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S07.E17: FOMO in Mexico

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9 hours ago, farmgal4 said:

Stassi is stereotyping Beau into being exactly like the guys that she’s always been with, because it’s all she’s ever known.  She’s subconsciously scared to death that Beau is going to wind up being one of THOSE guys.  She has no idea how to handle even a semi-healthy relationship.  A good therapist would do her a world of good.  Or she can just call me. 😂

I really hope she gets some help; because, out of everyone, I'm rooting for those two! 

When Stassi was with Patrick, he treated her like absolute shit and she didn't say a word. She skulked around acting like SHE was guilty, practically apologizing to him all the time. She never stood up for herself. 

I think she's just waiting for Beau to do something wrong, because she expects it. And I also think she's in this mindset where she's not going to take any crap any more! If she perceives even the slightest disrespect, she better speak up! 

I think she could really use some help understanding their differences; and how it's not a reflection on her or Beau's love for her. 

8 hours ago, dosodog said:

Oh! Was Jax using someone else's toothbrush after Sandavol farted in his face?

That wasn't his hotel room, so.....

  • Love 12
2 hours ago, bosawks said:

Kristin nailed it, she really did look like a drunk giraffe.  

On skates! Ha! I can't remember if she said roller or ice skates.

I'm thinking Kristen has only been on good behavior so far because she doesn't have a man there to fight with. No Carter and no James. She did manage to fight with Jax but that was Jax's fault (for bringing up James, ha!)

Jax for once in his life gave some good advice (to Stassi about letting Beau do his thing), hell immediately froze over and unfortunately, Stassi managed to do the exact opposite. I think Jax was right on about Stassi needing control. Beau is going to want to do something different than her from time to time; she's got to learn to let it go. She cannot have it her way 100% of the time.

  • Love 9

I tend to side more with Stassi.  She shouldn't have to do things she doesn't want to do like go dance up on stage.  That's not a compromise issue.  A compromise issue would be going out at all versus staying in.  Beau shouldn't care whether Stassi gets up on a stage to dance in front of people.  Regardless, the staying out thing I think is valid and a huge compatibility issue.  I would be fundamentally incompatible with someone who wants to party until 3 am every night, let alone 5 am.  That said, Stassi does seem to party a lot so I think she and Beau can work this out.  3 am v. 5 am isn't a huge deal I think.  Of course if they were to have kids and Beau wants to continue that lifestyle, then it is a problem. 

Oh and wtf, Beau gets teary-eyed and says he is battered?!?!  I sense he is sort of like Tom Schwartz in that he plays the perpetual victim role and everyone is like "aw how can you be mean to poor Beau?!"

How do these people have the energy to do this kind of partying?! I'm their age and just watching them makes me want to take a nap and stay hydrated.

Edited by Brooke0707
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Yeah Beau useing the term “battered” was gross. I had the same reaction I had when FI said it about Scwartz.  Maybe I’m too sensitive but using that term in the way these guys use it is gross to me.

Again as I said in the last episode topic, this show is like watching all the women get gaslighted for their feelings. I mean maybe Stassi was being over dramatic but again I’m starting to think beau is like all the other men on this show who you aren’t able to get an Argument with because they start getting upset and make you feel bad. This isn’t a cute quality, despite the fact that scwartz has been getting away with it for years.

  • Love 14
57 minutes ago, Brooke0707 said:

tend to side more with Stassi.  She shouldn't have to do things she doesn't want to do like go dance up on stage.  That's not a compromise issue.  A compromise issue would be going out at all versus staying in.  Beau shouldn't care whether Stassi gets up on a stage to dance in front of people.  

But he dropped that quickly after she said she wasn’t into it and why and than she couldn’t let it go and go way over the top. Add in that she got pissed because she didn’t feel he was happy to be back in the hotel room with her after she yelled at him two nights in a row. Just like he shouldn’t tell her to go dance if she doesn’t want to she doesn’t get to decide that he isn’t acting happy enough for her.

  • Love 4

Drunk Dumplin' for the win, and Just Kristen for second.

"Because I have small eardrums." I might use that if anyone were to ask me why I'm ignoring them.

17 hours ago, chewycandy said:

Ariana, who is Yellow Smith?

It was actually "yellow robe Smith", which didn't make any more sense.

That TomTom food looked pretty good.

Beau's acting is as bad as his tattoos.

The Jax/Stassi scene made me think of this.

  • LOL 7

After starting out being annoyed by Kristen this episode, I found her very endearing by the end. There’s a vulnerability to her that makes it impossible for me to hate her. She did handle things very well in Mexico, at least so far. 

Jax is an asshole. He hasn’t changed. Not that I thought he had even for a second. Once a psychopath, always a psychopath. 

Stassi and Beau both had their moments this episode. It was unfair of Stassi to want to turn in early and expect Beau to stay with her. She’s welcome to go to bed if she wants but pressuring him to do the same was unreasonable. However, he shouldn’t have pressured her to go up and dance (saying once that she should do it is fine but once she said no he should have respected that) and I’m on her side about wanting him to go to bed at 3:00 am when she did. I think that’s totally reasonable. Beau can miss me with that battered boyfriend stuff. Stassi may be beligerant, needy, controlling, etc. at times but he is not a battered partner. It hurts real victims of domestic violence (and I include both physical and psychological abuse) when people who are in unhealthy relationships that don’t rise to the level of abuse throw that term out there. 

