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Dear Diary: Question Of The Day(s)

Message added by JTMacc99

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1. Sing! I can sing well enough to be in church choir, and now a Master Chorale, but never, ever as a soloist. I would love to be good enough to be enjoyable on my own.

2. Shout. I do that anyway when I get too excited so it would not be terribly out of character and fainting scares me.

3. Easy: I like snakes! So a clean toilet and a non-poisonous snake that I could meet and greet after I was done with my "business" would be ideal.

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2 hours ago, isalicat said:

1. Sing! I can sing well enough to be in church choir, and now a Master Chorale, but never, ever as a soloist. I would love to be good enough to be enjoyable on my own.


On 4/14/2021 at 8:38 PM, Annber03 said:

Shouting. Apparently sometimes my voice tends to unintentionally get a bit loud as it is when I'm excitedly talking about something and whatnot, so there really wouldn't be much difference. 

These are pretty much my answers for the first two. Couldn’t have said it better.

As for #3 — hypothetically I’ll say snake toilet, but in reality I’ll be holding it til I get home. I don’t go near dirty bathrooms or snakes.

(Also, “snake toilet” reminds me of “snake clown”.)

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1. I would love to sing. I can't carry a tune to save my life. 

2. Shouting. I've fainted before and I get dizzy spells when I stand up too fast. They suck. 

3. Dirty toilet. I'll just line the seat with a bunch of toilet paper.  While I don't like snakes, I would feel terrible peeing on one. 

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For me:

  • Guitar all the way. I mean, it's a little late for me to get my rock star career underway, but forming a killer cover band will give me something to do when I retire. 
  • Shouting. I think it's interesting that all of my fellow introverts are like, "That's still better than fainting."
  • Dirty toilet. Not that I'm afraid of snakes; we own a pet snake in this house. It's more that I have a very high tolerance for "gross".  Three years in a fraternity house pretty much desensitized me to disgusting bathrooms and kitchens.
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10 hours ago, JTMacc99 said:

Guitar all the way. I mean, it's a little late for me to get my rock star career underway, but forming a killer cover band will give me something to do when I retire. 

I can't really answer these, but I'll be happy to sing or play any instrument in @JTMacc99 's cover band whenever its stuff through 1973, after which I went off the grid for a couple of decades or so.

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1. Singing: I am beyond tone deaf and it would be nice to sing in the shower and not scare myself. Also, there are more opportunities in public to sing than play an instrument (was bad at that also)

2. Yikes, what a choice, I have a loud voice as it is and wish it was quieter. However, I have had serious fainting spells before including in the shower when I passed out. I think I will choose the shouting, because the fainting spells were really scary.

3. Non poisonous snake, not a question. All those years of camping and backpacking when I was younger.

Also, I could tell people that I snaked the toilet. 😜😝

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Easy. I can't eat meat and I hate beer so 3 & 4.

25 minutes ago, JTMacc99 said:

Eventually I have decided it is Cake and Beer.  I do like beer, but I can make due without it.  

What kind of psycho eliminates cake! I just had a piece of my niece's birthday cake. Nom nom.

Hungry Cake GIF

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1 hour ago, festivus said:

Easy. I can't eat meat and I hate beer so 3 & 4.

What kind of psycho eliminates cake! I just had a piece of my niece's birthday cake. Nom nom.

Hungry Cake GIF

Heh. Not going to lie, when I saw this one the first thing that popped into my mind was "What kind of psycho eliminates pizza?"  So I fully accept being labeled a psycho having pre-judged other people myself.

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Easy peasy - fries and soda.  I hate potatoes (so I'll only eat fries if they're really thin and crispy - tasting like fat and salt, not potato - and dipped in ranch dressing, and could happily never eat one again), and I drink soda (as a mixer) maybe once a year.

If I had to pick two among the things I actually enjoy, I'd choose beer and cake; I only have them occasionally, so I'd miss them, but not the way I'd miss tacos and pizza, which I make fairly frequently because they're so easy and versatile.  If not for the fact I keep half an eye on my carb intake, I'd eat them regularly.

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Beer and Soda.

It was a toss up between Beer and fries, but I actually eat more fries than I drink beer.  For alcohol I am a wine or mixed drinks person.  I haven't had soda in 10 years.  I create my own version using sparkling water and fruit juice.

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Super easy: Beer and soda. Haven't touched either in like 20 years except for two years ago when I was on a long road trip through a very hot place and ordered a Diet Coke (which I pretty much immediately regretted as for me, it tasted vile). I don't eat pizza, tacos or cake very often but would not want to eliminate them permanently, and a good hamburger is a wonderful thing once every couple of months.

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Beer and Soda. Beer I don't like and soda I hardly drink. I would be sad to never have it again, but I can't imagine getting rid of anything else on the list.  Even though I rarely eat fries or tacos, I would still like having them around. 

