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S08.E03: The Long Night

Message added by Meredith Quill


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3 minutes ago, JennyMominFL said:

I was like, its Pickett’s Charge. This wont end well

It just made me think that they felt that they are disposable, just like the Unsullied. Let's put the minorities in the most harms way.  The total strategy was faulty from the beginning, including not having any oil vats on the wall!  Then they deviated from the already terrible plan!   Theon and his men with just arrows for the most part, no other weapons?  WTF? No way little Lyanna is standing right there inside that gate by herself when the giant comes in.  I am still having visions of Sansa lounging in the crypt while everybody else puts everything on the line!  

I can't even remember seeing Greyworm in the battle. It was so dark.  I don't even know why I am so salty when I believe that many more will die....but please let's put Sansa at the top of the list! 

I don't know much about the dead, but why did they have blood?  The scene in the library was scary.  I also had to close my eyes when the dragons fought. I can honestly say the dragons have not been the best part of this for me. 

Now i have to look at Cersi next week...ugh!!!  If fighting side by side like they did is not enough foreplay for Jaimie and Brianne and that does not happen next week...then it won't, just like I never got my Jorah/Dany love....Yep...still bitter

  • Love 1
7 hours ago, Lady Iris said:

Last night was a ginormous roller coaster of everything that I'm still feeling it today. I can't comment on the skills of the writers because I'd never be able to parse out a storyline if my life depended on it. Well I suppose I could but it'd be as good as Sam is in combat.

For my money, a couple of the odder moments was Jon dismissing Sam as he was swarmed by the wights. I mean seriously, Jon didn't have time fo that. Also, when Bran just blandly said, "I'll be going now."

I like the idea that no one person was the savior of the day. It took something from everyone to achieve the end goal.

Can someone please explain to me what was the purpose of Bran warging out?

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, Growsonwalls said:

Hmm I have to rewatch. It was sensory overload. But my feeling was that Sansa cowering in the crypt while people she loved were out there fighting and dying for Winterfell was not her best moment. 

Yeah, even those of us who aren't condemning Sansa probably would agree that wasn't her best moment at all.

1 hour ago, Lemuria said:

I still have a problem with its being Arya that killed the NK,  There really wasn't a set-up for it.

Except that Arya's whole story was about becoming an assassin, and that was what it ended up taking to kill the NK, an assassin, not a fighter.

  • Love 9
6 hours ago, tiredofwork said:

I see many think Jon was worthless.   I certainly think he understood the plan was to KILL the NK.  He fought hard as hell to do that, shit just got out of hand...  It wasn't in the script for him to be the hero this time..

I don't think the writers ever intended for him to be the one to kill the NK, and kill Cersei, and claim the Iron Throne.  Then GoT would just turn into the Jon Snow Show.  He might still do one of those other things, but they're not going to have him be the star of every definitive moment.

Edited by Dobian
  • Love 4
37 minutes ago, catrice2 said:

If nothing else when Lady Lyanna gave her speech about not knitting by the fire while men fought for her, you would think Sansa would have been inspired by that, or by knowing a 10 or 11 year old was a bad ass.  I sure was!!  I had just started watching the show and I was like, who is this??!!

One would think that seeing an 10-11 yr old girl show more badassery than you, might give you some motivation.....but alas.....

5 minutes ago, Dobian said:

I don't think the writers ever intended for him to be the one to kill the NK, and kill Cersei, and claim the Iron Throne.  Then GoT would just turn into the Jon Snow Show.  He might still do one of those other things, but they're not going to have him be the star of every definitive moment.

This was my line of thinking too.....If Jon killed the NK, killed Cersei, *possibly killed Dany, and took the throne......I mean come on.....Harry Potter only destroyed one of the 7 horcruxes, and Aragon didn't fight and win every battle......its a bit much....

I think they knew they needed to let someone else take some wins.  To me, it means that Jon is more likely to be the one to take other wins.