Stassi does self-sabotage a lot. It all comes down to insecurity. I think that part of it is the fear of being cheated on but also it’s the larger fear of being rejected/abandoned. It’s not always a rational fear. It causes you to push the other person away by starting unnecessary fights before they can push you away. Also, it can lead to a lot of relationship testing, where you ask your partner to prove their love for you. In Stassi’s case I think that’s part of her motivation for trying to make Beau stay in with her when she knows he wants to go out. I think she also tests the relationship by daring him to leave her (by pushing buttons) only to get some relief when he doesn’t. The problem is that if this behavior continues it becomes self fulfilling and the partner will eventually leave. 

  • Love 12

I really liked how Tome Sandoval took a few moments to call Lisa to check in on TomTom. Yeah, it was unnecessary, but I think she really appreciated that he did it. Sadly, it's not something Schwartz would have ever considered. He's super lucky he has FITom for a BFF, otherwise he'd be a useless, do-nothing oaf like his wife. Sandoval is going to turn his tiny percent of the bar into 100% of a really good future opportunity. I hope that he and Ariana work things out and have a great future together because they balance each other out but are both pretty responsible. 

Can't wait to see Jax turn even greener with envy about the house they bought!

Stassi was getting on my nerves. I doubt that Beau tries to hang out all night normally. He actually has a real job, by all accounts. But while on vacation, just let him have fun with the boys if he wants to. Maybe that was fake drama for a storyline.

I actually rather enjoy James, but Billie must go. She thinks she's the boss and is rude as fuck to Lisa in that preview. Bitch is lucky to have an eponymous brunch. 

  • Love 8
2 hours ago, gritz said:

Drunk Dumplin' for the win, and Just Kristen for second.

"Because I have small eardrums." I might use that if anyone were to ask me why I'm ignoring them.

It was actually "yellow robe Smith", which didn't make any more sense.

That TomTom food looked pretty good.

Beau's acting is as bad as his tattoos.

The Jax/Stassi scene made me think of this.

They need to make more of these doll videos. They are too funny. 

  • Love 3

Ariana is the only one of the bunch who’s a “happy drunk.” Whereas everyone else is in need of an exorcism when drinking, Ariana finally lightens up! She’s funny when she’s not taking comedy so seriously! I thought Sandoval was so sweet to her when she was doing “hallway angels”: “Get in here before the Cute Police come get you.” And Schwartz was so enamoured (jealous?) saying how cute Ariana is when drunk—as opposed to the devil spawn Katie becomes. 

  • Love 20

I don’t know, I think beau is manipulating the shit out of stassi. I don’t think he’s doing it intentionally, but It still makes me twitch. Did you notice how she was the one with the (pretty valid) complaint, but by the end of the conversation he was threatening their relationship? “Fix yourself or we are done”. 

There was no concession from him that MAYBE he could have done something differently—he was just immediately the victim and said that she needs to change herself. But him? He’s perfect and she should recognize that, and there must be something wrong with her. 

And according to his Instagram, he drinks quite a bit. They both do. I can imagine this issue comes up quite a lot. They do seem like a cute couple, but if that is how all their arguments end...ugh.. 

Edited by Vipbrj
  • Love 5
23 hours ago, biakbiak said:

I don’t listen to her podcast but is Stassi in therapy because I really think she could use it so she stops sabotaging herself.

Last week or the week before they talked about how they go to couples therapy.  Stassi feels like it always ends up focused on her.  I don't know if she's going to individual therapy, I'm guessing no.

13 hours ago, Jel said:

Brit and her drinking. She's in pain, the doctor suspects an ulcer, gives her medicine to treat it and tells her not to drink alcohol. And she interprets that as "the mixers are the problem". I just can't with this one.

The doctor is going to tell her not to drink alcohol when she's pregnant, too. What's she going to cut out then? Ice? 

It's like she just heard the no spicy and no citrus and the no alcohol part went in one ear and out the other.

I loved Kristin this episode.  She was funny.

Jax amused me during the farting with "you're wearing white pants!" and "it went in my mouth!"

Otherwise I'm feeling pretty ambivalent about this episode.  I mean it was mostly fun, but for some reason I just don't care.  It might be me and not the episode though. 

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17 hours ago, Adira said:

Ugh, I really felt for Beau and Stassi this episode.  I know Stassi has her issues, but Beau was kind of being a jerk.  She didn't want to go dance on the catwalk and he just kept pressuring her.  That would've pissed me off too. 

