forever or if she will eventually give them back. Hell, at this point, Russ would probably be pleased as punch to get the occasional visit with his balls...

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32 minutes ago, LGGirl said:

Libby’s father had it in for Andrei from day one, spouting off that Andrei wouldn’t be able to support his daughter and he would have to help them.  Lo and behold, he was right and Andrei is not working.  Kinda find that hard to believe that since Andrei worked two jobs prior to coming here.  He doesn’t strike me as the type of guy to just sit around and do nothing.   But I guess if he were working and actually supporting his wife, there wouldn’t be a storyline for TLC to film.  I still say. something isn’t ringing true to me.  

Let's assume that he completed the truck driver training, but didn't want to do long-haul trucking.  He was a bouncer in Ireland.  Surely it can't be THAT hard to get a job as a bouncer in Florida.

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7 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

Let's assume that he completed the truck driver training, but didn't want to do long-haul trucking.  He was a bouncer in Ireland.  Surely it can't be THAT hard to get a job as a bouncer in Florida.

Do we know for sure that he is in fact not working at all, or is that just the impression from the pre-view snippets? I don’t trust those pre-views any more, they are so often taken out of context and /or incomplete to build suspense.

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1 hour ago, LGGirl said:

I doubt that was her real birthday party.  It was the birthday party TLC through for her so they could film it. 

I don't know, the three little ceasar "hot and readys" felt a lot like how family parties go down in Nicole's world.

I'm not even poo poohing little ceasars hot and readys because it's a good deal, but I'm not sure it's how I want to party with other adults.

1 hour ago, Spike said:

While there is some work in Chicago, you would think she would move to L.A. or NYC if serious about these pursuits. Maybe someone in Chicago is letting her live rent free though.

Yeah, I never understood the idea of pursuing a modelling career in Chicago.

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I think someone needs to do a PSA for the women of Central and South America to let them know that it's very unlikely they will have a successful modelling career in America.

Just because some dude with a fancy camera took pictures of you in your native country does not mean you're going to be the next Giselle.  

I'm thinking Sofia vegara should do it.

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5 hours ago, DutchbutnoJesse said:

I didn't read all the comments yet but anyone else felt sorry for May having a birthday party with no other children but only adults? She has no friends? So sad.

Eh, she's probably not at an age where she notices.  Many people I know with kids didn't have actual kid parties until a little older. Unless the parents happened to have friends that have kids... the parents would get invited and the kids were just kinda bonus. 

But many people also do family only birthday gatherings. So nothing really odd about it. 

1 hour ago, Spike said:

While there is some work in Chicago, you would think she would move to L.A. or NYC if serious about these pursuits. Maybe someone in Chicago is letting her live rent free though.

I think she's latched onto Chicago because his family lives there and she probably thinks if she can get him to want to be closer to his family again then she's got a good chance of getting to a larger city.

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22 minutes ago, Dmarie019 said:

Eh, she's probably not at an age where she notices.  Many people I know with kids didn't have actual kid parties until a little older. Unless the parents happened to have friends that have kids... the parents would get invited and the kids were just kinda bonus. 

Maybe I am old fashioned but I don't think it is normal. 

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Besides that, I remember my birthday parties when I was a child and loved them. Cannot imagine that I would enjoy them when only my uncles and aunties were there without my friends... Sorry but it is a party for the child not for yourself.

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Until my son was about 5 i just had a brunch party at home with family and our neighbors, on the Sunday closest to his birthday. I had bigger, kid focused parties for him when he got a little older. He is presently a well adjusted adult with a good job, a decent car, and his own place. He has never done hard time.

To me, it wasn't that May's party was just family, it was that she was completely ignored! So the whole family could focus on Nicole and her idiotic life. Nicole sucked up all the attention while May wandered around.

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I will always ask aloud if these imports and the importer ever have a real conversation about where they will be living, what the visa process will be like, understand the financial decisions, understanding that traveling back home may not be possible for quite a while and other important questions before they further their commitment? 

Did Pao or Fernanda or any of them look on line at the towns they would be doing time in?  

DId they know that they would have to surrender their passports while they go thru the process and they would not be able to fly home for a visit?

Did they know their future spouse would be using all of their money for the visa therefore living like royalty in the US would take time and hard work?  Is there a conversation about the money situation or for that matter the living arrangements?  They always seemed to be surprised about all those details once on US soil.

Ugh, rant over.

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19 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

I will always ask aloud if these imports and the importer ever have a real conversation about where they will be living, what the visa process will be like, understand the financial decisions, understanding that traveling back home may not be possible for quite a while and other important questions before they further their commitment? 