Edited by LadyChaos
  • Love 6
18 minutes ago, catrice2 said:

It just made me think that they felt that they are disposable, just like the Unsullied. Let's put the minorities in the most harms way.  The total strategy was faulty from the beginning, including not having any oil vats on the wall!  Then they deviated from the already terrible plan!   Theon and his men with just arrows for the most part, no other weapons?  WTF? No way little Lyanna is standing right there inside that gate by herself when the giant comes in.  I am still having visions of Sansa lounging in the crypt while everybody else puts everything on the line!  

I can't even remember seeing Greyworm in the battle. It was so dark.   


Yeah, the strategy was risky and desperate to start with. They acknowledged that they can't beat the AotD by conventional means, but they still had to try to slow them down and pick off as many as they could in the hope that someone could get to the Night King. I don't think hot oil would have slowed down the dead for a second. They just pile on top of each other and keep scaling the walls.

Grey Worm was out there calling orders, mostly in Valyrian. Among other things, he called out "Protect the retreat!" and in Common, "Light the trenches!" 

Edited by MarySNJ
  • Love 3

I'm not sure which gods Arya serves. I'm inclined to believe that the whole No one thing was a massive fake out by her. I don't think she ever truly served the MFG. She became the ultimate no one and was able to fool everyone. The girl's name is Arya Stark. 

Sansa being afraid during the battle and not rousing her people. No, she didn't. She is a survivor, not a warrior. Big BIG difference. Her royal training is reserved to sewing and how to do her damn hair! It probably never occurred to her to boost them up. It probably never occurred to her to boost herself up much. She isn't Little Bear. She was in fully over her head. Even Tyrion didn't have much to say. As for the hiding, everyone was hiding. Sansa and Tyrions hiding (in my opinion) was so fans could see the hand kiss.

  • Love 4

The battle plan never made much sense - scholagladitoria made a clip about a siege plan that takes into account medieval warfare, dealing with an enemy who can raise the dead etc. - he considered many variables but not the one that really counts: visual impact (i.e. it has to look cool). Seeing the Dothraki disappear into the dark was an impressive harbinger of what was to come - even if it made no sense to send them into the dark as wight-fodder. (In fairness I don't think you could have argued with them to adopt a defensive strategy and remain inside the walls.)

The best bit of the whole battle was the Unsullied creating a path for Melisandre and then protecting the retreat. 

  • Love 6

Let's face fictional facts. Winterfell itself is a crappy castle to defend. No natural defenses like a river or a promontory. It's built on flat land.

No one had ever in their time faced a never-ending swarm (a tsunami really) of combatants who feel no pain or fear, don't tire, and who respond to commands like a hive mind.

There is no conceivable battle plan. You do the best you can, with what you've got, doing what you've trained for and what's worked in the past.

I'm cool with the whole episode and the resolution. Extra points for assassin Arya, and an effed up Viserion pulling a Johnny Ringo. (Tombstone reference).

Mellisandre's death reminded me of Linus Roche as the Furion in Chronicles of Riddick.

  • Love 12
3 hours ago, sistermagpie said:

I took Bran as saying he was dying as a good man, not that he had made up for things he did in the past, exactly. That is, he wasn't "a good man all along" or "a good man underneath" even when he killed the boys and took over Winterfell, he was a good man now because he was honestly trying to atone for what he did and do a good thing for no other reason than that.

Same thing with Jaime, really. It seems like part of his nasty attitude in the past was thinking that he was bad so there was no point in trying to do the right thing, that he had the name so might as well live up to it etc. But he could still be a good man right now and in the future. Anyone can. Even if they can't undo being a bad person yesterday.

Theon killing the boys was also complex. Yes it was wrong. But he killed them instead of Rickon and Brann, so that complicates things. 

  • Love 1
2 minutes ago, Bali said:

Theon killing the boys was also complex. Yes it was wrong. But he killed them instead of Rickon and Brann, so that complicates things. 