I think Beau was being a jerk too. Not that Stassi reacts well (she kind of reminds me of my sister in that both get angry and cranky super quickly and are totally sabotaging their relationship - well, marriage, in my sister's case), but Beau pressuring to get Stassi to dance with the other girls really irritated me and reminded me of a past bf who made me feel like a wet blanket if I didn't want to do what everyone else was doing. Listen I know how to have fun, but like, fuck off, if I decide I don't want to have what *you* consider fun for me. I agreed with her - once I've made up my mind about something, I've made up my mind and I don't give in to peer pressure or have FOMO. So don't make me feel like the bad one because I know what I'm comfortable or not comfortable with. Also, I wouldn't want to be with someone who is in his 30s and parties till at least 3am either, vacation or not. I love my sleep! On the other hand, if I was dating someone who wants to do that, I'd say "byyeeee!" and go back to my hotel and sleep and in the moment would value getting some sleep over my dude being with me. He can party all he wants, but we probably won't be dating for much longer anyway if he keeps that up. 

2 hours ago, ivygirl said:

Sometimes I think I get a contact buzz from this show.

I feel like I get a contact hangover. My liver cringes every time I start watching this show.

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1 hour ago, Vipbrj said:

I don’t know, I think beau is manipulating the shit out of stassi. I don’t think he’s doing it intentionally, but It still makes me twitch. Did you notice how she was the one with the (pretty valid) complaint, but by the end of the conversation he was threatening their relationship? “Fix yourself or we are done”. 

There was no concession from him that MAYBE he could have done something differently—he was just immediately the victim and said that she needs to change herself. But him? He’s perfect and she should recognize that, and there must be something wrong with her. 

And according to his Instagram, he drinks quite a bit. They both do. I can imagine this issue comes up quite a lot. They do seem like a cute couple, but if that is how all their arguments end...ugh.. 

Yeah, I sort of thought Beau was being a jerk too. Stasi was being a bit OTT but she had a point. She just wanted a mellower, calmer vacation with her boyfriend and he was on the TomTom party train. And I get her getting a little freaked out that they’re talking about starting a family (probably soon) and she the prospect of having to choose between being the nagging, fun killing wife or the long suffering wife that goes home with the kids while her husband parties with the guys. It’s a shitty position to be in and it happens to women all the time. I think it’s going to happen to Brittany and Katie and probably Stasi(I actually think it will be Sandoval in his case). She wasn’t expressing it that well, but Beau was acting like she wanted to be in bed watching the Hallmark channel by 9:30 while she grilled him about every woman he talked to. It was 3am! Everyone was hammered! She wanted to go to bed and she’s being called a psycho for it. Sometimes the way the guys and this show sidestep their own behavior and issues by pulling the “bitches be crazy” card drives me up the wall.

  • Love 13
6 hours ago, politichick said:

I really liked how Tom Sandoval took a few moments to call Lisa to check in on TomTom. Yeah, it was unnecessary, but I think she really appreciated that he did it. Sadly, it's not something Schwartz would have ever considered. He's super lucky he has FITom for a BFF, otherwise he'd be a useless, do-nothing oaf like his wife. Sandoval is going to turn his tiny percent of the bar into 100% of a really good future opportunity. I hope that he and Ariana work things out and have a great future together because they balance each other out but are both pretty responsible.

I've seen reviews that have mentioned Sandoval being at TomTom working. It's pretty clear that Sandoval is in this for real. Schwartz has soft skills. He's not a bartender and he has no management abilities. However, nearly everyone says he's really personable and the single most charming muthafucka in the cast by a country mile.


Can't wait to see Jax turn even greener with envy about the house they bought!

He already has. He's also pissed that Billie and Jesse saw the house before he did.



I actually rather enjoy James, but Billie must go. She thinks she's the boss and is rude as fuck to Lisa in that preview. Bitch is lucky to have an eponymous brunch. 

Billie's Brunch helps Lisa and SUR as much as it helps Billie. That's a wash. SUR didn't have a brunch until Billie suggested it and a significant portion of the business at SUR is made up of fans and tourists hoping to get a glimpse of the cast. Billie was rude to LVP in the clip, but I'll wait until the episode to see how it plays out before I pass judgment.

I probably have more sympathy for Billie than a lot of people because to be a minority in America you feel like you're being constantly gaslighted. You're constantly questioning your interpretation of events. Billie like a lot of transpeople has gone through some shit. I don't know if the issue next week is really about that. At the same time, I also recognize Billie might be more ride or die for James because he's been more supportive of her. The main part of the cast (Jax, Brittany, Katie, Stassi, and Kristen) only seems to give a shit about minorities and minority issues when it suits their purposes. When it doesn't, they'll happily be the racist, homophobic, and misogynist bigots that they truly are. Ariana and Sandoval are the exception because they actually hang out with queer people and people of color both on and off camera.

As for Lauren from Utah, she's no Marina Abramovic. This "Lala" persona has to be a performance art piece about cultural appropriation. Otherwise a white woman who grew up in a suburb of Salt Lake City where only 1% of the population was Black and sees fit to keep up this ridiculous and pastiche of hateful stereotypes and minstrelsy should be excoriated at every turn.

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Here’s a tweet from last week. Is it from my 14 year old niece? No.  My 17 year old niece? No.  My 23 year old daughter? No, she’s far too old and would be mortified to sound like a tween.  This tweet is from a person currently seen on VPR.  Can you guess who?