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4 hours ago, meep.meep said:

I've eliminated all of them except tacos which are made with a low carb tortilla.

What's it made out of?  Is it tasty, or just something you've learned to live with in order to have tacos?  I pay moderate attention to carbohydrate intake and love tacos, so I just make sure not to eat tacos too frequently; I haven't given it any more thought than that.  But if there's a good low-carb tortilla to be had, I'd make the substitution, so I'd love a link to what you buy/make. 

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11 hours ago, festivus said:

What kind of psycho eliminates cake!

Hello, that would be me.  I like sweets just fine (pies, cookies, ice cream) but cake does nothing for me.

My eliminations are cake and fries.  I love potatoes cooked every other possible way.  I don't refuse to eat fries but if I never had them again I wouldn't miss them.

ETA:  I'm shocked at all you psychos who eliminated beer.

Edited by ratgirlagogo
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Beer and cake.  I can't have alcohol because of my medication, and I've never liked the smell of beer anyway, at least ever since another fan dumped one all over me and my scorebook at a baseball game (they were racing to get more before the sales were cut off at the end of an inning).  I don't have a problem with cake, but I like other desserts more and would miss the other food options too much.

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11 hours ago, Bastet said:

What's it made out of?  Is it tasty, or just something you've learned to live with in order to have tacos?  I pay moderate attention to carbohydrate intake and love tacos, so I just make sure not to eat tacos too frequently; I haven't given it any more thought than that.  But if there's a good low-carb tortilla to be had, I'd make the substitution, so I'd love a link to what you buy/make. 

I buy Mission Carb Balance tortillas.  They're sold in grocery stores.   It's a flour, not a corn tortilla.  I use net carbs and they are 3-6 grams per tortilla depending on the size and flavor, but also have a lot of fiber.  And they taste like regular flour tortillas to me.


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Well, my body doesn’t process gluten well these days so definitely beer as number one.

I will always choose cake (I will even brave some stomach upset). 

I rarely have fries or pizza, but man when the craving comes, it really comes. I am going with not having pizza over not having fries because if you’re on a road trip.

I do like all fruits and most vegetables. Besides that, if I had to pick three foods/beverages for my final meals, it would be red wine, red meat and cake (red velvet or not) - well at least the frosting.




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On 4/22/2021 at 8:11 PM, Stats Queen said:

I will always choose cake (I will even brave some stomach upset). 

Tina Fey Nbc GIF by Saturday Night Live


I made some chocolate cupcakes with strawberry frosting last night and I totally blame this thread for it. 

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The Would You Rather Series - Part 8

Would you rather...

  1. Know the history of every object you touched or be able to talk to animals?
  2. Thirty butterflies instantly appear from nowhere every time you sneeze or one squirrel appear from nowhere every time you cough?
  3. Never get a paper cut again or never get something stuck in your teeth again?

christmas vacation squirrel GIF

Guidelines for the Would You Rather Series:

  • Let us know why you chose one over the other, especially if you have strong feelings about always wanting to be a dancer or eating pizza!
  • PM me with any of your own to include in future questions.
  • Please TRY to answer the questions with the assumption that you wouldn't die making one of the choices. For example, you will not die from obesity from eating Pizza or Ice Cream every meal. It's just "which one would you rather be stuck eating forever."

- Unless the question is clearly asking you which dangerous situation you would rather face. Then you can assume you might die.

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8 minutes ago, JTMacc99 said:

The Would You Rather Series - Part 8

Would you rather...

  1. Know the history of every object you touched or be able to talk to animals?
  2. Thirty butterflies instantly appear from nowhere every time you sneeze or one squirrel appear from nowhere every time you cough?
  3. Never get a paper cut again or never get something stuck in your teeth again?

christmas vacation squirrel GIF


I would rather know the history of every object.  My undergraduate degree is in history, so I love the idea of touching an antique and learning about its former owners.

Butterflies.  Who wants to deal with a squirrel in the house when you wake up and cough.

Never get something stuck in my teeth again.  


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3 minutes ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

Butterflies.  Who wants to deal with a squirrel in the house when you wake up and cough.

After I posted the questions, I remembered the 6 weeks of Bronchitis I dealt with last winter. 

Heh. That would have been bad.

I'm thinking this question is more: "Which one would you rather try to hold in as you ran as quickly as possible to be outside before you do."

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1. Hm both would be rather cool abilities to have. But I think I might go with talking to animals. Imagine getting to have a conversation with your pet(s) :D. Plus, when they're sick, you'd be able to talk to them and find out exactly what's wrong, which would be nice. 