It's a bit like Arya not tossing Needle into the water with her things. It showed there was a little part of him that couldn't destroy that part of who he was--and of course, that impulse ed to where they were here. If he'd been just a bit more evil back then, Bran would be dead with Rickon.

  • Love 4
3 minutes ago, MrsR said:

Let's face fictional facts. Winterfell itself is a crappy castle to defend. No natural defenses like a river or a promontory. It's built on flat land.

No one had ever in their time faced a never-ending swarm (a tsunami really) of combatants who feel no pain or fear, don't tire, and who respond to commands like a hive mind.

There is no conceivable battle plan. You do the best you can, with what you've got, doing what you've trained for and what's worked in the past.

I'm cool with the whole episode and the resolution. Extra points for assassin Arya, and an effed up Viserion pulling a Johnny Ringo. (Tombstone reference).

Mellisandre's death reminded me of Linus Roche as the Furion in Chronicles of Riddick.

That is true. Winterfell's best advantage is the weather (which makes it hard for invaders) but that has no effect on the dead. 

As for the Dothraki, they are known for being difficult to fight in an open field, right? Robert Baratheon said that and we saw how deadly they were last year. Each army relied on it's own techniques. None of them did much against the dead. This was never a winnable battle. The goal was to keep them engaged and survive as long as possible.

  • Love 8
2 hours ago, VCRTracking said:

The best Jon moment for me is when he's rushing over to get to Bran and he sees Sam in trouble and he's clearly torn about what to do. Does he save Sam and risk Bran? Let Sam die to save his brother(technically cousin)?

ROTFL!! Laughing at myself. I had no idea that even happened. We didn't turn up the brightness. For us, it was probably too dark. Now I have to watch it again for that.

  • Love 4
9 hours ago, sunnyface said:

 After all the screen time for those creatures and Still no explanation.

This same complaint is being heard in all quadrants.   It's why I said earlier it felt like a shaggy dog story:

Shaggy dog stories play upon the audience's preconceptions of joke-telling. The audience listens to the story with certain expectations, which are either simply not met or met in some entirely unexpected manner.[1] A lengthy shaggy dog story derives its humour from the fact that the joke-teller held the attention of the listeners for a long time (such jokes can take five minutes or more to tell) for no reason at all, as the end resolution is essentially meaningless.

  • Love 1

I am someone who really struggled to follow the show because of the darkness. I watched it again today on my iPad and wow, what a difference. I was far better able to distinguish the characters. For instance when Lyanna was killed I was confused because the scene right before that was Arya. I wasn’t sure who was who. It was far more clear to me on rewatching. However when I go to my DVR, it is still as hard to see as before, even if I stand right at the TV. 

  • Love 2
19 minutes ago, The Companion said:

As for the Dothraki, they are known for being difficult to fight in an open field, right? Robert Baratheon said that and we saw how deadly they were last year. Each army relied on it's own techniques. None of them did much against the dead. This was never a winnable battle. The goal was to keep them engaged and survive as long as possible.

That's also NOT how you use a cavalry.  You send in your pikemen and swordsmen, backed by archers.  The cavalry flanks.  Sending your cavalry in on a full frontal assault with no backup is guaranteed disaster.  Even with backup that's not how you use them and would lead to defeat.  You flank them.  They should have split the Dothraki and put them on each side of the castle, let the white walkers come forward into the pikemen, then run the Dothraki in from the sides while the dragons strafed from overhead.

Edited by Dobian
  • Useful 2
  • Love 7
2 hours ago, Lemuria said:

Very good article and I pretty much agree with it all.  I'm even more disappointed with the ep after sleeping on it.  What was that song?  "Is that all there is?"  

Visually, there were some great shots (though overall, I'm in the "It was too dark sometimes" camp), and it was very intense and at times, really creepy.  However, because the fighting was being done outside the castle, inside the castle, on top of the castle, underneath the castle, in the Godswood behind the castle and in the very snowy, dark, cloudy (and thus, impossible to see what was what and who was who) skies above the castle, it became, IMO, impossible to figure out what was happening and/or to keep track of where everybody was.