No need to guess, I’ll send it with the name. That’s right, this tweet is from one week ago, and it is 39 year old Beau.  Yeah I like a sensitive man too, to a degree.  This is not the degree.  This is way way past the degree.  Between the crying in the hotel room, the tweets, all the emo, the attention-seeking bits...the word extra is not enough to describe him.  Is this Beau’s first relationship? It feels to me like it is 


  • Love 1
13 hours ago, MVFrostsMyPie said:

Also, I wouldn't want to be with someone who is in his 30s and parties till at least 3am..He can party all he wants, but we probably won't be dating for much longer anyway if he keeps that up. 

Can I get an amen and a hallelujah to this?  I didn't take particular issue with Beau urging Stassi to dance at the club--probably because I missed something--but the idea of "hanging out" vs "going to bed" was so silly.  Especially--Beau--it is one hour earlier in Puerto Vallarta, not two--but the point is that Beau and Stassi should have had a conversation prior to this vacation that there are going to be all-night ragers and there are going to be nights when they go to bed at the early hour of 3 am.  If they can't argee on this, they probably can't agree to much of anything, and may want to split for awhile.  

Has Stassi ever been single over this show's duration, other than her off-again moments with Patrick?  Stassi, I have a freaking brilliant idea--be single for a hot second.  Weren't you just lecturing Kristen about the toxicity of her relationship with Carter and how she deserves better?  Why don't you try it on for size, Stassi?  Isn't it true that if you love something and set it free, it'll come back to you?

12 hours ago, FozzyBear said:

Yeah, I sort of thought Beau was being a jerk too. Stasi was being a bit OTT but she had a point. She just wanted a mellower, calmer vacation with her boyfriend and he was on the TomTom party train. And I get her getting a little freaked out that they’re talking about starting a family (probably soon) and she the prospect of having to choose between being the nagging, fun killing wife or the long suffering wife that goes home with the kids while her husband parties with the guys. It’s a shitty position to be in and it happens to women all the time. I think it’s going to happen to Brittany and Katie and probably Stasi(I actually think it will be Sandoval in his case). She wasn’t expressing it that well, but Beau was acting like she wanted to be in bed watching the Hallmark channel by 9:30 while she grilled him about every woman he talked to. It was 3am! Everyone was hammered! She wanted to go to bed and she’s being called a psycho for it. Sometimes the way the guys and this show sidestep their own behavior and issues by pulling the “bitches be crazy” card drives me up the wall.

This post is perfection.  Stassi can definitely benefit from one-on-one therapy and she should strive to better herself, but Beau was so conniving here.  I was shocked that the initial returns on these boards seemed to be 100% anti-Stassi.  Stassi wanted to go to bed at a reasonable time for 30-something people on vacation and Beau was so upset that she wanted him there that he kind of lost his shit and pulled every trick out of the manipulative fighting book.  I was impressed Stassi didn't really fall for it, and stuck to her logic.  

Did Beau actually call himself "battered"?  I must have missed that, but...no comment on how fucked up that is.  And, hmm, has someone been watching old episodes of this show and catching up?

I think the Stassi-Beau fight boils down to a difference of opinion, but it's a significant difference of opinion.  One person wants to party into the wee hours and the other does not.  One is not better than the other, but it may mean that they're incompatible and should go their separate ways.  When I got together with my husband, he was younger than Beau, but older than me by nine years and I just took it for granted that I was hooking up with someone who was over that partying bullshit (which he was), and I put my partying ways behind me, and now we're married and we have a common understanding.  It's not that one or both of us couldn't theoretically party until dawn, it's just that it would be something we would discuss beforehand, because it's not the norm.  I can be like, "I am going to hang out with this friend, and I'll probably sleep there," and said friend and I could and have gone out and done crazy shit in NYC until dawn.  From my perspective, it's fine to do that once in a blue moon as long as I come home the next day, and my husband agrees.  But just wanting to do that without warning and on multiple back-to-back nights is strange to me at their ages. 

I feel like, if this makes any sense, Jax is walking that walk, whether he and Brittney have actually talked that talk.  I noticed neither Jax nor Brittney were at that final Yellow Robe Jones party, and I have a feeling that they didn't have a war about it.  Jax is just growing up.  Beau, borrow a page.

I did think it was inappropriate for Jax to *joke* that he still had feelings for Stassi mere seconds after Stassi lowered her bikini-clad body into the water.  That's fucking creepy Jax.  Also, Stassi is so much thinner than I had perceived her.  Someone--I think it was @yourmomiseasy pointed out that Stassi's head and face make her look bigger than she is.  If so, WTF?  I was watching WWHL this morning as I was getting ready for work, and they showed season 1 Stassi, and she looked like a different person.  I would have sworn she had gained 20 lbs since then, but her body tells a different story.  It's only her head that grew, which is so strange.  She needs to go in that unfortunate camp of head-growers, such as John Travolta and Alec Baldwin.  How does that even happen?   

12 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

I probably have more sympathy for Billie than a lot of people because to be a minority in America...Billie like a lot of transpeople has gone through some shit. 

As for Lauren from Utah...This "Lala" persona has to be a performance art piece about cultural appropriation. 

First, I just want to acknowledge that the prejudices that minorities face (sometimes foisted upon them by other religious/ethnic minorities) can be stomach-churning.  Just this morning my mom told me a story about how a little boy of a different race wasn't allowed to play with the other kids when she was growing up, and I have been feeling kind of sick all day, so I don't want to minimalize that.  I feel so bad for that little boy.  