Did Pao or Fernanda or any of them look on line at the towns they would be doing time in?  

DId they know that they would have to surrender their passports while they go thru the process and they would not be able to fly home for a visit?

Did they know their future spouse would be using all of their money for the visa therefore living like royalty in the US would take time and hard work?  Is there a conversation about the money situation or for that matter the living arrangements?  They always seemed to be surprised about all those details once on US soil.

Ugh, rant over.

It's probably such a job to even hook a live one that they do not care where they live.  And I guess that pao and Fernanda figured that their husbands would be okay with only seeing them part time?,

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On 5/16/2019 at 10:54 AM, Tatortot said:

I get this feeling like Kalani thinks Asuelo is slow and incompetent.   But, I am thinking she is the problem, what a strange woman? 


She speaks to him like he's a little child!

On 5/16/2019 at 1:58 PM, Cini said:


How is Nicole planning to pay for her and Azan’s Grenada trip? Was that mentioned?


That's why Nicole went to temp agency, remember?  To get a high-paying, unskilled, no-experience short-term temporary job.  Because she's moving to Morocco soon!

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7 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Until my son was about 5 i just had a brunch party at home with family and our neighbors, on the Sunday closest to his birthday. I had bigger, kid focused parties for him when he got a little older. He is presently a well adjusted adult with a good job, a decent car, and his own place. He has never done hard time.

To me, it wasn't that May's party was just family, it was that she was completely ignored! So the whole family could focus on Nicole and her idiotic life. Nicole sucked up all the attention while May wandered around.

You normally don't have parties with friends until you're old enough to have friends.  May isn't in school, and it's not like Nicole has any friends with kids, so the family only gathering makes perfect sense to me too.  

And I think the future therapy for May will focus more on the, "Dude mom made me call daddy", rather than one day of party when she was four.  :P

Edited by Kangatush
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6 hours ago, Kath94 said:

She speaks to him like he's a little child!

That's why Nicole went to temp agency, remember?  To get a high-paying, unskilled, no-experience short-term temporary job.  Because she's moving to Morocco soon!

Because “my fiancé is in Morocco and we’re getting married”

Nicole loves to tell people about her “fiancé”.

Like the woman at the party on Seinfeld “have you met my fiancé?”

”where is my fiancé?”

She wants people to know someone finds her  desirable enough to marry. 

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6 minutes ago, iwasish said:

Because “my fiancé is in Morocco and we’re getting married”

Nicole loves to tell people about her “fiancé”.

Like the woman at the party on Seinfeld “have you met my fiancé?”

”where is my fiancé?”

She wants people to know someone finds her  desirable enough to marry. 

She is such an idiot that I cannot decide if I loathe her or feel sorry for her. But the one thing I do know is she is a turd burglar. Legit.

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On 5/16/2019 at 10:54 AM, Tatortot said:

I get this feeling like Kalani thinks Asuelo is slow and incompetent.   But, I am thinking she is the problem, what a strange woman?   What makes her think she is better than him, or even a better parent?  and why is she still calling the child "her baby"

I don't get why David cannot call or get online and find out why Annie's papers haven't gone thru yet??   He needs to follow through with that.   She sure is funny during the pillowtalk episodes.

David did present it to her in a bedroom scene where they were sitting on end of the bed I believe.  He said he had a surprise for her  in a TH and handed to her ( not out of an envelope) and she exclaimed I’m free! 

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I've only seen half of this episode and only half of the other episodes too!  But, Elizabeth?  Does she have a job?  Why isn't she working?  I mean I know she was employed by her dad before, but does she do anything now? I always thought she had some kind of illness or takes some sort of medication, but dang.  With the exposure from the show she could at least join some pyramid scheme sales things like essential oils and make some sales from the followers she has.  She would make something for doing really not much other than taking pretty photographs of an oil diffuser . I kind of hate her dad, but he should drop them and give them some tough love and all that.  or provide some things for the baby, but tell them that they are adults and need to earn some income.  TLC lies all the time so maybe they are making up a story line for these people because nothing makes sense.

And Pao is awful, that is all.

Edited by doyouevengohere
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On 5/17/2019 at 10:54 AM, Spike said:

While there is some work in Chicago, you would think she would move to L.A. or NYC if serious about these pursuits. Maybe someone in Chicago is letting her live rent free though.

I seem to recall mention that she was staying with her relatives in Chicago.

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On 5/17/2019 at 3:04 PM, Pepper Mostly said:

Until my son was about 5 i just had a brunch party at home with family and our neighbors, on the Sunday closest to his birthday. I had bigger, kid focused parties for him when he got a little older. He is presently a well adjusted adult with a good job, a decent car, and his own place. He has never done hard time.