This became especially important in light of the assassination of the NK by no one.  Leaving aside for the moment that I still feel it played too much as a bait-and-switch, there was no real tension about would Arya make it or not, since the NK was not the only one who had no warning that Arya was coming.  The writers chose surprise over suspense, which for me was the wrong choice.

I still have a problem with its being Arya that killed the NK,  There really wasn't a set-up for it.  Even the article notes not one but three stare-offs between the NK and Jon.  We have the prophecy, the history etc etc.  And I love the "excuse:"  "Prophecy is unreliable."  Except that this is a universe and story created out of whole cloth by the Martin and D&D.  Which means prophecy is only unreliable because the writers want it to be.

Because I like Arya, I'd have no problem with her and Jon teaming up.  In addition to the NK, there were WW there.  There could have been the NK and Jon fighting, while Arya defended Bran from the WW.  Why were the WW just standing there?  They should all have been moving in on Bran.  And when the NK grabbed Arya, he should have just tossed her into a tree--or into the group of WW, who could have overwhelmed her.

Instead, the way it played out, the NK and the WW were all hit with the stupid stick this episode.

This show started with the threat of the NK, the WW and the Long Night.  That's essentially the first thing we saw.  It should have ended with that, too.  And the way it did end undercut how much of a threat the Others were supposed to be, IMO.

I couldn't disagree more. Arya killing the NK was evident from the moment Melisandre said Blue eyes. Her entire life was building to that moment. 

And the show is Game of Thrones, not Here Comes the Winter Zombie King. The Knight King was always a misdirect. 

And I don't think that the Prince who was promised is all about the Zombies. The "dark night" still exists while the 7 Kingdoms are at war.

  • Love 6

The total strategy was faulty from the beginning, including not having any oil vats on the wall!  Then they deviated from the already terrible plan!

I don't think boiling oil itself would have slowed them down since they don't feel pain, but if it's flammable, pouring oil on them and hitting them with a fire arrow would take out a few.  That said, they did have some contraptions on the wall and there were people shouting "fire the wall" at some point so it sounds like they had an alternative. 

I think everyone thought the Dothraki would fare a whole lot better against the AOTD and they expected some of the WW leaders at least to show themselves so they could get a chance at some of them.  When the Dothraki were wiped out in 30 seconds and there was no sign of the leadership, I think it made sense NOT to stick to the plan.  Dany was adapting to the new set of facts she had when the fighting started and did the sensible thing of laying down air cover.

  • Love 8
30 minutes ago, MissLucas said:

the Unsullied creating a path for Melisandre and then protecting the retreat

I've always been a fan of Grey Worm and admired what a fearless warrior and devoted member of Team Dany he is. But that moment when he ordered the Unsullied to protect the retreat and stood his ground -- I was so damn proud of a fictional character! Missandei is a lucky lady for sure.

  • Love 13
2 hours ago, GraceK said:

I head canon there was some leftover resentment there for the parentage reveal and talking smack about his girlfriend 😂😂😂

Kit did talk about Jon wanting to punch Sam in that scene. There's also more importantly the fact that he told Sam to go in the crypts and I don't think Edd wanted him out there either, so Sam really has no cause to complain about Jon not babysitting him anymore.

2 hours ago, sistermagpie said:

 If Sam should have been in the crypt Sansa really should have been there and no matter what she would have been there with no battle experience at all--even if she'd trained. There's not a single moment in that battle where I thought things would have been improved if Sansa was still there.

Yeah, even if she'd trained every day she'd still have less training and experience than Sam. Arya and Jon didn't need to be concerned about her in the field any more than Jon and Edd needed to take care of Sam. 

