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Dear Diary: Question Of The Day(s)

Message added by JTMacc99

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The Would You Rather Series - Part 1

swan lake ballet GIF

Would you rather...

  • be a master at painting, or an amazing dancer?
  • live in the sky or under the sea?
  • eat pizza for every meal or ice cream for every meal?


Guidelines for the Would You Rather Series:

  1. Let us know why you chose one over the other, especially if you have strong feelings about always wanting to be a dancer or eating pizza!
  2. PM me with any of your own to include in future questions.
  3. Please TRY to answer the questions with the assumption that you wouldn't die making one of the choices. For example, you will not die from obesity from eating Pizza or Ice Cream every meal. It's just "which one would you rather be stuck eating forever."
    - Unless the question is clearly asking you which dangerous situation you would rather face. Then you can assume you might die.
  4. @festivus asked me not to include any gross ones. I make no promises.
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56 minutes ago, JTMacc99 said:

The Would You Rather Series - Part 1

swan lake ballet GIF

Would you rather...

  • be a master at painting, or an amazing dancer?
  • live in the sky or under the sea?
  • eat pizza for every meal or ice cream for every meal?


Guidelines for the Would You Rather Series:

  1. Let us know why you chose one over the other, especially if you have strong feelings about always wanting to be a dancer or eating pizza!
  2. PM me with any of your own to include in future questions.
  3. Please TRY to answer the questions with the assumption that you wouldn't die making one of the choices. For example, you will not die from obesity from eating Pizza or Ice Cream every meal. It's just "which one would you rather be stuck eating forever."
    - Unless the question is clearly asking you which dangerous situation you would rather face. Then you can assume you might die.
  4. @festivus asked me not to include any gross ones. I make no promises.

This is way too easy--


Under the Sea

Ice Cream.  The answer is always ice cream.  When my mom was pregnant with me, she spent her third trimester eating Dairy Queen twice a day.  Apparently, that was the only time she has ever craved ice cream.  

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5 minutes ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

This is way too easy--

These are the gateway questions. As @festivus said, I have much more troubling choices to offer in the future.

For me it's Master Painter, Under the Sea, Pizza.

And I'm kind of excited about being a master painter. I think that would be so cool to just sit down in front of a blank canvas and have something amazing at the end of the day. 

I'd also be just fine with Pizza all the time. There's enough variety of what one can do with pizza so that I can mix it up. Plus, pizza is awesome.

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Dancer - always loved to dance, and it'll help keep me fit.  Also, it doesn't have to be ballet so no foot issues. 

Sky - I love being up high, being under water would feel kind of trapped.

Pizza - although I love ice cream, I can reach a point where I've had too much sugar.  Plus pizza just seems more filling,  In fact I am having pizza for dinner tonight.

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1 hour ago, JTMacc99 said:

Would you rather...

  • be a master at painting, or an amazing dancer?
  • live in the sky or under the sea?
  • eat pizza for every meal or ice cream for every meal?

Guidelines for the Would You Rather Series:

  1. Let us know why you chose one over the other,
  • In 5th grade my mom said I had to choose between ballet and painting; I couldn't continue both.
    I chose painting, but later took a few ballet classes in my 20s.
    50 years later I get occasional portrait painting commissions and just as occasionally dance around the house. 
  • I love to swim in open water but would love to be a bird flying. 
    Can I be a seagull? 
  • Ice cream.
    No. Wait. Pizza.
    Wait. no. Ice cream!
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Master painter.  I've taken a few art classes, and would like to be better.  Or good.

In the sky -- everything that lives in the sea poops, pees, and ejaculates in the sea.  I don't want to live in that.

Ice cream!  So many flavors, so little time....

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1 hour ago, Browncoat said:

Master painter.  I've taken a few art classes, and would like to be better.  Or good.

In the sky -- everything that lives in the sea poops, pees, and ejaculates in the sea.  I don't want to live in that.

Ice cream!  So many flavors, so little time....


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Master Painter.  I could decorate my entire house, give paintings to my friends, sell my art, etc.  Dancing would do nothing for me.

In the sky.  I'm assuming that means I can fly.  And I'm going to give myself excellent vision, so I can actually see everything I'm looking down on.

Pizza.  Ice cream would get really boring, really quickly, as there are only so many flavors I like and I can only stand so much sweet stuff at a time.  Pizza I could go weeks before repeating an ingredient, so I wouldn't get sick of it.

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I was a baby ballerina (started at age 5 and kept going all the way through my twenties) who was thwarted from pursuing my dream by the fact that at 10-1/2 years old I stopped growing and my full adult height is all of 4'11", which is about 5-7 inches too short to be a real ballerina. So for sure I pick being an amazing dancer (well, I'm still pretty good actually) with longer limbs and a brilliant career at the American Ballet Theater!

Totally afraid of heights and I love to swim, so under the sea for me.

Pizza, definitely. I love ice cream but you gain less weight from pizza (and ballerinas must be thin-nish), especially when you don't like it cold.