To me, it wasn't that May's party was just family, it was that she was completely ignored! So the whole family could focus on Nicole and her idiotic life. Nicole sucked up all the attention while May wandered around.

I agree - my kids parties were pretty low key but we did focus on the child, not drama going on in my life.  Not that there was, any, lol!

Nicole, in grocery store:  "Let's call Daddy!"  May: "NO!" and proceeds to run around a grocery store while Nicole blabs away to Her World, complaining how unfair everyone was to her at May's party - which Azan was unaware of apparently.

Okay, I had never really followed Libby, Andreeeei and Big Deep Pockets Daddy but I officially hate Libby and Daddy.  I had read about them and always got the idea they were super close and respectful towards each other.  After the scene at the coffeehouse - ugh - they are both gross and she is grosser.  Eyerolling, passive aggressive towards Daddy when, by all accounts, he has supported YOU.  Neither Andrrrrrei and Libby had any business getting married let alone getting pregnant.  When you have to choose between $100 for a lawn mower or $100 for groceries, why are you pregnant?  I don't know that much about Andrrrrreei but by all accounts he is getting painted with the same brush as Family Chantal:  good guy, tries to work, wants to work, whatever but Big Deep Pockets Daddy is putting him down and Libby allows it.  Her sister putting their beeks into their business never helps.  Libby, just say his name as Andrei.  Rolling your R's makes you sound like a douche.  Your actions already portray you as a douche, the rolling R's never help.  Then you go home and complain to your hubby about stuff your dad said about him and wonder why no one gets along?   They really are Pedro/Chantal 2.0, aren't they?  "We are not gonna depend on your dad anymore!"  Libby, thinking to herself:  "Crap now I gotta live in a tiny little apartment and support ourselves???"  My other favorite:  "The thought of paying rent is crazy."  Really?  Most adults do this every damn day!!  Why are you exempt?

The scene in the restaurant with Chantal, Pedro and Friends was PAINFUL to watch.  Watching them fight, listening to them hash out old crap.....just ugh.  "Well, we gotta go, were paying a babysitter."  That is code for:  "The kids are overnight at Gramma's, free of charge but we would rather go home and stick each other with needles in the eyes than sit here and listen to this crap."

Pao:  Had I been at that shower I would have left after an hour, taken my gift with me and wrote you a letter mailed certified mail telling you straight up what a nasty, selfish passive aggressive bitch you are.   Or maybe I would have left and came back and done it in person, I am not sure.  It would have depended on my time schedule.  And I am NOT a person who confronts - I really kinda hate it, actually.  But that was horrid.  Bitchy Pirate Wench outfit was the topper.  I secretly think Pao wanted everyone to leave so she never had to sit there at all.   "People are always late to parties in Colombia"  Well you are in Oklahoma, bitch.  

Chantal and Pedro  - throw in the towel.  Put a fork into it.  It is just too late - you two (especially you Chantal) were never ready to get married.  Your parents approval means WAY too much to you.  

Edited by Mrs. Hanson
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5 hours ago, sagittarius sue said:

I seem to recall mention that she was staying with her relatives in Chicago.

I thought her relatives were in Houston and Jon’s family is in Chicago?

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I live in a city with many beautiful Latinx women and I would rank Fernanda as average to slightly below in her facial features.  So I don’t know who is blowing smoke up her ass regarding modeling.  It’s a pipe dream.

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On 5/17/2019 at 10:27 AM, Elizzikra said:

Speaking of dogs and a lawn, nothing is harder on grass than dogs. I don't know if their dogs dig, but even if not, Elizabeth and/or Andrei need to be out there regularly watering the grass and picking up poop or mowing is going to be the least of their lawn troubles. Didn't they get one of those two dogs right after they married? If they were short on cash, why on earth did they do that? Dog upkeep also costs money and apparently having two large dogs was one of the reasons they "needed" a home with a yard (that they can't afford).

Whether or not Andrei gets a job, I am certain Elizabeth is planning to be a stay-at-home mom. I don't know how much she plans to actually take care of the baby. 

I don't think that Jon necessarily wants her to be a small town housewife. I think he'd be fine with her going to school; getting a job; pursuing a career. He seemed to be hopeful she would develop an interest in real estate and could work with him. What I don't think he anticipated was her wanting to be a model and actress in Chicago and for her to expect him to dump an established career that supports them fairly well to follow her. Whatever else I think about them, Jon is right to want to stay in NC - that's where he is best able to support them.

The person you were responding to in the part I bolded, was talking about Loren and Alexi, not Libby and Andrei.