But I'm just not sure why Lala is being singled out for her speech/ behavior as it relates to black people.  Let's assume that Lala is not even partially black (which a lot of people are, and they don't look it or even know it).  So what if she grew up in Utah, or has demonstrated a proclivity for this or that party?  Is there a certain way a person is prescribed to act if they are from one state or one party?  I understand the idea that this is evidence that the entire "Lala" persona may be one that was invented whole cloth...but so what if that is the case?  I may be jaded, because I just assume that someone who is living in LA who has hailed from Utah has reinvented themselves.  Katie is from Utah, and I am quite sure she's reinvented herself.  I assume that pretty much everyone living in the heart of LA, even if they are from Los Angeles County proper, like Scheana, is completely different than the identity they were born into.  No one else on this show is from LA, if I'm not mistaken, and I don't think that's some kind of accident.  Another example is that, for a few seasons now, Kyle has been the only RHBH Housewife who was from LA, or even California.  My mom's entire side of the family moved out west to reinvent themselves, which they did with such finesse that it is scary, so maybe that is my steotype showing...I dunno.  I think it's a good thing.  I reinvented myself in Miami, and I love that I had the opportunity to do that.  

If Lala has found words and/or actions that work for her that have originated in the Afro-American community, I wold think that was a compliment to the AA community.  People all around this world borrow from each others' cultures constantly, and I think we're better off for it.  Asians and Europeans have literally been taking from each others' cultures for millennia.  There is nothing wrong with cultural appropriation in and of itself IMO.  If Lala were to say, "Now, listen to me, Billie, I am black," I'd be like, "she's nuts," and I totally think she is nuts (it seems like she has an unprovoked panic attack every other season) and she's offensive, but I don't think she's hurting the black race.  I'm not sure she's hurting the white race, or the Asian race for that matter.  I think she's hurting herself with some of this venom she's spewing...

Having said all of that, I am on the Lala love train (go ahead, judge) merely for her making statements like, "I'm. Not. Sorry."  I think we live in such an apologist culture, that I find it refreshing when someone stubbornly digs in their heels and refuses to apologize, sometimes even when they're wrong.  I feel like there is too much apologizing going on today.  

Andplusalso, this whole thing is probably moot now that Lala has "admitted" she's an alcoholic and has been seeking help from AA for the past five months.  She is going to come into the reunion singing a completely different tune, and I guess we're all supposed to lap it up, because she's (in hushed tones) sober now.  As with Luann on RHNYC, cry me a river.  You're still responsible for your behavior, no matter what your higher power tells you.  So it's a little bit of a mixed bag with Lala.

Was I the only one not charmed by the three attempts by Kristen to get Siri to interpret Spanish for her?  Once, cute.  Twice, eh. Three times, can we go back to literally anything else, even if it means more of Beau crying?  

I feel for Billie in terms of being transgender. I’m a person of a specific group(I’m disabled) I’ve spoken about this before, but her personality is mean and rude and that has nothing to do with being transgender and when she uses it as such, it’s a disservice to the transgender community. And yes I don’t know what struggles and pain she has gone through and I won’t pretend to but I do know a lot of the time her reactions on this show are over the top and uncalled for. 

  • Love 10
21 minutes ago, LibertarianSlut said:

Especially--Beau--it is one hour earlier in Puerto Vallarta, not two

I think it actually depends on the time of year because they do daylight savings time on a different date than we do.  However, I know* that they repeatedly filmed Katie/Tom and Brit/Jax coming home from Mexico on or around July 20th of last year and I assume it was this trip and both places were on DST at that point.  *I went out with a friend that lives in the building that night and his neighbor that lives up on the chucklefuck floor came with and when asked what they were filming up there all day said it was Brit and Katie coming home from Mexico.

1 hour ago, LibertarianSlut said:

 I assume that pretty much everyone living in the heart of LA, even if they are from Los Angeles County proper, like Scheana, is completely different than the identity they were born into.

Nope.  Believe it or not, most people living in LA are just normal people.  Not a bunch fakers trying to come up.  

Everything else you posted is just way too much for me to unpack.  I'll leave it to someone more thoughtful and eloquent, probably @HunterHunted

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, LibertarianSlut said:

If Lala has found words and/or actions that work for her that have originated in the Afro-American community, I wold think that was a compliment to the AA community.  People all around this world borrow from each others' cultures constantly, and I think we're better off for it.  Asians and Europeans have literally been taking from each others' cultures for millennia.  There is nothing wrong with cultural appropriation in and of itself IMO.  

It is not a compliment and it is not okay.  There are a lot of resources on the internet that explain why if you don't know. 

  • Love 18

@yourmomiseasy, it's funny, because I wrote my post wondering if anyone was going to point out daylight savings time, and whether I should mention that.  As I was writing that Puerto Vallarta is one hour ahead* of LA, I did think about daylight savings time, but seeing as how they went to PV in summer 2018 (at least, according to the Internet; I wasn't there) and that today, April 3, 2019, PV is one hour ahead* of LA, I wasn't sure it would have been relevant to include that info, as I did not want my post to be longer than it had to be (more on that below), but thank you for pointing that out.  As always, correct me if I'm wrong, as I promise I will always jump in there and correct my boy Beau when he is wrong!  It, along with March Madness, is my current pasttime.  

