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S04.E03: Mistrials Of Marriage

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Larissa heads to trial. Elizabeth's father pushes Andrei too far. Nicole's family questions her plan to reunite with Azan. Chantel gets bad news about Pedro's Green Card. Pao struggles to connect with Russ' family. Ashley spends time with her ex.

Edited by TwirlyGirly
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Nothing says wanting to make amends as showing up 2 hours late for a party organized by the in-laws in your honor. As always Pao was dressed very inappropriately. She looked absolutely ridiculous. 

I was so confused. First, why didn't Pao get her nails done before she came to Oklahoma? It's not like there is a shortage of nail salons in Miami. Second, I thought Russ's mother said she was an hour late. If so, I couldn't understand why everyone left as soon as Pao arrived - surely the guests planned to stay at a baby shower more than an hour? 

I thought Pao's outfit looked incredibly uncomfortable - way too tight. She could barely sit, let alone breathe. I'm with her on hating the whole "opening gifts at a shower" thing. I loathe that.

On a different note, I usually cannot stand Larissa but to give credit where it is due, she was nicely and appropriately dressed for court. 

Both Nicole and Libby grate on my nerves. Immature little girls playing house. Unfortunately using actual children in the game.

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How much did Paola and Russ pay to bring back their gifts on the plane.  I mean.....a big ass bouncy chair...etc??

Yes, we go to parties late....but, we also know how to be on time.  Just like Paola needs to be on time to all her doctor’s appointments...etc.

Why didn’t she get her fugly nails in Miami? 

Elizabeth.....your dad didn’t give you a house to live in.  Y’all BEGGED him for the house......and, then refuse to pay rent!

Move out, Hun!  

It looks like she doesnt work....either.  I know she said she was the ‘manager’ of her dad’s rental.....but, that is not a real job for her....esp. if she cannot afford rent.

Looks like they live off their 90 Day Fiancé money.

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Yea, I used to like Pao but she was just pitiful last night.    So disrespectful!!!    Russ's mom even said she asked them to come about 2 hours early so they could get to know Pao.   So she shows up an hour late and then expects everyone to wait around for her, entitled much?

Did Libby really call her father "dada"  is she two?

Nicole is soooo delusional!

Edited by Tatortot
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58 minutes ago, Elizzikra said:

I thought Russ's mother said she was an hour late. If so, I couldn't understand why everyone left as soon as Pao arrived - surely the guests planned to stay at a baby shower more than an hour? 

The way I understood it, was that everybody, men and women, were there for about two hours before the women-only baby shower was scheduled to start. That is why Russ and the other men left as soon as Pao finally showed up - they had already been there for two hours and were now running late for their Tee-time. Pao apparently decided to skip the time with the whole group of family and friends and only showed up in time for the women-only gift giving part. 

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My favorite part was when Nicole had to call Azan to brag about buying AN apple.  You'll be bikini ready in no time Nicole.

And I feel like Chantel has to work really hard to be as oblivious as she is.  You can't even see a little bit how your family is at least partly responsible for the situation?  And I like how both she and River ask the innocent bystanders if they'd ever say "shut up" to parents.  If I were ever asked this, my first question would be, "What had your parents said right before?"

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5 minutes ago, Kangatush said:

And I feel like Chantel has to work really hard to be as oblivious as she is.  You can't even see a little bit how your family is at least partly responsible for the situation?  And I like how both she and River ask the innocent bystanders if they'd ever say "shut up" to parents.  If I were ever asked this, my first question would be, "What had your parents said right before?"

I always felt they were shopping themselves around (her family) for their own show, where they could feature their business, etc (ala "Bring It", or "Cheer Perfection" before that whole mess imploded with one of the moms sleeping with a 13 year old, and two of the coaches getting busted for pot - Cheer Perfection had a tie-in with Toddlers and Tiaras).  When that didn't work, they took the trashy route, and sadly, that seems to have worked, so things are definitely about to get a whole lot more stupider.