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Pedro and Hilary Banks- UGH, either get counseling and move or just get divorced!  I think Pedro started off in love and really sweet, but he's been beaten down by her horrible family, his horrible family's reactions, and Chantel defending her horrible family and blaming him and never letting that go.  I don't blame him for leaving for a month and also considering divorce and wanting to know his options.  Cee Air is dumb as a post if she didn't understand she WOULD be responsible for him for 10 years no matter if they stay together or not.  At this point I hope he leaves her high and dry.

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10 minutes ago, doyouevengohere said:

Pedro and Hilary Banks- UGH, either get counseling and move or just get divorced!  I think Pedro started off in love and really sweet, but he's been beaten down by her horrible family, his horrible family's reactions, and Chantel defending her horrible family and blaming him and never letting that go.  I don't blame him for leaving for a month and also considering divorce and wanting to know his options.  Cee Air is dumb as a post if she didn't understand she WOULD be responsible for him for 10 years no matter if they stay together or not.  At this point I hope he leaves her high and dry.

Yep, and that whole "I am NOT gonna be responsible for HIS ass" was her mom channeling through her.

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3 hours ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

I agree - my kids parties were pretty low key but we did focus on the child, not drama going on in my life.  Not there was, any, lol!

Nicole, in grocery store:  "Let's call Daddy!"  May: "NO!" and proceeds to run around a grocery store while Nicole blabs away to Her World, complaining how unfair everyone was to her at May's party - which Azan was unaware of apparently.

Okay, I had never really followed Libby, Andreeeei and Big Deep Pockets Daddy but I officially hate Libby and Daddy.  I had read about them and always got the idea they were super close and respectful towards each other.  After the scene at the coffeehouse - ugh - they are both gross and she is grosser.  Eyerolling, passive aggressive towards Daddy when, by all accounts, he has supported YOU.  Neither Andrrrrrei and Libby had any business getting married let alone getting pregnant.  When you have to choose between $100 for a lawn mower or $100 for groceries, why are you pregnant?  I don't know that much about Andrrrrreei but by all accounts he is getting painted with the same brush as Family Chantal:  good guy, tries to work, wants to work, whatever but Big Deep Pockets Daddy is putting him down and Libby allows it.  Her sister putting their beeks into their business never helps.  Libby, just say his name as Andrei.  Rolling your R's makes you sound like a douche.  Your actions already portray you as a douche, the rolling R's never help.  Then you go home and complain to your hubby about stuff your dad said about him and wonder why no one gets along?   They really are Pedro/Chantal 2.0, aren't they?  "We are not gonna depend on your dad anymore!"  Libby, thinking to herself:  "Crap now I gotta live in a tiny little apartment and support ourselves???"  My other favorite:  "The thought of paying rent is crazy."  Really?  Most adults do this every damn day!!  Why are you exempt?

The scene in the restaurant with Chantal, Pedro and Friends was PAINFUL to watch.  Watching them fight, listening to them hash out old crap.....just ugh.  "Well, we gotta go, were paying a babysitter."  That is code for:  "The kids are overnight at Gramma's, free of charge but we would rather go home and stick each other with needles in the eyes than sit here and listen to this crap."

Pao:  Had I been at that shower I would have left after an hour, taken my gift with me and wrote you a letter mailed certified mail telling you straight up what a nasty, selfish passive aggressive bitch you are.   Or maybe I would have left and came back and done it in person, I am not sure.  It would have depended on my time schedule.  And I am NOT a person who confronts - I really kinda hate it, actually.  But that was horrid.  Bitchy Pirate Wench outfit was the topper.  I secretly think Pao wanted everyone to leave so she never had to sit there at all.   "People are always late to parties in Colombia"  Well you are in Oklahoma, bitch.  

Chantal and Pedro  - throw in the towel.  Put a fork into it.  It is just too late - you two (especially you Chantal) were never ready to get married.  Your parents approval means WAY too much to you.  

I hated that scene in the grocery store with Nicole because I would have been beyond annoyed if I wanted to grab some cilantro real quick and some jackass was camped out in the middle of produce aisle blocking me because she wanted to make some Skype call to prove she bought fruits and vegetables.

And honestly just because they were in the cart doesn't mean they made it home.  She should have made the video call at the trunk while she loaded in groceries.  

Ha ha, I'm like you, I don't like confrontation with people I know and care about because I can go from 0 to 100 in a hot minute.  I would have just left - you can have the gift but I'm pretty sure I'm not waiting for you for hours like your Evita coming to the window.

I wonder if pao even sent thank you notes.  Probably not.

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