I feel like there may have been cut footage between Sansa/Tyrion coming out from behind the statue and the last shot where they're all clear, because the bts stuff appears to show them emerging and actually encountering the wights.

Edited by Lady S.
  • Love 6
11 hours ago, chrisvee said:

Jon, Dany, and Bran seemed useless while their army was being slaughtered.  But of course maybe I’m being harsh given that I couldn’t see most of this dark and grainy episode even with brightness cranked all the way up.

You are being harsh and perhaps not read the many eloquent posts in this thread that explained exactly what Jon, Dany and Bran did.

11 hours ago, mammaM said:

This this this. I hate Cersei being right about sitting out the battle

Who says Cersei was right?  I hope that hateful bitch gets the shock of her life when winter comes for her ass.

9 hours ago, Drogo said:

+Viserys Targaryen for being such a colossal jackass that even a dragon named for him can't be trusted. 

Don't blame Viserion!  Poor baby was murdered and was no longer Viserion when the NK got him.

9 hours ago, GodsBeloved said:

I was just about to ask if we’d forgotten that Cersei has a dragon killing machine.

Yes, but it really didn't even wound Drogon severely and he beat the shit out of it when he landed.  

  • Love 6
6 hours ago, The Companion said:

The dragons were being held back for the Night King (and they knew they couldn't win if he didn't come). The battle strategy acknowledged they couldn't win without getting the Night King. 

But they have two dragons, so they get split them up.  Which would actually make more sense anyway

And second, its not like they can only do one or the other, which is what ended up happening.  they attacked the walkers and the night king.  They are dragons flying around and its not like winterfell is a huge metropolis.  They could easily fly elsewhere or go to multiple places over a battle. 

Just seems to me the dragons should have been there from the beginning.  At least one, put it out front and fire up some walkers from the start

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, Rebky said:

Can someone please explain to me what was the purpose of Bran warging out?

Recon. He was seeing what was happening on the field, and prepared when the NK came. Not that he told anyone about it.

Just now, Drogo said:

If she stabbed Tyrion with the dragonstone knife, wouldn't he become another Night King?

Could be. I don't keep track of all the lore. It was just my take and trying to explain it took me down a path I didn't really go down when I had that impression. A path that clearly is a false one.

  • Love 2
51 minutes ago, sistermagpie said:

It's a bit like Arya not tossing Needle into the water with her things. It showed there was a little part of him that couldn't destroy that part of who he was--and of course, that impulse ed to where they were here. If he'd been just a bit more evil back then, Bran would be dead with Rickon.

Exactly! That's what I was trying to say, but you did a much better job

7 hours ago, VCRTracking said:

They also had the shot of one of the White Walkers' hair moving and his turning around as if something was rushing past, so Arya was really booking to get to the Night King.

I think a lot of people missed that part and that's why they're confused about how Arya managed to reach the Night King without being seen or heard.

She's just that quick.

6 hours ago, DarkRaichu said:

Didn't Arya say that to Gendry too ?? 

Good night folks !!!!



Boo! 😜

  • LOL 4
1 hour ago, catrice2 said:

After watching the Avengers Endgame, please tell me I wasn't the only one shouting, "go for the head!" during the entire battle? 

As an avid fan of Rurouni Kenshin / Samurai X anime series, I can guarantee aiming for the head is too obvious move (ie easily countered) against a very experienced enemy (a la NK) 😉 

And no, I have not watched Endgame (yet)

22 minutes ago, Drogo said:

If she stabbed Tyrion with the dragonstone knife, wouldn't he become another Night King?

Hmm that is an interesting thought... What if somebody stabs Cersei with dragonglass and turns her to Night Queen?  She escapes north of the wall to come back in 1000 years / the next long winter for revenge..... 

  • LOL 2
  • Love 1

When Davos glared at Melisandre at the end, did anyone else think "Fuck off, Davos"?  She just helped save millions of lives.  It was terrible what she did to Shireen, but her parents agreed to it and let it happen.  But he was still prepared to kill her in the end, until she killed herself.