Edited by funky-rat
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21 minutes ago, funky-rat said:

I always felt they were shopping themselves around (her family) for their own show, where they could feature their business, etc (ala "Bring It", or "Cheer Perfection" before that whole mess imploded with one of the moms sleeping with a 13 year old, and two of the coaches getting busted for pot - Cheer Perfection had a tie-in with Toddlers and Tiaras).  When that didn't work, they took the trashy route, and sadly, that seems to have worked, so things are definitely about to get a whole lot more stupider.

Well, their dream came true with The Family Chantel show premiering in July.  I really am going to try super hard not to watch, but I will demand updates on if there are tiny hats or not.

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25 minutes ago, Kangatush said:

Well, their dream came true with The Family Chantel show premiering in July.  I really am going to try super hard not to watch, but I will demand updates on if there are tiny hats or not.

Yeah ,that's what I meant with the trashy route working.  I probably didn't phrase that well.  I don't plan on watching either.

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1 hour ago, Kangatush said:

My favorite part was when Nicole had to call Azan to brag about buying AN apple.  You'll be bikini ready in no time Nicole.

And I feel like Chantel has to work really hard to be as oblivious as she is.  You can't even see a little bit how your family is at least partly responsible for the situation?  And I like how both she and River ask the innocent bystanders if they'd ever say "shut up" to parents.  If I were ever asked this, my first question would be, "What had your parents said right before?"

I agree.  

The best part was Chantel learning she would be responsible for Pedro for 10 years.   The little princess got a smack of reality that the law isn’t on her side.   The look on Pedro’s face was priceless.  

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2 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

Andrei is a horrible person. He's always talking so big about being a man and taking careof his family yet doesn't do a damn thing.  Could anybody be more miserable than Libby? Her attitude with her father makes me want to smack that smirk right off her face. Doesn't have a job but can't even be bothered to mow the lawn? Get outta here! 

The two of them are well-matched.  I just feel sorry for their baby.  Libby's father ought to be mad at Libby for not growing the hell up and taking responsibility for her life way before she ever met Andrei.  She's a spoiled brat.

2 hours ago, Kangatush said:

My favorite part was when Nicole had to call Azan to brag about buying AN apple.  You'll be bikini ready in no time Nicole.

And I feel like Chantel has to work really hard to be as oblivious as she is.  You can't even see a little bit how your family is at least partly responsible for the situation?  And I like how both she and River ask the innocent bystanders if they'd ever say "shut up" to parents.  If I were ever asked this, my first question would be, "What had your parents said right before?"

Poor May.

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Pao, it doesn’t matter when parties in Columbia start.   You aren’t in Columbia.  

Russ should have left her in Columbia when he had the chance.  

Larry’s kid has more sense than Larry.  

David is lying about Annie’s paperwork.   He afraid of her getting a job and leaving his lazy ass.  

Nichole lives in a dream world at the expense of her child.  

Don't care about Ashley.  

Libby needs to grow up. 

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8 minutes ago, LGGirl said:

Pao, it doesn’t matter when parties in Columbia start.   You aren’t in Columbia.  

Pao is so full of shit with this. She's been in the US long enough, and she's been married to old anal-retentive Russ long enough, to understand that when an invitation is given for a certain time,that is the time you are expected. Her wide eyed "oh dear, in Colombia no one ever shows up on time! and everyone stays for hours, pounding shots and salsa dancing until dawn!" is bullshit. Russ explained the sequence of events to her quite clearly. She is just a rude,  tacky brat.

Pedro. Run. You do not have a prayer. Chantel's family won't be happy until they run you off. Then they will spend the rest of their lives crowing "We told you so!" to Chantel, not even understanding that it was a self fulfilling prophecy. They were not pleased with Chantel's marriage, so they kept slamming the door in Pedro's face, belittling him, insulting him, and pouring poison into stupid, vapid Chantel's ears. You would have to be superhuman to put up with it. Pedro is being emotionally abused. He needs to flee to save his sanity. Pedro seems like an uncomplicated guy who likes to laugh, works hard, and wants to enjoy his life. Chantel is a psychic vampire, and her whole family are ghouls. Who acts like that? They're like some creepy cult.