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-Painter, definitely. I've always liked to draw, and I liked painting as a kid, so might as well continue to hone those abilities doing something I enjoy and make something out of it, right :D? I like to dance, but I've never had any kind of lessons and I just don't think I'm graceful enough to turn it into a professional thing. Even with training, I'd probably still look like a dork :p. 

-In the sky, I think. I dunno, it'd be kinda cool to be floating amidst the clouds and observing everything from above. 

-I love ice cream, but my gut is going with pizza on this one :). It's just always a good, quick food to make and eat. 

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Master Painter

-I'm a pretty good forger with no training (or maybe that came from art classes at school as a kid).  Where I lack is the creativity or skills to come up with something original

Under the Sea

- More stuff to see and interact with.  


- Pizza would be more flexible to get a variety.  I think you can find a loop hole to make an ice cream pizza. 

Edited by ParadoxLost
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21 minutes ago, ParadoxLost said:

I think you can find a loop whole to make an ice cream pizza. 

Good point - there are ice cream pizzas.  And there's the "pizookie" which is a giant chocolate chip cookie made like a deep dish pizza, and topped with ice cream.  So those of us who picked pizza could still get an ice cream fix.

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sky but this is hard, neither appeals to me.


Ice cream.  I am obsessed with ice cream, has to be chocolate.  I’m very picky about pizza.   There is a really good pizza place by my office in nyc but I haven’t had it since pre-COVID and when I was in the city earlier this week, it and the rest of the food places by it were closed, they probably don’t get much traffic with people working from home. 

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11 hours ago, JTMacc99 said:

The Would You Rather Series - Part 1

swan lake ballet GIF

Would you rather...

  • be a master at painting, or an amazing dancer?
  • live in the sky or under the sea?
  • eat pizza for every meal or ice cream for every meal?


Guidelines for the Would You Rather Series:

  1. Let us know why you chose one over the other, especially if you have strong feelings about always wanting to be a dancer or eating pizza!
  2. PM me with any of your own to include in future questions.
  3. Please TRY to answer the questions with the assumption that you wouldn't die making one of the choices. For example, you will not die from obesity from eating Pizza or Ice Cream every meal. It's just "which one would you rather be stuck eating forever."
    - Unless the question is clearly asking you which dangerous situation you would rather face. Then you can assume you might die.
  4. @festivus asked me not to include any gross ones. I make no promises.

How did I miss this thread? I used to spend a lot of time here.

Painter, because I used to draw and then paint, all the time. I just stopped when we moved again, and I didn't unpack my art stuff, because I had other things going on, and was depressed. I also used to love to dance, so this is a hard choice to make. Both made me feel good, both were fun, and creative. 

Under the sea. I used to wish that I could have my favourite things and my bedclothes, and fall asleep next to a huge aquarium tank. I've always had trouble sleeping, unless I'm so exhausted that I drop off right away. 

Ice cream, but I've just had pizza, and won't want it for again for a few weeks, at least. 

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An amazing dancer!  I love dancing but let's just say I am not amazing at it 😆

Under the sea - I love all things ocean and want to see what's in the Mariana Trench.   Also being able to float/swim/however I'm moving around through all of the shipwrecks would be fascinating. Yes, I am a fan of disaster/apocalypse porn. If I live under the sea, I am making myself immune to attack from sharks and other beasties.  

Pizza, all day every day.  Ice cream is just OK once in a while.  I can think of many different pizza recipes.

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Painter because I'm real artsy but I can't paint for shit. Except for furniture, that I can do. Always been jealous of people that can paint and draw.


You can't take the sky from me.


Got a real sweet tooth but I'm going with pizza. I'm already thinking about how to make some fruit pizza, some cookie pizza......

Yum. Pizza.

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I think I would go with dancer. I always wished I could dance and love watching shows like "So You Think You Can Dance."

While Raven makes a good point about being able to explore shipwrecks under the sea (so awesome) I can't swim and I am claustrophobic. So, for that reason, I am going with the sky. 

Lastly, pizza all day, every day. 

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I would choose dancer because it would be nice to have some actual moves instead of just shaking my hair around and waking up with a mild case of whiplash the next day; the sky, because I can't really swim and don't even like to put my face in the water; and pizza because of the variety of toppings and the fact that I generally prefer hot food for dinner.

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On 2/26/2021 at 10:47 AM, JTMacc99 said:Would you rather...

Would you rather...

  • be a master at painting, or an amazing dancer?
  • live in the sky or under the sea?
  • eat pizza for every meal or ice cream for every meal?
  • I love to paint, but the idea I might be fit enough to be great at dancing is so appealing to me
  • I can’t swim, but more importantly, have you seen some of the horrifying sea creatures that wash ashore after typhoons and such? Absolutely not. *shudders*
  • I have loved ice cream for so much of my life, I could never part with it.
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What scene in a movie gives you goosebumps when you watch it?

Could be scary. Could be sad. Could be happy. Let's hear it, and if possible, lets see it as well!


Mine is so stupid, but it gets me every time. And I'm Yankees fan, heh.