I didn't imply that people living in the city of LA were "fakers."  If I meant that, I would have said that.  I said that people seem to head to LA to reinvent themselves, and I think that is a truism in our culture for the past half-century and beyond.  I learned that in college English, and it's something I've noticed ever since then.  I said that I reinvented myself in a different major metropolitan area and it benefited me greatly.  Seeing as how I don't generally identify being a "faker" as a positive quality--and I certainly didn't allude to it in my post--I would be hard-pressed to see where I identified LA residents--natives or transplants--as fakers.  And I'm not sure where "trying to come up" comes from, as I assume we are all universally as a species "trying to come up," regardless of where we are located, or from where we originiated...

Not sure what you meant about the rest of my post...whether you find it too dense or redundant. I know my posts can be wordy.  It is my attempt to make my points crystal clear, although I also suspect it's also borne of laziness, as I am very sparse with my words in professional correspondence, and perhaps I can grow in that area.  It's never my wish to alienate or intimidate others or make them feel like they need to punt to another poster before they can respond to me, whether or not we agree.  Shalom. 

*I had mistakenly posted that PV was an hour behind LA, and now I am correcting it to say that PV is an hour ahead of LA. Not trying to hide my mistakes; just trying to be accurate. 

Edited by LibertarianSlut
  • Love 1
38 minutes ago, iloveit said:

It is not a compliment and it is not okay.  There are a lot of resources on the internet that explain why if you don't know. 

I swear, I can't figure out this new format for the life of me.  I don't mean to quote so much, but if I mention someone's name, it brings me to their profile, so I'm just gonna quote.

In response, it is your opinion that it's not ok, it's my opinion that it is.  If you want to talk in a small talk thread, that is cool, but I'm certainly not going to scour the Internet because my opinion of someone else's behavior was characterized by another as "not ok," with no facts or opinion to back it up.  Agree to disagree.  

  • Love 4

This show is about having fun. 

I thought it was a great episode. I’m a child free 39 year old and can throw down so that part really doesn’t faze me. Though reading here I feel kinda bad about it 🙂

I took issue with Beau and his speech of how he treats her great and how he’s amazing and pretty much described himself perfect. That’s so frustrating to the person feeling slighted. I’ve been in Stassi’s shoes and being told “I’m a good guy- I don’t know why you’re doing this” is hard. I don’t mean it directly to this fight but if that in general is his comeback, fuck offf. Much less him saying he’s  “battered”. 

I kind of felt for Schena this episode. Something I didn’t think was possible. She’s being played like a fiddle but sending that pic with no response.  That does suck.  

Ariana (phones hate these casts names) is amazing drunk.

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, LibertarianSlut said:

@yourmomiseasy, it's funny, because I wrote my post wondering if anyone was going to point out daylight savings time, and whether I should mention that.  As I was writing that Puerto Vallarta is one hour ahead* of LA, I did think about daylight savings time, but seeing as how they went to PV in summer 2018 (at least, according to the Internet; I wasn't there) and that today, April 3, 2019, PV is one hour ahead* of LA, I wasn't sure it would have been relevant to include that info, as I did not want my post to be longer than it had to be (more on that below), but thank you for pointing that out.  As always, correct me if I'm wrong, as I promise I will always jump in there and correct my boy Beau when he is wrong!  It, along with March Madness, is my current pasttime.  

I didn't imply that people living in the city of LA were "fakers."  If I meant that, I would have said that.  I said that people seem to head to LA to reinvent themselves, and I think that is a truism in our culture for the past half-century and beyond.  I learned that in college English, and it's something I've noticed ever since then.  I said that I reinvented myself in a different major metropolitan area and it benefited me greatly.  Seeing as how I don't generally identify being a "faker" as a positive quality--and I certainly didn't allude to it in my post--I would be hard-pressed to see where I identified LA residents--natives or transplants--as fakers.  And I'm not sure where "trying to come up" comes from, as I assume we are all universally as a species "trying to come up," regardless of where we are located, or from where we originiated...

Not sure what you meant about the rest of my post...whether you find it too dense or redundant. I know my posts can be wordy.  It is my attempt to make my points crystal clear, although I also suspect it's also borne of laziness, as I am very sparse with my words in professional correspondence, and perhaps I can grow in that area.  It's never my wish to alienate or intimidate others or make them feel like they need to punt to another poster before they can respond to me, whether or not we agree.  Shalom. 

*I had mistakenly posted that PV was an hour behind LA, and now I am correcting it to say that PV is an hour ahead of LA. Not trying to hide my mistakes; just trying to be accurate. 

I do not think that "pretty much everyone" that has moved to LA in the last 50 years is trying to reinvent themselves.    Source: I live in "the heart of LA" and the majority of the people I know live in LA. 

In my opinion, some that has a "persona may be one that was invented whole cloth" is a faker in that they are faking their personality and life.