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20 minutes ago, the-grey-lady said:


Nicole: Should we call Daddy?

May: No.

When even your 5-year-old is like "Stop wasting our time, lady. He's not into you". 


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Color me shocked but Larissa actually dressed properly for court. Simple, navy blue, conservative dress. She thinks her lawyer is handsome. She's thinking why couldn't she have found a man like him to bring her to America instead of cheap, drippy, fugly, pasty Coltee. Oh, brother, she definitely didn't hit the jackpot with that match. Debbie is a closet drinker. I'm convinced of it. It was so dreary and sad when Coltee took his mother out for margaritas and Mexican food at the strip mall. Of course, the margaritas came in tacky cactus cocktail glasses. It was that type of place. I think Coltee and Debbie should continue dating and Larissa should go back to Brazil and start over again. That would be a hell of a lot better than being the third wheel in that relationship.

Edited by Matty
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3 hours ago, LGGirl said:

I agree.  

The best part was Chantel learning she would be responsible for Pedro for 10 years.   The little princess got a smack of reality that the law isn’t on her side.   The look on Pedro’s face was priceless.  

Chantel clearly didn’t know anything about K1 sponsorship obligations if this is really the first time she is hearing this. Neither did her parents if they thought that stupid LegalZoom prenup had any real value.

Im not really a Pedro fan, but he’s not a terrible guy. If he leaves Chantel, I don’t see him quitting his jobs so she has to support him. Pedro is not work-shy. I’m guessing he’s making more money than Chantel who is in school/ works for her parents? I see him going back to DR or staying put in Georgia, working, and sending money back to his family.

Pedro is not Andrei.

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All these people give me a headache. None of them should have gotten married, or in the case of Nicole/Azan, should get married. I don't know why I watch this train wreck because it's pretty much the same arguments every single week. 

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I FF past  Nicole and Azan. Interest level = 0. Whatever happens to her she deserves.

Sorry, Andrei. That you’ve decided to sit on your ass all day, not even mow the lawn and live rent free in a home her father owns deserves complaint. He’s lazy and no, they don’t seem very appreciative if they can’t bother to mow the lawn or keep the place up. Libby makes her dad out to be the bad guy? He should boot their asses out of that house. 

Not interested in Ashley and her drama but going out in public with an ex just so you can come home and tell Jay about it is horse shit. Make a decision and just stop with all this nonsense. 

Pedro and Chantel just feels so totally scripted to me. Pedro needs to run like hell away from these lunatics.

Russ is totally whipped and I can’t even look at him without disgust. He’s just such a wormy jellyfish. You have a tee time with your friends, your wife is a disrespectful bitch and you’re all, “Okay, I’ll wait for you”? What? He should have left. His friends should have left even if he did not. I was embarrassed watching him telling all of those people that his wife was having her nails done and then “she’s still having her nails done.” Russ is such a wimp. I see absolutely nothing remotely attractive about him.

Don’t care about any of the people featured in the 3rd hour: The trailer guy with the son, disgusting David, I can’t even remember who else was on there and I only watched it a couple hours ago.

As an aside I hate the stupid pissed off poses that the couples make before their segment comes on. 

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What in Sam Hill is growing Father Nicole's chin?  He looks like a human billygoat.  Father Nicole says he is not sure that Azan can make his daughter happy...so why did he offer to sponser that Moroccan con artist?  

I call BS on Ashley saying that her getting botox and extensions are not something she normally would do, yeah right.  