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Excited goosebumps:  Arriving at Isla Nublar with that perfect John Williams' score


Romantic goosebumps:  Jamal and Latika find what is written for them, in the train station


Dad-issues goosebumps:  Just what Will Hunting needed to hear 


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The closing argument in "A Time to Kill." If you haven't seen the movie, he's discussing the brutal rape and attempted murder of a child. It's hard to listen to, but man, it gave me shivers as did his last words to the jury. 


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My first, as a pre-teen was "all are punished". Sat there in the theater, just stunned. (I hate that a loathsome excuse for a human being made that movie.)


Also, "Luke, I am your father." Because I'm a sucker for a soapy reveal.

Lord of the Rings has at least 3 or 4 scenes too but the 2 above are the ones that echoed in my head for years after.

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3 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

Don Knotts in the movie, The Ghost and Mr. Chicken.

The combination of the bloody organ keys playing and Knotts alone in that house and the terrified looks on his face and the way he acted.  Chilling, truly chilling.  Don Knotts was unbelievable in that role as Luther Heggs.  I can't watch that movie in the dark.

When I was a child and watched that in my parents' house, while I was watching, my grandmother's clock that was on the shelf hadn't worked for years, and she had died several years earlier.  In any case, that clock in the middle of that movie chimed. 


I turn into a puddle while watching the original version of Brian's Song.  Just listening to the music and I get all misty.

In elementary school we had a gym teacher that made us watch Brian's Song and Something for Joey, every year from 4th to 6th grade. I still haven't forgiven him.

Edited by SweetieDarling
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1 minute ago, shapeshifter said:

I think when I was a kid I was terrified when The Great And Terrible Oz talking head was revealed. The flying monkeys were scary too. 
But I still watched it every year.

The part of that movie that always freaked me out was when the Wicked Witch's face appeared in that crystal ball when Dorothy was trapped in that room, and then the camera zoomed in on her face as she let out an evil laugh. 

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A scene that gave me goosebumps in a "warm and fuzzy" way was a montage around the middle of A League of Their Own.  It shows the AAGPBL starting to catch on as more and more people fill the stands; the Peaches winning various games; and finally the team looking on from the dugout and watching a 4th of July fireworks display.  I tried various searches to find this scene, but obviously didn't get the right combination, as everything was either other scenes from the movie or news stories inviting people to watch the movie and fireworks at their local events!

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I was seven, and sobbing in the theatre. It gets me every time. 

The whole move for this one:

I was dealing with agoraphobia, when I watched this, and The Truman Show. They became two of my favourite movies. After posting the next link, I found the longer version, with Joan Allen and Jeff Daniels. I should have posted that one. 

And I'll leave it at that, otherwise I'll be here all day. Now I want to have a movie marathon. 🙂

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Oh, and this. Before this, the dog and the fox had grown up, and were living separate lives. The dog was taught to hunt, and they were chasing Todd and his wife? I think. Copper remembers Todd, and stands between him and the hunter - and this has always been my favourite Disney movie, because of that. My sister bought me a DVD of this in 2004, for my birthday - someone put it onto a DVD. I've never watched it, because I didn't want to cry, LOL. 


Edited by Anela
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The Would You Rather Series - Part 2

animated monsters inc GIF by Disney Pixar

Would you rather...

  • Be able to change the color of your hair whenever you want or be able to change the length of your hair whenever you want?
  • Be the worst player on a team that always wins, or the best player on a team that always loses?
  • Constantly itch or always have a cough


Guidelines for the Would You Rather Series:

  • Let us know why you chose one over the other, especially if you have strong feelings about always wanting to be a dancer or eating pizza!
  • PM me with any of your own to include in future questions.
  • Please TRY to answer the questions with the assumption that you wouldn't die making one of the choices. For example, you will not die from obesity from eating Pizza or Ice Cream every meal. It's just "which one would you rather be stuck eating forever."
    - Unless the question is clearly asking you which dangerous situation you would rather face. Then you can assume you might die.
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1.  I hate long hair, so I would rather be able to change my hair color on demand.  

2.  Definitely be the worst player on a championship team.  I am too competitive to handle being the best player on a team that always loses.  I feel like that is a surefire way for me to morph into Bobby Knight.

3.  This is a toughie.  I abhor being itchy, but an itchy throat causes me to cough. 

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I would want to be able to change the length of my hair. It is long, so I’d like to make it short on hot humid summer days. Also when I’m gardening and it would keep it from falling into my face. 
I’d rather be the worst player on a winning team. I wouldn’t be able to stand the frustration of always being the best, but not good enough to rally my teammates to the win. 
My choice would be the cough. 

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1. Length.  I've never colored my hair, and don't anticipate ever doing so, but I've had it many different lengths throughout my life. 

2. If I can go free agent the next season, I'll take best player on a losing team.  But if I'm going to be stuck, worst player on a winning team.

3. Yikes.  I guess itching.  (I mean, if it's constant,I'll actually take death, but we have to pick.)  Both would be unbearably annoying, but constant coughing would also result in people avoiding me like the plague.  And, while that has its appeal, I think it would be psychologically damaging to constantly be treated like I'm dangerously defective.  And I think my cat would be more annoyed by my constant coughing than by whatever frequency of scratching I couldn't suppress.

Edited by Bastet
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