Also, thinking about the Night King's goal of killing the Three-Eyed Raven, it makes even less sense.  Why build an army to go beyond the wall when for so long, the 3ER was on the same side?    

  • Love 7

I feel like, had they given Sansa a training scene, and had she managed to retain the knowledge in her first battle against the dead in the crypt, and had she managed to kill one or two dead Starks....

People would be crying out that she killed them too easily, that she's not a fighter, that she's a Sue.

It's literally a no win situation for her in the eyes of a lot of commenters, because Sansa is apparently terrible no matter what she does. 

  • Love 14
9 minutes ago, Brn2bwild said:

Also, thinking about the Night King's goal of killing the Three-Eyed Raven, it makes even less sense.  Why build an army to go beyond the wall when for so long, the 3ER was on the same side?    

He wanted to destroy mankind too so the army was necessary either way. He probably would have been fine killing all people first and then taking out the 3ER as the final blow.

  • Love 3
4 minutes ago, Kate47 said:

I feel like, had they given Sansa a training scene, and had she managed to retain the knowledge in her first battle against the dead in the crypt, and had she managed to kill one or two dead Starks....

People would be crying out that she killed them too easily, that she's not a fighter, that she's a Sue.

It's literally a no win situation for her in the eyes of a lot of commenters, because Sansa is apparently terrible no matter what she does. 

Hell, Arya has had training in fighting and stealth over the past seven seasons and a few people online still thought her killing the Night King was too easy and calling her a "Mary Sue".

Edited by VCRTracking
  • Love 9
5 minutes ago, Brn2bwild said:

When Davos glared at Melisandre at the end, did anyone else think "Fuck off, Davos"?  She just helped save millions of lives.  It was terrible what she did to Shireen, but her parents agreed to it and let it happen.  But he was still prepared to kill her in the end, until she killed herself.

Me! Davos came off small and petty. I expected better of him.

It's disheartening, because even after everything that just happened a lot of these people are going to fall back into old habits and rehash pointless vendettas instead of focusing on building something new and better.

  • Love 4
2 minutes ago, Brn2bwild said:

When Davos glared at Melisandre at the end, did anyone else think "Fuck off, Davos"?  She just helped save millions of lives.  It was terrible what she did to Shireen, but her parents agreed to it and let it happen.  But he was still prepared to kill her in the end, until she killed herself. 

I was laughing at the man. It really showed his priorities. The guy was more concerned with killing her than checking out the wounded in need of assistance.

7 minutes ago, Brn2bwild said:

Also, thinking about the Night King's goal of killing the Three-Eyed Raven, it makes even less sense.  Why build an army to go beyond the wall when for so long, the 3ER was on the same side?     

The previous one was in a cript magically protected until Bran got marked.

2 minutes ago, Kate47 said:

It's literally a no win situation for her in the eyes of a lot of commenters, because Sansa is apparently terrible no matter what she does. 

The win would have been to see her do something positive. At the battle of Blackwater she at least sang and comforted the other women. Here she did none of the sort. She did not use the dagger, she did not try to lift up the spirit but she bitched about Danny who was on the battlefield risking her life.

  • Love 5
2 hours ago, Rebky said:

Can someone please explain to me what was the purpose of Bran warging out?

He got to fly around as a crow and provide some cool overhead shots? I guess? I dunno. 

I'm so very disappointed he was still alive at the end of this episode. I wanted the zombie ice dragon to devour him, or one of Dany's surviving dragons to flame him to a crisp.

I thought there might be a hint of insight or closure as to what the hell his purpose is, but this episode only intensified my white-hot hatred for him. I think I hate him more than Cersei or any of the other villains. At least they have entertainment value. Perhaps I will eat my words if there is a spectacular twist that leads somewhere in the next 3 episodes, but I'm not holding out any hope.

Seriously, fuck Bran.

  • Love 3
Message added by Meredith Quill


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