Andreiiii the giant is all talk, living rent free, doing nothing to provide for your wife and soon to be born child buy yet still has the where with all to act like the head of the household and be a bully and yet Elizabeth still respects him, I would be looking at that man much differently if I were her.  My question is about her huge pick up truck, where did the money come from and how does she afford to fill the gas tank?

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Colts reminds me of those serial killers that live with their mother and take their mommy issues out on innocent women.  He makes your skin crawl.

Edited by Kid
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7 hours ago, Cini said:

The way I understood it, was that everybody, men and women, were there for about two hours before the women-only baby shower was scheduled to start. That is why Russ and the other men left as soon as Pao finally showed up - they had already been there for two hours and were now running late for their Tee-time. Pao apparently decided to skip the time with the whole group of family and friends and only showed up in time for the women-only gift giving part. 

Yes, it was to start out as a friends and family get together to see Russ and Pao and catch up on things since they had been away so long. Then the men were to leave and the ladies have the shower. She was an hour late when Russ called her and then who knows how long it took her to get there. Probably another hour or so. I don’t think she’d have the nerve to do it if her “friend” Christine wasn’t there to egg her on. 

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43 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

What in Sam Hill is growing Father Nicole's chin?  He looks like a human billygoat.  Father Nicole says he is not sure that Azan can make his daughter happy...so why did he offer to sponser that Moroccan con artist?  

In addition to that, her father is just pure sickening to me. Mr. Big Shot who's gonna bring it on if Asuelu doesn't do right by Kalani and the kids. Fuck you and your old school threats of a beatdown. He needs to gtf over himself. Asuelu was worried that Mr. Tough Guy would be angry that "she's pregnant again" meaning of course that Kalani had no part whatsoever in any of it. This dude needs to lose the camera time he has because he comes off as an ass. Maybe back in the day it was cool so intimidate your daughter's husband with zero cause. Today you just look and sound like a fool.

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5 hours ago, LGGirl said:

David is lying about Annie’s paperwork.   He afraid of her getting a job and leaving his lazy ass.  

I agree with this. He is a shady little penguin, isn't he? If I were Annie I would demand to see the copies of the paperwork. I'm no expert but wouldn't she have to sign the paperwork and produce some form of ID or something? I thought she was smarter than that. 

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4 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

I agree with this. He is a shady little penguin, isn't he? If I were Annie I would demand to see the copies of the paperwork. I'm no expert but wouldn't she have to sign the paperwork and produce some form of ID or something? I thought she was smarter than that. 

Ten to 6 at the immigration office said she should have received paperwork in her name since she is the applicant. She said she’s never received anything. There has to be someway to track it. Her friend said she got stuff back in a month and that she tracked her application on the internet. David said something about getting all their papers together and “following up”. 

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Chantel and Pedro and the dinner with Cassie and Danny:

Chantel was the one that brought up their relationship issues at the dinner; not Pedro. That wasn't the time or the place, but Chantel can't let any opportunity to prove how wrong Pedro is go to waste.

Chantel was shocked when Cassie and Danny initially supported Pedro in going to the Dominican Republic without Chantel.

Because Chantel can't have anyone disagree with her reality, she had to ensure only her side of the Family Chantel dinner debacle was presented to Cassie and Danny, lest they offer any sympathy to Pedro for being arrested. Chantel will not allow any responsibility for what happened at that dinner fall on her own, or any of the members of her family's, shoulders.

And when Pedro tried to give his side of the story of what happened at the family dinner, Chantel cut him off, and spoke over him so he couldn't get a word in edgewise. When she (or her family) does this Pedro gets frustrated, probably because English is his second language and he gets a bit lost and eventually gives up. 

It's really hard to follow a conversation not in your native language, especially when emotions are running high and people are interrupting and talking over each other. I suspect Chantel knows this and does it on purpose to ensure her point of view is the only point of view that gets heard. It works.

Did anyone else notice Chantel sitting there at the table in the restaurant with a smirk on her face after she gave her version of the Family Chantel dinner? I wanted to slap her.