2. Butterflies. 'Cause they're pretty :). 

3. Never get anything stuck in my teeth again. Be nice to eat stuff without having to worry about that. 

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1) Since I already talk to animals I’ll go with knowing the history of every object I touch. 
2) Butterflies. A Peregrine Falcon just nested in my yard and now I’m scared when they come to raid my bird feeder as it is. 
3) Never have another paper cut. They hurt. I floss and...oh wait. I’m thinking of corn on the cob. Nevermind. Change my answer to never get anything stuck in my teeth again. It would probably save me some of those embarrassing spinach moments as well. 😹

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1. I already talk to animals.  Oh, you mean they'd understand me?  Well, they're cats, so that still doesn't mean they'd listen.  But I'll take it.

2. Butterflies.  We have plenty of squirrels, but not enough butterflies.

3. Food stuck in my teeth.  That happens to me more frequently than getting a paper cut.

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1. The history of any object. I'm fascinated by that kind of thing. No talking to animals. They'd probably just bitch all the time like people do. Plus I like looking at a cat and not knowing whether it wants snuggles or to eat my face. Keeps me on my toes.

2. Squirrels are the devil's pets. Rats with bushy tails. Just look into their evil little eyes and tell me I'm wrong.

3. Nothing in my teeth. I forgot the other option but I'll deal with whatever it was.

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1.  Talk to animals -  just sounds cooler.. Plus if they get hurt they can tell me what's wrong.  I think that would be beneficial. 


2. 1 squirrel, I tend to sneeze in three's and that would be way too many butterflies. 


3.  Never get a paper cut again. -  those things hurt the worst,  especially under the fingernail. 

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1. Talk to animals.

2. Butterflies.  I have plenty of squirrels.

3. Paper cut.  Those things hurt!  Does that also include paper cuts from cardboard (like a cereal box)? 

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1. History. I’m always wanting to know random factoids anyway.

2. Squirrel. Butterflies are pretty, but they’re also bugs with wings, and No.

3. Teeth. Because of the way my teeth are shaped/positioned, I’d much rather never need to deal with that again.

I read these to my sister and she picked the opposite of me for every single one. 😄

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1. Talk to animals. I mean, I already do, but it would be so fun to have them answer back. 

2. Squirrels. They are adorable! And  I'm scared of butterflies. 

3. Never get something stuck in my teeth again. 

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1. Talk to the Animals.  You'll never have to guess who Lassie is trying to tell you to go save.  She'll be all "go three blocks, then turn left and next to the fire hydrant is a manhole cover  Yeah, the baby fell in there."

2. Butterflies.  As long as they are Monarchs.  They are in danger of becoming an endangered species.  And they are very important to the ecosystem. So as much as I sneeze I'd have that population  back on track in no time!

3. Never get anything stuck in my teeth. 

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Talk to the animals, so that maybe I could finally successfully communicate to the cat that--although I understand he enjoys kneading my skin--his claws are sharp and cause pain.  We could also have a conversation about the fact that he needs to go to the vet sometimes and that they want to help him and are not his mortal enemy because he was neutered there years ago.

Sneeze butterflies, because I don't cough often (except when I had lymphoma), but I don't need squirrels running through here if I do, probably pooping everywhere and trying to dig through everything because they wouldn't understand that their nuts weren't buried in the living room. 

Never get a papercut, because they're more painful than they should be and I open a lot of envelopes and sometimes get them--more often than really getting too much stuff in my teeth.


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1) Definitely picking history, as I was a Ph.D. candidate in history (quit three years in but I do have a master's degree....not in science :) and I am somewhat fearful of what the animals would tell us humans if we could understand them, since we have been wrecking our shared planet so efficiently.

2) Butterflies! We need so many more butterflies...

3) No more paper cuts ever? Sounds awesome. I rarely get anything stuck in my teeth.

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So I just had the lunch special at work. Grilled chicken with warm goat cheese, arugula, and roasted grape tomatoes on a whole wheat wrap.

I now have may answer to #3:

Never get something stuck in my teeth again.

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1)  The ability to understand and be understood by animals is the magical fairy tale superpower I have always longed for above all others, more than invisibility, or flying, or superstrength,  or eternal youth,  or anything.  The White Snake was my favorite Grimm's fairy tale, just like The Jungle Book(s) was my favorite children's novel.

2) Ecologically I should pick butterflies, but I just love rodents!  So adorable furry-tailed rats for me.

3)  Paper cuts are the worst cuts!  Floss and toothbrushing can solve the other problem.

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  1. Know the history of every object you touched or be able to talk to animals?
  2. Thirty butterflies instantly appear from nowhere every time you sneeze or one squirrel appear from nowhere every time you cough?
  3. Never get a paper cut again or never get something stuck in your teeth again?
  1. Pass because I can’t decide if to know the history of every object I touched would be a blessing or a curse, and doesn’t everyone already talk to the animals?
  2. Butterflies because of what @ratgirlagogo just pointed out about that being an ecologically sound decision, and I like to try
  3. ”Never get something stuck in [my] teeth again” because I’m old and so I know better and although there are plenty of nice folks working in the dental profession, none of them needs (or wants) me to by them a new swimming pool, and hand lotion easily prevents paper cuts 
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