I do find the rest of your post too dense, but not too redundant or wordy.  

  • Love 2
7 hours ago, Neveragain said:

Here’s a tweet from last week. Is it from my 14 year old niece? No.  My 17 year old niece? No.  My 23 year old daughter? No, she’s far too old and would be mortified to sound like a tween.  This tweet is from a person currently seen on VPR.  Can you guess who?

I mean... I'm a 35 year old woman and I had an almost identical social media post when they announced that Avengers: Endgame tickets were on pre-sale now. That's a weird thing to point to, IMO, but I'm also a massive nerd/fan-girl of stuff and I'm not embarrassed to admit it or talk about it. 

  • Love 15
31 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

I mean... I'm a 35 year old woman and I had an almost identical social media post when they announced that Avengers: Endgame tickets were on pre-sale now. That's a weird thing to point to, IMO, but I'm also a massive nerd/fan-girl of stuff and I'm not embarrassed to admit it or talk about it. 

I had the same thought!  I’m on twitter and play Fantasy Football and had a nearly identical response to my first draft killing it. I was I expecting amazing and then I was like, oh, I texted my friend similar today about Reese’s eggs. So yeah, Beau is ok on that one by me. 

Edited by KnoxForPres
  • Love 6
1 hour ago, KnoxForPres said:

This show is about having fun. 

I thought it was a great episode. I’m a child free 39 year old and can throw down so that part really doesn’t faze me. Though reading here I feel kinda bad about it 🙂

Same! I’m a functional adult most of the time but I love to really go out-especially on vacation!  Nothing wrong with it-different lives & all that!

I give Beau a pass for his wanting to stay out. They were on vacation. If he was doing this every Tuesday then that is alarming. Although unlike Stassi I can go to bed without my partner. I like the two of them & I liked seeing Stassi wash her face. That’s me no matter the time. 

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, Callaphera said:

I mean... I'm a 35 year old woman and I had an almost identical social media post when they announced that Avengers: Endgame tickets were on pre-sale now. That's a weird thing to point to, IMO, but I'm also a massive nerd/fan-girl of stuff and I'm not embarrassed to admit it or talk about it. 

Lol I’m the exact opposite, and so are my family and friends, so I guess that’s why I am so turned off by him squealing that way over a movie coming out. It sounded so juvenile to me.   And yes, fan-girlish.  Not what I like in a man but to each their own 

  • LOL 1

I want to concede a few points.  I didn't express myself as well as I could have.

1.) I didn't mean to imply that people in their 30s (or 40s or 60s) shouldn't party as they see fit.  Live and let live.  I just think there's a problem when one person in the couple has one idea of fun, and the other person has another idea.  It's about compatibility.  I don't think Stassi was wrong for wanting to stay in at 3 am is all.  I know people who go out and party with their S.O.'s and it's fine, but it doesn't work for me, as I find the party scene is inextricably intertwined with the hookup scene, so it's not appropriate or fun for me now that I'm (happily) tied down, but I totally understand that is not everyone's experience, and I respect that. 

2.) It's not my place to make overgeneralizations about people in LA.  I don't live there.  I was clumsily trying to make distinctions based upon my observations of people who lived out in LA County vs more trendy parts of LA, but it's not my hill to die on.  Some things translate in tone and playfulness and some things do not, so I'm going to stay in my own lane, but continue to reserve the right to make fun of hipsters in Brooklyn, because when that's over, life isn't worth living.

3.) As far as the cultural/racial thing, I really appreciate the explanation.  I have been following the reports about "Lauren Birmingham" (who knew!) and back-and-forth with J.Law on this board for weeks, and it's information to which I wouldn't have been privy if it hadn't been for some of my fellow posters.  I find it very interesting.  I just wanted to throw the other perspective out there, and I feel like I have a much better understanding as to where you are coming from now.  I might not agree chapter and verse (I don't agree with much of what I read chapter and verse), but it's very interesting to read about the Moores vs other types of cultural exchanges/appropriation, and I respect the viewpoint.  It's leaps and bounds more educational than "you can't say that."  

I don't love Lala.  I just like her better than I used to, and I find her downward spiral fascinating (I know that sounds mean).  But she does entertain in the way that a train wreck entertains.  Another hill I'm not even interested in getting injured on. 

As far as the characters in the opening sequence, Ariana, Scheana, Jax and Brittney are the ones on the upward swing for me.  I have serious and increasing reservations about the Toms, especially Schwartz.  The WeHo coven is disappointing me, and Lala and James are just people I watch as if they are part of a freakshow.  I don't necessarily want them off the show for that reason.

I guess there is a lot of season left, and who knows where everyone will be when it's over.  I change my mind on all of these people on a dime, and since eventually people show you who they are, maybe I can reel in my opinion and let it play out.  No promises, but I'll try!  

  • Love 4
3 hours ago, HunterHunted said:


3 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

If that's a compliment, I don't need it. We don't need it.