Pedro saying to his sister Nicole on the phone that Chantel doesn't like him talking to his family "because they put things in his head" was RICH. Pot, meet kettle. Has Chantel ever met her own damn family? Perhaps she needs a few reminders:

"Maybe Pedro has another wife and kids in the Dominican!"

"We think his mother found you for him to marry so he could come to America and harvest the American dollar!"

"Pedro could be on steroids!"

And on. And on. And on.

Pao and Russ and the baby shower:

I like Pao, but she shouldn't have been late to her shower. However, time is a very loose concept in many countries, and Colombia is one of those. Being on time is part of American etiquette. In Colombian cultural etiquette, guests are typically a half hour to an hour late to parties and meet-ups with friends.

IMO, many of the problems that arise with these foreign spouses is that their American partners don't take the time to teach them American culture and norms. Then when the foreign spouse commits an etiquette faux pas (like Pao did being late to the shower), the blame is put on the foreigner and attributed to them being rude. 

And Americans, I think, are too quick to judge foreigners and not consider that the American way of doing things is not necessarily the way they're done in other countries. 

So, why didn't Russ explain to Pao long ago that while being late to gatherings with her Colombian friends is perfectly okay, it's a serious etiquette breach to be late to parties, meet-ups, etc., with Americans? Did he ever spell this out to her? Or did he, like so many Americans, just assume Pao would absorb American cultural etiquette by osmosis? And if that's what he thought, is that fair to Pao?

Nicole (and Azan) and May's birthday party:

Nicole's family pondered why Nicole and Azan don't get married in a civil ceremony in Morocco "Like we do here!". My research indicates civil marriage ceremonies are not offered in Morocco at all. As a matter of fact, if a couple gets married in a civil ceremony outside of Morocco, their marriage is not legally binding in Morocco.*

Apparently Nicole's family is just as loathe to use Google to apprise themselves of Moroccan culture and laws as Nicole is herself. (Not surprised).

*I believe this applies if both are Moroccan, or one is Moroccan and the other is a citizen of another country. It may not apply (IOW, a civil marriage may be considered valid) if it's between two people who are both citizens of, and obtained a civil marriage in, another country - who then move to Morocco to live.

Ashley and Jay:

They're done. That is all.

Larissa and Colt and Debbie:

Larissa needs to accept Debbie will always come first in Colt's life.

It's possible her volatility is just a reaction to the way Colt, and Debbie, treat her. It may be her frustration and complete lack of power is the reason she erupts inappropriately. If not, she needs to get it under control. I think she could make a good life for herself sans team Colt and Debbie.

Elizabeth and Andrei:

Elizabeth needs to have more faith in Andrei. If he was able to work two jobs in Ireland and save enough money to support them for three months in the U.S. when he arrived, then he's proved he is willing to work hard for what he wants and what they need. 

I know Elizabeth is pregnant and an uncertain future is the last thing she needs right now. But Andrei isn't going to let his wife and baby live in a car. Elizabeth needs to get behind Andrei and support him. I honestly believe he can and will get them both out from under her father's thumb - which they NEED to do. Once they're financially independent, it will be far easier for them to set and enforce boundaries with Elizabeth's sisters, too

Edited by TwirlyGirly
Removed the word "to" from a sentence it shouldn't have been in!
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4 minutes ago, TwirlyGirly said:

But Andrei isn't going to let his wife and baby to live in a car.

Of course not. They are living for free in one of her daddy's houses. Which he is very ungrateful for. I don't like the way he's always yelling at Libby. Or just yelling, period. Calm yourself down, buddy. You are about to have a baby. Children don't need to hear you losing your shit all the time. 

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With Elizabeth and Andrei, everyone is annoying.

Last episode, her sister was surprised she wasn't there for one of the baby appointments. What! That was so strange. I mean, I can imagine maybe joining a sibling for a check up, but I don't know a single married friend who wanted her sibling there over her husband.

But at the same time, if Elizabeth and Andrei are living rent free in the dad's house, then they should be taking care of that property. Why can't Andrei mow the lawn? Can't they borrow a mower or rent one or ask her dad to borrow his? How are these two going to have a baby? Why didn't they wait until he was more settled and had his paperwork?

Why don't the people who go on this show want to use logic?

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4 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

Of course not. They are living for free in one of her daddy's houses. Which he is very ungrateful for. I don't like the way he's always yelling at Libby. Or just yelling, period. Calm yourself down, buddy. You are about to have a baby. Children don't need to hear you losing your shit all the time. 

Eh, it's Elizabeth's father who is claiming they aren't showing their appreciation. But both Elizabeth and Andrei disagree. Is it possible Elizabeth's father has set an unreasonably high bar for the kind of expressions of gratitude that would satisfy him? Perhaps because doesn't like nor trust Andrei, he's setting him up for failure to prove he's right about him.

Note Elizabeth's father gave no credit to Andrei for working two jobs while in Ireland to save money to support himself and Elizabeth when he arrived in the U.S.. While the money didn't last as long as he'd hoped, he did use it to pay their bills for three months. Yet Elizabeth's dad said he'd had to support them since Andrei arrived - and that wasn't true.

While I don't condone Andrei raising his voice, it may be, like Pedro and Larissa, he's tired of being painted as the bad guy by his spouse's family, and the way they get all up in his business. Perhaps as his frustration escalates, so does his voice.

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Is it possible Elizabeth's father has set an unreasonably high bar for the kind of expressions of gratitude that would satisfy him?

Possible, sure but as he defined it, he wanted the grass cut and the yard maintained. That doesn't seem unreasonable to me.


Note Elizabeth's father gave no credit to Andrei for working two jobs while in Ireland to save money to support himself and Elizabeth when he arrived in the U.S.. While the money didn't last as long as he'd hoped, he did use it to pay their bills for three months. Yet Elizabeth's dad said he'd had to support them since Andrei arrived - and that wasn't true.

I wonder of Elizabeth's father even knows about the money Andrei brought with him. I can just see Elizabeth wheedling extra money from her father by saying that they were struggling because Andrei didn't have a job - essentially double dipping from bother her father's wallet and Andrei's savings. It's also got to be frustrating to Elizabeth's father that Andrei paid for and completed trucking school, has his license and still doesn't have a trucking job. 


her sister was surprised she wasn't there for one of the baby appointments.

In her sister's defense, it was the sonogram where they were learning the sex of the baby so it was a big deal. I wouldn't want to have anyone in the room with me but my husband for that but I can see that in Elizabeth's gigantic, overenmeshed, boundaryless family, all the sisters probably attend this appointment for each pregnancy. Wait until Andrei discovers that they all expect to be in the delivery room, livestreaming the birth...

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38 minutes ago, TwirlyGirly said:

Elizabeth needs to have more faith in Andrei. If he was able to work two jobs in Ireland and save enough money to support them for three months in the U.S. when he arrived, then he's proved he is willing to work hard for what he wants and what they need. 

So why doesn't he get off his ass and get a job?  Andrei is lazy.  He won't even mow the yard.  After they spent all that money for him to become a licensed trucker, he decides that he doesn't want to do it.  Elizabeth and her ungrateful husband are living in one of her father's house rent free.  Those two losers are mouthing off and giving attitude when they should be grateful.   

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2 hours ago, configdotsys said:

In addition to that, her father is just pure sickening to me. Mr. Big Shot who's gonna bring it on if Asuelu doesn't do right by Kalani and the kids. Fuck you and your old school threats of a beatdown. He needs to gtf over himself. Asuelu was worried that Mr. Tough Guy would be angry that "she's pregnant again" meaning of course that Kalani had no part whatsoever in any of it. This dude needs to lose the camera time he has because he comes off as an ass. Maybe back in the day it was cool so intimidate your daughter's husband with zero cause. Today you just look and sound like a fool.