Cultural exchange is not a problem. When two or more cultures come into contact, it's expected that they might influence each other in terms of language, food, customs, and what have you. An estimated 4,000 words in Spanish have Arabic roots because of the Moorish presence in Spain for about 700 years. You can still see the impact in Spainish architecture and food. In fact, the al pastor style of cooking is a more recent fusion Mexican dish based on shawarma style cooking from Lebanese immigrants to Mexico. Exchange is okay. There is a lot of evidence of cultural exchange. Korean tacos are not an issue. Kosher Chinese food is not an issue. Americanized Thai, Ethiopian, Japanese, and Chilean food is not an issue. Cultural exchange is okay. Appropriation is not.

Appropriation isn't okay because it's often done without permission, significant contact, and especially without showing that you understand or respect this culture. Lauren (Lala) didn't grow up around Black people. Her social group in LA isn't made up of predominantly Black people; I make this point because it's odd for people to acquire accents as adults, but some people are mimics when they're in different groups. So why does she have this AAVE speech pattern (blaccent)? Where does that come from? It's not her real speech pattern. She seems to deploy it most often when she wants to seem tough. That clearly suggests that she associates African Americans and their speech patterns with violence or threats of violence. What about that is a compliment? She doesn't even have African American friends. There's no way you can get me to believe that Lauren understands the cultural and historical reasons why AAVE developed--that enslaved people were deliberately mixed to obliterate their language and culture to prevent those enslaved people from communicating, that oppressors were purposely teaching these enslaved people only rudimentary English to limit their ability to communicate with each other and foment revolution, and how the people in power at that time consistently thought of African Americans as property and less than human creatures who had a limited capacity for higher learning so why bother trying to educate them as well as whites. How is any of Lauren's half-assed ham-fisted mimicry supposed to be a compliment? Is it a statement about the triumph of the perseverance of the Black spirit? Then why doesn't she deploy it 24/7 intead of when she wants to seem hard, tough, or cool. I want to hear that out of her fucking mouth before I give her "love slight admiration and thieving" ass the benefit of the doubt.

Maybe you think I'm stretching. How about we use Lala's own words: "and the thing is I’ve never been in a fight before. I am as boujee and white as they come, but I gets to clapping sometimes, pretend, you know?” said Lala in her interview with Jenny McCarthy. Pretend being the most important word there. When you can put on and discard parts of another's culture as a costume, show, pretend, or pantomime, that's basically the essence of cultural appropriation. If you find yourself putting on a war bonnet, sticking chopsticks in your hair, or wearing a bindi because they look cool despite never having grown up with those traditions, you might be a cultural appropriator. If you find yourself calling people "ese" or saying "don't start none, won't be none" when you want to communicate your anger and strength, but you've only heard these things said on tv, you're a cultural appropriator. Furthermore, she explicitly acknowledges that she's using Black speech, culture, and identity to convey her anger and potential for violence. This isn't that hard and there's nothing remotely complimentary about her actions.

Additionally, she seems to use Tupac as a strange stand in for Black rapper/gang violence in the 90s. However, she seems to be completely clueless about his background. Tupac was named for a Peruvian revolutionary who led an indigenous uprising against Spanish colonial rule. She seems to be completely oblivious of Tupac's time at his performing arts high school where he learned to love Shakespeare and studied ballet. She knows nothing of his feelings on racial inequality and disparities, his activism on  these issues, and growing up surrounded by people who were members of the Communist and Black Panther Parties. Her identification and affliation with Tupac seems to begin and end at her willingness to drop a terminal "g" and threaten to throw bows. Truly deep stuff.

In a weird sort of fucked up way, I have less of an issue with someone like Rachel Dolezal than Lauren "Lala Kent" Burningham. Dolezal is clearly bonkers. Even still, she managed to support causes and organizations that assisted African Americans. Lala is content is content to borrow and steal, while giving nothing back and discarding Black culture when it ceases to be useful. 

And here I just thought she was a hot 20 something spewing whatever bullshit felt right bc she thought she looked cool.  Not everything is multi faceted 

  • Love 3

Was Lala really wearing a shirt that said Daddy on the back and had Randall and some other face (her dead dad) on it???  Also, put some covers on your crotch.  My lord, no one need to see your snatch THAT MUCH.  She’s only showing it off because daddy Randall doesn’t really care about it if there’s not a line of coke laid out on it.   

  • Love 2
11 hours ago, Rubyslippahz said:

There was ALOT of shirtless, crying Beau here and a lot of opportunities to muse about his various tattoos.   

Did Stass just get her boobs done again? Last I remember I thought she had a reduction.

Tom saying he had the cute police on the phone about Ariana ☺️

The greenish spaghetti-strap TH dress is incredibly unflattering to her breasts. It flattens and spreads them out. She looked good in her swimsuit. 

  • Love 2

I think Stassi’s head looks bigger bc of all the fillers in her face. Also her gynormous already-reduced breasts make her look much heavier than she really is. 

It’s probably not not a popular opinion but I like Stassi. Yes, she can be annoying and full of herself, especially about her birthday, but she doesn’t fake-work at Sur, she’s had a moderately successful podcast for longer than a week, she’s planned some fairly nice events and she’s writing what will probably be a mediocre but best-selling book. Brittany’s mee-maw’s beer cheese notwithstanding, it’s more than most of these girls have the attention span to accomplish. 

Edited by nytonc
Abysmal spelling
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