I think the poster is talking about Nicole's dad, not Kalani's dad.

Same beard though.

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About the awkward threesome that is  Libby, her dad and Andrei -

Libby did try to  to point out to her father that they had just moved in and it had been raining for several days as reasons why the lawn wasn’t mowed. But Father Libby could not turn off the righteous indignation long enough to shut the fuck up and hear her.

I’ve lived in Louisiana and Florida - both are subtropical hells in the summer. It can rain on and off constantly for days - meaning the grass never has time to dry so you can cut it. And in that climate it needs to be cut every 7 days or it gets out of control. We already saw Andrei skimming the pool. I think Grass Gate is some drama that Libby’s dad is ginning up for the buzz he gets from feeling put upon. 

 I have said it before and I will say it again: I’m calling bullshit on this whole storyline that Andrei just won’t work, and I’m gonna keep saying it as long as everybody’s picking on my boy. 😉Andrei seemed pretty industrious in Ireland and was the only fiancé to come with three months of savings to support himself. He also went to school and finished a program. Devar is the only other dude to do something similar. 

  I’m having a hard time believing that his character has suddenly changed that drastically since hitting this side of the pond. I think Libby, dimbulb that she is, just figured out that truck driving means he will be gone for weeks or months at a time, and she wants none of it. I think it’s her pickiness that’s putting limitations on what he does, rather than his laziness. 

Edited by Chickabiddy
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1 minute ago, Kiss my mutt said:

In the previews Andrei said he didn’t want to do truck driving anymore. 

Well, if it’s in the previews, it must be true. 😉

I mean, producers never manipulate situations and storylines are never created to ramp up the drama, ever. Right? 

Edited by Chickabiddy
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No one is going to talk about Nicole’s horribly mismatched shirt and pants in the grocery store?

I loved Elizabeth getting stressed out that Andrei might want to get off the Daddy gravy train. I think she just wants daddy to keep paying the bills while they play house. She wants to talk crap about daddy with Andrei but still wants the lifestyle only daddy can provide. Elizabeth seems to dislike her father but he does what her husband refuses to do, provide for his family. I think Andrei refuses to get any job he sees as beneath him and would rather her father just pay the bills. I don’t think he is going to just go out and get any job so his family can be fed or he would already have done so. 

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I though Father Elizabeth was pretty vulgar saying that Annndrrereerrei  "knocked up" his daughter. Can a huband technically knock up his own wife in wedded bliss? Doesn't it take two?  The moment Elizabeth didn't stick up for herself and her part in the knocking up is the moment she is on her fathers side and not her marriage. Elizabeth is not Anddrreereeiii's 16 yo prom one night stand in the bushes. Father Elizabeth is an asshole. 

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4 hours ago, MakingBacon said:

No one is going to talk about Nicole’s horribly mismatched shirt and pants in the grocery store?

It was noticed in the live thread. Something about LuluRoe exploding. Plus the popsocket on her phone matched her shirt. 

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11 hours ago, TwirlyGirly said:

I like Pao, but she shouldn't have been late to her shower. However, time is a very loose concept in many countries, and Colombia is one of those. Being on time is part of American etiquette. In Colombian cultural etiquette, guests are typically a half hour to an hour late to parties and meet-ups with friends.

I see your point.  BUT, she is in America now not Columbia.  And she has been here long enough to know the etiquette.  If she just got here, then she gets a pass.  If Russ were in Columbia, then he should make sure he follows their etiquette and doesn’t insult her family.  It’s called assimilation.

However, all that being said, I don’t think it was about her culture at all. She didn’t want to be there and it was a passive aggressive act to get under their skin.   Being late and that hooker outfit was a big “fuck you” to his family.  She wants to make sure they never live in Oklahoma again.

Edited by Kid
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